Cecil Papers: June 1604, 16-30

Pages 135-158

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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June 1604, 16-30

Edward Darby, Auditor, to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 16. There is hereinclosed a brief of Mr. Stileman's account reviewed and cast up anew. Instead of 8l. surplusage which he supposed to be coming to him, there falls out 108l. due to your Honour, all his demands of allowance being granted. For the most part these are to be excepted against, for he wants proof to verify any of them other than his own books and papers, and so rest in your pleasure either to allow or disallow. Only for 1379l. 12s. 6d. there be acquittances and other matter of just allowance. But for so much as he imposes upon other men (being 375l. 9s. 4d.) as resting in their hands unpaid, it is doubted that divers of them are not behind with their rents, which if it prove so then will his debt become greater. Howsoever it is, he seems to me exceeding imperfect in his reckonings, having neither rentals to know what his charge ought to be, nor orderly books of his receipts and payments to make his discharge by, and so is subject both to wrong himself and others, through want either of care or skill to order his business.—16 June 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (105. 105.)
William Palmer to Jeronimo Palury.
1604, June 16/26. Laus deo in San Juan de Lut the 16/26 June 1604.—My last unto you was of the 16th dicto: since which time this present instant I have received one of yours of the 17th of this month. For answer, I delivered the two pairs of russet stockings unto a friend of mine of San Sans [San Sebastian], one that keeps a shop who sends ordinarily every week one thing or other to Valadolid. He promised me that he would forthwith send the stockings by messenger assured and willed me to set 3 rialls porte upon them, which I did do and therefore I marvel that all this whiles they are not come to your friend's hands. But I will write unto the party to know what is become of them. Be you assured that the tardance of them and your 100 ducats was not through any negligence of mine. For the conveyance of your letters I would wish you to enclose them in a cover to Mr. Cox, to be delivered unto me, if you suppose your former superscription not to be safe, of which myself also am not assured. I have entreated Mr. Cox that after my departure from hence he would have a care for the conveyance of your letters. He answered me that he was not assured whether he should remain in this country or not, but whether he remain or depart, before my going out of this country, I will take such order as your letters shall be continually carefully sent away. I have used your commendations to Mr. Cox, who salutes you with the like, by whom I send this letter to San Sebastian and he has promised me that he will also write you by this ordinary. I pray you, do not write him of any acquaintance that my master has with your great friend. Touching your bill of exchange as yet I hear nothing whether it be paid or not, only my master writes me that he has received the same and sent it to your great friend, of the acceptance or payment of which as yet he has no answer, notwithstanding he doubts not but it will be well paid, although he has but a warrant, as he writes me, but for 100 ducats; the exchange of your money comes unto 121 rialls, and as for the porte of your letters I keep no account of it. The two pair of stockings cost 36 rialls. By yours I perceive that you shall have occasion for 200 ducats, with which I wish that I could forthwith furnish you, but in truth at present I am so bare of moneys, that I have not as yet sufficient to clear myself out of the country, unless it please God that I sell some of my commodities, of which I stand in much doubt in regard that they are of those sorts that cannot enter into Spain, without paying 30 per ciento. Notwithstanding, before my departure from hence I make account to make one shift or other for the procuring of your 100 ducats, in which I will employ my spirits and credit to the utmost of my power, assure yourself. As for the sending of commodities, I know not what to send you, whereby you may draw out your principal, for every merchant that comes from thence complains very much of the poor event that there is unto commodities. And as for fine black broad cloths there are none amongst our nation at San Sebastian. Touching what you write me about the entering of our baize, I render you thanks. But for mine own part, I will not seek any extraordinary means for the passing of them into Spain, for I have no order for the same and again I make account ere many months pass, that we shall have free liberty for the bringing of all sorts of English goods into Spain, until which time myself, neither the rest of my friends, will not send any more goods into Spain, for all our nation has felt their rigorous and intolerable bad usage in their extreme impositions, which has bred such a hatred in the hearts of all merchants in England, as they do all rather desire wars than peace with them. I have a parcel of baize embarked for the 30 per ciento in San Sebastian and yet had leave of the corregedor and euidor for entering of them in, as also I have procured a testimonial from Barnestaple in Latin that the said baize were made and dyed there. And all will not serve turn. Touching the councilship that you wrote of, it cannot otherwise choose but be very beneficial unto you and therefore in the procuring of the same in my simple opinion I think it not amiss. As for my news, here is none at all worth the advertisement, neither do we hear of anything at all that passes in England, in regard here comes not any shipping from thence.
Addressed: "A Jeronimo Paluris en Porte medio real Valadolid."
Holograph. 2⅓ pp. (105. 106.)
Doctor He. Atkins to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 17. This 15th of June I received letters from my Lord of Berwick by his Majesty's commandment, wherein his lordship signifies that his Majesty has resolved presently to have the Duke's grace transported into England and that it is his Majesty's pleasure that I shall continue my attendance here upon the Duke for that purpose wherein we shall very shortly, as his lordship writes, receive further direction and order. I am very glad that it has pleased his Majesty to take such resolution and no less that his Highness purposes to speed the same, for the one shall much avail to the Duke's better education, the other for the safety of his transportation. The happy health wherein the Almighty at this time does bless his grace is a happy concurrent with his Majesty's good designs. Lest slow proceedings may impeach his Majesty's quick resolutions I address myself to you not doubting of your ready help. For things necessary I will only put your lordship in mind of two or three; of one litter with four horse for change and casualty; a spare coach for the same reason and expedition if need be in fair way if the Duke's health permit. And because we here stand in doubt whether his Highness shall be attended by English or Scots I thought it good to signify to you what I conceive of the Lord of Fyry's disposition, who perhaps in respect of the honour he has had in attending him hitherto shall be appointed to attend him likewise in his transportation, in which commission if he shall be chief I perceive he will not mislike of the service but if he be joined to others of equal or greater rank or charge, he rather wishes to be forborne, except it be to conduct his grace out of Scotland, which he will do willingly, whosoever shall have the charge of him afterwards. He is a very worthy nobleman and a man well affected to your lordship.—Damfermelinge, 17 June 1604.
PS.—Here are litters in Scotland may serve for his grace's use to Barwicke if need require.
