Index: S

Pages 515-522

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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Sackford. See Seckford.

Sackville, Thomas, Lord Buckhurst, Lord Treasurer, 9, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24 (3), 35, 37, 40, 43, 75 (2), 76, 83, 86, 87, 91, 95, 100, 104, 107, 111, 112, 183, 196, 204, 240, 253, 262, 287, 290, 311 (3), 325, 328 (2), 344 (2), 345 (3), 392, 393 (2), 416, 433, 435 (2), 442.

letters from, 29, 53, 85, 86, 91, 108, 113, 119, 176, 224, 295, 305, 322, 329, 342, 354, 393, 406, 411, 418, 433, 462, 465.

— to, 77, 114 (2), 167, 295, 374.

clerk of. See Clapham.

daughters of, 153.

house of, 78, 86.

—, letter dated at, 86.

illness of, 85, 102, 406.

money received from, 899.

orders of, 118, 253.

privy seals to, 334 (2).

secretary of. See Bowyer.

son of, 123.

son-in-law of. See Glemham, Sir Henry.

warrants of, 127, 291.

Sackville House, letter dated at, 109.

Safe-conducts. See Passports.

Sainct Agnen, Monsieur de, 119.

Sainct Leger, Monsieur, 119.

Sainct Ouen, Monsieur de, 119.

St. Albans (Sanct Albones), 169, 259.

St. Ambrose, 199.

St. Anderes, 418, 427.

St. Bartholomew (“Sante Bartellmes”), 117.

St. Blancart, Sieur de, 387.

brother of. See Biron.

St. Catherin (near Geneva), fort of, 403.

captain of, 403.

St. Diego, archbishop of, 19.

St. Dominic(k), order of, 283, 284.

St. Esprit, order of, 23.

St. George, order of, 116.

St. Germain's, 22.

St. Germins (or Fann Abbay), 259.

St. Helena, 260.

St. Ives, co. Cornwall, 401.

St. Jean de Luz (Deluce), 242, 327, 328, 449.

St. Jean de la Maurienne (Savoy), 320.

St. Jehan, 197.

St. John, E., Lord, letter from, 386.

son of. See Griffin, Rice.

St. John, prior of, 19.

St. John's Gate, letter dated at, 87.

St. Johnstoun (Johnston, &c.), [Perth], 61, 279.

Convention at, 64, 69 (2), 72.

St. Jones, Sir Oliver, 377 (3).

St. Julien, Monsieur de, 119.

St. Leger (Sentleger, Seintlyger) :

Sir Anthony, 438, 439.

—, letter from, 275.

Elizabeth, Lady, letter from, 366.

—, husbands of, 366.

—, innocence of, 366.

Sir Warham, 166 (2), 178.

—, widow of, 166.

St. Lucas, Lucas, &c. See San Lucar.

St. Malo (St. Mallos), 25, 273.

St. Martin's, prior of, 32.

St. Mary Overy, Southwark, Viscountess Montagu at, 71.

St. Mary Port, near Cadiz, 36.

St. Mawes, co. Cornwall, 346.

Castle, 244.

St. Omers, 144 (4).

English college there, 144 (2).

—, Superior of, 144.

St. Paul, Epistles of, 97.

St. Peter, 74, 197.

St. Sebastian, 341.

St. Thomas, town of, 15.

“Castellan” of, 15.

Governor of, 15.

St. Valeris, Spain, 355.

St. Victore, Captain, 387.

Sakvile, Mr., 812.

Salamanca, 430.

Salines (Sallins) Duke of, 206 (2).

Salisbury (Sarum), 152, 274, 411.

letters dated at, 29, 162, 399.

Bishop of, 160–161; and see Cotton.

chancellor of. See White.

diocese of, 161.

office, the 116.

the post of, 29.

Salisbury Park (Barnet), 28.

Salkell, John, 341.

Salop (Shropshire), county of, 94, 408, 421, 431.

escheator of. See Moore.

feodary of. See Lawley.

sheriff of, 94–95.

