Index: M

Pages 697-701

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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McCartie (Cartie, McCarty):
-, Lady Ellen, letters from, 140, 170.
-, Florence, son and heir of, 308.

MacGill, David, of Cranstoun-Riddell (Cranstoun), 488.

Machelen. See Mechlin.

Machen (Maghen), [Monm.], 40.

Machen, Tho., 353.

Madeira, 131.

Madrid (Madrith) [Spain], 41, 395.

Maestrecht [Germany], 329.

Maghen. See Machen.

Magnis, M., deputy from States General to Count Maurice, 211.

Majorca (Maiorca), 567.

Malacca (Mallaca), 188.

Malaga (Mallyga), 566.

Malageta, 130.

Malaspinas, the, 271.

Malaspine (Malespines), the Marquises of, 295, 383.

Malby, Mrs., 226, 610.

Maldon [Essex], Bailiffs of, letters from, concerning the election of a burgess, 455, 469.
-, letter dated at, 455.

Malespines. See Malaspine.

Maliscot, —, physician, 454.

Mallory, John, letter from, 445.

Mallyga. See Malaga.

Malta, 567.

Malton [Yorks.], letter dated at, 60.

Man, Mr., of Poole, 113.

Man, Isle of, 263.

Manaryng, Mr., 347.

Manchester, 56.

Manciscido. See Mansciscidor.

Mandsfeld (Mandsfyld), Captain, 41.

Manners, Sir Oliver, 499.
-, Roger, 6th Earl of Rutland, letters from, 6, 194.
-, Roger, Mr., 551.

Mansciscidor, Spanish Secretary at Brussels, 267, 497, 546.

-, Sir Lewis, 594.
-, Sir Robert, 594.

Manwood, Sir Peter, letters from, 507, 515.

Manyassas, 236.

Map, printed, of headlands of England, 83.

Maplesden, Jarvaise, of Battle, 264.

Mar, Earl of. See Erskine.

Marazion (Marhasewe, Cornwall), 155.

Marbecke, Dr, Ro., a physician at Court, 324.
-, -, letter from, 301.

Marbury (Marbery, Merbury, Morbery):
-, Francis, chaplain, letters from, 494, 615.
-, Laurence, 95.
-, -, letters from, 94, 614.
-, Mr., 572, 573.

Marcam. See Markham.

Marcelles. See Marseilles.

Marcellis, Robert, letter to, 519.

Marchondich, Peter, 167.

Mare, Richard, examination of, 543.

Margate [Kent], 213.

Margetts, George, 620.

Marhasewe. See Marazion.

Mariners. See English mariners.

Markham (Marcam):
-, Anne, Lady, 63.
-, -, letter from, 614.
-, Sir Griffin, 317.
-, -, letter to, 462.
-, -, his sister, 521.
-, -, his brother, 569.

Marseilles (Marcelles), 567.
-, a ship of, 195.
-, a practice against, 557.

Marshall, Mr., 265.

Marten. See Merton.

Marten, Sir R, 365.

Martin, John, a surveyor, 113.
-, Owen, 113.
-, William, merchant, letter from, 453.

Martyne, —, a hosier, 551.

Mary, Princess, daughter of James I, ("his Majesty's last daughter") 135, 143, 514.

Mary, Queen of Scots, 120, 208, 273.
-, emblem of, 398.

Mascall, Margaret, information of, 520.

-, George, letter from, 476.
-, Richard, Lord Salisbury's cook, 225–226.

Massei, Parisian merchants, 507.

Massonn, Edmund, 578.

Masworth (Bucks.), 543.

Matingley, John, 613.

Matthew (Mathew):
-, George, senior, 524.
-, Richard, 433.
-, Tobias, Bishop of Durham, 190, 194.
-, -, letter from, 12.
-, Toby, 454.
-, Walter, Mayor of Plymouth, letter to, 631.
-, -, letters from, 145, 155, 169, 195, 211, 234, 237.

Matthias, Archduke. See under Austria.

Maughen, John, minister, letter from, 112.

Maunder, Thomas, 529.

Maurice, Count or Grave. See Nassau.

Mawgan in Meneage [Cornwall], Trelowarren in, letters dated at, 156, 202.

Maximilian, Archduke. See Austria.

May, Captain, 472.

Maynarde, Sir Harry, 241.

Mayney, Mrs., 500.

Maytham, William, a prisoner in the Fleet, 264.

Mead, Sir Thomas, 22.

Measurage and alnage, farm of, 274.

Mechlin (Machelen), 204.

Mediana. See Villa Mediana.

Medici, House of, 192.

Medina de Castile, Duke of, 164.

Mediterranean ports, imports and exports of, 566–567.

Melehy, Cavalier, 498.

Mellersh (Mellars), [Richard, steward to Lord Cobham], 95, 260, 601.

Melvill, Sir Robert, of Burntisland, 488.

