Index: G

Pages 491-493

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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Gage, William, 89 (2).

Gager, Thomas, 215.

Gale, John, 215.

Gall, Francis, letter from, 344.

Galleys, 205, 233, 247 (4), 260, 296.

of Sicily, 175.

Spanish, 151, 187, 327; and see Ships.

Galway (Galloway), 343, 351.

Gamadg(e), Mr., Treasurer of Mines, 217 (3).

Gamia, 465.

Gand. See Ghent.

Gardener, Sir Ro., letter from, 238

Gardner, Arthur, 216.

Gilbarte, goldsmith, 142.

Oliver, 217.

William, 214.

Garlickhithe (Garlycke Hive), London, 238.

Garraway (Garway), Francis, 214.

Henry, 214.

John, 214, 215.

Thomas, 215.

—, junr., 215.

Timothy, 215.

William, 214.

William, merchant of London, 214.

—, letters from, 329, 415.

Garstang, co. Lancaster, 311, 315.

vicar of, 311, 315 (2).

Gart, Richard, a priest, 341.

Gartsett, John, minister of Wigtoft, 441 (4).

Garway. See Garraway.

Gascoigne, Mr., 2.

Gascon, a, 33.

Gascony, 321.

Gaundt. See Ghent.

Gavebridge, letter dated at, 125.

Gawsworth (“Gauswd,” &c.), Macolesfield, 18.

letter dated at, 265.

Gay, Matthew, 214.

Gayton, co. Northampton, letter dated at, 391.

Gee, William, alderman of Hull, letters from, 125, 323.

Genebelli, Federico, letter from, 11.

Geneva, 22, 403–404.

letter dated at, 404.

suit against London, 100.

Genoa (Genova), 10, 296, 320, 362 (2), 400, 449.

letters dated at, 316, 339.

Genteville, Monsieur de, 118.

Gerald. See Fitzgerald.

Gerald Oge, 465.

Gerard (Gerarde, Gerrard, Gerrald, Gerrett) :

Cuthbert, 89.

Sir Thomas, 89, 271.

—, letters from, 116, 118, 141, 271, 278.

William, 281.

Germans (troops), 201, 213.

Germany, 3, 51, 290, 291, 389, 414, 449.

gold sent from, 441.

list of gentlemen of, 230.

Princes of, 179, 200.

Gerponville, Monsieur de, 119.

Gervys. See Jervis.

Ghent (Gaundt, Gand), 247.

letter dated at, 195.

Gibraltar, Straits of, 334 (2), 400 (3), 424.

Gibson, John, 14.

Gifford (Gyfford) :

Nicholas, 35.

—, Joan his wife, 35.

Richard, 399.

—, letters from, 77, 399.

Richard, of Chichester, 35, 63.

—, examination of, 35–37, 88.

Gilbert (Gylbert) :

John, letter from, 248.

Sir John, 124, 282 (2).

Robert, of Weymouth, examination of, 258.

Gill (Gyll), Mr., 9, 17, 143.

Gillingham, co. Dorset, manor of, 85.

Gilliot, Henry, 353.

Gilpin(e), George, English Resident at the Hague, 325.

proposition of, answered by the States General, 325–326.

Mr., 63 (3), 133 (2), 187, 291 (2).

Girlington, Mr., of Hackford, 280.

Giustiniano, Giovanni Battista, 3, 315–316.

Glasco. See Glasgow.

Glascocke, Andrew, 216.

Charles, 216.

Glasgow (Glasco), 69, 255 (2), 302.

letter dated at, 302.

Bishop of, 364.

Glemham (Glemam), Sir Henry, 295, 305, 406.

letters from, 295, 317, 319.

suit of, to the Queen, 319, 406 (2).

wife of, 406.

Gloucester, city of, 327.

assizes at, 286.

gaol, 173.

Gloucester, county of, 403.

Glover, Walter, 215.

Glynne, the, inheritance of, 353.

Goade, Dr. Roger, 55, 209–211.

letter from, 54.

Godard, —, of Hampton, 196.

Goddard, —, suit of, against John Lyster, 366.

Godolphin, Sir Franois, letter from, 196.

Sir William, 393.

Godolphin, co. Cornwall, letter dated at, 196.

Godstone, co. Surrey, 113 (2).

Golde, Edward, letter from, 14.

Goldsmythe, William, 348.

Gomvale Winter [co. Cornwall], 422.

Gondi (Gondy), M. de, 22, 196–7.

Goodman, Dr. Gabriel, dean of Westminster, 368, 430.

—, letters from, 99, 174, 246, 367.

