Cecil Papers: June 1605, 16-30

Pages 262-295

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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June 1605, 16-30

Captain Andrew Sinclair to the Same.
1605, June 16. Touching some articles with remembrance of your service to the King my master, according to your desire I have faithfully delivered the same to his Majesty in such sort that I hope you shall perceive by some commission this gentleman Hendricus Ramelius has from the King to your lordship that I have done the duty of a true friend to you. It is not possible to believe since my voyages in England how much his Majesty reposes himself on your offer of true friendship, praying you since so it is and that your lordship has the credit and can do much in all matters concerning these great princes, that you will now at the returning of this gentleman conclude all things so friendly that "all eijlestes quilk hes bine in auld taymes betuix yir kingdumes" may once for all be buried and put in perpetual oblivion. I shall according to the little talent it has pleased God to give me be a faithful instrument in these parts to continue the same.—From Gladsax in Dennemark, the 16 June 1605.
Addressed: "To the Right Honourable the Lord Robert Cecil, Visconte of Cranburg and Grat Secretair of Ingland, etc."
Holograph. Seals. 1 p. (111. 66.)
Lord Gerard to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 16. I acquainted you with my deputy Ca: Molyneux coming from the Isle of Manne, whom I presume to send to you requesting your favour either to be heard at Council Board before my Lords or else that any whom you and the rest of my Lords shall appoint to hear what can be objected against him and certify the truth thereof; for I protest in this cause of his, I desire nothing but the truth to be known, as well to free the poor gentleman from scandals.—16 June 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (111. 67.)
Charles, "Syre et Duc de Croy et D'Arschot," to Lord Say and Sele.
1605, June 17/27. Has received Lord Say's letter and thanks him for the offers made therein of the continuation of his good will. Thanks him also for the trouble he has taken to present his humble recommendations to the King's good graces. Lord Say may be assured of his affection being reciprocated and that his commands on his Highness's behalf will be carried out.— De Bruxelles le xxvii de Juing, 1605.
Addressed: "A illustrissime Seigneur et Milort le Seigneur Ricardo Fienes de Say et Seal."
Signed. French. Seal. ½ p. (111. 88.)
Tho. Milles to Lord Stanhope, Vice Chamberlain to the King.
1605, June 18. The sudden discharge of the posts westward gave occasion to sundry of them in time past to come up and bemoan themselves in Court. Among whom this bearer Mr. Belman of Padstowe began 12 months since to lay down his griefs which now (interrupted by sickness) he seems to renew. The grounds of his complaints, besides the chargeable provision for a bark and men to attend the ordinary service of his stage (which he says was cast away in Ireland in the heat of those wars) proceed from some extraordinary commandments he received from my Lord of Salisbury in private, for which his lordship by his letters (as he alleges) promised special consideration, and show a note of 7 voyages into Munster, after his bark was dispatched with her late Majesty's letters. What they were must appear by his lordship's private remembrances, who out of his bounty and wisdom is to consider of; which his suit he humbly prays you to further.—18 June 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 103.)
Lord Stanhope to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], June 18. Encloses Thomas Mylles's examination of the bearer's petition.—18 June.
[See Milles's letter above, of same date.]
Holograph. ½ p. (86. 104.)
Commissioners for the relief of distressed prisoners in the King's Bench and Fleet prisons to [the Council.]
1605, June 18. Upon the petition of William Maytham a prisoner in the Fleet we have directed our warrant or precept unto one Jarvaise Maplesden of Battell, Sussex, yeoman, requiring his appearance before us at the said prison upon a day now past, that in his presence we might have treated some charitable order with him for the relief of the said prisoner. Maplesden has been duly warned by our precept as appears by oath made by one Stephen Morris before a Master of the Chancery. As yet he refuses either by himself or his attorney to appear before us, whereby we cannot effect anything for the relief of the said prisoner, he being an aged man and very poor. We present to your Honours this disobedient carriage of the said Maplesden together with the poor prisoner's cause, hoping you will be pleased to grant him your favour in his misery.— From the prison of his Majesty's Fleete, 18 June 1605.
Signed: John Day; Jo. Laywarde; Hen. Woodehowse; Samu. Dale. ¾ p. (111. 68.)
The Bishop of Salisbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 18. Respecting a suit the last assizes between Sir Thomas Gorge and himself touching a small plot of ground near his house and Church. The whole right and ancient evidence has shown this to belong wholly to the inheritance of the bishopric, and one parcel of the ground was granted by the Bishop to build the town wall on. The last assizes a verdict went to the Bishop, but by some means has been retracted this last term. Fearing that his cause may take prejudice by reason of the former process, the country being somewhat amazed at the judicial proceedings forepassed, and because there is a further danger of more than 20l. by the year loss to his Church upon the same title, prays Salisbury to further the obtaining of his Majesty's letters to the judges of the Assizes to make stay of their proceedings in the cause at this time, and that the cause may proceed the next term in the Common Pleas above without delay; the jury to avoid corruption to be chosen by the judges of the Court, if the Court shall think fit. Is assured of the right and equity of his own cause and of the fraudulent conveyance of the other side, from whom Sir Tho. Gorge has purchased it, he being, as he thinks, abused therein. The whole substance of the cause will be related by the bearer, Mr. Marshall, if Salisbury has so much leisure as to give him audience.—Sarum, 18 June 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (111. 69.)
Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 18. By the examinations taken of William Morgan you may perceive his memory serves him better this morning than yesterday when he was before your lordships. The opinion both of my Lord Chief Justice, of Mr. Justice Williams, Mr. Attorney General and the rest that attended upon his lordship in this service is that it were fit he were presently committed to the Tower, for in any other prison your lordship knows how hard a thing it is to have any prisoner kept from intelligence; and we doubt not but he is able to discover where Jones is, who, as we conceive, is come up to London, and being there he may be dealt with more confidently.—The Ermitage at Chareingcrosse, 18 June 1605.
PS.—The other party D. Herley [Harley] as yet doth acknowledge nothing to any purpose.
Holograph. ½ p. (111. 70.)
Sir Robert Hicham, the Queen's Attorney, to the Same.
1605, June 18. Concerning a most scandalous complaint which without any ground has been made to his Majesty against him, that he being farmer of the demesnes of the manor of Hicham in Suffolk, parcel of her Majesty's jointure has cut down many timber trees growing thereon and converted them to his own use. Has had nothing to do with any of the said lands nor in any way meddled with one tree whatsoever. Has sent into the country within these last three days a very credible messenger, who answers that there are but two oaks felled, both by the farmers. The one being very old was for firing and the other to make a bridge into the wood, both of them being scarce worth a noble. Prays Salisbury to take some course whereby he may know his accuser and the matter be examined and made known to the King.—Grayes Inne, 18 Junii 1605.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (111. 71.)
Sir John Leveson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 19. At my late being at Auditor Neale's for a particular of a salt marsh in the Isle of Grayne, being one of the leases of Mr. George Brooke appointed to be sold for payment of his debts, I found that the Lord Say had lately procured a particular of the same thing, intending to pass it with the Commissioners for letting the King's lands, supposing it to be forfeited by the attainder of Mr. Brooke; and by good hap meeting his lordship the last night, he told me that he meant to come to you this morning to pray your allowance of his desire. It may therefore please your lordship to be advertised that this is the lease out of which there is most money to be raised of all the three leases appointed to be sold, and so lies intermingled with young Mr. Brooke's fee-simple lands in the said Isle as the severing it from them will turn his tenants to much trouble. I therefore procured the tenant of Mr. Brooke's land there to give money for it, which he has accordingly prepared.—19 June 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (111. 72.)
The Bishop of Ely to the Council.
1605, June 19. Acknowledges their second letters, and will send to Wisbech Castle to order his brother to attend them. Hopes he will prove diligent in the service. He named his brother, because he has the keeping of that house already. Did not see how it might conveniently be done by another; but if they find he does not carry himself to their liking, they can commit the charge to any other.—Downham, 19 June 1605.
Holograph, signed: H. Elien. 1 p. (190. 103.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 19. Upon the arrival here of Mr. Powell with his Majesty's presents Edmondes procured access for him and himself to the Princes, and because of his want of language signified for him that his Majesty held himself bound to make like demonstration to the Archdukes of his good will. He was sorry for two things: (1) that they had prevented him in their courtesy, and (2) that they sent him so worthy a present as it troubled him to find the means to equal it; but that he was not willing to seek out other curiosities for them than such things as his own country yields, and he prayed them to accept the present he now sent in as good part as it proceeded from his hearty affection towards them. They greatly thanked his Majesty for accepting the present of horses they had sent him, and for the great honour he did them with so worthy and acceptable a present from himself, which extinguished the memory of theirs. They first took a view of the deer as they were brought into their park, which they commended for being of greater bodies than their own here, but especially they liked the black ones. Two days after the horses and dogs were presented to them and there was a concourse of the best qualified of this place to see them, out of windows and coaches, as they passed from the stable to the Court and the glory of the present was generally highly commended. The Infanta sent the next day for the saddle cloths and acknowledged that the embroideries of Milan, which are of the best reputation of all other places, are not comparable to these; and also that the work of certain rich wrought waistcoats and "pillowbeeres" which the Queen heretofore sent them exceeded all the needlework she ever saw in Spain.