Saltonstall (Saltyngetowe, &c.), Sir Richard, 214, 423.

house of, letter dated at, 424.

Saluces (Saluzo, &c.), Marquisate of, 22, 23 (2), 32, 321.

San d'Andrieu, fort of, 123.

San Giorgio, Cardinal, 321.

San Lucar (St. Lucas, Lucus, &c.), Spain, 18, 36 (3), 63, 145 (3), 174–175, 205, 207, 410, 427.

fleet preparing at, 78.

San Manello, Cardinal (deputy chamberlain), 321.

Sanders. See Saunder.

Sanderson, Saunderson, Henry, of Newoastle on Tyne, 203–205, 350.

John, 216.

Mr., 353.

Sandwich, 239 (2), 349, 402.

letter dated at, 239.

Sandy, Robert, 215.

Sandys, Lord, mother of, 280.

Sanger, 49.

Sanquhar, Lord, 266.

Sapena, Gaspar, 193, 198 (2).

Sapino (Sa Piena, &c.), Don Charles de, 206, 213.

Sarazens (cheeses), 283.

Sarravia (Serravia), Hadrianus, letter from, 428.

Sarum (Saram). See Salisbury.

Saull (Sawle), Arthur, letter from, 449.

Saulter, George, 215.

—, junr., 215.

Nic, 216.

Robert, 216.

Thomas, 215.

William, 215.

Saunder (Sanders), Henry, letters from, 333, 463 (2).

brother of, 463.

Savile, John (“Baron Savyle”), Baron of the Exchequer, letters from, 280, 366.

T., letter from, 127.

Savill, Gabrill, 216.

Savoy, Duke of, 22–23, 32, 197, 270–271, 319, 404, 414.

gallery of, 321 (2).

interview with King of France, 22–23.

troops for, 321.

at war with France, 270, 289, 355.

Savoy (Savoia), 22, 196, 259.

letter dated out of, 259.

dukedom of, 406.

negotiations with France, 319.

the peace of, 466, 467.

war in, 307, 403–404, 406.

Savoy, the. See London.

Savoyards, 196–197.

Saxons, the, 166.

Sayer, Richard, a recusant, 204.

Scamier, Ja., letter from, 18.

Scarborough, 188 (2).

Scavens, James, a Scot, 356.

Scilliard. See Suliarde.

Scilly Islands, the, 349.

Scot, Elizabeth, marriage of, 280.

Thomas, 188.

Scotland, King of (James VI.), 2, 7, 29, 37, 46–47, 59–62, 64 (3), 65 (3), 66, 69 (2), 72 passim, 168, 206, 255, 266–267, 356, 363–364, 376, 388–390, 407, 412–414, 418, 421.

—, letters from, 289, 302, 331, 467 (2).

—, — to, 288, 412, 467.

—, agent of, at English Court, 266.

—, ambassador of. See Preston.

—, Sir Henry Brouncker sent to,363, 420 (2).

—, chamberlain of, 47.

—, chancellor of, 389.

—, conference of Sir William Ewers with, 407 (2).

—, correspondence with Sir Robert Cecil, 467.

—, dealings with Rome and the Pope, 356 (2), 363 (2), 388, 413.

—, debt of, 94.

—, dedicates a book to his son, 356.

—, at Edinburgh, 65, 66, 69.

—, household of, 72.

—, jealous of his nobility, 388.

—, at Montrose, 66.

—, relations with England and Queen Elizabeth, 71, 155–156, 363–364, 412.

—, — the Master of Gray, 364, 388–390,

—, religion of, 356.

—, at St. Johnstoun [Perth], 69.

—, Secretary of, 389 (2); and see Elveston.

—, servants of, 340.

—, at Sesforth, 47.

—, son of, 331 (2), 388.

—, treacherous practice against, 331.

—, troubled concerning peace with Spain, 93 (2).

