Cecil Papers: December 1600, 26-31

Pages 429-468

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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December 1600, 26–31

Rafe Hardinge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 26. Upon information made against him, Cecil committed him to the Gatehouse, where he has remained since Oct. 10. Protests his innocence of any disloyalty to his Prince or country, “my conscience in religion only excepted.” Prays for liberty upon bond till trial, on account of great suits to follow, and infirmity of body.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“26 Dec, 1600.” 1 p. (82. 83.)
Thomas Phelippes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 26. I hear little from the other side, because I have not to entertain it thoroughly. But if anything come, I am bold in signification of my devotion to do you service to send it you as it is; and therefore direct the enclosed unto the same. It seems there should be others sent, but they have miscarried.—26 Dec, 1660.
Holograph. ½ p. (82. 84.)
Brother Matthew de Caria to [? the Earl of Tyrone].
1600, Dec. 26/1601, Jan. 5. Hearing that his Majesty was about to despatch this messenger to your Lordship in order to learn what was going on there, I, as your servant, thought proper to advise you that I was here doing everything I could to induce them to send you some soldiers, and every day they say “Yes, they will send them”; but I think it will not happen, for if they had any men, they would rather send them to Flanders than to Ireland, and so I tell them. If they do not give me any men, I will do my best to find them, and it is probable that in May or before they will send you a little money. Send off this messenger, and in the letters you have to send, say that if they don't send you soldiers you will leave off the war and make peace with England. Don Henrique, your son, is in good health at Salamanca.—Coruña, 5 Jan., 1601.
Copy. Spanish. 1 p. (84. 31.)
Another version in rather worse Spanish. (84. 32.)
[Willam Morgan,] Bishop of Llandaff, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 27. Having from my very good friend, Mr. Dean of Westminster, assurance of your honorable inclination to favour me, I hope to inherit in yourself the favour that my good Lord your father bare unto me, praying you to take in token of my faithful good will this small New Year's gift, being cousin german to the widow's two mites.—At Matharne, this 27th of December, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (181. 46.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 28. According to your order I send you the reasons of my suit unto her Majesty concerning the title of Lord Lisle, agreeable unto that which I gave to my Lord Admiral at what time he moved her Majesty for me. I trust your Honour will find that I proceed without envy or wrong of any man, and that my suit in respect of myself is not proud or immodest. But I do not more stand upon the reasons, my pretence, than I do upon your allowing and maintaining of them, which makes me the bolder to present this writing unto you; not that I think this a time to have anything done in it, but that your Honour may be both yourself satisfied, and when it shall please you to speak of it, to be aforehand informed of the reasons of my proceedings. I pray God to continue you in power to be able to do good to such as you wish well unto.—At Baynards Castle, the 28 of Dec, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (181. 47.)
Geo. Robinson.
1600, Dec. 28. Petition to Sir Robert Cecil. Prays for the concealed wardships of William Bendye, Humfrey Nicholas, and Thomas Devey, in the county of Salop.
Note by Cecil : “Let a warrant be made for a commission.”
Endorsed :—“28 Dec, 1600.” (P. 62.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 29. I most humbly thank you for your willingness touching the suit of Van Zenden for the transport of the Moores, at my request. And because I did perceive by my son that you thought it not meet to have those kind taken from their masters compulsorily, I will forbear to urge you therein; but, for expedition's sake, I beseech that the letter which Van Zenden formerly had may be renewed to some stronger purpose than before; for which purpose I am bold to send you enclosed how far it is desired to stretch. This matter being by your favour committed to Mr. Secretary Harbert 10 days past, lies yet as it did, in respect that Mr. Ceaser his servant has lost, as is said, the note of her Majesty's pleasure therein.—29 Dec, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (82. 85.)
Thomas Phelippes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 29. I send you the enclosed, which were thought to be miscarried, and as I said in my last, though I find no use to be made of my endeavours, I will continue giving such testimony of my devotion to your service as I can.—29 Dec, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (82. 86.)
Dr. Du Port to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 29. Be pleased to accept a poor scholar's mite, and his prayer that this present and many another new year may be to your Honour a year of Jubilee. As for your late letters, my very soul can allege no probable exception against the particularities thereof in excuse of so great presumption on my part. My only desire was to consecrate myself to the observance of your designs in all things.—From Jesus College in Cambridge, 29o Decembr., 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (181. 48.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 31. Since my last of the 21st inst., there has not come to my knowledge any other matter to advertise, but that the Dunkerk's men-of-war remain still about the Lizard, where of late they have taken divers ships and barks, taking out of them their principal men, and suffering the rest to depart. Here are certain ships with victuals, which were laden in the North country by Mr. Jolles to go for Ireland, but dare not proceed any further until they may have some waftidge.
I understand Mr. Carew of Anthonie has received order from your Honour and the Council to certify the price of wheat in these parts, and whether there may be 1,200 quarters thereof provided and delivered into storehouses here, and at Fowye, after the rate of 6d. the gallon; the which in my opinion may be done in some reasonable time, so as there be discretion used therein, and present order given for it; and may be better performed by one private man than by the justices in the name of her Majesty's service.
I have, under Mr. Dorell, the victualling of her Majesty's ships in these Western parts; and if your Honours commit this other service unto me also, I hope so to discharge my duty therein as there shall be no cause of complaint.—Plymouth, last of Dec, 1600.
Holograph 1 p. (82. 91.)
Ccl. to —.
1600, Dec. 31. I am not assured, Right Honourable, whether my last letters came to your hands or no, which were departed the 10th of December, from Dorlans, wherein I wrote of the preparations they make on the galleys, and now am assured that there are fresh men put into them with pretence of the service to the Isle of Wight. We have made a small entrance to the Spanish mines, and yesterday Father Baldwyn was sent to us by the Duke, and met us at Arras, demanded service of us, which we accept. We are to expect the Duke's safe conduct within ten days by Father Baldwin's faithful promise for the marriage with Randalph's daughter, which being effected, I shall neither want means for Sluys nor Dunkirk, to effect which matter I beseech your Honour's hands to be open that I may thereby have better means to effect your Honour's service, in which my endeavour shall never want. I have by my last letter given your Honour to understand the occasion of my long course. I wrote to your Honour in my last letter desiring to have 50 crowns sent me by Christmas. I beseech you that I may have order to Freeman to make it where I shall give him order by exchange. The whole course of our business, George Kendall hath written to Mr. Secretary. If your Honour please to command me, Freeman shall know how your letters shall come to me. Thus craving your pardon, from Dorleans. Ccl., last of December.
In hand of Cecil's Secretary. Probably a decipher. Endorsed :—“Minute, 1600.” 1 p. (181. 49.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. 31. I have now taken out the copy and sent you the original again, and although I have roughly gathered it together, and haply have omitted more forcible arguments than I have set down, yet I know you will so remember and compose them as they may give better satisfaction. I am advertised out of Norfolk from a gentleman of very good sort, and one that wisheth well to the peace of that country, that if it be not foreseen, it is much doubted that some outrage will fall out now at the next quarter sessions at Norwich, which will be on Tuesday next come seven night, between Sir Robert Mansell and Sir John Haydon, to the hazard of one or both their lives, besides the breach it hath made and will make in the whole country, which, as it is feared, is already too much wrought into faction by them. I moved they both might have been sent for, and that order might have been taken between them, but other occasion hath put it off, and if it had not been before the Board, I would then have taken some order in it myself. Sir Robert Mansell was here but passed away again. If it be not prevented, haply it will hardly be stayed when it were to be wished. For the content of the servitors in Ireland, if reason will content them, it may be yielded unto them, for as much as they shall justly save of their own entertainment, which to all I think will not be above seven thousand pounds yearly. And for the merchants, if the English can trade with commodity unto themselves, I doubt not but the Irish merchant will find it out well enow, and so keep this trade on foot.—At Serjeants' Inn, the last of December, 1600.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. (181. 50.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. I received your letter concerning her Majesty's pleasure in two things, even as my Lord Chief Justice, Mr. Treasurer and myself were entering into our consultation touching that great cause of Ireland; wherein having spent 3 hours and more, and they departed, I have thought it fit by these few to give answer now to those points of your letter. It is true that upon Mr. Ferdinando's message from her Majesty that I should not suffer any chopping or changing of waiters' rooms, and specially of one Haines, until her Majesty did speak with me therein herself, I thought not good to deliver my answer thereunto to Mr. Ferdinando, and therefore told him I would therein answer her Majesty myself; as I doubt not but when I so do, her Majesty will say I had reason to forbear to tell it Ferdinando. But where her Majesty seems to conceive that in the meanwhile I will dispose of them, and then speak with her, I am right sorry that ever her Majesty should have any such thought of me, who would not so deal with her Majesty, I protest before God, not to gain 20,000l.
Touching the second matter, namely, that I do stay a thing about prisage of wine at Swinerton's request, wherein I prejudice her Majesty, herein also Laur. Smith most lewdly has misinformed her Majesty; for a question rising betwixt Smith and certain merchants whether prisage wine be due to her Majesty or not, and Smith informing me that, according to the opinion of Mr. Attorney and Mr. Solicitor, the same is due unto her Majesty, I did thereupon advise him to make seizure of them to her Majesty's use. But he informing me that, notwithstanding any such seizure, yet the merchants insist upon their title to the said wines, and that her Majesty ought to have no prisage, and there fore will not yield to deliver up their wines till they may have a trial by law whether the wines pertain to her Majesty or not, I then advised him to cause an information to be put in against them, whereby a speedy and short trial should be made, and if it fell out for her Majesty, then should her Highness recover the uttermost value of the wines, and damages to the uttermost beside. This course not liking Smith, he came to me again, and would have had me to make a warrant for a commission, under the great seal of England, to take these wines forcibly out of their possession before trial of the right be made against them. I told him that, as far as I conceived of the matter, it was mere injustice, and therefore for no respect I would do it, but nevertheless wished him to go to Mr. Attorney, and if he would say it were fit for her Majesty to grant any such commission, I would make a warrant accordingly. I told him withal that Swinerton had been with me complaining against him, that by this gain upon the prisage, which might perhaps bring some 40l. or 50l. to her Majesty, her Highness should lose in her impost 2,000l. and therefore on her Majesty's behalf he prayed me to be well advised how Smith were suffered to raise this profit of prisage to her Majesty. All this speech passed betwixt Smith and me, and I concluded withal that this device of his for prisage in London would advantage me in my office in the other ports of England I did think 200l. at the least; so as in this point I made stay for her Majesty till it have a judicial trial—I protest to God wholly against myself, because I saw it might be hurtful to her Majesty in a greater measure; and that which most moved me, mere wrong and injustice offered to the subject, as far as I conceived it, till I might be better informed by Mr. Attorney. After all this, I thinking that Smith would have gone to Mr. Attorney, he runs to her Majesty with this lewd information that I stay a thing about prisage at Swinerton's request, to the prejudice of her Majesty. How I am misused by this bad fellow you may see, and I have too long borne with him, and therefore I will from henceforth take another course with him. To-morrow, we are to hear the great cause of my Lady Warwick, so as I cannot till Sunday wait upon her Majesty.—Dec, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Treasurer.” 3 pp. (82. 88.)
