Index: U Z

Pages 724-731

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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Udall, William, 101, 351, 362.
-, -, letters from, 411, 549.
-, -, a prisoner in Gunpowder treason, 529.
-, Sir W., 335.
-, Mr., a minister, 623.

Uhittingham [Whittinghame, q.v.].

Union of England with Scotland, 323.

United Provinces (States General, the States), 74, 142.
-, and war with Spain and the Archdukes, 2, 18–19, 173.
-, -, troops engaged in, 156.
-, -, army of. See under Nassau, Count Maurice.
-, -, -, men received in Wesel, 343.
-, -, Scottish troops employed in, 18.
-, -, an English army levied for, 253.
-, -, English troops employed in. See under Army.
-, -, reported Spanish measures against, 67.
-, -, fear of invasion of Spanish coasts by, 198.
-, -, soldiers alleged to be quitting the service of, 221, 247, 249, 280.
-, -, forces on the Rhine, 316.
-, -, horsemen of, defeat a Spanish convoy, 337.
-, -, attacked through the Yssel, 369.
-, -, lose 500 men at Antwerp, 589.
-, wish to be recognised as a free state, 2.
-, French attitude to, 17–18, 317.
-, and the Briel, 31.
-, restitution of a Dunkirker to the Archduke, 214, 227.
-, traders from, traffic in enemy ships, 214, 227.
-, proposals for trade with, 282– 285; see also under Netherlands.
-, mislike proposed trade agreement for Antwerp, 366.
-, to allow Spanish soldiers into Low Countries, 282, 335–336.
-, -, proposition from Ralph Winwood concerning, 312–314, 330, 348.
-, -, -, answer to, 357, 365, 400.
-, increase of force by sea, 283.
-, and James I, alleged attempt to reconcile with Spain, 291.
-, -, resent his method of sending troops to the Archduke, 391, 394–395.
-, -, his reassurances to, 553.
-, -, refuses to lend money to, 627.
-, object to Lord Lisle's passing through Archdukes' territories, 391–394.
-, suggested complicity of, in Gunpowder Plot, 497, 508.
-, ships of. See under Ships.
-, their agent in England. See Caron.
-, deputy from, to Count Maurice. See Magnis.

Urbin, Duke of, 249.

Urmston, Mr., an attorney, 515.

Utrecht (Utricke) garrison of, letter dated at, 522.

Uxbridge [Middx.], 511.


Valeadulyth. See Valladolid.

Valencia (Valentia, Spain), 303, 383, 567.

Valladolid (Valeadulyth), 41, 169, 184, 303.
-, news from, 66–67.
-, Convent of St. Paul at, 232.
-, Bishop of, Grand Inquisitor, 233.

Vandenberg (Vendenberg):
-, Count Frederick, in charge of Spanish forces in Flanders, 279, 307, 316, 337, 342, 370, 401.
-, Count Henry, 498.

Vanderstraeten, David, letter to, 519.

Vane, Sir Thomas, 408.

Vanglore (Vanlore), Peter, 601, 618, 624.

Varneye. See Verney.

Vau. See Wouda

Vaughan, Dr. Richard, Bishop of London, 72, 80, 216, 276, 583.
-, -, letters from, 25, 57, 531.
-, -, an anonymous letter to, 531.
-, -, and suspension of a lecturer, 38.
-, -, nominated as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 182.
-, -, recusant books and printing presses sent to, 329, 350, 363.

-, Edward, 4th Lord Vaux, 484, 491, 528, 645.
-, Mrs., Lord Vaux's mother, 484, 490, 491, 496, 501, 538.
-, -, letter from, 645.
-, -, confession of, 539, 569–570.

Vavasor, —, alleged base son of Sir Thomas Tresham, 528.

Velado, Marquis de, principal Majordomo, 228, 229.

Velasco, Juan Fernandez de, Duke de Frias, Constable of Castile (the Constable), ambassador in England, 164, 432, 513, 534.
-, -, at Spanish ceremony of Peace with England, 228–230.
-, -, at christening of Infant of Spain, 232.
-, -, his confessor, 611.
-, Don Louis de, 172, 173, 316.

