Cecil Papers: July 1600, 16-31

Pages 235-257

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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July 1600, 16–31

Lord Grey to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600], July 16. I have not yet received the letter wherewith you have honoured me. The passage hither is dangerous, and packets usually come by Holland, or at least by Zealand. So essential have I ever found your favours, as thence I rightly acknowledge, and derive my chiefest ornament and strength. My Lord Cobham has at full discoursed unto me your favourable intercession, and the Queen's gracious opinion and esteem of my poor desert, accusing his hasty departure of my misfortune in missing the princely token you write of, which could I recover, I should esteem most unvaluable, and of proof against all peril, all misfortune. These two gallants have been entertained with much honour and extraordinary respect, but have seen little : for as the sun, after his highest elevation and warmest reflection, begins to decline and lose of his virtue, so our army, after that supreme step of our unexpected honour, has ever decayed in opinion and strength, but specialty now, after having planted our cannon, and seriously attempted, forced to despair, and as soon as we may to rise. These depart so well furnished as I shall not need to discourse either former neglects and weakness of counsel, or present resolutions, and therefore refer all unto them. I much rejoice to hear from everyone with what temper and rare wisdom you have proceeded in my Lord of Essex's business.—Before Isabella, 16 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lo. Grey. From before the fort Isabella, 1600.” 1 p. (80. 84.)
Thomas Fleming, Mayor, to the Council.
1600, July 16. The inhabitants of this poor town have to their great charges lately built the town bridge over the river of Boyne, which passes through the middle of the town, where the sea flows and ebbs and is navigable, being three fathom deep where the bridge stands at low water, whereby the passage is made open for her Majesty's army to go to the north upon occasion. The townsmen now purpose to repair their gates and town walls, which are very much decayed, especially on the north side, where the greatest danger of the rebel is. Prays for the Queen's warrant for 149l. 13s. 4d., due to the inhabitants for the diet of soldiers, at 5d. a day a man, where Dublin has 6d. a day, which was entered and allowed by the Commissioners here, for their better enablement to repair the gates and walls and victual her Majesty's forces.—Drogheda, 16 July, 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Drogheda.” 1 p. (80. 85.)
The Same to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 16. To the same effect as the preceding letter. 1 p. (251. 7.)
Frawnces Keylweye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 16. Has received the Council's letters, respecting the contention between him and his son, as to the title to certain lands. Details various proceedings in the matter, and offers terms of settlement.—Rockborne (Hants), 16 July, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (251. 140.)
Captain Bornstra to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 16. Is about to obey his commands, received twelve days ago, to leave the kingdom, but not having wherewith to pay for his entertainment during the three months he has been in the country, he begs that the necessary money may be given him, so that he may be able to leave.—In Greenwich Aula Regia, 16 July, 1600.
Latin. Signed, J.W.B. 1 p. (251. 149.)
Richard Madan, Mayor of Waterford, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 17. The citizens can never forget Lord Burghley's friendly care of this place. They have therefore chosen Cecil, as an especial patron of their city, and beseech him to receive them to his favour. They send him a pair of bed coverings, and a rondell of aquavite, as shows of their good meaning and affection.—Waterford, 17 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 6.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 17. Asks for his favour, as far as he shall find just, to Mr. Thomas Holcroft, who is allied to his house by the match of Lady Rosse, Holcroft's niece. The bearer will inform Cecil at large of the matter.—Wymbleton, 17 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 139.)
John Hart and Tho. Smythe, Governors, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 17 As to the variance between the [Muscovy] Company and Dr. Wyllies, touching his expenses and moneys taken up by him in his return from Russia. They give details of bill and loan transactions between them and him, and offer certain terms.—London, 17 July, 1600.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“The Governors of the Muscovy Company.” 1 p. (251. 143.)
“The manner of Mr. Doctor Willies his entertainment to go into Russia to the Emperor there.”
1600, [c. July 17]. The Emperor wrote to her Majesty that if any learned . . [M.S. defaced] . . would give them licence to travel, and they should return again at their pleasure.
