Cecil Papers: April 1604

Pages 49-79

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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April 1604

Sir Thomas Lake to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 1. This evening after his Majesty had supped, upon the receipt of letters by Sir George Martin, his Highness commanded me to write a letter for him to sign directed to your lordships of the Council, which letter I have sent you enclosed to be sealed because there is no seals here. The direction as I remember is used to be to the Lord Chancellor by name and to the rest of the Lords and others of our Privy Council. To you he wished me to signify in particular that in delivering his pleasure to the House you remember that there be two things in their proceedings that offend him. One is the delay of returning satisfaction upon his proposition to them. The other is their taking upon them to conclude definitely against the sentence of the Judges. He would by his Judges and Council very willingly give them satisfaction in the least scruple that may arise in this question, but is resolved not to be bound by their conclusions in a matter wherein the Judges have cleared him that his prerogative is interested and that he has the law with him. This is as much as I conceive of his meaning having not seen the letters whereupon this direction is grounded but only received his commandment to write this.— Royston, 1 April, 1604.
Holograph. Seal of arms. 1 p. (164. 117.)
Lady Kennedy to the Lord Chancellor, the Lord High Admiral, Lord Cecil, and the Lord Chief Justice.
1604, April 1. I have received your letters concerning my being before you on Wednesday the 11th for the arbitration of differences between Lord Chandos, myself and others.— Sudeley, 1 April, 1604.
Signed. Seal broken. ½ p. (104. 118.)
Frances, Lady Chandos, to the Same.
1604, April 1. I undertake to submit to your lordships' judgment on April 13th. But I was forced to forego my lodgings in London owing to the infection last Michaelmas, and send away all my furniture. If I can obtain lodgings and counsel, I will not fail to attend.—Sudeley, 1 April, 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (104. 119.)
Simon Montagu to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 1. To backbite is too usual, which I have felt to my disgrace and hurt. Whereas I was master of the game in Brigstock Parks I was subjected to under-keepers and my cattle harried. Mr. Ames, your man, knows I was often minded to solicit your Honour to remove your hard conceit of me; which is more grievous because your father favoured our name. I beseech you to commit the hearing of my case to some worshipful of my country or to your brother. You will thus know my integrity. The whole winter's charge of keeping the parks lay upon me, and I have spent more than 40l., in hedging the park hedges and coppice hedges and making ponds. I am also sued for money paid to your men for wood not required in the parks.—Brigstock, 1 April, 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (104. 120.)
Sir Thomas Lake to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 2. Your letter was not so soon come, which arrived about six in the morning or a little before, but the King had before sent to me to know if any letters were come. It seemed strange to me that your own being dated at 6 last night should not come hither till six in the morning. The messenger lays the fault upon the posts. Immediately I delivered it to his Majesty in his bed, who called for pen and ink, and has written this answer enclosed with his own hand. At the delivery whereof he enquired of me whether I had not written to you after the departure of Sir George Hume as he commanded me, which I telling that I had he wondered that by this letter of yours he found no answer to that but only Sir George Hume's message. He is much disquieted about this business. Notwithstanding [he] has upon these letters stayed his journey to Huntingdon till Lord Northampton's arrival, for whom I have provided lodging at the sign of the Talbot where he has before lain. Yesternight his Majesty was resolved to have gone on and gave out warrant for post horses. Wherein I cannot but note to your lordship what disorder I find here, that there was no man about the King of authority to command horses to be ready or to give warrant for them, so as the King was fain to sign warrants of his own hand. And yet this morning the post brought in the warrants again and told me that no man would obey them, which is a strange contempt, and if the King had gone he could not well have done it for want of horses. Here is neither Councillor nor Postmaster nor his deputy nor the post of the Court, but only a boy. Whether this contempt grows for lack of the ordinary officers, or of any other cause I know not, but I have concealed it from the King that his own warrants should be disobeyed in so vulgar a matter. And this dissension between his Majesty and the Lower House is wonderfully talked of here.—Royston, 2 April, 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "For his Majesty's special affairs. . . Haste, haste, Post Haste, for Life, Life, Life. Delivered at Royston the second of April at almost nine in the forenoon. Thos. Lake." Seals. 1¼ pp. (104. 121.)
Richard Prater.
1604, March 23/April 2. Certificate by John Richardot, Bishop of Arras, of the ordination, by virtue of an apostolic indulgence granted to the English, of Richard Prater, of the diocese of Bath and Wells.—In the greater chapel in the episcopal palace of Arras, 2 April, 1604.
Latin. Small piece of parchment. (222. 14.)
William Denys to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 3. Offers services.—3 April, 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (99. 85.)
William Massam to the Same.
1604, April 3. Myself and one Lionel Cranfield lately bought from the commissioners for the sale of the Carrack's goods all the wet pepper etc. to about 5000l., which pepper we are by order to transport beyond the seas. We find it very defective and fear we shall not sell it without some good pepper to mingle therewith. The King has two parcels of good pepper, 600 bags at Leadenhall, and 100 at the Custom House and we would willingly buy the hundred bags to help away our bad pepper, and pay for it on the same conditions as the other parcel is to be sold. We desire your letter, to the Lord High Treasurer to allow us to do this.—3 April 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (104. 122.)
Sir John Salusbury to Lord Zouch.
1604, April 4. The accomplices of the murderers of John Lewis Gwyn, a kinsman and servant of mine, now in hold, make their brags that they are able to stop the course of justice against themselves by pardon or some safe conduct. My hope is that such pardons cannot be obtained without your privity, and that for Justice sake they may be stayed.—Lleweny, 4 April 1604. [Names of prisoners]: Foulke Lloid, William Lloid, Thomas Lloid, Foulke ap John ap William, William Foulke, Thomas Foulke, Bryan Salbrye, Henrie Piers.
Signed. Seal of arms. ½ p. (104. 124.)
E[leanor], Countess of Desmond, to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 5. It pleased you upon my late letter to signify that there is an order taken for me by the Council; I have sent to all the clerks of the Council and none of them acknowledges the same. The extremity of my wants being such, as though hitherto I have at the direst [substituted for extremest] rates had to supply my necessities, yet now having no way or mean to relieve them without your furtherance, both I, and mine, are like to perish for want of food. Therefore I pray you to take such present order therein as you see meet.—April 4, 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (104. 126.)
Thomas Penkevell.
1604, April 5. Bond in 40l. of Thomas Penkevell of Penkevell, co. Cornwall, gent., William Gente of Oxford, gent. and Henry Hutchinson, of London, cutler, for the appearance of the said Thomas, a recusant, then imprisoned in the Clink, before the Commissioners for ecclesiastical causes. Penkevell is to lodge at Hutchinson's house in Holborn near Gray's Inn gate.—Dated 30 May 44 Elizabeth. Copied by R. E. Examined by Robert Christian.
Note at foot: "Mr. Levinus, I do surely believe the hand above written to be Mr. Christians by Deputy Register to the High Commissioners for causes ecclesiastical. William Pigott, 5 April 1604."
Copy. 1 p. (104. 127.)
Lord Cecil to Sir Daniel Dunn and Sir Richard Swale.
1604, April 6. I understand a case is depending before you in the Court of Arches commenced by one Miles Babb against Katherine Chamber now wife of Robert Lewes upon a former surmised contract. I am credibly informed it is a vexatious action, and therefore entreat you to hear Babb's objections against this poor woman and determine in her favour as far as shall seem reasonable; her case deserving pity, she being already married and so great with child that she is not able to travail in defending herself. In doing whereof with more expedition and care for my respect who wish well to some of her friends I shall count myself very much bounden to you.—Whitehall, 6 April, 1604.
Draft corrected by Cecil. 1 p. (104. 129.)
Lord Audley to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 6. I have obtained licence of his Majesty to go to the Bath, and must thus neglect a suit long since made to the King which may not lose any more time. I have therefore entreated Sir Julius Cesar who has my petition by the King's order, to obtain the answer of the Council with all convenient speed. I crave you to give passage that it may first come to your view and afterwards be favoured with your report to the King, that he, with that and his own princely consideration may be moved to advance the ruins and downfall of an old and decayed house.—Clerkenwell, 6 April, 1604.
