Pages 102-109
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.
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Charles Paschal. | |
[Before 25 Feb., 1571.] |
"Caroli Paschali De Morte Christi
Dialogi decem. Ad Gulielmum Siciliam virum amplissimum
atque ornatissimum." 30 pp. (298. 7.) |
Ed. Miles to Sir William Cecil. | |
[Before 25 Feb., 1571;] |
Letters and verses. Endorsed by Cecil: "Carmina Cantabrig." Latin. 4 pp. (144. 249–52.) |
Evidences concerning Tongs, Herts. | |
[Before 25 Feb., 1571.] |
Note of evidence rolls received by
Sir William Cecil, of John Ellyott, concerning Tongs, Herts. 2 pp. (143. 110.) |
Marquis of Winchester to Sir William Cecil. | |
[Before 25 Feb., 1571.] |
Relative to the rates on coarse
cloths. Ends :—The King Philip's ambassador speaketh for a
"livrie" for the King, another for the Duke of Alva, which
was begun in Queen Mary's time, and was then found so profitable that it is now desired of the Queen again—whereof the
bill is in making and that I shall be fain to send you for the
Queen's pleasure to be known therein. Endorsed by Cecil: "Touching coarse clothes." 1 p. (139. 289.) |
The Cecil family. | |
[Before 25 Feb., 1571.] |
Cecil genealogy to Sir William
Cecil's marriage. Emblazoned. Paper roll. (225. 4.) |
William Whittington to Sir William Cecil. | |
[Before 25 Feb., 1571.] |
He bought of Thomas Handforde
and Kenarde Delabere the manor of Erslane, Hereford, being
of the lands of Mr. Gardener, which manor has lately been
seized for Gardiner's debt to the Queen. Prays for a lease
of the lands, as he employed his whole substance in the purchase
thereof.—Undated. ¾ p. (190.) |
Robert Reve to the Same. | |
[Before 25 Feb., 1571.] |
As to the almshouse called the
Spittal, Hoddesdon, Herts, with appurtenances, the lease
of which he bought from William Smith, to whom it was
demised by Lady Anne Bourchier. Certain men of Hoddesdon
have charged him in Cecil's name not to occupy the premises,
and have driven his cattle from the grounds. Prays order
therein.—Undated. Encloses a further statement of the case. 2½ pp. (1761.) |
Sir Henry Gate to Lord Burghley. | |
[After Feb., 1571.] |
The Queen, at the suit of the Earl
of Sussex, granted him the preferment of Smith's lands of
the bishopric of Durham, late rebel. Immediately afterwhile he was in the north, the Queen granted the same preferment to Sir William Drewrie, Marshal of Berwick. In consideration whereof, and of his services, he prays for 50l. land in fee
simple, or other equivalent.—Undated. Petition. 1 p. (186. 50.) |
Hertfordshire. | |
[1571 ? April.] |
"Sayes Lands," Munden Magna and
Parva, Herts. Endorsed by Lord Burghley. 1¼ pp. (143. 109.) |
Particular of the Manors of Munden Magna and Sawbridgeworth, Herts. 1 p. (143. 108.) Note as to rent for Munden, Herts. 1 p. (143. 107.) |
Ireland. | |
1571, June 13. |
Letters patent appointing Nicholas Bagenall,
knt., Marshal of the army in Ireland, William Bath, Recorder
of Drogheda, William Piers of Cragefergus [Carrickfergus],
Thomas Cheaston, gent., and the Mayor of Carrickfergus,
commissioners to enquire as to all treasons, murders, &c.,
perpetrated or hereafter to be committed in cos. Down and
Antrim.—Dublin, 13 June, 13 Elizabeth. By the Lord
Chancellor by the authority of Parliament. Latin. Parchment. Fragment of Great Seal of Ireland. (222. 5.) |
Lord Dacre's Lands. | |
1571, June 16. |
Brief of agreement between Gregory, Lord
Dacres and Anne his wife of the one part, and Sir H. Norreys
and Dame Mary his wife of the second part, and others,
for entailing and declaring of certain estates in use of Lord
Dacre's lands. Endorsed: "Concerning the Lord Dacre's lands in the South." 3 sheets. (146. 125.) |
Antwerp. | |
1571, July 6. |
"Forme et ordre qui se tiendra dorenavant
sur le gouvernement et fait de justice tant criminelle que
civile en cette ville d' Anvers"; by "Son Excellence." Endorsed: "These be new orders by the Duke of Alva, quite overthrowing all former privileges and charters and leaving no government in manner to them at all." French. 6½ pp. (144. 93.) |
Confession of William Barker. | |
[1571, Sept. 15.] |
Saw once a letter of the Lord Ledington's
written to the B. of Rosse, wherein he came to this point,
that he did always well like of the match between his Lord