The Emperor's desire being known to Dr. Smithe, her Majesty's physician, and he being willing to prefer Dr. Jesopp, to go to serve the Emperor, only desired of the [Muscovy] Company to bear his charge over. For better gracing Dr. Jesopp, letters from the Queen to the Emperor were procured, promising that the next year she would send an ambassador to congratulate his Majesty's coming to the empire, and in the meantime had sent him according to his desire a learned man, a practiser of physic and learned in arts, and referred the Emperor to Jesopp's relation how the English ships were taken at Danske to serve the Polonian against Duke Charles. Jesopp suddenly deceasing, Willes offered himself to Mr. Francis Cherrye to undertake the voyage, only requiring the Company to bear his charges, and to lend him 100l. to furnish himself and provide for his wife. This was performed, upon his bond. The fleet departing before he was ready, the Company sent him by land with a guide, who brought him safely to the Musko.
After his coming to the Musko, and before the delivery of the Queen's letters, he was willed to narrate to the Emperor's Council the means how the King of Polonia was supplied with English shipping against Duke Charles. To satisfy this he showed the instructions which were given him by Mr. Secretary to use for his best advantage : and not to deliver them to be translated into Russe, to be scanned to his disadvantage; the delivery whereof, as “our” [the Muscovy Company's] agents write, was the cause of his disgrace. Before the translation he was received as one preferred to the Emperor's service : after they were translated, and sinister construction drawn out of them, his entertainment was changed, and he was used as a messenger : and the rather, for that being required to report the service in Poland, according to the credit given to him by the Queen's letters, he disclaimed to have any more to allege therein than was contained in his instructions. He was then dismissed as a messenger, and not entertained into the Emperor's service.
Details of monies advanced to Willes by the Company; also of claims made by him upon them, with their reason for refusing payment. Willes agreed to have the dispute arbitrated, and the Company pray he may be ordered to stand to that agreement.
The cost of Willes' journey overland outward, with guide's wages, was 80l.—1600.
pp. (251. 144.)
Sir Ro. Gardener to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 18. In recommendation of the bearer, servant to the late Treasurer, Sir Henry Wallop. (Apparently Richard Hooper : see the Lord Chancellor of Ireland's letter of July 25, 1600.)—Dublin, 18 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 3.)
Dr. Jo. Du Port to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 18. Refers to Cecil's refusal to him, not many years since, of the Deanery of Peterborough; also to his serious illness, and his present poor living. He has been a looker on full ten years in this poor regency of Jesus College (a monument of Lord Burghley's care of him), while his juniors have been advanced before him to the best Church dignities. Yea, some of that condition that a man of scarce half a spleen would make himself sport withal, and say, “as the sheppard did sometimes in the poet, Mopso Nisa datur etc.” On the death of the Bishop of Peterborough, some of his friends posted to Cambridge to set him awork for the bishopric, and have deeply engaged themselves in his behalf. Protests this was without his procurement. Without a commendam of some of the poor livings he has, that estate could not be maintained. Prays for the Deanery of Norwich, if Mr. Dove should be advanced to the bishopric, as he hears is likely.—Jesus College in Cambridge, 18 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 18.)
1600, July 18. Money disbursed for her Majesty's service by Sir John Peyton, Lieutenant of the Tower of London, at the command of Sir Robert Cecil, for the despatch of Mr. Desmond's footman into Ireland. Total, 21l. 1s. 0d.
½ p. (251. 31.)
John Westwood.
1600, July 19. Confession of John Westwood, taken 19 July, 1600, examined in the presence of Mistress Wright and Robert Kyrckham.
Yesterday, about 5 in the morning, he found in Candlewick Street a writing in form of a ballett, which he carried to the house of William Wright, a stationer at Fleet Bridge, and showed the same to Mrs. Wright, who showed it to her husband and one Robert Kyrckham. Whereupon Mrs. Wright took it from him and so brought it unto me. Westwood remains at Garlycke Hive, with Richard Mason, who sometime served his father.
Signed by Westwood. ½ p. (80. 87.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 19. This night Sir Walter Rawley, with the rest of your poor friends, came to Sandwich, coming hither all the way by water. We had thought to have found my Lord of Northumberland at Margate, but at our coming thither we understood that Sir Edward Hobie at [had] invited his Lordship to Quinborow, so that he came not thither so soon as we imagined. At Margate, by Sir Henry Palmer we understood that for certainty the States had raised their siege before Newport, and that their army was settled before the fort called Izabella by Ostend, and that all the shipping that was within the haven of Newport was commanded to go presently thence, which gave the more probability that the States' Army was gone from before Newport. But since our coming to Sandwich, all this former rapport is contraried, and from them that this day came from thence, have assured us that the States' army is still before Newport, so that now, God willing, we hold our former determination, and mean to-morrow morning by 4 of the clock to go aboard of the Q[ueen's] ship, the Adventure, for Ostend. Upon our arrival there you shall hear from us, and hope to keep our time of return which I promised unto her Majesty, but in this occasion I hope that the “prise” time of our return will not be expected.—Sandwich, 19 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 100.)