This 17th June after dinner before I had sealed these letters I received letters from your lordship dated the 11th of this month, whereby I perceive his Majesty has resolved and ordered the young Prince's transportation into England. I acquainted my Lord of Fyry with that you had written to me, but he had received no letters by this post nor direction more than that you wrote to Lord Bamerinoth and myself. Whereas your lordship writes that his Majesty is pleased with my service, it is far the best cordial I have had in Scotland and I hold myself specially bound to you as the only procurer thereof and the only patron of my pilgrimage. We are here desirous of a coach to be sent. But even here my Lord of Fyry has brought me the King's letters now received, whilst I was thus writing, wherein a coach is named to be sent, so that I have no more to say but only to pray the Almighty to bless our journey.
PS.—The Duke's grace very bravely goes alone these two days.
Holograph. 3 pp. (105. 108.)
Sir John Haryngton to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 17. My cause in the Star Chamber has had a very honourable and full hearing between my wife's brother and me, and by the general consent of the whole court upon the special motion of my Lord Chancellor, seconded by my Lord of Northampton and other of my Lords the sentence is respited for a time and the matter referred to the arbitrament of my Lord of Shrewsbury, Lord Knolls, Lord Wotton, Justice Fenner, Justice Yelverton. My wife is an earnest suitor to his Majesty to allow and authorise this course of arbitrament by his most gracious letter and beseeches your lordship to recommend the procuring thereof to Sir Thomas Lake; who is also purposed to-morrow to procure the dispatch of the books you delivered him, upon which Mr. Michell Hix will presently discharge my executions and I might by your favour have a speedy end of a chargeable and unkind suit.—17 June 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (188. 132.)
George Nicolson to Lord Cecil.
1604 June 18. In commendation of the bearer Jerrye Storye. He has long served her Majesty in the wars in England and Ireland and lastly at Barwick and been a carrier of the packets into Scotland day and night as occasion served, which he diligently performed, as Lord Hunsden and all that have borne office at Barwick and served any time in Scotland can show. He is now grown old, burdened with many children and very poor, unable to live without some help from his Majesty for which he is a suitor.—18 June 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (105. 113.)
The Earl of Ormonde to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 18. By letters from Mr. Robert Rothe my agent there I understand your pains taken in that cause of mine touching my fee-tail lands now by the good means of the Earl of Devonshire and your lordship brought to a composition with the Scottish gentleman you wrote of, which shall be performed. I know that someone or other of malice towards me bare your lordships in hand the things were of greater value than they are, though I may avow they are scarce worth 400l. a year, when it is racked at the most. These parcels, which now I am thus to purchase and the rent of them, I held by several grants from Queen Elizabeth and from King Philip and Queen Mary, long since passed in an estate to me and my heirs male; and well hoped upon the letters dated in December last directed to the Lord Deputy, whereunto the Earl of Devonshire and your lordship did subscribe, touching my said fee-tail lands that I should not have been in this sort prevented, and yet I am of opinion that if the King had known of my state and possession in them, he would not have so passed them over from me not doubting but that his Majesty truly informed of my long and faithful service to the Crown all my lifetime past, my first beginning being in Wiatt's rebellion, would hold me worthy to be preferred to them before another. But now being at an end for them partly by your good means, I have directed Mr. Rothe to move a suit for me to the King to have a further interest in certain impropriate spiritualties of the Abbeys of Athasshell, Jeripond, Kelles and Osney within this realm either in fee farm or for so many years as it shall please his Majesty to grant me, paying for them his Majesty's rents according to the survey, as now I do. I have present interest in them for more than twenty years to come and though in all the time of the late rebellion they were waste through the spoil of the traitors and rebels, yet I duly paid his Highness's rents for them and for all other parcels I hold of him. And of them, myself, when I had command of the Army, caused some part (lying on borders) to be burned lest it might be any relief to those traitors against whom I served. Having missed of my other purposed suit for my fee-tail lands, I pray you to be a mean to his Majesty for obtaining this petition. As his Highness has liberally rewarded other servitors, I should hold myself unfortunate, if I did not find some reward for my long services. Deal with my Lord Treasurer for the payment of the 350l. of mine remaining in his hands of my bills of exchange, having appointed it to be paid over for the discharge of some things which my son-in-law, the Lord Viscount, and my daughter had cause to use at their being there, being loth to be touched in credit for so small a matter, and also for the 2000 marks that I am to pay to the Scottish gentleman there at Allhallowtide next, that his lordship upon sight of my Lord Deputy's letter acknowledging the receipt of that sum here, will see the same paid there, which on both sides will save the venture and charge of portage. The taking of my fee-tail lands in sort as it was is a good warning for me to make humble suit in time for the reversion of those spiritualties, lest they be taken over my head as the fee-tail lands are.—From my house at Carricke, 18 June 1604.
PS.—If my man Sherwood will seem to move you in any cause of mine or of my Lord Viscount's, forbear to give him hearing unless he bring my letters for he is not employed by either of us.
Signed. 1½ pp. (105. 114.)
L., Countess of Derby, to Lord Cecil.
[1604, June 18.] Understands that Sir William Skevington of Skevington, co. Leicester, knight, is deceased and that his brother being his next heir is fallen ward to the King. Desires that she may be granted the wardship for a very near kinswoman and she will be ready to give reasonable composition to his Majesty for the same and no less contentment to Cecil than shall best like him.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "18 June 1604." ⅓ p. (188. 133.)
Mary, Lady Markham, to Lord Cecil.
[1604], June 19. Thanks him for the favour extended to her son. Prays that he may now have leave for a longer abode in the country to finish many broken matters concerning his aged father's and his poor estate which he is now entered into and has in a short time done some good. His return to prison again by Cecil's commandment is so immediate that it will not be possible for him to end anything now of this business and to give the creditors satisfaction.—Olerton, 19 June.
Holograph. Endorsed:—"1604. The Lady Markham mother to Sr. Griffin." 2/3 p. (188. 134.)
1604, June 20. A relation of the proceedings of the Lower House concerning Wardship from 23 March 1604.
Friday, 23 March 1603[-4] Sir Robert Wroth offered to the consideration of the House the wardship of men's children as a burden and servitude to the subjects.