Queen of (Anne of Denmark), 389.

Scotland, Queen of (“Mary Queen on Scots”), 306.

— —, death of, 389 (2), 414.

— —, wedding garment of, 52.

Sootland, 20 (2), 47, 64 (3), 66, 68, 69, 71, 72, 147, 168, 168, 186, 204, 206 (2), 218, 253, 279 (3), 355 (2), 364–365, 386, 389, 402, 407, 420, 452 (2).

armour for, 259.

Barons of, 60.

Bishops of, 61.

books for sale in, 279.

Borders (Marches), of 47 (2), 48, 60, 66, 75, 94, 364.

—, custom of, 75.

—, Lord Warden of, 64 (2), 66 (4), 69; and see Cessford.

—, security of, 79.

—, wardens of, 75, 79.

Sir Robert Cecil in, 71.

Controller of, 72.

Convention of, 60–61, 64, 72.

—, disliked by the people, 72.

—, held at St. Johnston's, 72.

corn scare in, 279.

Council of, 61, 66.

the Crown of, 388.

Francis Dacre in, 71.

the French driven from, 398.

General Assembly of, 64.

—, held at Montrose, 72.

gentlemen of, 306.

“inquyed” estate of, 388.

“insolent borderers” of, 64.

Kirk of, 59, 62 (2).

league with Franoe, 125.

Lords of, 69.

manner of entertaining in, 340.

money sent to, 356.

nobility of, 69.

Northern Islands of, 147.

Parliament of, 388 (3).

persons coming to, 283, 340, 346, 355, 413, 460.

persons leaving, 460.

reduction of, to popery, 364.

and Rome, negotiations between, 364 passim.

Secret Council of, 65.

Treasurer of, 72 (2).

uproar in, 356.

warden of, 65.

Scots, 7, 47, 48 (3), 143.

company of, to serve the Queen, 364 (2).

fighting at Nieuport, 193, 213.

mariners, 253.

prohibited goods sold by, 254.

for service in Ireland, 376 (2).

Scotsman, a, 349.

sent by the Chancellor of Poland, 290.

Scotsmen, 179, 253 (3), 279 (2).

Englishmen dressed as, 59.

furnishing supplies to rebels, 255 (2).

Scott, Sir Jo., 408.

William, 100.

Scottish Association, 58, 93.

gentleman, a, 259.

noblemen captives in Barbary, 459–460.

regiment, 206.

—, bravery of, 198.

ship, 350.

Screven, Ed., letter from, 314.

Scriven, —, a servant, 105.

Scrope (Scroop(e)) :

George, of Castlecombe, 94 (3).

Mr., 116.

Philadelphia Lady, letter from, 330.

Thomas Lord, 196 (2), 233, 288.

—, letters from, 46, 49, 64, 182.

—, malice of, 169.

Scudamore (Skidmour, Skydmore), Lady, 234, 235.

letter to, 305.

Seal, counterfeit, 280.

Seaton. See Seton.

Seckford (Sackford), Mr. Henry, keeper of the Privy Purse, 309, 358, 385, 419.

Seeland. See Zeeland.

Seimple. See Semple.

Seintlyger. See St. Leger.

Selby, —, 419.

Capt. William, of Berwick, 172 (2).

Selby, co. York, 188.

Semphill (Semple, Seimple), —, a Scotsman, 349 (2), 361, 362.

Semple, Mr. See Beltres, Lord of.

Sentleger. See St. Leger.

Senyn,” the, 122.

Serjeant, the, 178.

Serke, —, a Dutchman, 302 (2).

Servants, wages of, 398 (2).

Sesford(e), Sesforth. See Cessford.

Sessa, Duke of, 321.

Seton, Setoun, Seaton :

George, of Parbroath, 61, 72.

Lord, Earl of Ventoun [Winton], 390.

Seville (Civill, Siville, &c.), 25, 36 (5), 37, 144, 341 (3), 427.