Rafe Hardinge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. To the same effect as letter of Dec. 26. Prays for trial, or liberty of the house.
Undated. Endorsed :—“Dec, 1600.” Holograph. 1 p. (82. 90.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Dec. I received yesternight this letter enclosed from my son. Thorpe mentioned in my son's letters is the party directed for Spain.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Dec 1600. Lieutenant of the Tower to my master.” Seal. ¼ p. (181. 51)
William Myll, Clerk of the Council.
1600, Dec. Signet bill for the dismissal of the causes pending against Myll in the Starchamber, and for an examination into the office and its emoluments by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Keeper Egerton, Lord Treasurer Buckhurst, Sir Robert Cecil, and Sir John Fortescue, the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Fair copy. Unsigned. Endorsed :—“William Mill, 1600.” l p. (181. 52.)
Draft of the preceding, with corrections in Cecil's hand.
Endorsed by him :—“Corrected by the Lord Treasurer and so this other drawn accordingly for her Majesty to sign.” 1 p. (181. 53.)
Robert and Thomas Hatton, younger brothers to Christopher Hatton, the Queen's ward, to Sir E. Cecil.
1600, Dec. Lord Chancellor Hatton granted an annuity to petitioners' mother, which has been applied for their maintenance at Cambridge University, but the Attorney General now withholds the payment. Pray him to be a means that they may receive it.
Endorsed :—“Dec, 1600.”
Note by Edward Coke, complaining of the indirect and sinister courses taken against him in the matter, and asking that at his next attendance he may satisfy Cecil of his honest dealing therein. 1 p. (664.)
Queen Elizabeth to Henry IV.
1600, Dec. Nous n'avons pas voulu retenir icy plus long temps ce gentilhomme, afin que son absence n'ameine du default en ce que seroit du debvoir de sa charge, et pour tant plus estroictement entretenir le lien de nostre amitié comme il a commencé et s'y est fidelement comporté. Et comme nous desirons qu'il ne s'agisse entre nous que de l'augmenter et accroistre par tous moiens en toutes occasions; c'est a nostre grand regret que nous sommes contraincts de nous plaindre a bon escient du peu d'esgard que nous ressentons nous estre porté par les delais et refus qui ont este faicte de nous accommoder en l'urgence de nos affaires de ce dont nous vous avions assisté en vostre plus grand besoing; dont le default oultre la mecognoissance augmente encore comme vous pouvez penser le desplaisir. Et si ces vives raisons en une telle exigence n'ont point de pouvoir pour moienner seulement la restitution du sien, puis que rien ne se peult requerir de plus raisonnable; bien loing de recevoir semblable courtoisie; quels autres effects d'amitié s'en peult on promettre sinon un trop grand et evident mespris. Et quant a ce que Ton nous veult payer d'excuses que vos necessites qui vous accablent toujours ne vous permettent point de nous donner la satisfaction que nous desirons, vous vous souviendrez s'il vous plaist que nous ne nous sommes point defendus de telles excuses contre vostre besoing; au contraire, que nous nous sommes esvertzez contre la necessité qui nous pressoit fort deslors a vous donner contentement; et encores que ceste incommodite vous travaille aucunement; si est ce que veu l'estat auquel sont maintenant nos affaires, il est plus que raisonnable que la necessité des proprietaires soit la premiere servie de ce qui les peuet soulager et leur appartient. Et pourtant puisque vous scavez maintenant les raisons de l'equité de ceste nostre instance, nous vous prions bien affectueuse ment que sans nous user de plus de remises, lesquelles pourroient naistre infinies, selon que chacun se passionne et roidit sur ses interests, nous vueilliez resouldre de ce qu' avez volonté de faire, a ce que nous puissions la dessus asseoir jugement et fondement de ce que nous aurons a attendre, et nous resoudre de mesmes en nos affaires. Mais veu que nous ne vous pressons pas sur une urgence feinte, nous vous prions de vous disposer a nous donner meilleur contentement, et faire que nous soyons dressez de quelque somme sur l'estat de ceste prochaine anneé, et ainsi consecutivement de suivantes, selon que nous avons donné charge a ce gentilhomme de vous en solliciter de nostre part.
It vous rendra compte aussy du soing que nous avons apporté a faire rendre justice a vos subjects, tant pour l'acquit de nostre honneur que pour vous donner contentement; et vous dira les raisons et difficultez qui nous ont empesché en quelques causes d'effectuer ce que nous eussions desire, vous prians de croire qu'il n'a pas tenu a nous qu'ilz n'ayent receu la satisfaction qu'il appartient; mais il est malaise en l'estat ou sont nos affaires de reparer tous les maux et inconveniens qu'a peu causer la liberté de la guerre; ce que ne doibt pas pourtant faire taxer nostre justice, comme vous mesmes vous pouvez souvenir nous avoir remonstrer pour vos defences en pareille occasion. Nostre diet Ambassadeur vous representera aussy les plaintes de plusieurs des nostres, auquels nous vous prions de donner ordre qu'il sort faict prompte justice.—A nostre palais de Westmenstre, ce — decembre, 1600.
Copy. 2½ pp. (134. 7.)
Thomas Windebank to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] This afternoon the Queen sent for me to bring to her certain letters which you told her yesterday that you would leave with Sir John Stanhope or with me, to be read to her; whereof I send you speedy word. Sir John thinketh they should be letters of matter concerning the north.
I have this morning dispatched with her Majesty the instructions for Sir Richard Lee his commission, and the letter to the King of Russia; the warrant for the reparations for the ships and docks, the purchases and the letter for my Lord Cromwell. I would not press her Majesty with more, referring them to another time, although I attempted the signing of the bill for Mr. Hackluit, recommended by my Lord Admiral and yourself, but had the repulse, with answer that she would not grant any prebend in Westminster till they fell void. Please cause Mr. Cherry to come hither for that despatch, for that it must be indorsed with the same hand as that within, and, to send it by any messenger, it might be soiled.
Holograph. Undated. Seal. 2/3 p. (83. 48.)
Richard Boyle. (fn. 1)
[1600.] (1) “The true state of the proceedings holden by Sir Henry Wallop, knight, and others against Richard Boyle.”
First, some four of the Privy Council in Ireland having appointed me as their agent to solicit certain business for her Majesty's advantage here at the Court in England, who had delivered me a packet of letters to this State, with a warrant under the privy signet for post horses; but even as I was ready to depart, a warrant was directed to search my chamber, colourably pretending some records to be there, under which pretence, although no records were found, all my writings and private papers were taken from me, sealed up into a trunk and carried into the Council Chamber, and myself committed close prisoner to Dublin Castle, where nobody but my keeper with my meat had access to me for two months, during which time commissions were directed into all parts of the kingdom, unto such as were my enemies, to sift and search out my whole course of life; liberal offers were made to some men to accuse me; my trunk, containing all my writings, was committed to one Patrick Crosbie, an Irishman, and my deadly enemy, who is advertised now to be in actual rebellion, to peruse and collect all matters that might prejudice me. I was then brought before the “Queen's learned Councle” and strictly examined upon personal interrogatories. Having had the perusal of my writings (the greatest part yet detained) and stayed my voyage hither, the two things aimed at, upon the Queen's Council's report, I was with great suit enlarged, upon recognizance of 500 marks, with sureties not to depart from the city of Dublin above two miles without licence.
The term following, I sued to know my accusers and the cause of my committal, yet all that term nothing was done against me. But the term following, to colour the practice, there was a slanderous bill preferred in the Star Chamber against me, for answering whereof I could have no learned counsel; nevertheless I did put in an answer thereunto, and desired I might come to a speedy hearing, etc., but I was kept a whole year after in Dublin, no course of further proceeding continued against me, although I incessantly importuned the same.
Then, when in the Star-Chamber I could not be touched, one Henry Dean was protected and sent into England to prefer those complaints against me, and in the meantime I was held by bonds within Dublin, Dean returning with letters authorising the Lords Deputy and Council to examine the articles preferred against me, and finding no good matter to charge me withal, never delivered his letters but cancelled them; which afterwards Sir Henry Wallop understanding, Dean was laboured to bring the pieces of those letters, accusing me with tearing them, which Dean effected. Whereupon Sir Henry encouraged one John Rawson, a clamorous fellow, to come into England and to renew Dean's accusations against me, and to accuse me with tearing the letters, which complaints Sir Henry confirmed by writing, and directed particular letters to the late Lord Treasurer and others to further Rawson's suits, whereupon a commission was directed to the Lord Deputy, Sir Henry Wallop and others, or to any three of them, Sir Henry only to be of the quorum, to examine the cancelling of those letters and punish the offenders, etc. Upon receipt of which, Sir Henry, with Sir Anthony Sentleger and others of the Commissioners, without the presence of the Lord Deputy, sent a pursuivant suddenly for me and one Capt. Spring, whom Dean alleged was present and would testify my cancelling those letters, to appear forthwith in the Council Chamber, where Capt. Spring, in Dean's presence, directly deposed that he saw Dean rent those letters, and that I never touched them. After wards, I being called in and examined, made good the same, and produced a letter written six months before by Dean, in which he acknowledged the same, and which he confessed to be in his own handwriting. And so I was, as I thought, acquitted; yet, within a few days after, I was sent for to Sir Henry Wallop and committed to the Castle for concealing Dean's offence, where I remained 7 weeks, and Dean that was the offender, not once touched or reproved. Afterwards, being enlarged upon bonds to appear the term following, before the term came, I being some 140 miles from Dublin, was sent for by warrant to repair presently to the State to answer matters against me, which I obeyed, and having shewed myself at the Council table every day for a week together, and nothing said against me, one evening Sir Henry sent for me in the Lord Deputy's absence, and committed me suddenly to the Marshalsea, for that I had not entered my appearance in the Council book, although the warrant enjoined me to no such matter.