They have now understood here the particular news of the defeat of the Spanish ships in the Narrow Seas. To wash themselves of the shame they impute great blame to the directions of Spain for sending the men in so ill sort and so unseasonably as in the present calms to their apparent butchery. Some of the chief councillors here have told Edmondes they were advertised that the Spanish soldiers were refused all assistance on the shore of England from the pursuit of the States' ships. Learns that this advertisement came from Peter Sebure, the Admiral of the fleet that is now in England, who wrote to Manciscido, the Spanish Secretary here, that they were treated as dogs. He told them that Sebure has no reason to expect any great courtesy among the English, being known to be the person that heretofore set afoot all the evil and malicious practices against them. For the assistance they look to receive from the English being now at peace with all the world, that people think they ought not to interfere with others' quarrels, especially where it is question between two fleets of war, which ought not to be admitted into their ports. And yet it appears that they could not have exempted themselves from the absolute ruin of them all if they had but saved themselves upon the shore of England, for which they acknowledge no thanks. Does not learn that the Archdukes take any unkind conceit about the matter. It is now in deliberation how to convey the residue of the Spanish soldiers remaining in England, for which some offers have been made to perform it by shallops of Dunkerke.
Because they perceive that Count Maurice seeks still to amuse them with his army in Flanders without doing anything, it is now resolved to erect a second army, for which purpose the Count of Buquoy is sent from hence to take into his charge the new Italian troops, whereof the most part are come to Namur and the rest shortly expected there, and also the new levied regiment of Liegeois; and with the same and other regiments sent out of the army and drawn out of the garrisons to make his rendezvous at Tielmont and thence to pass into Frizeland. For this purpose the Archduke has sent a gentleman of his chamber to the Duke of Cleves and Juliers to desire leave for the passage of his army through his country, but it is judged their purpose is, unless they find the States better provide against it, to besiege Berke upon the Rhine. The Prince of Aveline that conducted the Neapolitans is come to this town but is forthwith to return into Italy. They report the numbers of these Italian forces to be at least 7,000 foot, but there are amongst them many sick and unserviceable men. The Lantgrave of Leuchtemburg that is employed from the Emperor to his Majesty arrived here five or six days since in private sort without being willing to make himself known and is gone to Antwerp to make his provisions for his journey. After the performance thereof he intends, as it is said, to make his return hither.
It is now resolved by these Princes, seeing his Majesty to be so well pleased with the carriage of the Baron of Hoboke, to establish him as their Ambassador liegier with the King and direction is now accordingly sent him.
Sends a note of the last occurrences out of Germany. Cannot as yet procure a resolution in the cause concerning the gentleman of Littuania, for the answer is not come from Dunkerk.—From Bruxelles, 19 June 1605.
Copy. 4 pp. (227. p. 30.)
[Original in Public Record Office, S.P. Foreign, Flanders 7.]
Viscount Cranborne to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 19. He is safely to Cambridge, and entered into his wonted course of study.—St. John's College, Cambridge, 19 June 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (228. 8.)
Captain Matthew Bredgate to the Same.
1605, June 20. I presume to possess you how I have safely landed the worthy Duke of Haulster, and brought him to Hamborw. The relations of my proceedings I leave to the bearer Mr. Ro. Anstrowther. He has a letter to his Majesty and one to you, from the Duke of Haulster: and herein is another from his Grace to you. Other letters has he not written unto any, for he more reverences, loves and honours you than any subject in the world. When I desired him to put pen to paper for me that it might appear how honestly I had done my duty to him, he demanded of me whom I honoured most of all his Majesty's Privy Council, that he might write in my behalf. I named your lordship, which he took so well as he presently wrote enclosed and told me that I could not have named anyone in England but the King that he would [more] write to be beholden unto. I trust you will be my friend either for a pension, or employment in this Narrow Seas service under Sir William Mounson. The ship I now have in charge is a most fit ship to be Vice-Admiral unto Sir William. He is my loving friend, and would willingly have it so. Here is not any ship now in the Narrow Seas of his Majesty's more than the Adventure that I command, and it is fit some of his Majesty's ships were here, for here is such disorder, both by the Hollanders at sea and Spaniards by land, as the Mayor of Dover cannot be in quiet for daily complaint. I will attend your and my Lord Chamberlain's answer whether I shall attend this service or bring in the ship. One word from you to my Lord Chamberlain will cause me to have employment, or at least to be here until Sir William Monson comes south with the Vangard.— Dover, 20 June 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 44.)
Lord Zouche to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 20. I received a letter from my Lords of the Council wherein I find their care of my health, and therefore [they] have rather taken order with the Earl of Worcester for the suppressing of these disorderly persons than directed any course to me other than my former commission: wherein though I had advertisement that a further matter was in working that my said Lord should receive my place—whereof I was exceeding glad—yet did I not believe that you would proceed therein without saving my honour, and therefore expected the issue; which being in show a favour to me and a speedier dispatch of that service, if it be grown to that head it seems by the Council's letters it should be, is fit to be in time prevented. For my own part I have neither been informed from any of the deputy lieutenants, nor from any other bearing magistracy, of any part of these misdemeanours, so great comfort have they received by this crossing of the judges, and the little relief I have had where I was to hope for it. I pray you answer for me thus far, that if I may do his Majesty service I neither respect life, much less health, so I may be directed from above. For if I must be called to account before the judges for anything I do in his Highness's service before I be first thought worthy of punishment I shall ever be readier to command than obey. But in this if I should have gone myself I would have been glad to have received further directions than my ordinary commission, especially seeing the question now depending betwixt the judges and the Court of the Marches [of Wales], wherein they may proceed still in their course and we are left to defend ourselves before them who are parties; else would I have hoped that these outrages should not have been, or being should have been with speed repressed. But whosoever have it, you shall do exceeding honourably to procure the establishing of that place in his pristine honour. I have never been so desirous of it that any stratagems need be used to make me weary of it or to disgrace me before I leave it. Wherefore I beseech you so disburden me of it as I may with honour go from it, which has been my long request; or so keep me in it as I may with comfort do his Highness service. I have presently written to the deputy lieutenants of Hereford and Brecknock requiring them to be attendant and assistant to my Lord, according to their lordships' letters. I will also send a man to my Lord to know whether he will have me meet him or no, or whether they have need of any further commission from me, for I desire not to live longer than my heart wishes to spend itself in his Highness's service. A private life to me is as sweet as the greatest command. In you I trust either to keep me or to direct me as I may leave with honour or live with honour.—From the Bath, 20 June 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (100. 114.)
Lewis Pykeringe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, June 20.] He demanding of the Dean of the Chapel whether the ministers should sin or no in subscribing to the lawfulness of the ceremonies, themselves doubting thereof, the Dean answered that they should sin in subscribing. Pickering answered that he must then confess that his Majesty punished men because they would not sin. The Dean replied that his Majesty did ill in urging them.
Mr. Stocke, one of the preachers in London, will witness that the Dean confessed to him that his Majesty sinned in silencing the ministers for nonconformity. This Mr. Stocke confirms. Mr. Gilby, preacher of Bedford (Beadforde), will depose that the Dean said his Majesty did wickedly in silencing the ministers for nonconformity.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605, 20 June." 1 p. (192. 10.)
Information of Lewis Pickering.
[1605, ? June 20.] I heard it from the Dean. Burgess heard it from the Dean himself, as I have heard. Gilby told me that he heard it from the Dean. Mr. Wotton heard it from Mr. Stocke. Lucas heard it from Mr. Stoke. I have heard that the Dean has said it to Stoane, Sherwood and Hildersham.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (192. 8.)
A contemporary copy of the foregoing.
½ p. (192. 9.)
Lewis Pykeringe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, c. June 20.] I have by command of the Lords endeavoured to give satisfaction concerning my offence, my service, and Mr. Bywater's, whose opinions and practice I disclaim, if they were such as Mr. Attorney delivered. My suit is that you would be a means to appease his Majesty's displeasure. I am glad to hear that some ministers of Northamptonshire are restored to their charge, which I believe has been done by your means. I have requested my eldest brother, the bearer, to thank you for the undeserved favours shown me since my restraint. What other course shall be thought fit, either by petition to the Lords, or to any particular Lord, to mediate to his Majesty, I am willing to follow your direction in. I have lately had conference with other witnesses concerning the unfaithfulness of the watchman of the King's soul, who affirm he delivered these words: that his Majesty does wickedly in silencing the ministers who refuse conformity. I desire his Majesty would tender the lamentable estate of their souls who, if he had stood in need, would have made a way to his crown with their swords, and paved it with their blood, and of whom he may rest assured as of the fidelity of his own heart. I crave pardon for my importunity in my petitions to the Lords, which is excusable when a man is going to execution. This contagious heat has bred an infection of the small pox in the Fleet, which I fear, because I never had them. May I have liberty, upon security, to retire to some friend's house for my health. There are of my brethren in the City who will refuse no bonds for my obedience.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Gilby a minister. Mr. Stock of London." 1 p. (192. 11.)
