Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1605

Pages 570-649

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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Miscellaneous 1605

[The Clerk of the Queen's Council.]
[1605]. Whereas upon a petition heretofore preferred unto me by the Council Clerk he supposed that he was wronged in his place by reason of an order set down by us of the Council and signed by her Majesty, affirming that the engrossing of the leases did of right belong unto his place, whereupon I referred the consideration thereof unto you of the Council: these are to signify unto you my meaning is, and was, that if he could not make it appear unto you that of right it did belong unto his place, then I saw no cause to alter or question the said order forasmuch as he was not thereby wronged; but if he did make it appear that of right it belonged unto his place, then I thought fit you should consider whether he were a fit man for that purpose. Thus much I thought fit to certify you, being desired to explain my meaning concerning the same.—Undated.
Note by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1605," and by Salisbury "[Robert] Hycham." 1 p. (110. 132.)
The Queen's Jointure.
1605. [Certain members of the Queen's Council] to Sir Roger Wilbraham, Chancellor to the Queen, Sir Thomas Forester, serjeant, Mr. Serjeant Altham, Sir Robert Hitcham, Queen's Attorney General, John Waltham Esq., and the rest of her Majesty's counsel learned.
After referring to difficulties which have arisen with regard to her Majesty's jointure, and the settling of her affairs, the writers require them to call before them all her Majesty's officers, to consider the proper place and business of every officer, to survey previous orders given in the matter, view former precedents, and to certify their opinion of such orders and precedents, and what course they think meetest to be followed for the establishing of her Majesty's estate.—Court at Greenwich, 1605.
Unsigned. 1 p. (191. 103.)
Prince Henry.
[1605]. Letters patent discharging the Earl of Mar and others cautionary with him from all obligations and bonds entered into concerning the custody, education and delivery of the Prince. The King acknowledges the great care which Mar has shown in providing for the Prince's virtuous education; also that Mar has observed the King's directions for his delivery; and that he has been received in good estate of health and constitution of body and mind.—Undated.
Draft, with corrections by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1605." 2½ pp. (191. 100.)
Sir Henry Ashley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. He begs Salisbury to relieve the distressed estate of himself, his wife and children.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 124.)
Sir Roger Aston to the Same.
[1605]. I had advertised you sooner but that I could not have access to the Ambassador. He was sleeping. He is very desirous to remain where he is till he goes to Windsor. My Lord Chancellor and my Lady will meet you so soon as he has been at the Tower.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (113. 125.)
The Same to [the Same].
[1605]. I received your letter by Mr. Pouel, and presently acquainted his Majesty therewith. After he had read the letter, and the other thereinclosed, he called for Pouel and conferred with him at length, and received this letter enclosed, which his Majesty commanded me to send to you. His Majesty gave me order to write to my Lord of Norhamtton, in answer of some things his lordship had written to me concerning his Majesty's service. His Majesty's pleasure is that he shall visit this new Ambassador of Spain from his Majesty, and to excuse his long audiences, in regard of his Majesty's absence. This being done, his Majesty would have some of the Council to visit him, if so you think meet. His Majesty is more willing to do him honour, in regard of that which has been done to his Ambassadors there. His Majesty desires you that at the arriving of the Emperor's Ambassador, he may be "vested" with as much honour as may be, and visited from his Majesty by persons of best worth.
His Majesty is returned this night from the killing of a great stag, which has made us all merry. In his return home he killed a great buck, and has given order to my Lord of Mongommerry to send [it] to you.—Windsor, Friday.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary, "Sir Roger Aston to my Lord. 1605." 1 p. (191. 104.)
Sir Roger Aston to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[1605]. I received your letter this Thursday morning at 7 o'clock, his Majesty being ready to go to hunting. I acquainted him with your letter. He is very well pleased to follow your opinion in the "choues making" [choice to be made?] of one to supply the place of him that is gone, which he thinks very good reason shall be at the one election. For the place in York, his Majesty will advise with the President, that there may be a man of good religion chosen in that place. This other enclosed should have come in Sir Thomas Lake's packet yesternight, but it was gone before my letters came. His Majesty has assured me he will write to you so soon as he comes from hunting. He has written this morning to the Queen by Sir Robert Carr. His Majesty was well pleased you were so sore against Mongommery.—From Fensenbrough [? Finchingbrook], this Thursday.
PS.—The letters enclosed shall be safe delivered to Sir Thomas Lake.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary, "1605." 1 p. (191. 105.)
The Same to [the Same].
[1605]. I acquainted his Majesty with your letter, which came to me this day. He being at the hunting came not home till after 6. He took your careful letter very kindly, and bade me give you thanks; and being at this present at his supper, drank to you, and bade me tell you that the pains you took in his service to make him to live was the best plaster could be ministered to his sore side. He is returned from this day's hunting very well. That part that was hurt is a little sore, but nothing grievous. He means on Monday to take a revenge of the stag that this day has defied him and all his hounds. The Earl of Pembroke keeps his bed, and not able to stir.— Otelands, Friday.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary, "1605. Sir Roger Aston to my Lord." 1 p. (191. 106.)
Statement by Thomas Atherton.
[1605]. Mr. Morbery told me that my Lord Mordaunt and Sir Thomas Tressam were up in arms in Northampton: that one of my Lord's men came through the town that day: his son knew him: if he had known him also, if he would not have stayed, he would have unhorsed him. He also told me he loved Lord Mordaunt with all his heart, but hated his dealings. Then he came to my wife and said he wished me to take heed how I meddled with my Lord, or my father. Further he said, "I hear say there is a pursuivant sent for my Lord, and Stoughten; I am sorry for my Lord, but it is no matter if Stoughten had been hanged seven years ago."—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 126.)
On the dorse: Tho. Patornoster to Edward Preston. Since I spake with you I never heard of Harowdon for his rent. I know not whether you made even with Tompson's wife or no for your money: but since you were there one of his "dasters" [daughters ?] be dead, and the gates were shut this last week, for it is said the wench had tokens of the pestilence, and there was none but White's wife with them. I hear Mr. Merbery has lopped all the trees upon the copyhold.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Letter from Tho. Atherton to Edward Preston." ½ p. (113. 126.)
W. Babington to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. He and William Cockin are upon point of conclusion for the service of the army of the Archduke Albertus with apparel; but will not conclude without Salisbury's good liking thereof. Refers to Cockin's report hereon.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 107.)
John Barnes to John Phillips.
[1605 or later]. Of misdemeanours in the Tower of London, particularly the selling by "the Bishop of Saint Asses" of the broken meats, which used till Sir John Payton's time to be given to the poor. Prays Phillips to show this letter to Sir William Wade.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (140. 122.)
Wardship of Elizabeth Bassett.
[1605]. State of the cause in the Court of Wards between Sir Richard Corbett and Dame Judith his wife, plaintiffs, against Sir Roger Dallison, Sir Walter Ralegh and Dame Elizabeth his wife, Walter Ralegh their son, John Shelberie and Robert Smyth, defendants.
The plaintiffs, as next friends of Elizabeth Bassett, daughter and heir of William Bassett, ward to the King, seek to know the true grantee of her wardship and marriage, which have several claimants. Process was executed upon Lady Ralegh and John Shelbury. The latter was examined, but the former would not appear or make answer. Whereupon the plaintiffs moved for an attachment, which the Court would not grant. Hitherto the plaintiffs have forborne to proceed further.— Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 112.)
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. He expresses his thanks for the King's allowance of his absence from the present session of Parliament. Thanks Salisbury for becoming his proxy at the first session, and begs him to stand for him again now. Encloses the proxy. He has troubled Salisbury with his letter to the King about the Muster Mastership of this county, and hopes for an answer shortly.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 127.)
Houses of Bedford, Winchester and Cheyney.
1605. "An alliance to the house of Bedford, Winchester and Cheyny, by the descent from Sir John Semmark." Rough Pedigree.
Endorsed as above by Salisbury. 1 p. (141. 62.)
Berwick upon Tweed.
[1605]. To receive directions from your Honour about some 20 pieces of ordnance, which lie negligently scattered in Northumberland forts, to their great hurt and spoil, and the hazard of being surprised by sudden tumult: whether to store them in Berwick. Also about turning over of pensions in the new establishment, for it will quickly lessen the charge if divers men may resign, to depend upon one man's life, and with him alone all they to finish and determine.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (115. 27.)
Sir John Blunte to the Earls of Suffolk and Salisbury and Lord Knowles.
1605. According to your letters I repaired to the Gatehouse at Westminster, and have seen the priest Stannye. He is the same man who, with others, set upon my kinsman and me. For further proof the constable of Longe Hieroke, of whom my kinsman borrowed a horse for Stanye to come up, shall testify this to be the man; and others where he lodged when he was in my kinsman's keeping before his escape. He will not answer me a word, nor what is become of the horse he escaped with, for which my kinsman the bearer must pay 6l.—London, 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir John Blunt concerning Stanny the priest Jesuit." 1 p. (113. 128.)
[Captain Bowyer] to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[? 1605]. Having experience of the strength and weakness of the Borders, and being these two years the only instrument of curbing this disordered people, I know there is no need of one quarter the forces there retained; so that if any place of employment were nominated the number would quickly decrease, and that sum of 3,000l. yearly would be much abated. A Commission should be sent down with show of mustering the forces for new employment; which would make many freely give over rather than be sent abroad. Mr. Crane is on his journey to you, and has so importuned me to write in his behalf that I could not do otherwise; but I crave your pardon for this forced error. In answer to the Lord Treasurer's late letters I have touched the particularities mentioned in this other note of articles. I have discerned Mr. Salkeld of Corbie, and Mr. Orfoord, gentlemen about Carlisle in the troublesome time, to be very diligent in his Majesty's service, and would be fit Commissioners in this action. I entreat that the Commission be sent down secretly, otherwise the malcontents would put my life in utter danger. I entreat you my Lord of Cumberland may have no knowledge of my part herein, to whom my service shall be faithful, yet I fear how he may apprehend this project, being within his office.—Undated.
Unsigned. 1 p. (113. 130.)
The Enclosure: Notes on Border matters, in the same hand.
As to the 275 soldiers appointed to be employed at Carlisle and in Scotland under 4 captains, not that number by many are retained in the King's service; and divers of them serve for others. 3 of the captains, receiving monthly imprest, have not their full number, the captain enjoying the benefit of the void places. Recommendations as to victualling. Abuses connected with the "powlemen" who have pensions.
1 p. (113. 129.)
[Captain Bowyer] to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[? 1605]. The estate of this decreasing garrison here, being by you prudently settled, continues in quietness. For your sake I have received extraordinary favours from the Earl of Dunbar, who requested me to attend him into Scotland and receive the order of knighthood by his means, which I have accordingly done.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "Captain Bowyer to my Lord." 1 p. (113. 131.)
Hugh Broughton to "any of the Lords of the Privy Council."
[1605]. A Thracian Jew his epistle and the sum of our religion fortified, with it to abide all Jews' and Gentiles' examination, are presented unto you: with Daniel's tyrants pictured: and with the Caesars armed from all Daniels: with expositions answering now for all Christendom, I was to show that our errors at home befooling all the Bible were not unknown to me. Therein you may see an advertisement of corruption in our handing of religion. A third book cometh, all spent in this question: the Kingdom of Christ cannot be of this world, where all things be vanity of vanities. There in Hebrew I interlace our faith in Trinity from the Jews' grant, all in Hebrew: and so much Englished as well might be: with a confutation of Jews' vain hope. None of Christian profession: neither Calvinist, Lutheran nor Papist, are touched, but in story error: where they wish better. Many treatises written I sent to Thrace now 8 years: which to Greeks the Jew highly extolled: as one of our merchants told me at Francfurt, that Greeks told him. I hope that by discoursing upon all the Bible and Thalmud, Jews and Gentiles shall be in more admiration of all the New Testament: where every word is a pearl. My request to you now is that the King be moved to grant princely allowance to free study this way: to be spent where plenty of Hebrew printers and best libraries may be used.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 135.)
Elisa., Lady Burghley, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Sir Edward Stafford in his lifetime borrowed 100 marks of my sister Diana, which she spared him of the portion my father left her. Since his death, my cousin his son, taking knowledge of this debt, used my brother Drurie's solicitation for that relief which the King has since bestowed on him, by your furtherance. My cousin Stafford, before he obtained that suit, promised my brother Drurie and my sister to pay the said 100 marks; which he now neglects to do; so that my sister is forced to petition the King to have the same allowed her out of his pension. Her petition is referred to you. She hopes my cousin may be overruled by you, to whom he is so much bound, to pay the debt.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 137.)
Sergeant Burrell to the Same.
[1605]. His 25 years' service to the late Queen and the King have not been recompensed, and he is drawn into years and poverty. He begs that his ordinary place of sergeant at arms be bestowed upon one of Salisbury's servants, and that he may have in lieu a pension of 2s. 6d. a day.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 138.)
Sir Edward Busshell to the Same.
[1605]. In this unfortunate occasion of rebellion I have lost many of my near kinsmen and friends, who have not only made the fact foul in themselves, but have poisoned the blood of their alliance, and made our nation infamous in attempting so barbarous a cruelty. I offer myself and service to your protection, as one to whom my innocence shall most appear. As by them I have been held too honest to be trusted with so horrid a practice, you may hold me fit to be advanced, the rather in that I have served her Majesty hitherto at my own charge; besides I have lost the greatest part of my maintenance, an annuity of 50l. for life to be paid out of my cousin Robert Wintour's lands.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 139.)
Information of Captain Button.
[1605]. Notwithstanding the care had in all the ports, yet out of remote creeks small boats usually transport priest and messengers: as one Henry Paris, dwelling near Colchester in Essex, who is a continual transporter, and is employed often by one Anthony Hickmote, who dwells in Crutchet Friars; and Henry King, whose address may be known on Paris's examination. Besides this, I understand of a gentlewoman, Mrs. Mowbrey, who is a very common passenger and transports many letters and messages. She goes disguised, but may be known by her husband that was executed in Edinburgh, and since married again, but not known in France but by her first husband's name.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1605. Information of Captain Button." ½ p. (113. 140.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, pp. 248, 304.]
The Master and Fellows of St. John's College, Cambridge, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Letter of compliment thanking him for benefits conferred on two members of the College.
Signed: Ricd. Claiton, Daniel Monsey, Henricus Alvey, Arthurus Johnson, Joannes Allenson, Gulielmus Holland, Abdias Assheton, (?) Oënus Cuyll, Christopher Foster.
Latin. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (136. 136.)
The Fellows of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, to the King.
[1605]. It is constantly given out that Dr. Playfer has obtained letters requiring them to make choice of him into the Mastership, ere long to fall void upon the promotion of the Master to higher dignity; that although Dr. Playfer is a very worthy man and one of especial note, yet forasmuch as they have of their own brought up amongst them divers of the like quality, and one amongst the rest for his meetness and worthiness every way above exception, to whom their Statutes do directly point them, enjoining them to choose unum ex numero sociorum, si aliquis ibi idoneus reperiatur. It would please him therefore to vouchsafe them the benefit of their statute and that liberty which in like case has been granted by his progenitors, and if he condescend thereto, they pawn their liberties and freedoms and whatsoever else they are like to enjoy under his government that they will have regard to the due observation of the Statute and choose such a one as shall uphold the College to their comfort and content.
1 p. (136. 138.)
On a separate paper: Names of the whole company of Fellows who joined in the supplication: Nathan Giffard, Tho. Muriell, Rand. Barlow, George Coke, Theophilus Feild, Hierome Beale, Edmund Massonn, J. Jones, Owen Stockton, James Rogers, Matthew Scriven[er], Godwin Walsall, James White, William Hancock.
1 p. (136. 137.)
The Fellows of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. To the same effect as the foregoing.
Latin. 1 p. (136. 139.)
Sir George (or Lord) Carew to [the Same].
[1605]. He testifies to the services in Munster of the bearer, John Berry. The letter he has procured from the Council of Munster to the Council is in every point true. He hopes to receive the entertainment due to him for Castlemayne.— Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605. Ensign John Berry." ½ p. (113. 143.)
Lord Carew to [the Same ?].
[? 1605]. Your commandment shall be obeyed, and therefore I will make no direct apology, but oblique. I may not altogether avoid it, unless I should let pass (pro concesso) mere untruths. It is the greatest happiness I have that you know me in toto, otherwise I should live in pain and labour to express my innocency. It hath been endeavoured by many, as well in times past as in the present, to sow tares of discord, to the end that either you should cast me off, or that I should leave to serve you. This invention of O. (for so I must term it) is but one of those old tricks. If you had laboured to rectify that business I had had cause to wonder indeed; but knowing as I do how the cards are shuffled in Court, I do not wonder that you were cold in a course of that nature, and so can those (with whom I conversed) witness for me, howsoever thinking to [do ?] me good with him (for so I take it) I have here described; whatsoever they have said was without my knowledge or desire. I am sure I never sent him any such word, nor wished them to insinuate me into his good opinion by wondering that you dealt not for him, and so I conceive your lordship believes. If I had used any such stratagem, I would not deny it, for I know you would pardon the same; but for the truth sake I must deny it, and I do it not by the way of apology, as doubting of your belief or unmovable friendship (which are your own words) but that your lordship may see how in my absence I am practised upon, and so shall I ever be because you favour me. I thank you for the discourse of the passages in that business, and that you scorn to be active for fear, or to be loved for ends. Hold those resolutions firm, for they are honourable and fit for you to follow, and the more stiffly that you stand upon them, the more will your greatness appear, and with it an ease, in being less cumbered with frothy friends. Unto them that love you entirely, I am a servant. Unto the rest I wish no good. —Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Carew: "Privat"; and by another hand: Lo. Carow." 2 pp. (130. 113.)
Lord Carew to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. When President of Munster he employed the bearer, John Power, about the taking of James of Desmond, the usurping Earl, wherein Power did his best endeavours; and Salisbury procured him a pension of 2s. a day, paid out of a company designed for the relief of the late Earl of Desmond and his sisters; which company was entered in the muster books under the name of Captain Jhon att Noakes. After the death of the Earl, and about the time Carew left Ireland, this company was cashiered, and thereby Power's pension ceased, and he has not had any entertainment.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Lord Carew. 1605." 1 p. (191. 114.)
The Same to the Same.
[1605]. I am earnestly solicited by Sir Walter Ralegh to put you in mind of his business, which is that you would remember while you are in London to speak with the Attorney General in his cause for Sherborne. In the meantime, till it be assured to him or his feoffee many spoils are done upon the land.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Lord Carew." 1 p. (191. 115.)
The Same to the Same.
[1605]. The bearer, Mr. Thomas Bois, had order of the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland to levy a company of 200 foot to serve the States. He has brought them into the west country, where they lie at his charges. To commend the men I need not labour, for they are soldiers of the cashiered troops, most of them having been officers. Bois was brought up in the wars with Sir John Norris, whose page he was; and since, his death, until the rebellion was suppressed in Ireland, had charge in that service. His suit is to be entertained, otherwise he is utterly undone. I recommend his suit: my Lord of Devonshire has likewise a good opinion of him.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Lord Carew." 1 p. (191. 116.)
Families of Catesby, Tresham and Littleton.
[c. 1605]. Alliances of the families of Catesby, Tresham and Littleton.—Undated.
1 p. (206. 89.)
Sir Francis Cherry to the King.
[? 1605]. The late Queen sent him to the late Emperor of Russia, partly for matters of state and partly for the affairs of the English Company trading there. At his arrival the Emperor was dead, yet he performed his service to good effect, and procured a new privilege fo the Company, whereby they have saved 10,000l. But he has been unable to obtain any allowance from them as promised. In 1601 he bought from the Company a great quantity of old cordage, they contracting with him for the next two years' voyages to bring in and sell him certain cordage specified. Nevertheless, they have failed to deliver it, to his loss of above 25,000l. Begs the King to command them to supply the cordage, and to refer his claim for allowance to two aldermen and two merchants. "Your servant for sundry provision for your Navy."—Undated.