Then I was enlarged on like new bonds, and Rawson sent again into England to renew his complaint, who in the Lord Burgh's government brought over a like commission, whereby the said Lord Deputy was a Commissioner, but Sir Henry again only of the quorum, and the better to avoid the public note of his own absolute injurious dealing against me, which was common in every man's mouth, he secretly caused me to be committed by the Lord Deputy's warrant before I might be called before him. Afterwards collection was made of all my debts, and my creditors were so cunningly dealt with as, half against many of their wills, all those were heaped upon me, which I made means to discharge, hoping so to have recovered my liberty. Then Sir Henry finding the articles against me untrue, let them sleep, and sought my life by accusing me of felony in “conceipt,” supposed to be done some 9 years ago when I was about the age of 15 years, and to effect that, some depositions under his own hand only, and taken by himself of suborned witnesses, were secretly given in evidence, the persons themselves dwelling in Dublin where the jury appeared, I being in prison and ignorant hereof. But for that I was bailable by law, and my coming into England to com plain was suspected, Sir Henry procured the L. Burgh, who was ignorant of the other's ends, to direct a warrant under his hand alone to the Marshal commanding him to detain me prisoner till he should receive directions from his lordship and the other com missioners for my enlargement. But my friends perceiving that he thirsted for my life, my mother-in-law came to Dublin, resolved to come speedily into England, to make my wrong known to her Majesty. Whereupon, without any suit of mine, Sir Henry set his hand to a pardon for me, still detaining me in prison under colour of Lord Burgh's warrant, who was dead. During my troubles that have continued above 4 years, I have been a most importunate suitor at the Council table to be brought to trial.—Undated.
3 closely written pp. (24. 74.)
(2) The objections against Richard Boyle, and his answers. The objections are that he ran out of England for razing of records, into Ireland, and there, by counterfeiting of records, forgeries and perjuries, he “got well.” He has thrust many a man out of his living, being the beginner of the rebellion in Connaught. Being prosecuted for wrongs done to one Dean, who had her Majesty's letters for examination of the wrongs, he compounded with Dean for 50l, and they together cancelled the letters. That there are several indictments for felony against him.
In answer, he states that he went with Sir Edward Waterhouse into Ireland, who procured him certain offices. Was never before charged with razing records. Complains of illegal courses taken against him, of detention in prison, and of Sir Henry Wallop's treatment of him. To disprove the allegation as to Connaught, states that when the books and complaints of the people of Connaught, discovering their pretended wrongs, sup posed to be done by Sir Richard Bingham and the English officers and inhabitants of Connaught, were proffered to the State, wherein they omitted few or none of the English, but some wrong or other was suggested against them, in all those complaints he was not once touched or named. Never com pounded with Dean, and Sir Anthony St. Leger can testify how he was wronged in that matter. Gives the particulars of the charges of felony, for which he was pardoned by Sir Henry Wallop, for fear complaint thereof should be made to her Majesty.—Undated. 2 pp. (82. 105.)
Sir W. R[alegh] to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] I am not wise enough to give you advice, but if you take it for a good counsel to relent towards this tyrant, you will repent it when it shall be too late. His malice is fixed, and will not evaporate by any your mild courses, for he will ascribe the alteration to her Majesty's pusillanimity and not to your good nature, knowing that you work but upon her humour, and not out of any love towards him. The less you make him, the less he shall be able to harm you and yours, and if her Majesty's favour fail him, he will again decline to a common person. For after revenges, fear them not; for your own father that was esteemed to be the contriver of Norfolk's ruin, yet his son followeth your father's son and loveth him. Humours of men succeed not, but grow by occasions and accidents of time and power. Somerset made no revenge on the Duke of Northumberland's heirs. Northumberland that now is thinks not of Hatton's issue. Kelleway lives that murdered the brother of Horsey, and Horsey let him go by all his lifetime. I could name you a thousand of those, and therefore after fears are but prophecies, or rather conjectures, from causes remote. Look to the present and you do wisely. His son shall be the youngest Earl of England but one, and if his father be now kept down, Will Cecill shall be able to keep as many men at his heels as he, and more too. He may also match in a better house than his, and so that fear is not worth the fearing. But if the father continue, he will be able to break the branches and pull up the tree, root and all. Lose not your advantage. If you do, I read your destiny.—Yours to the end, W.E.
[P.S.]—Let the Queen hold Bothwell while she hath him. He will ever be the canker of her estate and safety. Princes are lost by security and preserved by prevention. I have seen the last of her good days and all ours after his liberty.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed in the hand of Levinus Munch :—“Sir Walter Ralegh.” 1 p. [Printed in Edwards' Life of Ralegh, Vol. II., p. 222, and there attributed to some date between February and August, 1600.] (90. 150.)
The Vidame de Chartres to the Earl of Essex.
[? 1600.] I have been plunged in sorrow by my father's death. You, I know, will not have forgotten to regret Mons. de Beauvoir, whose place in your good graces, I, his son, particularly desire to inherit. The assaults which fortune is making upon you are but exercises for your bel esprit, and your virtue will dissipate the designs of your enemies. Your past services and those you can yet render will always cause you to be honoured by the Queen. Honoured brother, give me some glimpse into your affairs. Though perhaps an unprofitable, I shall ever be a loving servant. The English gentleman Pakenam, whom my late father and I have bred up, is now returning with more knowledge of French than of English. He has qualities, and I beseech you, if occasion offers for his advancement, to aid him with your favour. Permit me most humbly to kiss the hand of Madame la Comtesse.
Holograph. French. Undated. Seal. 3 pp. (67. 24.)
Thomas Chester to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] I have spent many years in foreign countries to be the better able to do my prince and country service, coming over with Cassimere, then shortly after Lord Grey was sent Lord Deputy into Ireland, at which time I was there employed, and staying after his coming away, had command both of foot and horse, and was constable of Castlemaine, high sheriff of Desmond and Kerry, Clanmorris, Beere and Baintree; and then being com manded from thence by my lord of Leicester, was employed into the Low Countries with charge of 150 footmen pressed out of Essex, and immediately after my arrival, was employed to be scout-master-general for 3,000 horse and riding marshal. And since, in many other fortunes both in Prance and elsewhere, now last in Ireland with my Lord Burroughs with charge of 100 foot men and governor of Ardee. For which service there resteth due unpaid to me 254l. 15s. 1d. Many of those captains employed in the same time have been paid to the last penny. My suit is that I may have payment out of the rebels' goods or lands.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600.” ½ p. (83. 1.)
Richard Addonett to Sir Robert Cecil and Lord Burghley, President of the Council of the North.
[1600.] He accused John Gartsett, minister of Wigtoft, Lincolnshire, of invocation, and was bound over to give evidence against him at Boston quarter sessions. There he was hindered in his proceedings by Sir Edward Dimocke and Thomas Lambert, Esq. Part of Gartsett's speeches against the Queen he revealed to Lambert and to Leonard Bawtree, who committed him to the sheriff's ward till he could make proof of his accusation. They accepted bail the next day for his appearance at Lincoln Castle at the next gaol delivery. As the above named, and others of Gartsett's friends, will overrule and hardly entreat him in favour of Gartsett, he appeals to Cecil and Burghley.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (82. 92.)
Thomas Bellott to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] Of the unkindly brawls which have happened “amongst us.” Through the bad demeanour of “that woman,” who then served my Lady, it is supposed by his ill-willers, and his uncle, that he has reported nothing but untruths to Cecil and others. Protests that what he did was but upon a dutiful care of my Lady's misery at that time. Having such a heavy censure of his doings has made him go away from my Lady. Asks Cecil's favourable construction on his calamities. Means to try his fortune in another course, and endeavour to do his country some service.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (82. 104.)
Marquis of Brandenburg.
[1600.] 1,000l. in gold was sent over three years ago out of Germany by Thomas Southwell, to Thomas Southwell of Moreton, Norfolk, and Thomas Awdeley of Berechurch, Essex, to be employed in apparel and ornaments for the then Marquis' wife of Brandenburg and her daughters, after the English fashion. The apparel was provided, and remains in the custody of the above persons unsent, for want of direction, as they pretend, from that Southwell, who is imprisoned by the now Marquis of Brandenburg for that matter among others. There is one now going to that Southwell, with the privity of the Lord Treasurer, for satisfaction in some points concerning certain lands he had when he was in England; and it would be a great furtherance if satisfaction might be given to the Marquis touching the above apparel, &c. It is therefore prayed that the same may be called for from the above persons, to remain till the Marquis' desire be known. If Mr. Secretary would write to the Marquis to that effect, “we” conceive it would be well taken, and would facilitate our proceedings greatly with that Southwell that is there.
In the hand of Thomas Phelippes. Undated. Endorsed :—1600. 1 p. See letter of 29 Dec. supra. (82. 106.)
Richard Connock to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] I have sent you here inclosed two several writings, the one of lead concerning her Majesty (howbeit I refer to you to dispose of it as you think good); the other, being for silks and other things, may concern yourself.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1660.” Seal broken. ½ p. (83. 3.)
Captain Robert Ellyott to —.
[1600.] I acknowledge that I have transgressed her Majesty's laws and thereby incurred her heavy displeasure. My desire hath been and is by submission and penitent acknowledgment of my former offences to mitigate her Highness's wrath, and withal to employ the rest of my days in her service.
I find no service that can be more grateful to her Majesty than a means to deliver her realm of Ireland from the tyranny of that rebellion wherewith these many years it hath been miserably oppressed, nor no means more expedient for that purpose than by taking away the lives of the head rebels Tyrone and O'Donell. In this service I desire to be employed.
At such time as I lived in Spain, it was my hap to have some inward acquaintance with the bishop of Clonfert, and one Edmond Brimmecam who negotiated Tyrone's affairs with that King; by whom I have been often solicited to betake myself to that rebel's service upon assurance of large rewards. Since my late being in England, when I was in hope of her Majesty's pardon, upon my return to Paris, I have here met with certain Irish followers of Tyrone and O'Donell, who having had understanding of my former courses in Spain, my religion, my late treating in England with the Council there, my present necessities and settled resolution to follow the wars in Hungary, if upon any honest conditions I might there find entertainment, have divers times moved me to betake myself to Tyrone's service.
Thereupon I repaired to her Majesty's ambassador here in Paris, and made known unto him my earnest desire to employ myself in her Majesty's service, my purpose to tender my service to Tyrone, and my resolution to take away his life.
The conditions I propounded were these :—First, before I departed from these parts to have my pardon from her Majesty, but to remain in my Lord Ambassador his hands until this my design were effected. Secondly, to have some reward assigned me proportionable for so worthy an exploit. Lastly, for means to be supplied me, to enable me to perform what I undertake.
