Index: S

Pages 712-721

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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Saboiro (Sebeurs, Sebure, Sobiere, Cibeer. Cubiaur), Pedro, general of Spanish fleet, 251, 252, 267, 295, 302, 641.
-, -, death of, 370.

Sackville, Thomas, Lord Buckhurst, Earl of Dorset, Lord High Treasurer, letters from, 38, 73, 104, 182, 219, 243, 259, 288, 334, 338, 349, 375, 413, 419, 433, 436, 478(2), 590.
-, letters to, 32, 33, 212, 216, 331, 348, 455, 628.
-, and office of Butlerage and Prisage, 60.
-, a charter for merchants, 79.
-, and leases of Crown lands, 100, 257(2), 275, 296, 299.
-, and the Crown Jewels, 113, 137.
-, warrant to, 131.
-, -, regarding dyeing trade, 174.
-, and a jewel for the Queen, 179.
-, nominated as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 182.
-, and a parsonage in Southwark, 199, 281.
-, and manor of Edmonton, 210.
-, and a controversy between Lord Chandos and the Lord Mayor, 245.
-, and recusancy grants, 280, 290.
-, and the place of a Baron of the Exchequer, 301.
-, and prorogation of Parliament, 344.
-, and building of Ampthill House, 349.
-, and the Clerk of the Fines of the Marches of Wales, 351, 352, 354.
-, and election of a burgess of Newcastle, 358.
-, and appointment of Lieutenant of the Tower, 368, 375(2), 376.
-, and a privy seal for Sir George Carew, 380.
-, and repairs to Tower ditch, 387.
-, and Dr. John Rainolds, 422, 431.
-, and payments for gold mining in Scotland, 430.
-, a kinsman of, 472.
-, a slanderer of, 515.
-, and fines seized by the Council of Wales, 552.
-, and Border causes, 574.
-, references to, 43, 63, 85, 102, 158, 171, 220, 273, 339, 387, 407, 442, 458, 604, 633.

Sadlier, Mr., 116.

Sailly, Anthoine de, letter from, 138.

St. Albans (Saintalbones, Herts.), 529.
-, letter dated at, 496.
-, postal endorsements at, 340, 341, 345, 347.

St. Anderos. See Santander.

St. Andrews, Archbishopric of, 473– 474.
-, University, letter dated from, 118.

St. Anthony, Mon., 107.

St. Asaph, [Wales], letter dated at, 374.
-, Bishop of. See Parry.
-, Registrar of. See Bellot, Mr.

St. Clare, Order of, 351, 366.

St. Davids, letter dated at, 458.
-, Bishop of. See Rudd.

St. Germanes (Cornwall), borough of, 339.

St. Ives (Hunts.), 23.

St. Kew (Cornwall), 163.

St. Lucar (Luar), 189.

St. Margaret's (Rochester, Kent), 407.

St. Mary Overy. See under Southwark.

St. Neots (Hunts.), a bridge from, into Bedfordshire, 482–483.
-, priory and monastery of, 483.

St. Omer, 433.
-, Seminary of, 611, 626.

St. Quentin, 53.

St. Sebastian(s) [Spain], 302, 303.

St. Thomas, island (W. Indies), 130, 131.

Salcombe [Devon], 195.
-, letter dated at, 104.

Salisbury (Sarum), 453, 506.
-, letters dated at, 137, 171, 265, 422.
-, Church of, 624.

Salisbury, Bishop of. See Cotton.
-, Dean of. See Gordon.
-, Prebendaries of, letter from, 171.

Salisbury, Earl of. See Cecil.

Salisbury, Sir John, 171.

Salkel, Captain, of The Lion's Whelp, 146–147.

Salkeld, Mr., 575.

Salt, 466.
-, boileries, 100.
-, marsh, a, 266.

Saltoun (Saltoune), Lord, See Abernethy.

Saluces, marquisate of, 53.

Salwey, Humphrey, 490.

Sames, Sir John, 455.

Samon, Jane, 603.
-, Wilfred, 603.

Sampford, —, 33.

Samster, Humphrey, Tower Warder, 644.

Sancy, Monsieur, de, 91.

Sanders, —, 530.
-, See also Saunder.

Sanderson, Henry, 294.
-, -, letters to, 112, 189.
-, -, letters from, 139, 192.

Sandes. See Sandys.

Sandiland, James, Lord Torphicken, 488.
-, Sir James, 92.

Sandis Rinion. See Armstrong.

Sands. See Sandys.