and the Q. of Scots, if it be might have taken such place as
was hoped. But because it did not there was no remedy,
but they must seek for it in another place, that was either in
France or Spain.—Undated. Holograph by Barker. Endorsed: 15 September. 3 pp. [Murdin, pp. 94, 95. In extenso.] (168. 45.) |
Edmund Powell to Lord [? Burghley]. | |
[1571, Oct.] |
Since it is the Council's order to commit
him to the Tower, he prays that, in consideration of his
infirmity of the rheum, his lordship will let him have one of
his own men to attend on him.—Undated. Holograph. ½ p. (186. 130.) |
The Earl of Oxford's wardship and livery. | |
[1571, Nov. 1.] |
Fine for wardship was 2,000l. payable in
10 instalments ending 10 May, 1581. The mean rates of
the Earl within age, 48l. 19s. 9½d., payable All Saints Day,
1571. Fine for livery, 1,257l. 18s. 0¾d., payable in 13 instalments ending All Saints Day, 1583.—Undated. 1 p. (25. 105.) |
Verac to La Mothe Fenelon, French Ambassador in England. (fn. 1) | |
[1571, Nov. 17 and Nov. 24.] | Monsieur depuis vous avoir escript ce que javois negotie avec les seigneurs de Morton et de Mar ledict de Morton est parti pour aler traicter avec Monsieur de Hunsdon a Baruic [Berwick]. Monsieur Mar est demeure au petict lict [? Little Leith] auquel javois envoie demander ung passeport pour aler devers lui, mais il me mande quil noseroict, de crainte dudict de Hunsdon: toutefois que je me pouvois assurer de la [? sa] bonne volunte envers nostre allience, et quelque chose qui se face il naimera jamais les Anglois, et sera plustost pour leur faire ung maulvais tour, pour ce qu'il scaict bien quils ne veullent que les subjuguer. Monsieur de Morton me dist aussi quand je parlai a lui que a grand regret ils recoipuent aide des anglois, lesquels estoient leurs antiens ennemis; et quand mesmes estant dernierement a Londres il cougnut aux deportement de F [? Queen of England] la maulvaise volunte quelle a envers eulx, et que maintenant la necessite les contragnoict de chercher secours delle; mais que sil plaist au roi destre moienneur dune paix entre les deux parties, il sera le premier a faire la guerre ausdicts Anglois, sil plaist au O [? King of France] lui emploier, estant tres mal tenu a la dicte F, qui les a plus animes les ungs contre les aultres, que donne secours pour venir a bout de leurs entreprises. Il y a grand apparence que sy le O veult y mectre la main, quelque chose que ledict de Mar et Morton promectent on ne les face venir a la devotion d[u] O, et penserois quils feussent bien aultant enclins a nostre allience que [symbol] [? ceux] du [symbol] [? the Castle], lesquels sont desja bien avant en termes de faire ce que ladicte F voulra. Ils me disent le contraire mais je scai bien quils ont envoie vers ledict Hunsdon et que sil les scaict bien manier il les gangnera, non pas [? par] force, car il ne les pourroict forcer dans le [symbol], et pense [symbol] [? avec] peu de gens il ne gangnera pas la ville; mais il est a craindre que sil leur faict les belles promesses, comme je croy quil fera, quils ne se laissent aller. Voila Monsieur ce qui men semble, et ce que jen ay peu aprandre. Ils font courir le bruict quils amenent cinq mil hommes de pied et mil chevaulx. Si ce sont bons soldats ils gangneront [symbol]; [? Edinburgh]; mais aussi cela sera cause a mon advis que [symbol] [? ceux or celle] du [symbol] nauront pas telle volunte daccorder, et sils veullent attendre lextremite, on ne les scauraict forcer dun an. Jai veu ung memoire des vivres qui sont dedans le [symbol], qui pourra bien aultant durer pour trois cens hommes. Il a este emploie grande partie de [symbol] [? l'armée] que est dernierement venu. Le surplus on le garde pour faire une levee de soldats, si les Anglois viennent assieger [symbol]; affin quil puisse y en avoir dedans jusques a mil ou deuse cens, et je croi quau bruict de cest argent duquel on ne faict a present nul semblant, nous atirerons beaucoup de leurs soldats, qui sont en bons termes desia: mais nous ne voulons dependre [? defendre] ledict [symbol] jusques alhors, de peur que nous trouvons sans [symbol], et assieges, et il advienne quelque inconvenient, ce qui ne fera [? sera], si les V et D tiennent comme ils feront a mon advis, si les presens de la dicte F ne les corompt. Je vous suplie me faire scavoir la volunte du O..—Escript a [symbol], ce dis septiesme de Novembre. Verac. |