Venice (the Venetians), 317.
-, letter dated at, 262.
-, news from, 404, 415.
-, and election of Pope, 221.
-, state of, protestation from, 223.
-, Signory of, 338.
-, King of Spain's designs upon, 383.
-, English ambassador at. See Wotton.
-, ambassador in England. See Ambassadors.
-, Secretary of. See Pelegrini.

Verascigni, Pedro de, 415.

-, Edward de, 17th Earl of Oxford, 494.
-, Sir Francis, Governor of the Briel, 439, 602.
-, -, letters from, 31, 52, 99, 170, 215, 386, 414, 476, 484, 493, 553.
-, -, letters to, 208, 632.
-, Sir Horace, 156, 157.
-, Lady Susan, 646.

Verney (Varneye):
-, Sir Edmond, 37.
-, Sir Francis, 115.
-, Sir Richard, sheriff of Warwickshire, 502.
-, -, letters from, 484, 493, 532.
-, -, Gunpowder plot prisoners sent to London by, 529.
-, Lady, 115.
-, Mary, Lady, letter from, 37.

Viano (Portugal), 169.

Vic (Vicq), Monsieur de, Governor of Calais, 247, 306, 564.

Viccars, Charles, 568.

Vice-Chamberlain, the, 63.

Vienna, news from, 404, 415.

Villalonga, Count of, Spanish Secretary of State, 229, 441.

Villa Mediana, Count. See Tassio.

Vincent, —, 39.

Vincent's house [in London], 426.

Vintners, of Shropshire, 194.

Vivian (Vivion):
-, Mr., 217, 620.
-, Sir Hannibal, 429.
-, -, letters from, 155, 202.

Vlissinge, Vlushinge. See Flushing.

Voget, Joachim, 445.


Waad (Wade):
-, Sir William (Mr. Lieutenant), 36, 368, 455, 493.
-, -, letters from, 101, 216, 265, 350, 362, 368, 375, 377, 384, 387, 397, 402, 448, 479, 502, 511, 514, 548, 550, 551, 553(2), 558.
-, -, letter to, 443.
-, -, footnote to letter by, 517.
-, -, a burgess of Beer Alston, 445.
-, -, as Lieutenant of the Tower, 518, 549, 565, 598, 608.
-, -, -, his appointment, 360, 368, 375.
-, -, -, and misdemeanours in the Tower, 573.
-, -, -, all letters concerning prisoners delivered to, 601.
-, -, -, a certificate by, concerning Tower Warders, 644.
-, -, his present, 646.

Wachtendonk (Wachtendone, Germany), siege of, 498.

Waddesdon (co. Bucks.), 133.

Wade, Robert, of Colchester, letter from, 465.
-, -. See also Waad.

Wakeringe, Sir Gilbert, 529.

Walden, Lord of. See Howard, Theophilus.

Wales, reference to, 299.
-, Welsh language, James I refers to, 121.
-, land tenures in, 218.
-, Papists in, 216, 374(2), 396.
-, ancient Princes of, 595.
-, Marches of, Council of, 45, 269, 552, 635.
-, -, counties under, 239, 449, 552.
-, -, musters to be made in, 323.
-, -, Clerk of the Fines of, 351, 352.
-, -, Auditor to Court of, 352.
-, -, a delivery from jurisdiction of, 561.
-, -, Lord President (Warden) of, requitals for, 635.
-, -, -. See also Zouche.

-, Robert, King's huntsman, 216.
-, William, 38.

Waller, Sir Thomas, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, 256.

Walley. See Wallys.

Wallington (Wallyngton), letter dated at, 380.

Walloon troops, 220, 424, 438.

Wallop, Sir Henry, letter from, 542.

Wallys (Walley), —, a Jesuit, 476, 595.

Walmesley (Walmsley), [Thomas], justice of the Common Pleas, 190, 281, 649.

Walpole, —, 501.

Walsall (Walshall, Staffs.), 503, 642.

Walsall, Godwin, 578.

Walsh, Nicholas, Chief Justice of Munster, 635.

-, Lady, 541.
-, Sir Richard, sheriff of Worcestershire, letters from, 490, 493, 494, 527.
-, -, letter to, 541.
-, -, apprehension by, of traitors in Gunpowder Plot, 486, 510.
-, Robert, letter to, 548.
-, William, letter from, 541.