Signed. Seal of arms. ½ p. (104. 130.)
Frances, Lady Chandos, to the Lord Chancellor, the Lord High Admiral, Lord Cecil, and the Lord Chief Justice.
1604, April 8. In respect you should not think me negligent or unwilling to have attended on the day assigned for the arbitrament between Lord Chandos and me, I enclose Mr. Serjeant Tanfield's letter to show it is no feigned excuse: being a man who has been of my counsel from the beginning of my suit. May it please you to appoint some further day so that I being so many miles distant, may be able to travel so long a journey.—Sudeley, 8 April 1604.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (104. 131.)
The enclosure:—
Serjeant Lawrence Tanfelde to Frances, Lady Chandos.
[1607, Apr. 7?] I am returned home but this night and not well by reason of an extreme cold. I cannot this week be at London; but if I may understand of any day the next week after, I will endeavour myself to be ready to do you my best service if God and my health permit me. So late out of my bed and not well I am forced to cease.—'Thys Satt.'
Signed. Endorsed: "6 April 1604." ½ p. (104. 128.)
Ralph Winwood to Lord Cecil.
[1604], April 9. This week past his Excellency has been somewhat indisposed in his health, which caused him to keep his chamber some 4 or 5 days. At his coming abroad he revived the difficulties of this present exploit, and gained so far that it was called into deliberation whether it were not more safe to think of some other service which would not be of so great hazard in the attempt and of that consequence in the issue if it should not sort to expectation. But both the States General and the Council of State were so far from revoking their former resolution—alleging that were to bring their State into contempt with their own people, and into neglect with their neighbours and allies, and to make them a scorn and by-word to their enemies—that they would not be induced to consider that if the design now projected should not take place, what should be best for the good of their State afterwards to undertake: which they said were in a manner to forespeak the action now in hand, which they wished might be undertaken with that assurance of resolution, that rather it might be thought more considerable how their forces should be employed after Ostend should be disassieged. Upon this confirmation of this intended service the rendezvous was appointed for the assembly of the forces which meet to-morrow at Williamsteede, where his Excellency purposes to be, who this morning departed from hence accompanied with the Prince of Hanolt, who takes this voyage in his way to England, and the Counts William, Ernest and John; Count Henry being gone from here on Saturday to take order for the embarking of the horse whereof he is general.
The States and Council of State do purpose to go down tomorrow into Zeeland, whom I will accompany as far as Middlebrough or Flushing; but if they shall move me, upon any occasion that may happen, to follow with them into Flanders (now that his Majesty is in speech of treaty with the Archdukes) I think I have reason to hold myself excused.
I may be bold to deliver to you, that of the issue of this business, if it succeed not well, his Excellency will be nothing guilty: his opinion is that the enemy will not give them leave to land. For he has caused the digues to be pierced and broken down, whereby the coast is overflown, and guards day and night the places fittest for landing with sufficient troops, both of horse and foot.
The Mutineers are now in treaty with the Archdukes which the Bishop of Ruremond negotiates: but having not forgotten how they were abused by the C. Trivulcio in the design of Maestrich they are joined with the cavalry of this country and gone into Brabant and will not leave to proceed, until they shall receive sufficient hostages and a frontier town for the assurance of their whole pretensions.
I have received your letter which signifies his Majesty's pleasure for Capt. Dale which I will make known to the States at the first commodity. I send herewith a note of the provisions of this service.—The Hague, 9 April.
Holograph. Seal of arms. Endorsed: "1604." 2pp. (104. 132.)
Richard Prater.
1604, April 9/19 and 10/20. Certificate by William de Berges, Archbishop and Duke of Cambray, of the admission of [Richard] Prater an Englishman, subdeacon, to the orders of deacon and priest.—Cambray, 19 & 20 April, 1604.
Archbishop's counterseal. Latin. Parchment, injured.
(222. 20.)
Dr. Christopher Reittinger to "Lord of Easton."
1604, April 10. In my last letter, delivered by Mr. Merick, being then physician to Sir Richard Lee, the Queen's ambassador to the Emperor, I was your suitor that after some labour in my art I might be recalled to England, my exopted haven in this worldly pilgrimage, through your mediation. Owing to the Queen's death I was forced to attend until a more convenient time to renew my suit. Which being come with the rising of this pleasant morning sun, I crave my petition may take place.— Mosco, 10 April, 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (104. 133.)
Sir Henry Brouncker to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 11. I am now very weary and almost ashamed of my long stay, yet I have reason to carry the King's bounty with me. It cannot be much worth after so many grants already passed, but it may serve for some help hereafter and for a present argument of his Majesty's favour which other men have tasted of more deeply.
My favours of Issues and Impost are of lesser value than men esteem them, and casual to me, though a certain increase of the King's revenue. If by this fee-farm I may pay some part of my debts I shall think myself highly advanced. Sir Thomas Lake undertook to know his Majesty's pleasure and to signify the same to you, wherein he has dealt more slackly than I expected. It seems by him that for order's sake the King will know your opinion, though he acknowledge the grant to me. I humbly beseech that by the accustomed favour unto which I attribute all I have, I may receive a dispatch which otherwise I cannot possibly effect so speedily as my case requires. I would have waited on your lordship, but I desire to prevent the danger of my old disease, by a little physic, which taken in time commonly frees me.—11 April, 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (104. 134.)
Edmund Colthurst to [the Same.]
[? 1604, April 11.] For his services in Ireland he has a patent for bringing a river of water from springs towards Hertford to London; and has brought the river 3 miles, at a charge of over 700l. Now the City, perceiving that the same will turn to some benefit, have preferred a bill in Parliament for bringing Uxbridge river, and so to take the whole benefit to themselves. He is now at Cambridge, bringing a river there: and has no one to follow his suit, so that the bill is likely to pass, whereby his patent will be overthrown, and the King lose 20l. per annum, besides the King's mills standing on Uxbridge river decayed; and the Thames, which is already hard to pass with barges for want of water, will be much worse. He prays Cecil, who first gave light to the City for bringing of the said river, to be a means to stay the bill; or that it be provided that none of the Uxbridge river shall be put into the pipe, but employed for navigation, as they pretend; so that he may enjoy the whole benefit of his water by putting it into pipes.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (189. 94.)
H. Alington to the Same.
1604, April 12. Concerning the Attorneys of the Court of Requests, the appointment of whom has always been in the gift of the Register of the Court. These have never been but three but now, greatly to their hindrance, means is made to the King for his bill signed to admit a fourth. This was in question many years past in the late sovereign's time but upon the three attorneys' petition to her Majesty and the Lords of the Council, it was ordered that the old form and number be continued. Prays his lordship to be the means to stay the innovation.—At Tynwell, 12 April 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (188. 100.)
Duke of Lennox to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 13. The bearer, my servant, and two other gentlemen are suitors to the King to be Registraries for the brokers by patent for 21 years. The King referred it to the Lord Chief Justice who thought that the same should pass by an Act of Parliament which has been read and committed to you amongst others. The nomination of the Registraries in the act is in the Lord Mayor and Aldermen for London, for Westminster in your Lordship and Mr. Daene, and in Southwark in four Justices of the Peace. I request that it may be transferred to the King wholly, whereby you shall have no prejudice. For if you will nominate one of your own servitors, he shall stand as fast in the suit as my servant and the rest.—From the Court at Whitehall, 13 April, 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (104. 135.)
James Fitz Gerald to the Same.
1604, April 14. Understanding that Mr. Nangle was come hither to be a suitor for the better discovery of his carriage and the furtherance of his Majesty's service, I delivered an information in writing to be delivered to your lordship against him; of the contents whereof I hear he is advertised, and stands upon his justification, and gives out that he wishes his accusers and he were face to face. And for proof that the information is true, if you think fit, I will come to justify the same in his presence before you or other your Honour shall appoint.— 14 April, 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (104. 136.)
Captain Edward Fitz Gerald to the Same.