Sandwich [Kent], 399, 407, 515, 602.
-, letter dated at, 408.
-, postal endorsements at, 307, 417.
-, baize transported from, 560.
-, haven, a Dutch pinnace in, 417.

Sandy, Robert, letter from, 208.

Sandye, Geordie. See Graham, Alexander.

Sandys (Sands, Sandes):
-, Lady, 610.
-, Sir Mihell, 260.
-, William, 3rd Lord Sandys, letter from, 259.
-, Cobham's "sister Sands," 261.

Sansac, Mons., 303.

Santander (St. Anderos, Spain), 163, 164.

Sarke, (Scotland), 310.

Sarmiento, Don Pedro de, Spanish camp master at Dover, 321, 322, 407, 641.

Sas van Ghent (Sass) [Flanders], 196, 197, 220.

Sase, a fort in the Low Countries, 438.

Sauly, Cardinal, 221.

Saunder (Sanders):
-, Mr., 605.
-, Nicholas, 601.
-, -, letter from, 242.
-, Sir Nicholas, 600.
-, See also Sanders.

Savage, Sir John, letter from, 483.

Savell, Mrs., 599.

Savile, John, Baron of the Exchequer (Mr. Baron), 634.
-, -, letter from, 275.
-, T., letters from, 633(3).

Savill, 409.

Savoy, Duke of, 53, 164, 249, 513.
-, Princes of, 232, 233.

Sawbridgeworth (Herts.), manor of Hyde Hall in, 450.

Saxey, Captain, 180.
-, William, formerly Chief Justice of Munster, 308.
-, -, letters from, 154, 634, 635.

Saxton, Sir John, 189.

Say and Sele, Lord. See Fienes.

Sayes Court [Deptford, Kent], 142.

Scarves, ciphers upon, 511.

Scheldt (Sceld), the, 200.

Schellinck, James Aloffsson vander, 202.

Schiritzer, Jurgen, 485, 494.

Schleswig and Schwerin, Bishop of. See Holstein.

Scilly (Silley) Islands, 145, 198.

Scisson, Mr., 23.

Scone (Skone), David, Lord of. See Murray.

-, Border Causes, Commissioners for (for Mid-Shires), 13, 81, 132, 151, 160, 177, 203, 351, 394, 568, 575.
-, -, -, letters from, 191(2), 237, 238, 289(2), 309, 310; and see Delavale, Gray, Selby, Lawson, Pennington.
-, -, -, Scottish, 151, 289, 410.
-, -, -, list of Grahams signed by, 308.
-, -, -, orders for regulation of the trials of English and Scottish crimes, 400.
-, Border lands, religion to be spread in, 125.
-, -, a dispute over, 168–169.
-, -, theft and murder banished from, 382.
-, -, need for decreasing garrison forces, 574, 575.
-, Western Isles of, 12, 20, 152.
-, General Assembly of, 98.
-, tranquil state of, 149, 439.
-, Scots escape from Carlisle gaol, 160.
-, Council of, 168, 333.
-, -, letters from, 446, 486.
-, -, Clerk of Register of. See Skene.
-, Commissioners of, no banqueting of, 179.
-, Scottish and English dissensions, France's hope of, 192.
-, Estates of, Convention of, 245.
-, new posts in, unreadiness of, 300.
-, Union with England, 323.
-, two Scotsmen in London, 351.
-, Marches of, Lieutenant of. See Home.
-, Lord Advocate of. See Hamilton.
-, Lord Controller of. See Murray, David, Lord of Scone.
-, Lord Justice, Clerk of. See Cockburn.
-, Secretary of. See Elphinston.
-, Lord President of Council and Session. See Elphinston.
-, Lord Chancellor of, to visit the Tower, 14, 600.
-, -, See also Seton.
-, troops from, engaged in Low Countries' war, 18.
-, levies of troops in, for the Archdukes' and other foreign services, 197–198, 200, 446.
-, Scottishmen in France, advice of sedition from, 30.
-, proposed appointment of gentlemen for better administration of justice, 33.
-, gold mining in, 83, 245–246, 250– 251, 324, 429–430, 635.

-, Sir John, letter from, 635.
-, Lady, 412.

-, Matthew, 578.
-, -, servant of the Earl of Rutland, 6.

Scrope, Thomas le, 10th Lord Scrope, letters from, 635, 636.

-, Sir James, 259.
-, Sir John, 360.
-, John, a priest, 456.

Seagar (Segar):
-, Francis, 520.
-, Sir William [Garter king-of-arms], 4, 520.

Seattingbourne. See Sittingbourne.

Sebastian, Don, King of Portugal, 632.