[P.S.] Je ne puis pas vous escrire si souvent comme je
desirerais, pour navoir moien, et jessaige [? j'essaie] bestuici
[? cestui-ci], lequel jestime estre bien asseure, aiant bien
voulle adjouster ce [que] je voi, que les praticques du millord
Hunsdon avec les Sieurs de Lodincton et Granges vont
tousjours avant, et sont en tels termes que aultre chose
ne les retient a mon advis que la crainte de se soubsmectre
a laultre parti, quils aient a mort. Jen ai parle plusieurs
fois audict P pour men esclarcir, et mesmes lui ai reitere le
commandement que javois eu de "Car," lui faisant entendre
de sa part que ou il monstreroict affectionnes serviteur, et
travailleroict a bon essient de maintenir ici son allience, elle
lui feroict non seulement paier ses arreraiges de sa pencion,
mais lui recongnoistroict ce service [? avec] daultrs bienfaicts et reconpenses, estant O [? "non" omitted] ingrat envers
ceulx qui lui font service. Il ma respondu en termes generaulx,
et que il navoict poinct eu moien encores de faire grand
service [? au] O: il feroict toutes fois et quantes que l'ocasion
se presenteraict: mais il sa [? a] dict cela si froidement que je
congnois bien que sa volunte en est de tout eslongnee, et que il
pense bien entrer en la bonne grace de F, et quil sassure avoir
plusieurs moiens et amis e[n] la court. Mesmes du secraitaire
il se cache tant quil peult, mais jai bon moien ne scavoir ce quil
faict, et vous assure quil pense du 3 [? tout] a se reconcillier
avec F et sai de bien foit [? fort] en cela du Mareschl de
Baruic, qui a grand pouvoir sur lui. Jai entendu de bonne
part depuis deux jours que Monsieur de Mar est en volunte,
sil ce faict quelque accord maintenant, de faire nouvelle
alliance avec O et crox [? crois] que Monsieur de Morton
ne sera pas loing de la. Parquoi, sil vous plaist, vous feres
scavoir au O que sil plaist a sa majeste menvoier promesses
et offres au dict Morton et Mar, je massure quasi de les gangner.
Si une fois ils sont maistres de tout, je croi que si ils
navoient point de parti nous en feussions ia bien au
[? bout]. Mais ils veullent estre maistres, quelque chose
quil y a yct [? ici]: tellement que je desirerois pour le
service du O quils le feussent desia: aisi [? ainsi] que
jai bien su long fict entenre [? entendre] [? au] O: mais
craignant que mes lectres se perdent, je vous en ai bien voulu
donner advis, estant chose mal aisee de sassurer de ceulx ci.
Si vous entend[ra la] volunte du O la dessus plustost que moi,
vous me le [ferez] scavoir. Cependant, je mentretiendrai tant
que je pou[rrai] avece ledict Sieur de Morton det [? et de]
Mar sans que P le sache: car ce le seroict advenser a ce dont
il a ia trop grand envie. Je nai eu plustost moien de vous
envoier la presente que ce jourdhui vingt quatre de Novembre. Cipher. 2 pp. (149. 102.) |
Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Duke of Norfolk. | |
[1571.] |
Norfolk should have been informed of Candishe's
answer but it was forgotten. The Bishop of Ross shall receive
it presently by this messenger. Let Norfolk devise what is
to be mended in Leicester's answer. Has received this Sunday
his letters and thinks is more and more beholden to him,
especially for his care of her health which is not very good
at this time. Has fully answered the bishop of Ross's letters.
"This Sunday at night. D." Endorsed by Burghley: "The Queen of Scots to the Duke of Norfolk." [Murdin, p. 158. In extenso. Printed also by Labanoff, III. pp. 36, 37, who assigns it to April, 1570.] Contemporary decipher. ½ p. (133. 8.) |
1571. |
The same letter in cypher. 1 p. (140. 69.) |
The Royal Family. | |
1571. |
Pedigree, in French, of the royal family of England
from Edward III. Note at foot in support of Mary Queen of
Scots' right to the English crown. Endorsed by Burghley: "Pedigree of the Crown of England: Q Elizab. Q of Scots, Suffolk, Hastings: brought by the Lord Seton in Feb., 1571, and found at Harwich." 2 pp. (142. 34.) |
The Tower of London. | |
1571. |
List of prisoners in the Tower of London, of keepers
and other officers and allowances made for the keep of prisoners.