26 March. Sir Francis Bacon's report what passed at the Committee. Wardship being grounded on the tenure of Scutagium, voiage royal en Escosse, now determines in his Majesty. Power granted by Parliament to Henry 8 and Edward 6 to dissolve the Court of Wards.
The King and many Lords to be comprehended.
The Resolution of the House to proceed in this matter by way of Petition to the King to give them leave to treat, and to this purpose Sir John Stanhope was sent with a message from the Lower House to the Lords to desire a conference for their lordships to join in this petition, which the Lords accorded but with a further desire that at the same conference some other matters of as great weight might be drawn into consultation.
28 March. Sir Francis Bacon's report what passed at the conference. The Proposition made by the Committees.
The grief was that every man's eldest son or heir was by prerogative (warranted by the laws of the land) to be in ward to the King for his body and lands. But they esteemed it only a grief and no wrong and offered it to the King's grace, not to his justice. They knew it to concern the King in point of revenue and reward. Their purpose to proceed by Petition and not by Bill.
The Lords moved that Respite of Homage might be coupled in the same Petition.
26 May 1604. Sir Edwin Sandes offers to the House in what manner they would proceed at the Conference with the Lords in the matter of Wardship.
1. What we desire.
2. The reasons of our desire.
3. Answer to some objections.
4. What course to be taken for the levying of the Composition.
1. Our desire is to take away tenures in capite and knight service &c., respite of homage, alienations, primer seisin, relief, &c.
2. In the reasons 3 things considerable.
1. Why we desire it.
2. Why of his Majesty more than of his predecessors.
3. What might induce his Majesty to yield to it.
For reasons why we desire it.
1. It is but a restitution to the original right of all men by the laws of God and nature.
2. The damage of every man's estate.
3. Forced marriages.
4. Reproachful in respect of foreign countries.
For the second:
1. The original of these tenures was to serve in the wars against the Scots, which occasion was now taken away.
2. The general hope of the whole land at his Majesty's entry to have these taken away and the rather because of his Majesty's benign offer that men might compound for the marriage of their children.
For the third to induce his Majesty:
1. His own most gracious disposition and promise at his entry to ease our grievances.
2. A perpetual and certain revenue from us, to countervail that with an overplus.
3. The objections are two:
1. What to be done with the wards of subjects. For those to give the Lords satisfaction either by money in gross or by a yearly rent.
2. For the Officers. They to have an honourable pension during their lives at the charge of the whole state and after their decease the same to come to the Crown or to be compounded for.
4. A project for levying the Composition.
Mr. Parkinson moved that a course might be taken to prevent creation of new tenures.
Sir Ro. Wroth, That every man might dispose of his child by will paying the like fine, &c. and that some Bill to this purpose might be thought of.
1 June 1604. Sir Edwin Sandis reports first the effect of his own speech at the Conference and then of the Lords' reply, which was threefold.
1. Expostulation or friendly reprehension.
2. Answer to the reasons.
3. Admonition.
Wardship not proper to England alone.
Scotland and some parts of France subject to it.
Compositions for Marriage brought in but 4000l.
The revenue of the Wards 31,000l.
Respite of Homage, Alienations, &c., 10,000l.
Sir Thomas Ridgway moved, That a Committee might be named to take survey of the proceedings of the House and to set down some things in writing for his Majesty's satisfaction.
5 June. His Majesty's message by Mr. Speaker touching this matter of satisfaction.
20 June. The form of an apology and satisfaction to be presented to his Majesty, read in the Lower House by Sir Tho. Ridgway.
The scope of the Apology to clear certain misinformations which had been delivered to his Majesty.
They affirm:—
1. That their privileges are of mere right as their lands and not of grace, their request in the entrance of the Parliament being an act only of manners.
2. That they are a Court of Record.
3. That the examination of the return of writs for knights and burgesses belongs to them and not to the Chancery.
For their speeches and actions they consider them either as they concern:
1. The dignity and privileges of their House.
2. The good estate of the realm and Church.
3. The ease of certain grievances and oppressions.
In the first, they show the reasons of their proceeding in the matter:
Of the Gentleman Usher.
Of the Yeoman of the Guard.
Of the election of the knight of Buckinghamshire.
Of Sir Thomas Sherleis deliverance.
Of the Bishop of Bristoll's pamphlet.
In the second they treated of two particulars:
The Union.
Matter of Religion.
In the third they handled:
The Bill of Assarts.
The Matter of Purveyors.
The Petition for Wardship.
We come lastly to the matter of Wards and such other just burdens (for so we acknowledge them) as to the tenures of Capite and Knight's Service are incident. We cannot forget how your Majesty in a former most gracious speech in your Gallery at Whitehall advised us, for unjust burdens, to proceed against them by bill; but for such as were just, to come to yourself by way of petition, with tender of such countervailable composition in profit as for the supporting of your royal estate was requisite. According to which, we prepared a petition for leave to treat with your Highness touching a perpetual composition to be raised by yearly revenue, out of the lands of your subjects, for Wardships and other burdens, depending on them or springing with them. Wherein we first considered that this prerogative of the Crown, which we desired to compound for, was a matter of mere profit and not of any princely dignity. For it could not sink into our understanding, that the economical matters of education and marriage of children (which are common also to subjects) should bring any renown or reputation to a potent Monarch, whose honour is settled on a higher and stronger foundation.
Secondly, we considered the great grievance and damage to the subject by the decay of many houses and the mischief of many forced and ill-suited marriages, and lastly the great contempt and reproach of our nation in all foreign countries, by the small commodity now raised to the Crown in respect of that which, with thankfulness for the restitution of this original right in disposing of our children, we would be glad to assure unto your Majesty.
Thirdly, we considered that in regard the original of these Wardships was serving of the King in his wars against Scotland (which cause we hope now to be at an everlasting end), your Majesty might be pleased to accept an offer of our perpetual and certain revenue not only proportionable to the utmost benefit that any of your progenitors ever reaped thereby, but also with such an overplus and large addition, as in great part to supply your Majesty's other occasions, that our ease might breed your plenty. With these dutiful respects, we intended to crave access unto your Majesty. That ever it was said in our House that this was a slavery under your Majesty more than under our former Princes, has come from an untrue and calumnious reporter. From henceforward we shall remain in great affiance that your Majesty rests satisfied both in your grace and in your judgment, which, above all things worldly, we must desire to effect, before the dissolving of this Parliament, wherein so long time, with so much pains, scarce anything has been done for their good and content, who sent us hither and whom we left full of hope and joyful expectation.