Sebeurs, Sebure. See Saboiro.

Seckford (Seckfid), Sir Henry, master of the pavilions, 71.

Segar. See Seagar.

Seintleger (Sentleger):
-, Sir A., 635.
-, Captain John, letter from, 499.

Selby (Selbie):
-, Ralph, 239.
-, Sir William, 151, 238, 290, 400.
-, -, letters from, 132, 191(2), 201, 382, 410, 427.

Sell, John, examination of, 499.

Selsey (Sussex), manor of, 209.

Semmark, Sir John, 574.

Sempill (Simple):
-, Sir James, 338.
-, -, letters from, 636(2), 637.

Sentleger. See Seintleger.

Sesa, Duke del, 228.

Sessell, Martin, of Colchester, letter from, 465.

Settingborne. See Sittingbourne.

-, Alexander, 1st Lord Fyvie, afterwards 1st Earl of Dunfermline, 35, 179, 474.
-, -, letters from, 9, 43, 149, 446, 488.
-, -, letter to, 199.
-, -, as Chancellor of Scotland, 86, 87, 152, 250.
-, -, payments for fee farm, 42– 43.
-, Sir William, 400.

Setoun, H., letter from, 239.

Seville (Sivel, Sivilien), 155.
-, letter dated at, 189.
-, merchants of, 113, 485, 491, 494, 519.

Sewers, Commission of, 402, 450.

Seymour (Seymer):
-, Ed., 216.
-, Edward, 1st Earl of Hertford, 11, 331.
-, -, letters from, 5, 118, 141, 143, 150, 172.
-, -, as Ambassador to the Archduke, 5, 7, 69, 73, 103, 106, 172–174, 189, 204–5, 206, 509.
-, -, -, an account of his journey to Dunkirk, 146–148.
-, -, -, his return 196(2), 207.
-, -, suits of, 32, 118, 166.
-, Sir Thomas, letter from, 73.

Seyntjohn, Oliver, J.P. for Beds., letter from, 483.

Shaftesbury, 506.

Shandon [? Chandos, q.v.], Lord, 182.

-, Dr., 607.
-, George, letter from, 67.

Shaw, John, to make a survey of Ford, 160.

Shaw(e), [Berks.], letters dated at, 68, 195.

Shawe, Mr., and form of alnage, 274, 280.
-, -, 500.

Sheapie. See Sheppey.

Sheffield (Shefild) [co. York], Sheffield Lodge, letters dated at, 25, 40, 46, 52, 158, 159, 331, 387.

Sheffield, "Earl of," (sic), letter from, 110.

Sheffield, Edmund, K.G., 3rd Lord Sheffield, (President of Council of the North), 35, 572.
-, -, letters from, 78, 108, 125, 157, 158, 219, 232, 458, 638.
-, -, letters to, 61, 124, 192, 293.
-, -, an aspersion on, 108, 124, 125.
-, Lady, 609.

Shefild. See Sheffield.

Shelbury (Shelbrye), John, 444, 573, 601.

Sheldisley. See Shelsley.

Sheldon, —, Sir Griffin Markham's brother, 462.

Shelsley (Sheldisley, Worcs.), letter dated at, 493.

Shelton, Mr., servant of Sir Francis Fortescue, 523.

Shenfield [Essex], letter dated at, 472.

Shenley (Herts.), 212.

Sheppey (Sheapie) [Kent], 11.

Sherborne, Dorset, Sir Walter Ralegh's estate at, 444, 506, 579, 624, 638.
-, an examination taken by constables of, 502.

Sherbrooke. See Cherbourg.

Shereburne, Richard, of Yorkshire, 495.

Sheringe, —, and grant of alnage, 274.

Sherley. See Shirley.

-, Henry, 148.
-, a preacher in Leics., 270, 622.

Ships named:
-, Admiral, 442, 472.
-, Adventure, 269, 412, 415–416, 421, 472.
-, Aquitance (Quittance), 44, 298.
-, Bonaventure, 586.
-, Corsaletta, 167.
-, Edward and John of Fowey, 163.
-, Elizabeth of Dunkirk, 348.
-, Francis of Jersey, 296.
-, Lioness, 504.
-, Lion's Whelp, 146–148.
-, Lyon, 586.
-, Meirmayd of Olona, 296.
-, Patience of London, 145.
-, St. Peter, laden at Hamburg for Seville, 485, 491, 494.
-, Speedwell of Bridgwater, 373.
-, Trialis, 167.
-, Vangard (Avantguard, Vantguard), 146, 150, 269, 417, 421, 515.
-, -, letters dated from, 298, 307, 417, 517.