The more profitable my service shall be unto Tyrone, the greater credit and reputation I shall carry with him and his con federates. The rebel hath no greater want than of shipping, both to vent out the commodities of his country and to furnish him from foreign parts of the provisions he requires. I do therefore think this means most probable, that there might be supplied unto me a French ship which I would man with Frenchmen and other stranger nations, whereby I would so employ my pains to his present benefit, either by taking of prizes, leading in merchandise, etc. until I have gotten such credit about him that I may have convenient opportunity to effect my purpose.
This means which I propose, I know will find two heavy oppositions; first, the charge of the ship and her furniture; then my fidelity, considering my former misdemeanours. To answer the first, the charge is small, considering the consequence of the design; for the latter, I confess I do not deserve to be trusted, and therein challenge no more than in discretion may be thought convenient to be committed unto me. But that her Majesty may know how sorrowful I am for my offences and how willing to spend my dearest blood in her service, if this means shall not be pleasing, let her Council set down the means most probable in their wisdoms, and I will hazard my life to effect it, upon these conditions : first, to have my pardon; secondly, some honest means to enable me; thirdly, a reward worthy of such a service; fourthly, at my return into England not to be troubled for my conscience and religion; lastly, if by execution of this enterprise I shall lose my own life, the same reward for my service to be bestowed upon my brethren.
Holograph. 2⅓ pp. (83. 6.)
Eliza, Lady Hatton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] I beseech you to afford me in this plunge of my hard fortunes but such favour as your noble disposed mind denies to none, that when reports of Mr. Attorney's 'agrevance' for the marriage of his ward shall come unto your ears, you will not conceive of me further than you see good proof.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1600. Two seals over yellow silk. ½ p. (83. 14.)
Anne,. Lady Herbert of Chepstow to Mr. Raynsford, “attending upon Mr. Secretary.”
[1600.] Mr. Secretary and my Lord Admiral at my suit delivered this gentleman, Mr. Doddington, out of prison; and for that he hath few friends, and myself tied so much to his wife for her long service, I am loth to leave him till he be freed from his trouble. And now that I hear the Queen hath given commandment that there shall be a pardon for divers, I entreat you to be a suitor to Mr. Secretary in my name that his name may be in the pardon. Mr. Attorney hath promised me that if he may have the least warrant from your master or any of Council, he will willingly effect it.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (83. 15.)
Lord Thomas Howard to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
[1600.] I am haunted with the spirits of the Sherleys to crave either a letter or a commandment from you to the Judge of the Admiralty to send for the Dutch which make challenge to their prize to enter bond for the safe bringing about of the goods.
[P.S.]—The report of our South Sea riches will prove a burse lie.
Holograph. Seal broken. ½ p. (83. 17.)
George, Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] I return you the French news with many thanks, which do shew by the inconstancy of their carriage the fickleness of the nation; but it seemeth by the whole course thereof there is little good done for our country. Some countermine must be made to that work.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1600.” ⅓ p. (83. 19.)
Captain Jackson, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] Two letters :—(1) Your father was very well acquainted with all my proceedings for the service of my country, and where with he hath acquainted her Majesty; and of my great losses and excessive charge both in my captivity and redemption from the enemy, towards which charge he procured me a lease in reversion of 30l. per annum for 30 years. His Lordship knew also that the end of all my endeavours was to be more able by my honest travels abroad to do her Majesty and my country service at home; and yet neither all my former services nor my patrimony so honestly spent in her Majesty's service can purchase me any maintenance there. My late Lord Honsdon, then Governor of Berwick, gave me a company there, and it is well known that I dearly bought it; yet the mightiness of the present marshal his son doth keep it from me, neither do I now hope or look after it, being deprived of those two patrons, my lord your father and my lord his father, during whose times I did value my fortunes at a most high rate. But now humbled, and therefore contented with a more private state, I wish I might by your means have granted me a captain's pension of 6s. per diem in Berwick, where I was born.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Without date : 1600, Mr. Jackson to my master.” Seal. 1 p. (83. 20.)
(2) Entreats Cecil to procure him the licence of her Majesty to seek what maintenance the King of France will bestow upon him for his service done unto him, his losses and imprisonments endured under him. Prefers rather to live penuriously abroad than disgracefully and despisedly at home.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (83. 21.)
Merchants of London to the Privy Council.
1600. Whereas certain Dutch merchants of the Low Countries have made several voyages to some parts of the East Indies and have had returns from thence with their ships richly laden with pepper, spices, and other merchandizes, whilst your suppliants (being no less addicted to the discovery of trades and countries unknown or unfrequented than the Dutch nation or any other nation whatsoever) are withholden from such attempts for want of licence and free liberty of the transportation of some things necessary to be had for the proceeding in the same; it may there fore please you to move her most excellent Majesty to give licence to your suppliants to enter into the trade of the East Indies, and to visit and frequent such parts thereof as they shall find fit for traffic, giving them the privileges, tolerations, and favours here-under mentioned, which being granted, they doubt not by the providence of God and His blessing upon their endeavours to furnish this realm, and to make a staple in London of all those spices and foreign commodities of the East Indies, which hereto fore this realm hath been supplied with at the hands of 'Portugalles,' Spaniards and other strangers :—
That her Majesty would incorporate the first adventurers with a privilege in succession, for that a trade so far remote cannot be managed but by a joint and united stock.
That the shipping and preparation for the East Indies, being not above six ships and six pinnaces yearly, be not stayed by pretence or occasion of service; for that the season of the preparation of these voyages being stayed or interrupted but one month, the opportunity of the whole year's voyage is lost.
That it may be lawful, any statute notwithstanding, to transport any foreign coin into those parts which is brought into this realm by English merchants; and in this first voyage, because for the shortness of the time there cannot be prepared so much foreign coin as shall make the full adventure, that there may be coined in her Majesty's mint out of such plate and bullion as shall be brought in thither by the adventurers, or by their means, so much foreign coin as they shall want for the said voyage.
And lastly, forasmuch as the commodities to be carried outward cannot be known but by divers and sundry experiences in several voyages to be made how they will be vented in those islands, these petitioners humbly desire that they may carry out for six voyages such commodities as they adventure thither free of custom or subsidy, being willing to answer her Majesty the custom and subsidy of all the goods, spices and merchandizes which they bring from thence, whereas the Dutch merchants are discharged of all customs and other duties, both inward and outwards, for divers years to come.
Endorsed :—“1600. The humble petition of the merchants intending trade to the East Indies.” 1 p. (83. 22.)
The Coinage.
[1600.] If it may please her Majesty to have the indenture between her and Sir Richard Martyn renewed and altered in these points :—
1. That I might buy for her Majesty's use, silver in ingot or Spanish money at 5s. sterling the oz., and at the assay of 11oz. 2dwt. out of the fire as now is used.
2. That an indented piece might be made of 11oz. 2dwt. commixed to be the trial of her standard moneys, which is the ancient standard of England.
3. That her moneys might be shorn at 61 shillings in the pound weight of Troy, which are now shorn at 60.
It would then follow (the master and worker of her moneys having the same allowance that now he hath for the making of her standard moneys) that the subject would be encouraged to bring silver to her mint faster than it could be coined, the credit of her moneys kept without sensible difference to the moneys commonly current, or alteration to grow upon the exchange, her revenues in the mint increased, and the credit of the same revived by the working of standard moneys, that is now fallen by the only making of the baser moneys, and yet her Majesty's service in that behalf effected as thoroughly as now it is; and chiefly the jealous fear of men that beginneth to be general, that the sole making of these base moneys is intended as well for England as Ireland, would be avoided.
The difference of the moneys is chiefly in weight, which is but 1–60 part of a shilling, that is 1½ grain in a shilling, holding full weight of 4 dwt. which is rarely found to be one among 20. For proof whereof upon receipt of a thousand pounds out of the Exchequer by tale and weight, it fell too light 154 oz., which by buying of bullion for money in tale is saved.
Endorsed :—“1600. Sir Richard Martyn.” (83. 25.)
Bridget, Lady Norms to Lady Ralegh.
[1600.] I am bold to send the enclosed to you whose solicitation hath heretofore so much advantaged my proceedings. I have framed the effect of a letter that I desire to have directed to the Deputy [of Ireland] from Mr. Secretary. I trust if Sir Walter Ralegh will take the pains to polish them, he shall also prevail in the subscribing. It may be objected that this my suit would be acccomplished by. the President [of Munster] without troubling the Deputy; but, good Madam, make me so much bound as to answer that I have no reason to expect that of him for the present, neither to be confident of the continuance, being in the power of no-friends daily to abrogate what I shall by favour obtain. Doubt I not by means to the Deputy to compass my desire, were he by his letter assured not to offend by intermeddling in Munster.
Signed. 1 p. (83. 28.)
Enclosed :—[Minute for the suggested letter from Cecil to the Lord Deputy.]
Concerning a company to be led by the constable of the Lady Norreyes' castle, desiring the Lord Deputy to signify to the President of Munster that he should grant the lady his peremptory warrant to remove any captain lodging on her lands, and to place there the company in the leading of her overseer; that there should be only so many men left in the castle as should befit to secure it from any sudden violence, being a place of very great importance in the time of war. ½ p. (83. 27.)
Bridget, Lady Norms to the Earl of Nottingham.
[1600.] According to your appointment, I will presume to particulate my suit, beginning with the inducements that I trust will move her Majesty to gracious compassion. Her Highness was moved to give me hope of gracious relief. Nevertheless I have had no consideration, not so much as to enjoy the little remnant left me, which is my house and land, the building whereof cost my husband five thousand pounds, besides the “ordinance” and other defensible furniture, to the value of a thousand pounds : all which the garrisons there placed make use of, as also of the wood, hay, cattle and pastures, not sparing to spoil, as is incident to such people. The situation of the house hath given opportunity to the soldiers there lodged to do more service than any garrison in Ireland. In commiseration of my 'unrepairable' disasters, and in satisfaction of the benefit received by mine, I crave of her Majesty that whereas there are five companies lodged in my house and on my land, that she will give the leading of one of those companies to such a one as I shall appoint constable of the castle. But because I fear her Majesty will be unwilling to displace any captain, I have procured my brother Ferdinando Kingsmill to deliver his company at Lough Foyle to any such as her Majesty shall command to resign me his. If by your means I may receive a gracious grant, I shall, by the aid of those soldiers and endeavour of my own officer, gather some commodities of my land, her Majesty's purse no way charged nor her service any way impeached; but my house now likely to run to ruin shall for her service be the better maintained.