Walsingham, "my Chamber in," letter dated at, 390.

-, Sir Francis, 554, 562.
-, Lady, 66.

Waltham [?], King James at, 409.

Waltham [Essex], postal endorsement at, 33.

Waltham. See also Bishops Waltham.

Waltham, John, letter to, 570.

Walton in the Dale (Lancs.), 548.
-, letter dated at, 552.

Walton-on-Thames [Surrey], 614.

Walton, William, letter from, 562.

Wanlock (Winlocke, Wonlock) Water [Dumf.], gold-mining at, 250– 251, 429.

Wanstead [Essex], 423.
-, letters dated at, 434, 588.

Wapping, 296.

-, Justice, 583.
-, Sir Richard, 554.

Warblington (Hants.), 500.

Warcuppe, John, 212.

-, Captain, 640.
-, Marmaduke, 503, 529.
-, Philip, a pirate, 296.
-, Thomas. See Downinge.

Wardour (Wardor) [Wilts.], 375.

Wardour. See Arundel.

Wardrobe, the, 436.
-, Master of. See Keyth.

Wards and Liveries, Court of, 6, 12, 45, 110, 217, 573.
-, Attorney of, 45, 48, 115, 144.
-, Auditor of, 218.
-, Master of, 352. See also under Cecil, Robert.

Wards and Wardships, 37, 45, 63, 107, 155, 176, 278, 311, 587.

Warton (Lancs.), 548.

Ware [Herts.], 621.
-, postal endorsement at, 33.
-, the King at, 65, 471.

Ware, —, 285.

Warkworth (Warkeworth) Castle [Northumb.], 526.

Warrombon, Marquis of, 342.

Warsop. See Worksop.

Warwick, 543.
-, letters dated at, 484, 493, 532(2).
-, gaol, recusant printers in, 328, 329, 350, 363.

Warwick, —, 175.

Warwickshire, Gunpowder suspects in, 569.
-, Sheriff of. See Verney.

Wash, W., servant of Sir Edward Hoby, 514.

Washingley [Hunts.], 626.

Wast, Mr., wardship of, 587.

Watches, night, in towns and villages, 428.

Waterford (Ireland), 448.

Waterhouse, Sir Edward, 405.

Watervliet (Waterfleete) [Flanders], 248, 253, 280.

Watkins (Watkyn), Gifford, 532, 634.

Wats, —, a Commissioner for bankruptcy, 594.

-, -, a traitor, 435, 436, 456.
-, Mr., 127, 542.
-, Mrs., 517.
-, Robert, 202.

Watts (Wattes):
-, Harry, examination of, 505–506.
-, Sir John, 177.

Wayman, Captain, 472.

Waymore, near Dover, 416.

Wear, river, 126.

Webb, Dr., 627.

Webster, John, 613.

Wedeman, Jochim, letters to, 485, 494.

Wedgnock Park [co. Warw.], letters dated at, 365, 369, 377, 388.

Weiber, Joannes, Polish Ambassador, letter from, 327.

Welbeck (Notts.), letter dated at, 93.

Welborn, Thomas, a recusant, 144.

Welbye, Sir William, letter from, 262.

Welle, —, of Newark, 23.

Wells [Somerset], letter dated at, 397.
-, public disturbances in, 396.
-, Chapter House in, letter dated at, 469.
-, Dean and Chapter of, and a canon residency's place, 73, 647.
-, -, letter from, 469.
-, -, letter to, 73.
-, Dean of. See Heydon.

Welwood, Prof. William, 178.

Wescomb, Justinian, 302.

Wesel (German), 343, 498.

-, Mr., of Bilbao, 302.
-, Mr., of Masworth, 543.
-, Sir John, 365, 552.

West Indies, Spanish edict against strangers frequenting, 130–131.
-, men banished from Spain sent to, 188.
-, Spanish fleet for, 188.

Westerleigh (Gloucs.), letter dated at, 257.