Contraction House (Casade Contratacion) at, 37.

English Seminary at, 36, 144 (2), 341–342, 378.

—, governors of, 341.

—, list of scholars at, 341.

the river at, 36.

Seminary priests from, 36.

Seviory, Spanish general. See Zubiaur.

Seward, Mr. Robert, 47.

Seymour, Edward, letter from, 79.

Edward, Duke of Somerset, 440.

Edward, Earl of Hertford, letter from, 344.

Ew., letter from, 229.

H., letter from, 242.

Lord Henry, letter from, 86.

Shaftesbury (Shastone), 411.

letter dated at, 11.

Shales, John, 215.

Sharpe, William, of Thaxsted, 190 (2), 212, 221, 240.

Shastone. See Shaftesbury.

Shavington, letter dated at, 112.

Sheffield, E., Lord, 124, 323, 362.

letter from, 293.

Sheffield, letters dated at, 361, 366.

Sheffield Lodge, letters dated at, 353, 424.

Sheldon, —, 144.

Shepparde, Henry, 214.

Sherborne (Sherburne, &c.), 28, 273, 274, 459.

letters dated at, 273, 352, 382, 383, 459.

Sherborne Lodge, letter dated at, 120.

Sheriffs, list of, 400.

Sherley (Sherly, Shurley, &c.) :

Sir Anthony, 30, 149, 150 (2), 318 (5).

—, letters from, 180, 190, 227.

—, letters to, 3, 30.

John, J.P., 113.

—, letter from, 114.

John, of the Middle Temple, 394.

Sir Thomas, the elder, 20 (2), 149 (2), 150.

—, letters from, 3, 120, 399, 412, 418, 431.

—, letter to, 180.

Sir Thomas, the younger, 108, 110, 121, 143 (2), 431.

—, letters from, 102, 109, 140, 144.

—, dispute with the Dutch, 302 (2).

—, ships of, 110, 127, 189.

Sherleys, “the spirits of the,” 444.

Sherwood, Dr., 459.

Sherwood forest, 104–5.

Shewyne, Morryse, 235.

Shields, South, 203 (2), 204.

Ships (barks, hoys, &c.) [not named], 76, 77–78, 138, 146, 188, 189, 196, 207, 247, 336–337, 342–343, 407.

“Biskin,” 343.

of Brazil (Braseele), 110.

from Bristol, 342.

of Dartmouth, 350, 351.

of Dunkirk, 109, 188, 327, 343 (3), 348, 350, 351.

Dutch, 15, 46, 49.

from the East Indies, 242.

of Hamburg, 102, 145.

of the Indies, 258, 260.

for Ireland, 342–343, 844, 345.

Irish, 341.

from Lubeck, 130, 347 (2), 349, 350, 387.

munition and victuals allowed for, 405.

the Queen's, 102 (2), 337.

of Rochelle, 316.

sale of, 248.

from Spain, 70, 151, 257–258, 327.

Spanish, 36, 145, 272.

—. land at Logh Foyll, 122.

taken by a Danish captain, 92.

from Venice, 124.

“a West Indies man,” 102.

out of Zealand, 233. And See English French, &c.

Ships [named] :

Admiral, 110.

Adventure, 239.

Anne, of Hull, 188.

Blessing of God, of Orford, 149, 151.

Catt, of Heusden, 150.

Charity, 62.

Darling, 272.

Desire, of Rochelle, 36.

Eagle, of London, 177.

George, 110.

—, captain of, 110.

Gift of God, of Selby, 188.

Greyhound, 425.

Guyana (Guana), 200, 207, 222, 228.

—, captain of, 222, 228.

—, purser of. See Morhowse.

—, victualling of men aboard, 228.

Hambourg, 143.

Helpe, of London, 36.

John Trelawny, of Plymouth, 36.

Katherin, of Hilbre, 137.

—, of Hull, 188.

Laus Deo (London), letter dated from, 65.