Petition. ¾ p. (196. 106.)
The Dean of Chester.
[1605]. The Dean of Chester hath these livings, all of them within 7 miles of Bromley, the habitation of the Bishop of Rochester:—
St. Dunstan's in London cum cura 60
Orpington in Kent sine cura and in lease 31
A prebend in St. Paul's 18
A prebend in Westminster 20
These (giving over his deanery) he desireth to hold by commendam, with the reversion of a prebend in Canterbury, granted him by the late Queen.—Undated
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (119. 44.)
The Earl of Clanricard to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. I have presumed upon your allowance to fetch the two young lords from hence to Benington. My Lord of Cranborne has indented with me to stay him no longer than he pleases, and I would not willingly cross any humours of his, for they are but good and full of life and spirit, and if I do any I am sure it shall be never to his hurt. He is already a very grave housekeeper, and says that he knows I can be no stranger to this house, as it is your lordship's; and when it is absolutely his, which I hope shall not be in many years, I shall then see in what fashion he will give me entertainment.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1¼ pp. (113. 145.)
Sir Henry Clare to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. He refers to his 20 years' service at home and abroad. He is now a poor knight, and has received no recompense for his losses, because his Queen is dead. He is not a mere soldier, but as fit for peace as war. He begs Salisbury's furtherance with the King to obtain something out of the estate of the now rebels.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 146.)
The Same to the Same.
[? 1605]. I dare not value my merits as others; though my continuance in the wars, and place at home and in field, has not been the least. If any be chosen for Munster, that has command or pension, I beseech you have me in remembrance, who only am suffered to sink under the burden of my losses where all others have tasted of the King's bounty.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (75. 64.)
Sir Edward Clere to the Same.
[? 1605]. I have attended your pleasure until this morning, where by misfortune going about some business to my father's house here within five miles I have received a hurt by the fall of my coach, which hinders my daily attendance upon your commandment. I have sent my Lady to be a suitor in my stead, but having some intelligence presently whereabout my attendance is commanded I am desirous to afford you satisfaction in writing.
It has been suspected that I have made oath contrary to my allegiance for the honour it pleased the French King to bestow upon me which, of me unexpected, Monsieur Beaumont's recommendation procured; I think the rather moved to it by the honour bestowed by our gracious sovereign upon one of his kinsmen and followers at his departure from the King.
My going over, my Lord, was warranted under your hand and eight others of the Privy Council as a captain to pass for the Archduke's service; which Count Arundell sent me, to whom I promised to come if I might be assured of the King's favour and the States'. But finding my good Lord's own errors misliked, as I heard, and that since those journeys are but indifferently pleasing nor much beneficial, which was the scope of my intent to mend my weakened fortunes by expense in my late dear sovereign's service, I have paused and resolve until I may be better assured of both these conditions to attend the further pleasure of your Honours: and thus bold out of the duty to your family which your good father's great favour to mine gave great cause of impression, I rest devoted.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1602" [sic]. 1 p. (97. 17.)
[Lord Cobham] to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. The bearer can tell you best what passed between Lady Kildare and him. She blames Sir John Lewson, who she says has wronged her in this report. To them two I leave it, for God is best witness of the wrong she has done me. Touching the cabinet, I was in the wrong: I thought it one of them at Cobham, but now it seems it is one in the Blackfriars. To my man she took exceptions of a letter written to me from one Hamilton, one that was the King's enemy in the Queen's time; and therefore in discharge of her duty she will acquaint the King with it. For her goodwill to me, it is apparent, and if there were cause, I see what I might trust to. The cabinet where these letters be neither concerns me nor my father; it is the whole negotiation of my uncle Sir Henry Cobham; and what is in it I know not; for in my life I never looked in it. If my Lady were not known to you, I might be undone. God forgive her, Jesubell was never like her: this out of truth, not out of passion, I write. Now I see it apparent that she will never suffer me to come out of prison if it be in her power. It is my happiness that I am in the hands of a merciful and Christian prince, who will punish faults for justice, not for other folks' malice; and so I fear her not. Never respect me if this report be true.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. Endorsed: "L. Cobham. 1605." 1 p. (191. 118.)
Cobham Lands.
[c. 1605]. "Instructions for drawing the book," with respect to the Cobham lands in Kent and Essex. Addressed to Duke Brooke.—Undated.
1 p. (108. 60.)
Coiners in Worcestershire.
[1605]. Petition for the pardon of Robert Acton of Ribbesford, Worcester, esq., Richard Acton of the same, gentleman, and Anthony Betts of the same, yeoman, for coining of money. —Undated.
At foot, in Salisbury's hand: Henry Farmer, in the Counter or Newgate. John Millard, Smyth, Hew Clare, Thomas Ward, Thomas Potter, in the Gatehouse. The son upon bonds. Besides two more.
Endorsed: "1605," and in Salisbury's hand: "Prisoners about the coining in Worcestershire." ½ p. (115. 37.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom.: 1603–1610, p. 206.]
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) To keep L[ewis] P[ickering ?] still close prisoner can do the cause no good, nor any intelligence he can have can (in my understanding) do the cause any harm, but the liberty of the prison may prevent some popular exclamation.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (113. 150.)
(2) Those which nature has made a prey do I send you for a poor present.
Perdices timidae, quid nisi praeda sumus ? and again: Imbelles damae, quid nisi praeda sumus? These partridges, which according to their creation were a prey for my hawk this afternoon, should not have come in tam minuto numero, if the afternoon had not been extremely hot. A brace of them are thought to be old, all killed in the foot as myself can witness; so as the partridges nowadays have the same cause that in old time the partridges had to say odimus accipitrem, quia semper vivit in armis.
But what do I trouble you with these toys ? Nunc etenim versus et caetera ludicra pono.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (113. 151.)
[1605 or later]. Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury. Earl of Northampton. Richard, Bishop of London. Lord Wotton. John Harbert. Sir John Foscue. Sir Thomas Fleming. Justice Williams. Justice Warberton. Sir Julius Caesar. Sir John Benet. Sir Roger Wilbraham. Dean of Paul's. Dean of Westminster. Dean of Canterbury.—Undated.
In the Earl of Dorset's hand. The following note by Salisbury: "Fifteen or any 7 or more of them, of which 7 the Archbishop to be one and the Earl of Northampton, Bishop of London and the Lord Wotton to be another of the second quorum."
Endorsed: "Commissioners." 1 p. (115. 32.)
Lord Compton to the King.
[1605]. He prays for the benefit that may come to the King by the offence of John Bishop, committed to Hereford Gaol by the name of Foster, for misdemeanours in the county of Hereford.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (113. 155.)
Sir Walter Cope to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Three letters:—
(1) I presume you forget your "aprecockes," left with my Lord of Suffolk's cupboard keeper. If you please to send them to the King, George Beeston is a fit messenger. He came to me to know if I would trouble him with anything to the Court, and he cannot be more troubled than with the carriage of such forbidden fruit.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (113. 156.)
(2) Note as to how the town and Earls of Salisbury have been written.—Undated.
1 p. (143. 144.)
(3) I thank God Kensington is free from pox and plague, and all the "pees" but poverty; and yet although we be poor, we shall be proud to have such "gesse" [sic: guests ?] There can be none more welcome, unless we had the trees of the which they are branches.—Kensington. Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (191. 119.)
Sir Thomas Cornwallis.
[1605]. Brief of Sir Thomas Cornwallis's cause in the Star Chamber against John Tudge and others for perjury and subornation. The cause relates to an indenture made by Gilbert Littleton, father of Dame Anne, plaintiff's wife, granting certain lands after his death to her use; which indenture was denied in a suit in Chancery brought by John Littleton, son of Gilbert.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (P. 2492.)
[The Council] to [Captain Ersfield and another]. (fn. 1)
[1605]. A ship has ridden near Portsmouth 8 weeks undischarged, and the captain forbears to make entry of goods and suffers daily resort of boats. It is hereby apparent that he either intends defrauding the customs by landing goods secretly, or consorting with pirates, or taking in mariners to serve against the King's friends. "You two or any one of you" are therefore required to repair aboard the ship, make search of the goods, examine the mariners, and certify proceedings.
They are informed that "you, Captain Ersfield," although shown the King's letters patent and the Council's letters, have refused to go aboard the above ship; and require answer for this neglect.—Undated.
Draft in hand of Levinus Munck. Endorsed: "1605." 2½ pp. (192. 26.)
Captain Humphrey Covert to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Encloses copy of his petition, now in Mr. Calvert's hands, and begs Salisbury's favour.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (191. 121.)
Viscount Cranborne to the Same.
[? 1605]. Two letters:—
(1) He did not write last week as he was then at Royston. Though his lordship gave him leave to stay there some few days, yet he returned on Wednesday to his study.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (228. 9.)
(2) At this time there is a "commencement" in Cambridge, which is never performed without variety of many good exercises. If he may be a hearer of those disputations, in which he wishes himself an actor, he doubts not he will receive great benefit.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (228. 11.)
Lord Cromwell to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. By debts, payment of great legacies, intolerable charges in law, employment in costly services, imprisonment in the Tower, and other causes, he was so utterly overthrown that he could only unwind himself by selling all his land. Dealing therein with my Lord of Devon, he also bought some land of his lordship's in Ireland, to which he cannot furnish himself but by parting with his last remainder to his lordship, who, for some pretended title the College of All Souls in Oxford make to it, has desired a day of hearing. He asserts his title thereto, and begs Salisbury to stand his friend in the matter, so that he may be the sooner dispatched for Ireland. As he is there to encounter with many enemies of our true religion, and such as will malice him for his name's sake, he begs Salisbury to lend him a helping hand and also to extend his love to "this infant," the bearer.—Undated.
Signed: Ed. Crumwell. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 122.)
Agnes Crowcher.
[? 1605]. Notes touching the murder of the child of Agnes Crowcher, of Stockbury, Kent. Agnes accused one William Goldsmith of Newington to be the father, and required him to marry her, and afterwards ran into the fair at Sittingborne publicly exclaiming that he had begot her with child and would not marry her. There was some rumour that her father, Thomas Crowcher, was the father of the child. Crowcher, at the first view of the body, being drawn out of a hole in his own ground by his own dog, fell out with them that said it was murdered and said it was a rogue's child. Gives abstract of evidence and of enquiries made; and particulars of attempts made by Sir James Cromer and Thomas Fynch, justices of Kent, and others, to enforce witnesses to retract their testimony.— Undated.
Endorsed: "1605", and by Salisbury: "Snigg." 1 p. (114. 160.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 621.]
George, Earl Of Cumberland.
[1605]. "Moneys the late Earl of Cumberland stood indebted for to the late Queen at the time of her death and remaining undischarged."
For tonnage of the Lyon and Bonaventure, victualled March 1594, 1,620l. For money lost at bowls and play at Haford Lease, June 1597, 600l. For subsidy anciently due 965l. 16s. 8d. For port bonds, which were to return certificates for landing goods in some other port within the realm, the custom was first paid and nothing else due, 936l. 13s. 4d. For bonds for custom of wheat transported, 100l. For suretyship of old Thomas Norton the falconer, for his arrears of the rectory of Hinxton, 200l. Paid of the above sums, 266l. 13s. 4d.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605. Checkor debts." 1 p. (113. 158.)
Margaret, Countess Dowager of Cumberland, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. She confesses herself more favoured by him than the rest of the executors, and thanks him for the copy of the will, which she will observe. Asks for order for a commission from him and the rest of the executors, and the appointment of indifferent persons to appraise the goods of the testator, that the creditors may be the better satisfied. If this be Salisbury's pleasure, she will send to my Lord of Cumberland for a speedy answer. She begs his favour to her and her daughter in this troubled course.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: M. Cumberlande. Endorsed: "1605. La. Comberland." 1 p. (113. 159.)
The Earl of Cumberland.
[? 1605]. A minute to the Attorney General, with a warrant to permit the Earl of Cumberland to compound for any imperfections found in the grant of his lands.—Undated.
Draft. 1½ pp. (197. 65.)
The Earl of Cumberland and Lady Ann Clifford.
[? 1605]. "The case between the Earl of Cumberland and the Lady Ann Clifford." The suit concerns the Castle of Skipton and other lands, part of the inheritance left to Cumberland by his brother.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2302.)
Customs on Cloth.
[? 1605]. A decree for the relief of, with respect to the custom to be paid by, merchants of the port of Newcastle, the city of York, the town of Kingston upon Hull and the countries of the same; the allowance to be made to them by the farmers of the Customs being the 15th cloth free over and above the 10th cloth for a wrapper.
Signed: T. Dorset and Salisbury, but the signatures crossed out. Endorsed: "1604" [sic]. 1½ pp. (139. 309.)
The Earl of Derby.
[1605]. To move my Lord Chancellor that in the cause between the Lord Mayor and my Lord of Derby for a debt owing by Earl Ferdinando, ready to be heard in Chancery, that he may take his remedy by the common law. The manors which he would charge are entailed. The heirs general and others have other lands under the same entails.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (113. 162.)
Alice, Countess Dowager of Derby, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Thanks for his favours. She desires to move him "for the christening of a daughter of my daughter's." Her son Egerton will come himself to second it.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: A. Derby. Endorsed: "1605. Countess of Derby Dowager." 1 p. (191. 124.)
E., Countess of Derby, to her uncle, the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. She sends him this remembrance, notwithstanding she has written to Sir W. Coep [Cope], who has acquainted Salisbury with her desires. One thing she wishes to be added, which Ierland will inform Salisbury of, and receive his directions. —Undated.
Holograph, signed: E. Derby. Endorsed: "1605. Countess of Derby." 1 p. (191. 125.)
Richard Deringe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Thanks him for the grant of the wardship of Mr. Wast. He will use the widow with all courtesy, for avoiding opposition.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Richard Dering your lordship's servant." ½ p. (113. 160.)
The Countess of Desmond to the Same.
[? 1605]. By Salisbury's furtherance she has received answer to her suits from the King and Council. She is now minded to return to Ireland, and, to pay her debts here and furnish herself for the journey, prays that she may receive one year's pay beforehand of her pension of 200l. The Earl of Kildare will join her in bonds, that if she die within the year, to restore so much thereof as shall not fall due during her life.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1604" [sic]. 1 p. (189. 106.)
Lands in Devonshire (?).
[1605]. "A particular of the present estate of a person unnamed."
Includes 1,000l. per annum in land, apparently in Devonshire, and 4 demesnes or bartons; the land and demesnes being worth to be sold between 40,000l. and 50,000l.; 4 mansion houses furnished; debts due 1,400l.; plate and silver vessels 1,000l., etc. —Undated.
Endorsed: "1605. Rydgway." 1 p. (114. 116.)
The Earl of Devonshire to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Five letters:—
(1) Asks for warrant for a buck out of Enfield Park. —Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (113. 165.)
(2) If you hold your determination to go to-morrow to the Tower, let me know what time I shall come to you. If there be any other occasion, I am here in London and ready to attend you.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (113. 166.)
(3) Lameness has prevented him from attending the Court. It is a general weakness of that leg where long since he received his great hurt. He writes to know how the King is, and to offer him service.—Wanstead, Sunday.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 167.)
(4) If I may know where and what time I will come to you to wait with you on the Queen, send me word by this bearer.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (113. 168.)
(5) You may see by this letter I send you that my lieutenant stands on his guard as well in time of peace as of war. But because there may be somewhat more known to you than I can imagine, before I returned my answer to discharge the French gentleman I think good to let you know it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (113. 170.)
The Earl of Devonshire to the King.
[? 1605]. Sir John Talbot had such a grant of warders as is before mentioned in respect of his good service, and by the late Queen intended to be continued in time of peace. In regard of his service against the rebels of Ireland, I would think that so much lands whereof your Majesty hath but the reversion in the petition mentioned, being to be sold, worth some 600l. or 700l., were deservedly bestowed upon him, if your Majesty should think fit.—Undated.
Signed. ½ p. (197. 97.)
John Digby to his brother, Sir Everard Digby.
[1605]. I can only let you understand of my safe arrival in these parts, where I find many kind friends, unto whose charity I am much bound; but as yet have no proceeding in my pretended courses, but assured hopes of their best furtherances, although I want as yet the helping hand of the most valiant knight, who as yet is not returned hither, but daily expected. As for news, here is none but that which will be common with you before my Lord Ambassador's arrival, which is only of the loss of 500 men which the States have lost near Antwerp. It was thought they would have besieged Antwerp, but it was only a speech raised without sense. Remember my duty to my mother, to your wife, and the rest of my sisters. If you can help me to a high flying hawk, it will be a very acceptable present to him, who you know may be my especial friend. I could wish your companion were mine, if he could be brought to his quality of setting partridges. Be thankful in my behalf to my friends here for their charity towards me.—Undated.
PS.—Since writing this letter it was my chance to be at the arrival of the worthy knight, whose arrival is much rejoiced at in these parts.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Powder treason." ½ p. (113. 171.)
Sir John Doddridge, Solicitor General, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. He sends the draft of the grant of a pension to the Duke of Holste, leaving space for the amount of the grant and the Duke's title, which he takes in Latin to be Dux Holsatiae. It may be the law requires the grantee should be a denizen, but he thinks many such pensions have been formerly granted to strangers. Reasons for paying it in English money.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 173.)
Sir Robert Dolman.
[1605]. Warrant [to the Archbishop of York]. Sir Robert Dolman, employed by the Duke of Lennox in a commission concerning Lennox's land, is indicted for a recusant. As Lennox has so necessary use of Dolman in that commission, the Archbishop is to forbear committing him to any restraint till the commission shall be fully executed.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "Archbishop of York. 1605." ½ p. (191. 102.)
— Dorington.
[1605]. "Dorington's note of his bargain.
A true note of the charge that I have been at in the purchase of Somerley and North Asley over and above the 3,000l. paid for the land."—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (P. 2197.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. I thank you a thousand times for your letter, which has given me comfort. I beseech God to preserve you and your health, not only for yourself and your friends, but for the King and the State. For when your hand is from the helm, God knows what I am resolved to do. Do not adventure on Saturday, as you love yourself, for it will be too soon, and we have not nor are like to have then any matters worth your coming.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (191. 128.)
Sir Robert Dudley to the Same.
[1605]. Four letters:—
(1) His suit was referred by the King to the Lord Treasurer, the Lord Chief Justice and Salisbury. He begs Salisbury to arrange a meeting of the three to consider it and give their favourable opinions to the King thereof, whose disposition is to recompense him for his services. He is at great charge, not only for himself but also for divers men who are to undertake the work.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 1.)
(2) To the same effect as the foregoing. He begs that his suit may be speedily effected, in regard to his painful service and the great charge he was at, being Mayor of Newcastle at the receiving of his Majesty there; otherwise he is likely to be utterly undone and disgraced for ever.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 2.)
(3) He has been a suitor for two years that, in recompense of his services, he may have letters patent for the refining and sealing of lead; for which he offered 100l. a year. The suit was referred to the Lord Treasurer, the Lord Chief Justice and Salisbury. He finds that the same suit, first preferred by him is undertaken by a private man and others of Hull, who have confederated with certain citizens of London to obtain it, without any advancement of the revenue. He prays for Salisbury's favour in the matter. He finds it is of such value as may well reward him for his services, and yet sufficient also to satisfy the Hull men.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 3.)
(4) Another letter to the same effect.—Undated.
Signed. 1 p. (114. 4.)
The Earl of Dunbar to the Same.