Note at foot as to defects in the service. Endorsed by Burghley. 1 p. (142. 36.) |
1571. |
List of warders in the Tower. Side notes by Burghley. 1 p. (142. 37.) |
The Earl of Oxford. | |
1571. |
Payments of Sir William Damsell, Receiver General
of the Court of Wards, of money for Edward, Earl of Oxford,
himself, his tutors, and servants. From 4 Eliz to 13 Eliz. Endorsed by Burghley. 6 pp. (146. 1.) |
1571. |
Particular of lands of the Earl of Oxford's in Essex,
with the values as he sued his livery. 2½ pp. (146. 4.) |
The Queen to [? the Regent Murray]. | |
[1571 ?] |
Right trusty and right well loved cousin we greet
you well. By your letters lately written to our secretary
14 amongst other things we perceive how princely you offer
the service of yourself and all you command to the help of
suppression of [a] certain commotion in the north of our realm
stirred by two unloyal subjects the Earls of Northumberland
and Westmorland. For the which your kindness we do heartily
thank you. Having had also intelligence given us of your like
offer made to our Marshall of 14 and of this disordered attempt
we doubt not but you well understand the original cause to
be for the R, wherefore we think good that yourself with such
as be your friends should be in good readiness lest the fautors
of this quarrel there in Scotland specially towards our frontiers
might conspiring with our rebels bring some danger to you,
specially when our rebels be forced to flee in that realm as
likely they will considering what forces we have in readiness
to march against them in the South and in this matter we think
good that you be advertised from the Earl of Sussex and the
Lord of Hunsdon and Sir Rafe Sadler who be at York of the
proceeding of the rebels and as they advise you to come to
the borders and other ways require you to "brocege" [proceed]
so we earnestly pray you to do. Your loving friend, Elizabeth R. Cypher. Holograph. 1 p. (147. 149.) |
Ireland. | |
[1571. (fn. 2) ] |
A collection of proposed acts and orders to be
taken for the reformation of Ireland. At end, a draft petition of Rowland Whyte, of Dublin, to the Queen, complaining of spoils committed upon his tenants of the lands of Duffren in Ulster, by Sir Breane Mc. Phelime and Captain Piers.—Undated. 13 pp. (210. 10.) |
The Irish and English pale. | |
[c. 1571.] |
The disorders of the Irishry in the Irish pale,
and the cause of the same, as also the decay and waste of the
English pale and the cause thereof, with the cause of debate
between both.—Undated. 12½ pp. (210. 20.) |
John Langham to Lord Burghley. | |
[1571–1578.] |
His uncle Thomas Langham was surety for
Edmund Latham, customer of Kingston upon Hull, for the
discharge of his accounts there. Upon some default of perfecting his accounts, a process is awarded for a levy of 100l. out
of the goods of his uncle, whose executor he is. Prays stay
of execution on conditions.—Undated. 1 p. (1886.) |
Eclogues of Giles Fletcher. | |
[After 1571.] |
Address to "Clarissimæ Dominæ, Dominæ
Burliensi," from Giles Fletcher—"has Æclogas tibi offerre quas
valde adolescens conscripsi. Signed: "Ægidius Fletcher." Latin. 4½ pp. (298. 1–5.) |
Æcloga I De Literis antiquœ Britanniœ prœsertim Cantabrigiœ, et qui singula collegia statuerunt ac amplificarunt Æcloga. Lycidas. | |
Commences:— Mythicus and Nicias, quorum prior Isidis amnem Alter ad irriguas habitabat Thamesis undas, Certabant ætate pares, pugnamque ciebant Quis locus Oceani populos, et nostra petentes Littora, cum fugerent steriles Permessidos undas, Ceperat hospitio musas. |
Ends:— At Lycidas, noctisque memor, veterumque laborum, Surgit humi, tectumque petit, comitatur euntem Venatu soliti volucres excire fugaces Elpidewn, Talaphrwnque canes, celeresque vocati Accurunt Domino, collisque ad mutua junctis Observant pariles famulo vestigia gressu. 37 pp. |
[II.] In nuptias clarissimi viri D. Edouardi Vere, Comitis Oxoni, et Ann Cecili optimœ ac illustrissimœ feminœ. Æcloga Callianissa. [1571,] Dec. 8 ½ pp. | |
[III.] Querela de obitu Cleri Haddoni maximœ spei adolescentis, sibique conjunctissimi: qui in Amne Cantabrigiensi submersus extinctusque est mense Maio, 1570. Æcloga Adonis. 6 pp. | |
[IV.] Æcloga de contemptu Ministrorum qui verbo Divino pascunt. Celadon: Myrtilus. 14 pp. | |
[V.] Querœla Collegii Regalis Sub. D.P.B. Æcloga Telethusa. Melibœus. Ægon. 18 pp. |