Lewis Pykeringe to Sir Anthony Ashley.
[1605, c. June 20.] I am willing to give satisfaction to the Lords' command. Mr. Stock is a preacher in Bread Street in London, and Mr. Gilby dwells in Bedford. Seeing the Lords are so sensible of this report, I desire the whole truth may be found out. Mr. Burgess, a minister in Buckinghamshire, can testify so much as any of these; and I have heard that Mr. Hildersham, the minister of De La Zouche in Leicestershire, can witness the same. Let them be sent for, and their oaths taken. Mr. Stock was the first from whom I heard that he should use these words.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (192. 12.)
Philip III of Spain to the President and Quaestors of the Extraordinary Revenues of the State of Milan.
1605, June 20. Directions as to form of summoning the Malaspinas and others to show cause why their liberties should not be seized into the Duke's royal hand.
Copy. 2 pp. Mutilated. (206. 20.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 21. Understanding by your lordships his Majesty's pleasure that Thomas Douglas should be proceeded with with as much speed as possible, we went this morning by six of the clock to the Tower, where we examined Douglas in a legal manner, the copy whereof I send herewith. (fn. 1) It was conceived that these treasons, wherewith he is charged and by him confessed, had been committed beyond the seas, but it falls out that they, by his own confession, were all contrived and done in Middlesex. If they had been committed beyond sea, the law would have required a long proceeding; but being committed in Middlesex and the sessions of oyer and terminer being to be holden on Tuesday next, he may then lawfully be proceeded with and receive justice with expedition. So everything falls out as fitly as could have been wished. I have also caused the indictment upon his own confession to be drawn in readiness, wherein I will trouble you with no particularity. He confesses himself guilty also of that treason whereof Steward was attainted for counterfeiting his Majesty's sign manual, for which also to fill up the measure of his iniquity he shall be attainted. I am sorry he has offended, but I am glad he confesses himself to be of the Romish religion and no Protestant. —"21 Junii 1605 from the Temple."
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (111. 74.)
Lord Stanhope to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, June 22.] This last letter of your lordship's to me the King read over with great contentment, and read likewise over Mr. Attorney's letter and the confession of Douglasse, being much pleased that he had confessed so much of himself, saying what pity it were he should not instantly suffer, who had been the cause that Stuarde suffered who was nothing so faulty as he. His Majesty keeps his confession and says he will peruse it better and speak with you when ye meet. This afternoon he will come to Grenwich and kill a brace of bucks with his hounds in the Park of Grenwich, and so end his hunting on this side the Temes for this summer. I send you enclosed Mr. Attorney's letter again and the long letter of my Lord Admiral, which came out of Spain.—Undated.
PS.—Yesterday the Prince and his brother were both here to take their leave, and the Archduke's Ambassador saw the King's hounds hunt well and so returned.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605, June 22." Seal. 1 p. (111. 76.)
Sir William Lane to the Same.
[1605], June 22. Stands called amongst others for some assart lands, to purchase which he disbursed not many years since 1200l. The lands join hedge to hedge to his manor of Horton, which moved him to commit this folly. Hopes nevertheless there will be an honourable regard had when he considers to whom this commission is directed. Prays Salisbury's verbal recommendation or a letter to Mr. Nichollson that he may be temperately used in his composition, either in the confirmation of a lease he now holds of the Hospital of St. John in Northampton for many years, or in the purchase of a higher estate from the King. Delivered Salisbury's letter touching Mr. Coptye the recusant to the Lord Treasurer, who said he would give present order for him according to the contents of Salisbury's letter. Would have given Salisbury sooner notice of this, if he had not been by occasion drawn into the country.—This 22 of June.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (111. 77.)
John Smythe to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1605, June 23. Being neglected of all his friends, his only hope of enlargement depends upon the comfort which he received of his lordship. His petition remains with one of his lordship's secretaries. His own necessity and the misery of his wife and children enforce this presumption. His bail shall be found sufficient of his countrymen who now stay in London at his request and charge for that purpose. Can give most assured instances of the truth of his report. Matter has so happened to his intelligence within these two days, which, after some liberty of coming abroad, he will attend to signify to his lordship. —From the Gatehouse, 23 June 1605.
Holograph. ¼ p. (111. 78.)
Arthur Hall to the King.
1605, June 23. Begs, for himself and other loyal subjects, a hearing of their agonies and bitter griefs, by the cruelties, treacheries and scrapings of some of the King's judges and officers, and of that impudent, insolent, false, slandering railer the Attorney General. "Command the wicked of them to be done withal as Cambises did with Sisamnes." Begs the King to defend his petitioners in their just causes, and for leave to prosecute in law the abovenamed. He is fast: he asks no liberty: but yet in prison begs safety of life till trial. His adversaries are for the most part mercenary brought up lawyers, many of which profession have been the vipers and caterpillars of the Commonwealth; and he will justify to their faces what he charges them with. "Davy Erico [Rizzio] cried most pitifully to your Highness's worthy mother for justicia, justicia: so do I at your hands. He could have no trial, as your Majesty knows, but daggers in his bowels, hard by her Majesty's nose."— 23 June 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 105.)
Sir Benjamin Berrye to the Council.
1605, June 24. I have by these bearers sent the three offenders first committed by myself, with one other, being an actor with them, and have used the best means I possibly might to inform myself of any other secret plotter in that misdemeanour, but as yet can hear of none. I have also herewith sent the examination of the party abused.—Portesmouthe, 24 June 1605.
Holograph. ¾ p. (111. 79.)
The Lord Chief Justice and others to the Council.
1605, June 24. According to your letters we have heard the matter touching the farm of the alnage and measurage that is sought to be granted by his Majesty of sundry kinds, as well of new made drapery as of other stuffs made within this realm; and upon hearing as well of some of the part of the Master of Orckney as of others both of the behalf of the Duke of Lennox and Mr. Shawe, have informed ourselves touching the same as far forth as we might in this time. We are resolved that all new made drapery made wholly of wool, as frizaddoes, bayes, northern dozens, northern cottons, cloth "rash" and other like drapery of what new name so ever made as drapery for the use of man's body are to yield subsidy and alnage according to the statute 27 Edward III and within the office of the ancient alnage, as may appear by several decrees in the Exchequer in the time of the late Queen. But as touching fustians, canvas, sackcloth and such like made of other stuff than wool or but mixed with wool, we are of opinion that no charge can be imposed for the search or measurage thereof; but that all such patents so made are void as may appear by a record of 11 Henry IV, wherein the reason of the judgment is particularly mentioned, which we hold not amiss to set down to your lordships, which is thus: Henry IV granted the measurage of all woollen cloth and canvas brought to London to be sold by any stranger or denizen (except he were free of London) taking one halfpenny for every whole piece of cloth so measured of the seller and one other halfpenny of the buyer and so after that rate for greater or lesser quantity, and one penny for the measuring of one hundred ells of canvas of the seller and so much more of the buyer. And although it were averred that two other had enjoyed the same office before with the like fees, viz. one Sheringe by the same King's grant and one Clytheroe before by grant of Richard II, yet amongst other reasons of the judgment it was set down that the former possession was by extortion, coercion and without right, and that these patents were in oneracionem, oppressionem et depauperacionem populi domini Regis, etc. et non in emendacionem ejusdem populi, etc. and no benefit to the King and therefore void. As touching the narrow new stuff made in Norwich and other places with worsted yarn, we are of opinion that it is not grantable nor fit to be granted, for we cannot find that there was ever any alnage upon Norwich worsteds. For those stuffs, if after they be made and tacked up for sale by the makers, they should be again opened to be viewed and measured, they will not fall into their old plights ("plites") to be tacked up as before, which will be, as is affirmed, a great hindrance to the sales thereof in gross, for they will not then appear to be so merchandisable as they were upon the first making of them up.—At Serjeants' Inn, 24 June 1605.
Signed: J. Popham; Tho. Flemyng; Robte. Clerke; Jo. Savile 1605; Geo. Snigge; Edw. Coke. Endorsed: "L. Chief Justice, L. Chief Baron and the rest of the Barons to the Lords." 2 pp. (111. 81.)
