Cecil Papers: January 1605, 1-15

Pages 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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January 1605, 1-15

Lord Zouche to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5, Jan. 1.] Such is my mishap in this place, whereof I am unworthy, that I trouble many and please not myself. It is in the King's power to ease them and content me, to settle a more worthy there and to give me a more private life, in which I can well obey, though in this it appear I cannot well govern. This last day my Lord Chancellor's absence wrought my delay. This next Saturday threatens Sir Francis Bacon's absence, whose temperate and well qualified speech gives me hope either of good to the cause, or at least a perfect delivery of my requests, which being rightly understood, I cannot but hope of some good event. It seems he will labour to be here, if he may know whether the time appointed be upon Saturday in the forenoon or afternoon, whereof that I might the better resolve him, I beg so much of you, for I desire to use my endeavours, and leave the success to God.—From my house in Philippe Lane, this first of the year.
Holograph. Endorsed: "January, 1604." 1 p. (103. 156.)
Lord Mordaunt to the Same.
[1604–5], Jan. 2. Upon the receipt of your letter, I immediately caused the sheep to be put out of your park, which contrary to my knowledge were there pastured, never purposing to permit any therein, except your allowance first had thereunto; but that being husbanded as my own grounds are by my servants, and he who had the ordering of that part, out of his care to perform the rent, presumed partly by consent of your officers to put in sheep for the winter season only. Notwithstanding these reasons by him produced for his excuse, I have cleared the park of them and discharged myself of him, being more willing to hazard the loss of rent and his service than that you might have my lot in jealousy.—From Drayton, this 2 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." Seal. 1 p. (103. 90.)
Noel de Caron to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 2. Pardon my interrupting your serious affairs with this discourse on a matter which touches me closely and also particularly concerns the service of the Estates my masters. I have heard for certain that the Spanish Ambassador boasts not only that he has protested to his Majesty that he should not permit the said Estates to give me the title of Ambassador in ordinary but that the King had given him his sacred promise that if they did so he would declare to all the world that they had neither authority nor power to do so. Now since I am sure that this presumptuous Spaniard often boasts of many things that do not exist in fact and I know his Majesty for a king above all others prudent and wise, I am sure he would not have wanted to engage himself with the Spaniard in a matter in which he had no prejudice. For since the intention of the Estates is in nowise to urge his Majesty to any new thing, they hope that he cannot take offence at their having taken this resolution to give greater authority to their business by thus making known to the world that from henceforth they are more than ever resolved to persist in the war against the unjust pretensions of the King of Spain and the Archdukes to be recognised as sovereigns of this State. Upon this point only the quarrel now turns and but for it they would have peace to-morrow. But with good right the Estates wish to be recognised as a free state and to defend this their just quarrel with their bodies and lives and all that God has given them in the world until the Spaniards leave them in peace.
Moreover, the said Lords may have been also moved to take this resolution in order to reward me further for my long service to them, seeing that I have been for twenty-eight years a member of their body and before my residence in this kingdom I was employed in several honourable legations, such as to the Emperor, the Kings of France, Denmark and Navarre and other great princes; so that to encourage me to continue in their service they wished to gratify me still longer not only with the title but with the profit and authority as well. I hope therefore his sacred Majesty will not do me the ill of withdrawing, for the sake of the complaints and protestations of the Spaniard, the honour that my Lords have done me, for he will never be troubled that I shall claim in respect of the title from him or his Council any greater prerogative than I have had to now. That is not my intention, for I know how to distinguish the ambassadors of the great kings from those of inferior princes and who are more privileged to be summoned to the feasts of the said kings and often to remain covered in their royal presence. That is so far from being natural to me that if anyone wanted to do me that honour I should excuse myself in all humility, because no feast or triumph is so great that it would not turn me to mourning and displeasure when I must see before my eyes my own executioner, so to say, as I must do when I am in the company of the Ambassadors of the Spaniards and the Archdukes, who, as I know, would have me burnt, hanged and strangled. But God preserve me from their bloody hands! It is true that my Lords, the Estates, have given me letters to his Majesty to let him know of this resolution of theirs, not that they wish to have any other formality from him in this matter, but it is their duty (as they have always given him particular account of all their actions) to inform him that they are resolved that their minister should have this honour of residing as a public personage at his Court not claiming anything more than he has to the present had from him. The King has graciously granted access and audience quite apart from the requirements of my masters' service. Nevertheless, I pray your lordship to be good enough to prepare his Majesty's mind to understand the intentions of the Estates and mine in this matter, so that when I shall go to him he will be under no apprehension that I wish to trouble him in any way or to be held or called by him anything but in accordance with his royal pleasure.—"A Lambeth, le second jour de l'an 1604."