Westminster (Wismoster), City of, 477.
-, letters dated at, 100, 108, 171, 369, 437.
-, Bailiffs of, 100.
-, order dated in, 137.
-, patent for bringing water to, 181.
-, Palace of, letters dated at, 291, 520, 538.
-, bill of mortality for, 307.
-, Hall, 466, 605.
-, Abbey, a prebend in, 580.
-, -, Dean of, 583.
-, -, -, See also Andrews.
-, places in. See London and Westminster Places.

Westmorland, 120.

Westmorland, Earl of. See Nevill.

Weston, 225.

-, Lady, 406.
-, Robert, Dean of the Court of Arches of Canterbury, 182.
-, William, justice of the Common Pleas, 182.

Weston Favell [Northants.], 462.

Westphalia, 424.

Wetherby (Yorks.), 495.

Weymouth [Dorset], 113.

-, Lady. 538, 569, 570.
-, Sir Richard, 538, 539.

Whale, a, found in Boston, 169.

Whaller, Mr., 517.

Wheeler, Humphrey, letter from, 559.

Whichewod. See Wychwood.

Whitbie, Robert, 167.

Whitbourne (Whitburne, Hereford), letter dated at, 93.

Whitchurch, (Salop), 194.

-, Henry, 555.
-, James, 578.
-, Mr., solicitor for Sir Philip Herbert, 182.
-, Peter, bridge builder, 482–483.
-, Robert, Tower Warder, 644.
-, -, 573.
-, -, a priest, 456, 469.

Whiteakers, Mr., 374.

Whitemore (Whitmore), Mr., of Cheshire, 93, 475.

White Webbs. See Enfield Chace.

Whithed, Mr., in command of Tynemouth Castle, 526.

Whitheyck, George, letter from, 489.

-, Captain Edmund in the Tower, 480, 522.
-, -, letter from, 646.
-, -, letter to, 517.

Whitsand. See Wissant.

Whittell, Nicholas, parson of Shenley, 212.

Whittinghame (Uhittingham), D. See Douglas, Sir Archibald.
-, Sir Timothy, 45.

Whittle, John, information of, 520.

Wick (Worcs.), letter dated at, 559.

Wicliffe (Wyckliffe):
-, -, 503.
-, Thomas, letter from, 483.
-, William, 526.
-, -, letter to, 483.

Widdrington. See Woodrington.

Wight, Isle of, 333, 417.
-, men levied in, for Archdukes' service, 276, 286.

Wigorn. See Worcester.

-, Mr., Master of Requests, letter to, 505.
-, Sir Roger (the Queen's Chancellor), 22, 58, 483, 583, 640.
-, -, letter to, 570.

Wilford, Thomas, letter from, 79.

Wilkes, Dr., 6.

-, John, letter from, 60.
-, Mr., 180.
-, Mr., parson, 133.

Wilks, Jo., 503.

Willeby, Sir Percival, 544.

-, Christopher, 301.
-, David, Justice [of the King's Bench], 265, 281, 583.
-, -, letter from, 32.
-, George. See Griffiths.
-, Lady, 610.
-, Mrs., 500.
-, Sir Roger, 494.
-, Walter, deposition of, 45.

Willinson, Richard, letter from, 495.

Willmore, William, 529.

Willoughby (Willoby, Willowbye, Willughby):
-, Lord, 303, 383, 594.
-, William, 490.
-, Sir William, 522.
-, -, a suit for a ward, 278.

Willowbye. See Willoughby.

Willowbie. See Lankaster.

Wilsher, Lawrence, 353.

Wilson (Wylson):
-, Thomas, secretary of Lord Salisbury, letters to, 52, 321, 399.
-, -, letters from, 358–359, 383, 500, 520.
-, Thomas, a passport for, 559.
-, Sir Thomas, 292.

Wilton [Wilts.], 301.

Wiltshire, muster master of. See Kirton.

Wimborne (Dorset), alleged treason in, 591.

Wimock, Robert, 634.

Win, Captain, 592.

Winchester, 160, 286, 317.
-, Mr., Warden of, 601.

Winchester, Bishop of. See Bilson.

Winchester, Marquis of. See Paulet.

Winchester, house of, pedigree of, 574.

Windebank (Wyndebanck):
-, Captain, letter from, 437.
-, Francis, letter from, 191.
-, Sir Thomas, 191, 192, 259, 516.
-, -, letters from, 152, 244, 514.