Sir Arthur Capell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 25. I send you a buck as a poor token of my wonted duty. I give thanks for your favour toward me and my children; for your letters to the Ambassadors of France and Venice in behalf of my son Edward Capell, whereof one has taken good effect with the Lord Ambassador in France for his wise counsels in my son's journey, and so I hope will the other when he shall come to the delivery of them; and for your favour to my son Arthur Capell, that you have put him in ordinary and placed him in office to do you service.—From my poor house at Haddham, 21 June 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (100. 115.)
Sir Robert Lee to the Same.
1605, June 25. Hearing that Edward Smith, his lordship's plumber, is lately deceased, recommends the bearer Jeromey Lawes, who is desirous to be a suitor for the place.—This present Tuesday night, 25 June 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (111. 82.)
William Kyrkham to the Same.
1605, June 25. I have lately received a letter from your tenant Mr. Wm. Dale, who signifies your pleasure is that I should exhibit a petition to my Lord Treasurer. I have preferred many petitions to his Honour concerning the truth of my cause, but all to no purpose. For he says that himself with the rest of the Lords imposed 200l. upon me during my father's life, in regard that I had then no lands liable to the great fine, and that after my father's decease the 31,000l. to be then wholly imposed upon me. If either in the first judgment or in any decree since there be any such order, I crave no favour but deserve to be severely punished in abusing his Majesty and misinforming your lordship. You shall find upon the examination of the records that the fine was mitigated to 200l. by your father, whereto the now Lord Treasurer and others subscribed their hands. To the end that you should not be misinformed or give any credit to my own report, I beseech you to send for Mr. Mill, Clerk of the Star Chamber, in whose custody the records remain. You shall plainly find; First, what moved the Lords to impose so great a fine upon me. Secondly, what was the reason that persuaded them to mitigate the same to so small a value as 200l. Thirdly, what subsequent courses were taken for the discharge thereof according to the usual precedents of the Court. And lastly, upon what untrue suggestions by Peter Probye, being now approvedly known to be a man most insufficient, the Lords were then induced to revive the said great fine again, notwithstanding the former mitigation; which Proby durst not have done, if your father had been then living. And to the end you should no way rest doubtful what proceeding has been since had with his Majesty and the Lords, if you send for Sir Julius Cæsar, he can inform you and what course is fittest to be taken.—Fynishead, 25 June 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (111. 84.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], June 25. Acknowledges a message from Salisbury inquiring the truth of a report that one Throgmorton has lately levied men with sound of drum at Hamp. [? Southampton] and in the Isle of Wight for the Archduke's service. On Friday night there came to Hamp. one Grimston, who pretends to be lieutenant to Throgmorton, showing letters from the Council commanding his free passage across the seas with his levies; also an assignment of that passport from Throgmorton to himself. Grimston asked the Mayor of Hamp. for permission to gather such as he could, not naming any place whither he intended to carry them. He made proclamation about the town that whoever would follow him to the wars (leaving the place still doubtful) should repair to his lodgings. Southampton sent a messenger to the Isle of Wight, who reports that Grimston proceeded at Newport much after the same manner as at Hamp. He told the bailiff whither he intended his course, and prayed his help; which being refused, he hired a drum and sought to draw men, proclaiming his end to be the service of the Archduke. On Saturday next Southampton means to be at Newport, to inquire into the truth of the matter. Meantime he has ordered Grimston to be stayed, if he returns again into the island. He conceives it is not the King's pleasure that his subjects should be levied by sound of drum for the service of any but himself, unless leave be specially granted; and begs to know his Majesty's will in the matter.—Tichfield, 25 June.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "1605. Earl of Southampton to my Lord." 3 pp. (190. 106.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to the Same.
1605, June 26. After judgment given this forenoon against Douglasse for his most horrible treasons, whether upon remorse he took by the good instructions he received from my Lord of London and others or upon the burden he found to lie heavy upon his own conscience I know not, he made to the minister unto whom the prisoners are referred this enclosed declaration, of which for that it varies in some principal points from what he formerly confessed, in laying much upon himself, which I charged others with before, I have thought good to advertise you. And if yet he might be got to set down from whom he had these pernicious plots or who were any ways privy or acquainted therewith, I am of opinion his Majesty would hold it a service to good purpose; and for the party that counterfeited the signet (in my opinion) it were good he were dealt with, for if men grow so audacious as to deal in such a work it will be more than time to punish it. And now I am to pray you to excuse me in that I attended not his Majesty yesternight, as my duty had been, nor this day. The reason is this. Yesterday all the afternoon I was busied with the Recorder and some Aldermen of London touching the matter of the rogues, the highways, and partly by accident with the matter between this city and Newcastle for the matter of coals. That of the rogues we did somewhat in (if it hold) for the time; for the highways how "untastable" it was to the city to be at any charge, Sir Walter Cope and others that were present are witness. But for the matter of the coals when it was understood to be otherwise referred, we left it to the course your lordships gave.— "At the Sessyons House of Newgat," 26 June 1605.
Holograph. Seal broken. Endorsed: "With the voluntarye confession of Thomas Douglas." 1½ pp. (111. 85.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to Mr. Lello.
[1605, June 26]. The Prince of Moldavia who now remains prisoner in the Castle of Asia, under the command of the Great Signor, has sent a servant of his into England with letters to the King's Majesty to implore his gracious assistance and intercession for his liberty, being no way culpable of any misdemeanour towards the Grand Signor, whilst his abode was in there; but merely delivered over by the practice of his enemies and that whilst he was under your protection as his Majesty's minister, to whom formerly he was recommended from the late Queen and myself. In which act as you cannot altogether be excused from suspicion to have been privy to his delivery, so his Majesty now expects this amends at your hands, to deal seriously with such officers of that state as you shall think most convenient for his redelivery out of prison and restoring to that liberty which he had when he was delivered by you out of your house. The reasons that have moved his Majesty to intercede for him are his general Christian and princely commiseration towards a Christian Prince, who comes somewhat near to him in the true profession of the Gospel of Christ; secondly, the particular confidence of safety whereon that poor Prince reposed himself upon her late Majesty's recommendation, of which during her lifetime he received no disturbance; lastly, that seeing his Majesty succeeded the late Queen not only in her rights and dominions, but also in her friendships with other Princes abroad, whereof the particular confirmations have passed, as you know, between him and that monarchy, he holds himself a little engaged in reputation, that any person, who upon the confidence of safety from his Majesty's predecessor, put himself into the hands of that state, should presently upon her decease become a miserable prisoner: a matter wherein the world may justly note an apparent difference of that respect towards his Majesty which was yielded to the late Queen. In regard whereof, as you see by the copy of his Majesty's letter, how seriously he writes in his behalf, so it is expected that accordingly you will co-operate for the furthering of the request, in the obtaining whereof there cannot but redound great contentment to his Majesty. And so leaving all other particulars to your own conduct and discretion, etc.— Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "26 June 1605. To Mr. Lello. Mynute by Gasparo Gratiano." 3 pp. (111. 86.)
The Bishop of Exeter to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 26. Has received Bidlake's petition, by which Salisbury is much abused. Bidlake and Norley have had many fair offers, as Salisbury will see by the enclosed. Seeks not to strip Bidlake of his ward; for Willoughby, who pretends a contract, is unknown to him. All he intends is that upon the claim of a contract she may be kept in Bidlake's or Norley's house still, till the validity of the contract be argued in his Consistory. She is a poor ward and unhandsomely bred, and Willoughby will not lose if he never sees her again. Bidlake and Norley seek the spoil of the ward. Norley is a serving man gaping after spoil, and Bidlake a clerk in Sir John Roper's office; both too cunning for such a silly lamb as the maiden is. Is very willing, on any discharge, to rid his hands and his Consistory of this business, in which he has dealt uprightly, and as a Bishop ought to do.—Exeter, 26 June 1605.
Holograph, signed: Willm. Exon. 1 p. (190. 107.)
The Earl of Bath to the Same.
1605, June 26. There arrived this day at the port of Illfarecombe in a ship of Ireland 166 soldiers of that country, with their bringer, Captain Boyes, who pretends to be their conductor, and have authority over them for further service, but can show no warrant either from the King or Council. Some of the company begin to be mutinous and to despise him, and came to my house with the petition enclosed. I perceive by some of them that if he had not been forced into this harbour, he meant to have transported them directly to the Low Countries, which he does not much deny to be true. Their victual will not hold out many days. The place where they are is barren and poor, and what the fashion of such men is to do when they are in want, and their commander from them, you can best consider. I desire you to acquaint his Majesty herewith and send his pleasure. I will do as much as I can to keep them from outrage, which some think will be a hard matter. The captain entreats me to stay them together till his return from you, and makes no doubt to obtain his Majesty's favour to carry them to some further service.—Tavstock, 26 June 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 108.)