[? 1605]. After his Majesty's coming to this house, he told me that he thought you was more able to forget a matter of ceremony or formality than a greater matter; and he said to me that he needed never to remember you upon any his great affairs, because you be more mindful of his errands than he is himself; but in a case of courtesy, being but mere ceremonial, he feared memory more than if it were of greater consequence. So it is his pleasure that I should put you in mind to send a gentleman, as from his Majesty, to visit the Spanish Ambassador, and to let him know that how soon it come to his Majesty's knowledge that he was diseased, his Majesty was sorry and most desirous to know of his estate. Your continual favours and great care of me, so oblige me unto you, as I must be a most unworthy traitor if ever I proved unkind.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 130.)
Merchant ship and goods taken by a Dunkirker.
[1605]. William Bryden, for his master Mathew Brownrigge, an English merchant, loaded in April last at Dantzig 80 lasts of rye in a ship of Holland bound for Ipswich. The ship was taken by a Dunkerker, who rifled it and imposed 5,500 guilders on the ship and goods, taking one man prisoner for the ransom thereof. The ship is rated but at 1,000 guilders, the rest being laid upon the goods. It is prayed that means may be made to the Archduke for the remission of the part laid on the goods, they having been loaded at a neutral place.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605. Brownrigge." 1 p. (113. 136.)
The Dean of Durham.
[1605]. Extracts from the statutes of Durham Cathedral.
(1) Cap. 6. Concerning the qualifications, election and admission of a Dean.
(2) Cap. ult. Concerning the visitation of the Church.
Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 25.)
Thomas Elliott to [Richard Percival], servant to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605. Six days before the last Parliament began, divers wild words, quoted, were spoken against the King at Wimborne, Dorset, by Margaret Trem, wife of John Trem, in the presence of Joan Leyford and others. The Trems are the worst recusants in Dorsetshire. Mass is said in their house by a seminary priest, and all his ornaments are there: cope, chalice, pax, holy water, with all other relics fit for Popery. Margaret has turned many people of late. Quotes further speeches of hers. He has brought up to London the witness Joan Leyford for examination but, his money being spent, he has carried her home again. He will return again to London to await speech with the King and begs Percival to acquaint Salisbury with the matter. 40 persons come to that house to mass, and Margaret keeps all the saints and relics in her house fit for them. Begs that Salisbury will deliver the enclosed petition to the King.— 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. For my Lord Chief Justice." 3 pp. (114. 6.)
The Enclosure:—Thomas Elliott to the King. Expresses his joy at the escape of the King from the "devilish, arrogant, perverse, and damned traitors, seminary priests, Jesuits and Papists." Recommends that they should be "quick lapped up alive in lead, with their arms spread abroad, and set upon the highest pinnacle in every city and port town in England, and let them there starve to death": to put the people in mind of this horrible treason. Also that near every church should be built a pair of gallows or gibbet, and all Papists and wilful recusants hanged there. Too much pity ever overthrows town and city, which pity good Queen Elizabeth ever used; and he fears the King will do so too.—1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (114. 5.)
The Earl of Essex to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) Recommends the bearer, Captain Win, for a company in the States' service.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: Ro. Essex. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 131.)
(2) Begs him to favour the suit of this poor man, who was servant to Essex's father.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: Ro. Essex. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (191. 132.)
Lord Eure to the Same.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) Excuses his absence, which is caused by an ague. He begs Salisbury to view "this particular," and direct him in proceeding to the King, if he thinks the suit reasonable.— Undated.
Holograph, signed: Ra. Eure. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 8.)
(2) He begs to be excused from his service in Court, on account of the ague.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: Ra. Eure. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (114. 12.)
The Earl of Exeter to the Same.
[1605]. Four letters:—
(1) I return you the letter, whereunto you are privy, that his Majesty sent to me by Sir James Hey. I accept it a most fortunate good hap that the writing fell out so happily to be found, lest by disaster I might have been ominous unto you, which should have been more grievous to me than the procuring of my own death. I know you have that fortitude that you will not wax cold to do that service which shall be thought fit for the honour of God, your Prince, and country; and thereby no doubt you shall offer a pleasing sacrifice to God which shall lay up treasure for you in heaven. Follow the steps of our dear father, that I hope is in heaven, who bare many of these storms and threatenings, and yet you saw God prolonged his years; and no doubt so will He deal towards you if you neglect the hazard of your own life for His sake. I am in opinion the party will not go on with his project, since his writing is found; neither will the Ambassador of Spain be solicited by any, lest thereby something might fall out to be discovered.—Undated.
PS.—You see how God plays His part in extraordinary discovering their treacheries; and I am in some opinion that it is done to terrify you if it may be, that paper being thus lost, and I knowing no Papist that is so great with me that has a son I can suspect fit for that purpose; and I think they that received the paper would not in so great a cause have so negligently have lost it. This is my opinion.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 9.)
(2) Hearing that Salisbury's plumber is dead, he recommends the bearer, Jeromy Laus, to his place. Salisbury cannot have a better workman, he having had good trial of him in his own works.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (191. 133.)
(3) I am entreated by the Mayor and Aldermen of Boston, that they may have the cause heard between the Queen's counsel and theirs about the royalty for the great fish that was taken, which they claim by their charters. As I could not deny them to move you and to give them easier access by my letter, I told them I found your meaning was not to quarrel with their charter, but that they should have a just hearing.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (191. 134.)
(4) On behalf of a gentleman who has a petition to present to Cecil and the rest of the Lords.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (206. 27.)
Charles della Faille to Dr. Taillour.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) Some of the creditors of Renzi have obtained a bankruptcy statute against him, by which they intend to have him declared bankrupt; in which case his pretended protection will be of no use. Therefore it is necessary that the meeting of the Commissioners (Commissaires) should be deferred till the protection can be made effective. I pray you to attend to the matter, so that our trouble may not be in vain. The Commissioners are Dr. Compton, Montagu, Wats, Wood, David and Harrison.— Undated.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 10.)
(2) He is secretary to the embassy of the Archdukes and writes for the Flemish merchants, subjects of the Archdukes, who are interested in the bankruptcy of Mathew Reyns [De Renzi], merchant, formerly resident in London. Reyns before his bankruptcy concealed a large quantity of valuable goods belonging to the above merchants; and they beg for order to the Lord Mayor to assist them in recovering them.—Undated.
Petition. French. Endorsed: "1605." 1½ pp. (114. 11.)
Fight at Foils.
[1605]. Names of persons to fight at foils.
Duke of Lenox
Lord Effingham
Lord Montegle
Lord Howard of Walden
Mr. Gunterott
Sir Thomas Somerset
Sir Charles Howard
Sir Thomas Monson
Sir Francis Howard
Sir John Graye
Sir Robert Mansell
Sir Lewis Mansell
Sir Edward Howard
Sir Roger Dalison
Sir John Leighe
Sir Edward Howard
Sir Henry Goodyer
Earl of Sussex
Sir Carey Reynolds
Lord Gerrard
Sir Robert Killegrewe
Lord Willoughby
Sir Robert Carey
Sir William Constable
Mr. John Digby
Sir Richard Hawghton
Sir Thomas Gerrard
Sir Oliver Cromwell
Sir William Harbert
Sir William Woodhouse
Sir Robert Drewry
Sir Thomas Badger
Sir William Woodhouse
Sir Thomas Dutton.
Endorsed: "1605. Fight at foils." 1 p. (115. 40.)
Another paper in the same hand, apparently an enclosure, contains the same names but differently arranged.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 39.)
Henry Garnet.
[? 1605]. No future action can fall under confession quoad actum, but only quoad propositum, for it is a principle in penance Mala comissa plangere plangenda non comittere.
In penance the first act is confessio, contritio, satisfactio, which order not being observed it is no penance. It is not cibus penitentialis when the penitent doth not submittere se clavibus Ecclesiae; in which case if the penitent do not assure reformation, and desist from the evil act, nothing that is delivered to [sic: in] his confession is delivered sub sigillo confessionis.
That he had it on the second hand sub sigillo secreti as superior to Greenway for his better resolution, it must needs follow that they both abetted that action; for by "schule" rules if this confession showed a purpose to persist in the action, it is no confession, and so they are not bound to conceal; but admit they had promised to desist, yet are they bound to admonish the State by all such means as may procure the preventing without detection. It is the cause, not the person. He is a poor seduced priest: returned not with a heart of an Englishman, but as one alieno mundo natus. He quits fidelity for an unnatural and unjust supremacy. We are now therefore not to arraign Garnet the Jesuit nor Walley the Provincial; but to unmask and arraign that misnamed presumptuous Society of Our Saviour Jesus Who if He were on earth again would say as God doth to the wicked: why dost thou take my name on thy mouth?
We may now defend that the priests' hands are full of bloody sacrifices; that their hearts are harder than adamant which relenteth when it comes to blood.
That we prove not their treasons by wit and inference, but by confession.—Undated.
In Salisbury's hand. Endorsed: "Garnett." 2 pp. (114. 18.)
William George to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. For your pedigree out of Wales, I cannot find Bleddyn's coat impaled, the ancientest of the 5 Princes of Wales. His name died in Elizabeth, your father's great grandmother. I have found his coat in the house of Thomas Prichard, a gentleman in Glamorganshire, son and heir of Richard Thomas, a gentleman learned and a herald in that country, where the genealogy of the ancient Princes of Wales are set forth. About 15 years past having found out the same, I came to London to acquaint your father therewith, was clapped in prison, and detained, by what means I dare not reveal, till last term I was set at liberty, by one Arnold, who sought my blood many ways; yet God defended me, and getting loose, I present my service to you.—Undated.
Holograph. Note at foot by Salisbury: "I desire none of these vain toys, nor to hear of such absurdities." Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 135.)
Declaration of Nathaniel Gilbie, Minister.
[1605]. "At Bletso the Dean of the Chapel before me and two others did take occasion to deliver his Majesty's disposition, his great understanding and readiness in the Scriptures . . . . as if he could imagine or be made know that these things . . . . unlawful which are now refused, he would never pr . . . . for any consideration. And at that time he . . . . for himself that he wished to have lost one joint . . . . these ceremonies were taken away: which I think . . . . in regard he was sorry for the hurts arising by . . . . [con]troversies. Therefore he did also wish . . . . would gather and set down such reasons as might . . . . unlawfulness.
Upon this occasion in Michaelmas term last I came unto [the Dean] then at Whitehall; and in the closet there showed . . . reasons as might seem to infer the unlawfulness . . . At the length I pressed certain axioms out of Zanchius, . . . . amongst other this one I remember to this effect: Tra . . . . impiae sunt cum homines majoribus plectuntur poenis ob ill[am trans] gressionem quam ob transgressionem mandatorum dei. The Dean answered that the fault was in the commander and not [him] that obeyed; for things might be unlawfully com[manded] and yet lawfully obeyed. And so we might yield . . . . things, though his Majesty did sin in urging and . . . . as he thought he did. Whereto I replied that he [would do] well to insinuate this his opinion to his Majesty. [He said] he had dealt with his Majesty and told him that it would . . . . the Gospel's proceeding.
Being told now that Lewes Pickering hath . . . . have told him that the Dean said the King did . . . . I dare not charge him with that very phrase but . . . . the rest do humbly beseech your Honour's pardon that . . . . of distance of time since passed and no expectation of . . . . repetition may not be urged to the very same words . . . . but only to accept this as the very sum and effect [of] my speech for this matter. For I dare not charge . . . . phrase, but somewhat he said to that effect."—Undated.
Signed: Nathaniel . . . . . Endorsed: "1605. The declaration of Mr. Gilbie, Minister." Damaged. 1 p. (114. 20.)
Sir Arthur Gorges.
[1605]. "Reasons for sealing such fustians as are made within the realm."
Fustian is the most common stuff now in request for hosen and doublets of the ordinary sort. Care ought to be taken that the making be not falsified, and that their due length and breadth be not diminished. Letters patent are therefore sought for the overseeing and sealing of the same, as there is for broad clothes, kerseys and like wares. 100l. a year is offered for the letters. Details of the proposed overseeing and sealing follow. A piece of fustian contains 32 yards, ½ an ell in breadth, and is commonly prised at 2s. to 3s. a yard. The charge for sealing would be 4d.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Sir Arthur Gorges suit. 1605." 1 p. (114. 22.)
Sir Edward Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. The fruits of a distempered voyage have returned me home with an extreme ague, which makes me not able to perform the duty to you my heart thirsts after. This morning Sir Thomas Gorges told me Sir Ferdinando Gorges was desperately sick and almost hopeless of recovery. If it please God to call him out of this world, give me your furtherance to the succeeding of him in that place. My long and chargeable service to my late Sovereign, and the small remembrance I have received since his Majesty's coming to the Crown, will move his Highness to have some compassion on my so reasonable request.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 23.)
The Greames.
[1605]. Names of prisoners, Armstrongs, Grames, and others, that made an escape forth of Carlisle Castle, being in the Sheriff's charge. Total 29.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 38.)
Sir Fulke Grevyll to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Three letters:—
(1) Your favour to my old father I will serve you for and I hope God will reward. I set down what I remember of those particulars which I heard related, when I took no precise note of them to any such end. Choose which of these you list, and do what you list in favour of him; for the merit of your own noble heart is and will be the best story and monument that can be published of his faith, and love to his country.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 136.)
(2) He begs Salisbury's leave to wait upon him to-morrow.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (191. 137.)
(3) He acknowledges Salisbury's favours and desires to know by the bearer how he does.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 138.)
Sibilla, Lady Grey, to the Same.
[1605]. She expresses her thanks to him for his favours to her unfortunate son in keeping their lands from the Receipt of the Exchequer and from all others and in seconding the motion made to the King by the Lord of Northampton for her son's liberty. Her unable body and sore eyes prevent her from travelling to perform compliments of duty, his Majesty being so near; and she is fearful by further petitions to trouble his sports and recreations.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 31.)
Lord Grey to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1605]. Three letters:—
(1) I have written another letter by Mr. Lieutenant, but fearing lest that may be stayed too long I have hasted this bearer to beseech you if it possibly may be that I may keep my lodging. Worthy Lord, perform this I humbly ask, or else give me some hope of a speedy dispatch from this misery: else I vow the chamber where I shall lie will in two months kill your most faithful and devoted friend.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (110. 131.)
(2) Mr. Lieutenant this morning told me that I must needs change my lodging. What is the cause or necessity I cannot imagine; only methinks it should be very great, that a prisoner that has been two years and a half close, and endured such misery as I have done, should be now even at last cast (for certainly if liberty prevent not, I wish not that life should longer protract my miseries) to lose the only ease which in misfortunes he enjoyed. Yet if so it must be, I even therein yield, for no way can I show my regenerate and submiss[ive] soul but by humble obedience in all: only may you help me: believe the honour you shall do me will be infinitely great: and the Constable Tower for whatever business can be will be as convenient as my poor lodging.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 32.)
(3) It is not strange that success fails in my affairs, for it is usual; neither do I yet despair, for God has and will help me. While you are but assistant, and not prime agent, I will not expect success. My Lord of Northampton has acquainted me how nobly you seconded his motion; which must be a perpetual bond to me; the more because you deal so plainly with me; for as I first loved you for your clear and sound dealing with your friends, and since besought you even at my death not to conceal the worst from me, so now I honour you for it, however the news be far more bitter than Mr. Sheriff's writ; for that gave me a sudden, a short death: this a protracted, a perpetual torment. But shall we receive good at the hand of God and not bad? Certainly it may not be, therefore whatever my gracious Prince's pleasure shall inflict I with more than patience and obedience humbly endure. Only to you, who enjoyed my first love of man in state, whom I honoured with dearest devotion: whom worthy affections once knit unto me in dear regard: unto whom I now last consecrate the only hope remains: to you I say, let me make this last petition, to direct me simply to surcease, or else favour my address to that friend of yours on whom before my troubles I relied my suit. If you will have me rest, return me word by this bearer that I must stay time; but if you allow me seeking your friend to prepare you the way, send me word that you wish me (so far as you may) well. This write I not that I hope for present dispatch, but only that your friend (if you and he please to undertake it) may have all this progress time to work it more easily. But if you find that yet this is above my hopes, or contrary to the course of your fortunes to allow me, with patience I attend my times, with humility and much affection acknowledge this high honour you now last did me, and recommend my hope to your favourable remembrance.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1½ pp. (114. 33.)
John Gyffard to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. He protests that he never was guilty of any matter of conspiracy, or practised anything concerning the State. It is true he ran into extreme danger, beyond his own understanding, and has no means but to fly to Salisbury for refuge. If he casts him off, his father would do the same, whereby he would be driven to extreme necessity. He hopes Salisbury will mitigate my Lord's indignation against him. Concerning the paper with the pearls, he remembers the writing to be a gentlewoman's of my Lady's called Mrs. Savell, who having wrapped therein a piece of riband of another gentlewoman's whom she imagined he loved, she pinned it to the hangers of his sword as he sat at cards, wherein since he had put those pearls and some silk, not taking notice of the writing.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 19.)
John Hardwicke to the Same.
[1605]. Being in Nottingham on Monday, he understood from the mistress of the house where he lodged that Mr. Farmar, a Catholic, had lain there a little before, but his behaviour was so fearful that she harboured him no longer. Farmar persuaded them of the house that they were utterly damned for receiving the communion or going to Church; prayed much in the night; and his purse was well furnished. She told him where Farmar went to. He could not apprehend Farmar without authority; but, seeing his Majesty's proclamation and one therein named Farmar, he certifies thus much.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 34.)
C. de Harlay to Monsieur Levins [Levinus Munck].
[1605]. As the Earl of Salisbury has given him an appointment at Whitehall, it would appear that their conference is to be with the Council also. He begs Levinus to tell him what he knows of the matter.—Undated.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 122.)
Thomas Harriot to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Acknowledges his favour. Begs him to extend it further for his release out of this dungeon of his many miseries.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 40.)
George Harrison to the Same.
[1605]. Begs him to further his suit, with regard to which he encloses certificates. The suit would relieve him of a debt of 2,000l. Sir Nicholas Saunder has undertaken for him in all things connected with the suit.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 35.)
Lord Haryngton to the Same.
[1605]. He begs his furtherance in procuring the payment of the allowances which he is to require for the necessaries of her Grace the Lady Elizabeth.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (114. 36.)
Eliza, Lady Hatton, to the Same.
[1605]. She begs his favour in a cause concerning a young lady, sometime Salisbury's ward. She encloses particulars of the case.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (144. 46.)
Sir Gawen Hervy to the Same.
[1605]. A note of all your lordship's letters I can find amongst my father's papers, that have been written these two years past; all which I have delivered to Mr. Levinus to return to you again.