Windoe, —, of the Inner Temple, 396.

Windsor (Wynsore) [Berks.], 300, 314, 413, 481, 571.
-, Castle, letters dated at, 244, 245, 416, 571.
-, installation at, 409, 440.

Windsor, Henry, 5th Lord Windsor, 494, 646.
-, -, letter from, 187.
-, -, deceased, 625.
-, Lady, 625.

Windsor family, genealogical notes, 646.

Wine, customs on, 48, 167, 168.
-, -, on Rhenish as well as French, 630.
-, licences of, 105.
-, an entail in, 148.
-, found by wreck, 552, 602.

Wine Office, the, 41.

Wingfield (Wingfeilde, Wynfeild):
-, Lady, 610.
-, Sir Robert, 458.
-, -, letters from, 51, 428.
-, Mr., 451.

Winlocke. See Wanlock.

Winter (Wynter, Wyntour, Wintour):
-, Captain, 522.
-, Sir Edward, letter from, 315.
-, John, 231.
-, Mrs., 524.
-, Robert, a suspect in Gunpowder Plot, 503–504, 576.
-, -, letter from, 466.
-, -, information concerning, 524–525.
-, -, apprehension of, 527, 562.
-, Thomas, a suspect in Gunpowder Plot, 477, 502, 511, 515.
-, -, capture of, 486, 510.
-, -, his arms and munitions seized at Huddington, 494.
-, -, confessions of, 509–510, 512– 513.
-, -, notes of proposed examinations of, 523, 527–528.
-, -, and a payment to Percy's wife, 550.
-, -, 463.

Winwood (Winwodt, Wynwood):
-, Ralph, English agent to States General, 55, 282, 325, 429, 553, 627.
-, -, letter to, 72, 285.
-, -, letter from, 17.
-, -, his propositions to the States General concerning Spaniards stranded in Dover, 312–314, 330, 348, 365.
-, -, and Sir Edward Cecil, 521.

Wirral (Worrall) [Cheshire], 127.

Wisbech (Wisebridge) [Cambs.], 23.
-, Castle, 266.

Wisebridge. See Wisbech.

Wisman, Mr., 501.

Wismoster. See Westminster.

Wissant (Whitsand) Bay [France], 602.

Witchcraft, proceedings against, 19, 22, 31, 33, 36, 37, 121.
-, two maids suspected to be bewitched, 65, 222–223.

Witham [Lincs.], postal endorsement at, 84.

Withrington. See Woodrington.

Wittebol, Captain, 202.

Woad, 647.

Woddrington, Wodrington. See Woodrington.

Wokingham (Okingham) [Berks.], 607.

Wollaxton (Oxon.), lands in, 647.

Wolton, John, Bishop of Exeter, 623.

Wolverhampton, a justice of, 529, 643.

Wolves, 88.

Wonlock. See Wanlock.

-, Captain, 600.
-, Mr., 332.
-, Mr., a preacher, 600.
-, -, servant of Lord Cobham, 444.
-, -, a Commissioner for bankruptcy, 594.

Woodhall [Lincs.], letter dated at, 113.

Woodhouse (Woodhowse):
-, Elinor, widow, 231.
-, Francis, 231.
-, Henry, letter from, 264.
-, Sir William, 80, 594.

Woodrington (Withrington, Wodrington, Woddrington, Widdrington, Wytherington):
-, Sir Henry (Harry), 190, 483, 495.
-, -, letter from, 519.
-, -, hated in the north, 489.
-, -, and parish of Elsdon, 568.
-, Roger, a recusant, 79, 112, 189– 190, 193–194, 219–220, 568.
-, -, favour shown to, 293–294.

Woodshawe, James, 231.

Woodstock [Oxon.], 49, 54, 379, 467, 607.
-, letters dated at, 387, 395.

Wootton. See Wotton.

Wootton-Wawen (Wotton, Warw.), 521.

Worcester (Wigorn), 559.
-, letter dated at, 490.
-, clothiers of, 180.
-, the Colls of, 529.

Worcester, Bishop of. See Babington.

Worcester, Earl of. See Somerset.