Holograph. French. 3 pp. (103. 91.)
A Supper at Court.
1604–5. Jan. 2.
Provisions made for a supper at Court on Wednesday night, 2 Jan. 1604, viz.:—
Mutton ½ carcase 7s. 6d.
Marrow bones 6 3s.
"Burres" [? sweetbreads] of veal 8 16d.
Deers' tongues 1½ doz. 18d.
Lamb allowed for your lordship's diet ½ carcase nil.
Pullets 2 3s.
Chickens 6 4s.
Rabbits 2 20d.
Pigeons, tame 3 11d.
Teals 4 2s. 4d.
Partridge 7 nil.
Woodcocks 5 5s. 10d.
Pheasants 2 nil.
Plovers, green 7 5s. 10d.
"Snites" [snipe] 10 5s. 2d.
Larks 3 doz. 3s.
Blackbirds 10 2s. 6d.
Mallards 2 2s. 6d.
Oysters, great 1 bush. 2s.
Eggs 84 2s. 4d.
Butter 7 doz. 7s.
Cream 1 pottle 2s.
Dried neats' tongues 2 2s. 8d.
Potatoes 4 lbs. 2s. 4d.
Oranges 1 doz. 8d.
Lemons 1 doz. 2s.
Pomegranates 2 12d.
Wardens pippins and pears and chestnuts 20d.
Lard 4 lbs. 4s.
Raisons 2 lbs. 10d.
Currants 2 lbs. 10d.
Sugar, fine 1½ lbs. 2s. 3d.
Coarse sugar 3 lbs. 3s. 3d.
Almonds 1 lb. 14d.
Manchet, fine 2 doz. 2s.
Stale manchet for the manchet 16d.
Candy oil 1 pint 10d.
Olives and capers 13d.
4l. 11s. 10d. [sic]
To Mr. Musse in reward for dressing this supper 20s.
For 3 baskets of coals 3s.
"Streaner" [? strainer] 1 6d.
Portage for carrying cates out of London 8d.
To a waterman for carrying all provisions and silver vessels from Cranborne House to the Court and back again 12d.
25s. 2d.
Summa totalis 5l. 16s. 11d. [sic]
1 p. (199. 105.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 3. I have given Duke Charles his titles of Duke, Marquis, and Baron, but forasmuch as "Charles of Scotland" is no name dignity in our law, and for that in mine understanding it may be very offensive, I have omitted it. And yet if you think it fit to be added, my servant that attends herewith shall add it. I have spoken with Segar to have it fairly limned and ingrossed; there is nothing more requisite than the cap, "circule," and golden rod, all which King H.8 (when he was second son, and created Duke of York) had. I have made the more speed (though I have been ill-affected all this night) because I know your care is all things should be done in the best manner.—3 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (103. 93).
The Earl of Hertford to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 3. I have thought good to acquaint your lordship with my most humble desire and letter to his Majesty, upon receipt of his letters about my employment to the Archduke. My insufficiency for that service through age, want of experience and ability with many other impediments are not meet to be impleaded upon so express pleasure signified, but with humility to be left to his princely consideration. I pray you as occasion presents itself to lend your furtherance to my reasonable and just desire.—From my house at Elnetham, this third of January, 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (188. 34.)
Sir Richard Hawkins to the Privy Council.