Ships not named:
-, in Spanish harbours, 61.
-, edict against ships leaving Portugal for West Indies, 130–131.
-, of war, the Channel to be freed from, 198.
-, -, Spanish opposition to, 222, 247.
-, proposal for disarming Spanish and States, in the Channel, 282–285; see also under Channel.
-, victualling of Archdukes and of Holland and Zealand in English ports, 243.
-, piracies committed on ships of Biscay and France, 304.
-, against the Tower, laden with powder for Spain, 548.
-, of the Archdukes in English ports, 243, 247.
-, a Brazil-man, 417.
-, a Danish, taken in Queen Elizabeth's time, 244.
-, of Dunkirk (Dunkirkers), 44, 198, 237, 315, 417.
-, -, a shallop taken by a Flushing warship at Margate, 213– 214, 227, 321.
-, -, shallops to convey Spanish soldiers stranded in England to Low Countries, 267, 322.
-, -, two, attacked by Hollanders, 602.
-, Dutch (Hollanders), the Fleet, 7, 294, 322.
-, -, -, intercept vessels bound for Flanders, 298, 321, 336, 420, 442.
-, -, -, Admiral of, 322.
-, -, at Plymouth, 44, 211, 631.
-, -, two men of war, an encounter with, 146–148.
-, -, confiscated in Lisbon, 189.
-, -, taken by Dunkirkers, 202.
-, -, alleged betrayal of Villa Mediana to, 415, 417.
-, -, English sailors serving in, 417.
-, -, a pinnace at Sandwich, 417.
-, -, attack Dunkirkers, 602.
-, -, man-of-war, commits an outrage at Harwich, 550.
-, -, English goods taken from, by a Dunkirker, 591.
-, English, favour the Spanish, 56.
-, -, taken by Sicilians, 167.
-, -, of Lynn, 188.
-, -, Sir William Monson's fleet in the Channel, 298.
-, -, pinnace searched at Dover by Hollanders, 322.
-, -, to be used for transport of Spanish soldiers, 355, 420.
-, -, Captain Downton's, boarded outside Portsmouth, 358, 363, 584.
-, -, objections to use of, for Englishmen in the Archduke's service, 395, 412, 415–416.
-, -, compared with Dunkirkers, 561.
-, a Flemish man of war, 196.
-, French, a galeas, 138.
-, -, taken by Sicilians, 167.
-, -, in Cadsand Bay, 195.
-, Portuguese, complaints concerning, 37.
-, a Scottish alleged to have been taken by a Dunkirker, 227, 304.
-, -, fired by ships of the United Provinces in an English harbour, 312.
-, Spanish, the Biscay squadron, 163.
-, -, Terra Firma fleet, 188.
-, -, treasure galleons sail from Lisbon, 188.
-, -, carracks for Malacca, 188.
-, -, fleets, alleged preparations of, 163–164, 321, 561.
-, -, -, news expected of, 286.
-, -, a fleet from Lisbon for the Low Countries, driven into Dover by States ships, 234, 235, 237(2), 249, 251, 252–253, 254–256, 267, 269, 294–295, 302, 312–314.
-, -, -, See also under Dover, and Spain, soldiers of.
-, -, and Archdukes, taken by Dutch in English ports, 247.
-, -, galleons, general of. See Fachardo.
-, triremes of Sicily, 167.
-, of United Provinces, in Plymouth harbour, 44, 104.
-, -, restrictions on, 138.
-, -, a fleet of 150 sail, 337.
-, of Zeeland, at Plymouth, 44.
-, -, intercept vessels bound for Flanders, 442.

Shirley, (Sherley, Shurley), Sir Thomas, 109, 256.
-, -, letters from, 198, 281, 308, 485.

Shorsawe, Nicholas, 45.

Shrewsbury, Earl of. See Talbot.
-, Elizabeth, Dowager Countess of, 566, 614.
-, Mary, Countess of, letters from, 40, 387, 639.

Shropshire (Salop), 449, 552.
-, Sheriff and Justices of, letter from, concerning vintners, 194.
-, shirewick of, 542.

Shurland. See Eastchurch.

Shurley. See Shirley.

Sichem, Our Lady of, 402.

Sicily, Court of Justice of, President of. See Rao.

Sidney. See Sydney.

Sienna, investiture of, 67.

Sigismund III, King of Poland, 327.

Sign manual, letter under, 337.

Silesia, 135.
-, linen made in, 491.

Sillery, 30.

Silley. See Scilly.

Simple. See Sempill.