The Enclosure:—Petition of certain soldiers to the Earl of Bath. They were lately soldiers in Ireland, and were discharged and sent to Dungarvan to Captain Boyes, to the intent he should give them passes and money to travel to their homes, or serve him if they listed. As they would not serve him, he refused them passes or money. They pray the Earl to give them passes.—26 June 1605.
½ p. (190. 109.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 27. Thought it best to acquaint the Archduke himself with the reasons and arguments of Salisbury's last letters instructing him how to satisfy these Princes concerning the treating of the Spaniards in England and the propositions made by the Spanish Ambassador. The Archduke had not as yet heard anything from the Spanish Ambassador of the propositions but thanked his Majesty for the testimony of his favour and love. Understands he very much blames the directions of Spain for sending away the men in so dangerous sort and would be glad that those ministers would find the means to repair their fault. Some offers have been made to bring them over in the night in shallops but the adventurers require a greater hire in respect of the hazard than they are willing here to give.
Has again dealt earnestly with the Archduke in the cause of the gentleman of Littuania and is promised a resolution thereof when the informations be returned from Dunkerk.
The resolution here is now absolutely set up for prosecuting the war in Freezland in hope not only to call away Count Maurice out of Flanders but also to plant the war in those countries which are under the States' obedience. The soldiers are so glad of transplantation to that fat country which has enjoyed a good time of quietness as there is striving to go that journey. It is now resolved the Marquis Spinola shall go to command that army. For that purpose he has sent the most of the principal troops to follow the Count of Buquoy, who is gone forward with the vanguard.
Count Frederick Vandenberg is this morning departed to take charge of the forces appointed to remain in Flanders to make head to Count Maurice. He was drawn to that charge with the greatest unwillingness that could be, having protested that he did not undertake it but with knowledge that he should sustain shame thereby, for the Marquis of Spinola withdrawing all the best troops he shall not be left sufficient forces to perform the service expected of him. The number assigned to his charge is not above 5 or 6000. The Marquis of Spinola is immediately expected here out of Flanders to proceed on his journey into Freezland.
Count Maurice lies still encamped at Watervliett having upon the first news of Count Buquoy's departure for Freezland sent away, it is said, 4000 foot and some horse and 20 cannon under the charge of Count William of Nassau for the defence of those parts, but the same not being here judged sufficient for the purpose it is presumed that he must be forced to follow after with the rest of his army. But if he resolve to continue in Flanders and better order be not taken to oppose him he may have the means to carry some good places there, while the Marquis attempts his other exploit.
It is not almost credible how great numbers daily disband from Count Maurice's army to this side, the Frenchmen breaking away as fast as the English. Of all nations there is come away at the least 1800, who all complain of being ill used by their captains in their pay.
Sends the particular relations which are come hither of the L. Admiral's entertainment in Spain. They stick not to give forth for the magnifying of the entertainment that the King of Spain has bestowed on his lordship a pension of 40,000 crowns.—From Bruxelles, 27 June 1605.
Copy. 3 pp. (227. p. 38.)
[Original in Public Record Office, S.P. Foreign, Flanders, 7.]
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], June 27. This gentleman the bearer, being recommended to his Majesty by my Lord of Barwike, who was very desirous to do him some service, I have moved his Majesty for him, who is content to grant him some recusancies and has commanded me to signify so far to you, desiring you to signify so far to my Lord Treasurer.—From Rochmon [Richmond], the 27 of June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (111. 75.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to the Same.
1605, June 27. I have sent you enclosed an answer to letters sent by my Lords to myself, my Lord Chief Baron and others touching a suit which Mr. Shawe made unto his Majesty, which intermixing with other suits then made by the Duke of Lynox and other we were required in but left to look into the whole, which then we could not well dispatch in respect of our then going in our circuits and thinking we had so satisfied the parties as we should have heard no more of it. Yet Mr. Shawe, in respect the hanging of this suit might not hinder him in any other, has desired our certificate thereof to your lordships, which herewith we send. Yesternight I received another letter directed to my Lord Chief Baron, myself, my brethren Mr. Justice Gawdy, Mr. Justice Walmesly and Mr. Justice Williams, touching a suit of Sir Thomas Holcroft and others for the search of paper. My brothers Wylliams and Walmesley being before departed this city and myself going hence this morning and the letter directed to three of us, you must pardon us in that it cannot be answered with the expedition required. For my own part, as it is recited, it cannot hold and so I told Sir Thomas Holcroft before.—At Serjeants' Inn, 27 June 1605.
PS. I appointed the execution to be done as your lordships have directed.
Holograph. 1 p. (111. 89.)
Sir Thomas Shirley to the King.
1605, June 27. The Queen has obtained for Mr. John Elphreton a grant of the parsonage of St. Saviour's in Surrey, which has long before been allowed to pass as part of the King's grant to him (Shirley). Being thus deprived of it, he is utterly void of means to pay the King 400l. yearly for 33 years in discharge of his debt, and to pay other debts. Complains of the little benefit he has obtained from the impropriations granted to him, for which grant he stands bound to pay 1000l. a year. He is therefore in most desperate case, and begs that the above payment of 400l. yearly may be remitted, and that he may have a grant of 200l. yearly of chantry lands. In return, he offers the King a service that shall advance to his coffers 1200l. yearly, which service he is ready to declare to the Council.
Note at foot by Sir Julius Cæsar that the King grants the suit touching a proportionable recompense for the loss sustained by the impropriations that were given from Shirley. The offer of the service is referred to the Lord Treasurer and other Lords.—Court of Richmond, 27 June 1605.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (190. 110.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1605, June 28. By my last of the 12th of this present month I have particularly advertised you both of the truth of the proceedings at Dover about the late accident there against the Spaniards and the States' men-of-war, as also of such things as have succeeded since in the several conferences of the Ambassadors of Spain and the Archdukes with his Majesty and some of his Council especially authorised thereto. Since which time the said Ambassadors finding their error in their former proposition to have the remainder of the Spaniards safe conducted by his Majesty to the ports of Flanders, and challenging the same as it were de jure amicitiœ and cut off [sic, ? out of] the due respect to their Princes, have since changed language and resorted to a milder form, beseeching his Majesty that out of courtesy and the present necessity accompanied with many considerations of losses and other damages sustained within his Majesty's ports which cannot otherwise so well be required, that he would propound the same to the States, assuring themselves that the States will not make such difficulty in it, and promising henceforth to prevent any such attempts by sea for transporting of soldiers but at their own proper peril. In which respect his Majesty, having many other reasons to fortify this request, was contented not only to motion it to Monsr. Caron but likewise to direct Mr. Winwood particularly under his own hand in what manner to carry this proposition, wherein, because both the sincerity of his intention and the just consideration of their estates and his are so lively expressed in the letter, I thought good to send you a copy of the letter for your better information. Concerning our propositions for procuring trade into the Archdukes' ports; it is true that conformable to your letter the Archdukes' Ambassador has delivered certain reasons of the Archdukes' refusal of either of the propositions, not so much as I conceive that the Archdukes will absolutely reject their overtures, but that rather by a kind of denial at first they might draw us to some further advantage towards them. What we have replied upon their answers you may see by the paper enclosed, whereby it may be made that neither the overtures we had propounded are so disproportionable considering the present state of things nor their answers of negatives so thoroughly grounded but that they may admit some reasonable reply. What further will be done in it as time and occasion shall afford it I will impart unto you. I sent you by my last dispatch the proofs exemplified under the Admiralty seal of the ships taken before Harwich, in which the Lithuanian gentleman perished. The reparation of his Majesty's honour, insomuch as concerns the person of the gentleman (whose life cannot be restored) is by his Majesty's order left to the discretion of the Archdukes to give such satisfaction in it as may appear to the world that his Majesty has been truly sensible of it. For the other things, as concerning the goods, ships and prisoners, you are to conform yourself to the proceedings held here in the Admiralty Court and accordingly to demand restitution of it.
For the request made by the Archdukes' Treasurer of the Household concerning a pack of stuffs appertaining to Signor Carillo, and here remaining in the Custom House, I have taken order for the restoring of it according to your desire.—Court, 28 June 1605.
PS. His Majesty had to-day a fall on hunting, but received no harm at all, thanks be to God. July (sic) 1605.
Copy. 2½ pp. (227. p. 51.)
Three Enclosures:
(i) Concerning the first proposition for disarming ships on both sides in the Narrow Seas. When this proposition was made it grew upon consideration of the present state of things concerning the Archdukes' proper interest, wherein his Majesty, observing the great increase of the States' forces by sea, wished some other course to be taken whereby their strength might be used to hinder the desired traffic in the Archdukes' countries. But if the Archdukes have a purpose to increase their shipping to such a proportion as may come near the States, in power, especially in the Narrow Seas, then his Majesty cannot but approve the refusal of this overture, by which that will be procured which without action of plain hostility they persist still to deny, so as if the Archdukes find themselves now so well re-enforced with means of their own to use greater force, or to follow some other counsels more proper by the experience they have made of things past, then both the former reason, and the second which is the small abatement of their own charge, in respect of the great expenses thrown upon the States, by that only occasion, are to be allowed. The 3rd reason, If there be any mariners now entertained in the ships of war, the same may be employed and many more when the trade is enlarged.