Worcestershire, 449, 552.
-, Gunpowder Plot conspirators in, 489, 501, 503, 504, 531.
-, dangerous Papists in, 559.
-, coiners in, 582.
-, Sheriff of. See Walshe.

Worcestershire diocese, increase of recusancy in, 331.

Word, Mr., parson of Beddington, 406.

Worksop (Warsop) [Notts], letters dated at, 451, 465.

Worlington (Worlyngton), Sir William, 364, 376.

Wormley (Herts.), 181.

Worrall. See Wirral.

Worsley, Robert, a scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, 61.

Worthaye, Ralph, of Colchester, letter from, 465.

Wotton (Wootton, Worton):
-, Edward, Lord Wotton of Maherly, 91, 459, 583.
-, -, letters from, as Privy Councillor, 243, 288.
-, -, as Controller of the Household and nominated as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 182.
-, Sir Henry, English Ambassador at Venice, 30, 221, 236, 275.
-, Mr., 270, 288.

Wotton. See Wootton-Wawen.

Wouda (Vau), Castle of, 204, 205, 207, 220, 221, 438.

-, Christopher and John, suspects in Gunpowder Plot, 486, 488, 513, 523.
-, -, letter from the slayer of, 531.
-, -, their sister, wife of Redshawe, 514.
-, -, -, wife of Percy, 550.
-, Mr., 208.
-, Mrs., 503.
-, Robert, D.D., 73.
-, -, letter from, 647.
-, Robert, a servant of Lord Mordaunt, 528.
-, Tho., 503.

Wriothesley, Henry, 3rd Earl of Southampton, 49, 100, 107, 230.
-, -, letters from, 276, 286, 333, 423, 447, 465.
-, -, and lease of Crown lands, 299.
-, -, and Arundel's departure in the Archdukes' service, 442, 473.

-, Sir Robert, 364.
-, William, 40.

Wychwood (Whichewod, Oxon.), Forest of, 331.

Wyck. See Wick.

Wyckliffe. See Wicliffe.

Wylby, Sydney, letter from, 157.

Wyles, William, letter from, 647.

Wylson. See Wilson.

Wyndebanck. See Windebank.

Wyndsor. See Windsor.

Wynfeild. See Wingfield.

Wynsore. See Windsor.

Wynter, Wyntour. See Winter.

Wynwood. See Winwood.

Wytherington. See Woodrington.

Wyvile, Sir H., 365.


Yarrow, near Helbre in Wirral [Cheshire], letter dated at, 127.

Yaxley (Yaxlee), Captain Robert, letters from, 87, 517, 647.

Yeate, Edward, of Berkshire, 634.

Yeo, Sr., 480.

Yonge, Mr., servant of Sir Francis Bacon, 515.

York, 572, 621.
-, letters dated at, 158, 252, 496, 504.
-, assizes at, 81.
-, the plague in, 220.
-, a debtor in, 514.
-, merchants of, and customs on cloth, 586.

York, Archbishop of. See Hutton.

York, Duke of. See Charles.

-, Anne, Lady, letter from, 648.
-, Richard, 529.

Yorkshire, 24, 500, 634.
-, county clerkship of, 51.
-, a lease of woods in, 64.
-, assizes in, trials of recusants at, 143–144.
-, particulars of land in, 648.
-, sheriff of. See Gargrave.

-, Captain, a Hollander, 211, 631.
-, Sir Peter, 464.

Yssel River (Yellow, Holland), 369.

Yzendyke (Isendike, Isendick, Isendonke, Eysendyke, Flanders), 197, 220, 248, 253, 316, 342.


Zeeland (Zeland, Zelanders), States of, 227, 392.
-, and the war between Spain and States General, 21, 156, 196, 211.
-, supplies corn to Spain, 189.
-, trade of, in English ports, 243.
-, ships of, See under Ships.

Zindsany, Sir Sigismund, 107.

Zouche (Zowtch):
-, Edward la, Lord Zouche, Lord President of the Marches of Wales, 45, 306, 319, 435, 485.
-, -, letters from, 1, 66, 96, 102, 139, 239, 269, 307, 323, 351, 353, 474, 478, 552, 648, 649.
-, -, letters to, 353, 355.

Zwolle (Swoll) [Holland], 369.