1604, April 15. I have received sundry general informations from persons of good quality in Ireland touching some misdemeanours committed by Mr. Nangle last year in his sheriffwick of Kildare. If he were returned thither to be examined before fit commissioners (some of them being gentlemen of quality of that county and not allied to him), no doubt such matter would be proved against him as would deserve severe punishment. Such condign punishment would terrify other officers, and satisfy the King's subjects there.—15 April, 1604.
Holograph. Seal of arms (broken). 1 p. (104. 137.)
Dr. John Duport to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 15. I rceived on the 10th inst a letter from you and others of the Council on behalf of Mr. Andrea Bassano. I refer to his own report what has been done touching the two leases he holds of us.—Jesus College, Cambridge, 15 April, 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (104. 138.)
William Udall to the Same.
[1604], April 15. By way of satisfaction for the wrongs which I have committed against you I crave your consideration for the following particulars.
Like Micaiah I am not wont loqui placentia. I consented to a plot against you and so know best what it was: but two considerations restrain me from revealing it. (1) Being but one man I may cross both your imagination and the reports of others and you may be offended by my plainness. (2) When I first entered into this attempt against you, partly the general infection, but especially my close imprisonment, hindered me from so ample a discovery of persons, places, attempt and endeavour as I should have done otherwise. If I should upon general terms change persons, having no means to enter into particulars as yet, the danger is too apparent, and I should never be able to discharge myself and your enemies would, and might, take the advantage. Whereas they might secure themselves by denial, I having nothing but in generality to charge them. I have in my former writings given you a taste of so much as may be directly proved. In order that you may have just cause to consent to my liberty I have taken all faults upon my own back. But the only especial cause of my submission is to have means to discharge myself by making greater persons and practices known than yet I dare lay open, because I want both particulars and proofs, which upon my first liberty I shall safely compass.
To speak plainly, those who have endeavoured against you are as well furnished with wit and experience as they are fraught with hatred and malice. If I should charge them upon no greater proofs than yet I have, they would overthrow all my endeavours in saying I discovered secrets directly against the King's service. I know that their intents against you are plots reaching further, which I can also aim at; but when I shall be able to make proof both of the one and of the other, then I may both securely and most honestly join the King's service and yours in one action. Of what import these considerations are I leave to your censure. It remains in your hands to remedy and to free my doubts and distractions in either. In the first—'Let David hear Nathan' howsoever he speak plainly and truly. In the latter—Let it stand with your pleasure that I may obtain liberty. Now I can tell you but of dreams in regard of what I can perform by liberty. And to deal more plainly with you than ever, so long as I am kept in this common gaol amongst so many thieves and murderers, in and amongst so damned a crew, so disgraceful and stinking a place, so long I shall be jealous and suspicious and not daring to make the adventure which otherwise I would, neither daring to resign all my secrets. For your sake and my country's vouchsafe me liberty, that is life; for my own sake, after the loss of wife and children, imprisonment, that is death, were much more pleasing. Let me tell you with Seneca Si non vis ut fallam, noli diffidere.— Common Gaol of Newgate, 15 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 3 pp. (104. 139.)
Edward Darby to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 16. I have been (by direction of Mr. Houghton) at your courts in Hertford and Middlesex, the week before Easter at Thebalds, Worceters, and Periers, and in Easter week at Hoddesdonbury, Geddinges and the Base; where I see not but the rents may be answered, for the bailiffs admit they collect all according to the rentals in your father's time. It cost Mr. Serjeant some time, conferring with the tenants, to reconcile the rents of Thebalds, Cresbroke and Cullens with the old rentals, but in the end it was agreed, and the reeves appointed to bring in their collections before Whitsuntide, which are said to be behind for about five years, being about 4l. per ann. At Worceters a day was given the jury to meet Mr. Amice the last day of this month, for the abutting and bounding of every man's lands, and so from time to time until they have gone over the whole manor. The juries at Hoddesdonbury and Geddinges were likewise charged (upon warning) to attend Mr. Amice to do the like. The profits of the courts are now about 20l; but deduction is to be made for the expenses of the steward and the tenants. The woman that laid claim to the Bell in Waltham (of whom Mr. Houghton told you) came no more to prosecute her suit. I have sorted up all the court rolls and books that came to my hands and bestowed them in the stone room over the entry into the hall at Thebalds.—16 April, 1604.
Signed. 1 p. (104. 141.)
Ralph Winwood to the Same.
[1604], April 16. Please to excuse the rudeness and shortness of these letters. The whole fleet of the States arrived under Rammelins [? Rammekins] and upon Saturday in the evening. On Sunday morning his Excellency finding the wind favorable hoisted sail; and about 8 of the clock came before the island of Cassand [Cadsand], where at high water partly in the channel called Sawrtigate [? Swarte Gat], partly on the very shore, in the space of two hours he landed all his foot, without not only the resistance of any man, but without the sight of anyone that would present himself.
Presently the foot marched forwards; Count Ernest having the "vantgard" with the Dutch and Walloons, his Excellency holding the "bataille" with the English and Scottish, Count William the "arrieregard" with the Frisons. In the island there are certain small forts, which his Excellency did summon to render: three were found quitted, one did render at the first summons, the strongest, which is called St. Pierre or l'Espine by the name of the governor, this morning by composition hath rendered to Count Henry. The resolution was to assure by their galleys and ships of war a passage over the embouchure of the haven of Sluce and by cannon to beat the fort called by a late name Santa Clara which should be maintained for a retraite until this exploit should have an end. This morning we understand that 12 pieces of great artillery are commanded to pass by land to his Excellency, who upon advantage he now hath found doth purpose to beat the castle of Sluce: which if he shall possess, as he doth not hold it tenable, there is great appearance it will bring after the town, which it doth command. And before this night some judgment will be given what will be the issue of this particular; for the States General and Council of Estate are ever at his Excellency's elbow, which doth cause him to take hold fast upon all occasions. L'appetit vient en mangeant: the success hitherto hath been so prosperous that they have good hope with the self same work to surprize the galleys which have attempted to go forth, but by their galleys and men of war have been forced to retire. This is all this present doth afford.—From shipboard in the channel of Swartigat in the island of Cassand this 16th April.
PS. I will only add this that all which is done is nothing, if his Excellency pass not with his forces beyond Sluce, and that within very short time.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1¾ pp. (104. 142.)
Lord Barry to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 16. I understand that Mr. Maccdonnoghe is now to become a suitor to his Majesty and his Privy Council for his better establishment in his lands and living, in that the White Knight and John Barry do seem by sinister practices to molest him for the same. I beseech your lordship to extend that favour to him as the equity of his cause shall merit, and that at least no extraordinary means be wrought for the dispossessing of him, but his case referred to ordinary courses of law.—Barry Court, 16 April, 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (104. 143.)
The Master and Fellows of Caius College to the King.
1604, April 16. We have received your Majesty's letters with reference to the conferring a Fellowship by exchange upon one Master Pratt. The Fellowship which is now said to be vacant was granted six months ago to another by the unanimous vote of the Warden and Fellows and we cannot honourably set aside one elected both lawfully and with ripe judgment. Heretofore we have discussed the transference of this Pratt on to an ancient foundation but our care for the peace and well-being of the College has always compelled us to decree that he is a man of no authority who had intermeddled with the business of the College, who had been a stirrer-up of various riots and had publicly attacked nearly every society with his slanders, and must be most justly passed over. We therefore humbly ask your Majesty's pardon as we are most straitly bound both by conscience and our statutes to act for the good of our College.—Datum in Collegio Caiogon. 16 Aprilis 1604.
Signed: Thomas Legge, Ro. Church, Steven Perse, John Gostlin, Math: Stokys, Ro. Welles, Antho. Duisborough, Hen. Hamonde, Richard Parker, Thomas Thwayts, Christ: Husband, Jo. Fletcher.
Latin. 2 pp. (136. 125.)