Endorsed :—“Without date, 1600.” Probably not in Lady Norris's handwriting. Seal broken. 1 p. (83. 29.)
Bridget, Lady Norrs To Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] It was my ill hap, being fatally subject to loss by rebellions, as it seems, to have in the keeping of Mr. John Littleton two bay coach horses; the which coming the last summer out of Ireland so lean as I found them unfit to put to their former use, as also unestimable for sale, I entreated my kinsman to let them run in his park until they were meet for the one or the other. But the same horses, with some other of his own, as I hear, were taken in London as liable to their master's unfortunate folly, and so conveyed to your stable. I am very glad that mine fell into so good a hand, hoping that if they be in case they will prove serviceable, in respect they are so matchable to those you do commonly use. For my satisfaction, might it please you to sign the warrant enclosed; I should thereby trust to gain their value.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” Seal broken. 1 p. (83. 30.)
John Phelips To Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] Was desirous, for his own private contentment, to look into the valuation of leases; but finding himself engaged in that study before he was aware, was contented with one labour fully to decide that question and bring it to due perfection, which he has done in this book of arithmetical tables. Such as it is, offers it to Cecil's view rather to witness his duty than for use in Cecil's service, being chiefly fit for auditors and private men, who thereby may judge without error of any question concerning leases.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” Seal. 2/3 p. (83. 38.)
“The Names of Certain Seminaries Abroad.”
[1600.] William Coxe alias Stone. Mr. Weaye.
Mr. Perkins. Mr. Hanmer.
Mr. Fitzwilliams. Mr. Jackson.
Father Bennytt, a Jesuit. Mr. Francis, minor.
Mr. Richardson. Mr. Francis, major.
Mr. Preece. Mr. Deanton.
Mr. Norris. Mr. Lowson.
Mr. Appeltree. Mr. Hunte.
Mr. Smyth. Mr. Davies.
Mr. Lambe. Mr. Vaughan, a Jesuit.
Sir Thomas, “A queene Marie preeste.”
Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (83. 34.)
Arthur Saull to [Sir Robert Cecil?].
[1600.] I am exceeding sorry that my hope was made frustrate by his absenting himself from the place expected; since which I have done my best endeavour for the finding him out by frequenting places where great meetings are, as in Powle's, and divers ordinaries, and here in the court. Nevertheless as yet I cannot find him, but if you grant me your warrant to search, I doubt not but to find him, for I very well remember that about a sennight since I saw the very same man at Ludgate Hill, there buying a girdle and hangers.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“600, Arthur Sawle.” 1 p. (83. 38.)
John Williams to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600. Continued these 18 years beyond seas without offending his Queen or country, and by occasions of misfortune by sea and land, some three years past departed out of Flanders into Germany and so to Venice. In 1599 came to Genoa, where he found the galleys going for Spain to conduct the King's wife, and so passed as a mere passenger without receiving any pay of the King; and coming to the Court of Madrid, did not remain there four months. Considering his old years, being in great necessity, emboldened himself to come unto his native country, with a true heart and zeal, without any kind of any ill intent pretended. Arrived in England, presented himself to Cecil, thinking to provide for his poor estate as a true honest man all his days in serving some gentleman, merchant or any other towards the seas; and at this instant is committed prisoner at Cecil's commandment, where he lies in great want, having not one groat. Beseeches him to consider his wrongful accusation, which the master and owner, with all the merchants in Bayonne and St. Jean de Luz, can very well testify, having been maintained and relieved only by them 40 days while expecting his passage. Prays order for his discharge or relief.—At the Marshalsea, this instant Monday, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (83. 46.)
Sir Robert Drury to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] Acknowledges his thankfulness for Cecil's favour to a man so low in fortune—the only payment mean persons can return to those so high above them. Will never overpass occasion to testify his love and service.
Holograph. Endorsed; “1600.” Seal, broken. 1 p. (83. 60.)
Dr. Butler to the Earl of Cumberland.
[1600.] My request is that her Majesty will procure a lease of the lands of Mortimers of the Master and Fellows of Gunville and Cams' College for three score years or more, yielding to the said Master and Fellows the usual rent now paid. The rent of it to the College is 13l. 6s. 8d., and there is now five years of the old lease not yet expired. No college can grant a lease to any private person but only to her Majesty, and from her Grace to me or my assigns.
[P.S.]—There is haste required, lest other suitors step in before me.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed :—“600.” Addressed :—“The Earl of Cumberland, K.G., at his house in Clerkenwell.” 2/3 p. (136. 87.)
Alexander le Febvre.
[1604.] I. Representation to the Queen from Alexander le Febvre, Sr. de Mazingnehen, of the town of Aire in Artois, that he abandoned his house and land, wife and family on account of the persecutions of the Spaniards, and has come to Calais, and prays for an audience.
II. A request that the Queen's chief Admiral would peruse the annexed “pièces” and make report to her Majesty with a view to an audience. Followed by
III. A Summary discourse of the barbarous and tragic deeds which the Spaniards, sworn and irreconcilable enemies of all nations, have committed in Prance, England and the Low Countries, from the arrival of the Due d'Alba in August, 1567, to the year 1600, setting forth the means whereby for the future that nation may be hindered from similar outrage and offence.
Suggesting that the Spaniards and the Jesuits, their chief favourers, should be expelled by England and France.
French. 14 pp. (139. 126.)
Diocese of Exeter.
[1600.] Statement by [William Cotton, Bishop of Exeter].
“Common disorders in the Diocese of Exeter.
A dangerous increase of Papists about the coasts and country.
Profane Atheists : A matter very common to dispute whether there be a God or not. A slender and loose observation of the Sabbath and holy days. Many hundred stand wilfully excommunicate, not caring for their absolution or for coming to church. There was a ridiculous and profane marriage of a goose and a gander. A cat having an apron, and a partlet, brought to the church to be baptized. A horse head at Launceston lately lapped in a mantle and brought to the church to baptism, and afterwards the bell tolled and rung out for the death of this head. A dead horse brought to the communion table with his feet spread upon it, as being prepared to receive the Sacrament. A young youth of 16 years baptised by the name of Gurlypott, at which time the font was overthrown. Libels made upon every sermon almost in every town.”
“Abuse of the Ministers : Lately a gentleman asked an ancient preacher whether it was more needful to hang up all the preachers in England or all the dogs; and when he told him that he was not well advised, he beat the minister, and swore that it were better to hang up all the priests than the dogs, for, said he, if the dogs be hanged up we shall lose much sport, and we cannot get bitches and dogs again; but if the priests were hanged up, the Bishop of 'every diocese might make priests again. Every day complaints are made by ministers who are railed on and shrewdly beaten by lewd persons. A minister was made to kiss the bare hinder parts of a man.”
“Schism : Twenty factions in one city or town corporate. Many conventicles in gardens and fields, and sermons preached at midnight. There was lately a passover intended, but by a sudden search prevented. Few or none come to church to pray to God for her Majesty, and for the good estate of the realm; but they will follow rattle headed preachers from town to town. There be many times certain persons who draw people into errors by feigned visions and revelations.”
“Disorderly behaviour : Many men having three wives, and being punished by ordinary authority, either by standing excommunicate or by appealing, keep their wives still. Incest commonly committed and maintained. Many disorderly marriages in places exempt, notwithstanding the late canon, which by ordinary authority cannot be redressed. A common matter to break into Churches in the night time, and to pull up pews to dig men out of their graves, as if there were no law or government”
“These and many such abuses cannot be redressed by a due course of law, and therefore I do most humbly crave the help of an Ecclesiastical Commission, which is afforded to many other bishops being nearer to London by 120 miles than I am.”
Undated. Endorsed :—“1660.” 1 sheet. (141. 217.)
1600. Minute of a privy seal for the continuance of The Moon and four crompsters on the coast of Ireland for two months after the former six months.
1 p. (141. 218.)
Medway Water.
1600. Privy seal for the payment of the sums of money requisite for the full finishing and perfecting of the works on Medway water, and the Castle of Upnor.
Copy. 1 p. (142. 174.)
— to —.
1600. Your letters dated at Rome Sept. 15, 1600, I received at London on the Oct. 21, old style. I do not well understand why the messenger of my departure for England should have been unpleasing to his Excellency or to yourself, for it cannot escape a merciful father or a just judge that bread is as needful to the living as punishment to the erring. There was appointed by the late Cardinal Caetano and by your Eminence a rector or vice-rector of the college of the English under letters dated from your houses on April 21, 1599, who in your name signified to us that we were not to presume for the present to visit England, Ireland or Scotland without licence, but that we should dwell in other Catholic countries to be pointed out to us, in order that peace might be maintained among the English Catholics. If either of you had informed us how as exiles we were to support life, I could not have replied to a charge of disobedience to a plain order, and my oath had not been to me a fetter of such iniquity, had I taken any oath not to return to my country. Such an oath, in truth, D. Acrisius demanded on April 22,1599, at the suggestion of Father Parsons, though he had earlier only propounded the same to us on pain of suspension; and although I then eluded the demand by fraud, yet both of us took care to obtain absolution from it for our greater security. In the next place, if it is true that no order was given to D. Acrisius by Cardinal Caetan or your Eminence, or that it was revoked before he came to us, I know not what that promise can be to which I am charged with making oath. And that no order was given, or if given was revoked, is clear from the witness of Father Parsons and from your own letters of April 22, 1599, whereby you order us to be detained in the college of the English, until you signify to us your decision.
I have deemed it necessary both to set out for England and to make an appeal, the one that I may be provided with the necessities of life, the other that I may satisfy both those who have little experience in these matters and those who have much. For although the cause stated in itself was so sufficient that without incurring any danger of ecclesiastical censure we could return to our country, yet at the call of that loving mother, to whom it is the right of all to appeal, I have done so, both because appeal is right, not only in small matters but also in great ones, and further, because, for nearly twelve years among her enemies, I have striven for her dignity, to the peril of my life.
It is not hard, then, to see what constrains me to go to Eng land, or to leave the province, which I chose only as a lesser evil when I had no other choice. (France was my choice.) I thanked your Eminence, and still do so, that from the clemency of your spirit we received gentler treatment than the serious nature of the case, and the hostility or ignorance of our enemies, made probable. We, as your Eminence knows, were ready to answer all things objected to us; it was our accusers who begged that this might not be, and it was you who granted them their wish, when we were accused before you.