7 pp. (105. 81.)
Sir Griffin Markham to Lord Cecil.
[1604], June 20. By your favours I hold all that I have in this world. This small time of liberty has given me opportunity of working much beyond my hope or expectation in my father's estate towards satisfaction of creditors and the good of his soul. But the shortness of the time permits me not to conclude anything, the men that we are to deal with being very many, very scrupulous and desirous to be satisfied by their counsel in their own hearings, for which they have appointed the time of the assizes for conference. I know your intention in this liberty was the good of our poor family and satisfaction of creditors. Since it is impossible in the short time to conclude, I beseech you for a continuance that I may be the sooner and better prepared for what course soever I shall be censured unto.—Kirkby, 20 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (105. 115.)
Richard Hawkyns to the Privy Council.
1604, June 20. The services of my deceased father and myself to this Crown are well known unto your Honours and our great losses, hazards and expenses, for which I never received any pay or recompense, neither would I sue for any, if I were able to live as my forefathers of my own. But necessity constraining me, I am bold to appeal to your lordships on this occasion to crave a favour, which I daresay will stand with all the honour of his Majesty of this Kingdom and your lordships, and the King of Spain cannot deny in equity and conscience to be just, and is that in the capitulation with Spain, the Spaniard may yield some recompense for the wrongs done to me and my father in peace, in war, and in this intermission of war. In time of peace, by treachery in Ste. John de Lua the King of Spain's Viceroy and Captain-General took from my father above 100,000l., having given twelve gentlemen pledges of either part and was after borne in hand by the King for the space of ten years that he would make him restitution. In the time of war, taking me prisoner upon imposition and the King's General's word given to free me and all my company presently, being held prejudicial for the King's service to accomplish with me, I was detained almost ten years a prisoner to the consuming of all that I had and loss of the greatest part of my father's estate, which could not be so little damage to me as 30,000l. Since the coming of the Ambassador into England I was a partner with Sir Thomas Middleton and others in a voyage iuto the West Indies in a ship and a pinnace, which went for trade, and being admitted to trade with the security of two pledges sent by the Lieutenant-General of the Island of Santo Domingo, sending our pinnace to the port with 1500l. worth of goods, our people being busy in their trade suddenly were murdered by those which came to buy and sell with them, and our pinnace and goods surprised, which was cause of above 3000l. loss unto us, for that our voyage was clean overthrown. I desire not to draw by suit anything from my dread sovereign but my humble petition to your lordships is, that you would be pleased to mediate with his Majesty that either a clause of satisfaction from the King of Spain unto me may be inserted in the Articles of Peace, or that I may not be concluded by them but left free to seek my remedy according as the law of God and nations alloweth.—From Plimmouth, 20 June 1604.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (105. 116.)
The Rectory of Godmanchester.
1604, June 20. Report of a Committee of the House of Lords. The Dean and Chapter of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter at Westminster at the desire of the late Queen Elizabeth their foundress and giver of all their possessions and in consideration of 100l. to them paid by Lucy Hide then one of her Highness's bedchamber and now wife of Sir Robert Osborne, knight, by indenture dated 13 June, 39 Eliz., demised the parsonage of Godmanchester, co. Huntingdon, to her Highness for twenty-one years to begin from May 3, 1610. Thereon is reserved the ancient rent and 20l. or 40 quarters of malt more to be taken at the election of the Dean and Chapter. This lease the Queen granted to Lady Osborne in recompense of her service. Some scruple being conceived of the sufficiency of the lease, Sir Robert Osborne and Dame Lucy his wife have preferred a bill in the High Court of Parliament desiring a confirmation of it. This bill has been twice read in the higher House of Parliament and the consideration thereon committed to divers Lords of the same House. Now the Dean and Chapter of Westminster to the number of six attending upon the said Lords Committ es to the end the bill be not further proceeded with, have declared that nothing shall be done by them to impeach the lease made to the late Queen and that when the present lease of the rectory of Godmanchester shall grow within three years of ending, they will make a new lease to Sir Robert Osborne and Dame Lucy or to the survivor of them or to the executors and assigns of the survivor for like term and under the like conditions in the former lease to the Queen.—In testimony of this we the said Lords Committees have hereunto set our hands, 20 June 1604.
T. Dorsett, E. Northampton, E. Sheffield, W. Knowllis, E. Wotton, Jo. Roffens.
Copy. 2/3 p.
Appended: Certificate dated June 28, 1604, of Jo., Bishop of Bath and Wells, one of the Committee, that by reason of sickness he was not at the second meeting when Mr. Dean of Westminster and the Prebendaries appeared nor at the third meeting but came late in the end thereof. He remembers afterwards in the Parliament House asking the Bishop of Rochester what end was made. He told him the end according to this report was made and that the Dean and Chapter had promised to set the same in writing in their Chapter Book.
Copy. Endorsed: "1605" (sic). ⅓ p. (111. 73.)
Sir William Lane to Lord Cecil.
[1604], June 21. A letter of thanks for the favours he has found at Cecil's hands.—Charynge Crosse, 21 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (105. 117.)
James Darell to Mr. Percival.
1604, June 21. Mr. Smith has paid him 20l. which the Attorney of the Court of Wards appointed that he should have. —21 June, 1604. ½ p. (2274.)
Henry Lok to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 22. Not knowing whether his letters written a few days since were delivered or read, is forced to renew his laments to the only powerful witness of his endeavours now surviving. Those who have had most fruit of his labours are farthest from his relief. His wants are daily present, his perils increase with his years. If he may not be made known to his Majesty, craves some countenance by Cecil's means from the Lord Chamberlain, some employment from Cecil and some furtherance in his private law suits. Is ashamed to write so often.—June 22, 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (105. 118.)