Captain Ogle to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 17. On Sunday morning, being the 15th of this present month after the style of England, the Count Morice accompanied with the principals of the Estates General and Council of Estate landed his army, consisting of 10,000 foot and 1500 horse (the rest of the horse being employed with the troops of the squadron of Mutineers) on the further side of the island of Cassant, and the same day marched through the island near to the town of Sluce, where (according to the project of landing) the army should have been passed over in flat-bottom boats, the Estates being resolved to adventure their army for the unsetting of Ostend. But either the advice given to the Count Morice for landing was not the best, or his execution of the design wanted that resolution and speed which the business required. For landing (as it appears to all reasonable judgments since) it is certain the haven of Sluce (which we should now have passed) had been the readiest and fittest for our purpose, or to have landed on the west side of a fort the enemy hath at the entry of the haven. This course that was taken warned the enemy and armed him whom we should have surprised. This warning gathered the enemy to the shore side, the gathering of them made new and greater difficulties, and the time was spent in counsel which should have been employed in action. The second day was very windy and nothing favoured the purpose of the Estates, who instantly urged the hazard of their troops (but at that time and that place where the enemy was gathered and fortified, not with so great judgment as desire to do something) it favoured, as I said, nothing their purpose, but much the opinion of the Count, who was utterly against it. Some distaste and, as is thought, no small jealousy is grown between him and the Estates for the carriage of this business; and to let the world perceive a public affront they would offer him, after his direct opinion to the contrary (as indeed in all martial judgments it was then inconvenient) they demanded the advice of divers of the colonels apart and together in open view, who were likewise of the same opinion as the Count Morice, though Colonel Edmunds by a misunderstanding made a contrary report being chosen to deliver their minds to the Estates. This council was held yesterday being the 16th but nothing came of it; for indeed the true opportunity was overslipped by mishandling at first. This day, being the 17th, was thought fit to make some trial, and to that purpose divers of the ships of war and one galley came up into the haven near to the enemy's landside and made many shot both at the troops which marched down towards the water-side as also at a little fort the enemy hath just against the landing place, which is but of a small receipt for many troops. Five pieces of cannon were planted on the dyke near our quarter to the same purpose. The intent of that business was to see if the enemy would quit the fort and that then we should land some few men to possess it, under favour of the place and our ships, should the rest of the army be landed. To this end we appointed, first, 100 to end it, secondly, 200 to second them, and then divers selected out of the main troops. Out of the English we appointed 500; of the rest proportionately. The galleys of Sluce are kept in, being awed by a battery of three pieces of ours near to the town and on the water-side. But the Count Morice not allowing of this attempt in his judgment, though seeming willing to satisfy the Estates who desired to do what might be done, all came to nothing, nor was there any attempt given. The enemy is thought to be sufficiently strong in men and we can discern them to be now newly fortified and intrenched, to impeach the landing of a more powerful army than ours is, either at this place or at this time. Therefore new counsels are held and it is projected to see what conveniency of putting over the army may be better had betwixt the Sluce and a place called Dam which is more into the land ward, and where by opinion of some good guides I thought we should have attempted our first transporting the army after our landing in the island. What will be done I will not fail from time to time to advertise your lordship.—From the Camp near Sluce, 17 April, 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (104. 144.)
Sir William Browne to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 17. Yesterday I received the inclosed from Mr. Winwood, which I dispatched away so soon as I could hire a boat to try it out against the wind, because your Honour might by the first receive the first proceedings of his Excellency. Whereunto I will only add this, that yesternight his Excellency would have proved to put over men but could not put it in trial by reason of the great wind that blew. This tide we imagine he essays to put over the haven from the Hofstea where he lieth. We can hear the artillery go off very thick and muskets withal, most about the place as, we guess, where we mean to force the passage. Our "drumblers" were yesternight advanced into the haven as high as the Hofstea to the number of 6 and the rest are gone in this morning tide. They must be the principal furtherers of our landing, which God, I hope, will bless, though with great hazard we must obtain it, having by somewhat too long stay given the enemy leisure to make resistance, whereas if at the first his Excellency had entered the haven of Sluce, he should have found none who would have opposed.—From Flushing, 17 April, 1604.
PS.—We hope his Excellency has gone over, though yesternight were discovered 500 horse and good troops of foot making show to hinder the passage.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (104. 145.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to Lord Cecil.
1504, April 17. This morning I sent this messenger as from myself unto Martyn Lever being a substantial man who is bound in 100l. for William Eppes's appearance in his Majesty's Bench upon Wednesday next come sevennight, to put him in mind of the day, lest the recklessness of Eppes might draw him into danger of his bond. He has thanked me for my care of him and advertises me that Eppes is in the country, to whom he will presently send to remind him in time. This I thought to be the surest way to know what was become of Eppes without suspicion and unless it be upon his appearance, in that he be taken unawares upon a warrant, he will hardly be had, for I verily believe if he be but warned to appear he will not obey it. To-morrow I hope to attend your lordship for that I find myself much better this morning than I was yesterday all the day.—At Serjeants' Inn, 17 April, 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (188. 101.)
Lord Say and Sele to the Same.
1604, April 18. His Majesty has (as Sir George Hume has assured me) granted liberty to him for me to prostrate my cause before my lordships. Since Lord Mounteagle, and lastly Mr. Paget, have procured their pre-eminencies and dignities, vouchsafe me that proportion and measure of proceedings, which to others not so lineally descending from the heir male first created (as my Lord of Kent descending from the Uncle) and also not able in so clear and unblemished a descent as mine to make proof of their derivation, neither of that continuance as my Lord Pagett, have re-adapted the full perfection of their ancestors' several "investitutions." There are within the county I reside in two barons much more worthy. One to whom your lordship is allied, is by the mother of his lordship's grandfather being by name a Fenys and of my name and house well-wishing to me and mine, as I am to him, For the other Lord, though otherwise he is honourable to me, I hope much more of his justice than favour, the rather for that I gave no consent to Mr. Pagett's bill which my duty to God, fearing his indisposition, as also due remembrance of that most noble Hestor who preserved us from wicked Hamon and bloody Bonnor enforced me to, hoping, though I could never sufficiently serve her while graciously she reigned over me, yet to my last breath I shall never fail to do my duty to her after her death, neither shall I deviate from the most unspeakable goodness of admirable Salamon to defend that immaculate lady in her virtuous life. So I implore your lordship that not I alone of all those who have failed in honour but in one descent should be thought unworthy to receive the censure of my Lords, hoping yet at least thereby to free my posterity from those imputations of disloyalty and illegitimacy with which they have been often calumnized. Although I recover not the preeminency, I have learned of that noble emperor Antonius to hold it no grief to see so many proceed me in priority of place.— 18 April, 1604.
PS. Not to crave further favour than shall sort with the equity of my claim, but to procure your approbation of his Majesty's admittance of me to put into the house the same, let me render in thanksgiving to one other of your servants 40l. For your lordship, if your employment be to Yowrk about the Union, or otherwise, I have in readiness an ambling gelding which for the easiness of his pace and freeness in travel I hope for summer service will be inferior to none.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (104. 146.)
Ralph Winwood to Lord Cecil.
[1604], April 19. The easy descent which was made into the Island of Cassand (whereof I advertised by my last of the 16) did give great hope that this enterprise which was undertaken for the relief of Ostend would have success to the expectation of those which first did project the design, and after did prosecute it with so earnest a vehemency. But experience has taught that the landing first in this island, where the army was to make a long circuit upon the digues before it could arrive to the river's side, which was to be passed, and the not landing on that side of the river where the port of Ste Clara is situated, was the main breakneck of the voyage, which might have been done with the same facility without any impeachment of the enemy: and the next error, which was not less than the former, was the long "marchanding" about the little forts which were taken in, which gave notice to the enemy of the descent, and leisure to assemble forces to impeach the passage of the river. For whereas the whole army was landed on Sunday by noon, and that it was "attended" that the next morning the army should pass over, before the galleys could come up the river, which should assure the passage, and the cannon come by land, under the favour whereof the army was to pass, the enemy did appear in so great number that his Excellency would not advise, nor the other commanders adventure, to conduct over the forces. All that day of Monday was spent in many consultations, all to small purpose. On Tuesday it was thought convenient to make an essay for the passing over of 200 men, only to see what countenance the enemy would hold. But his cannon did play so fast upon the ships of war which were to waft the men over, that though they would not of themselves, they were commanded to retire. Since, nothing has been attempted. The States have not ceased to solicit his Excellency to be pleased to employ this present army in what sort to his discretion shall seem most convenient, so the town of Ostend may receive thereby that comfort which the Provinces have proposed by their extraordinary contributions, to be conferred to that, and no other end. Many overtures they have made: as to pass into Flanders through the higher part of the country as before they have done in the year [1]600, or to besiege this town of the Sluce; and if neither of these courses shall be pleasing, they have entreated him to propose some other, to which they would willingly condescend. But he has refused the two first, as not feasible, and the latter as of too great an importance for him alone [to] undertake. Now it is in deliberation to keep and maintain this Island, which though it cannot be done without an excessive and present charge, for at the least there must be built six fortresses, which cannot be finished without the presence of a strong army, and then how they shall be preserved out of the enemy's hands may be doubted; yet the Deputies of the Provinces do incline to this resolution, hoping thereby to make the haven of Sluce unprofitable, and to make a good part of Flanders subject to contributions. For this purpose two Deputies are sent to the States of Zeland, which province holds the greatest interest in this cause, upon whose return a present resolution will be taken.—From the army before the river of Sluce, 19 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 2 pp. (99. 127.)