1605 August 1; about the lions. July 31; the same. July 28; the same. Feb. 25; to show a writing to my Lord Cobham of certain leases. Jan. 29; for the Spanish Ambassador to see the Tower. Jan 22; for Mr. FitzJames to see Sir W. R. Jan. 25; to show the Tower to the Lord Chancellor of Scotland. 1604, Dec. 28; for Mr. Auditor Goughton to see my Lord Cobham. Same date; for Mr. Wood the preacher to come to my Lord Cobham. Nov. 29; for Monsieur de Fountayn to see the Lord Cobham. Nov. 24; for Mr. Hill to see the Lord Graye. Nov. 21; for Sir Arthur Throckmorton to come unto my Lord Gray. Oct. 25; for Sir Edward Moore to speak with my Lord Cobham. Oct. 25; for Mr. Hull to come to Sir W. R. Oct. 5; for Captain Kemishe to come to Sir W. R. Sept. 20; Dr. Poe to come to Sir W.R. Aug. 27; touching the coming of Tho. Farre to James FitzGerald. Aug. 25; to suffer Sir John Gilbert to speak with Sir W. R. Aug. 10; for Captain Wood and Spilman to come to Sir W. R. July 8; about the young lion. Aug. 7; about a collar lent to my Lord Cobham. July 28; about restraint of prisoners. July 23; Sir John Smith to speak with my Lord Cobham. July 11; my Lord Gerrard to speak with my Lord Graye. June 23; Sir Carew Ralegh to speak with Sir W. R. June 29; Sir Edw: to speak with my Lord Cobham. June 16; my Lord of Pembroke's man to speak with Sir W.R. May 16; for the Lieutenant to come unto him. April 27; Mr. Warden of Winchester to come to my Lord Cobham. April 18; to mat my Lord Cobham's chamber. April 1; Dr Poe to come to my Lord Cobham. March 29; Mr. Nicholas Sanders to come to Sir W. R. March 21; my Lord Cobham's cook to come unto him. Feb. 24; to send his lordship any written discourse. Feb. 23; Mr. Peter Vanlore to speak with Sir W. R. Feb. 7; Sir Anthony Standen to send the "Corone". Jan. 21; that the King is pleased Sir Ge: Ca: should see Sir W. R. Jan. 18; to let Mr. Shelbrye come to Sir W. R. 1603, Dec. 30; Sir John Leuson to come to my Lord Cobham. Dec. 27; the Lord Cobham's servant to go at liberty. Dec. 23; Sir George Carew to have access to Sir W. R. Dec. 23; to let my Lord Cobham's clerk of his kitchen come. Dec. 20; Sir W. R.'s trunk. Oct. 19; to let Mr. Mellershe speak with my Lord Cobham. Oct. 5; about my Lord Cobham his sister and niece. Sept. 23; a kind letter to the Lieutenant. Aug. 20; a warrant to the Postmaster. Aug. 20; Dr. Langton to come to my Lord Cobham. Aug. 18; two desks sent to my Lord Graye. Aug. 6; Mr. George Brooke to be used as in Sir John Payton's time.
The Lords commanded me to deliver to Sir William Waad all letters or warrants which concerned prisoners' keeping or liberty, which have been heretofore directed to my father; but I thought in this to use my discretion. For such warrants as came from the Lords in general I think it necessary to deliver them; but for private letters I am otherwise determined.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Letters written by my Lord to the late Lieutenant of the Tower." 2 pp. (191. 139).
Benjamin Hewes to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Sir William Cob, a knight of Norfolk, having been lately absolved among the Catholics of the Low Countries, and likely by the company he was conversant with to be one of this horrible conspiracy, is secretly returned and concealed. If Salisbury pleases to employ him, he hopes to find Cob.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Benjamin Hues." 1 p. (114. 43.)
Christopher Heyborn to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Thanks him for the benefits he has received at his liberal hands and offers services. He is well entreated in Scotland, both by my Lord and my Lady, and cannot wish for more satisfaction of his travail than he receives. His lodging is quiet and cleanly, his diet wholesome and good, the walks and air cold and dry, and his purse still full of gold. For all this contentment he may thank Salisbury.—Starlynge.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 39.)
Sir Edward Hoby to the Same.
[1605]. He excuses his not being able to be present among his fellows as he was warned, he having entered into physic, as Dr. Fryer may witness, which has brought his body very low.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (191. 141.)
Hollanders and Dunkirkers.
[1605]. Two merchants ships of Dunkirk departing out of Dover road were immediately followed by 4 men-of-war of Holland, without staying two tides after, according to his Majesty's proclamation, insomuch that the ships were constrained to put into Whitsand Bay, where the Hollanders have besieged them that they cannot come forth. The like is done by the Hollanders to two ships of Dunkirk lying in the roads of Portsmouth and Sandwich.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605. Memoire del Sor Juan Ba Tassis." ½ p. (192. 55.)
Sir Richard Houghton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605. I understand by Lord Gerard he had moved you concerning some unkindness Lord Derby has taken against me, about some wrecks of wines fallen in Lancashire: which conceit, grounded by my Lord in regard of my errors, not knowing the jurisdiction of the Admiralty, has bred suspicion of my carriage towards his lordship; which I protest was in no sort to give him dislike, nor to offer to encounter one of his rank, bearing but the place I hold, besides the love I have borne him. The service I would have done him should not have been inferior to the best gentleman in that shire. Having brought myself into a labyrinth where I never intended, I entreat you to take the matter into your own power without further grief to me, wherein you shall find me ready to yield and deserve the love that his lordship shall be willing to afford me.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605," and the following list of names: Sir Ri. Houghton, Sir W. Curtney, Sir Jh. Gurley, Sir R. Kerr, Sir Ed. Read, Sir Rich. Ogle, Sir Ed. Fizgerald, Sir Ni. Poynts, Sir J. Bolle, Sir F. Vere, Sir R. Southwell, Sir J. Hele, Sir Mich. Mollyns, Sir Ed. Fytton. 1 p. (114. 44.)
The Earl of Huntingdon to the King.
[? 1605]. Petitions to be allowed to succeed in due course to the office held by his grandfather of Lieutenant for the counties of Leicester and Rutland. Meanwhile he prays his Majesty to appoint as commissioners the late deputies, who are Lord Harington, Sir Andrew Noel, Sir Francis Hastings and Sir Thomas Cave.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (197. 14.)
Chief Remembrancer's Office, Ireland.
[? 1605]. An account of the controversy between Richard Hoper and John Bingley as to the reversion of the above office, said to have been granted to the former July 12, 1603, and by the latter's misrepresentation afterwards awarded to himself and one Richard Colman. Addressed to the Earl of Salisbury. —Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1603" [sic]. 1 p. (103. 19.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–1606, p. 76.]
Soldiers in Ireland.
1605. "The Captains serving his Majesty in Ireland" to "the Lords in England."
For Order for the apparel for the soldiers for the approaching winter season, 1605.—Undated.
½ p. (206. 24.)
Captain Thomas Jackson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Eight letters, five of them addressed to the Earl as Viscount Cranborne.
He begs favourable answer to his petition to be reestablished into the command of a company at Berwick, or else for a pension of 6s. 8d. per diem, in reward for the blood and substance he has spent in the service of the State; and that his sister Jane Samon, widow of Wylfred Samon, gent., may be included in the pension for 2s. 6d. per diem, if she shall survive him. He refers to imputations against him that he intended the disgrace of Lord Hunsdon, and that he sought to oppose their lordships in their designs for Berwick. He lives now in imprisonment in his lodgings in London, through want. The letters are very rambling and interspersed with religious reflections.—Undated.
Holographs. Endorsed: "1605." 8 pp. (114. 47–54.)
Royal Jewels.
1605. Bill of Sir John Spelman, the King's jeweller, for gold tablets, set with diamonds and rubies, containing the King's and Queen's pictures, etc.
1 p. (140. 197.)
Sir Robert Johnson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1605]. My suit is, that in the assignment of the Surveyors' places, you will vouchsafe me to have Sir Thomas Neale's division, myself inhabiting in that part. And because the Cinque Ports are in that division, wherein I may do his Majesty very profitable services in avoiding of great charges about the office of the ordnance, I do the rather desire to have it. It was my chance to hear Mr. Norden move Mr. Chancellor for the West country, and he said then that your Honour and he would give some respect to me because of my years and other deserts. But now perceiving Mr. Hersey endeavours to have that division is the reason of my suit.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1603" [sic]. 1 p. (103. 23.)
John Jolles to the Same.
[1605]. He is in election to serve as one of the Sheriffs of London. Sir Baptist Hickes, Sir William Herrik, Sir James Deane, Mr. Banyng and others have, by means from the Court or by fines, wrought themselves from this service. It is very likely to fall upon him, as he has no way by friends to avoid the charge, and they will not let him go by fine. He begs Salisbury's favour to his Majesty that he may have the title of knighthood (fn. 2), which all the aldermen have, and which the Sheriff which shall serve with him has. Refers to his services in suppressing broils and strifes in the City since 1588.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (144. 55.)
Edward Jones to the Same.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) He desires to enter Salisbury's service. He has made collections of divers kinds, which may give him that pleasure which the eye has in looking upon the diversity of flowers. He presents for his garden some slips which have had the hap to spring this dry summer. Though they may there seem but thistles, yet if they delight Salisbury, he will think as well of them as the physicians do of carduus benedictus. Begs him to appoint the titles, and offers presents of other kinds.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605; with a book of sentences pro et contra." 1 p. (114. 56.)
(2) You seemed yesterday offended that in the suit of Lord Danvers I sought a patent for an allowance from the King. Give me leave to make my excuse according to the truth. The Lord Treasurer in the Council's presence delivered, as their order, that I should have an allowance in the pound out of the King's part of the increase, as well as out of the rest; and I knew no way to have it but by the usual way of a patent. As for the proportion of the allowance demanded by me, 1,000l. would have yielded but 250l. to me, and 50 clerks and deputies which the several shires would require, besides Westminster Hall; and that at the rate of 5l. a man yearly would not have left a penny to myself. But seeing how it is offensive, I cease to desire office, patent or portion, or anything else that shall be displeasing to you.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605," also the following list of names: W. Herle, Mr. Kyffen, Mr. Dolman, Rob. Churchman, R. Piggott, Mr. Jobson, Mr. Lylly, Captain Lisle, Mr. Saunder. 1 p. (114. 57.)
Ben Jonson to "the most nobly-virtuous and thrice-honoured Earl of Salisbury."
[1605]. Most truly honourable. It hath still been the tyranny of my fortune so to oppress my endeavours, that before I can show myself grateful (in the least) for former benefits, I am enforced to provoke your bounties for more. May it not seem grievous to your lordship that now my innocence calls upon you (next the Deity) to her defence; God himself is not averted at just men's cries. And you that approach that divine goodness, and supply it here on earth in your place and honours, cannot employ your aids more worthily than to the "commune" succour of honesty and virtue, how humbly soever it be placed. I am here (my most honoured Lord) unexamined, or unheard, committed to a vile prison, and (with me) a gentleman (whose name may perhaps have come to your lordship) one Mr. George Chapman, a learned and honest man. The cause (would I could name some worthier) though I wish we had known none worthy our imprisonment, is a (the word irks me, that our fortune has necessitated us to so despised a course) a play, my Lord, whereof, we hope, there is no man can justly complain that hath the virtue to think but favourably of himself, if our judge bring an equal ear; marry, if with prejudice we be made guilty afore our time, we must embrace the asinine virtue Patience. My noble Lord, they deal not charitably who are too witty in another man's works, and utter sometimes their own malicious meanings under our words. I protest to your Honour, and call God to testimony, (since my first error, which yet is punished in me more with my shame than it was then with my bondage) I have so attempered my style that I have given no cause to any good man of grief; and, if to any ill, by touching at any general vice, it hath always been with a regard and sparing of particular persons. I may be otherwise reported, but if all that be accused should be presently guilty, there are few men would stand in the state of innocence.
I beseech your most ho. lordship suffer not other men's errors or faults past to be made my crimes; but let me be examined, both by all my works past, and this present, and not trust to rumour, but my books (for she is an unjust deliverer both of great and small actions) whether I have ever (in anything I have written, private or public) given offence to a nation, to any public order or state, or any person of honour or authority; but have equally laboured to keep their dignity as mine own person safe. If others have transgressed, let not me be entitled to their follies. But lest in being too diligent for my excuse, I may incur the suspicion of being guilty, I become a most humble suitor to your lordship that with the ho. Lord Chamberlain (to whom I have in like manner petitioned) you will be pleased to be the grateful means of our coming to answer; or if in your wisdoms it shall be thought unnecessary, that your lordships will be the most honoured cause of our liberty, where freeing us from one prison, you shall remove us to another, which is eternally to bind us and our Muses to the thankful honouring of you and yours to posterity; as your own virtues have by many descents of ancestors ennobled you to time.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (114. 58.)
Frances, Countess of Kildare, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. I was on Friday at the Blackfriars, with Sir John Lucons and my cousin Duke Broke, about the evidences and writings they should have out. I only desire one, which is like to a letter, a writing signed by my Lord [Cobham] but not sealed. I know not whether it be at Cobham or at the Blackfriars. There are so many papers cast about that I should be very glad to be wholly dispossessed of them, for many letters concern foreign cases whereof use might be made. They are unfit for women to see or men of mean judgment, for they concern state causes. I should be much bound to you if you would procure a command from the King that I should be freely acquitted of them all. If any evidence concern me, I presume of your conscience to right me in all things.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (199. 123.)
Josias Kirton.
[? 1605]. Grievances of the inhabitants of the county of Wilts against Josias Kirton, muster master of the said county. —Undated.
1 p. (206. 93.)
Lord Knollys.
[1605]. Memorandum describing the method of dealing with fines and forfeitures of recognizances, which are written by the Clerk of the Estreats into schedules, sealed, and sent down to the sheriff to be levied by him. Out of them, the issues of jurors are granted in farm to Sir Henry Bronkard for 1,000l. per annum. The rest of the titles contained in the schedules were certified by the Clerk of the Pipe not to exceed 2,800l. per annum. The Lord D'Anvers and Sir John Gilbert have obtained of the King three-fourths of whatsoever they shall hereafter advance out of the said fines, over and above the said 2,800l.: i.e. to Lord D'Anvers 2 fourth parts, and to Gilbert 1 fourth part. Lord Knollys is a suitor for the remaining fourth part remaining in the King's hands.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605. Lord Knollys his suit." 1 p. (114. 62.)
Lord Knollys to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Being this day at Reading, one Mr. Buck brought hither certain persons of Basingstoke which assaulted and wounded him, he having a priest in his custody to bring before your lordships. I find the chief who began this fray is worthy to be punished and think fit he make his repair with Mr. Buck to answer his misdemeanour; but have discharged the others, either to be punished by the officers of Basingstoke or be bound to appear. Touching the priest that then escaped, Mr. Buck, having seen one called Thomas Stannye, says he is the man. He was not long since brought before Sir Henry Nevell and Mr. Backhouse for stabbing a servant in an inn at Okingham, and said he did it because he was a heretic. Nevell and Backhouse brought him to me, but he would say nothing, though formerly he had confessed vagrant speeches; and surely he is either merely distracted, or else a notable counterfeit. He has talked at random whether it were lawful to kill a king, being a heretic or not, but denies it again, and now he is mute. He is here safe in the gaol and shall remain till your pleasure be known. He seems desirous to die, for he eats no meat. If he be a counterfeit he must have torture used to him, and the sooner the better, for he seems to have great matters in his head. Had it not been that the Prince comes to Graves in his way to Woodstock, I would have attended you myself.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: W. Knollys. Endorsed: "L. Knollys. 1605." 1 p. (191. 144.)
Thomas Knoyll to —.
[1605]. The 27th of this present Dr. Sharpe came to me from Dr. Thomas Easken to this purpose, that the King feared a surprise shortly, and that he had that confidence in me, knowing my true allegiance, as to hazard myself and such friends as I had about this town that were of worth, when any such matter should be attempted: and in the meantime to deliver in a schedule of their names, worth and lodging, and that the King would take it for very acceptable service.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605", and by Salisbury: "Tho. Knoill." ½ p. (114. 61.)
Maurice Kyffin to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. By Salisbury's direction he is removed out of his house, and has received warning from his service. It would have been most grievous to him to be removed for any other cause than his religion, which is as it was for some years in Lord Burghley's days. If Salisbury had warned him of his intention to discharge him, he might have matched himself in marriage to the bettering of his estate. As he is much condemned in Salisbury's house for obstinacy in refusing to go to church, and refusing conference with Salisbury's chaplain, he encloses the reasons which move him to the religion he now professes.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 63.)
Sir William Lane to the Commissioners for the Tower.
[1605]. The Lord of Northumberland prays that Sir Edward Francis may have access to him to confer as to his debts and other business; also one Elks a scholar, recommended to the Earl as fit to teach his young son.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 64.)
Sir William Lane to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Four letters:—
(1) Since your last direction I have suffered some letters, consisting only of mutual comfort and compliment, to pass between my Lord [of Northumberland] and his Lady. He continues as from the first no less confident in his own innocency, than now well assured of an honourable and sincere prosecution, nor impatient to attend his Majesty's pleasure. I would beg three hours' conference at my own house with my wife, whose evil health denies her access to me. To hope after an end of this service till you give some taste thereof, I intend not.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 65.)
(2) You shall receive a letter by this bearer from my Lord [Northumberland], the copy whereof I had intended to send you, but Mr. Lieutenant and I being acquainted with the letter, his opinion was rather to stay the copy. I thank you for my liberty sometimes to visit my wife, whom I fear I shall not visit long.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (114. 66.)
(3) I desire to hear more certainly of your better health than the wild reports of this desert place afford. My Lord [Northumberland] rests as before in a dutiful expectance of his Majesty's gracious pleasure, which for my own particular I could also wish to be effected, if it might so stand with the higher and more important considerations.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 67.)
(4) Though I conceived I might have sent this letter of the Earl's without your privity, considering the person to whom it is directed, yet I had rather offend in being a little too curious, than in this service assume to my own judgment more than might become me. The letter contains as high a protestation of innocency as can be uttered by the tongue of a man. I have appointed my man to receive the letter again and deliver it to my Lord of Exeter.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 68.)
Lettice, Countess of Leicester, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) In all my distresses give me leave to flee to you for help. There is a poor gentlewoman called by authority to speak her conscience in our cause, wherein, as you may see by the interrogatories, she has said nothing to deserve blame, nor otherwise than divers other witnesses have spoken, and not far disagreeing in my judgment to my La. Shefeld's own confession; for she says she took herself to be with child at Dudley Castle, and they say they thought she had a child there, which sounds no more to her dishonour than her own speech. Consider how unjustly they go about to molest this woman, only to give a scandal of disgrace to our witnesses. I mean to-morrow a petition shall be delivered to your lordships in her behalf, who is old and not fit to take an idle journey.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 74.)
(2) I entreat you see this matter perfected that so nearly concerns me. It seems they spurn still at the order, but I hope your lordships will rather maintain what is censured and already enrolled, and make them see they have been favoured, than any way alter what has been done. I desire but my quiet, which I trust this will bring me. I entreat also your favour towards this bearer my brother, who has suffered much molestation for his faithful service, as he can best tell you.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 75.)
Elizabeth, Lady Leighton, to the Same.
[1605]. Three letters:—
(1) She has long been buried from society, but being as it were raised from the dead, and forced to converse in the world, she hopes Salisbury will not be offended to be humbly saluted by her. Though her fortune be sunk with the fall of their dear late Queen, yet her faithful affection cannot change; and this she can promise him. As a testimony, she presents him with some of her handiwork.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: E. Leighton. Endorsed: "1605. Lady Leighton." 1 p. (114. 76.)
(2) She thanks him for accepting her present. To-morrow their business touching the assart lands will be examined in the Star Chamber, and she claims Salisbury's promise to be present, as her chiefest confidence is in him.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 77.)
(3) She thanks him for his acceptance of her present and his favourable letter. She passed a tedious time of sickness and weakness, the loss of her dear Mistress the late Queen not being the least [sic]. She rejoices to find that Salisbury still holds the Queen in fresh memory. Begs his favour touching the composition for the assart lands, that Mr. Leighton may be accepted, before his base tenants, to have the honour of the purchase. He, and all the owners of the manor of Feckenham before, have been the Prince's only tenants for those lands, and pay the rents, and she hopes the Commissioners will consider Mr. Leighton's many services. Encloses reasons in support. Begs him to be present at the next hearing of the cause.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605", and the following list of names: La. Leighton, La. Harvey, La. Stafford, La. Williams, La. Gorges, La. Dygby, La. Remington, La. Wingfeild, Mrs. Malby, La. Sandes, La. Lovell, La. Mary Rogers, La. Cook, La. Read, La. Bulkley. 2 pp. (114. 78.)
The Duke of Lennox to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. The letters of the Council to Mr. Attorney for drawing a proclamation touching the alnage of the new draperies, granted by letters patent to me, have taken no effect, as Mr. Attorney says, proclamations are to be made only for the King and the public State, and not for a subject's benefit. I pray you give order to Mr. Solicitor who drew my patent for drawing a form of a publication thereof, that the same may be printed for better enabling my deputies to execute the office, and to pass his Majesty's rent; according to a precedent which this bearer Mr. Hadsor will show you.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (114. 79.)