Sinclair, Captain Andrew, letter from, 262.

Singleton, —, 484.

Sion House [Isleworth, Middlesex], 507, 510.
-, letter dated at, 367.

Sittingbourne (Seattingbourne, Settingborne, Cyttenburne), [Kent], 625.
-, postal endorsements at, 298, 307, 408, 412, 417, 518.
-, a fair at, 585.

Sivel. See Seville.

Sivilien. See Seville.

Skene, Sir John, of Curriehill, Clerk of Register of Council of Scotland, 488.

Skidmore (Skydmore):
-, James, 236.
-, Sir Philip, 114.

Skillicorne, —, cousin of Sir Richard Hoghton, 548.

Skinner (Skynner), Sir Vincent, 311, 436.
-, -, letter from, 116.

Skinners' Company, petition of, 205.

Skipton [Yorks.], Castle, 586.

Skipworth, William, 8.

Skone. See Scone.

Skydmore. See Skidmore.

Slatiar, Martin, letter from, 234.

Sleuthhounds, for tracking thieves, 427.

Sligo, county (Ireland), 645.

Sligo, O'Conor, 644.

Sluys (Sluce) [Holland] (in possession of army of States General), 19, 307, 316, 437.

Slyngesbie, Sir Henry, 495.

Smaithwaite, John, letter from, 568.

Smalley, Richard, letter to, 548.

Smallpox, the Prince suspected ill with, 474.
-, in the Fleet prison, 271.

Smalman, William, 58.

Smalpece, Leonard, 477.

Smalt, patentees, 338.

Smith (Smithe, Smythe, Smyth):
-, Captain, 468.
-, Edward, Lord Salisbury's plumber, 275, 593.
-, Mr. E., sent into the Archduke's service, 640.
-, Sir Francis, and George, his father, information concerning, 520–521.
-, George, 226.
-, Gervase, letters from, 639(2).
-, Henry, voluntary declaration of, 640.
-, Jesse, 635.
-, John, a recusant, 361, 396, 455, 456.
-, John, a prisoner, letters from, 259, 273.
-, Sir John, 63, 601.
-, Ralph, 613.
-, Sir Richard, 490.
-, Robert, 521, 573.
-, -, letter from, 641.
-, Sir Thomas, 51, 127.
-, -, letters from, 69, 368, 373, 379, 433, 507.
-, -, letter to, 371.
-, -, his child christened, 368, 377.
-, -, as Clerk of the Council, 500.
-, Sir William, 199.
-, Mr., French merchant, 458.
-, -, a coiner, 582.

Smythe. See Smith.

Snagg, [Thomas], Queen's Attorney, made Queen's Serjeant, 635.

Sneyde, Ralph, letter from, 358.

Snigg, 585.

Snigge, George, Baron of the Exchequer, letter from, 274.

Snow, William, 529.

Soame, Dr. Robert, letters from, 242, 462.

Soan, John, letters from, 455, 469.

Soare, Count of, 19.

Sobiere. See Saboiro.

Solicitor General, the, and manor of Edmonton, 210.
-, See also Dodderidge.

Somborne [Hants.], letter dated at, 356.

Somerley, purchase of, 589.

Somerset, felony in, 162.

-, Edward, 4th Earl of Worcester, 79, 85, 89, 98, 122, 227, 308, 457, 474.
-, -, letters from, 70(2), 72, 75, 78, 80, 84, 88, 128, 162, 304, 395.
-, -, letter to, 314.
-, -, proceedings of, against Papists, 216(2), 269, 304–306, 360.
-, -, his house in the Strand, 359.
-, -, and Nonsuch Park, 374.
-, -, and the Royal Household, 463.
-, -, as Lord Commissioner in Gunpowder Plot examinations, 510, 513.
-, Sir Thomas, 107, 126, 594.
-, Mr., 287.

Somersham [Hunts.], 23.

Somervile, Sir William, 548.

Sommer, Captain, 472.

Sommerfield, —, his daughter, 161.

Sores, Count of, 221, 249, 316, 371.

Sostevleet (Netherlands), 211.

Sotherton, —, a Baron of the Exchequer, 301.

Soully, Sieur de, Councillor of State for Geneva, 303.

Sound, the, 440.

Southaick, George, letters from, 456, 469.

Southam (Sowtham, co. Warw.), 618.

Southampton, men levied in, for Archduke's service, 276.

Southampton, Elizabeth, Countess of, letter from, 641.
-, Countess of, the elder, 509, 640.
-, Earl of. See Wriothesley.