John Crane to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 22. If I have not your help, I, my poor wife and many children are utterly undone. The government of this town being imposed on me, I performed it to the best of my power from 1 August 1603 to 31 January following, when Captain Boyer [Bowyer] was therein placed. This place of governor, in the entertainment of access as well of Scottish as of English of all degrees, urged your poor orator to such high rate of expense as far exceeded my estate and ability, so as I was driven in that time to spend over and above my ordinary fee the sum of 92l. whereof I received out of his Majesty's store of victuals, here under the charge of Sir Robert Vernon knight in that time, to the value of 57l. 6s. 9d. (as by his deputy's testimony appears). This sum I am no wise able to pay but must be forced for non-payment to lie in prison, unless you be a mean to the Lord Treasurer and others that I may be allowed the same, it being expended in his Majesty's service, all others heretofore and now holding the same place of command ever having consideration of their charges in that case. If it shall not please your Honour to allow me all the whole sum, yet so much as is due for the victuals taken out of his Majesty's store, albeit for the rest I am assured to be put to extremity to my great impoverishment.—Barwick, 22 June 1604.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (115. 119.)
The Earl of Ormonde to the Same.
1604, June 22. I have appointed Mr. Rothe to exhibit humble petition for me that it will please his Majesty to confirm unto me and my heirs the freedom of all my lands within this kingdom, according to the grant made by Queen Elizabeth, which also was allowed after her decease by the Lord Lieutenant of this realm; as also for obtaining his Highness's letters or the letters of the Lords to the head governor, Lord Deputy and Council, Lord Chancellor or Keeper of the Great Seal and to the Barons and Chancellor of the Exchequer for the time being to show me justice in all my causes moved or to be moved before them.—From my house of Carricke, 22 June 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (105. 120.)
Arthur Hall to the Same.
1604 June 22. Has for the space of more than three years during his imprisonment in the Fleet undergone many crosses and afflictions. In most of the time has been many and sundry ways fed on by Sir Jul: Ceasar, Master of the Requests, who has deeply tasted of his purse, with delays, abuses and untruths of his Majesty, as he will prove under Ceasar's hand. Prays that his Highness may be made privy to this, that he may hear these matters examined which concern him not a little.—Flete, 22 June 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (105. 121.)
Arthur Hall to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 23. A petition of 16 June 1603 was delivered to his Majesty's hands from me, which he presently read and commanded it should be delivered to Sir Jul: Ceasar, which forthwith was done. When I desired by messengers that he would endorse his Highness's answer on my petition, I could never obtain the same. Since which time ever since yesterday noon, when any month Sir Jul: did wait, by diverse petitions I beseeched his Majesty's favour and was continually crammed and trained on by Sir Jul: to the exhausting of the little I had with untruths, fair words and gay promises, wherein he has not only abused and undone me but dealt amiss with and belied his Majesty. (I beseech your Honour pardon the gross term, I smart even to the bones.) I beseech you to move his Highness to examine the whole and then I doubt not to open before his Majesty how he is abused very unfitting by Sir Jul: and more unmeet for his Highness to suffer, whereby will also appear some further matter.—Flete, 23 June 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (105. 122.)
Sir Francis Darcy to the Same.
[1604], June 23. Since my last letters the 16 June from Elsonore, the Lord Lieutenant, who commands in the King's absence, came as it should seem of purpose from Copenhaven to understand the cause of my coming, which I showed him. He told me the King was in Norway and there was like to remain most part of this summer, for he held a parliament at Bergen there about 2 July, and how long it would hold it was uncertain. Likewise he had commission both to receive the horses and such letters as should be brought, if I would deliver them. My answer was the King my master had both great care and been at great charge, as well by shipping purposely as otherways; by contrariety of winds having been now 7 weeks from London in this journey to perform this kind office of love. Albeit I no ways doubted of his authority and commission for the receiving of the same, yet had I no commission (either for horses, letters, or such private instructions of kindness) to deliver to any but to the King himself, receiving them from his Majesty so to be delivered, and that I had likewise received order from his Majesty for the support of all charges, no ways to be chargeable unto the King of Denmark or State. My desire was the King might understand of my being here and with the most possible speed I would send into England to know his Majesty's pleasure, which he agreed to be reasonable. Having no means with any speed to inform your lordship hereof have thought good to send the ship I came in and this gentleman of purpose, thinking it more convenient to spend the King's victual in this service than idly lying here, not knowing how to revictual here the ship, when this is spent. Also if his Majesty's pleasure be I shall stay the King's return, which may be long, if you please to stay the ship and take account of that is unspent and so save that great charge to the King, I will after dispatch here do my best to return either by sea or land, if so you please, rather than his Majesty shall be so deeply charged with the pay and victualling of her for so long time. I hope you will return his Majesty's pleasure with speed and some supply of money, especially if the ship be stayed.—Elsonore, 23 June.
PS. I would have gone into Norway to the King but the Lord Governor told me none knew where he was or would be until the parliament. I humbly beseech pardon that I have not sent the ship according to the premises nor gentleman, the wind since the writing of this letter being contrary and not now very good, finding difficulty of means to return with all my company and expecting every day to hear from the King of Denmark, whether his return will be shortly. If so, then shall I dispatch before I can hear your pleasure; if otherways, I beseech your speedy resolution, that so I may perform the same, if I shall stay and the time long, that I may send back the ship, what shift soever I make. I have taken opportunity of this first messenger, a merchant who has promised safe delivery of these letters and a speedy return of answer, if you think good, and of whom I am driven to take up some money for my present occasions.—29 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (105. 123.)
The Earl of Bath to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 23. I shall pray you to consider of my necessity, which is by means of one Phillipp Bushton, a lewd fellow, a carpenter of this country, with whom I have had long contention about the passage of great portions of wood and timber through my land and river fast by my dwelling house. I had absolutely forbidden him to come any more this way. He not only threatened that he would come, but has of late engrossed into his hands a far greater quantity of the woods and timber that lie up this river than he had done before and by secret practice and untrue allegations has procured a licence by commission under the Great Seal to convey the same to Barnstaple by water. When I saw his commission, I told him he had misinformed his Majesty to obtain it, and that the waters were now low, the weirs set for fishing, my grass and corn of my tenants by the waterside fully grown and the time of the year altogether unseasonable to come by water and therefore willed him to make stay till I knew his Majesty's further pleasure. But he would not hear me and how he used me afterwards when I crossed him in the river, I leave to the report of my servant, who was an eye-witness. I have written to his Majesty for redress, showing him the wrong and dishonour offered me and the country by this fellow, declared in the complaints of sundry persons herewithal sent to your lordship. Be a mean to his Majesty for me to call in this warrant again without any further trouble if it may be; which I hope his Majesty will be pleased to do according to the reasons that by way of instructions I have for the more shortness herein given to my servant.—Towstock, 23 June 1604.