Lion's Whelp, 194 (2), 200, 347, 350, 361.

—, money account of, 370.

Lyonesse, 392, 424.

Maria, of Middelburgh, 62.

Marigold, 129 (2).

Merlyne, 335.

Mone, 343.

Moon(e) (the Queen's pinnace), 323, 337 (3), 451.

Moyses (from Lübeck), 387.

Paul (Spanish), 145.

Peter (Spanish), 145.

Pleasure, of London, 150.

Popinjay, 136.

Pretty Jack, 272.

Reynbow, letter dated aboard, 349.

St. Esprit, 272.

St. George, of Hampton, 144.

St. Paul, 272.

Triumph, of London, 418.

Twelve Apostles, from the West Indies, 78.

White Dove (of Lubeck), 387.

William, a bark of the river Dee, 137.

Ships and docks, separation of, 436.

Shorley. See Sherley.

Showe, the, 129.

Shrewsbury (Shrowesbury), Earl and Countess of. See Talbot.

Shrewsbury, shire-hall in, 94.

Shropshire. See Salop.

Shrowesbury. See Shrewsbury.

Shurburne. See Sherborne.

Shurley. See Sherley.

Shute, Captain, late yeoman of the Ordnance, 457.

Shyrebourne. See Sherborne,

Sicily (Cicily), 175.

Sidale, Abraham, 216.

Sidnam, William, 214.

Sidney. See Sydney.

Sidy Abdala, Wahett Anone, of Barbary, 177.

Sieur, Stephen Le. See Le Sieur.

Signatures, counterfeit, 252, 274.

Sille, Mr. John, 348.

Singleman, Thomas, examination of, 426.

Sinnote, Patrick, letter from, 16.

Siriago, 145.

Sittingbourne (Sittingborn), 43, 232, 261, 349.

Sivell, Siville. See Seville.

Skarlett, Mrs., a recusant, 135.

Skeffington, Thomas, sheriff of Leicestershire, 148.

Skeffington, letter dated at, 148.

Skelton, Thomas, the Queen's ward, lands of, 115.

Skevington, Mr., late yeoman of the Ordnance, 457.

Skidmour. See Scudamore.

Skiner, John, 215,

William, 215 (2).

Skinner (Skinnor, &c.), Mr., 29, 43, 176, 339 (2), 342.

Vincent, 82.

—, letters from, 83, 281, 292.

Skydmore. See Scudamore.

Sligo, O'Conour (Conor Sleigo). See O'Connor Sligo.

Sluce, Sluus, etc. See Sluys.

Sluys, 166, 205 (2), 213, 232, 246, 247, 296, 432.

galleys of, 233.

Smaleman, Mr. Francis, merchant, 84.

Small pox, 153.

Smeadon, —, wheeler of the Ordnance, 399.

Smerique,” 243.

Smith(e) (Smyth(e)), —, 402.

—, accounts of, for wine, 305.

—, yeoman, falconer to Lord Ewre, 303.

Ann, letter from, 408.

—, husband of, 408.

Capt., 6, 410 (3).

Dr., physician to the Queen, 114, 237.

Izacke, 215.

John, 408.

Sir John, 146.

—, letters from, 124, 153.

Laurence, 433–434.

Mr., 217, 363, 466.

—, of Billingsgate, ship of, 460.

—, clerk of the Privy Council, 417, 420.

—, a seminary, 448.

Nicholas, 215.

Richard, 408.

Th., letter from, 339.

Thomas, alderman of London, 214.

—, letter from, 329.

—, signature of, 252, 274.

Thomas, governor of the Muscovy Company, letter from, 236.

W., letter from, 77.

—, mother of, 77.

Captain William, letter from, 412.

William, 215, 216.

—, letter from, 381.

—, suit to the Queen, 381.

Snaeskercke (Snastarker), Flanders, 194, 197.

Soame (Some), Robert, D.D., Vice-chancellor of Cambridge, 147, 208–211.

