Index: Q R

Pages 513-515

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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Quarrington, fee farm of, 355.

Queen Anne (the Queen), see Anne of Denmark.

Queenborough (Quinborowe), 406.
-, Castle (Q. Castle), letter dated at, 269.

Queen Elizabeth, see Elizabeth.

Quhythall, see London, Whitehall.


Radclyff, P., letter from, 33, 34.

Rainsford, Mr., estate of, 12.

Rainworth, chapel of, see Prescott.

Ralegh (Raleigh, Rawly):
-, Sir Car., 193.
-, Sir Walter, 8.
-, -, letters from, 9, 259–261, 291, 454–456.
-, -, and an alleged plot against James I, 9, 10, 11.
-, -, in the Tower, visitors allowed access to, 192, 197.
-, -, -, names of, 193.
-, -, his wife, Lady Ralegh, 192, 193, 291.
-, -, -, letter from, 456.
-, -, -, goods of, 259, 260.
-, -, -, and the Lord Admiral, 452, 456.
-, -, servants of, 197.
-, -, -, names of, 193.
-, -, lands and debts of, 259, 260, 261, 455, 456.
-, -, and seal of the Duchy of Cornwall, 260 (2).
-, -, his lease of wines, 261, 455.
-, -, his child threatened with plague, 291.
-, -, grant of Irish abbey to, 433.
-, -, and Sherborne manor, 454, 456.
-, -, sale of goods of, 455.
-, -, offices, etc., of, 455.

Ram, the (?), 97.

Rammekins, (Ramekins, Rammelins), [Zealand], a fort, 58, 96, 270.

-, Alexander, 376.
-, George, 376.
-, Sir John, 208, 391.

Randall, Oliver, letter from, 292.

Ratcliffe, Robert, 5th Earl of Sussex, 168.

Ravenscrofte, William, 458.

Ravis, Dr., Dean of Christ Church, Prebendary of Westminster, suggested as Bishop of Gloucester, 309.

Rawly, see Raleigh.

Read (Reade), Mr., 117.

Reading [Berks.], 75, 404.

Recusants, in Lancashire, 101.
-, at Warwick Assizes, 177.
-, bill for discharge of, 367.
-, of Hampshire, four, benefits accruing from, 457.
-, land of, commission for letting, 467.
-, see also Puritans and Roman Catholics.

Registers, parish, a plea for, 460.

Reittinger, Dr. Christopher, letter from, 54.

Renalls, Mr., letter to, 457.

Renso, Ortelio, 35.

Renti (Rentis), Marquis de, 213, 218.

Requests, Court of, 217.
-, -, attorneys of, 55.
-, Masters of, 236, 324, 463.
-, -, see also Caesar, Dunn, Perkins, and Wilbraham.

Reversions, grants of, objection to, 195.

-, Sir Carew, letter from, 261, 292.
-, Sir George, letters from, 177, 187.

Reynolds, John, 34, 35.

Rheims (Rhemes), [France], 33.

Rheneberch, 125.

Rhine, the, 199, 230.
-, Philip Ludovic, Count Palatine of, Duke of Bavaria, Count of Sponheim and Veldenz, 435.
-, Wolfgang Wilhelm of, Count Palatine of. Duke of Bavaria, Count of Sponheim and Veldenz, 435.

Riccio, see Rizzio.

Richard II, King, and origin of office of Tower Records, 346.

-, John, Bishop of Arras, 51.
-, [Jean], Senator and President of the Archduke's Privy Council, a commissioner of the Archdukes, 233.

Riche (Rich, Ryche):
-, Captain Barnaby, letters and enclosures from, 319–320, 321–322, 375, 447.
-, -, his wife Katherine, 319, 320, 321.
-, Penelope, Lady Rich, 467.
-, -, letter from, 457.
-, S. W., 34.

Richmond, Earl of, see Plantagenet.

Ridgway (Ridgeway, Rydgway):
-, John, letters from, 343.
-, Sir Thomas, and wardships, 142.
-, -, "brother" of Sir John Stanhope, 264.

Ridley, —, LL.D., principal official of consistory court of Winchester, 440.

Rie, ? Riga, q.v.

Riga (Rie, Abrick), [?; Livonia], 231, 284.

Rigby (Rigbye, Rigbie):
-, Ed., letter from, 108,
-, Lawrence, 34, 35.

Ringworm, cure for, 280.

Ripley [Yorks.], letter dated at, 268.

Ripon [Yorks.], 200, 301.

Risboroughe Prince, see Princes Risborough.