—, kinsman of. See Theloall.

William, 215.

Goodwin, Francis, 28.

letter from, 324.

Goodwyn, Christopher, messenger of the Court of Wards, 409.

Goodyear, W., letter from, 14.

Go(o)ld, James, 338 (2).

Gore, Capt., 43.

Gorges, Ambrosia, inheritance of, 82.

Sir Arthur, 82, 387 (2), 388.

—, letters from, 8, 73, 110 312, 332, 386.

—, daughter of, 110.

—, sickness of, 110.

—, wife of (dau. of Earl of Lincoln), 313 (3), 387 (3).

—, — and children of, 332 (4).

Edward, letter from, 308.

Sir Edward, 82.

Sir Ferdinando, 82, 109, 189, 229.

—, letters from, 108, 110, 143, 229, 256, 368.

—, — to, 109.

—, poor estate of, 368.

—, wife of, 368.

Mr., 56.

Sir Thomas, letter from, 82.

Tibbol, 82.

Sir William, 82.

Gosnald, Mr., 318 (2).

his “learning in law,” 319.

Gosnell, James, petition of, 131.

Goulde, Robert, 215.

Goulton, John, of Yorkshire, 406.

Gourney, John, 216.

William, 216.

Gower, Earl of, 110.

Gowry (Gowrie), Earl of, 133, 365.

brother of, 356.

death of, 356.

forfeiture of, 388.

sisters of, 389.

Grafton, 182.

Grant, John le, merchant, 384.

Grantchester (Granciter), co. Cambridge, 147.

Grave, Robert, letter from, 120.

sister-in-law of, 120.

Graveling, letter dated at, 40.

Graves, John, alderman of Hull, letters from, 125, 323.

Robert, late bishop of Fernes and Leighlin, 465.

Gravesend, 38, 112, 242 (2).

letters dated at, 112, 242, 278.

searcher of, 179 (2).

Gray, —, the Earl of Tyrone's priest, 385.

Mr. Andrew, a lawyer, 127.

Edward, 369.

John, of Glasgow, 302.

the Master of, 363, 364, 368, 369 (2), 420 (2).

—, letters from, 221, 355, 388, 412.

—, cousins of, 221.

—, father of, 388 (2).

—, son of, 388.

—, threatened with hanging, 72.

—, uncle of, 389.

—, wife of, 364, 388 (2).

Ralph, 390.

—, letter from, 368.

—, brother of, 369; and see Grey.

Grayce (Grays), co. Oxford, 307.

Greeks, the, 462.

Greenlowe (Grenelowe), Robert, 335 (2).

examination of, 336.

Greenwich (Grenevich, &c.), 240, 271.

letters dated at, 158, 175, 199, 416.

the Court at (“Aula Regia”), 122.

—, letters dated at, 143, 192, 207, 212, 220, 236.

Grenoble, 321.

Gretnoe Church,” 75.

Grevill(e), (Grevel), Mr. Fowk, 342, 370.

Sir Fulk, 10.

Grevyle, Edward, letter from, 107.

Grey, Lord, 14, 146.

Grey (of Wilton) :

Arthur, Lord, Lord Deputy of Ire land, 441.

Thomas Lord, 139, 247, 291.

—, letters from, 34, 165, 178, 186, 197, 235, 263, 273, 333.

—, wounded at battle of Nieuport, 182, 193, 199.

Griffen, Lewis, a priest, 341 (2).

Griffin, Rice, 386 (2).

Griffith, Griffeth :

—, wardship of, 256.

John, 349 (2).

John, of Lambeth, 144.

Robert, 229.

—, examination of, 144.

—, mother of, 144.

Grinstead, East, co. Sussex, 113 (3), 116, 118.

constables at, 113.

Groningen (Groeninges), 326 (2).

Groyne, the (“Grin”), 36, 145, 151 (4), 207, 258, 272, 349.

letter dated at, 16.

governor of, 151.

Guernsey, Isle of, 281.

letters dated at, 10, 424.

castle of, 281 (3).

governor of, 281 (2).

Guevara, Guevaro, Henry, 60, 189.

Guicciardino, —, 320.

Guienne, 321.

Guildford, Sir Henry, 107.

Guise, Duke of, 197.

Gunpowder and saltpetre, grant for making, 312.

Gunter, Water, 27 (3).

Gurdon, John, letter from, 248.

Gustavus Adolphus, Prince, 130.

Guye, —, “the graver,” 274.

Gyfford. See Gifford.

Gylbert. See Gilbert.

Gyll. See Gill.