—, letters from, 40, 54, 147, 241.

Sir Stephen, letter from, 164.

Soldiers, 69, 147.

in the Azores, 273.

discharging of, 377.

desertion of, 360.

diet of, 235.

English, in Ireland, 147.

in Ireland, 242, 376.

Italian, 248.

maimed, 221.

munition for, 272.

pay of, 398.

proclamation to, 268.

provisions for, 268.

scarcity of, 222.

shipping for, 240.

Spanish, 243.

transportation of, 349.

Solicitor [General], the. See Fleming.

Solms (Psalms), Count, 198.

Somerset, Duke of. See Seymour.

Edward, Earl of Worcester, 29, 121 (2), 123 (2), 176 (2), 178.

Somerset, county of, 137, 258, 406.

Sonnenburg, Joachimus Ernestus, Baro à, 230.

Sootherne. See Southerne.

Sotheron, Elezeus, 214.

Sothworth, Henry, letter from, 38.

Soubise, Monsieur de, brother of, 367.

Soutoh,” my Lord. See Zouche.

South Sea, the, 3.

riches, 444.

Southampton, Earl and Countess of. See Wriothesley.

Southampton, county of. See Hampshire. (Hampton, &c.), 112, 196, 316, 343.

mayor of, 25.

Southerne (Sootherne); Gilbert, 2.

Raphe, merchant, 2, 232.

Southwell, —, 293.

Thomas (in Germany), 441–442.

—, lands of, in England, 442.

Thomas, of Moreton, 441.

Sowerby, co. Yorks, 11.

Sowthacke, Thomas, 214.

Spain, King of (Philip III.), 4, 7, 8 (2), 10, 36, 46, 51, 66, 67, 144, 145–146, 172, 243, 245 (2), 342 (3).

—, letters to, 60, 67.

—, abused by his soldiers, 273.

—, arras for house of, 407.

—, commission by, 167.

—, Commissioners of, 145, 243.

—, —, letter to, 153.

—, dealings with Tyrone, 442.

—, despatch of ships by, 327.

—, dominions of, 259.

—, galleons of, 145 (3).

—, garrison of, 258.

—, letter in favour of Earl Bothwell, 267.

—, negotiations for peace with England, 145–146, 167, 171, 172, 355 (2).

—, at peace with King of France, 320.

—, pledges sent to, from Ireland, 122.

—, prepares for war with France, 342.

—, riches of, 897.

—, sends messenger to Earl of Tyrone, 430.

Prince of, afterwards Charles V., 156–7.

Spain, 8, 10 (2), 40, 63 (2), 94, 122, 144 (3), 145, 150, 171, 174, 177, 195, 200, 205, 218 (2), 230, 272, 275, 282, 316 (2), 320 (4), 341, 349, 350, 355, 389, 392, 402, 410, 442 (2), 449.

Admiral of. See Adelantado.

ambassador, 240, 271.

—, secretary of, 271.

—, at Calais, 166.

Burgundy severed from, 126.

the coast of, 40, 241, 401.

Council of, 7, 8, 66, 245.

Court of, 154, 250, 355.

and England, question of precedence between, 166–167.

English prisoners in, 37, 63, 88, 151, 311.

— trade with, 93.

fleet of, 67.

—, in the Indies, 396.

gold and silver from, 42, 394, 395.

High Country of, 272.

Infante of, 93, 167.

intercourse with Scotland, 267 (2).

money in, 396.

peace with England, 25, 60, 93, 95, 456 (2).

— England and Austria, 456.

— France, 456.

persons going to, 341, 434, 460.

persons leaving, 79, 136, 151.

preparations in, 337.

provisions sold in, 362 (2).

relations with England, 125.

— Scotland, 413 (3).

ships (barks, carvells, &c.) of, 10, 18, 25, 30, 36, 122, 151, 257, 272, 273.

— go to Ireland from, 89.

trade with, 248.

treasure sent to Ireland from, 402.

— to come to, 328.