John Palmer, Dean of Peterborough, to the Bishop of London.
1604, April 19. The matter whereof I lately wrote to your lordship I was determined to have delivered myself so soon as I could have come to you. If in this case I shall not deal so wisely as haply I might have done, ascribe it to a dutiful fear. By this unfortunate accident my simple meaning might probably be suspected, but as your lordship long has known me, conceive this of me, that nothing which can befal shall ever make me servile, but as you command me, I will plainly and directly deliver what I know. About 14 or 15 years since I came up to London, to my Grace of Canterbury, to pray his aid for the finding out of one Edmund Smith, born in Lancashire, not far from Manchester, and then my scholar in St. John's College, who having been corrupted in religion was bound by our ViceChancellor for his abode in Cambridge, and had then newly made an escape. At which time I obtained from his Grace letters to the then Earl of Darby and to one Mr. Holland, a justice of peace in that country, to make search for the said Smith. By which means he was stayed for a time but afterward he brake away from them and fled beyond the seas. I was much grieved, because I wished him well, and his disposition considered, by sundry speeches he delivered I foresaw what a desperate course he was like to run. All this while his friends thought him dead, because they never could hear of him till now very lately. To my knowledge it came in this sort, Edmund Smith has a brother John, a fellow of Mawdlen College, Cambridge, a man far unlike his brother, both in religion and disposition, for he has been always reputed an honest man. This John Smith came to me lately and told me he could tell me news whereof I should be glad; that his brother was living and in good credit among them of his own sort, namely that he was a friar of the order of St. Benedict and governor of a religious house in Italy, as he was informed by some who were well acquainted with those causes. And at the last told me that he heard that he and some other with him were expected to be here in England this summer, adding withal that if he came I should speak with him if it were possible. These things at the first apprehension made not so deep impression in me till afterward, calling to remembrance a proclamation against all such as after 19 March should come into the kingdom, I began to fear that some bad course should be intended, and that such men as should be chosen out to violate his Majesty's pleasure in that behalf must needs be men of special note, designed to some extraordinary purpose. For Edmund Smith this much I know of mine own certain knowledge that he is not made choice of to come hither for any matter of learning, for his understanding and other gifts were always very weak, but to make any dangerous or desperate attempt I know him to be as likely an instrument as any man that lives, and this has been the chief matter of my fear.—19 April 1604.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (104. 148.)
Sir Richard Lee to Lord Cecil.
[1604], April 19. I understand the Duke Charles of Sweden has sent to his Majesty. I am not acquainted with the business but both in regard of the religion he holds with us, and the many ways he may stead our English merchants for their passage into Muscovia through Leflande by possessing the principal parts of that country, I leave to your Honour to be thought upon. If you call me before you I may add some more reasons that good terms be continued toward that prince, and the rather for that I hear he is desirous to have all matters reconciled with the King of Denmark, wherein he shows himself wise, considering the impediment thereby lies in his way to all his proceedings of more necessary importance.—The Savoy, 19 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (104. 150.)
Sir William Browne to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 20. Enclosing a letter from Mr. Winwood.— Flushing, 20 April 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (104. 151.)
The Same to the Same.
1604, April 20. I will for this time refer you to Sir John Ogle's letter for all the news which be now current. I came from thence this morning. I had been there 2 or 3 days.— From Flushing, 20 April 1604.
Holograph. Seals. ½ p. (104. 153.)
Sir William Selby to the Same.
[1604, April 20.] Referring to his late petition at Court for his entertainment in the dissolved garrison of Berwick, and renewing his suit for the same.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "20 April, 1604." ½ p. (104. 152.)
Sir Thomas Conyngesbye to the Same.
[1604], April 21. I was at your lodging in Court (but not so fortunate as to find you there) not only to have kissed your hands before my journey homewards, but to have rendered thanks for your large allowance for maintenance of my son Baskerville during his nonage, and to have put you in remembrance to restore me the stewardship of Marden, in regard of the uncapableness of the gentleman that had compounded with Mr. Jeffes for it.—From Weston, upon my journey into Herefordshire, 21 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (104. 154.)
John Norris to the Same.
1604, April 21. This day I received the enclosed from a friend of mine, with great charge for the safe conveyance thereof. —Barnestaple, 21 April 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (104. 155.)
[—] to Thomas Bruze, at Valladolid.
1604, April 21/May 1 For your friendly letter and friendship offered I rest thankful. The distressed state of our country Catholics, we that lie here, may deplore and grieve at, sighing and wishing for better days; but theirs is the calamity, who are pressed under the burden, and feel the smart of so enduring a persecution, frustrated of all their hopes, who expected upon the change of governors a more gracious time. The news of Sir Anthony Standen, which I heard before, makes me to lament his hard fortune, but he is not the first to whom such sinister entertainment hath happened. I approve your judgment about the meeting of the ambassadors, for it is like to take such effect as you conjecture. If you understand of the occurrences of this instant parliament, to be certified thereof will be grateful unto me. I thank you for the supplication sent and would not encumber you about other things, but if without your trouble those ashen cups and oatmeal may be conveyed to me, they shall be welcome. Touching your kinsman, whom you commend, I should have been willing to have used any good means to have accommodated him to your desire, but he was before by the care of my man Williams better placed than happily I should have found. He serves a reverend priest, Father Martin, chaplain to the late deceased Empress, to whom I have since sent, recommending the honesty and good behaviour of your kinsman.—Madride, this first of May 1604.
Signed: "The Duches of Feria," and at the foot in the same handwriting: "The priest whom he serves is a Flemynge, where he shall be well used."
Addressed: "A Tomas Bruze Cavaliro Escoses, Valladeolid." 1 p. (188. 102.)
Arthur Harris to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 22. I understand by common report the mayor and his brethren of Markajeive [Marazion], have taken of your Honour by demise certain fairs there, and that you have granted a patent for the keeping of certain courts. Both these appertain to St. Mychaell's Mount in Cornwall, and have for 50 years and better been enjoyed by myself and others before me, by lease as I now hold it. I thought it my duty to repair to you, and being 60 miles in my way, by reason of my late sickness and finding my body unable to perform so long a journey, am enforced to return, and to acquaint you therewith by these few lines. I pray you to dispense with my presence until Michaelmas term, when I will appeal to your honourable censure.—From Marhande, 22 April 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (104. 156.)
The States General of the United Provinces to King James.