Southwark, parsonage of St. Saviour's in, 199, 281.
-, pirates condemned in, 296.
-, the Clink prison in, 389.
-, -, letter dated in, 459.
-, St. Mary Overy in, 475.
-, an outrage by priests at, 511.
-, Montecute House in, 532.

-, Sir John, 552.
-, Mrs., 297, 351, 366, 402.
-, Sir R., 602.
-, Sir Thomas, 314.
-, -, letters from, 322, 641.

Sowtham. See Southam.

Spa (Spaw) [Netherlands], 89.

Spain, Spanish:
-, peace with France, 28.
-, goods taken by Low Countries' ships, 44.
-, dislike of English in, and restrictions on, 44, 163, 188.
-, intelligence from, 66–67, 187–189, 359, 383.
-, and trade matters: Dutch, 67, 187, 189, 248, 336.
-, -, a charter for merchants trading to, 79–80.
-, -, proposals for trade with Netherlands, 282–285; see also under Netherlands.
-, -, trading companies for, 301, 418, 419, 619.
-, -, with Germany, 342.
-, a learned Ambassador to be sent to, 74(2).
-, an Ambassador to, instruction for, 184.
-, and the West Indies, 130–131.
-, shortage and price of corn in, 187–189.
-, Council of, 189.
-, in kingdom of Navarre, 202.
-, and payment of army, 205, 370.
-, peace with England, ceremony of swearing to, 228–230.
-, -, French attitude to, 30, 192.
-, -. See also Treaty.
-, and war with Hungary, 221.
-, soldiers stranded at Dover, transportation to Low Countries required for, 255, 256, 279, 281, 312–314, 317, 321–322, 330, 335–336, 357, 365, 383, 384, 386, 417, 517.
-, -, treatment of, by English and Dutch, 641.
-, -, English ships for transportation of, 255, 420.
-, -. See also under Ships, Spanish, and Dover.
-, rumour in, of marriage of Prince Henry and Infanta, 302, 383.
-, rumoured edict against making of copper money in, 303, 383.
-, difficulties of burying English dead in, 383.
-, assured of James's goodwill to Spain and Catholic cause, 391.
-, a jester from, to visit Count Maurice, 432.
-, proclamation in, to English subjects to repair home, 504.
-, proposed invasion of England by, 512–513, 534, 556.
-, suspected by France of complicity in Gunpowder Plot, 547.
-, armies and ships preparing against the States, 561.
-, at war with United Provinces.
-, See under United Provinces.
-, -, army of (the enemy). See under Austria, Archduke Albert's forces, and Spinola.
-, Spanish causes, Salisbury's conference in, 627.
-, Court of, 302.
-, King of, officers of, 334.
-, -. See also Philip.
-, Queen of, at christening of Infante, 232–234.
-, -, sends a present to the Archdukes, 311.
-, Infanta of, as godmother to Infante of Spain, 232–233.
-, secretaries of State for. See Franceza, Prada and Villalonga.
-, Ambassadors. See under Ambassadors.
-, Ambassador in England. See under Ambassadors, Tassio, and Cuniga.
-, Grand Inquisitor of. See Valladolid, Archbishop of.
-, secretary in Brussels. See Mansciscidor.
-, ships of. See under Ships.

Spalding (Lincs.), the Queen's manor of, 130.

Sparrye, Daniel, 524.

Spaw. See Spa.

Spayne. See Spain.

Speake, Hugh, 89.
-, Mr., 500.

Spearwood, Dr., 69.

Speelleer, Master, a domestic of Garnet's, 611.

Spelman. See Spilman.

-, James, 524, 625.
-, Sir John, 526, 539.
-, Sir Richard, letters from, 9, 10.
-, Thomas, 199.
-, -, 434, 435.

Spenser, Dr., 613.

Spicer, Nicholas, merchant, letter from, 453.

Spiller, Mr., 290.

Spilman (Spelman):
-, Sir John, 426, 624.
-, -, as King's jeweller, 603.
-, -, 600.

Spinola (Espinola, Spindola):
-, Don Gaston de, Count of Brové, 249.
-, [Ambrose], Marquis of (the Marquis), 67, 156, 173, 310, 384.
-, -, armies of, for siege of Antwerp, 204–5, 253, 294.
-, -, movements of, 220–1, 248– 249, 253, 307, 330, 371, 404, 437.
-, -, his army in Friesland, 279, 280, 316, 336, 369, 440.
-, -, escape of, from an ambush, 207.
-, -, authority of surintendant of Finances, 249, 370, 401.
-, -, "Becamara" of, 311.
-, -, receives a present of a horse from the Archduke, 316.
-, -, at Rheinberg, 322.
-, -, reported sick and dead, 329, 411.
-, -, builds forts on the Rhine, 342, 369.
-, -, reinforcements for, 401.
-, -, to fight Count Maurice, 410.
-, -, censorship of letters by, 425.
-, -, return home expected, 498.
-, -, strength of, feared by Count Maurice, 554.
-, Frederick, 512, 513.