“unlawful provisions” for, 349.

at war with France, 406–407.

Spaniards, 4, 6, 7, 8 (2), 10, 88, 89, 93, 109, 121, 143, 150, 151, 177, 195, 198 (2), 200–201, 445.

at battle of Nieuport. See Nieuport.

expected in Ireland, 260, 278.

to be expelled, 450.

persecutions and “tragic deeds” of, 450.

prepare for war to improve the conditions of peace, 321.

in Savoy, 406.

Spanish affairs, 355.

army, to land in Ireland, 122.

captains, 197.

commissions, 156.

garrison refused at Bruges, 187.

letters, 319, 429.

mines, 432.

money, 446.

negotiations, 166–167.

prisoners in London, 96.

soldiers, 243.

tongue, the, 272.

wool, 465.

Sparr, Erick, High Chancellor of Sweden.130.

Spencer, Sir John, 214, 242 (3).

Ri., letter from, 181.

William, 28.

Spicer, William, of St. Martin's in the Fields, 181.

Spike, Thomas, 216.

Spillman, John, jeweller, 356, 357, 385.

Spinay (Spina). See Spynie.

Spinola (Espinola) :

Frederick, 7, 8 (2).

Hortensio, letter from, 245.

imprisonment of, 245.

servant of, 245 (2).

Spotte, Laird of, 72.

Spring, Captain, 438.

Sir William, 28.

Springe, John, esq., letter from, 248.

—, heir of, 107.

Sprouston, co. Norfolk, 48.

Spynie (Spinay, Spina), Laird of, 61 (2), 72.

Squire, —, 36, 37 (5).

Stade (Stoade), 233, 465 (2).

Stafford, —, 120.

Edward, Lord, letter from, 241.

—, grandfather of, 241.

—, sister of, 241.

Sir Edward, letter from, 28.

Sir Francis, 53.

Lady, 9 (2), 13, 14, 80.

Stafford, Castle of, letter dated at, 241.

county of, feodary of. See Repyngton.

Staines, 50, 85.

Stallenge, William, 194 (3), 223, 370.

letters from, 70, 128, 200, 207, 221, 228, 327, 375, 418, 427, 431.

Stamford, 346.

Standen, Sir Anthony, letter from, 392.

Edmund, letters from, 50, 231.

—, lands of, 231.

Mr., 348.

Standly. See Stanley.

Standuppe. See Stanhope.

Stanforde, letter dated at, 123,

Stanhope, Dr., 5.

Edward, member of the Council of the North 325.

Sir John, 10, 13, 31, 66, 102, 110, 128, 169, 196, 256, 292, 318, 328 (2), 330, 344, 382, 436 (2).

—, letters from, 139, 256, 372.

—, — to, 46, 101, 132, 169, 223, 373.

—, brother of, 459.

Michael, 464 (2).

—, letter from, 43.

M., 70.

Stanley (Stanly, Standly), —, 37.

Edward, 246 (2).

—, letter from, 103.

—, brother of, 103.

—, father of, 103.

—, nephew of, 103.

—, niece of. See Derby, Countess Dowager of.

Margaret, Countess of Derby, 14, 305, 314, 394.

—, daughter of, 314.

—, Countess Dowager of Derby, 103.

Mr., Deputy Auditor of Lincolnshire, 11.

William. Earl of Derby, 305.

—, letters from, 17, 246.

—, wife of. See Derby, Countess of.

Sir William, 197, 206, 213 (3).

—, regiment of, 213.

—, nephew of, 198.

Stannaries, 159 (2).

Stannary Courts, the, 383, 406.

Stanniers, John, 402 (2).

Thomas, 402.

Stansfeilde, Edward, letter from, 387

—, imprisonment of, 387.

Stansfyld, Edmond, outlaw, 82.

Staper(r), Hewet, 216.

James, 215.

Master Richard, citizen of London, 315 (2).

—, letters from, 329, 415.