Sir Melchior Levan to [the King ?].
[? 1605]. In consideration of service done to her late Majesty in her wars, in Portugall, Cales, Ireland, and the Low Countries, he was granted a licence for the sole importation of steel from beyond the seas; which having been declared a monopoly and repugnant to the laws of the realm he is unable to obtain any benefit from the grant. Prays that he may have instead the benefit of certain forfeitures due to the Exchequer, to a certain value.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (119. 18(2).)
Charles de Ligny.
[1605 or later]. "Charles de Ligny's relation to his Majesty's Ambassador in France."
He left Cambray, his native place, for England, having letters of recommendation to the confessor of the Constable of Castile. Coming towards Gravelines, there came in the suite of the Vice-Admiral a Jesuit named Dr. Noiriche (now living in Rome) and another named Master Speelleer, a domestic of Garnet's; who informed the confessor they had need of a young man knowing Italian, Latin and French; and he entered their service, not knowing them to be Jesuits on account of their disguises. He fell ill and they carried him to a place of Garnet's 5 miles from London, which served as a stopping place for Jesuits and priests, where they said their masses. When cured he was carried to Speelleer's house a little below St. Paul's, going towards Temple Bar. Thence he went often to the house of Speelleer's brother, a procureur, near a gate of the City, having for a sign a dog with its head in a pot. The procureur is of the reformed religion, but his wife is a Catholic. After making trial of him, they carried him to another house some distance from London, where he found Garnet in company with several Jesuits and gentlemen, who were playing music: among them Mr. William Byrd, who played the organs and many other instruments. To that house came, chiefly on the solemn days observed by the Papists, many of the nobility, and many ladies by coach or otherwise. For better safety the place of meeting was changed from time to time, by which means they stayed in England with incredible security. Thus that country will never be without conspiracies, in which the Jesuits always intermeddle. Fearing for his safety among such people, he took leave of them, and found some countrymen of his, merchants at the Exchange, who charged him with letters to the Seminary of St. Omer, and to Brussels, to Jesuits named Father Baldwin and Hugo Odoeno [Owen], an Englishman who has been prisoner in Brussels at the solicitation of the English Ambassador, but who is at present in Spain. He embarked for Gravelines, but returned to London, resolved to acquaint the Council or others with the said Jesuits. Being lodged near the Tower, at the sign of the Fleur de Lys, he was arrested on account of certain papistical books written by William Byrd, and dedicated to Seigneur Henry Houardo, Earl of Northampton, of the Privy Council. Before leaving the Jesuits, they had given him a passport from the Ambassador of France, Monsieur de Beaumont; and on account of this passport he was released from Nieugueth [Newgate]. He started for Italy, but first went to his mother's house, and was received into the English seminary for some time: but renouncing the Jesuits' seditions, he went to Paris, intending to make the above declaration to the English Ambassador there and to offer his services. He desires to make discovery of the deceits of the Jesuits and others in London and the environs; but to do this it is necessary he should go to England to identify them; and he begs the Ambassador's help to do so.—Undated.
Unsigned. French. 3½ pp. (191. 147.)
Henry Lok to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Three letters:—
(1) At the first revealing of "these devilish practices" he offered his services, but received no answer, which makes his life tedious to him: which wants or disgraces could never do. He desires to live no longer than he is fit to serve his country. He therefore offers his services again.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 81.)
(2) I have attended these four days your leisure, but finding the frequency of suitors and small necessity of use of these enclosed letters, I have not pressed to your presence. I would have signified to you that I understand John Colvil is in town. As for this other letter of Mr. Becon's, tending directly to his Majesty's service and yours, and nothing concerning me, I refer the consideration to you. By speech since, he has made overture of some particular projects, whereof I suppose you may make good use. As for the other two letters, I think they may be burnt: I have taken order for the receipt of more of them. I look for him next week by land, in company of the E. of Crawford, who is this way to pass to France; who, if, when he come, he bring not greater matter with him than these former letters import, or than that he intercepted, I should suspect he were either made a stale to make old Archibald more respected here, or at the least suspected and not trusted.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 82.)
(3) He is threatened with complaints to the Lord Chamberlain and finds no hope of relief from his Majesty or Killigrew. To prevent him from starving in prison, he craves employment, by carrying a packet to Sir Thomas Edmondes. He could then keep himself some few months out of danger, and pay his debts; also bestow his eldest son in those parts. He begs Salisbury to obtain him leave to part with his place of attendance, to make benefit of it for his relief. He would then settle in some hermitage, either at Alderney, or in Ireland.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 80.)
[See Calendar of S.P. Dom.: 1603—1610, p. 307.]
The alderman's deputy, common council, churchwardens and ancient inhabitants of St. Sepulchre's without Newgate, [London], to the Same.
[? 1605]. It has lately pleased the King to advance Dr. Androwes, Dean of Westminster, to the bishopric of Chichester, by means whereof a residencer's place in St. Paul's is now void and in his Majesty's gift.
They pray that the same may be bestowed upon Dr. Spenser, vicar of the said parish, whose living is very small and insufficient to maintain his family, having charge of 20,000 souls within that great and spacious parish.—Undated.
Signed: Ralphe Garfielde deputy; John Matingley, George Pedlar, James Hodgson, Olyver Easton, Ralphe Smyth, Jhon Webster, William Porter, Hennery Callaway, John Odway, Nychollas Robert, Willam Larkine, William Baigley and Thomas Cornish; Henry Bowlind, Thomas Dennis, Robart Peake and John Lowe, churchwardens. 1 p. (197. 88.)
[1605]. Suit for the holding of a lottery, by applicants unnamed. 2,000l. per annum is offered for the grant. The conditions named are to hold one or more lotteries, in one or more places in any part of the kingdom, in such a manner as shall be thought convenient. All magistrates to assist the same. The lotteries to pass under the names of such use and works of piety as the King shall assign the revenues unto. During the time of their exercise, no other lotteries to be permitted.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 83.)
Jane, Lady Lovell, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) She complains that a pursuivant of my Lord of Canterbury's, presuming on a warrant for ordinary search about the town, broke open her house at Highgate and her coffers and closet, and took away all her pictures and books. This has been done without any offence on her part, except in the contrariety of her religion. He also took from her lodgings in London a Rems Testament and other books, and searched her belongings; and because she would not suffer him to take away a picture of Christ and a tablet of gold with the name of Jesus enamelled on it, he charged the constable to carry her to gaol. She applied to the "Bishop" of Canterbury for redress, but perceived he was possessed with many untruths against her, pretending she had priests in her house. It is impossible for her to have a priest either there or here, being in a Protestant's house. She prays Salisbury for the restoration of her goods; also that she may have his protection in the future as a gentlewoman of quality. She would esteem it more favour to be committed to prison than to be disquieted with pursuivants in her lodging so much as she has been. She wrote before concerning abuses by pursuivants; and also moved Salisbury for the release of her servant, committed to prison by the Bishop of London only for changing his name.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. The Lady Lovell." 2 pp. (114. 84.)
(2) The Council upon unjust information have made her a prisoner in her house. This brings upon her an imputation of guilt of which she is altogether innocent. If her answer already given does not prove it, she begs that she may be brought to answer, and being acquitted of the malicious slanders, she may have licence to remove to London for a time. She prays also that her accusers may receive some check, if not punishment. If this be not done, she will be forced to leave her house altogether, which would be no small trouble, having settled herself and children there. She begs the privilege of a poor gentlewoman not to be subject to every base constable to examine, search, and apprehend the friends that come to her and her servants, as of late they have done.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Lady Lovell." 1 p. (114. 85.)
Lawrence Marbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. According to your direction I found the gentlemen ushers had nailed up all the doors over his Majesty's lodging, so as I hope he shall receive no disturbance that way. But the house is so much out of repair that if it should rain it would rain into his Majesty's bedchamber. I understand by my Lord of Montgomery that his Majesty likes the house very well, and disposes of himself in his sports to-morrow in the forenoon in hawking in the park; and in the afternoon, as is supposed, to the river below Walton, because he spent this day in the river above it. You will receive further satisfaction by Sir Roger Aston.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 87.)
Anne, Lady Markham, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1605]. In such a perplexity has your heavy displeasure left me that I hardly dare plead for so unworthy a wretch as you conceive me; yet my miserable necessity constrains me to beg you and my Lord of Suffolk to hear Sir Anthony Ashley and me speak for my trial in his accusations; where, if I be not able to wash my hands clear of that he accuses me with, I desire first shame, next punishment. For what I said to you of the Countess of Shrewsbury was no more than two of her followers reported in my house openly before some good witness; therefore I hope will be thought no malicious fiction of mine; though without your protection her displeasure may make me smart for it. For my inwardness with the Jesuits, if any can charge me with any conversation with them more than I freely delivered to you, when you said I should receive no hurt thereby, since his Majesty's coming to the Crown, I crave law without favour. God knows, and you may know, if this accident do not bring me to public note, I abhor them and their actions. Yet do I not write this thinking to save myself from the trial of Sir Anthony's accusations; for I know you can peer deeper matters than this; neither do I desire to hide the secrets of my heart from you, especially in these actions, which begun in me out of my desire to clear myself in your opinion of all familiarity with the odious Jesuits, and to express my thankfulness for the great mercy my husband has received. Suspend your judgment of my favouring any such dangerous men as these three years I have held them.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604" [sic]. 1 p. (108. 140.)
Francis Merbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Speaks of Lord Burghley's favour to him, and Lord Salisbury's adoption of his father's excellencies. When Salisbury granted his suit, his constrained absence for 2 years hindered his service to him; and after his return he desired to renew it. "My Lord of Canterbury commended me to his Majesty to be his chaplain. He remembered not that I was your chaplain, but presently wrote to my Lord Chamberlain to swear me. His Grace gave me not the least knowledge of his purpose. By these means a semblance of undutifulness is cast upon me which grieves me much, but accuses me of nothing. I am come to you to confess that I have not sacrificed to the graces. My humble suit is to be directed and reformed in my rudeness. I will strictly obey your command."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 86.)
Captain Thomas Mewtys to the Same.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) He has travailed to his utmost power in finding out recusants, of whom to make his benefit, but cannot find any giving hope of any good. Prays Salisbury to remember his services to his Majesty, when he finds any other thing fitting Salisbury's liking, for the relief of his present wants.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 88.)
(2) Expresses his thanks to Salisbury for his favour in meaning to send him into Ireland.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 89.)
The Earl of Montgomery to the Same.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) I have delivered the Spanish Ambassador's letter to his Majesty, and he has commanded me to signify to you that he finds nothing in it, but only to desire his Majesty to give Lord Arundel of Wardour leave to go over with his charge of men; to which his Majesty says that he was very willing unto it when he was first moved, and he would have you give the Ambassador his answer to that effect. The King has sent you a buck which he killed and chose himself out of the herd. He says that he must hunt sometimes for his beagle here, as well as you do for him there. He was forced by Sir Thomas Lake's absence to use me or my fellow Herbert for a secretary, but because I was the nearer he has employed me, which I hope will not offend you. Your most affectionate nephew.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 91.)
(2) The Spanish Ambassador delivered his Majesty a letter yesterday whilst he was hawking, which his Majesty willed me to enclose to you. The effect of the letter is touching "to perisis" [two prizes?]. His Majesty thinks the first very reasonable on the Ambassador's part, if he informed his Majesty rightly; therefore his Majesty would have you take such a course as the Ambassador may not be delayed in it, but that it may come to a speedy trial.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 150.)
[Susan], Countess of Montgomery, to her uncle, the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. I have delivered your casket to the Queen, and told her of your desire to have waited upon her, and if your business had not been so great, you had seen her on Sunday. She commanded me to give you many kind thanks for your token, which she liked exceedingly well; and after she had looked upon it a little she found the device to open it, and thought it the prettiest box that ever she had seen, and seemed to be very glad of it. Her Majesty has sent you a token and is desirous to see you when your business is done. I had dispatched your footman sooner, but that the Queen went abroad to take the air, and commanded me he should stay for her token.—From Hamton Court.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 149.)
Thomas Nicholas.
1605. Release on a sentence in the Star Chamber against Thomas Nicholas for offences against Sir John Chamberlain.
Copy. 2 pp. (142. 95.)
Anthony Nixon to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. He begs his acceptance of this little book, part of his endeavours. The gift is unworthy the respect of so great a personage, yet the matter is godly and virtuous.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 94.)
B[ridget], Lady Norreys, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. This discomfortable cause of my Lord's long and dangerous sickness, he being not yet able to travel, makes me continue troublesome to you. By late letters from my Lord to this bearer, Mr. Burges a preacher, he is most desirous to have him come over to him into France, if you will grant him a warrant for passage, and also to one Abyather Buckholtt, my Lord's man, who solicits his law business, and has urgent cause to confer with my Lord.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605, La. Norreys." 1 p. (114. 95.)
The Northern Merchants to [the Council].
[1605]. They complain that the cloth farmers, who have a lease for 7 years, will eat forth all the merchants of the coast towns of their trades; and give details of their grievances.— Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 23.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) I pray you send me a note how you have disposed of your businesses for the Council table. I desire it not out of curiosity or intruding, but only that I may shape my private businesses accordingly. Sometimes I must be here where I have made my rendezvous, and yet would I not be absent when my service may serve, although but for a show to the honour of the table and proceedings of the government of my country.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (114. 98.)
(2) If Salisbury will be this day at the letting of leases, he will send to take; otherwise he will defer it. He has cast up what his may be worth, as the King lets them to a common person: what favour he shall find he leaves to Salisbury's discretion. Gives the valuation. The Queen was wont to let for 21 years, taking but 2 years' fine; now the King takes for 40 years 10 or 8 years' fine. Discusses the terms offered and the disadvantages of the lease, which include 32l. yearly for collection, 40l. for curate's wages, and 30l. for repairing of chancels. Salisbury said that as he was a Councillor, it was reasonable, if another gave 10 years' purchase, he should have it for 3. It is worth 1000l. If he may have it for this improved rent of 20l. now to begin, which in 20 years amounts to 400l., he will be well content.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1½ pp. (192. 2.)
D[orothy], Countess of Northumberland, to the Same.
[1605]. It neither agrees with my own humour nor my Lord's innocency to be importunate, for so I may both give offence, and wrong him that has not offended, whose clearness the generality takes notice of. I assure myself that his cause being just will soon be discerned by the best judgments and the noblest minds, who only hopes to be relieved by yourself. Though there is no cause I should reckon myself among them that are suitors at this time, yet if I may be thought worthy of any extraordinary favour, I shall take it as an honour from you.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (192. 3.)
John Oxenbridge to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605 or later]. He is minister of the Church of Sowtham, co. Warwick, and is nearly fourscore years old, and much ailing, but has been called in question for not absolutely subscribing and strictly conforming himself to some rites and ceremonies, which only conscience holds him from yielding to. Prays that so long and aged a labourer in God's vineyard may not now have taken from him his ordinary maintenance.— Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (197. 34.)
Sir John Parker's patent.
[1605]. Statement of "the controversy for breach of covenants, as it was argued before the Earls of Northumberland and Northampton." The patent is apparently for the safe custody and search of Chancery pleadings. The payment of his due fees has been refused, and he claims recompense for his losses.—Undated.
Endorsed: "For the Earl of Salisbury, 1605." 1 p. (114. 103.)
Sir Charles Percy to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. He prays grant of licence for 21 years for the yearly transportation of 1200 broad long woollen cloths, or other cloths or kerseys answerable thereto, ready dressed and wrought according to the statute; paying such customs as English merchants usually do. The benefit to the licensee is only by procuring merchant strangers to ship out cloths or kerseys by virtue of this grant. He refers to similar licences granted to the Lord of Kinlose, the Earl of Argile, Peter Vanglore, the Lord of Montgomery and Sir James Haies, particulars of which he gives and describes how his licence would affect them.
Salisbury proposed to him another suit, but he thinks the above will be easier for the King to grant. This will be the more certain suit, for "either the alteration of the King's mind towards recusants may alter, or their minds may alter, or their death doth annul the suit; which if it should happen, I might be forced to be again a beggar to the King."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (114. 105.)
Sir James Perrott to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. About 60l. a year of Sir John Perrott's late lands is yet unrecovered from me. It is sought to be taken from me and annexed to the Crown by Act of Parliament, before it can be recovered. I have sued the King to hold it, in lieu of the great losses I have sustained, or at least that it be not taken away without lawful recovery. Some of Sir John Perrott's and Sir Thomas Perrott's debts and other arrears are offered to be laid on my lands, which the late Queen was pleased should be freed from all former encumbrances. I crave to be discharged from all such debts and to enjoy that poor estate I have without further vexation in law. This is the suit I now seek in satisfaction of my losses, being at least 40,000l. I leave my case to your consideration.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 106.)
John Phelips to the Same.
[1605]. He prays that, if the French merchants join in a Society, Salisbury would cause him to be nominated in their charter as their secretary, with the like fees and entertainment as the secretary for the Spanish Company obtained. He doubts not that the French merchants would be willing to give him this employment; but if he might receive it from the King's nomination, it would be much better for his reputation and advantage.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 107.)
Lewis Pykeringe to the Same.
[1605]. Six letters:—
(1) He returns thanks for Salisbury's second favour in giving him liberty of the house. Rejoices at the three steps of earthly honour bestowed on Salisbury, and hopes he will be a means that those labourers who are thrust forth of God's harvest may be restored to their flocks. He hopes six weeks' close imprisonment will be thought sufficient punishment for his error, and begs for his liberty.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (192. 17.)
(2) I would be glad to see some fruit of my hazard for the general, my last letters containing my last service that I can perform of that nature. I have no refuge but your safe conduct, whereon I wholly rely. In your absence I was enforced to write to that personage who had power to hasten the execution of my sentence. Without his Majesty's favour my fortunes are like to end in an old song; I being likely to be disinherited of 1,000l. per annum, my inheritance as next heir of the whole blood to my mother's only brother; who having no child, and being a recusant, will make his nephew of the half blood his heir, being a Papist, except I find his Majesty gracious. I enclose a petition, which may be delivered or concealed as seems best to you. My suit is that, upon security, I may be confined to the house of some friend, the closeness of this air ill agreeing with the indisposition of my body.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 110.)
(3) It was more than I expected, though not more than I deserved, to be produced in public for my abortive error; but I am glad it is past, for it is one degree of happiness in misery to know the worst. Though there was no intention in the author to tax either his Majesty or Queen Elizabeth of famous memory, yet I was glad to hear both their praises so often reiterated, which somewhat allayed the censure of my punishment, which I could wish had been doubled upon myself so that no others had been prejudiced by me. I hope the sequel of my life shall wipe away the blemish of my former offence. I thank you for giving me my rights, though it pleased you afterwards to take them from me in exchange for those titles which I have always endeavoured to avoid. I will not despair of the fruit of my prayers and submission. My suit is that, next under his Majesty, I may hold my immunity and liberty from you, protesting the performance of all honest offices and services. I have related in my petition the truth concerning the epitaph. If the whole circumstances were considered, the occasion therof would not easily be forgotten. I enclose the same, which if you think fit I desire may be delivered to the Lords.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605," and the following list of names: Lewes Pickering; Geo. Margetts; Phil. Cotton; Mr. Michell; Mr. Vivian; Mr. Midlton. 1 p. (114. 111.)
? The Enclosure in the foregoing letter:
Lewis Pykeringe to the Council. Acknowledges their message by Sir Anthony Ashley, that he is to give satisfaction concerning the libel, his service to his Majesty, and Mr. Bywater's opinions.