Dr. Ch. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 19. Understanding it is well liked of that the Dansickers go forward to procure the reconciliation you know of, I have informed myself of means to send my letters to them, which I intend to write in answer of theirs I received late at Embden, that by this occasion I may prick them forward as I have been willed, to pursue that their purpose. Being informed I may send letters next week, which I cannot fit consequently to things past without further information from you, I pray you to favour me therewith. Perusing her Majesty's last letters to the Dansickers, I find mention of some doubts grown by the manner of their proposition, and also that their messenger Bremerus has been informed by some of the Council of what she requires some further resolution. As for the manner of their proposition, I might sufficiently be informed by view of their letters. But what doubts have been conceived thereby, and what resolution is expected, I cannot otherwise know than from you, though I have some conjecture by her Majesty's speech that it is expected the motion should come from the Hances themselves, and that they only should follow the cause. Yet that I may be assured how to deal consequently, I am very desirous both to see the Dansickers' letters, and what resolution Bremerus was willed to require.—Westminster, 19 July, 1600.
Signed, 1 p. (251. 142.)
William Cecill to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, July 19. He has been nine years a prisoner in execution of 106l., at the suit of John Arnold, a kinsman of the Lord Chief Justice's, to whom he never owed penny. Arnold owes her Majesty 500l. more than he is worth. Begs Cecil's letter to the Lord Treasurer, that he may stall the above execution to her Majesty, for satisfaction of part of Arnold's debt to her.
Of an old gentleman here in distress, who has something to communicate which should be no hindrance to Cecil hereafter.—King's Bench Prison, in Southwark, 19 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 155.)
Captain Bornstra to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 20. Expressing his gratitude for the favours bestowed upon him, and stating that he saw in Greenwich at seven o'clock in the evening some days back the secretary of the Spanish Ambassador, Don Bardino de Mendosa, whose sole thought and aim is to do some mischief to the Queen and kingdom.—London, 20 July, 1600, English style.
Signed, J.W.B. Latin. Endorsed :—“Captain Bromstra.” 1 p. (80. 88.)
E., Lord Morley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 20. Although the injury Sharpe has offered him and his scorn in never seeking any favour all this time of his restraint creates little pity, yet out of charity he is pleased to have him released, if it stands with Cecil's liking. Thanks Cecil for the care he has had of his credit in this cause.—London, 20 July, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 141.)
Ri. Knyghtley, George Harmor, Edward Cope, Thomas Kirton, Ri. Chetwode, and Toby Chauncy to [? Sir R. Cecil] .
1600, July 21. On behalf of Mr. Pinchpole Lovett their neighbour. The poor gentlewoman his wife, and his 14 children, live greatly encumbered for his imprisonment; also divers of his friends who are engaged for him. He has been well reputed and of good behaviour, and ready to all taxations and services.—Northampton, 21 July, 1600.
Signed as above. 1 p. (251. 24.)
Sir C. Davers to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 21. Is earnestly invited by Lord Mountjoy to wait upon him in Ireland, and is very willing to go. If Cecil has cause to use his services in the journey, he will make the greater haste to take the opportunity of shipping provided for the soldiers, so that if upon their coming over they undertake a journey to the north, he will not come too late for that service.—Cisseter, 21 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 132.)
Jo, Meade to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 22. Expresses his thanks for Cecil's letter in his behalf to the Lord President and for other favours during his abode there. Prays Cecil to further the despatch of his fellow agent, there yet remaining.—Cork, 22 July, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 10.)
Edward, Lord Stafford to —.
1600, July 22. I know from my sister of your noble dealing with her Majesty to appoint [me] to be one of her Council for Wales, for which I am so bounden to you as, if I were possessed of as great a dukedom as my grandfather had, both it and I, as old as I am, should be hazarded at your direction. On Wednesday last, being at Montgomery Assizes, Mr. Justice Lewknore privately declared to me that he had not received any commission, instruction or letter from the Privy Council to notify her pleasure touching me. I leave all to your consideration.—My poor Castle of Stafford, 22 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 127.)