—, proctor of. See Frinlei.

Richard, 215 (2).

—, junr., 215.

Rowland, 215.

Thomas, 215.

Stapers, Mr., 3.

Star Chamber, the, 174, 178, 182, 190 (2), 208, 230, 383 (2), 437 (2).

letter dated at, 362.

Clerk of. See Milles.

Council in, 84.

Lords of, 362.

suits in, 127, 383, 391, 400, 435, 459.

Starch patent, the, 253.

sold without licence, 291.

Starford manor, 59.

parsonage, 59.

Starkey, Philip, 216.

State Papers, Domestic, references to, 263, 305, 315.

States General, the. See United Provinces.

Stationers, 239.

Master and Wardens of the, 142.

Statute concerning college leases, 80.

for maimed soldiers, 221.

concerning priests, 283–284.

prohibiting the use of guns, 417.

Statutes, Clerk of the. See Dobson.

clerkship of the, 91.

merchant, office of the, 90.

Steenbergen, 335.

Stewarts, the, 61.

plot of, against Marquis of Huntly, 72.

Stickells, Robert, letter from, 287.

Stileman, Jo., 408.

letters from, 307, 310, 322.

Stillingfleet, co. York, 14.

Stillingfleete, Cuthbert, messenger of the Queen's chamber, petition of, 423.

Stirling, 61, 72.

Stoad. See Stade.

Stockton, “my Tusculanum,” letter dated at, 203.

Stoker, Mathew, 215.

Stokes Bay, 6.

Stone, William. See Coxe.

Stone, 169.

Stoneham, Little, co. Suffolk, “The Pie” at, 167.

Stourton, Charles Lord, attainted, 85.

Frances, Lady, dau. of Sir Thos. Tresham, 335.

—, letter from, 335.

Lord, 85.

Straban(e), Ireland, 226, 227 (3).

Strachey, John, 214.

Strensall, prebend of, York, 86.

Stroll [? Zwolle], Flanders, 381 (3).

Strong, Dr., 19, 27.

Stronge, —, an Irish merchant, 196 (4).

Struggell, Clement, yeoman of Kent, heir of, 423.

Stuard, James, of “Glasco,” 255.

Stufild, —, a bone setter, 77.

Style, Percival, merchant of London, 65.

Subsidies, 395–396.

Sudeley, 306.

Suffolk, county of, 10, 35, 167.

justices of the peace of, letter from, 248.

Suliarde (Scilliard), Edward, 153.

letter from, 304.

Sullo, Lough. See Swilly.

Sumatra, the island of, 260.

Sumerby, co. Lincoln., letter dated at, 350.

Sunderland, 111.

Supremacy, Oath of, 144, 378.

Surley Boy.” See McSorley.

Surrey, county of, 113 (2), 144, 267, 406.

Susan, Mr., 351.

Sussex, county of, 35, 63, 113 (3), 267.

Sutton (Sutten), James, 19 (2), 138.

Thomas, 348, 424.

—, brother of, 424.

Swale, Dr., 5, 129.

Swansea, 351 (2).

Sweden, Duke Charles of, 171 (2), 175, 237 (2).

Sweden (Swethen), 130, 171, 276 (2).

Court of, 131.

—, letter dated at, 131.

Crown of, 130.

King's Council of, 130 (2).

Kings of, mines of, 398.

ships of, 130.

Swift, —, 280.

Swilly (Sullo), Lough, 226.

Swinarton, Swinerton, John, 269, 433, 434 (2).

letter from, 325.

Swiss Guards, 33.

Sydney (Sidney) :

Capt., 136 (2).

Sir Henry, 338.

Sir Robert, 177, 232, 300, 335.

—, letters from, 408, 430.

—, father of, 300.

Symms, Edward, letter from, 148.

Symon Zelotes, 166.

Symonds, Roger, 216.

Thomas, 215.

—, junr., 216

Symondes, Symon, 215.

Symons, Samuel, 216.