For the libel, he acknowledges his error and prays for release of the censure justly inflicted for his levity and indiscretion. He was charged with setting the libel on the hearse, but never heard of the same but from the Council. Had it been so, it is likely that the Archbishop, who was at "his funerals," would have heard of it; but he protested in the Star Chamber he had never before seen it. He had no purpose to publish it, as he told Bywater, to whom he only delivered a copy under promise of secrecy. Protests that he made no imputation upon Queen Elizabeth.
Details his services. He first gave the King intelligence that he was proclaimed King of England, Sir Robert Carey having before brought word of the death of the Queen. Waiting on the King out of Edinburgh, the King imparted to him a treasonable plot of the Jesuits of which he had been informed by the Lord Chief Justice. One Jarrett a Jesuit, with some resolute men, should present the King a petition that Jesuits might remain in the kingdom: which, if it were refused (as his Majesty vowed with great protestations he would never grant), they were to offer violence to his person, though they sacrificed their lives in his blood. Jarrett had escaped from the Tower some four years before, and was one of the most dangerous Jesuits in the kingdom. The King was pleased he should endeavour to prevent the plot and discover the intended actors, and he was sent to England. There he dispatched letters to Sir John Payton, then Lieutenant of the Tower, to obtain Jarrett's description and send it to the King, which was done. He himself posted to Northamptonshire, where he lighted upon the description of Jarrett sent down by the Lords four years before for his apprehension. This he imparted to the King, who otherwise might have been in danger of his life. Jarrett had conference with divers Lancashire gentlemen, and was in York when the King was there. This service the King approved and showed him so much favour that he was bold to remind the King of his public promise to take away the dumb ministry (the mother of all those corruptions he had vowed to abolish), the want of maintenance for the ministry being the special occasion thereof. This might easily be helped if the King would make his own impropriations presentable at the end of the leases now in esse, reserving to the Crown the accustomed rents and fines; by which example the subjects of ability would be moved to allow a competent maintenance out of their impropriations. Thereupon letters were sent to the Universities signifying the King's pleasure, which gave contentment to the best affected, as appears by the enclosed letters subscribed by four of the heads of the Colleges of Cambridge, and by the resolution of the most sincere of the heads of Oxford, who returned answer by Pickering that they were resolved to let their impropriations to the Fellows of their own Colleges being preachers, according to the King's letters.
He had no acquaintance with Bywater before the King's coming into England, and knew of nothing in the book that concerned the King before it was delivered to Bywater: and had no speech with him for a twelvemonth before he met him at Ware, where the book was delivered. He never heard but that he was an honest man; but if those were his opinions which the Attorney delivered in the Star Chamber, he disclaims him, his doctrine and practice.
He begs the Council to intercede for him with the King, otherwise he is likely to be disinherited of 1,000l. land a year. At the time of the delivery of Bywater's book he was to have his Majesty's hand to a suit in recompense of his services. His unusual restraint has indisposed his health, and he begs for compassion.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605," and by Salisbury: "Lewes Pickering submission." 1 sheet. (192. 18.)
(4) He is much grieved his petition should have exasperated the Lords. He has framed another to the King and Lords, wherein he refers himself to Salisbury. If God has determined on him a sentence of shame, he hopes for patience to undergo it: but hopes that his profession and reputation will be respected by the Lords and the King. Thanks Salisbury for the favour shown him in his affliction and begs its continuance. He has touched on the unfaithfulness of the leaders, and will give one instance. The Dean of the Chapel has been an especial instrument in depriving the ministers, yet he has reported that the King sins in depriving them; but when any means are used for their liberty, he is a special instrument against them. The witnesses hereof are Mr. Stocke, a preacher in London who is of the Dean's own opinion, and Mr. Gilby, a preacher of Bedford. If the King and State sin in prosecuting this course, how can the Dean answer it to God, seeing he has never given them warning of this sin? Another proof is that the reverend fathers will hardly be brought to subscribe to these articles, which if they refuse, how can they warrant the State's proceeding? He has made trial of some of the prelates, who have refused the same. He wishes they were all urged thereto, or to give a reason to the contrary. If Salisbury asks this question of the Dean of the Chapel before his Majesty, he is persuaded the Dean will deny it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (192. 15.)
(5) By direction of Sir Anthony Ashley I have sent word where Stocke and Gilbye reside. Since their lordships thus sensibly apprehend this report, my suit is that these 4 preachers may also be sent for, who will testify the words from the Dean's own mouth: Stoane, the Dean's father's preacher, while he lived, now dwelling in Northamptonshire; Sherwood and Hildersham, preachers in Leicestershire; and Burgess, preacher in Buckinghamshire. If his Majesty sins, why does not the Dean, being his seer and watchman, give warning that the sword is coming? If he does well, why does he reproach the footsteps of the Lord's anointed? Have compassion to my health and estate, much weakened by these 12 weeks' imprisonment. This contagious weather increases my fear for the first, the smallpox having seized upon some of the prisoners; which may be prevented if I may, upon security, be confined to the house of some of my friends in the City.
PS.—I was glad to hear you declare yourself a Calvinist, whom I profess to follow, he being the greatest light which shined in Europe these many 100 years, howsoever it pleased Mr. Hooker to censure him. I send you what some honest men have thought of Mr. Hooker, desiring you may be informed in the truth. My prayer is that you may be a means to make a peace in the Church, which I told his Majesty would trouble him more than all the "feeds" [feuds] which he ended before coming to England. God make me thankful for your favour, who had justly merited your displeasure.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (192. 16.)
(6) Thanks him for staying the execution of his sentence. Entreats the delivery of his petition to the King, of whom he expects mercy. As there has been great care to find out the author of this libelling epitaph, he wishes pains were taken to understand the circumstances of its making. Could Salisbury have patiently heard his Majesty's Ambassadors reviled by such as should protect them? How much less to have heard five ministers of the gospel openly disgraced by him who should have countenanced them: some of them for 30 years painful preachers, living without exception in life and doctrine, yet disgraced as hypocrites, sycophants and the devil's instruments: being sent for more than ten times, though dwelling 30 or 40 miles from London. Wishes his Majesty would take it to heart, comparing this accident with the like in former times. Lord Chancellor Hatton was suddenly taken with an ipso facto, when the ten ministers were produced after two years' imprisonment; Lord Keeper Puckering, after he had given sentence of death upon Mr. Udall, a minister of the gospel. Bishop Wolton of Exeter was found dead in his privy the same hour that he was to deprive certain ministers, who stayed for his coming into the Court. Another Bishop of London died suddenly, and, as he has lately heard, the Bishop of Winchester was little better than dead as he was in his study.
God is not well pleased with such as are violent against ministers who cleave fast to His word, and are enemies to men's inventions in His worship. He had engaged his estate and liberty into Salisbury's hands, and prays for a favourable construction of his error.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (192. 14.)
Lewis Pickering to the King.
[1605]. Expresses his gratitude to the King for releasing him from his long imprisonment and pardoning his fine.— Undated.
In a clerk's hand, including signature. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (192. 7.)
The Pinners.
[1605]. Articles between Lord Salisbury and the Pinners for the building and maintenance of a house in which 40 poor boys out of the parish of Cheston (Cheshunt, Herts) are to be brought up at pinmaking.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 31.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) Salisbury's readiness to depart hence makes him adventure once again to remind him of his long suit. One of the causes of his importunities is that every second or third night he is in danger of sudden death or of the loss of his limbs and sense being sometime two hours without feeling or motion of his hand and arm. The other is that he will be made more than weary of his life by her bewailing who will return in post when she hears of Salisbury's departure and nothing done. She has already brought her eldest son in one hand and her sucking child in another charging Ralegh that having provided for his own life he is without sense and compassion of theirs.
These torments make him curse the time that ever he was born into the world and had a being. But if Salisbury spare one thought towards this estate of his he cannot but hope for some happy end.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (109. 9.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, II, 317–319.]
(2) His wife told him that Salisbury had moved his Majesty for Sherburne and that the King was graciously disposed towards the relief of her and her children. Knows Salisbury cannot value his thankfulness. Must leave all due from him to the world to pay his lordship with a great part of the honour it has to give and to God to allow for satisfied in Salisbury's great account to Him the compassion he shows towards others.
For the suit itself, if the land be tied with a remainder a third part of the value is thereby lost. Besides that neither can he have means to pay his debts (owing to Mr. Vanlor and Sir J. Spilman 1300l., and as much more elsewhere, and the debt of the wines already assigned). Again, the Church of Salisbury which has no great estate might thereby lose 260l. a year which Ralegh pays. For the King can be no man's tenant nor hold land of any vassal.
He did desire it free in hope to bargain with Salisbury for it, for there is no seat within the compass of his lordship's titles so fit for him as that. He will make it appear that Salisbury may save 10,000l. in respect of building, imparking and settling elsewhere. It was once entailed upon his brother's children but he might have revoked it again. Prays he may be therein no less free than heretofore.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (109. 11.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, II, 319–321.]
Sir Walter Ralegh.
[? 1605]. Warrant to the Earl of Salisbury. Whereas we understand that by rigour of law the reversion of Sir Walter Ralegh's lands may come unto our hands, yet seeing his conveyance was made in the Queen our sister's time, as also because we have given to himself those lands for his own life, our pleasure is that you cause a grant to be drawn for us to sign wherein all our title and interest may be passed over unto his wife and children, that we be no more troubled with their pitiful cries and complaints for that business.—Undated.
Draft. 1 p. (195. 84.)
Sir John Ramsay to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. You ordered that Forest and Spencer should one day in a week search the books of account for Ireland. The auditors, unless they may have special warrant or particulars of their discoveries, have denied them the view of the records; [of] which were they not guilty of some frauds, the light could not be so odious to them. I desire you would sign the enclosed, or such other warrant as shall seem best to you."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (114. 113.)
Elizabeth Reade to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1605]. I acknowledge myself infinitely bound to your lordship for your fatherly care of me and my unfortunate children. If it be not too great pretension for me, once again I entreat your favour in the drawing of a warrant to his Majesty's Attorney, wherein may contain all lands and goods, which being left out will be great hindrance to my poor fortune. The book only stays till Mr. Attorney may gave a warrant from you wherein the King's gift of the goods may be as well named as lands. And whereas there has been a particular of such lands as were there found out sent to you I understand of a piece of land and a house that Mr. Brooke bat [built?] which I rented for 5l. a year. Your lordship's kinswoman, etc.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604 (sic) Mrs. Elizab. Reade to my Lord: readde." 1 p. (109. 19.)
[1605 or later]. Letters patent granting to Sir Robert Stewart the benefit of the recusancy of the following:—the Lady Kitson, late wife of Sir Thomas Kitson, deceased: the Lady Windsor, late wife of the Lord Windsor, deceased; the Lady Elizabeth Cornwallis; the Lady Catherin Cornwallis; Sir Everard Digby; Mistress Erswik, widow; Walter Hastings the younger; Mrs. Lucy Roper, widow.—Undated.
Draft, struck through apparently as cancelled. 1 p. (114. 159.)
Ripon College.
[1605]. Project for the establishment of a College at Ripon, Yorks.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." and in Salisbury's hand: "Lodged in Westminster at one Price his house in Stephens Ally." ½ p. (114. 114.)
Roman Catholics.
[1605 or later]. Some imperfect intelligence is obtained of one Henry Keene, dwelling obscurely at the further end of Tower Street, in a little lane leading towards the Thames. He having a vessel ordinarily transports priests and papists from secret places, as from Rochester, Cyttenburne [Sittingbourne], over to Calais, and goes with them to Doway and St. Omer's, and from thence brings such into England.
Like intelligence is had of a priest called Cappten Lyttellton, who before and at the discovery of the late treason intended by gunpowder, lodged at one Mr. Barrowes's house in Hosyer Lane, by whose means it seems he is escaped together with the constable's negligence, who having apprehended him took the said Barrowes's word for his forthcoming; which priest as is said has since sent Barrowes word that if he be troubled for him he will rather return.
The priests after named, as seems, have made their common resort to and much abode at the Lord Mordant's and at his servants' houses; viz. at Staughton's his steward's, and at Bowker's his horse rider's, where they have often said mass as is supposed. Imprimis, one priest commonly apparelled like a plain countryman called Mr. Baylye; another called Mr. Androwes, carrying himself in port, apparel and attendance very gallantly; two other priests and brothers calling themselves Newports; another priest whose name is not remembered, who is brother to one Francis the aforesaid Staughton's man; two other priests, the one called Mr. Fynch, the other Mr. Lankaster alias Willowbye, both which came out of France, and had been in Spain, in Lent last, shortly after making their repair to the Lady Mordant [marginal note: Finch is commonly at Mr. Darcye's at Luffwick], and then Lancaster went to Mr. Pryse's of Washingly, and into Lincolnshire to Mr. Thimblebye's. This Lankaster says, to such as he would seduce, that he has a writing or instrument which he affirms is a commission from some of the Council, for him and for 5 or 6 gentlemen to travel for five or six years, with liberty of egress and regress out of or into England.
It is likewise advertised that though the Lord Mordant's men most of them be reconciled papists, yet if any of them were privy to the last said treason, that it is likest to be one Nelltropp who now attends his Lord in the Tower; next one Tuttfeilde, bred an Oxford scholar and supposed a priest, now or lately attending the Lord Mordant's son; and one Hill who teaches music. But the Lady Mordant's confessor and resident priest is an old man called Father —; his name is not now remembered.
There came over with Lankester and Fynch two young gentlemen, George Nelston and Charles Thymblebye, and two of Mr. Pryse's sons from St. Omer's, landed by Keene at Gravesend.
The first named man Keene was much made of by Dr. Webb; and such priests as he landed he landed secretly at or about Rochester on Palm Sunday.—Undated.
On reverse: William Allen who gives these within intelligence, lies at a barber surgeon's house in Fetter Lane, at one Mr. Haydon's.
Note by Popham: This Allen is to serve Mr. Lenton of Gray's Inn an outer barrister of 6 years standing, who follows the L. Norrys his causes.
pp. (115. 22.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to [the King].
[? 1605]. [The beginning is missing] . . . . . form in his accesses, nor style him otherwise in your letters than you did before. In which point we let fall unto him that if your Majesty followed the example of other princes, who you doubted not proceeded upon good grounds, there were some that had already received their ministers by the name of Ambassadors, and had sent their own in the same quality to them. And for a proof that the States were like to hold on the like course in other places, for the better justification of the greatness of their estate, in which other princes cannot overrule them, I the Secretary did assure him that I had particular advertisement that Monsieur Arsens was daily expected out of France, where he was their Agent, whom they intended to return back so qualified. The truth whereof your Majesty may know if you please to read this letter from Mr. Winwood enclosed, in which some things are worthy observation, as namely that your refusal to lend the States money stayed not those to do it that think it good for themselves. After all this, with a notorious declamation against them, and all their actions first and last, as rebels, for half an hour, besides some other glances at the strange proceedings of some of your Majesty's labours, the good old man concluded with infinite commendation of your Majesty's sincerity, and of your noble and clear proceedings in this and in all things else, and so went away with promise to represent the same to both the Princes. And for any unjust proceeding towards your Majesty's subjects since the peace was proclaimed, in which we likewise dealt directly with him, he gave us full satisfaction for many things published, as done before the treaty passed, remitting the rest to further proof, in which case he promised that all offenders should taste of bitter punishment.
Thus has your Majesty now an account of our conference in Spanish causes, at all which both the Lord Admiral and the Earl of Devonshire were present; so shall you have also of the French, when any of us have had any conference with the Ambassador, which we think he either defers until he have some particular cause to speak of, besides an excuse of his own errors, or till he have picked out something out of the Spanish Ambassador, for he sent him word that very day on which the Spaniard came to us that he desired to come and visit him.— Undated.
Draft, with corrections by Salisbury. Endorsed: "Minute to the King's Majesty." 2½ pp. (192. 32.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to the Dean and Prebendaries of Christchurch in Canterbury.
[1605]. The King has disposed to me, for the benefit of my son, the leases of which Sir John Leveson held in trust by the will of the Lord William Cobham his grandfather; amongst which the lease of Ickham, parcel of the possessions of your Church, is one. As Henry, late Lord Cobham, surrendered the said lease to you, and took a new in his own name for divers years yet to come, which lease, the estate being then in Sir John Leveson, cannot be good in law, I am advised by those, whose counsel in law I use, to avoid all question to surrender to you my interest, and request you for a new lease for 3 lives: my own, my son's and my daughter's, for reasonable fine. Although I have no purpose to press you in any case further than shall seem reasonable to you, yet I desire you to assure yourself that I shall be found as ready to requite any courtesy which you shall show me as any man has been to whom the like good turn has been yielded.—Undated.
Draft, with corrections by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 125.)
[The Same] to the Earl of Derby.
[1605]. By the enclosed petition you may perceive the strength of the complaint of the Dean and Chapter of Chester exhibited to the King against Mr. Glaseour. I know that out of the tenderness of your reputation, who are his chief minister there, you will not only mislike this stopping of justice, if it be true, but find present redress, and thereby cut off occasions of complaints which cannot but be very grievous to his Majesty; especially when it concerns him who, by the power of the place he holds under you there, seeks to exempt himself from all ordinary trials.—Undated.
Draft in hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "1605. My Lord's letter to the Earl of Darby." 1 p. (192. 31.)
[The Same] to the Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer.
[? 1605]. The King is pleased to bestow [upon whom is not stated] his remainder in certain lands whereof the Earl of Northumberland is possessed of an estate; and a book is to be drawn for as many manors as come to 1,000l. yearly. He begs the Lord Treasurer to instruct the Attorney General to proceed accordingly.—Undated.
Copy. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "Copy of my Lord's letter to the L. Treasurer." 1 p. (192. 20.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to Lord Harington.
[? 1605]. Although in matters of marriages, letters are not always the best means to express men's purposes, yet considering you have made an overture, with that freedom which nothing could draw from you but goodwill and friendship, I am bound to deliver you the true state of my mind upon that subject. Because I may do all parties right that have dealt in this cause, of which the Countess your daughter has been a principal person, I hold it necessary to give you particular satisfaction in what may be expected hereafter. When I first understood your inclination to make choice of my daughter for your son, it gave me so perfect a testimony of your affection as I have retained a thankful memory of the same, and professed that nothing shall hinder the conclusion thereof except my just consideration of the different value of both the parties; the one not only an heir to his father's honour and fortune, but in himself extraordinarily qualified; the other entitled to nothing but a marriage portion, and in herself promising little worthy affection. As I have always professed that I would never engage myself for her to you or any of yours before I had some better ground to judge how she would prove for such a matter, I must still rely upon the same ground, or neglect the care which nature imposes on me and the office of friendship. What could be a greater folly in me than to conclude of constancy in your son in these years, whose choice is merely guided by the observations he makes of your inclination; or if it borrow anything of himself, it is most probable that by the time he shall begin to feel himself and his own ends, she shall appear far short of his expectation? As I have contemplated that which time might happily produce with an absolute aversion from any other overture; so although in all other considerations I would conclude within an hour, nay, if I were now to proceed, I would abstract from myself part of that offer contained in your papers now delivered me by the Countess [of Bedford?]; yet it were very inconsiderable in me to conclude that which might prove worse to both of them than we expect. Therefore I must be thus far bold with the Countess, that if she had not more resembled her sex in loving her own will than she does in those other noble and discreet parts of her mind (wherein she has so great a portion beyond most of those that I have known) she might have moved you to suspend the sending up of any particularities at this time, knowing as she does that all which is before rehearsed is all that could have the proceedings [sic]. Therefore as it has been my desire that you should in no case forbear to hearken after any other match, because the consequence of the marriage of such a son is of a far other importance to you, being full of years, than it can be of any man's daughter upon whom little depends; so I renew it to you that you will omit no opportunity for your son's good elsewhere only in expectation of that whereof as yet there can no more certain judgment be made what may be the success. Two things remain for me to desire; one, that you will believe that your noble dealing has purchased a fast friend; the other, that whatsoever you shall hear of my carriage in this or anything else concerning you, may be no further believed than you shall be informed by your noble daughter, who is made of a better mould to discern truth and report it than many others. Yet I have not hid it from her that I have found her so absolutely fixed upon a resolution to allow of no reason which she finds not justly concurrent with your satisfaction (an argument of that obedience to your commands which is more observed by the world in all her carriage than is usual in this age towards parents) as I thought it not only fit in good manners to write my own answer, but necessary to enlarge it thus, rather than press her to write that which she does not approve.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Copy of a letter to the Lord Harington." 3 pp. (114. 130.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to Sir David Murray.