Captain W. Morgan to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 22. The Lord Admiral has granted him a commission for prohibited and uncustomed goods in England; but by the charge of sending to and placing persons in divers places, he is left destitute of means to end the business or maintain himself. Prays Cecil to lend him 50l. till the return of his ship from the coast of Spain, which he daily looks for : or that he may obtain recompence from the Queen for the services which he has performed, and hopes to perform.—Lambeth, 22 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (251. 129.)
Dr. Robert Soame, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 22. Of Cambridge accidents. God's truth has been shrewdly grated on by some of very unsound judgment. The parties have been advised to embrace the truth. On refusal, they were required to forbear public opposition. How this was performed, appeared in our divinity schools heretofore in Dr. Baro the Frenchman, and of late in Dr. Overall. The one is dead, and I desire the death, not of the other man, but of his errors. The University is a precious fountain : if that be corrupted, it must needs be wide with the rivers, and give a grievous blow to truth and peace. Divers points that have been publicly delivered lead to popery, and may be compared to the cockatrice eggs and spider's web. The nobleman of Bohemia and his company were respected of me at our Commencement, according to your letter.—Cambr[idge], July 22, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 133.)
William Compton to [? Sir Robert Cecil] .
1600, July 22. Acknowledges his kindness in forwarding the reconciliation between him and Sir John Spencer. He hears Spencer is come to London, but makes no long stay. Prays [Cecil] to move the Queen to send for Spencer, according to her promise, without which no good will be done, and he [Compton] will be in despair for this summer.—Yardley, 22 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 135.)
Samuel Beke, portreeve, and Ro. Holland, Minister and preacher at Gravesend, to —.
1600, July 23. Whereas George Burnestrawe has heretofore been employed by divers of her Majesty's counsellors, but especially by your Honour, the said Burnestrawe has employed himself with all diligence to the uttermost in the said service at Gravesend, both on the land and on the water.—Gravesend, 23 July, 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (80. 89.)
H. Seymour to [? Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, July 23. Acknowledges his favours, and reminds him of his former desire. Sir Anthony Paulet is departed this last night. What shall be thought fit in the further proceeding of his [Seymour's] suit, he leaves to [Cecil's] care.—Blackfriars, 23 July, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 136.)
Juan Blanco to —.
1600, July 24. By Juan de Arbeoleys, postmaster of Yrun, I wrote to you of my arrival at St. Jean de Luz, and how I took ship there with merchants of my acquaintance. The landing would have been very dangerous for me had I not been with persons of such credit. But as it was I reached this city without any suspicion twenty days after leaving you. I then looked for some Catholics for the business with which you had charged me. I have already found two who will be useful and hope to send another. If I cannot find the fourth I will leave order for him. The intelligence I have collected in my stay here is thus much.
There are at present no preparations for the sea here, as the treaty for peace has hindered them, but some of the Queen's ships have put to sea to meet ships coming with cargoes from the East Indies.
In Ireland, there is a great army of 16,000 men, and since Mountjoy has been deputy there, much good service has been done there. In the north, where the Earl of Tyrone has his chief force, there are 4,000 soldiers posted in garrisons, who trouble him more than they did before.
In Munster, many have submitted to the President; and it is likely that the Queen will recover great part of it, since the son of the last Earl of Desmond has been taken and put in the Tower of London. He was the son of the Earl for whose assistance the Spanish and Italian soldiers were landed at “Smerique.”
There was some hope that the Earl of Ormond, who was taken by one of the followers of the Earl of Tyrone, could have been won over to the Catholic party, since in his heart he is certainly one, but unfortunately he obtained his liberty for a ransom.
In this council, as in others, there are several parties, but they agree well in matters that touch the welfare of the realm. The Earl of Essex is a prisoner in his own house, and it is thought that those who are of the greatest credit with the Queen leave him in disgrace because they fear his influence.
All the Queen's ships are in harbour in the river of Chatham, except those above mentioned and four or five which keep the sea between Dover and Chatham. Every ship has its powder and other munitions on board. In this way all the powder is not endangered by any fire and the ships are always ready.
It is said here that the King of Spain is not in agreement with the Queen as to the commissaries for the peace and that the negotiations at Boulogne will be broken off.
Since the battle between the Archduke and Count Maurice, the army of the Estates has done nothing. After leaving Newport and on their attacking a fortress called Isabella, the Archduke advanced upon them, whereupon Count Maurice retired to Zeeland, and so, thank God, came to the end of his actions for the year.—London, 24 July, 1600.
Spanish. Holograph. 2 pp. (87. 43.)