But since it is proper to restrain enmity and promote amity, for the time they shall not visit England, Ireland and Scotland. For the time may be explained not at once without violence to the decree. I did not at once depart for England, where we had no controversies with brethren of our order, as is falsely suggested, by which false suggestion the decree was obtained. And your Eminence knows that a decree so obtained is ipso jure void. Further, if this decree can be rightly urged against me, the charge of perjury is wrongly urged. For either judgment was given on the 22 of April, when our cause was declared to be concluded, and my companion was dismissed (I being kept in the college, that we might not have the solace of companionship on our long journey), and in this case the second judgment is void, or on that date the mandate to D. Acrisius was revoked; and an oath wrongfully exacted was still more wrongfully ordered to be observed. Indeed, I cannot sufficiently wonder at the way in which a decree is asserted to have become a judgment, when appeals are still in progress against it. The decree inflicts no penalty unless its prohibitions are violated or its commands disobeyed; it is therefore conditional. But although other sentences, whether final or conditional, become res judicatae, unless immediately appealed against, yet a sentence of excommunication, suspension or interdict under a condition is suspended; and if appeal be made before the fulfilment of the condition, provided that without scruple the person thus excommunicate and appealing could have communicated before the event, so can he afterwards. And in this many canonists [names given] concur; and it is the universal opinion. Moreover, from a sentence carrying a continuing penalty, there is always an appeal, provided that the appeal be made from the present penalties, not from the past, and that the person condemned have done nothing to indicate acquiescence with the justice of the sentence. And who can doubt that defect of the necessities of life is a continuing penalty, or affirm that any act can indicate acquiescence with the justice of a sentence that condemns a man to exile deprived of the means of life.
Still more do I marvel that your Eminence states that this order springs ex serenissimi Domini Nostri scientia et participatione, and that you are only interpreters and judges delegated by him. If I should deny before God that that order had sprung from your knowledge, your Eminence knows I could not be convicted of crime. It is not decent for men devoted to divine service to disgrace their order by begging or by engaging in any filthy trade. How then, without most serious sin, without doing him most grievous wrong, can I suppose that the Holy Pontiff, the merciful Father, could have knowledge or participation in a constitution put forth against a priest, who was consecrated in his diocese and with his knowledge and participation, and by a second profession sworn to serve in England in this and days of persecution. Pious and permissible it is to order that a priest for a time should abstain from the English mission, nor could this be called an exile. But to command under heavy penalties that a priest should not visit his own country, but should abide in an uncertain province, and without the means of life, a priest who from his youth, for the greater glory of God and the propagation of the Catholic Faith, has left all and so lived that to live he needs those things which come to him and those like him from the English mission alone, this shows not piety; it is to bid a man live in peace without food, nay rather, to die a miserable death. This can fairly be called exile; this is a grievance the less tolerable in proportion to the weakness of the charge to which your Eminence affirms it to be due. Your Eminence knows that we desired peace, that the priesthood in England were very ready to obey the Church, and that we pro cured peace among them. How can it be thought needful to confirm that peace, by adding to our affliction at Rome a yet greater affliction extending to our death or the disgrace of our priesthood, while to the makers of peace, peace is refused ?
How can you call yourselves merely interpreters, when our cause was committed to you by the Pope, when you decided it, and in your own name signified your judgment, as may be seen in your own letters directed to the Rector or Vice-Rector of the English College, dated 21 April, 1599 ? If indeed you sent any letters at all, for without any previous mention of a college these letters assert that we are detained in that college; and it was after many days that they appeared from their lurking place in the chamber of Father Parsons, and were given to me and my companion to read.
Latin. Unfinished. Endorsed by Cecil :—“An abstract of a book to be printed.” (144. 163.)
— to the Earl of Essex.
[1600.] Every loyal mind can endeavour to no better purpose than to devise a remedy for the Irish troubles and an end for the author of them, Tyrone. Therefore, if it be so (as the world takes notice of it) that crosses of others have constrained yourself to leave this enterprise, you may yet, remaining at home, employ some brave gentleman as your lieutenant, to whom your presence there may be a backing, so that matters may be com passed in some reasonable space of time, which honour shall be yours, he acting under your direction. For this purposes force of 17,000 foot and 1,000 horse will suffice, and Tyrone himself only should be prosecuted, and other places be but defensive.
For the north, where the head is, I would appoint 12,000 foot and 650 horse, of which garrisons at Ballyshannon, Lough Foyle, and Knockfergus would absorb 6,000 foot and 300 horse. These garrisons could be victualled by sea and would press on Tyrone, and especially on O'Donell, his great ally. Landings at these points should be made simultaneously and as soon as possible, say in April next.
For the remaining force to be employed against Tyrone, an arsenal should be established at Armagh.
The frontier garrisons should be manned by the soldiers remaining in Ireland, and the shipping for them should be sent into Ireland to embark them for those places.
From June to November the main army and these garrisons should never be idle, but in the measure of their strength should attack the chief enemy.
In the other parts of Ireland a merely defensive war will suffice. But Tyrone we must closely follow, who has only risen to this height of fortune by our idleness.
Those who object that my defensive policy will hand those parts of Ireland over to the enemy, I may remind that, except the towns and a few other places, the enemy hath them already. To the objection that in this way we desert those who are well affected, I will reply as follows. The poor English are already ruined, and those that remain are driven into the towns. Of the Irish, we have none with us who cannot make means to defend themselves, and if they patch and agree with the enemy, let it be winked at.
Moreover, if they are left alone they will send off all the strangers, who come to offer themselves to those who need them, as the Connaught men have done in Munster; but at the late cessation of arms, they were glad to take advantage of that time to be rid of them. So if those parts are left at peace, these masterful persons must either lay down their arms and work, or the inhabitants must join and cut them off themselves.
Tyrone and O'Donnell have already as many as they can maintain.
Those places that her Majesty is already possessed of must be defended. To that end I will appoint for the defence of the English Pale, 2,500 foot and 200 horse. To Munster and Leinster, I would allot each 1,000 foot and 100 horse. Connaught, besides Ballyshannon, should have 500 foot and 100 horse.
The true honour wherewith I serve your Lordship makes me bold to wish that by no means you suffer this enterprise to pass out of your appointment, since at the first you entered into it. One fortune bred him [Tyrone] his fame, where he was not alone, but had help of others availing as much as his own force; never any yet was in his country; why then should they speak so fearfully of him, whom they never attempted ? Moreover, if any malice-bearers oppose you, he, whom they entrust with the undertaking, will carry it, if the means of England can do it. So rather send your lieutenant on with this small force, than commit any other to take the name of it.
Unfinished. Undated. Unsigned. Endorsed :—“A discourse of the state of Ireland.” (179. 113.)
Complaint by the French Ambassador at Constantinople of English Piracies.
[? 1600.] Register of the ships taken at sea by the English, comprising both French ships and those allowed to carry the French flag.
Nine cases are enumerated as having taken place in the Levant; and a complaint is made that the present English Ambassador will take no steps in the matter.
“After this followeth his supplication, as thus,” wherein he petitions the Sublime Porte to issue orders to prevent the English merchants from plundering the ships of other nations, and bringing the plunder into Turkish ports, pointing out the importance of the revenue arising from the trade with the infidels at Alexandria, Aleppo, and Tripoli.
“This is the translation of the letter which the Queen of England sent to the King of France,” thanking the King for his willingness to mediate a peace between England and Spain and the Archduke, asking him to appoint a place in Prance for the negotiations, and appointing Edmonds to negotiate; dated 24 Jan., 1599.
“These are the things which my master the King of France has ordered me to effect.”
Having heard that the English Ambassador had in full divan accused the King of France of duplicity towards the Sublime Porte in making peace with Spain and endeavouring to mediate for a peace between England and Spain, I reported the circum stance to my master, from whom I received the following letter.
Letter declaring that the peace between France and Spain is in no way prejudicial to the friendship between France and the Sublime Porte, enclosing the above letter from the Queen of England as proof that the mediation of France between Spain and England was desired by that power, and instructing the Ambassador to do all in his power to prevail upon the Porte to put down the piracies committed by the English against French ships and those carrying the French flag.
“After these followeth his own supplication as thus,”
Requesting that orders may be given for the punishment and prevention of the piracies complained of.
Italian, with a few notes in English. Copy. Endorsed :—“Of the French ships taken by the English.” 11 pp. (179. 116.)
Sir George Carew, Lord President of Munster, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] I am entreated by Sir Edward Moore to move you for your assistance in his suit for the allowance of certain rents which by him are due unto the Queen, that they may be paid upon his entertainment which is due unto him. The quality of his suit in this time of rebellion, the most of his land being merely wasted, and his own merits, having served her Majesty almost 50 years in Berwick and Ireland, doth in a manner challenge this or a greater favour.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Without date, 1600.” Seal. ¾ p. (181. 56.)
Mr. Lok.
[1600.] My charges into France and back :—
Five posts to Dover, and as many back, at 7s. 6d. a post and 6d. to the guide 4l. 0s. 0d.
A small bark to pass over 1l. 4s. 0d.
Passage back again in a Hollander's man of war 2l. 0s. 0d.
Sending a horse and a man to Tournay for 4 days 1l. 12s. 0d.
Sending one after to Brussels, 4 days' journey, and back as much 3l 0s. 0d.
Post horse for myself to Ardres, and so to Boulogne, and Nicholson three posts forward and as much back 2l. 0s. 0d.
To furnish Nicholson to Arras, and thence to Douay 3l. 10s. 0d.
My own charges, 30 days at a noble a day 10l. 0s. 0d.
Sum 27l. 6s. 0d.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1660.” ½ p. (181. 77.)
The Conduction of the Munition.
[1600.] Whereas it pleased your Honours, when I exhibited my petition, to be certified whether the conduction of her Majesty's munition belonged to the Lieutenant of the Ordnance or the Yeoman of the Ordnance, Mr. Harvie, Sir George Carew's deputy, claims it because the former Yeoman refused to execute that service, saying that he had been a leader of men and did scorn to be a leader of carts. The present Yeoman claims that service under his patent. Besides, he has been forced to prove that in the past this service always belonged to him. Stephen Bull, Master Gunner of England, says that when he came first into the office, Mr. Skevington was Yeoman of the rdnance, who by virtue of his office had the conducting of all manner of munition for the wars to any place, as appears by a letter con firmed under his own hand. John Bagnoll, of some 36 years' continuance in the office, says it did ever belong to the Yeoman; but Captain Shute refused to do it. The Surveyor of the Ordnance and Mr. Riddlesdale, Clerk of the Ordnance, prove it to be in the Yeoman. Sir George Carye, last summer, when your Honours had sent your warrant for such service, delivered to the Yeoman a warrant for taking up carts and providing conductors and labourers. If he were here, there were no need to trouble you, but he did it simply, as Mr. Harvey says, thinking it was the Lieutenant's place, but now satisfied, only desires your warrant, whereby the Yeoman may proceed in the service.