Spotswood, John, Archbishop of Glasgow, 487.

Spynie, Lord. See Lindsay.

Squreall. See Escurial.

Stade (Stoade, Germany), 440, 446.

-, Sir Edward, death of, 52, 335, 337, 576.
-, Edward, 3rd Lord Stafford, letter from, 118.
-, Sir John, 335.
-, -, letter from, 642.
-, Lady, 610.
-, Mr., 84.
-, Sir Read, 641.

Stafforde, Captain W., letter from, 100.

Staffordshire, recusants in, 363, 493. 503, 529, 642–643.
-, Sheriff of, 486, 562.
-, gentlemen of, letter to, concerning apprehension of traitors, 562.

Stage, the, a tragedy written for, 185.

Staines (Stanes) [Middx.], postal endorsements at, 412, 465.

Stallenge, William, letter from, 131.

Stallinge, Mrs. Florence, letter from, concerning a suit for a marriage of her daughter, 153.

Stamford [Lincs.] postal endorsement at, 84.

Standen, Sir Anthony, 300, 601.

Standish, —, 500.

Standley. See Stanley.

Stanes. See Staines.

Staney, —, of Monmouthshire, 455.

-, Sir Edward, LL.D., 65.
-, -, as Principal Officer of the Consistory Court of London, and Commissioner for Ecclesiastical Causes, 183.
-, Sir John, afterwards Lord Stanhope of Harrington, Vice Chamberlain to the King, letter to, 263.
-, -, letters from, 92, 109, 120, 178, 202, 264, 272, 286, 292, 478.
-, -, a warrant to, 643.
-, Michael, 649.
-, Susan, Lady, letter from, 64.

Stanley (Standley):
-, Edward, at school in Douai, 515.
-, Sir Edward, 198.
-, Ferdinando, 5th Earl of Derby, 587.
-, Captain John, 515.
-, John, of Cork, 515.
-, Rowland, letters from, 438(2).
-, William, letter to, 438.
-, William, at school in Douai, 515.
-, William, 6th Earl of Derby, 362, 445, 466, 544.
-, -, letter from, 66.
-, -, letters to, 552, 628.
-, -, and wrecks of wines, 552, 602.
-, -, a cause of, in Chancery, 587.
-, Sir William, 253, 513, 515.
-, -, alleged connexions with Catholic plotters, 508, 509, 526.
-, -, request for arrest of, 534, 556–557.
-, -, Owen's partisan, 546.

Stanney (Stannye), Thomas, an alleged priest, 501, 574, 607.

Stapers, Richard, merchant, 16.
-, -, letter from, 208.

Stapleford (Wilts), 231.

Stapleton, Sir Robert, 219.
-, -, letter from, 195.

Star Chamber, Court of, 114, 143, 144, 217, 345, 478.
-, suits in, 145, 224, 610, 637.
-, speeches against papistry in, 193.
-, and stretching of cloths, 327.
-, a suit concerning woad in, 447, 647.
-, and landlords of tenements, 449.
-, meeting of Council of Commissioners for Gunpowder Plot to be held at, 525.
-, Sir Thomas Cornwallis's cause in, 584.
-, release on a sentence in, 616.
-, clerk of. See Mill.

Starlynge. See Stirling.

States General. See United Provinces.

Statute restricting foreign travel, 37.

Staughton, —, steward of Lord Mordaunt, 626.

Steel, monopoly of importation of, 610.

Stepneth, Alban, sheriff of Pembroke, letter from, 485.

Sterill, —, 39.

Stetin, Powell von, letters from, 485, 494.

Steward (Stewart, Stuarde), Sir Robert, 365, 625.
-, -, his suit for a marriage, 153.
-, -, a counterfeiter, 272(2).

-, Francis, Earl of Bothwell, 67, 96.
-, Lady, 348.
-, Lady Elizabeth, letter from, 643.
-, Patrick, 2nd Earl of Orkney, 338, 487, 643.
-, Walter, Commendator of Blantyre, afterwards Lord Blantyre, 474.
-, -, letter from, 446.
-, See also Stuart.

Still, John, Bishop of Bath and Wells, letter from, 396.