The 4th. When it is affirmed that the abatement of charges by sea will enable the States the more by land and unquiet also Spain by sea: First, it is to be doubted whether the people under the States, who now behold a visible cause of their charge only to maintain trade, will be easily "conteined" [contented?] to contribute for any other ends, whereof they have not so immediate sense as in this particular which is every day in use. Secondly, for the trouble of Spain it is impossible that they should ever be able to countervail the King of Spain's greatness by sea, standing single as they do without support of any other, so as in that respect the interests of the Archdukes' prejudice by lack of trade being the only object of this overture, it remains considerable how far their trade shall be hindered for any second cause.
For the last, concerning the diffidence of the States' breach of any accord, it may be answered that whatsoever agreement shall be made whereunto the King of Great Britain is part, it need not to be doubted of, because they know how sensible he shall be if they should go about to make him the instrument of deceiving those Princes whom he holds so dear; in which case it may be said that it were no ill effect of that cause if by this accident his Majesty might be engaged against them, which without question he would be against all the world that should so use him.
Concerning the second proposition. First, where it is alleged that it is contrary to the treaty to restrain trade to one place and exclude it from the rest; it may be answered, that on the part of the King there is no restraint either in fact or intention, but in so much as the States' hostility has given daily interruption to the trade, the overruling whereof has many considera tions depending, of which point nothing could be made more directly manifest than his Majesty's protestations with what caution to attempt the same, there is nothing to be thought breach of treaty which is sought to be accommodated by accord between the parties interested in that treaty, which has hitherto on the King's part received no violation.
For the second reason, of the incommodity to stay the shipping at Lillo, if the other points of the overture be approved the King may promise to propound some mid way to reconcile that difficulty, considering that point was principally intended to assure the States that no prohibited wares should pass nor any fraud be used in the impositions accorded of.
For the third, which is the point of honour, that must be left to the Princes' own agreement; only by other men that do but behold the external parts of these Princes' affairs it may be reasonably argued, considering all circumstances that are passed, that it would be no dishonour for them to yield to that which is not in their power to resist, thereby to regain to their people a trade and commerce, when that which is to be paid does not arise from themselves but by intervention of another Prince who is not bound to hazard a war for procurement of a trade to his neighbour Princes; except it should appear to his Majesty that this temporary interruption were of greater damage than the entry into action of hostility might prove. Besides this further probability, that by commerce and conversation those people that are now peremptory may become more tractable and desirous of pacification.
For the fourth, this can no way prejudice the accord between France and Spain, for here is only question for one particular place in the Archdukes' countries where the French do not trade unto by sea, having better commodity by land. And it is already said the imposition redounds not to the States' better enablement in the wars, which was merely the foreclosing of that accord.
Lastly, where it is said, If the Archdukes be disposed to pay a composition they need not be beholden to his Majesty, it may be said, There is great difference between this overture and such a composition as the States will afford them, both in the matter of the benefit to the States, and in the commodity to the Archdukes who may have no . . . . . (fn. 2) at first . . . . . (fn. 2) besides that our resort to them will add reputation to the Archdukes' countries, and diminishes our trade with the States.
Copy. 3½ pp. (227. p. 53.)
(ii). The reasons which have made the Archdukes unable to agree to the two means proposed by his Majesty for free commerce with this kingdom are the following.
Imprimis, to disarm the ships of war which we have at Donquerque would make the Dutch masters of the sea and give them free navigation and fishing, a matter of great consequence which would give them occasion never to come to reason and make it rather necessary for us to increase the number of our ships so as to distress them by sea.
2. The cost to us of the maintenance of these ships is small.
3. In disarming our ships we shall diminish this but little for we must always maintain the fighting men we have there and those of the sea or otherwise we shall lose them.
4. And as for them, if they were to discharge themselves of their expenses, they would increase their means of having thousands of men more to make war on us by land and also elsewhere to distress Spain by sea.
5. And when we shall be disarmed we cannot be without fear that the Dutch seeing us without sailors will break their word to us and take to piracy. Their rebellion and their frequent breaking of their promises make us distrustful of them.
And as to the second means: that it would be everywhere contrary to the treaty of peace by which all our ports can and ought to be frequented and there should be no reason now to be restricted to Antwerp to the exclusion of the ports of Flanders, Artois and others which ought to enjoy the benefits of the peace.
That there would be far less reason for ships to stop at Lillo and not to come to Antwerp, which would benefit Lillo and be the ruin of Antwerp.
And the worst of all would be the payment of certain dues or impositions directly to the rebels contrary to the treaty of peace which says that the English are to take neither into Spain nor to us any product of Holland nor anything which has paid nothing on pain of confiscation.
And in conformity with this agreement has been made with the French at the request of England and is punctiliously observed in Spain.
And when we shall pay certain dues (daces) by way of licence, we have the commodity of trading by ourselves without thereby molesting his Majesty and thereby shall receive the benefit (or the contrary) in the way that heretofore the Dutch alone received it.
Copy. French. 1¾ pp. (227. p. 56.)
(iii). King James I to Mr. Winwood. [26 June 1605.]
Copy. 6½ pp. (227. p. 58.)
[Printed in Winwood's Memorials, II. 78 seq.]
The Earl of Devonshire to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, June 29 (?)]. I willed Sir John Davis to endeavour by all means the dispatch of the commissions against Sunday that you might see them, and have collected some heads for a dispatch to go before, which may well, if you think good, be sent away by Ware who goes on Tuesday next. Cooke and Davis shall attend you to-morrow, when, God willing, I will not fail to attend you myself. This night I intend to be at London.— Saturday morning.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605 June 28" [sic]. ½ p. (111. 83.)
The Earl of Southampton to [the Earl of Salisbury.]
[1605], June 29. I am bound unto you for your care to hold me in a right way, which God willing I will not stray from but follow the course your lordship has directed. The news you wrote me, especially that of his Majesty's health, was the best I could hear. I pray God ever continue it and make him as happy as he is of all men held worthy. The day after I wrote last unto you Grimston returned into the Island, where hearing that I had given order for his stay, he came and offered himself to Cap. Edmondes at the Cowes Castle, which he keeps, who presently brought him over unto me. Unto whom, when I had seen his placard signed by my Lords of the Council, I said that he had exceeded the limits of his commission, that being no more than a passport for him himself and such as he could induce by persuasion to follow him, his Majesty reserving those other means of beating drums and displaying colours only to those as were to levy men for his own service, not permitting it within any his dominions to the use of any other prince or state whatsoever. He answered that he was sorry he had offended, but the reasons of his error were ignorance and example, there being one Cheny, who about a month since did the like in Winchester and passed without controlment, which made him conclude it for allowed. Notwithstanding this excuse, I have made stay of him and will, until I shall receive order from you what course shall be taken with him. For Cheny's proceedings at Winchester, I heard of it on Wednesday last by the Bishop, being with him at his house, who told me withal that he is a known recusant and therefore, as I take it, his act the more scandalous. It was done three weeks before my coming into the country and till now I never heard of it, wherefore I hope I shall escape blame, though I cannot excuse the Deputy Lieutenants and justices who were then in the shire. This is all I have to trouble your lordship with at this time. If I shall hear of any fleet out of Spayne I will advertise you. In the meantime wishing myself with you, when you shall be together at Theoballs, I rest, etc.—Tichfield, the 29 of June.
PS.—Do me the favour to commend my service to my Lord Chamberlain and his Lady, unto whom I would have written but that presently after dinner I must by the grace of God pass the sea and I have many businesses to dispatch before my going.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 3 pp. (111. 90.)
Lord Stanhope to the Same.
[1605], June 29. The King was gone on hunting some hour and more afore I came to Oatlands, which was about 10 in the forenoon, and came not in till five in the afternoon, having spent the whole day in toiling after a stag, which he lost, neither had he any better when he began afresh to undertake another, his dogs being weary. When he came home Mr. Somerset saluted him from the Queen, with whom he had no long speech because he was presently to return. Mr. Murrey likewise attended him from the Prince, with like dispatch. Then he fell to peruse such letters as Sir Roger Ashton was to present him; amongst the rest was glad to perceive by Sir Lewes Lewkenor's letters that my Lord Admiral was so near at hand, and that he brought so many gentlemen with him. He is in my opinion very sad, and yet the wanton Earl of Mountgomery did all he could with 20 tricks to make him merry at his supper, he being very private in his withdrawing chamber, and none but his bed chamber [? chamberlain] and myself. He went soon after he had supped to his bed chamber. At the first as soon as he saw me, he inquired whether you had sit hard this week. I told him no day 'scaped. He inquired what money they had made. I said it was the greatest care how it might be well raised, and that both by leases and upon the arrearages of recusants' debts there was and would be good sums come in. He seemed best pleased therewith and thought your sittings would end this day or to-morrow. On Sunday night I shall bring you further word of his Majesty's disposing himself.—29 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (190. 111.)