[? 1605]. Being put in mind by the bearer (who thinks himself beholden unto you) of a business of yours wherein I have taken some particular care, I think it fit to let you know how it doth proceed, lest you might suspect that I were negligent of my promise, which is not my manner towards any, much less shall be towards those that serve him in whom we have the comfort of all future hopes. I have in all those things wherein I take any burthen for my friends these several respects: First, that whatsoever his Majesty shall give them by my persuasion may be no way hurtful to his subjects, for that were an ill office to my master and to my friend. Secondly, that the benefit bestowed may be with as little loss to his Majesty's private as may be. Thirdly, that when it is given it may be sure to be paid. Of this nature is yours, and it being not easy to find out such a thing without observation of all due circumstances, I persuade myself you will rather like this in the conclusion than things of a greater value in another kind, whereof many of the country from which you come make choice and that with much importunity, as I must confess I am often sorry (because I love them) that they are not better advised; especially at a time when one brother almost repines at that which another brother hath. Such are the humours that reign amongst us of all sides.
That which you are to have is the sum of 400l. a year during your life. It is to be raised out of the Rhenish wines, which I find may well bear an imposition as well as the French wines and the sweet wines without breach of any treaty or wrong to any subject, and yet it hath been omitted all the Queen's time. In this case I have produced a warrant from his Majesty to all his servants to receive as much as is received of the French wines upon every piece of wine that shall come in, which must require some time of operation, and is fit to go forth before any particular grant of any profit made thereby appear to be raised for any other use than for his Majesty's own coffer. Then shall some third person be appointed to collect that money which will rise thereby, from whom you shall receive your 400l. before it come into the Exchequer, which I think yourself can well conceive will be more safe for you than any other way.
Thus do you see, Sir, that I have put you upon no monopolies nor new device against law or order, that the payment shall be certain, the reprises out of that which the K[ing] never had, [and] that after your life the profit which you have shall come to the crown. The only thing I am sorry for is that it is not so much as you are worthy of, and therefore I shall be glad at any time hereafter to give my voice to any benefit you shall crave, whenever his Majesty shall signify his pleasure for you. Present my humble service to his Highness, with my humble thanks for the favourable usage he bestowed upon my son, wherein I find he taketh great comfort.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Mynutes to Sir David Murray." 2¼ pp. (103. 26.)
[? 1605]. Draft of the foregoing letter.—Undated.
In the hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "Minute to Sir David Murray." 2½ pp. (192. 40.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to the Mayor and Vice-Admiral of Plymouth (fn. 3).
[1605]. I am informed that a ship of one Captain Young, a Hollander, who not long since took a prize upon the coast of Spain and afterward put into that harbour, is now ready to depart, and has received into his ship certain English mariners and others with an intention to spoil on the coast of Spain, as before they had done, against his Majesty's proclamation which prohibits any of his subjects to serve any foreign Prince at sea, and against the treaty of peace. I much marvel you give occasion of any such complaints to be made through your negligence. Nevertheless because I will not give credit to information against officers till I hear their answer, I require you to certify me the truth hereof, that I may know how to give satisfaction to the complainants. In the meantime, diligently foresee that no English mariners or others be suffered to pass with the said Captain, nor that he take any more victual than will carry him into the Low Countries.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "1605. Minute to the Mayor and ViceAdmiral of Plymouth." (114. 127.)
[The Same] to Piero Pelegrini, Secretary of Venice.
[1605]. Though we have no acquaintance hitherto, I think we might profitably exchange information. It is freely re ported here (and confirmed by certain Portuguese) that Don Sebastian is alive, and imprisoned in Venice. Some have even ventured to assure divers Princes of this as a fact, and to describe certain blemishes and marks which, they say, place the identity of the prisoner beyond doubt; they add that this opinion is very rife in Portugal. But knowing as I do the power of a passionate desire over a people, which makes them readily believe anything which conduces to their interest, or promises vengeance on an enemy; and also the damage caused to divers States in former times by the like fraudulent and malicious impostures: I am unwilling either to give credence to these assertions, or to reject them without inquiry. I should like to have the opinion on the matter of such a person of judgment as yourself, and also to know what note your most prudent Senate has taken of it. Their decision if you can communicate it will satisfy us, and I hope to be able to repay the obligation.— Undated.
Corrected draft. Italian. Endorsed: "1605." 1¾ pp. (115. 4.)
[1605]. Draft in English apparently of the foregoing letter. —Undated.
In the hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "1605. My Lord to a Minister of State in Venice touching Don Sebastian, K. of Portugal." 2¼ pp. (192. 29.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to Sir Francis Vere.
[1605]. Although your answer be such as might in some sort dissuade the sending of the 50 soldiers, because it is not reason to discharge old for new, yet when it is considered how defective bands are commonly in all garrisons, it may be thought that either in the Town or in the ports they may be bestowed. But if it should be found otherwise, I may say freely to you that when they are come to the garrison, if any be displaced by your order for these, they may be sent to Count Morrice [Maurice], who will not refuse them you may be sure, and Greames kept in their rooms. Let this be discreetly carried.—Undated.
Draft in Salisbury's hand. Endorsed: "Sr. Fr. Veare. 1605." 1 p. (192. 23.)
The Earl of Salisbury.
[?1605]. Fee farm rents payable by the Earl of Salisbury to the King.—Undated.
1 p. (98. 177.)
The Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. "My Lord's titles for my Lord's Creation Money."
13 May, 1 Jac. I. Grant to Sir Robert Cecill, Kt. and his heirs male of his body to be Baron Cecill of Essingden.
13 Aug., 1 Jac. I. Confirmations of letters patent, 21 May, by Elizabeth granting the office of Master of Wards for life at a salary of 100l. a year.
20 Aug., 2 Jac. I. Grant of the dignity of Viscount Cranborne to him and the heirs male of his body with an annuity of 10l. payable out of the Great Customs in the port of London.
4 July [sic], 3 Jac. I. Grant to him and the heirs male of his body of the Earldom of Salisbury with an annuity of 20l. out of the Great and Petty Customs in the port of London.
Latin. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (115. 24.)
T. Savile to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Three letters:—
(1) Offers services, but he cannot do Salisbury that service he is devoted to, because his late Mistress's reward is kept from him, whereby he is exiled his country and exposed to contempt. —Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 132.)
(2) He offers, with some fear of offending, to "my young Lord" [? Lord Cranborne] "this service of winter gathering." If not discouraged he will devote himself "to attend the Lord for all your lordship's best in this mortality." For his outward disgraces, he will pacify himself in that he has found an honourable way to publish unto men what inestimable peace he reaps by such a Lord, who was the beholder of all his courses and gave him credit at his last separation. Mr. Levinus [Munck] discouraged him from dedicating to Salisbury; therefore he bashfully presses his attendance as near as he may unto the renowned grandfather and father, by presenting this ragged service to the virtuous son.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 133.)
(3) Salisbury has accepted the tender of his services to the sweet Viscount [? Cranborne]. In 1599 the Queen gave him his suit, which by her command was put in a book for signature, subscribed Buckhurst, Fortescue and Cooke. The suit was for the moiety of concealed sums, stocks, &c. He details certain proceedings by the Lord of Berwick in the suit, which is withheld. His means being extinguished, he begs for some maintenance; "if it be but in keeping of a garden."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 134.)
Lord Say and Sele to the Same.
[1605]. The King intended him a benefit out of 8 recusants; but, notwithstanding he has indicted divers, driven some out of their countries and brought others to conformity, he can obtain no money unless he would join with them: to make which contract he has been offered certain sums, as set down below. But he neither may nor desires to so deal with them. He is suing his Majesty to resume those recusants; and to have in lieu a debt of 2,500l. owing by Jifford Watkyn to Francis Tresame for wool and sheep. As his lands are assured upon his son, he cannot without the King's bounty repair his poor estate and free himself from debts partly entered into for his Majesty's service. His suit is also to have an amount equalling the above sum, out of leases of the traitors' lands, or out of fines issuing out of such as are to be censured for assisting them.—Undated.
Signed: Richarde Say and Seal.
On reverse: the list named above, as follows:
For Mr. Thomas Brudenell, Francis Tresame the last term only under my hand to assure him that I would in no sort prosecute against him, but let the law have his course, offered me 400l.; yet is he indicted in Bedfordshire, I utterly refusing to set down any such note.
Sir Basill Brooke of Shropshire, notwithstanding his mother lives, made means to me to take 300l. and leave him to the ordinary course of law only.
Mr. Edward Yeate of Berkshire being pursued there is come hither to London, but where I cannot learn, but yet has offered for his proportion of estate, if I would wink at him, to give me as much as any other whosoever.
Mr. Morgan of Swickcliff, Oxon, being worth 3,000l. in goods, has turned all into money and now shifts from one place to another under the protection of Mr. Robert Wimock, who promises me that he shall come to public service, but will not give a groat.
Mr. John Preston of Furnage in Lancashire, known to Mr. Baron Savile, is a great recusant and a man of 1,000l. per annum by lease he holds of the King: has been indicted in the late Queen's time and also this last summer, but nothing found nor returned; yet he holds a signiory of the King's, having many tenements under him, amongst whom it is thought he does very much hurt in religion.
Thomas Greenewoode has some lands in Yorkshire, but as yet I cannot get him indicted, he living about London.
For Mrs. Morgan, widow, in Warwickshire, I was offered 200l. to wink at her, which I refused, and yet I cannot for my life get her in that country to be indicted.
Mrs. Hungerford, Sir John Hungerford's mother, by your direction was exempted out of my note.
Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 135.)
William Saxey to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) He begs Salisbury to favour his petition to the Council. Refers to his services as Chief Justice of Munster. For want of payment of moneys due to him, he is forced to leave the place. 600l. is due to him for entertainment, 300l. for 3 years' fee. He begs satisfaction of these just demands or a reasonable pension. His predecessors have been rewarded with lands to the yearly value of 100l. for like services. "At my lodging at the sign of the Gilden Ancor near Durham House."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 138.)
The Enclosure: An account of his claims and moneys received from 1598.
3 pp. (114. 136.)
(2) Details the rewards given to others for services in Ireland, i.e., Mr. Snagg, Queen's Attorney, made Queen's Serjeant: Mr. Rookeby made a Master of the Requests: Mr. Gent made a Baron of the Exchequer in England: Nicholas Walsh, Chief Justice of Munster, certain lands and fees: Jesse Smithes, lands and tenements. Sets forth his own services as Chief Justice of Munster, with great danger of his life and spoil of his goods. Previously, as counsellor at the common law, he gained 500l. yearly: his entertainment as Chief Justice was only 100l. not equal to half his ordinary expense. Begs for the King's bounty. Offers to relinquish his suits on payment of 597l. 10s. 0d. of the extraordinary entertainment due to him. Appends following list, apparently of what he is prepared to accept: "L. Chancellor of Ireland is dead: Sir A. Sentleger leaves his place: of the Council of the Marches of Wales with 100l. fee: or a serjeant at law in place of him that shall be Chancellor of Ireland: or a Master of Requests extraordinary with 100l. fee; or my old place of Chief Justice of Munster with an increase of 100l. fee out of the casualties of the Province, the rather for that a detected traitor and recusant is placed therein and lately honoured with knighthood."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Mr. Justice Saxey." 2 pp. (192. 42.)
Gold Mines in Scotland.
[1605]. Names of men working at Bailiegill Stanes, Langcleugh Stanes, Alway Stanes and Glenlaugh Stanes. Total 102. "All these are at present working under Sir Bevis Bulmer."—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605. The names of persons working at several places of the gold mines." 2½ pp. (115. 29.)
Sir John Scott to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. He begs Salisbury to favour his petition, which is for a just debt due for the service of the State. The labourer is worthy of his hire, especially when he earns it with so many difficulties as are incident to the life of a soldier.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 139.)
Lord Scrope to the Same.
[? 1605]. Two letters:—
(1) The King has bestowed requitals on all the Lords Wardens of the Marches, except on him. He begs that when Sir Thomas Lake, in Salisbury's presence, moves the King therein, he will give him furtherance.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: Th. Scroope. Endorsed: "1604 [sic]." 1 p. (192. 43.)
(2) With a present of a horse. If his pace and youth make him unfit for the Earl, he is to bestow him on Lord Cranborne.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1575" [sic]. 1 p. (8. 83.)
Sir James Sempill to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. I was for you this morning, but such a fit has taken me that the more I sought to remove the more I increased it. Be pleased to excuse me and peruse those papers, wherein what you shall find amiss shall be mended, If you like the form of conclusion set down in the first page by me, I will subjoin it to the rest; otherwise I pray you to end your own good beginnings. If to-morrow I cannot part with my bed, you may send the papers to me by him whom you already used in it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (114. 145.)
The Same to the King.
[1605]. At my last going in Scotland your Majesty took in hard part this name "home," asking me if I had another home than where you were: a princely word, and made me so proud that your Court and services abroad had been my home these 18 months. But two homes are dangerous, yet more easily united than two kingdoms. For my home, my wife increases my number yearly: my number my necessity: and necessity now like to divide me from your service: a home wherein I have spent the most part of 38 years: begotten in your Court and service, devoted thereto in my mother's belly, separated at my birth, received of yourself at my baptism as I yet bear the badge, ratified in your younger age at home, and confirmed by your own hand to the late Queen to be one of your own age and education. So has your Court been both my cradle and my school; from which if I should now depart, I shall but contract such a consuming disease which (as falls to sick persons in foreign parts) shall never be cured but by my natural air, the Court. The cause of this necessity is not your fault but my necessity. You are always gracious in giving: I strong, but ungracious, in begging. Your favour has matched me with the better sort: my fortunes yoke me still with the basest. You grant me all I crave: I enjoy nothing you grant. I sue only for means to serve, and nothing as deserved. Though I escaped your late catalogue of your Decemviri, it is no wonder, for I am a best third English, and if I should speak of services, it should be only of such as I did for you in England: whereof first you (whose sacred hand was the sole secretary), next the State here, are sufficient witnesses; but of those, one whose name though not his nature you have of late often changed, rather an actor than a witness, did enable me to do what was done, and as I hope will more willingly set forward any such course as it shall please you to intend for me ut nec in paupertatem citius cadam, nec ab ea longius recedam. Though I be the last I need not be the least of such as have served you who are already reasonably contented. I love to serve: not to be rewarded, but maintained.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 146.)
Sir James Sempill to —
[1605]. If your abode had been known to me you had long ago had my letters, as true friendship affords, where the one is always grieved when the other is disgraced. For in my late travels to France with the Duke of Lenox, I found a public fame so as to charge you with some gross errors in your late journey towards Rome, both in using too much and abusing such credit as you had of his Majesty, that being questioned herein I could yield no better answer, out of my ignorance of the fact, than a non credo. But being returned to England, I found this fame grown to such height that the matter must be brought to the Star Chamber, not out of their desire to condemn you, but out of duty to clear his Majesty of such escapes as he has ever been free of, conceived against him from your alleged crooked proceedings, which so many pens from as many parts had published.
Having too late learned where you are, so have I found new increase of grief by conference with the Earl of Salisbury, verified by your own letters to him, who by just expostulation with me has taught me hereafter to try spirits before I make choice; for I was the chief, or at least the first means of your acquaintances; whereof as you were the cause, so did you so approve the effects that you often told me I had acquainted you both with true honour and constancy.
Now, Sir, that you should so charge him (after you had so largely employed your pen in your own purgation as was fitting) with such general accusations that he had publicly uttered some speeches to your disadvantage, without either setting down in substance the matter, nor the manner, when, where, or to whom? without regard to the difference of your place from his, which should be to him a sufficient shelter from all such insolencies; and without so much as giving him any author of your information, but desiring him to set down your offences, and decipher your accusers, and so who can, who dare, who is assured of his life? All which points you, if he had so charged you, would and might have used as lawful exceptions. In this case I say I could not, neither can any but you, yield such satisfaction as is requisite.
But finding his lordship doubtful what course to hold herein; whether, after the humour of your own letter, to descend to answers with you (a thing altogether unfitting his place), or out of his courteous nature to yield you such satisfaction in the truth, as in kindness you might have both claimed and obtained, I thus far prevailed with him, that I procured liberty to use my discretion for ending those ill-begun bargains, as I was the beginner of your better fashions; and this liberty I have been bold to use. For if you mean, as I take it, of speeches in the Star Chamber, then as I have told you the substance of that procedure, so was your name more particularly touched by him than the rest, as you were more known to him than to them: to be in his conceit a gentleman no less well disposed than nobly born. Those were his words. His works were that whereas it was found good by some to retrench such gratuity as you have of his Majesty, he kept it re integra, and as I hope it stands so, unless you by some new errors give farther occasion to the contrary.
Thus far have I told you what to my knowledge is truth in this matter. I will now use the same liberty, out of regard to him and love to you, advising you not only to use all good means to clear yourself of the aforesaid imputations for repairing your credit, which I earnestly wish; but also, for your sake and mine, to give me such satisfaction by construing your own letter, whose hard words may be easily interpreted by such as are ready to misconstrue, to be against his lordship's person; wherein you can expect no better help of me than I shall be ready to perform. Otherwise your coming in England will not only be fruitless, but I fear me not harmless to yourself, whereof I could give too good evidences, which I now omit, hoping for a better issue from a calmer course; praying God so to direct you as may serve best for recovery of his Majesty's favour and your own good name, as all your friends here desire, chiefly I.—Undated.
Contemporary copy. Endorsed: "1605. James Simple." 2 pp. (114. 147.)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. The effect of the proof I mentioned to you to-day is briefly this, that we are contented, if there come not so much alone into England as ordinarily hath done, the King shall not lose thereby, for we will make it up out of our purses. I pray your lordship's speediest direction to Mr. Attorney for the drawing of the book according to the petition, this only excepted. —From my lodging in Westminster.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (119. 94.)
Sherborne Manor.
[1605]. State of the cause between William Typper and William Dutton, Esq., with respect to the manor of Sherborne. Traces the descent of the manor. Typper seeks to avoid Dutton's estate, pretending that the lease under which he holds was forged.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (192. 47.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605 or later]. Two letters:—
(1) This bearer, my cousin George Talbott's man, came from him lately upon the death of his brother John, and is to return. He has my Lord Northampton's hand to the passport; for he heard he was ready to take horse. I pray you set your name to it. Bestow a warrant for a brace of bucks on me in Envile [Enfield] Chace or hereabouts; and I will send you a "mouly pastith" [pasty] or two of red deer for it against Michaelmas. If you will command my cousin's servant any service to his master, or where he is at Mussapont in Lorraine, he will perform it honestly. I take it less trouble to you that I write than come myself, for that you will use me too "complimentally" at parting out of your chamber. Before dinner I will see you in the garden, or where you dine.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: Gilb. Shrewsbury. 1 p. (114. 142.)
(2) I dare not come up this morning lest I anger my foot. After dinner I mean to go to Broad Street, there to use the best means I can to be able to attend the Parliament. I present you with my wife's best farewell and mine till I see you next. If it may conveniently be, I should be glad to be one of the Commissioners at the arraignment of those hell hounds this day fortnight; but that I leave to the most conveniency in that case, whereof I am ignorant.—Undated.
Holograph, signed as above. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (114. 143.)
Mary, Countess of Shrewsbury, to the Same.