1604, April 22/May 2. It is about two years and nine months that our enemies have laid siege with every sort of force to the town of Ostende. Notwithstanding this we have with infinite difficulty defended it up to the present and finding it very difficult to succour the town and raise the siege by direct means, we have made several attempts to do so indirectly by diversion. But the enemy has continued the siege with obstinacy and for two months past several of the outlying works have been disputed in hand to hand contests and some of them after a valiant defence have been taken, so that henceforth we have to dispute the principal dikes and walls of the town. This we have long foreseen and have thereof advised your Majesty and all other Kings and Princes who favour our cause and required your help and assistance for the relief of the place. We have nevertheless also undertaken several enterprises, the success of which would undoubtedly have been followed by the said relief, had it pleased God to grant this success. Being advised that our enemies (according to report) state that by the capture of Ostende they will gain two principal points, namely, in the first place that by their piracies they will be able to have a greater hold over the sea, and secondly that they will make themselves free of all Flanders and reinforce themselves by means of the revenue of that country, we have been moved and found it agreeable as a last remedy to transport ourselves into Flanders with as many troops as possible, intending thereby to relieve the said town and to maintain a firm footing there. As this cannot be done without great and extraordinary expense we humbly beseech your Majesty not only to continue your former favours but out of your royal liberality to grant us that which of the will and consent of your Majesty and in this behalf has been furnished us and will still be furnished us this year by order of the King of France.—"Du camp en l'Isle de Cadsant ce 2e de May, 1604."
Signed: Aerssens; countersigned: J. Van Oldenbarnevelt. French. 3 pp. (105. 23.)
Lord Lumley to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 23. It is most fit to have a lane repaired called Talworth Lane, in Surrey, leading to many places for the King's services, to his usual dwelling-houses and other services for the realm, now extremely decayed and not fit to be travelled without repair by that country, as by the supplication made by the inhabitants thereabouts to your lordships appears. Sir Nicholas Sanders has their petition to present to you which is not unknown to my Lord Admiral, the Lord Lieutenant of that shire.—From my house at Towerhall, 23 April 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (104. 157.)
Elizabeth, Lady Hunsdon, to the Same.
1604, April 23. Recommending the bearer, William Griffith, sometime her servant, who desires to become a follower of Cecil's.—Blackfriers, 23 April 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (104. 158.)
Ralph Winwood to Lord Cecil.
[1604], April 23. (fn. 1) My last to your lordship were of the 19th. That night his Excellency did draw forth the one half of his troopers wherewith he possessed himself of an island on the east side of the town of Sluce, of good importance if hereafter he shall have purpose to besiege that place. Withal, he entered upon a digue which leadeth into the continent of Flanders, where before he would pass farther he strongly entrenched himself. Upon that digue are situated three forts, one in a manner subordinate to another. The first, which is the weakest, is called Ste. Catoline, which on Saturday last, but late towards the evening, his Excellency did beat with the cannon; which, because it wrought small effect and that, by prisoners which were taken, it was known that the enemy now assembled to the number of 4000 horse and foot for the succour of that place, the cannon was retired and the forces returned to their trenches. But the enemy, who was guilty of his own weakness, that same night did quit the fort and those troops, which were come to make it good, did likewise fly away with that fright and confusion that the next day, the arms both of horse and foot were found strewed in the fields; which being perceived by those companies which then stood in guard, they entered the fort and thereupon took courage to advance forward to the second which is called Ste. Philippe, a much better place, yet of small strength, which they caused to be summoned. The captain, finding that the other fort was quitted and the troops disbanded without reinforcing him, without longer dispute did render the place into the hands of two of the Council of State at discretion, who gave him these conditions that he should depart with his company, which were 50, their lives and goods saved, their matches out, without colours and sound of drum, and so I did see them with a trumpet convoyed to Isendike, which is the third fort, of greatest strength and importance, wherein are 5 companies and 8 pieces of great artillery. This morning his Excellency is marched thither with the full power of his army, for he doth not leave in the whole land of Cassand above 2000. He will find this fort a tough piece and not to be taken without a siege, which will cost some time. And when it shall come in, if there the States shall pause, both that and what else they have done in this voyage is but labour lost. The States will press the proceeding into Flanders but in vain, for his Excellency hath no desire to hazard a battle, which they much desire; and after the besieging of Sluce, which the States of Zeland do hold most necessary for their conservation. The States General and Council of State do lie at anchor in the road before Isendike, where this morning I left them and came to this town to find some rest after 15 days lodging on shipboard and in the straw in the army. Of the Mutines [Mutineers] we only hear that they are as far as Brussels.—From Flushing, 23 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. Received 5 May." 2 pp. (105. 1.)
W. Babington (fn. 1) to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 23. Without your lordship's favour I am like to be removed out of my dwelling house near London, which I purpose principally to use by the spaciousness thereof in infectious times for my apparelling provisions. I beseech your favourable consideration of my petition enclosed and that as in the grants which your Honour makes of his Majesty's wards' lands, the tenants are not to be removed without your allowance, so I may continue still tenant at any improved rent or fine as shall be thought fit.—London, 23 April 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (105. 2.)
Lord Cecil to the Earl of Lincoln.
1604, April 23. That you sent me my last payment of the statute I am very glad, because you are not much beholding to your neighbours for commendation of your keeping your credit. But where you say you undertook the bargain by my persuasion, I will make you no more answer to that than this, that whosoever will bring me the man that had ever power to persuade you to do anything but for your own lucre, I will give him a better reward than [ever was given in Chelsea since you were owner of it struck out] you gave for the King's gerfalcon. In the meantime, forbear, if it please you, to tell more of those stories for saving your credit; such inventions better becoming your younger years than now. [For any covenants that I have broken, take your advantage as well as you can struck out.] And let me entreat you to speak no worse than you like to hear, for we are of better quality than to be railers. Where you say you have done me good offices, I think you speak by contraries, or else some new brawl or other at Chelsea has so angered you now, that you know not what you write to me, towards whom you know what your own heart can reprove you of, for ingratitude, both in the time past, and this his Majesty's happy government. To conclude, I pray you resort like a nobleman of your birth, to the exercise of truth, honour and temper. And for any your dribbling claim of Hyde Park, which is out of my power, advise with your counsel learned, or of any other sort, what course to take with me, and you shall find reason; for as I fear you not, because we live in a just time, so I desire no strait friendship with you, because you were so slow to reveal our dear Sovereign's peril when you say you knew so many practices. Thus wishing you a quiet heart and a good memory to pay your next bond to me of 200l. I [forbear to answer other idle parts of your choleric letter and struck out] remain if you abuse not yourself nor me, your friend.
Draft, with corrections by Cecil. Endorsed: "23 April 1604. Copy of my Lord's letter to the Earl of Lincoln." 1 p. [193. 100.]
Sir Anthony Sherley to [Lord Cecil].
1604, April 25. I have written your lordship divers letters and in some of them handled Doctor Thornell's safe conduct because I know that it will be for his Majesty's service and your honour, he being a man of great reputation here, a great opposite to the Jesuits, of great intelligence, and a true good patriot, particularly bearing an exceeding respect and a worthy opinion of you and will open his heart and with all matters of important moment to you. Myself, as I have formerly said to your lordship, have points of any other making than any advertise as you shall prove, yet those things which bear great circumstances with them for his Majesty's service and to endear you in his royal opinion I will ever give you freely. The Jesuit and Parsons are dealing with the Pope to procure the King of France to embrace the Catholics' cause in England, in this time in the sort which the King of Spain did in former. The Pope has refused it hereunto, desiring to hold good and friendly correspondence with his Majesty as one prince uses with any other. But the King of France urges it underhand and every day increases his graces to the Jesuits for that purpose. Your Honour in your great wisdom will consider what a great point of state this is for the present and may be more for the future. You shall have many ways to prevent the growing of the mischiefs which may succeed; first, by those ways which Doctor Thornell will give you, which shall be secret and great ones; next, by good intelligence which I will make your lordship not of fellows which see the appearance of things and go only by great bulk of sound and great men, whereby we shall be almost of the counsel of the principal acts which shall pass. And then if you will, I will undertake to make you of that power with the principal cardinals in Rome, that you shall bear an extraordinary sway in the greatest causes and in my poor judgment that last point for his Majesty's security and other services is so important that it ought to be done. I continue yet the acquaintance which my negotiation gave me in Rome and my business proceeding to the effect it does has given me a greater confidence than ever and I cannot use it better than for his Majesty's service and your lordship's honour.—From Venice the 25 of April 1604.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. (105. 3.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to the Same.
