Cecil Papers: 1569

Pages 95-98

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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Court of Wards.
1568–9, Jan. 19. Paper endorsed: "Cur: Wardor: Noblemen debts due by specialty."—A list of names with sums.— Dated 19 January, 1568.
½ p. (139. 174.)
Bishop of Winchester to Sir William Cecil.
1568–9, Jan. 21. Dated Walsham, 21 January, 1568. See Part I. of Calendar, p. 392, No. 1255, where an abstract of this letter, made from a modern copy, is printed.
Holograph. 3 pp. (202. 73.)
Christopher Munt to the Same.
1568–9, Feb. 10. I last wrote on the 27th of January. On the 7th of February John William, Duke of Saxony, crossed the Rhine with 3,000 horse, and is marching straight into France. The Rhinegrave also, and the other masters of the horse, who have raised as many as 2,000 horse in the Bishoprics of Treves and Mayence, also hasten to the King. Where Condé is with his forces, and what they are at, we know not for certain, for the ways are long and perilous. The compact of Fulda yet holds, at any rate up to now; we do not know what is doing there. There is a report that the empire is sending an embassy to compose the war in France, but there will, it seems, be more delay than is good. The Bavarian marriage will take place very shortly. The mother and the bride went last week to Bavaria. It is said the emperor's brothers will be present and the other princes. This marriage of Bavaria to the lady of Lorraine, will it is thought lead to others: namely one between the King of France himself and the Emperor's second daughter. The Bishop of Rennes certainly moved in the matter in the meetings at Augsburg (Comitiis Augustanis), and this is thought to be the reason for the Emperor's slackness for recovering the lands wrested from the empire. Their restoration would be a like case to that of Cales. The sword is the best prayer to win a boon from a king.—Argentina, 10 February, ao 68.
Signature. Seal. 1½ pp. Latin. (202. 75.)
Thomas Copledike.
1568–9, Feb. 16. A remembrance of Anthony Kyme's, for an injunction against Thomas Copledike to avoid from the possession of certain of Lord Sheffield's lands in Brough, Lincolnshire.—16 February, 1568.
1 p. (2328.)
Gilbert Moreton, Feodary of Lancashire, to Sir William Cecil.
1568–9, Feb. 26. For the grant to his brother of the custody of Anne Blundell widow, an idiot who is sold from one to another; and for grant to himself of the concealed wardship of the daughter of Thomas Bowre.
Has sent up his whole year's charge, reserving so much as he trusts Cecil will allow him for his three years' charges.— Whalley, 26 February, 1568.
1 p. (1971.)
Lord Cobham.
1568–9, Feb. Note of subsidies owing by William Lord Cobham.
pp. (145. 180.)
Bennet v. Bromley.
1568–9, Feb. The answer of Thomas Bromley to the articles exhibited by Richard Bennet, by which Bennet prays the stay of execution of a judgment given for Bromley in the Queen's Bench.—Endorsed: February, 1568.
pp. (2243.)
Causes for which [Richard] Bennet desires that [Thomas] Bromley may be stayed by the order of this Court [of Wards] from execution to be sued upon the judgment given for him in the Queen's Bench.—Endorsed: February, 1568.
1 p. (2244.)
The Regent Murray and the Duke of Chastellerault.
1568–9, March 13. Articles between the Earl of Murray and the nobility with him on the one part, and the Earl of Cassels, the Lord Herreis, and Abbot of Kilwinning, in the name of the Duke of Chastellerault and his adherents, on the other part.
1 p. [Haynes, pp. 512, 513. In extenso.] (142. 32.)
J. Raff.
1568–9. March 20. Grant by the Queen to J. Raff, of messuages &c, in Maribroghe, Ratyvine and Bealaddo, in Queen's County, Ireland.—20 March, 1568–9.
Portion of Seal. Parchment. 1 p. (215. 17.)
John Evelegh, Feodary of Devon, to Sir William Cecil.
1569, April 7. For the wardship of the heir of Roger Hunt, for the mother.—Exeter, April 7th, 1569.
½ p. (2427.)
[1569, June.] Consideration for the multiplying of arquebusery. (fn. 1) Undated.
In Cecil's hand.
5 pp. (185. 160.)
Book of Memoranda on Ireland.
1569, Oct. Contains "instructions and remembrances for myself" concerning the public affairs of Ireland. "Instructions and counsels for the 12 articles." "The instructions sent with Patrick Whit, to the North, as follows: To deliver my Lord Deputy's letter and mine to Captain Pers for my 40l. rent due. To endeavour himself to establish and settle the country," &c., dated 5 Oct., 1569. 24 Sept. to 28th Sept., 1569, "The account of 10l. had of Roger Pope." Among the items is "Left with Kathren in her purse when I went against my Lord Deputy." Notes as to ditches and windows.
This belongs to the set of 3, entered No. 1158 of Calendar Part 1. p. 352. 25 pp. (207. 19.)
The President of the North and the Earl of Northumberland.
[Before 1569, Nov.] Brief of uncourteous dealings of the Lord President of the North against the Earl of Northumberland. More than twelve months past the Earl was forced to seek redress of the Council against the President. He was advised by some of them, for the quiet of the country, to welcome the President home on his return from London with courteous words. This he did, yet the President not only continued his former froward dealings, but charged the Earl to be a maintainer of Papistry. The Earl, as the steward of the liberties of Richmondshire, guardian of the Queen's forests, chases and parks, and master of her game, has had discretion to punish offences therein: but this discretion being now taken away by the President, the game is wasted, the country in less good order. As instances, particulars are given of the cases of Mathew Metcalf, a late keeper of Raydell: of two brothers Harrison, who detained a ward's property: and of William Gowerley and Thomas Gelderde, committed to Middleham Castle for killing does in Wanlans Park: in all which cases the Earl's authority was overridden by the President.—Undated.
pp. (186. 115.)
Sale of French Salt.
[1569.] Salt and bell-metal received at Rochelle upon the contract, since Easter 1569. Total value 2,004l. 15s. 10d.— Undated.
Endorsed by Cecil: Money for salt. ½ p. (138. 85.)
Court of Wards.
1569. Particulars of arrears in the accounts of divers feodaries in the counties specified.
Endorsed by Cecil: 1569. 12 pp. (139. 176.)
Lord Zouche.
1569. Particulars of the lands of the late George, Lord Zouche. At back a short pedigree of the Zouches, by Sir W. Cecil. Long paper roll. (142. 33.)
Lord Cobham.
[c. 1569.] Notes on subsidies &c. owing by William, Lord Cobham.
3 pp. (145. 176.)
1569. Brief notes of the certificates of musters taken by the Commissioners in every shire of the realm, together with the day that each of them was brought to the Council's hand.— 1569.
10 pp., much damaged. (214. 7.)


  • 1. See S.P. Dom. Addenda Eliz., Vol. XIV., No. 83.