Paul Bayn to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], June 30. I am bold to prompt you with the remembrance of me. Look favourably to the suit of your servant so lately renewed. Think of my innocency for any main matter, whatsoever circumstantial defect has escaped me. Think that I have done the utmost within conscience I can do for the procuring my release. Let God revenge it on my soul, if any humour, any self-love sway me in this business. Wherefore let me at length obtain your Honour's helping hand.— This 30 of June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ⅓ p. (111. 92.)
Sir Robert Hicham to the Same.
[1605], June 30. I have perused the articles of agreement and I find that some exception may be taken to them, although none such as bears sufficient weight. But the agreement being made with two, the release of either with binding both, there is no doubt but your word or letter will prevail with them jointly or severally. And yet I find Mr. Kirkham very willing to perform your pleasure.—Grayes Inne, 30 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ¾ p. (111. 93.)
Dr. Richard Neile to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 30. I showed his Majesty your first letters which I received by my Lord Chamberlain at Richmond. I did not return answer for I did not conceive by them any cause of writing, neither did his Majesty's apprehension of them give any occasion to trouble you. Only I then found in him a will to conceive the best of the Dean in this business, yet willing to know the truth. And his Majesty at the time told me that my Lord of Pembroke had told him that Pickringe had complained often of Mr. Dean as not doing that which he might do, but rather as betraying the cause in which he hoped to have received aid from Mr. Dean. By which I collect that Mr. Dean takes notice of this accusation and seeks by this means to salve his own credit.
Your second letters by this bearer I received yesterday being Saturday, about noon, the King being then abroad in hunting, and by reason of his Majesty going to his chamber so soon as he came home about 6 of the clock (partly weary and partly discontented with his sport, having lost the stag which he had hunted all the day) it was this day at dinner before I could show the same to him. He read it twice over and in the reading of it did somewhat stick at that which you write of 2 or 3 days more sitting in commission, as being loth to be so long without your company, and further added that he thought it was written before you heard of his fall taken on Friday.
I thank God it does not appear that he took any hurt by his fall for he hunted yesterday from 8 in the morning till 5 at night and purposes to be at it betimes in the morning again.
Touching the subject of your letters, it pleases his Majesty very much to hear of Mr. Wotton's coming in. Touching Mr. Dean his Majesty seems very desirous to be informed of the truth of his behaviour in that cause, and was very inquisitive at the reading of your letters to know the particular words wherewith Mr. Dean should be charged. And yet his Majesty seemed to yield willingly to that clause of your letters of staying the further examination of this cause against the Dean.— Otlands, Sunday, Junii 30, 1605.
Addressed: "To the right honourable my very good Lord the Earl of Salisbury at Salisbury House near Ivyebridge be these delivered."
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (111. 94.)
The Council to the Same as Lieutenant of Herts.
1605, June 30. They detail certain measures to be taken for the due maintenance of the armour, weapons, furniture and munition of the trained bands of Herts.—Court at Whitehall, last of June 1605.
Signed: T. Ellesmere, Canc.; H. Northampton; T. Dorset; Salisbury; W. Knollys; J. Fortescu; Suffolke; E. Wotton; Devonshyre; E. Bruce. 2 pp. (190. 113.)
Sir Robert Delavale, Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Joseph Penningtoun and Edward Gray to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 30. They enclose certificate to the Council of their proceedings at Carlisle. Though they find some disobedient, they hope in the end most, if not all, will be brought to acknowledge their duties to the King, and therefore they have proceeded against them with all lenity. Since the 50 for Brill went, divers of the rest are more willing to go.—Carlisle, last of June 1605.
Signed: Ro. Delavale; Wilf. Lawson; Joseph Penningtoun; Edward Gray. Endorsed: "Commissioners for the late Borders." 1 p. (190. 112.)
The Same to the Council.
1605, June 30. They acknowledge the Council's letters of May 17, touching the escape of the condemned prisoners out of Carlisle gaol; and the sending away of 150 Grames, 100 to Flushing and 50 to Brill. Also their letters of June 2, with further instructions as to sending away the Grames.
As to the prisoners, the provost marshals of both sides have demolished some of their houses, but none are apprehended but Hector Nixon of Bewcastle, Thomas Nixon and John Noble of the same, who voluntarily submitted, and remain in prison with the 4 that fled not, and the 2 that were formerly apprehended. There is hope more will yield, albeit for the present the woods yield them some relief. They detail their proceedings in sending away the Grames. On the 28th there appeared but 85 of the 150, 50 of whom they have sent to Newcastle for Brill, appointing Thomas Carleton as conductor and William Lammie, lieutenant. The rest they had delivered to their conductor William Brediman, and to Lieutenant William Nodder. They have written to the Mayor of Newcastle, then hoping the 100 for Flushing would be there within 4 or 5 days, whereof they have now some doubt.
Hutchin Grame, one in the submission and schedule, delivered them the King's warrant of which they enclose copy, saying it was a clear discharge for him and all his from service. They answered that what his Majesty had granted they were ready to perform, but thought the King meant not but that he and such other as were appointed for his service should go, and willed him and the rest to appear before them to show their obedience. He contemptuously refused, and has stayed many, whereof they enclose the names of 6; and these seven they have caused to be denounced fugitives, and have prayed the commissioners of Scotland to do the like. If they come not in, they think to expel their families and waste their corn and meadows; and pray to know the King's pleasure touching the above warrant.
They have sent for Sir William Cranston and the men in his charge, to make use of them as his Majesty's service shall require. They marvel of Sir William Selbie's absence from this service; as also that they cannot have the service of the 10 men still remaining with him, which they take to be contrary to the Council's direction. The 50 Grames sent to Brill at their departure delivered to them a petition to the King, which is enclosed.—Carlisle, last of June 1605.
Signed as before. Endorsed: "Commissioners for the late Borders." 3 pp. (190. 114.)
Lord Say and Sele to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June. I moving my Lord of Barwick to procure me six recusants, his lordship advised me to seek the help of Mr. Robert Car, assuring me gratis of his own aid and Sir Roger Ashton's besides, who, as he Sir Roger told me, moved his Majesty that very morning and found him most gracious to me. Wherefore my hope being freely to have six recusants, attending my Lord Treasurer of England, he told me no suitor had any grant so, but to have money or rents, naming no proportion to me. I then advertised my petition, which, in hope never again to be troublesome to his Majesty, I proportioned higher than otherways it became me. The proportion, Sir Roger and Mr. Carr told me, his Majesty thought overmuch. Wherefore I sought their helps and my Lord of Barwicke's especially for 2000l. or 500[l.] per annum, and of which, if his lordship were here, he would acknowledge he gave me great hopes of presenting names. But I attending his Majesty submitted myself in all to his pleasure. His own speech to me was that nothing could be done until I had delivered in names, and therefore required me to procure the names. When I showed you the names, I told you that whereas my suit was for 3000l. or 600l. per annum, I understood his Majesty thought it over great, but I doubted not that his Majesty would bestow 2000l. or 500l. per annum. Wherein if you conceived me to speak that as having heard it from his Majesty, who from himself never uttered to me any one word thereof, I am sorry. For the names, I know the first never was indicted neither can I learn of Mr. Spiller or any other that any of the rest yet are indicted.— — of June, 1605.
PS.—You shall bind me perpetually to you in letting his Majesty know that I truly relate hereabove my own speeches, protesting the least imputation impressed otherways either in his Majesty or your lordship being to me more grievous than death.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "Lord Say to my Lord, with a note of recusants." 1 p. (111. 95.)
The Countess of Bedford to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], June. I am not so void of discretion as not to know that if my desires be unreasonable I ought to rest satisfied with such an answer as proceeds from more judgment; and so should I have done in this, but your lordship has thereunto added so much favour (as by your own hand and Sir Henry Goodere's more particular relation I am assured) that I protest the obtaining of a far greater suit than this could not have given me half the contentment I enjoy by so unsuspected a proof of your well meaning to me.
Therefore believe I receive and follow your advice with as much thankfulness as I could have accepted any benefit, and persevere only in this, to entreat that when I shall recommend some other request not unfit to be granted, I may not find a change.
PS.—I am entreated by this gentleman to join with those thanks I owe for myself such as I am willing to yield for your favour in his business, which, if it may please you to continue, I shall account for an obligation laid on me.—Cheines in hast, this — of June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ¾ p. (111. 96.)
A forged letter from James I to the Magistrates of Cologne.
[? 1605, June]. To the noble and most honoured lords, our friends, the Senate, Council and the rest of the Magistrates of Cologne (Coloniœ Agrippinœ).