PS. My brother the Earl of Cumberland and my Lord Zowche have seen the situation of my house upon the river and can report the commodity of it.
Signed: W. Bathon. ¾ p. (105. 124.)
Sir John Ogle to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 24. Our proceedings here remain upon the old foot, attending (upon the main) to take Sluce by famine and (upon the bye) the success of Ostend, according to which we may proceed with more or less security. Touching Ostend I doubt not but your lordship is more particularly and better informed than I can advertise you, yet it may please you to give me leave to let you understand how we have the news here and how it is apprehended. This day is come one unto the Count Morice sent purposely out of the town to deliver their estate and to know (if it may be) what they shall trust to, or how upon further extremities they are to behave themselves. The Count is exceedingly much troubled both in regard of the present condition of Ostend (the enemy being not only masters of the bulwarks of Helmount, Polder and West bulwark but also of a new re-entrenchment made more inward at the Polder side), as also at the sharp and distasting demands and impositions by letter from the Estates, who still expect he should have taken the Sluce and tell him he must take it and relieve Ostend. The impossibility of the one and the unlikelihood (as yet) of the other nothing sorting to their drifts and expectation much (I say) troubleth him. The new works already made in Ostend are (by the most) held not substantial and others that were now lately ordained to be made will (it is thought) scarce be undertaken, since the enemy (contrary to our hopes) hath so soon prevailed upon those bulwarks. The resolution that will be taken for the holding of that town I cannot open to your Honour but thus much I have heard; some divine, by the course held and carriage of that business, that the Estates do determine to sacrifice the bodies of those men that are in it, or else that they should [? leave] their own reputations to their censure and opinion, for they will neither give them any ground whereby they should rule themselves in composition and withal they will them (still) peremptorily not to quit a foot but as they will hereafter answer it upon their lives. It is probable (by the opinion of some) that the Estates by that means either think (beyond hope) to hold the town or by losing so many men to compel the enemy to a greater loss, and so shall they with this small army go on forward in their business the more safely and securely or else that they have a regard to opinion and that the world shall say: The Estates would never yield Ostend to the Archduke and yet when all is done and so many men and so much munition lost, they are strong enough to make a defensive war. What the success of this year's service will be is very hard for the best judgments here to prognosticate. Sluce (without all question so far as reason can discern) may be won, if they will allow convenient time and means. The time we ask (at longest) is three months. (We hope they cannot hold two); and the means no more than ordinary for such a business. We believe he can no way force any quarter of ours and for diversion I heard the Count Morice protest no place, that he can go to, can import so much as to make him stir from hence. But the Estates are impatient and therefore the more hardly can judgment be made even of this business in hand. For if they go forward with their galleries of floats (as the Estates for gaining time press much unto it) and that by those attempts, assaults, or other hazards, there should be any store of men lost (as it is in the best judgments most likely there must be, if the enemy do the part but of a reasonable understanding captain) it may be after disputed, whether a quarter may not be forced (when men to man it shall be wanting) and so succours thrust into the town. But I should rather believe there will be but a few and those of all nations chosen men that shall be adventured that way. That stratagem goes on slowly for the Count himself hath no liking to it. For Ostend the opinions of such as come or write from thence are according to their hearts' apprehensions. Some say it will not hold out six days and those speak too fearfully. Others say they will hold it yet six weeks and those speak (I believe) without their book. Likely it is that if the Estates send no other order unto them to compound, that 3000 men (for so many are said to be there) will, upon such desperate terms, dispute yet a reasonable time for that time wherein they shall have to live. But in the meanwhile hard is the condition of those men of war, that must either sell their lives unprofitably or live dishonoured and discountenanced after so great danger and much desert. By the letters I receive from thence I hear the numbers of men are great which are daily lost. There have been eight captains in chief slain within six days, whereof four being his Majesty's subjects, I thought fit to name them to your Honour. There are Dutton (one belonging to the L. Admiral) and Garrett or Gerald Englishmen, Hamelton and Synkler, one of the new regiment, the latter of the old Scottish men. If the Count Morice could leave Sluce blocked up and go to Ostend in this their extremity it were a design full of honour. But with these few troops he hath (as I writ to your lordship before) it is impossible for him to do both. When Ostend shall be lost, the heat of action (I doubt not) will be carried this way. Then (I hope) I shall have more often occasion to show my diligence and desire I have to do your lordship service by advertising you what passeth and of that I will not fail so long as life and hands to write fail not me.—Camp before Sluce, June 24 veteri, 1604.
Holograph. 3 pp. (105. 125.)
A Forgery.
1604, June 24. The bearer, Thomas Mason, is employed in his Majesty's most special service. We did not know how he might be furnished with money, till we spoke with our good friend Mr. Oleblaster, who has given us notice of your ability and forwardness to the state. Upon receipt of this letter fail not to deliver or cause to be delivered to the said Thomas Mason 100l sterling or its value in French or Flemish gold, which sum we will repay with thanks by the hands of Thomas Hunnyman, Mr. Oleblaster, or Gilles Snode our friends and merchants of London, the bearer's acquittance or this letter being sent to any of them. Such letters as shall come to your hands from this bearer, carrying this mark [δ] (fn. 1), send with all possible haste to England, which pain and courtesy I would requite in another kind.—Greanewiche, 24 June 1604.
Addressed: "A mon tresbon Amy Guillame Millet merchant demeurant a Middelbourg."
Forged signature: Ro. Cecyll. Endorsed: "A letter conterfeyted in my Lord's name and brought to him from Middleburgh." ½ p. (188. 135.)
William Parker.