[1605]. Expresses her thanks for his honourable wishes to her, and returns the like.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: Ma. Shrowsbury. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (114. 144.)
Gervase Smith to the Council.
[1605]. Has drawn out another supplication to the King, which he entreats them to present.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605. Smith the prisoner at the Gatehouse to my Lord [sic]; with a Latin epistle to the King." ½ p. (114. 150.)
The Enclosure:
Gervase Smith to the King. Petitions in a long and discursive letter for pardon and clemency.—Undated.
Latin. 2 pp. (114. 149.)
Henry Smith.
[1605]. "Voluntary declaration of Henry Smithe, gent., born at Farley, in Hampshire."
This last summer, understanding there was employment under the Archduke, his name was with others preferred to the Ambassador Taxes to serve there as captain; which names were referred over to Lord Arundel, amongst them being the names of Captain Abbott, Capt. Adderton, Captain Orum, Captain Syms, and others. All the aforesaid and he were rejected, he conceives because they were Protestants; the rather for that divers of the contrary religion that never served were accepted, as Sir Edward Parham, Mr. Hardcott, Mr. Cheynye, Mr. E. Smithe and others, which were made captains the first day.
He being at Somerset House in the hall, Parham first, Sir Thomas Studdar second, James Blunt, Cheyney, Hardcott and others were called in one after another, and on coming forth openly said they had received their warrants and pay for their captain's entertainment, and their oaths to be subjects to the King of Spain.
After this he carried over some 40 men at the request of Thomas Hardcot and James Blunt to serve under Hardcott, at whose coming thither he was offered by one Father Baldwyn and other English priests there 40 crowns a month to serve under the Archduke, with promise of a company, so that he would take an oath of the Pope's supremacy, and to be a true subject of the King of Spain; which he refusing, was not entertained.
In August last he heard Sir Thomas Studder, Captain Throgmorton and others say at The Swan in Poplyn in Flanders, that they hoped to see masses as common in England ere long as they were there; which was also said by Captain Ward, Lieut. Defick and some others there, and by Sir Edward Parham in England, which can be testified by Mr. Townsend who lives in Milford Lane, and divers others.
There is one Jeffris that he thinks can discover much concerning the premises, being a common passenger and conveyer between the Archduke's camp and this kingdom; with which Jeffris one Bennett Hardcott, servant to a woollen draper in Fleet Street, at the sign of The Eagle and Child, has much familiarity. He has seen the said Hardcott at mass at Somerset House, where he has also seen the little chapel full of English men and women at a mass, amongst which he has seen two of the Brookes, that serve the Countess of Southampton the elder.— Undated.
Signed: Henry Smith and by Jul. Caesar, Roger Wilbraham, Phelipps, Jo. Croke, George More, John Doddridge, F. Bacon and Walter Cope. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (114. 148.)
Robert Smith to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1605]. Prays to be released from prison where he has been confined for six months, being one of those ministers who cannot with peace of conscience yield to the subscription and ceremonies imposed.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (197. 93(2).)
E.. Countess of Southampton, to the Same.
[1605]. She begs for the wardship of the son of Sir Read Stafford, for a friend of hers, by which she shall receive some benefit herself.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: E. Southampton. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (192. 49.)
Sir Thomas Southwell to the Same.
[1605]. His long imprisonment has wrought the disappointment of his business, and is like to be his utter undoing. Sir Charles Cornwallis bought lands of him amounting to 1,000l. a year, paying a great deal less than the value. This money which he should have had from Sir Charles was to satisfy his father's debts, and the residue for his own maintenance. Divers of the debts are unsatisfied, and likely to be recovered from him: and his maintenance money is detained from him. He was besides surety for Sir Charles, and Sir William his son, for almost 2,000l., which is likely to be recovered against him, they both being out of the kingdom. He begs for speedy enlargement.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 151.)
[Cp. Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 275.]
Spaniards at Dover.
[1605]. "Relation of Captain Piere Courtoie de Armenteros, of what has lately passed at Dover, where he was sent by the Conte de Ville Mediana."
General Pedro de Cubiaur and the Maitre de Camp Don Pedro Sarmiento, on leaving their ships and going through Dover to visit their wounded soldiers there, an Englishman cried after them "Spaniards, Spaniards," took a handful of chalk, and threw it into the General's face. They having, on another visit for the same purpose, bought some trouts, the trouts were forcibly taken from the General's servant. Another day a number of Englishmen came to the little house given for the use of the wounded and sick, and threw stones and earth in at the doors and apertures, with abusive words. The English often approach the Spaniards who are in the town, take them by the arm, point to the rebels' ships, and putting their hands to their throats, say that they all ought to be massacred. The Hollanders at Dover do the same. Those of Dover sell provisions to the Spaniards three times dearer than to the inhabi tants. As the said Captain, with two ensigns, was going by the market, the Mayor of Dover came to them and demanded where they were going; the Captain courteously replied, to his lodgings. As the Mayor never raised his hand to his hat, the Captain put on his own hat; whereupon the Mayor knocked off his hat with a stick, saying the Captain showed him little respect. The Captain asked why he did so, he being a Captain of the King of Spain's and sent there by his Ambassador now in this kingdom; and put on his hat again; which the Mayor knocked off again. On the Captain's saying that he should complain to the King, the Mayor, taking him by the arm contemptuously, told him to go. While the Governor was at Dover these insolencies and bad treatment did not occur; but happened immediately upon his departure. The General and the Maitre de Camp have warning that the Hollanders plot to burn the four ships which are at land, with the soldiers.— Undated.
French. Endorsed: "1605. Spanish Ambassador's relation about the abuses offered to the Spaniards at Dover." 2½ pp. (114. 152.)
Sir John Stafford to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. I shall ever acknowledge the favour, procured by your charitable means, by relieving me from the treachery of that servant which was raised by me only, as is right well known to a number. And because this may concern great men as well as my poor self to have the like treachery by such a servant, if this example be not punished and I relieved, as the case in all conscience and equity shall require, my hope is that as you have chosen three so honourable persons to arbitrate, you will be pleased to write to them to set down some short time in certainty for the hearing and determining of the cause.— Undated.
Holograph. Remains of seal. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (97. 118.)
Roman Catholics in Staffordshire.
[1605]. Richard Bartlett, of Barr in the parish of Aldridge, gentleman, being a stranger there, had at this time in his stable two great horses, for what purpose I know not, but there were some came thither which were suspected to be of the company of the traitors; the cause of which suspicion is that he was seen with 4 or 5 lying in the bushes with him in his ground in several places with weapons.
Also one Mr. William Comberford, being an ancient Papist, was coming towards his own house in the night with a case of pistols, who before never used such weapons, and was stayed by the watchmen of Walsall, and being known unto them they let him go without examination, which afterwards they did much repent.
And there is one Mr. Thomas Persall, an ancient man and a notable grand Papist, keeping in his house as it is thought a seminary priest to teach his children, and it is vehemently suspected that some in this traitorous action fled unto his house that night.
And also the country greatly doubts lest Sir Walter Leveson has lately had, at a house of his called Ashmores within a mile of Wolverhampton, some of that company, which no man does nor dares name.
And there is one William Mountford, Esq., his wife being a recusant, and has not been at church these 30 years, seemed to be very malcontent when she heard of the taking and killing of those traitors; and said she cared not if she fled the country; and the said William Mountford, being not at church in half a year before, came to church the very next Sunday after the failing of the said traitors, very solemnly.
And it was reported that his son and heir, Sir Edward, was then in the country there, who was not known but to be then in France; and his wife is also a recusant.
And there is one Robert Gorway of Aldridge, yeoman, a great seducer of the people thereabouts to popery and a very bad man of life and conversation, was vehemently suspected to have in his house 2 or 3 of the persons who had a hand in this treacherous practice.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605. For the Earl of Salisbury. Information against some in Staffordshire." 1 p. (115. 33.)
Lord Stanhope.
[1605]. Extract apparently from a warrant prescribing to Lord Stanhope in his office of "Treasurer" [of the Chamber] the method of keeping the accounts of his office. The office relates to the charges of conveyance of letters from and to the Council, by land and sea.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 1½ pp. (114. 158.)
Lady Elizabeth Stewart to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. She had no thought to entreat him to any servile friendship, and cannot remember wherein he should imagine she has forgotten due respect. Confesses she might press him more than became her to persuade the King to be gracious to her suit. Desires nothing other than he shall like of, and her letter to the King was not to that intent. Encloses a letter from the Master of Orkney, who fears or knows some cause of complaint against my Lord his brother. If the King acquaints Salisbury with any such matter, the Master hopes he will pacify the King in his anger till he come back, who will bring the truth of the cause. Begs warrant to fell 500 trees for reparations.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (192. 50.)
Sir Arthur Throckmorton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. It is no small comfort to understand how gracious a construction, in the midst of the outcries of my unkind kindred, you pronounced of my carriage; wherein I have been many ways wronged, as those gentlemen there with me can witness, and as appears by the inventories of the goods by me seized and now delivered up to Lady Tresham; no small sum resting burdensome upon me, if I be not relieved by the Court of Exchequer as I am promised, wherein I beseech your assistance: all things being delivered up to the least trifle; only one manuscript book, written from Aristotle to Alexander, I have reserved for my Sovereign, if you think it meet for so great a Majesty; wherewith, when I am out of my physic, I will attend you.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 1.)
Torrington, Norfolk.
[1605]. Estate of the Manor of Torrington, Norfolk. Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (P. 2284.)
The Tower of London.
[1605]. Two papers:—
(1) Names of warders for the Tower. Certificate by Sir William Waad of the services of Robert White, William Jefferis, William Mills, Reynold Langhton and Humfrey Samster. "These five having long time served me, I have that experience of their fidelity as I would be glad to have them about me."
Certificate by Sir William Waad and Roger Pilkington of the services of William Crooke, Thomas Ravening and John Strebranck.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 28.)
(2) "1605. Persons that are admitted to have access to the prisoners in the Tower."
Endorsement only. (213. 39.)
The Earl of Tyrconnell to the Council.
[1605]. "Your lordships" by their letter of 28 March, 1605, ordered no more garrisons to be kept in the Earl's country than necessary; also the discharge of the garrison of Lyffer [Lifford], unless there should be cause to continue it, in which case order should be taken that the soldiers encroached not on the Earl's inheritance. Notwithstanding these directions, Lyffer and 4 quarters of land are detained from him. As the inheritance thereof was granted him by letters patent, and as Ballashannon and 1,000 acres of land, the seignory of O'Conor Sligo, and Sir Cahire O'Doughertie's country, are taken from him, he prays to enjoy the town of Lyffer and its lands accord ing to the above grant, as he has no other fit place to dwell in: and also for renewal of his patent, with certain additions.
Sir George Cary, late Lord Deputy, when the patent was made in — Jac. 1, imposed 100 marks more rent upon the said country, contrary to directions given. In view of the above named lands being taken from him, he begs that Sir Cahire O'Doughertie's and Sir Neale O'Donell's country, and the county of Sligo, may be made to pay their proportionable share of the above increased rent.
As most part of the Earl's country is waste, by reason that the ancient inhabitants dwell in other places, having had wrongs daily proffered to them, he prays that such of his tenants as were born in Tyrconnell may be enjoined to return to and continue in his country; he being willing to grant them estates under reasonable rents and English tenures. He also prays for power to keep Courts Leet and Baron; and to enjoy the fishing of the river of Ballashannon, which is now detained by Sir Henry Folliatt.—Undated.
Petition. 1 sheet. (193. 55.)
Elizabeth Vaux to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. The knowledge of your worthy disposition, with the security of my own innocency, emboldens me to pray for some enlargement, being here in Sir John Swinarton's house, where I am not admitted any one servant of my son's to have access to me to stead me in my needful occasions, all my own men being committed to several prisons. If you hold me here out of an opinion to draw from me the discovery of that party which you are persuaded had so deep a finger in that most horrible treason, which none living has a greater detestation of than myself, I protest it is not in my power to do it; but I pray Jesus will deliver him into your hands if he be guilty, which I have very strong reasons to make doubt of, but that it becomes me not to contradict your better judgment. If you have cause to believe I know that party, or might discover him, so you cannot but think that upon the general rumour of so horrible a treason discovered and supposed to have been intended by any that did but bear the name of a Catholic, every man that stood but in ordinary danger and had but a common understanding would shun those places most likeliest to be suspected and searched for them. For your further satisfaction I assure you there are many that will receive such persons that will not put their lives and estates in the power and secrecy of a woman. If you shall, notwithstanding my protestations, rest still doubtful of me, or desire to hold me longer in durance, I will rest with patience your pleasure; but I must beseech your particular memory of me, that have not any to solicit for me but my own tedious lines.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 65.)
The Venetian Ambassador to the King.
[1605]. The Ambassador requests the prolongation for six months of the King's protection to Paolo Canio in order that the old man may not die in prison for another's debts; and also a licence to him to make white lead (far la bianca).
He also requests leave to take beyond seas four priests now in prison, provided that they are not concerned in the late detestable conspiracy.—Undated.
Italian. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 5.)
Lady Susan Vere.
[1605].—17 June 1604. Lady Susan's portion remaining in my hands: money 7,537l. 3s. 0d.; jewels 487l. 16s. 0d.; plate 1,454l. 6s. 7d.; total 9,479l. 5s. 7d. Rents per ann. 240l.
In hand of Earl of Salisbury: The portion of the Lady Susan in plate 1500l., in jewels 400l.; in money 5,537l.; a dividend of 500l.; lands 230l. Expenses since her grandfather died almost 4,000l.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 2 half pages. (192. 56, 57.)
Sir William Waad's present.
[1605]. Includes various preparations of quinces, Genoa pears, apricocks, marigolds and borage cakes, violets and cowslip cakes, and apricock cakes.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605. Sir William Waad's present." 1 p. (192. 58.)
Captain Edmund Whitlock to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. At my last attendance on the Council I heard you say I had not dealt truly concerning Sir Walter Ralegh. I was then loth to interrupt weighty affairs, but conjectured you had not received a writing of mine from Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower which I delivered him according to your command on Sunday fortnight, and was ready to satisfy the Lords to the full if I had been interrogated. I entreat that however you conceive of the quality of my offences, you will be a mean to the Lords to mitigate my punishment so far as to grant me the liberty of this house like other prisoners; that I may take away from the world all opinion of confederacy with these wretched men that have gone about so unchristianlike to destroy the King and his realms. I shall behave myself in such sort that you shall hear no complaint of me.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 7.)
The Windsor Family.
[1605]. Genealogical notes of the Windsor family down to Henry, Lord Windsor.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (192. 59.)
Lands in Wollaxton, co. Oxford.
[1605]. "The truth of the cause between Thomas Chamberlain and Richard Greene concerning lands in Wollaxton, Oxon, and certain oade [woad] now in question in the Star Chamber." A dispute between the tenants of the manor of Wollaxton as to the possession of certain leased lands and stores of woad. The Court is asked to leave plaintiff to the common law for recovery of the woad which was alleged to have been taken from the rightful owners.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (P. 2153.)
Dr. Robert Wright to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. He acknowledges Salisbury's favour in writing on his behalf to the Dean and Chapter of Wells for a canon residency's place, void by the death of Dr. Cottington. The dignity he holds in that church, and the promise made by the Dean and others of the Chapter to his Grace of Canterbury for the admittance of a dignity into the next avoidance, may justify his challenge in this case; Yet notwithstanding this, and Salisbury's recommendation, he cannot prevail: such are the private designments of those who seem to usurp a power to elect which neither the statutes of that church nor ancient practice warrant. He begs Salisbury, when Mr. Dean makes his repair to him, to take notice of their denial or delays, and of his just cause.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 9.)
William Wyles to [David] Allen.
[1605]. Think not amiss in me for that which I have done, for I have done nothing in malice towards you nor no man, but of zeal towards God and his church, and love to my country; being persuaded in conscience I ought to do no less; besides the danger I might otherwise have fallen into being unacquainted in these actions, by reason of my silence. If you do know any of the principal authors of it who hath, it may be, drawn yourself and many more . . . into this most filthy action, you are [bound?] both by the law of God and nature, to betray them that [they may] have their deserts, that so many innocent souls but most . . . may not thereby be condemned, as now unjustly . . . by this occasion; it is, to the great dishonour . . . the perdition it may be of many a soul. There is hope . . . will show favour, or howsoever we shall have more . . . suffer as well-doers than evil; only that we have . . . that we hurt nobody for matter only. . . . you may think that we . . . unhappily together as partly in my perplexity . . . thought myself, fearing though not knowing . . . that I might therein any ways offend or do any man wrong. If I have done it or shall do it, it shall be through weakness, and not with any malicious intent. My purpose always is to do those things which shall be first for His glory, the good of His church and our poor miserable and deceived country. God I hope therefore hath his hand in this and hath brought [it] to some holy and blessed end. Or may it be, though you do know some of the principal authors thereof, yet perhaps you have bound yourself by solemn oath or otherwise, it may be by taking the blessed sacrament, to that end to keep it secret, which whether it be a custom or no is more than I know, but by the speace [? speech] of Protestants: which if it be so is greatly to bind a weak conscience, till he may be better instructed, and his conscience better satisfied. But if this be proved to be but a collusion of the devil thereby to pour out his mischievous malice against the church or any of its members or pretended members. . . .—Undated.
Holograph, much damaged. Endorsed: "A letter to Mr. Allen 1605." 1 p. (213. 17.)
Robert Yaxley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. He has been ready to serve his Majesty in this dangerous time to his uttermost. His means are small, and he begs for "any small thing."—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 10.)
Anne, Lady Yorke, to the Same.
[1605 or later]. Pardon a poor distressed lady who flies for relief to that key of wisdom, which next under his Majesty, opens the gate of happiness to this our Great Britain; and pity the low estate of a well deserving knight, my husband, who hath commanded horse in Spain, Portugal, France, Low Countries, Ireland and England in the service of the late Queen. Grant your aid that he may not starve, neither be cast in prison for debt.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1602" [sic], and in another hand: "The Ladie York to my Lord." 1 p. (97. 134.)
Particular of lands in Yorkshire.
[1605]. Includes rectory of Hutton Bushell, Yorks, "granted to myself and son"; manor of Rise in Holderness, Yorks; lordship of Butterwick, Yorks; lordship and messuage of Great Braughton in Cleveland, Yorks; 8 tenements in West Nesse, parcel of the manor of Nonnyngton, Yorks; and the deanery and 4 prebends in Awkeland, Durham. Total 328l. 4s. 10d.— Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (192. 61.)
Lord Zouche to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605]. Two letters:—
(1) Such as come to me, such I send you. Ere now I received it, and though there be not that haste made by the gentleman I should have wished, yet I am very persuaded he is very honest, and desirous to deserve well what you will have further done herein.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (115. 11.)
(2) Protests at length his devotion to Salisbury and desire to be guided by him. He beseeches him to let not his evil shows be any blemish to a sound and affectionate mind. While writing, there is come a further remembrance of Salisbury's favour by noble Sir Foulk Grevill. He has acquainted Sir Francis Bacon therewith.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (115. 12.)
— to —
[1605]. The writer begs his correspondent to remember Baron Clarke for the cause between Michel Stanhope and Foulke Onselo [Onslow]. The opinion of the Lord Chief Justice, Justice Waemselo [Walmesley] and Justice Kyngsmill, with Mr. Attorney General and others of the principal lawyers, is clear for Mr. Stanhope for matter in law; besides Mr. Stanhope advances the quit rent very much.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1605. Baron Clerck." ½ p. (113. 147.)


  • 1. Probably the letter referred to in Capt. Ersfield's letter of Aug. 10 (see p. 363 supra).
  • 2. He was Sheriff of London and Middlesex, Mich. 1605, and knighted in July 1606.
  • 3. This is evidently the letter to which the letter of May 19 (see p. 211 supra) was the reply and was written no doubt a few days before that date.