Melvyn, Sir Robert, 468.

Mena, Captain Joseph de, 251.

Mence, Mr. La, merchant of Antwerp, 473.

Mendip (Myndepe, Somerset), lead mining at, 430.

Mendoza, Don Juan de. letter from, 61.

Mendoze, Don Bernardin de, Ambassador of Spain, 138.

Meon, East (Estmene) [Hants.], postal endorsements at, 465.

Merargues (Merarges, Mirargues), 557, 564.

Merbury, Merberry, See Marbury.

-, Edward, 26.
-, John, 26.
-, William, letter to, 548.

Merchant Adventurers, 79, 418, 440, 446.

Merchants, English, in France, confiscation of goods of, 26, 29–30.
-, -, trading to Spain and Portugal, fellowship of, 79–80.
-, -, trading in Muscovy, 177, 580.
-, -, send petition to King of Spain, 188.
-, -, limitations of power of, 418.
-, -, trading companies for France, 418–419, 453, 478, 619.
-, -, trade of London, compared with West country, 418–419, 453.
-, -, residence to be removed to Hamburg, 446.
-, -, trading in the Mediterranean, 566–567.
-, -, the Northern, letter from, 617.
-, a general assembly of, 467.

Meres, Henry, 505–506.

Merton (Marten) Abbey, [Surrey], letter dated at, 465.

Merydeth, Sir William, 241.

Merydethe, Lady, 511.

Messina (Messana, Mesina), 167, 567.

Mewtys, Captain Thomas, letters from, 615 (2).

Mexia, Don Antonio, 67.

Michell, Mr., 620.

Middleburgh [Holland], letter dated from, 211.

Middlesex, 272, 405, 406.
-, water from, to be brought to London, 181.

Middle Shires, 70; and see Scotland, Border lands.
-, of Brittany, Commissioners for. See under Scotland, Commissioners for Border Causes.

Middleton (Myddelton, Midlton):
-, Thomas, letter from, 244.
-, -, 537, 620.

Milan, 404, 415.
-, Milanese troops from, 220.
-, embroideries of, 267.
-, President and Quaestors of the Extraordinary Revenues of, letter to, 271.
-, orders dated at, 295.
-, jurisconsults of, 295.
-, Duchy of, and lands of Italian princes, 295.

Milan, Duke of, King Philip as, 383.

Milborne Port (Somerset), 502.

Milford Haven (Pemb.), 513, 555.

Mill, Mr., Clerk of the Star Chamber, 275.

Millanois (Milanese) troops. See Milan.

Millard, John, a coiner, 582.

Miller, Christopher, letter from, 103.

Millers, a complaint against, 334.

Milles (Mylles), Thomas, 264.
-, -, letter from, 263.

Mills (Myls):
-, Mr., 84.
-, William, 515.
-, William, of Surrey, 405.
-, William, Tower Warder, 644.

Milton (Northants), letters dated at, 332, 478.

Milward (Milwood), Mr., 489, 520.

Mina, 130.

Minehead (Mynhedd) [Somerset], 373, 396.

Mines Royal, Company of, 63.

Ministers, dissenting. See under Nonconforming ministers.

Minn, Captain Thomas, information concerning, 543.

Minorca (Minorka), 567.

Miranda, Count of, 228, 232, 512.

Mirargues. See Merargues.

Moldavia, Prince of, 277.

Mollyns, Sir Michael, 552, 602.

Mölner, Anthony, in Seville, 491.

Molyneux, Ca., 263.

Monford. See Montforte.

Mongey, in Galicia (Spain), 373.

Monmouthshire, 500.
-, recusancy in, 258, 304, 395–396, 455.

Mons (Hainault), 343, 402, 426.

Monson (Mounson, Munson):
-, Sir Thomas, 594.
-, Sir William, 146–147, 172, 268, 269, 522.
-, -, letters from, 297, 306, 411, 415, 417, 517.
-, -, Villa Mediana and, 408, 411.
-, -, -, accused of treachery towards, 415.

Montagu or Montague, (Mountagu, Mountacute):
-, Sir Edward, letter from, 258.
-, Sir Henry, Recorder of London, 72, 224, 277, 389.
-, -, letters from, 292, 374.
-, -, and the dyers and millers, 334.
-, Dr. James, Dean of the Chapel Royal (the Dean), 22, 75, 84, 122.
-, -, letters from, 28, 36, 65, 85.
-, -, letter to, 505.
-, -, and expenses of Cambridge University, 65.
-, -, nominated as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 183.
-, -, an alleged remark on King James and nonconformity, 270(2), 271, 288, 595–596, 622.
-, -, a Commissioner for bankruptcy, 594.

Montagu, Viscount. See Browne.

Montcross [Montrose], Earl of. See Graham.

Monteagle, Lord. See Parker.