1604, April 26. I perceive by my Lord De la Warr how much I am bound to your lordship for the advance of the bill for my privilege of Parliament. I find by him also that there is a difficulty yet concerning the same; that if his Majesty should give his royal assent to my bill, then all the bills already past both Houses must be read again. I therefore beseech you to be pleased to move his Majesty only to let the nether House understand that he gives his royal word that in the end of the Parliament he will confirm the act, which being past both the Houses with such his royal promise I doubt not will give the nether House full satisfaction to take present order for my enlargement, because their deferring of my liberty was grounded only of doubts, not being assured whether the King or the higher House would be pleased to concur with their opinion. But the lords of the higher House having once given their assents by their third reading, if it please his Highness also to promise to the nether House his allowance to be given in the end of the Parliament, I suppose there will be none in the nether House but will hold it a law already made and so will take authority to set me at liberty.—26 April, 1604.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (105. 4.)
The Privy Council to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 26. The subsidy due by you to the King for the first payment of the fourth entire subsidy granted by Parliament holden at Westminster 27 October, 43 Eliz., amounts to 26l. 13s. 4d. after the rate of 2s. 8d. every pound out of the sum of 200l. Arthur Mainwaringe who is appointed collector of the same shall be ready attending at the Lord Chancellor's from time to time for the receipt thereof and we will you to give order to some of yours to see the same paid to him with all convenient speed, that payment may be made into the Receipt of Exchequer according to the said Act.—At the Court, 26 April 1604.
Signed: T. Ellesmere, Canc. T. Dorset. Notingham. Suffolke. Devonshyre. ½ p. (105. 5.)
Ralph Winwood to the Same.
[1604], April 27. To my last, which by contrariety of wind yet are here, I will only add that his Excellency by his approaches is come to the ditch of Isendick, which though it hath been reinforced with three companies of Italians, yet being out of hope to be relieved cannot stand out above three or four days. The Archduke, who as we say was shooting at the popinjay, when the news came of the loss of Cassand, hath lately been at Sass and toward these parts, doth gather his "amasse" of strength. The Mutines do ransom or ransack all places, even to the walls of Brussels and have burnt many towns. They are incensed the more by reason of a blow which they have received by Frederic Vandenberg, who cut in pieces 150 of their company. The Constable is said to lie sick at Berges St. Winock not far from Bourbrough. It is not thought that in this confusion he will hasten his journey into England. This night the enemy from Sluce did attempt to force the quarter which remained in Cassand, but to his great loss. Twelve of his "shalupps" were taken, more than a hundred found slain, many drowned, forty prisoners, who confess that 4000 were ordained for that service. I now return to the army, where I will solicit Sir Will. Lovelace's business, as his Majesty hath commanded.—Flushing, 27 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Received 5 May, 1604." Seal. 1 p. (105. 6.)
John Kyllygrewe to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 27. I consider myself much bound to remember the favours of your father, by whose means I obtained the renewing of an estate of a tithe in Cornwall. There was named by me Symon Killigrewe my brother a lessee in that estate only in trust; yet have I made him large allowance of 140l. a year towards his maintenance for many years. Notwithstanding, I understand that he endeavours to scandal my reputation with your lordship by complaints or informations of some wrongs or injustice I should do him. My humble suit is, if anything shall be suggested against me by him or in his behalf, you will be pleased (considering I am a prisoner) to refer the hearing of the cause to Sir John Thynn knight and to any other named by him to make report thereof to your lordship. Please God the truth of the cause between my sister and me depending in the Court of Wards may truly be manifested to your grave judgment and that honourable court and then I know right shall have his due.—From the Fleet, 27 April 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (105. 7.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to the Same.
1604, April 29. Not being well after the great worriness of my yesterday's attendance, with the extraordinary heat I then was put into, to recover myself the better I have kept my bed this day longer than I have been accustomed, whereby I could not be at Court this forenoon. Having received this enclosed this morning, wherein mention is made of Straung (?) with some other matter at the beginning which you can make best use of, I have thought good to send it to you as I received it.—Serjeants' Inn, 29 April 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (105. 8.)
The Same to the Same.
1604, April 30. Willyam Epps appearing before me this morning upon his bond for the discharge of his sureties, I committed him into the custody of the Marshal of the King's Bench. Because I understand that his Majesty's pleasure is he should be stayed, I have thought it convenient to send him on to your lordship by the Marshal for further course to be taken with him. Thereupon (if it seem good) he may be delivered into the custody of the Marshal again for the better discharge of his sureties.—Serjeants' Inn, 30 April 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (105. 9.)
Sir Richard Lee to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 30. My Muscovia employments with other unhappy accidents by the loss of my living, by the most unjust proceedings of the Dean of Canterbury, ruining thereby my estate as you may remember, enforce me thus far to presume of your favour towards me. I was employed (by her Majesty now with God) from Muscovia to Duke Charles of Swethen, the charge of which journey came from my own purse, having in my company betwixt 40 or 50 persons. Now I am being daily called upon by sundry merchants for money I took up for that employment, besides the selling of my plate, jewels, and great store of furs for supply of those services, wherein was engaged both the honour of the Queen and all our lives by so long and dangerous a coming home. I hope, Sir, by your honourable regard of myself, your poor kinsman, his Majesty being truly acquainted herewith, he will be well pleased to show me his gracious favour for relief. I had your favour at my going into those parts. If myself from any merchants' covetous suggestions or like practice have stolen from me any part of your former regard, I am the most wronged of any man living. You shall have no cause to repent the favour you bestow on me, when it shall appear to tend as much to your own service as my own particular good.—Savoy, 30 April 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (105. 10.)
Lord Say and Sele to the Same.
1604, April 30. For my Lord Chancellor (whose son and heir and mine have married cousins germain) I hope and least doubt of his contrivancy in suffering me to obtain his Majesty's allowance for other lords, except my noblest cousin my Lord Norrys, who advised me first to seek it and of himself offered me his voice and furtherance (and yet knows not that I attempt it), his help to his uttermost I shall have. For which his lordship knows that I and mine who link ourselves to join with his house more than all others will not be unthankful with wishing him rather than ourselves a joint lieutenant as his grandfather was. I beseech you to view a pedigree left with Mr. Brewerton. —30 April 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (105. 11.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604], April 30. If it but please your lordship, to the end I may for ever hereafter free myself and my posterity from these heavy and scandalous imputations of illegitimacy and disloyalty, which, as my friend Sir John Stannop knows, were in my late sovereign's time objected [to] my poor house, to assent to his Majesty's giving me leave to make claim to my newly descended right, the which to all others unattaintedly descending has descended, as also to many now this parliament by Act of parliments attainted, I shall at all remain wholly at your disposing.— 30 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 2/3 p. (105. 12.)
John Byrde to Lord Cecil.
1604, April 30. Such has been his ill hap in thirty years employments during the late Queen's reign under the states of England and Ireland, that he could never receive recompense for bettering his mean estate. Is carried beyond choice to unfold to Cecil's consideration the enclosed detections as he gathered them in a cursory speech with one Owen Griffith whilst their hard fortunes made them companions in the Poultry Compter for debts, the rather because his lordship seems to have wrestled in his best wits and strength with correspondence to the Lords Lieutenant of Ireland and best governors there for redress of great enormities and corruptions, which by an overlong continuance had bred grievances amongst the best affected subjects of both realms, even to the hazard of Ireland. His necessities enforce him to unfold a hard measure which two years past was done to him. Out of a loving and faithful heart to his lordship, he enforced a professed enemy of Cecil's called Arthur Bedell to yield at the point of his sword to a constable's arrest, for vowing (as he was told) to cut off his lordship's head, in revenge of the Earl of Essex (whom the Lord Chief Justice of England's warrants diversely laid could not apprehend, for conveying beyond seas such younglings as he could entice to be made friars, Romish priests, and nuns), and upon showing to Cecil at his coach-taking at the Savoy for following the Queen in her last progress into Berkshire, the attestations of two contests for probation thereof, rectified also by Sir John Paiton, then Lieutenant of the Tower, and his lordship's leisure then not so well serving, as was expected at Reading, he bought a gelding of 4l. price, to attend his resolution at Reading. But before he could put his foot into the stirrup he was prevented of the use of his own horse and driven to hire another for 2s. a day for eighteen days, because a follower of Cecil's, called Mr. Metcalf, a gentleman of fair livelihood of Yorkshire, by his lordship's commission for taking post-horses, seized upon him and, for aught Sir Walter Coape could do by sending his man to him, carried him away and used him for his own, whereby the writer was driven to the loss of 6l. wanting 4s., besides his charges.