Unsigned. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (181. 79.)
Mary, Countess Dowager of Southampton to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
[1600.] This poor woman, my niece Hurleston, hath entreated me to make her known to you, and to pray your favour to her, afflicted greatly at this present, as you will find if you will hear her. She wishes to discover to you the state of her husband, leaving both their fortunes in your favour. Necessity enforced him to leave his country; if he return before his debts be ordered, I doubt his father's kindred will suffer him to abide the hardest measure that law can lay upon him.
Holograph. Signed :—“M. Southampton.” Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (181. 82.)
Sir John Townshend.
[1600.] Sir John Townshend was commanded by the Privy Council to enter bond for the keeping of the peace. He answered that if the Lords would thus deprive him of all power to right himself, he prayed them to do him right upon Sir Christopher Heydon, that had most injuriously challenged him, they both being then and still bound to keep the peace against one another. Sir John Townshend did not accept the challenge, and then received a most injurious letter from Sir Christopher, taxing him in his private value and public service. Whereupon Sir Christopher was thought worthy commitment, but then to escape the same (Sir John being commanded from the Table) showed a letter from Sir John Townshend, written long before they were either bound, alleging it to have been written since, and that Sir John, by that letter, was the cause of the challenge. This Sir John Townshend denies, declaring that since his bond he has given no cause of strife to Sir Christopher; and he now prays that the Lords will either not censure him to be bound, or will take such course with Sir Christopher as they formerly determined, or what other they may think fit.
Note of a proceeding before the Privy Council. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (181. 83.)
W. Butler to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600. For my own part I wish my credit less, that I might more peaceably enjoy my quiet, which is my civil blood. I will not fail in duty on Saturday.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600, Doctor Butler.” ¼ p. (204. 115.)
[1600.] Succession of all the mayors in Coventry since the freedom and liberties thereof were first purchased : A.D. 1347 to 1600. With notes of the chief historical events connected with the town, e.g. “1459. In this year was a Parliament in Coventry, and printing then began” : “1479. This year 4,550 persons died of the plague in Coventry,” &c.
Undated. 6½ pp. (230. 1.)
John Lombarde to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] The bearer, Mr. Tyrrie, agent for the city of Cork, is a suitor for certain privileges for that place. Lombard's master, Lord Barry, fearing that the suit would prejudice him, being next neighbour to that city, moved Tyrrie to cross off the suit : but on sight of the charter, nothing can be found to prejudice Lord Barry, and therefore he prays Cecil to further Tyrrie's suit.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (250. 27.)
William Cecil to his father, Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] Honoratissime pater doleo quod omisi tarn multos nuncios sine scribendo ad honorem tuam, sed tamen optimo tempore mitto has meas literas. Fui Bathoniae per has tres hebdomadas in domo Doctoris Sherwoodi qui habuit continuam curam in me atque plurimum me indulgebat. Nunc autem reversus sum Sherborniam optima valitudine. Humiliter peto benedictionem, cupiens videre te et gaudens quod audivi te rediisse ad Curiam incolumem.
Endorsed :—“1600. From Sherburne.” Undated. ½ p. (250. 44.)
William Cecil to Sir Walter Ralegh.
[? 1600.] Sir Walter, we must all exclaim and cry out because you will not come down. You being absent, we are like soldiers that when their Captain are (sic) absent they know not what to do : you are so busy about idle matters. Sir Walter, I will be plain with you. I pray you leave all idle matters and come down to us. I pray do my humble duty to my father. So I leave you. Your Lordship's very loving friend, William Cecil.
Holograph. Addressed : “To the right hon. my loving friend Sir Walter Ralegh, knight, give these.” ½ p. (251. 158.)
Katherine, Dowager Lady Paget to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] She received Cecil's kind commendations by Mr. Carye's letter. She hopes to reconcile Cecil's best thoughts to one whom she much desires should find them. His northern adversary and he are now at peace, and she desires it should so continue, for the love she bears to Sir John Stanhope his brother. There is a cause in the Star Chamber between her son Savill and Mr. Wortly. Cecil's sentence therein will show him to be a friend, or other.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Lady Paget.” 1 p. (250. 54.)
R. Bostock to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] The Queen graciously received his petition, and promised he should forthwith have his warrant signed. Not withstanding it will not be done without Cecil's consent, which he desires.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Captain Bostock.” ½ p. (250. 54a.)
Sir Henry Neville to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] This bearer, a Scottish gentleman [see next letter], with whom I had some acquaintance at Paris, is employed for the deliverance of two Scottish noblemen, taken at sea above 16 years past, and sold into Barbary, where they have continued in bondage. As her Majesty's favour may better advance his purpose than any other means, he sues for the same, hoping to find her the more gracious because the parties and their friends were followers of the Regent Moreton, always devoted to the religion and her service, and forced to retire out of Scotland when the adverse faction prevailed, in which retreat they were taken and fell into this misery. I recommend him to you, referring the particulars to his own relation.
Signed. Undated. 1 p. (250. 70.)
Tho. Douglass to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] Captain Richard Prestun recommended him to Cecil for help in his employment in Barbary to seek for the noblemen, his (the writer's) near kinsmen. The noblemen's friends have allowed him 400 crowns : but the money of this country not being current there, the exchange will be some loss : so he proposes to bestow the money in broadcloth, to be exchanged in Barbary, and desires to transport it customs free. If this be granted, the Earl of Mortoun will think himself much pleasured in the matter. Offers services. He was trained at Borne among the Jesuits, whose intelligences and politics and treacheries are known to him. Particulars of his dealings with his uncle. He had told his uncle that his (the uncle's) state could not be permanent : his chief care should have been to have followed the highest, not of blood nor nobility, but in credit and counsel, whose countenance could have made him swim in the sea of prosperity.
Two Scottish gentlemen, Philip Mubray and Alexander Corne, who have been here three months under pretence to go to Scotland, are gone yesterday into the ship of an Englishman, Mr. Smith of Billingsgate, towards Spain, but the wind not being good, they are not gone any further than the Downs. They have many letters, and are going to hurt the State of England. If they are stayed, it may be good.
Holograph. Undated. (250. 45.)
Frances, Lady Burgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] Prays Cecil to further her suit to the Queen, in which she desires, first, to comfort the gentleman; secondly, to relieve his wife and children; thirdly, that the merchant who has the land in mortgage shall have no cause to complain, and lastly, to benefit herself, though it is but little to stop the mouths of her creditors.
Undated. Holograph. 1 p. (250. 83.)
Thomas Wale to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] Being an Essex man, and knowing by experience the discommodities which the deer bring to the dwellers in the forest, and finding that other parts of Essex have been disburdened by the prince's favour, I asked a justice of peace what the country would give to be eased. He answered of his warrant 10,000l. Whereupon I thought good to set down some mischiefs wrought by the deer and proffer them to you.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (250. 104.)
The Enclosure :
Reasons for disforesting the Forest of Waltham in Essex, concerniny the deer only.
3 pp. (250. 105.)
William Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] I can neither recount, nor render adequate thanks for the benefits you have conferred upon me for the father's sake. Wherefore I will endeavour to devote myself to your service in all things. The recollection of the paternal care you showed towards me when I was in your service in France will remain while I have breath. I am unwilling this messenger should go without an expression of my duty towards you.
Holograph. Latin. Undated. 1 p. (250. 114.)
Fra. Croft to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] Prayed for the Queen's bounty to carry him some where to the wars, having no means to live but his sword, and was referred to Cecil, whose furtherance he begs, either for pension in one of her garrisons, or relief.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (251. 46.)
Earldom of Kildare.
[? 1600.] There are divers lands in Ireland which upon the death of the old Countess of Kildare descend to the Queen, who heretofore wrote to Lord Essex, then Lieutenant-Governor, in favour of the now Earl, that none of the lands should be granted, if they fell, without her privity. The Earl of Kildare craves the Queen will write to the like effect to the Lord Deputy, and when these lands fall to the Queen, to think him as worthy of them as his ancestors have been.—Undated. ¼ p. (251. 69.)
H. Herbert to —.
[? 1600.] If sudden business had not happened at my coming to London, I would have gone presently to my Lady to Dunnington with your letter, which contains as much as I desired. I going on Monday or Tuesday, I make no question of getting her good will to it.
Holograph. Undated. ½ p. (251. 89.)
Edward Hayes to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
[? 1600.] Asks Cecil to accept his “simple present.” Begs for Cecil's letter to the Lord Deputy to favour him; and also for the reversion of Sir Ralph Lane's office in Ireland. Touching “our” motion for alteration of the monies in Ireland, “we” can give her Majesty good assurance for the performance. If Mr. Babington, and other the merchants for the apparel, would undertake the same, “we” may confer with them. His kinsman, Captain Hayes, attends for Cecil's answer.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (251. 94.)
Anne, Dowager Lady Wentworth to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] Thanks Cecil for the favour which, as she under stands by her cousin Wade, he has afforded her in her husband [Sir W. Pope's] business. “Their” indirect courses, by perjury and other sinister means, urge her to use her best friends. They aim at drawing Mr. Pope to composition, and, having no hope to prevail by course of justice, have laboured for the Lord Treasurer's favour, and to possess her Majesty with an opinion of benefit, if they might accomplish their vile purpose. She begs Cecil to continue his favour in the cause.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (251. 98.)
He. Malbye to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] He begs Cecil to consider his long service and great losses. Asks for employment, or leave to sell the place he holds, to sustain his wife and children. Encloses a petition, and begs Cecil to give his hand thereto.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Captain Malby.” 1 p. (251. 99, 2.)
W., Lord Monteagle to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] Recommends the suit of George Orrell, an old soldier who has served in most of the Queen's wars, who desires to be appointed to conduct some of the supplies which are to be sent into the Low Countries.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (251. 117.)
Paul Pinder to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] He proposes that her Majesty should appoint him her consul in the dominions of the Signoria of Venice. Not only the Turks, Greeks, Italians of several petty states, Flemings, Dutch and Jews, but also the French and Spanish, who have their ambassadors there resident, have their proper consuls there; her Majesty only, whose traffic in those parts is second to none, has none. He details the advantages of such an appointment. In the present difference between the Queen and the Signoria, he is bold to say that the misunderstanding of the purpose of that Senate by the English merchants there, and the consequent information given to her Majesty to procure her letter to the Senate, either has or may breed dislike, to the impeachment of traffic : which, rightly understood (as he at his late being at Venice understood it), might by a consul have been redressed. The appointment shall be no charge to her Majesty or to Cecil. He prays for his charges and consideration of his travel to and from Constantinople with the presents and her Majesty's and the Gransignor's letters.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (251. 110.)