1604, June 25. (fn. 1) A decree by the Council of Plymouth, setting forth that William Parker, one of the 12 of the bench, had endeavoured to set discord between the mayor and Sir Ferdinando Gorge, captain of the fort, by mis-informing him of speeches delivered to the council in private conference, and likewise had sought to draw the displeasure of Sir John Hele, serjeant-at-law, their Recorder, upon the said mayor and town, contrary to his oath. Wherefore the said William Parker was disabled to be any longer of the number of the council, and suspended until such time as he should submit himself unto the said mayor and his brethren.
Richarde Hawkyns mayor; Thomas Edmondes; John Blithman; John Phillipps; John Trelawnie; Thomas Payne; William Downeman; Robert Trelawnie.
Copy, signed: John Lupton, Town Clerk. 1 p. (109. 3.)
Florencio Spinola to the Spanish Ambassador.
1604, June 25. Begs him employ his authority in securing his liberation from the Gatehouse prison where he has been over 5 years confined, 1½ of which were spent in a solitary cell. His health is bad and treatment deteriorating. Besides his original offence was slight and was committed under the late Sovereign. If the Spanish Ambassador would approach the King he is convinced the latter would order his immediate release.—The Gatehouse prison, 25 June 1604.
Holograph. Spanish. 1 p. (105. 127.)
The Lord Mayor of London to the King.
1604, June 26. Upon your gracious letters to me with a petition enclosed exhibited to your Highness by Sir Robert Woodrofe, knight, complaining of wrong offered him by Sir John Spencer, knight, in the time of his mayoralty, by placing one Richard Wright in the office of Packership within your city of London, to which office the said Sir Robert makes claim by a grant in reversion to him made by this city, after the death of Richard Younge, in the time that his father Sir Nicholas Woodrofe was mayor of this city, I have not only called both the said parties before me and heard them and their allegations, but also have propounded the same in the Court of Aldermen in the presence of the Recorder of this city, to understand what exceptions might be made against the grant of the said Wright. Upon the conference and perusal of the Acts of Common Council, I conceive the state of the cause to be as follows. First, I find Sir Robert Wodrofe's grant was made by the Lord Mayor his father and the Court of Aldermen and not by the city; and also that the gist and disposition of the said office of Packership and the profits thereof when it shall be void is in the Mayor of this city for his time of mayoralty. But at her late Majesty's request, signified by letters from the last deceased Lord Treasurer and Sir John Fortescue, knight, that the said office might be granted to Wright for life, it could not be done without consent of the Common Council being called on 26 September in the year of the mayoralty of Sir John Spencer. The said office with all its profits was then granted to Wright for life, which he has ever since quietly enjoyed. By the said Act of Common Council it was ordered that Wright should pay Sir Robert Wodrofe 20l. yearly during his life time, which he has ever since paid and is ready to pay so much as is behind unpaid. Where Sir Robert Woodrof alleges Wright not to be capable of the said office by reason he was neither free by patrimony nor service, he was by the grant of the said office by Common Council as fully enabled and made capable thereof (being but free by redemption) as any other former Act of Common Council disabled him. And where Sir Robert further informs your Majesty that he had the consents of twenty of the Aldermen for the said office, as by their letter to the Common Council in his behalf was written, which is very true, yet at that Common Council, when the office was granted to Wright, ten of those twenty were then in that Common Council besides the Lord Mayor and the Recorder.—London, 26 June 1604.
Signed: "Thomas Bennett mayor." 1¼ pp. (105. 128.)
Edward Darby to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 28. Understood by Mr. Houghton that it was Cecil's pleasure to have the state of his revenues set down whereby he might see what they yearly come to, what is going out thereof and what clearly remains. This so much as concerns his lands and leases, with certain annuities and fees, he has done and presents herewith.—28 June 1604.
Signed. ¼ p. (105. 129.)
Henry Lok to the Same.
1604, June 28. To borrow or beg countenance or relief (being, as he is, unable to make restitution of either) differs but in that the craver by the first shows less honesty, by the latter more humility. Shames not to acknowledge himself of the second rank. By his lordship's alms only have his hopes lived thus long and his body fed these latter months. Trusts to be found nothing diminished in dutiful will and industrious power than before. All places, all services, at home or abroad, are alike to him, which may yield him means for a competent life and hope to deserve of his Majesty. May not justly as yet suspect his princely inclination towards him, having neither by speech or letter nor by friends' mediation ever as yet been remembered to his Majesty, unless by Cecil long since. Knows not how far he may presume of Cecil's relief, otherwise than as his lordship's past and late proofs give him hope.—June 28, 1604.
Holograph. 1⅓ p. (105. 130.)
Sir Julius Cæsar to the Same.
1604, June 28. The enclosed petition was exhibited to the King on Tuesday sevennight. I have given answer to the petitioner that he shall have justice. It may please you to give order to Captain Troughton or some for him to attend the business, which I have continued over till Saturday sevennight. I hear that Mr. Arthur Hall, whose tongue has been accustomed to slander, has written or intends to write some bitter and slanderous letter against me. I pray you, if you shall receive this, to esteem it as an ordinary work of his distempered brain. Both I and others may complain of his dishonest and undigested speeches. I beseech your pardon if I be angry with him, who shall endeavour to bereave me of your lordship's good opinion.— 28 June 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir Julius Cesar to my Lo: with a peticion of certain Dutch merchants." 1 p. (105. 131.)
George Hanger to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 28. Her late Majesty about five years past borrowed of the citizens of London the sum of 60,000l. for six months at the rate of ten in the hundred and mortgaged certain of her lands for the same, which in default of payment stand forfeited. For the furnishing of the said amount several sums were imposed by the then Lord Mayor upon divers citizens not so well able to bear the same as many others that were wholly spared. They notwithstanding their disabilities, for furtherance of her Majesty's service as also upon assured hope of repayment at the end of six months, as in your lordship's father's days had been duly performed in like causes, took up the sums imposed upon them at the rate her Majesty promised to allow them. But her Majesty failing in payment, myself with many others, whose estates were unable to forbear both principal and interest, became petitioners to her and received sometimes hopeful answers. Her Majesty deceasing before any satisfaction made unto us, we renewed our suit to his Majesty by the commendations of the Duke's grace. But its prosecution being prevented by the Duke's departure, we have been forced to forbear until his return, at which time he promised his best help and furtherance. For that he shortly expected and therefore we hope he will attempt his Majesty therein, I crave your furtherance in our suit in speech, wherein myself whom this cause more deeply concerns than any one particular man, and divers others of the said poor citizens shall be generally bound to acknowledge the good we shall receive by your means. —28 June 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr. Hanger the marchant." 1 p. (105. 132.)