Montforte (Monford), Mr., 434, 435– 436.

Montgomery, Earl of. See Herbert.
-, Susan, Countess of Montgomery, Lord Salisbury's niece [Lady Susan], 32, 121.
-, -, letter from, 616.

Montjoye. See Mountjoy.

Montpellier (Montpiller, France), 400.

Montrose (Montcross, Montrois), Earl of. See Graham, John.

Montrose, Jo. G. See Graham, John, Master of Montrose.

Moore (More):
-, Sir Edward, 600.
-, Sir George, 50, 406, 640.
-, -, letter from, 405.
-, See also More.

Moravia, 135.

Morbery. See Marbury.

Mordaunt (Mordant), Henry, Lord Mordaunt, committed for treason, 514, 535.
-, -, letter from, 1.
-, -, information concerning, 522, 528, 533, 572, 626.
-, -, his horse rider. See Bowker.
-, -, his steward. See Staughton.
-, Lady, 626.

More (Mur), Mrs. Maria, letter from, 32.
-, Mr., 453.
-, See also Moore.

Moreton. See Morton.

Morgan (Morgain):
-, Sir Charles, 235, 236, 254, 456.
-, Edward, a recusant, 451.
-, Sir Matthew, 402.
-, Mr., of Swalcliffe, Oxon., 634.
-, Mrs., 402.
-, Mrs., widow, of Warwickshire, 634.
-, Sir Rowland, 407.
-, Thomas, 53, 493.
-, Thomas, of Tredegar, 40.
-, Sir Thomas, letter from, 208.
-, William, 258, 265, 378, 389.
-, Sir William, 40.
-, -, servant of Lord Cobham, 378, 444.

Moris. See Morris.

Morley, Lord. See Parker.

Morray. See Murray.

Morrell, R., letters from, 81, 314.

Morris (Moris, Moryce, Morrice):
-, James, a priest, 306, 389, 395–396.
-, Stephen, 264.
-, -, servant of Lord Cobham, 150, 151, 158, 444.

Mortality, bill of, for Westminster, 307.

Morton (Moreton):
-, William, examination of, 22, 23– 25, 36.
-, William, Archdeacon of Durham, letter from, 189.
-, -, Archdeacon of Northumberland, 220.

Moryce. See Morris.

Moscow (the Musco), letter dated from, 69.
-, See also Muscovy.

Mosseley, Sir Nicholas, 57.

Mottisfont (Mottesfount) [Hants.], letter dated at, 259.

Mounson. See Monson.

Mounster. See Munster.

Mountacute, Mountagu. See Montagu.

Mounteagle, Lord. See Parker.

-, Sir Edward, 643.
-, William, 643.

Mountgomery. See Montgomery.

Mountjoy. See Blount.

Mourton, —, 530.

Mousey, Daniel, 577.

Mowbrey, Mrs., 577.

Mowe, laird of, 169.

Moxey, John, 169.

Muckell, Captain, 417.

Mudgeley, Mr., the younger, vicar of Rochdale, 57.

Munck, Levinus (Mr. L'Vines, Livnus), Secretary to Lord Cecil, 49, 56, 357, 359, 365, 384, 397, 409, 469, 470, 549, 600, 633.
-, letters to, 56, 542, 599.
-, Court Journal by, 292.
-, visited with an ague, 384.

Munson. See Monson.

Munster (Mounster, Ireland), 264, 448.
-, decay of religion in, suggested enquiry into, 154–155.
-, Council of, 578.
-, Lord President of. See Brounker and Carew.
-, Chief Justice of. See Saxey, William and Walsh, Nicholas.

Mur. See More.

Muriell, Thomas, 577.

Murray (Morray, Murrey):
-, Sir David, letter to, 630.
-, -, letter from, 364.
-, Sir David, 1st Lord Scone, Lord Controller of Scotland, 86, 87, 152, 262, 299.
-, -, letters from, 105, 163, 488.
-, -, and the Master of Gray, 385, 386, 430.
-, Sir Gideon, 151, 400.
-, John, 292.
-, - letters from, 467, 470(2).
-, Sir Patrick, 430.
-, S., letter from, 239.
-, Thomas, Prince Henry's tutor, 287.
-, -, letter from, 293.

Muschamp, Sir Thomas, 405.

Muscovy (Muscovia, Mosco, Musco, Russia), 385, 433.
-, letter dated from, 69.
-, Emperor of, 69, 580.
-, merchants of, 79.
-, Company, 177, 580.

Musse, Mr., 4.

Mussapont. See Pont-à-Mousson.

Mutineers, the [Spanish], 173, 207, 221.

Myddelton. See Middleton.

Mylles. See Milles.

Mylner, —, 514.

Myls. See Mills.

Myndepe. See Mendip.

Mynhedd. See Minehead.

Mynors, Roger, 235.

Mynne, Sir William, 405.