“Desmond” [James Fitzgerald] to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] I have received by Sir Geffery Fenton your direction how I should subscribe my letters, which is much trouble some to me, in regard that I had no farther assurance than his word of mouth. I am so jealous and fearful of her Highness' grace and displeasure that I beseech you to bear with my over pressing you with my many importunities. I must hold myself as your poor creature.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Earl of Desmond.” 1 p. (251. 125.)
Henry Saunder to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] Two letters :—
(1.) Has a matter to impart, which is either a practice to over reach him, or else a matter in which her Majesty is abused, her subjects damnified, and one worthy to be looked into, for that the parties are men of mark. Expects Cecil's pleasure therein. “Your Honor's poor prisoner.”
Undated. 1 p. (251. 130.)
(2.) I give you most humble thanks for my liberty afforded and the lenity used in punishing my oversight. My suit now is that you will also think me worthy to enjoy the benefit that other subjects do, that it may be lawful for me to follow my own suits; which now I cannot do so long as her Majesty lieth at Whitehall, as Mr. Wade hath taken bond of me not to come within two miles of the Court, which my brother tells me was more than you gave him commission to do, but to prohibit me the Court and going beyond the seas until I were farther licensed. The case at this time so standeth with me that unless I can have recourse to my Lord Keeper and some others, I am like to be cosened of all I have.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600, Mr. Saunders to my master.” Seal. 1 p. (83. 37.)
Lod. Bryskett to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] Has entreated Sir John Stanhope to move her Majesty for the 200l. she has granted him towards his debts; and begs Cecil to further the request. He may thus the better prepare himself for Ireland. Asks Cecil to send his resolution by his good friend Mr. Patricke Crosby.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (251. 137.)
[Anthony] Ersfild to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] I was appointed in 1599 to receive the munitions sent into Ireland, and to deliver the greatest part of it unto others. The imputation for the lavish expense of this weighty charge was made mine. I desire to have it examined where the fault has been, and that commissioners be appointed to receive our accounts. I wish your Honours would take some cause to prevent abuses.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (251. 156.)
Bristol Shipowners to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] For allowance for their services in transporting letters into Ireland.
Endorsed :—“1600.” ½ p. (2063.)
Tho. Hartoppe to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] His mother Elenor Odyngzells recovered in two actions of common against Arnold Waring; but Waring still puts her and his brother to other like actions. Prays for letter to Lord Aunderson and Justice Kingsmill, for their lawful favour in the cause.
Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (2385.)
Patrick Crosby to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] For grant of Captain Lea's lands, and the few kern which Lea had. Certain of the Irishry had small freeholds in Queen's County, now fallen to the Queen by their attainder. Prays Cecil to instruct the Deputy that none of the lands be passed without direction from thence. He hopes they will be granted to none but true-hearted subjects.
Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (2401.)
[? 1600.] Note “30 April. Michaell Stanhope. The wardship of Thomas Tye of Ipswich granted to Mr. Beneitt the footeman.” “John Frances in the county of Darby to Mr. Michaell Stanhope.” (P. 112.)
Executors of Lord North to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] For the wardship of the lands of the present Lord North. Reasons for their petition, and reasons why the mother is not to be preferred.
Undated. 1 p. (756.)
Captain K. Bostock to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] The Queen has granted enclosed petition. Prays that a letter to this effect may be brought to her to sign.
Endorsed :—“1600.” ½ p. (1912.)
Thomas Wackley (or Wakeley) to Sir Robert Cecil.
[c. 1600.] 2 letters :—
(1.) His losses by the rebels in Nov. 1599, who razed the castle built by him at Balliburley, King's County, and took him and his wife prisoners. Prays for 20 “warders” to enable him to answer her Majesty's rent for his land, and to re-edify his castle : also for a market and fair-in Balliburley.
Undated. ¾ p. (1331.)
(2.) For letters to the Council of Ireland, that the rent of the lands he holds of the Queen wasted by the rebels, be tolerated till the rebellion be ended : for satisfaction from Gerrald Oge; for a licence for a fair and market at his town of Balliburley : and for “warders” to keep his house, broken by the rebels, while he is repairing it.
Undated. 1 p. (1315.)
William Campion, Archdeacon of Fernes, Ireland, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600.] His services, and losses by the rebels, his house having been burned, and his goods and cattle taken by Redmond McFeoghe. Asks for the bishoprics of Fernes and Leighlin, now void by the death of Robert Graves, late Bishop.
Undated. 1 p. (1286.)
Uncustomed Merchandize.
[1600 or later.] Some one man bringeth in of Venice gold and silver 1,300lb. weight. Venice gold and silver shifted without custom in packs of cotton, and Spanish wool, and in the bottom of the chests of velvet. There have been within these 6 years 36 chests of velvets shipped at one time and but 20 customed. The shifts for velvets to pass without custom is to put some of the chests on land before it come to the port, and then to carry it by cart. And often to custom a “fatte” of fustians in which silks are upon sight by corrupting the officers. The chest of velvet is commonly 13 pieces, every piece containing 28 yards and so to 30. There are no Cipres customed, and yet a case of it weighing a 100lb. may be worth 300l. at 20d. the yard. There were brought over anno 1599, 250 chests of velvets from Stoad, all consigned from Gamia for England, and most made there by three men, besides what is brought in from other places, and by strangers, and besides coloured velvets brought from Naples, Florence and other places. A principal device to defraud the customs, to put the velvets in trunks and then to write upon them to my Lord Treasurer of England, or some other nobleman; and then for such no custom is required or taken. This practice is much used by one Newton, a great merchant, who hath had half a dozen trunks or chests at one time so consigned by his son from Stoad : and this is common with him.
Undated. Endorsed by Cecil :—“Silks.” 1 p. (75. 95.)
Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] I find your favour never fails your friends. My health is very good, saving that my legs are not nimble by a dullness in my head, but I am half turned into an apothecary's shop by taking every day physic since my coming. Your news is the best that hath been received from Ireland these twelve months. If the Earl of Ormonde second Sir Henry Powre, the wars may be drawn to a short end.
Holograph. Undated. ½ p. (179. 112.)
T. Knight to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] Having continued in the parish of St. Martin's in the Fields for ten years, a place of very great charge and pains, wherein he has spent his strength, he desires to withdraw him self to some place in the country of less charge and more quietness. A learned minister in Huntingdonshire desires to exchange benefices with him : and he prays for Cecil's letters to the Bishop of London, the patron of his benefice, for consent thereto. As he is informed that the Bishop is somewhat difficult and strict to inferior persons such as himself, he prays Cecil to entreat the Bishop so much the more earnestly. “Your Honour's poor chaplain.”
Holograph. Undated. (250. 118.)
The Provost and Society of King's College (Cambridge) to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[? 1600.] Have received (Cecil's) letters of June 28, signifying the Queen's pleasure that they should not renew the lease of their manor of Ryslipp, with the Park, in Middlesex, to Mr. Smith, their tenant, or bind themselves to any till they know her pleasure. Have no tenant of that name, and the old lease has 9 years yet to run. Are persuaded their tenant, Mr. Robert Ashbye, has no desire to renew, for by new entering into the provision of grain according to the law, he would bring on himself a great yearly new charge. But if occasion of renewing should happen, they entreat, in regard of the great yearly benefit to the College, upon surrender, that the Queen would leave them to that freedom which the public act and their local statutes bind them to.
Signed as above. Undated. 1 p. (251. 120.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir R. Cecil.
[1600.] There came unto me a gentleman from Flushing who saw the Duke, Dun Virginia Ursene there. It is true that he was embarked in a Fleming at Dover, the wind not serving for her Majesty's ship to come about. Now whether this Zealander did carry him thither perforce, or whether he desired it, hearing of the peace of Savoy, I know not, for I remember he told me that he would see Holland and Zealand if that peace were concluded. How he shall be welcome to the Archduke, I conceive not. I thought good to let you know this much.
Holograph. Undated. ½ p. [printed in Edwards's Life of Ralegh, II. 260.] (186. 132.)
30 [James, King of Scots] to 10 [Sir Robert Cecil].
1600. Endorsed by Cecil : “1600. The K.'s first letter to Secretary.” (135. 54.)
10 [Sir Robert Cecil] to 30 [the King of Scots].
[1600.] Endorsed :—“Copy of my first letter to the King's Majesty in the Queen's life.” (135. 55.)
30 [The King of Scots] to 10 [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1600, or later.] Endorsed by Cecil : “30 to 10 2d lettre.” (135. 59.)
[All three letters printed by the Camden Society, Ed. Brace, “Correspondence of James VI. of Scotland with Sir Robert Cecil.” pp. 1/11.]
Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600.] This patent for the young D. is ready for the seal. The clerk stays upon a point of form, that is, the clause hiis testibus, &c., containing the names of the noblemen and other persons of quality present when her Majesty delivers the patent, and at the investiture of the Earl. This formality in my opinion must for this time be omitted, and the patent closed with the ordinary clause, Teste me ipsa &c. die d anno, &c. I forbear to give direction without knowing your opinion, for I love to go with company, and therefore have sent the clerk to attend you.
Holograph. Undated. ½ p. (251. 84.)
An Agent.
[? 1600] “Remembrances for such things as is fit to be done when I come before Mr. Secretary.”
First, to intreat a warrant to the keeper of Wisbeach Castle, charging him to apprehend what person soever the bearer thereof shall appoint, and see him safely kept till her Majesty's pleasure be further known.
[Marginal note : Let a wrong name be put in this warrant, because it will as well serve as my right name, for that I am not known.]
Secondly, to pray a general warrant to all her Majesty's officers and subjects to do the like, and a blank to be left to put in my right name or wrong name as time and place shall minister occasion.
Thirdly, in respect that Mr. M. hath said he doth not care to come before any to utter whatsoever he knoweth touching the Earl of Tirone, were it not for fear of the extremity of torture, and that he might not be dealt withal for matters of religion, that such an instrument may be made for his safety in that respect if he be found to deal truly, as if need be I may persuade him to accept of it and resolve to take his journey in such sort as I shall appoint. Otherwise, I must, by further warrant, be forced to constrain him, and that will be worse for us both.
½ p. (83. 5.)


  • 1. Afterwards 1st Earl of Cork.