Steph. Lesieur to the Same.
1604 June 29. I have since my return from Prague taken occasion to write unto the Earl of Furstemberg, who is Lord Steward and President in the Privy Council to the Emperor, partly to certify his lordship of the King's good acceptance of the Emperor's letters and answers returned to his Majesty by me, together with other requisite civil compliments, and to acquaint him that some English and Scottish noblemen and gentlemen seemed willing to serve the Emperor in his wars against the Turk with good troops of the King's subjects, if they might be assured of good entertainment.
This day his answer dated in Prague 12 June new style is come to my hands, wherein he writes that the Emperor has with great contentment understood by him out of my letters the good health and estate of the King; that the ambassador intended by the Emperor to be sent to the King (among other things to manifest his desire to continue all good friendship with his Majesty) was shortly to have his expedition, whereof he would also give me further advice; that the Turk had for a time made a show to desire peace but now by his great preparations the contrary appeared, and therefore the Emperor had gathered all the forces he could make and had appointed his brother the Archduke Mathias to be their general, hoping of good success; that the offer made hence as aforesaid was most graciously commended by the Emperor; but the year was already so far spent, that his Majesty could not for this time give any other satisfaction therein. But I rather think, and am partly thereof assured, that the Spanish and Popish faction (which prevails much in that Court) will not permit it for the consequence thereof. Finally that Transilvania and Walachia held well for the Emperor, howbeit the country is much spoiled.
I have likewise letters from other places that the Commissioners from the Hanse towns are in their way hitherwards to solicit a readmission in those privileges, which they pretend to have had in this realm, not of grace but due unto them; and that if they cannot obtain them they will seek further to other princes; that they hope the Emperor's Ambassador will be here by that time to be their intercessor. If it take place and the King be pleased to give ear to their demands, it will be (under correction) very requisite to remember the late Queen's commission and instructions to the Lord Eure and others her late ambassadors, which authorised them to treat with the Emperor's ambassadors and not with the Commissioners from the Hanse towns, at the intervention of the said Emperor's ambassadors, as the said Hanse themselves have since and do still give out; also to peruse the proceedings between her said Majesty's Ambassadors (to whom, as your Honour knows, I was assistant) and the Emperor's at Bremen.—29 June 1604.
Holograph. 2 pp. (105. 133.)
The Earl of Derby to Hugh Glasiour.
1604, June 30. Warrant that, whereas he has granted to his wife Elizabeth, Countess of Derby, the full moiety of all profits and fees yearly due to him by reason of his office of Chamberlain of the County Palatine of Chester out of the Court of Exchequer there, the said moiety is from henceforth to be yearly paid to her or to whom she shall authorise to receive it. —30 June, Anno 2 James I.
Directed to "Hugh Glasiour Esquire my officer for keeping the seal and records of the Court of Exchequer in the County Palatine of Chester."
Unsigned. 1 p. (105. 134.)
Lord Cobham to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 30. In part how I have spent my time I am bold to acquaint you and pray herein humbly your opinion. The first book of Seneca De Clementia I have translated out of Latin with the help of the French translation, with purpose to have dedicated it to the King, as by my book you shall perceive. Let me entreat some spare time of you to read it, and let me understand from you how you do allow of it and whether it is fit for me to have it given unto the King from me. In time past I could have given advice. Your advice now to me will be a great favour, which I pray you to vouchsafe me.—The Tower, 30 June 1604.
PS.—This is the lieutenant's man. If your nature be not metamorphosed, you, I know, will do me good but howsoever let not him know your answer, except it be you wish me well.
Holograph. ½ p. (105. 135.)
Lionel Sharpe to the Same.
[1604], June 30. Moved by duty to his Majesty and the fear of peril he stirred up some worthy gentlemen to offer their services to withstand any attempt against him, but never intended to stir a foot till the King's pleasure was known. They have meant much good and done no harm. He chose Sir Thomas Erskine to present their duty to his Majesty, as he was Captain of the Guard and so near about him; but Erskine gave him no commission to do it, though he did not refuse to receive their duties. If anything is done amiss it is the writer's fault only, but pardonable, he trusts, for his loyalty. If Cecil is otherwise informed, much worry has been done him. Offers himself for further examination, and begs Cecil to put the best construction on his good purpose.—30 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (127. 87.)
George Brooke.
1604, June. Accounts of Robert Buckland, servant to the late George Brooke, extending from 1598 to Midsummer 1604. Includes disbursements since his master's apprehension on Thursday 14 July 1603, and expenses of his funeral.
10½ pp. (140. 161.)
The Wine Duty at Chester.
[1604, after June 6, (?)1605 early]. Reasons why the city of Chester should be free from the new import of wines:—The city of Chester is by a privy seal of 9 Eliz. freed of the new impost of wines in consideration of the great loss and decay of shipping, and the decay of the haven and river there. The same motives to free the city remain still, for the haven and river is worse than it was, the city poorer, and this impost was never demanded or paid there till within a quarter of a year last past. Sir John Summerton hath no more leased unto him by his lease of the impost dated 18 Oct. 1 Jac. than he had in her late Majesty's time and had used the space of 26 years past. Sir John Summerton hath set all the impost of wines and tonnage of Chester to Mr. Shingleton for 60l. by year, and if it please you it may be granted to your poor city, which will give 100l. yearly for the same. Sir John Summerton payeth for the whole impost of all England but 14,000l., and the impost of London this year is worth 22,000l. We beseech you that either the poor city may have the impost freely as they have had it, or at some reasonable rent, whereby they may be able to live. If we had not been promised in the Parliament House by divers of the King's servants to have had the like seal, the act for tonnage and poundage had not passed. Also where we have given Mr. Carre of his Majesty's chamber the sum of 300l. for our licence of calfskins, it was in respect we should have our privy seal confirmed likewise, or else it is in vain for us to trade for France.
Unsigned. Endorsed in a later hand: "1604." ½ p. (109. 87.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom: 1603–1610, p. 117, June 6, 1604.]


  • 1. A cipher symbol.