1604–5, Jan. 4. By your Honour's of 22 Dec. which came to my hands this day, I find that one Wm. Bullion of Jarsey, has exhibited a petition to you complaining of my neglect of justice in apprehending such as had piratically robbed him, and for privity to the escape of a prisoner. At all times, when he has come to me, either myself in person, or my officers (all business put apart) have gone, ridden, laboured and written for him, without one penny charge unto him to my knowledge. By my means he has recovered a great part of his goods, which I have to show under his hand. The prisoner which escaped had been from 8 or 9 weeks in the Marshalseas, in which time I often insisted with him, to have him sent to the common gaol, and he ever refused to arrest him, hoping for a composition, and to excuse his attendance to give evidence, whereunto he ought of force to be bound, for the prisoner had not confessed anything of moment against himself. He finding himself in extreme misery and without possibility to make satisfaction to the party, about midnight brake the prison, which I was presently advertised of, and then with the expedition I could made hue and cry through the country, but could not find him. I have served this crown and your Honours 22 years in command by sea and land, during all which time this most honourable senate never had any just complaint against me. If this shall be found in anything true, I will make good to him all his losses, and abide the deserved punishment. But if I have been faithful and diligent, I assure myself the continuance of your favour, and in time to receive the reward which your justice affords to due desert.—Plymouth, 4 Jan. 1604.
Signed. 3 Seals. 1 p. (103. 96.)
The Bishop of Winchester to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Jan. 4. I received your letters on the 4th of January signifying his Majesty's desire that a pamphlet of one Jacobs against the ecclesiastical government of this realm might be answered by me. I am not unwilling to take any pains which my years may bear, but I pray you to understand that dispatch of former labours hath much weakened my body so as I find myself exceedingly possessed with the sciatica, with a continual singing in my head, and many obstructions and extreme windiness for which I am forced every spring to enter a course of physic. The man is only a man of a bold face, and his book a packet of words grounded on his own good liking, having neither sap nor substance worth the answering, yet am I so well acquainted with his humour of much prating and little proving that I foresee what a world of words the cause will come unto. I could wish therefore that some of better strength and quicker dispatch were employed in this cause; and I will not fail in time convenient to deliver his Majesty my opinion.—Waltham, 4 Jan. 1603 [sic].
Signed: Tho. Winton. Remains of seal. Endorsed: "1604." ¾ p. (97. 139.)
Lord Dudley to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. [4]. There is dependent on the Court of Wards a suit 'twixt Colburne and the children of Pattingham, a lunatic. Doctor Wilkes, being commissionated with others for the examination of witnesses, complained to me of indirect dealing by Colburne's followers and deponents. Their bad disposition is so well known to me, that Pattingham's children are sure to lose their right, if cunning and swearing may carry it. Colburne's only means to wrong the children is by keeping the lunatic, and the children's best means to right their wrongs is if your lordship would remove the lunatic from his custody; for the furtherance whereof I am a humble suitor.—Dudley, Jan. 1604.
Signed. Endorsed: Jan. 4." 1 p. (103. 94.)
The Earl of Rutland to the Same.
[1604–5], Jan. 4. I hope your lordship will not disallow if I become as bold a suitor to the King for some reward of my services as many others who have neither spent so much nor gone so far as I; especially seeing the weakness of my estate and greatness of my debts do force me. I have already sold much land, and more must sell, if by his Majesty's bounty I be not relieved, yet will I attempt nothing before I have your good liking. I have appointed my servant Scriven to attend you, and show you a note of a suit I covet to prefer, which to me seems not unprofitable for the King to grant.—Belvoir, 4 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." Seal. ½ p. (103. 95.)
Lord Say and Sele to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 4. Having this day by Valentine Harris, messenger, received from you and the rest of the Privy Council advertisements that it is his Majesty's gracious pleasure to command my service for the attendance of the Earl of Hertford to the Archduke, these are to advertise you that albeit my poor estate is not able upon so short a warning to furnish me in so good a sort as I desire and were fit for so honourable a service, and that truly I am but newly well recovered of an extreme cold taken the last term, nevertheless so many and great are his Majesty's favours bestowed upon me and my poor house, I will, God willing, in the best sort I possibly may provide myself. Nevertheless, I am bold to advertise you that by the advice of Mr. Attorney General and other of my counsel in the law, I have lately commenced some suits against divers in Kent for some lands of my ancestors which by descent they persuade me that I have great right unto. Therefore, if by your good means my service may at this time be spared or my sufferance to return be the speedier, I shall ever remain wholly at your disposing.—From my poor house at Browghton this 4th of January, 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (188. 36.)