Stillingfleet, —, 102.

Stirling (Starlynge), letter dated at, 602.

Stoade. See Stade.

Stoane, —, a preacher in Northants., 270, 622.

Stockbury (Kent), 585.

Stocke, Mr., a London preacher, 270(2), 271(2), 622.

Stockes (Stokes), Thomas, a timber purveyor, 71, 145.

Stockton, Owen, 578.

Stoke d"Abernon (Stoke Daborne, Surrey), 406.

Stoke Poges (Stoke, Bucks.), letters dated at, 332, 333.

Stokes. See Stockes.

Stone [Staffs.], postal endorsement at, 362.

Stone, William, 506.

Stonehouse [Devon], 195.

Stonor [Oxon.], letter dated at, 216.

Stonor, Sir Francis, letter from, 215.

Stoodly, letter dated at, 445.

Stoone, —, of Oxford, 100.

Storey, Fargus, 519.

Stoughton, —, 572.

Stour (Stower, Dorset), 506.

Stourton (Sturton), Edward, 9th Lord Stourton, 514, 535.

Stoway [? Nether Stowey Somerset], letter dated at, 140.

Stower. See Stour.

Strange (Straunge), Thomas, 362, 411.
-, -, letter from, 352.

Streatham (Stretham, Surrey), 406.

Strebranck, John, 644.

Streete, John, letter from, 531.

Stretham. See Streatham.

Stuarde. See Steward.

-, Lady Arabella (Arbella), a suit of, 544.
-, Ludovic, 2nd Duke of Lennox (the Duke), 30, 89, 90, 457, 589.
-, -, letter from, 610.
-, -, as Privy Councillor, letter from, 380.
-, -, his suit of alnage, 22, 274, 280, 441, 610.
-, -, at French Court, 27, 28, 31, 52, 637.
-, -, obtains grace for prisoners, 53.
-, -, performs at tournaments, 107, 224.
-, -, and stewardship of Grafton parks, 460.
-, -, and economies in the Royal Household, 463.
-, -, and Archbishoprics of St. Andrews and Glasgow, 473.
-, -, and letters patent for Hartwell Park, 516.
-, -, to fight at foils, 594.
-, See also Stewart.

Studder (Studden), (Captain) Sir Thomas, sergeant-major of English army serving the Archdukes, 253, 425, 640.

Studley, John, parson of Ockham, 406(2).

Sturton, letter dated at, 496.

Styria, 135.

Sudbury [Suffolk], Mayor and Corporation of, 249.
-, St. Peter's Church in, 249.

Sudeley (Suddely) [N. Gloucs.], 185.

Suffolk, 500.
-, ministers deposed in, 52.
-, clothiers of, 327.
-, a living in, 490.

Suffolk, Countess of, 297.
-, -, her grandmother, 126.
-, Duke of, 166.
-, Earl of. See Howard, Thomas.

Sugar, a cargo seized at Plymouth, 44–45.

Suriago, —, 164.

Surrey, 199.
-, privy seals for loans in, names of people unable to pay, 405–406.

Surrey, Earl of. See Howard.

Sussex, 199, 295, 501.

Sussex, Earl of, 426.
-, -. See also Ratcliffe.

Sutton (Surrey), 406.

-, Captain, 156.
-, Edward, 9th Lord Dudley, letter from, 6.
-, Mr., 481.

Suytlambet. See Lambeth, South.

Swalcliffe, (Swickcliff, Oxon.), 634.

Swale, Sir Richard, LL.D., as Judge of the Court of Audience of Canterbury, and nominated as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 183.
-, -, letter from, 32.

Swanborough (Sussex), 501.

Swarkeston [Derby], letter dated at, 225.

Swickcliff. See Swalcliffe.

Swinnerton (Swinarton), Sir John, knight, 168, 645.

Swoll. See Zwolle.

Sydney (Sidney):
-, Sir Robert, 138.
-, Robert, 1st Lord Sydney, afterwards Viscount Lisle, Governor of Flushing, 386, 412, 472.
-, -, letters to, 380, 403, 404(2), 416.
-, -, letters from, 93, 226, 254, 255, 384(2), 390, 392, 393, 410, 411, 413(2), 436.
-, -, objections to his travelling through the Archdukes' country, 380, 390–394, 403, 404.
-, -, returns to England, 411, 413.
-, -, his brother, 414.

Symnell, Richard, of Colchester, letter from, 465.

Symonds, —, Mr. Rookwood's man, 565.

Syms, Captain, 640.

Symson, Thomas, 478.

Syon. See Sion.