Whereas your love for us and our subjects is sufficiently known as we have seen by your last legation to us, we cannot but return you our thanks. At this time particularly, when you are included in our peace with our brother the King of Spain and we hope by our intercession to reconcile the Dutch themselves and the United Provinces to their King, we desire to know if there is anything we can accomplish in this peace for you. As far as we can we will take care that you take no harm from this neighbouring war. Therefore we have been pleased to send to you this gentleman, Robert Gray, to whom you may give credit, since we have enjoined on him certain things to be said by word of mouth. I hope therefore that you are well.—From our palace of Westminster, the second year of our reign.—Jacobus R.
Latin. Endorsed: "1602" (sic) and in another hand: "Copy of a counterfeit letter by Robert Gray [alias Thomas Douglas] to the magistrates of Cologne." 1 p. (97. 49.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 224.]
[The Earl of Salisbury] to [the Burgrave of Frankenthal.]
[1605, June]. Hearing by your letters and by report that you are this morning arrived at Gravesend, by command of Frederick, Count Palatine, with the pretended ambassador Thomas Douglas, I send the bearer [Sir Thomas Wilson] to assist you in conducting him directly to the Tower according to the King's commands.—Undated.
Draft. Latin. ½ p. (114. 121.)
Lord Stanhope to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, June]. It was my hap to be by when Mr. John Murrey delivered to his Majesty your present of cherries and your letter, which though it were very long yet he made more haste to read it than to eat the cherries; and at the latter part of the letter was very merry and laughed heartily; but misliked that in the first part you seemed as though that Douglas the counterfeiter could not be shortly executed. Wherefore he commanded me to write to you that if by law it might be, as in my hearing it was told him it might be, that a private session might be purchased for the present indicting him, condemning him, and so for his present execution; saying that the eyes of the princes of the world be upon him in this point, every one of them having such absolute power as need take no days for the executing of an offender in that degree. Wherefore his Majesty desires that you would speak with the Lord Chief Justice and Mr. Attorney, to see that this course may be held for his execution, which he earnestly desires may be done afore his progress. There wants but W. Hawarde to perform such a service, as he did at Kingston.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (114. 157.)
On a separate sheet:—The French Ambassador is already come, but because he desires rather to hunt with the King than to discourse, the King has referred him to negotiate with him in the coach when they go on hunting, which will not be till 5 or 6 o'clock; and then he will to Eltam and back again at night; but to-morrow says he will lie at Eltam till Saturday if the weather serve fit for it.
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, pp. 224, 226.]
Sir Henry Mountagu to the Same.
[1605, June]. I received direction from my Lord Chief Justice for the execution of Thomas Douglass, which he appoints to be to-morrow by ten of the clock in the morning in Smithfield. He willed me to let you know hereof as this night I was to have attended you.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605, Mr. Recorder of London." ½ p. (114. 93.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 224.]
Court Journal.
1605, June. Journal of the principal transactions at Court from June 1603 to June 1605, by Levinus Munck, Secretary to Salisbury.
72 pp. (278. 3.)
Lord North to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, ? June]. Acknowledges his favours. "It were presumption in me to undertake the intimation of my Lord of Hertford's accueil, and the occurrences of this country; he being I hope by this time arrived with you; only this I assure myself that never country was able to testify greater magnificence and munificence of any Ambassador of a great Prince, than this of him. I obtained of his Majesty leave to consummate this summer on this side the sea, and my intention is to visit the hither frontiers of Germany, and return by France. I beg you to remember my duty and service to his Majesty."— Undated.
Holograph, signed: Du. Northe. Endorsed: "1605. Lord North to my Lord; his noble acknowledgment." 1 p. (114. 101.)
Thomas Morray to the King.
1605 [? June]. The King having possessed him with the instruction of his son, and finding his grace capable of all things which his art or industry may afford, he begs for some reasonable entertainment. He has unfortunately hitherto never tasted of those benefits which the King graciously granted him.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Mr. Morray the Prince's tutor." 1 p. (192. 1.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 226.]
The Earl of Salisbury to Lord Sheffield.
[1605, June]. I would be very loth by my silence to give you cause to mistrust my care to give you satisfaction especially concerning his Majesty's public service. I will therefore freely let you know what grounds I stand upon in all things of this nature, because you may the better know how to direct yourself in those things which you address unto me. First, upon perusal of your letter and those other papers there enclosed I find that the favour showed to Roger Wytherington gives great encouragement to the Papists and grief to those that are honest, being directly contrary to that proceeding which I hold both just and necessary for the preservation of true religion. Nothing is more dangerous to the cause of God than when it appears to the vulgar that men of ability making open profession of popery are not only unpunished but graced and employed. For answer I must confess that I would be very glad to receive some such good information as might open his proud carriage in respect of the favour he receives. Because his being only a recusant is not enough without some other cause to ground any other proceeding towards him than with other men of his condition, I have been bold to examine all your advertisements to see how they would hang together both in substance and in their probation. Not that I doubt but in most of these men's hearts that are divided from us there is so great bitterness of gall compacted as we that confess the gospel should quickly drink of a sour cup if we were in their condition and they in ours, but only to make it appear that this is not a slight information but upon good and just occasion. The recommendation daily made of him to the King by the Warden that was (Sir Robart Carey) of his old affection towards the King, and the favour which the Secretary of Scotland procured him when he was here, will make all objections seem reasonable against any extraordinary severity used towards him more than to others. In which respect having only that to show which is written to you by Sanderson and by Sanderson to another, I am bold to tell you that all that know how many private quarrels have passed between Sanderson and Papists and have any knowledge of his nature will entitle his advertisements to be rather apprehensions upon general grounds than any other matter of great consequence. If any other person less passionate, and between whom and Papists there is not such cause of private quarrels, could be brought to charge him with some particulars, or if his letter to the Sheriff or the Sheriff's advertisements might be sent up, there might be very good advantage taken to chasten him further than otherwise we can. To conclude, my Lord, assure yourself, seeing that it is well known, that all their allegations are foolish and factious, who would suggest that his Majesty intends not to suppress the pride and hope of that party and to continue the execution of the Statute of Recusancy out of conscience rather than desire of benefit against all offenders. It shall be very convenient for you or any magistrate to show your mislike against all those that shall excuse themselves, in regard of vain fears or brags of the Papists, for neglecting the lawful prosecution of them, as well as to execute the laws upon themselves. I have settled my resolution upon this one foundation, that as the drawing of blood may not be forborne in point of policy but even in Christianity itself, so I am fully persuaded that all that declare themselves to be so affected or hide themselves and leave their wives and families notoriously known to be backward, ought only to receive justice and no other favour. For that is the thing which daily generates blindness and practice.
Our news at this time are these. The Count Maurice had an enterprise upon Antwarpe, which failed upon the discovery of their purpose to cut the dike on Flanders side. Since that time the Marquis Spinola has continually followed him to hinder his sitting down before any place, of which we shall shortly see the issue, for they are no less than 17 or 18,000 foot a piece. There have also long been expected 4 or 5000 soldiers to be brought by sea out of Spain into Flanders; whereof the Holland fleet in the Narrow Seas, having had some notice, have lain for them so watchfully as they have yesterday met with them between the coast of France and Sussex. After a bitter fight they sank two ships, men and all, in the sea, ran a third ashore upon Dover Haven and put all the men to the sword, besides divers other vessels which only saved themselves into our harbours, some swimming ashore and some saved in their boats, so as they have in effect cut off their recovery of Flanders that are saved. For although by our treaty the Hollanders ought not within his Majesty's ports to have spoiled his Majesty's friends as they did, yet we are not to yield them in good usage in his Majesty's territories and without any waftage or safety of their passage to the place to which they were destined; and when they shall desire to go into Spain again to give them passports and leave them to their fortune. For we have nothing to do to waft their passage any whither, much less to the places to which they are destined.
There came now but ten ships with 12 or 1400 men, commanded by Sobiere, which thought to have stolen his passage rather than by coming together with the rest, so as for the present it is not certainly known whether this misfortune will make them change their counsels.—Undated.
Draft by a secretary with corrections in Salisbury's handwriting. Endorsed: "Minute from my Lord to the L. Sheffeild." 7½ pp. (194. 82.)
1605, June. "An adjournment of divers Princes and Signors of Italy made by the King of Spain in July last 1605, as making title and claim to their lands and signories, as belonging to the Duchy of Milan."
Includes letters of Philip III to the Jurisconsults and others of the State of Milan, ordering the citation "en forme des absens" of the Marquis Malespines and others on the accompanying list.—Milan, 20 June 1605.
Another order, dated Milan, July 1, 1605, relating to the same. List of those cited, with their fiefs.
Contemporary copy. French. 5 pp. (190. 116.)


  • 1. See Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 224.
  • 2. Sic: blanks in the copy.