Noel de Caron to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5. Jan. 4. Encloses letters which will permit the Ambassador of the Archdukes to pass the Dutch fleet before Duncquerque. Is sending also a little present of preserved plums which he has received from a friend at Lion. Good wishes for the New Year.—South Lambeth, 4 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (188. 37.)
Sir Fulke Grevill to the Same.
[1604–5], Jan. 5. I have not stirred abroad since I waited last upon you, and send these few lines only to recommend my humble duty, and understand how your Honour doth pass through this twofold trouble of pomp and business. All the service else that I can do you is to pray that you may [for] years enjoy the King and yourself.—From the Austyn Fryers, 5 Jan.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (103. 97.)
Gentlemen of Leicestershire to the Same.
1604–5. Jan. 7. The impression we have of the sundry grievances which the learned and painfullest ministers of this county of Leic[ester] sustain in the execution of their functions, and the doubt to be deprived of the spiritual comforts we have long enjoyed by their godly labours, besides the distress that would befal them in their estates, if either their mouths should be stopped, or they deprived of their livings, whereby the increase of ignorance, atheists, papists, and secret enemies of God's truth would ensue, doth move us to become petitioners to your lordship to interpose your powerful mediation to his excellent Majesty, that this poor county may enjoy the same comfort by the continuance of their ministries, as they did in the time of our late gracious Queen; without molestation for such matters as yet in their conscience, and by the word of God, they cannot be persuaded to yield unto.—Leicester, 7 Jan. 1604.
Signed:—Henry George; Wyllm. Skipwth; Henry Hastings; Tho. Cave; Henry Beaumont; J. Chippingdale; Wyllm. Cave; Lisle Cave; Edm. Temple; Alexd. Cave. 1 p. (103. 100.)
The University of Oxford to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5. Jan. 7. Thanking him in laudatory style for a gift of books to the Bodleian Library, recently founded.—E domo Congregationis, 7 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Latin. 1 p. (103. 101.)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 7. Another priest, one Penkevell, hath been with me and conformed himself to the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England, testifying his sincerity by taking the oath of supremacy, and subscribing to the articles of religion and form of God's worship prescribed in the Communion book. I acquainted his Majesty herewith yesterday, and found him most ready to grant his gracious pardon. Move Mr. Attorney for the drawing of his pardon as he saith the manner is.—At Lambeth, 7 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. ¾ p. (103. 102.)
Bailiffs of Colchester to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 8. We are informed by Francis Everett and others of the Dutch congregation in this town, that there is granted for his Majesty a new fee and imposition upon every bay, for the searching and viewing thereof, to the great hindrance of Everett and others, as well English and Dutch, if the same should be put in execution; and the more for that they pay a greater custom for those kind of wares than heretofore they have used, who have requested us to certify you of their estates and extraordinary charges. Their trade therein is greatly decayed, and not so profitable unto them as heretofore, but their charge greater, in regard they have many poor of their congregation which some few are constrained to maintain, who by the long continuance of the infection and plague amongst them have been much impoverished; and if this new imposition should be enacted they shall be urged to leave their trade, whereby not only their own people but also our English, even town and country hereabout us, shall want that work wherewith they have maintained themselves and families.— From Colchester, 8 Jan. 1604.
Signed:—Marten Bessell: Thomas Heckford. 1 p. (103. 103.)
Lord Fyvie to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 9. Knowing the multitude of your great affairs, I were far to blame to importune you with the "outredde" of that particular favour which it has pleased his Majesty to bestow on me, more by your favourable procurement nor any desert or suit of my own; were it not that, understanding his Highness is this day to part from this, I must be that bold as to entreat you to speak to his Majesty before his departure for the dispatch of my business as you shall think meetest.— Whythall this morning, 9 Jan. 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 110.)
Dr. John Cowell, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, to the Same.