Rissoulld, William, 246.

Rizzio (Riccio), David, murder of, 16–17.

Roath, see Roth.

-, Henry, Bishop of Carlisle, and taxation, 220, 236.
-, -, as Commissioner for Border Causes, 342.
-, -, a recusant, 44.

Robyns, R., 34.

Rochelle (Rochell), 117, 127.

Rochester [Kent], postal endorsements at, 103, 112, 204, 212, 329, 332, 346.
-, river at, alleged Spanish designs on, 406.

Rochester, Bishop of, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, see also Young.
-, Dean of, see Blague.

Rockingham [Northants], 220.
-, letter dated at, 38.
-, Forest, 222.

Roermond (Ruremond; Holland), 199.
-, Bishop of, 54.

Roffens, see Rochester, Bishop of.

-, Edward, Sheriff of Somerset, a charge against his brother-in-law, Lord Harington, 99, 437.
-, Francis, 99.
-, Lady, 33, 99.
-, Thomas, servant to Cobham and Lord Northumberland, 331.
-, William, 33 (2).
-, -, 198.

Roiston, see Royston.

Rolls (Rolles), the, [House], see London and Westminster Places.
-, Master of, Records in the Tower not vested in, 346–347.
-, -, office of Six Clerks under, and filing of pleadings, 369–370.
-, -, see also Bruce and Egerton.

Roman Catholics (Jesuits, priests, papists), 177, 234, 254, 289, 365, 386.
-, alleged assistance of, to France against James I, 7, 71, 110.
-, priests and Jesuits, and James I's accession, 10.
-, notes of intercepted letters from, 31–37.
-, trial of, at York, 44.
-, distressed state of, 67.
-, English, in Spain, 67, 123, 184–185.
-, children of, sent abroad, 75, 84.
-, detained at ports, 89, 279.
-, in Lancashire, 108.
-, and toleration of religion in Ireland, 121.
-, of all nations, in Spain, 184–185.
-, trial of, 189.
-, plots of, 400.
-, before the Lord Mayor of London, 443.
-, detained at ports, interrogatories for, 443.
-, English, abroad, proceedings of, 457.
-, see also Recusants.

Rome, 3, 10, 71.
-, alleged search in, for Mary Queen of Scots' marriage licence, 7.

Romeny, William, 312, cf. Rumney.

Romsey (Rumsey; co. Hants.), manor of, 187.

Roos, Peter, letter from, 233.

-, Sir John, letter from, 261.
-, Katharine, letter from, 33.
-, -, her son, Thomas, 33.
-, Mr., reversion of office of, 195.

Rosewarne, Thomas, 374.

Rosewell, Mr., 245.

Rostock, as a Hanse town, 297.

Roth (Rothe, Routh, Roath), Robert, agent of the Earl of Ormond, 139, 147, 181, 342–343.

Rotterdam [Netherlands], 419.

Routh, see Roth.

Rowe, Henry, 312.

Rowlett, Mons., 207.

Roxburgh, Lord, see Ker.

Royston (Roystowne, Roiston; Herts.), 15.
-, letters dated at, 45, 49, 50, 327, 359, 364, 439.
-, the King to reach, 220.
-, a petition at, 368.

Rubies, artificial, 253.

Rudd, Anthony, Bishop of St. Davids, letter from, 457.

Rudolf II, Emperor of Germany (the Emperor) wars of, in Hungary, 110.
-, -, English and Scottish assistance in, 155, 156.
-, to send an Ambassador to England, 156.
-, and the Hanse towns, 297–298.

Rugby [co. Warw.], 111.

Rügen, Prince in, see Brandenburg.

Ruida, Alessandro, senator of Milan, 242.

Rumney, Sir W., 467, cf. Romeny.

Rumsey, see Romsey.

Ruremond, see Roermond.

-, Edward, 3rd Earl of Bedford, 403.
-, Francis, 2nd Earl of Bedford, death of, 260.
-, Mr., a preacher, 43.

Russia, see Muscovy.

Ruthven (Ruythen):
-, Lady Barbara (Barbaray), suggested marriage of, to Cecil, 29.
-, Patrick, 3rd Lord Ruthven, and Rizzio's murder, 16–17.

Rutland, 465.

Rutland, Earl of, see Manners.

Ruythen, see Ruthven.

Ryche, see Rich.

Rycote [? Oxon], letters dated at, 343, 377.

Ryder, Sir W., 467.

Rydgway, see Ridgway.

Rye, Edward, 126.