By perusing the enclosed assertions, Cecil will find a light and probable way for laying open and proof-making of over foul enormous crimes and corruptions used by the "pravant" merchants for apparelling the soldiers, the officers of ports for abusing his Honour and the rest of the Table soon after the King's coming with false certificates, the deceivable slights and practices used by the captains, paymasters and ministers of the Treasurers for Wars and the commissioners appointed for surveying thereof, by whose concurring consents and covering one another's faults, the honour of the State has been much impeached to the hazard of Ireland and general grievance of England. By a timely course of information, his Majesty may not only save some thousands but also gain many more thousands by fines in the Star Chamber. The writer's best service shall not be wanting as it may be required. Prays that favour may be extended him for obtaining a warrant to the Treasurer's agent for Ireland or Tellers of the Exchequer for payment of so much as shall be thought meet to be allotted to him payable out of 148l. by a debenture appearing to be due to him for his services in Ireland, wherewith he may purchase his liberty out of a gulf of dangers, whereinto he is plunged by his unrewarded zeal to public good.—This last of April 1604. In the Poultry Compter.
Holograph. 3 pp. (105. 13.)
The Enclosure:
A memorial offered to the consideration of the Privy Council of such speeches as were uttered in hearing of John Byrde notary public in the month of April 1604 for what may concern the serving of the King and his subjects generally, especially of the military.
The frauds practised by Mr. Robert Bromley and Mr. Uriell Babington, the merchants who provided the suits for the soldiers in the King's pay in Ireland and the Low Countries. The suits rated at 3l. 10s. cost these merchants no more than 29s. 6d. The clothing on arrival in Ireland has proved rotten and of short measure and the soldiers, who see no other hope for their pay, have been persuaded to sell the suits for 18s. or 17s. a piece back to the merchants, who at this rate buy them eight, ten or twelve times over, making thereby about 20l. on each piece. The soldiers are therefore for the most part unclothed, unhosed and unshod and consequently, when called upon for service against the enemy, more die upon want than upon the swords or bullets of the enemy. The army at the Siege of Kinsale was daily so diminished that the enemy became so hardy as to charge and had not the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland the better acquitted himself in that day's dangerous conflict of Christmas Even two years ago, there had not been an Englishman living in that land and the government had been transferred to the King of Spain. The merchants who had to provide for 18,000 foot besides horse in the late Queen's pay in Ireland (now reduced to a smaller number) did not provide over the half number as by their contracts "winterly and summerly" they were bound to do. The captains being unwilling to hold their soldiers together discharge them with passports, either permanently or for a season, in consideration of the assignment to them (the captains) of these soldiers' pays and entertainments, receive themselves the pays of all such as are runaways, dead men or sick men and compound with the merchants by forbearing to receive 100 of the suits to be delivered. All these illgotten gains go not clearly to the merchants but are shared by many of higher place whom to name were no safety. Soon after the King's accession upon letters of complaint being delivered to the Council Table from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Mr. Bromley and Mr. Babington posted the relater to Bristol with instructions to procure the officers of that port and the mayor of the city to certify that a far greater number of suits than had been made and sent for that season had been entered in their books and shipped for Ireland. Thus and in other ways have the Lords of the Council been blindfolded and abused. Although it was commanded by proclamation during the last year's plague in London that the merchants should make provisions for the soldiers elsewhere than in London, yet these merchants not knowing where to have workmen and stuffs so well made and for cheapness bought as in London, bought their stuffs of infected persons. At this time their own servants and dealers had sores running upon them, so that by packing up and sending these infected clothes to Bristol, not only that city but the army and subjects in Ireland became wholly infected. The relater offers by being suffered to peruse the merchants' books and those of the officers for the ports of London, Bristol and Chester to disprove the pretended proofs of the merchants that they have kept their contracts with the State, so that their bonds may be forfeited and recovered to the increase of the King's coffers and such heavy fines may be imposed by the Court of Star Chamber as may for one year and more countervalue the whole charges for apparelling of his Majesty's armies in Ireland and the Low Countries, besides what may be raised of the officers for the Customs and by forfeitures of the charters of the corporations for their false certificates. In this he must be strengthened by the authority of the State as he well knows that thereby he shall incur the displeasures of many known and unknown, even of great ones.
6 pp. (105. 15.)
Ralph Winwood to Lord Cecil.
[1604], April 30. In this siege of Isendike, which now is determined, there is no accident happened of importance. The greatest is that yesterday a trumpet from his Excellency, being sent to the fort to move for a parley, was shot in the head by a sentinel and since is dead. The Sergeant-Major of the fort came forth presently to excuse the fact, but his Excellency by C. Ernest demanded the party to be delivered into his hands, which was refused. In the afternoon there came forth two captains, the one of Brabant, the other an Italian, to move for a capitulation, to which his Excellency did refuse to harken until the delivery of the foresaid sentinel; whom forthwith they caused to be sent but since the reddition of the fort, he is said to be dismissed. This day in the afternoon the fort was rendered upon these terms, that they within should be convoyed to the Sass in safety; they should depart without their colours, without sound of drum, their matches put out, with their arms and goods. They have left behind them their great artillery, whereof there are some five pieces all of brass. There went forth 600 men, amongst whom were five companies of Italians, all in good order. The governor of the fort is called de Farden, placed there by the Duke of Parma, who had married him to one of his concubines; but a more silly old man hath not been seen, who knowing his own weakness did well nigh surrender his charge during this siege to the captain that did command the Italian companies. The States are yet to resolve how to employ their forces. They desire to advance further into the country, or at least to besiege Sluce. His Excellency and Count William do think that they have done well for this year, and do advise that the army should here remain to attend to the fortification of these places which now are reduced. I fear this dispute will hold us this week; upon the resolution, the States and Council will depart and leave deputies to attend upon his Excellency. This morning we understand that the enemy is lodged in the rampart at Ostend and since the retrenchments which were designed within the town cannot be finished these fourteen days, it is to be feared within that time the town will be lost.
The States General at his Majesty's instance are contented to prorogue the absence of Sir Willyam Lovelace for three months.—From the Army before Isendike the last of April.
At foot: Sir Wylliam Browne doth promise to convey these letters.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. Received 5 May." 2 pp. (105. 18.)
Norham Castle.
[1604, April]. "Reasons that the bill for Norham Castle should pass."
Particulars of the King's dealings in regard to the Castle with the Bishop of Durham, at the suit of Sir George Hume, who purchased the estate thereof from Sir Robert Carey. "Now seeing of this good and golden bill Sir George Hume's case was the motive, it had great applause in the Upper House and so it is hoped to have in the Common House."
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. 2 copies. (2387.)
[See Calendar of S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, pp. 76, 91.]
[1604, ? April]. Arguments for the composition. Mr. More:— composition is convenient for three reasons (1) A benefit to the subject. (2) A holding correspondency with the king. (3) It is the maintenance of the estate royal.
For the first, it removes grievance from the people, intolerable now when the laws are not executed, and if they were, yet is there 3 sorts of grievances to be redeemed, viz:—(1) the grievance of taking, when the purveyor takes all from the poor, such as have but to serve themselves, and from such as are to make their rent of their corn the purveyor takes it before the press be ripe. (2) The grievance in price, for though it be committed to praisers, yet they praise under value, as it is usual. (3) Grievance of payment, if it be above 40s. the purveyor gives him a tally for it, his payment is delayed, he must come to London, spend his money, neglect his business, and many other inconveniences. For the second, we shall hold proportion with the King. He sells us cheap in the value of our lands in our livings, licences of alienation, fines de concordandi, where he should have the tenth part and hath scarce the tenth part of the tenth. Where the King shall force us to the uttermost and we be suitors to him to ease us and deal with us as his ancestors did, he will answer us 'deal ye with me as ye did with them.'— Undated.
Imperfect. 1 p. (109. 79.)


  • 1. ? Uriell Babington (see p. 76).