[1604–5], Jan. 9. In answer of your late letters unto myself and the Heads of our Colleges, I have sent you not only the several certificates of every College touching conformity in matter of ceremony towards the King's constitutions and orders of the University, as also a brief taken out of our records, concerning the strength we have for ecclesiastical jurisdiction. But whereas your advice also was that we should, in imitation of his Majesty's course taken within his own Court, make trial if we could establish by a general decree that every one called to St. Mary's pulpit should first of all be brought to subscribe to the three articles prescribed by the late Convocation; I have attempted it, by propounding a grace unto the Houses, but with hard success, divers not liking to be so restrained, especially none being called to preach there, but ministers that either have or should formally subscribe at the time when they took their Holy Orders from the Bishop. Yet there is none that obtaineth licence to preach from the University, but before he hath the seal, he yieldeth his consent under his hand to the articles. Nevertheless, if I understand that I shall press your directions any farther, I will, with better circumspection than before, observe some convenient time for the passing of the grace, which was lately stayed clean against mine expectation. I assuredly persuade myself there is no doubt of conformity in the performance of divine service and sacraments in our body but of some few in Emmanuel College, of whose reformation there is some hope, if it be thoroughly urged; but I perceive there be very many amongst us, both old and young, that stick at subscribing to the three articles, and so will do, as I suppose, except they be far pressed.—9 Jan.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (136. 122.)
Sir Richard Spencer to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 11. The other day's unhappy accident has not a little grieved me, especially in that I fear it has bred in your mind a dislike of me. I could not give greater strength to myself than nature has granted. My years be not few, my body decaying, and where it fails not to be dissembled. I would have waited upon you before this, but I am still troubled with that numbness and shooting which then took me. This pain is no new grief, but has followed me these 5 or 6 years, and every [day] grows more violent than other, so that it gives me warning to prepare for a longer voyage than into Spain. Wherefore let your favour which has lifted me up thus far leave me where it found me. I doubt not there is yet time to make choice of many men fitter than myself. If I should go out and make preparation, and then be visited with this grief, I should undo myself and disappoint the service. I fed myself with hope I should have been better in health, which made me enter further than I wish I had. Wherefore once again I beseech you leave me at home to pray for you, whose strength of body will not permit to serve you abroad.—From the Strand, 11 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Excusing his misfortune when he was in the king's presence." 1 p. (103. 105.)
Sir Richard Spencer to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 11. Your graceful concepts of my mean parts have raised me and brought me up to a higher stage. But, my Lord, when the stage is made, the parts are not performed. I am to deserve as I shall act. My part will be long, ever in sight, ever in action; my body weak, my mind, I thank God, not abjected, but respective to the time to come, as I have been careful of the time past. My imperfection of body has been many years growing, and myself many years declining. The heat of that country, as your lordship speaks, may ease it by the temper of the outward air, but it will as much increase it by the distemper of the hot drink. I will say nothing of the great charge, for were my body according to my mind I would think it but a step to go into Spain. It is not shipwreck of goods but loss of life I fear, and not for myself but for some others that depend on me. I beseech you exempt me out of this employment with as tender a hand as may be, and as short a shadow of disgrace.—11 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "12 Jan. In reply to me for being discouraged from employment." 1 p. (103. 106.)
Sir Edward Hoby to the Same.
[1604–5, Before Jan. 12.] I understand that Mr. Attorney has made ready my book for the annual rent, and has or presently will send the same to you. I beseech you procure such a speedy dispatch as you shall think convenient. Mr. Attorney requires a surrender and fine from us three, which my brother and I, that am in town, are ready to perform. My wife is far off and not able [to] come [and] must be fain to do it by dedimus potestatem, though all to small purpose considering there is no right at all in us, and I have already found an office at my own charge to find the lease forfeited. I beseech you that no matter of assurance may be a stay to the present passage of my book, for all things shall be performed that shall be required by the King or Sir William Harbert's counsel. Concerning the money I may not be my own carver, but refer myself to your lordship. If I die to-morrow next, my wife has never a house to put her head in. If the King would forgive me my arrearages, which are under 500l., and bestow 500l. on me to procure a new house, his Majesty shall deal very graciously with me. For the first, he did once offer it to me himself, but in respect of some further hopes I then accepted it not,—but if he should not be willing to the first, I would crave it might be stalled by 50l. per annum, only I beseech you that what shall be done for me may be done speedily. I continue this day in much pain; they say because it is my day of crisis. —Undated.
Written and signed by an amanuensis. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (103. 145.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Viscount Cranborne.
[1605–5], Jan. 12. Some of Sir Philip Harbert's servants have this afternoon brought to me Sir John Crookes, knight, and caused me with my brother to pass both a release and a fine; and to-morrow they go down to my wife into Sheapie to join in the same, so whatsoever is to be done on my part I have already performed, which I thought good to advertise you of, lest my business should receive any delay under colour of his assurance. I am not yet out of pain, neither of my right hand or fingers have I any use, only my heart is good, and if I may recover this, I purpose to fulfil my intended journey in waiting on my Lord of Hertford, of which I made mention at my last being with you during the sitting of the commission.—12 Jan.
Written and signed by an amanuensis. Remains of Seal. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (103. 109.)
Lord Dirleton to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 12. This bearer Mr. Cupper is the man for whom I entreated your favour concerning his farming of the impost of beer, who being a man of some note for his long service in Court, I need not use any commendation unto you for his sufficiency. I am the more earnestly moved to pray your favour towards him, because he wholly relied upon my promise in it, which I am like to break, unless by your good means for my sake he may prevail therein.—12 Jan. 1604.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (103. 108.)
Lord Balmerino to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 13. Please your lordship take pains to look upon this rude draft of a proclamation for the Isles, conform to your direction thereanent, to the which add or diminish, that it may be drawn up for his Majesty's hand and sent to Scotland to be printed and published. What is done anent Mr. Hay's pension I would gladly know.—13 Jan. 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." Seal. ½ p. (109. 116.)
Henry Lok to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 14. If after a long conflict with many miseries, now tired with travel and hopes of other harbour, I again return to your commiseration, hold my conscience innocent of any wilful evil desert. In all extremes I have had recourse to your favour, and never as yet remained comfortless. A year since in my sickness and great wants, I received a breathing comfort. Of late I craved some relief out of the Court of Wards, which you yielded unto me; but neither can it be now procured nor will but with greater cost and difficulty than the sum will bear which forces me now to lay down by writing my present distresses; who (having been of late sold out of my house for Killegrewe, my goods sold to provide me a harbour here for my wife and many children; she sickly as of long, and now ready to be delivered of child, being utterly unprovided; my poor children's needful education neglected, all my own means in unconscionable debtors' hands) have no refuge from the greatest peril of liberty and reputation left but God's providence and your regard thereof. For though his Majesty has left me some hope of a suit by his reference to you, yet so hardly are they found and pass so slowly that I and mine are like to perish in the way. If therefore God has ordained you to be my Joseph in this dearth of Egypt, I beseech you to consider of these enclosed notes for some stay of my future life.—14 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (103. 110.)
The Bishop of Durham and Dr. Benet to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 14. We have been often heretofore and of late required by the Archbishop of York to solicit his Majesty and the Privy Council, and your lordship, namely, among the rest, that the Commission for causes ecclesiastical within that province may be renewed so soon as might be; the rather for that the recusants daily increase and embolden themselves for want of such authority as that commission doth warrant, and which the ordinary jurisdiction doth not so sufficiently afford. We therefore present this list hereinclosed of names thought fittest to execute that service, if the same shall be approved, at what time you shall present the same. Whereof we beseech you to have the greater care, for that we are advertised his Grace hath written to you for the furtherance thereof.—At Durham House, 14 Jan. 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (103. 111.)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 14. The Commission for causes ecclesiastical was directed amongst others to my late predecessor by name. In respect whereof I, being removed from London to succeed him, am grown out of office and have no authority to deal in any of those causes by virtue of the said commission, until it be again renewed. I know your lordship doth think (the times considered and the term drawing near) that my service therein is necessary, and therefore I do very heartily pray you to move his Majesty by your letter for the renewing of it. I have sent unto you the names of such as are now in commission, together with a note of some others, which may be enlarged or abridged, according to his Majesty's wisdom and direction. As many as have the (Q) before their names are now of the Quorum.— Lambeth, 14 Jan. 1604.
Signed: R: Cant. ⅓ p. (188. 38.)
Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice, to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 14. I received a letter from your lordship in the behalf of Sir Henry Nevell touching the making of the Latitats in his Majesty's Bench. I remember when I was attorney unto the late Queen, a like suit was moved, but I then found it could not pass without wrong done to the Clerks of the Prothonotaries' office in his Majesty's Bench, for it is a peculiar interest to that office and I am of opinion, though it appertained not unto them in interest, yet would it be very inconvenient to have it taken from them, for it is the only mean to maintain young clerks at their first entry, when they can do nothing else but make such writs; and yet upon such beginnings and having that to help to maintain them, until by practice and study they become able to deal in matter of pleadings, they are in time made skilful and become men fit for the service of the Court, which otherwise would hardly be. Whereof I hold it my duty to certify you.—At the Charterhouse, 14 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (188. 39.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 14. Yesternight his Majesty commanded me to write something to your lordship about the Commissioners for the Borders, which being hastily delivered as his Highness was going to his play after supper I did not well conceive, but I think tended to this effect: that the Commissioners or commissions for the Borders should be hastened so as to be ready against his Majesty's return, and that by that time his Highness thought my Lord of Cumberland would be ready also. (fn. 1) [Margin, in Cranborne's handwriting: "This is as much to say as that he thinks much you have not done yet."] If I mistake it I beseech you to excuse me. It may be that you knowing the particulars of that which is determined about these things will gather his Majesty's right meaning out of my obscure writing. If not, as I shall be commanded by you, I will know his further pleasure. He has had very little pleasure since his being there, the weather being so foul. This day is gone to Huntingdon, where I hear men [are] of opinion he cannot have much because of the great wet fallen.—14 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (188. 40.)
Viscount Cranborne to Sir George Harvy, Lieutenant of the Tower.
1604–5, Jan. 15. Because my Lord of Berwick will come with the Lord Chancellor of Scotland to the Tower, who is very desirous to see the same, I have thought good to desire you to show him such places therein, as he shall be willing to see; and if he will see the ordnance, then to impart so much to those officers that are under the Earl of Devonshire, to the end he may be used with the greater courtesy, whether my Lord of Berwick come with him or that he come himself.—From the Whitehall, 15 Jan. 1604.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (103. 112.)
The Vice-Chancellor and Senate of Cambridge University to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Jan. 15. They earnestly desire the confirmation by King James of the immunities and privileges of their University which have of old been granted and sanctioned by many princes. No one can judge more clearly of the importance of this than Cranborne under whose protection and patronage these privileges have now for long been marvellously built up and re-created. They have therefore written to his Majesty, in such a manner nevertheless that they may appear to be consenting to the natural disposition of a most clement king to grant them their just desire rather than to be declaring or demanding it themselves. They have and know none but their most honourable Chancellor who can follow their letter with opportune and appropriate speech and bring fulfilment to their aims. Pray, therefore, that he will not only watch over the University as his Sparta but adorn and amplify it, have a care for the whole body of its privileges and preserve and restore whatever of its buildings may have collapsed from age. —"Decimo octavo Kal. Februarii."
Latin. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (136. 123.)
Lord Cobham to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 15. If the report of Serjeant Heall should be true, myself I absolutely censure that if at any time there be hope that I should have his Majesty's favour to pardon me, if this be true I hear the Serjeant hath so unjustly burdened me before the Lords, let it be for ever a bar to keep his Majesty's grace from me. That I hear he burdens me withal is this; that over and above the 3500l. which I ever acknowledged to be a true debt, that by cunning I should come in her Majesty's name unto him at two several times for 200l., one 200l. to be in double sovereigns and the other in Turkey gold. Slander is ever an heinous crime, but when it is laid upon him that cannot help himself, the sin is the greater. But now, my Lord, that hope I have to receive favour take from me and never account me honest, if this his barbarous scandal be true; and God is my witness till that time I heard that this wrong he did me before the Lords, I never so much as heard of it; much less either spake unto him or received any such sum of money. This I pray you to avow in my behalf.—From the Tower, 15 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (188. 44.)


  • 1. The words italicised are underlined in the original.