Sir Geoffrey Fenton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 24. Sir John Bowies' coming is more for his private than for any great solicitations for Loughfoile. He chose his time ill, to be absent now that those plantations stand in need of all assistance, and his being away may more endanger the service than any other, for he is by letters patent under the great seal of Ireland constituted the second person within that government, and is to succeed Sir Henry Dockwray, if he should miscarry. It may please you therefore to haste him back : neither shall he need to linger upon any further Loughfoile matter than you have already ordered by me, which shall be answered at my return to Dublin. I have left the bearer to attend you for the rest of my despatch, being now ready to take horse towards Chester.—Strand, 24 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 128.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 25. Acknowledges Cecil's favours.
The daily advertisements of our enemy's designs put us in mind of finishing the state of this fort as yet left unperfect, according to a true report thereof under the engineer's hand sent to your Honours at his departure. I have ever since the discharging of the Queen's workmen kept from day to day divers men at work in clearing the walls, and making up those wants whereof most use will be when need requires, whereunto the necessity itself has driven me, although I find it a burden over heavy for my poor estate, which it may please you to consider of, and that according to a view thereof to be made, allowance may be had for the perfecting of it. Also, whereas it heretofore pleased the Council to appoint certain ordnance of St. Mawes Castle for the strengthening of this place, which afterwards by my Lord Admiral's and your letter was stayed until these works should be brought to perfection; I have now presumed to put you in mind thereof again, craving your farther pleasure, without which I would not stir any more therein : and it being of such strength, and the walls levelled and fit for any occasion of service, I may receive the said ordnance, without which it is a body without decent and requisite apparel : as also a proportional sum may be allowed according to the former report for the finishing thereof without the walls.—Pendenas Castle, 25 July, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (80. 90.)
Adam Loftus, Archbishop of Dublin, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 25. The bearer Richard Hoper, late vice-treasurer to the deceased Sir Henry Wallop, has finished his accounts of the revenues of Ireland, and is ready to return. Recommends him to Cecil's favour for his godly and honest conversation, and sincere and upright behaviour in his office. Sir Henry took especial comfort on his deathbed that he left Hoper behind him for the finishing of his accounts, which were a great burden to his mind.—Dublin, 25 July, 1600.
Signed, “Ad. Dubline.” Endorsed :—“Lord Chancellor of Ireland. In behalf of Mr. Hooper.” 1 p. (251. 2.)
Step. Rislesden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 25. Thanks Cecil for his favours and prays for employment. He is over wearied in the place wherein he serves with a company of wayward and malignant spirits, that would have nothing well done but that which they do to their own disgrace, and the prejudice of her Majesty's service.—25 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 11.)
Sy. Wyllys to Roger Houghton.
1600, July 26. His master's (Cecil's) pleasure is that he shall deliver to this gentleman Captain Morgan 50l., for the Queen's service.—The Court, 26 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (214. 33.)
William Brewster to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600], July 26. Acknowledges Cecil's recommendation of his services in apprehending Colebake, and taking his letters. There are now come letters from the Council to my Lord of Ely, giving the latter authority to oversee him and his prisoners, by virtue of which my Lord intends to wrest him out of his place; notwithstanding the charge of 740l. he has been at since he was appointed keeper; only to place a brother of my Lord's in his room.—July 26.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (251. 1.)
Hortensio Spinola to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 26. Many months ago it was suggested to me to procure an exchange of myself for a Richard Achens [Hawkins], prisoner in Madrid. I knew that this was very hard for me to obtain, never having served the King of Spain, and refused to make the attempt. But being ordered by Mr. Wead on behalf of your Excellency and the Council to write in favour of the said Achens, I decided to do so, and wrote to those from whom I hoped for help and favour. Afterwards, with your approval, I despatched my servant with new letters and orders to use all diligence in the matter. But since that day I have had no news from him, except that a few days ago letters came from the said Achens from Madrid saying that my servant was in Madrid and had proposed the exchange to the Council of Spain, who had replied that I was not a subject of the King of Spain and had never served him, and that he need not trouble further, as they would not surrender Achens or any other in exchange for me. Achens himself says that he will never obtain his liberty in that way. I was sorry at this news, but reflecting that I had been imprisoned, sick, crushed by my troubles, and yet doing all I could in the matter, I hoped that some other end for my sufferings might be found. But in that I was deceived, for the last few days they have kept me confined to a little room, saying it was the will of your Excellency, since which time I have not been kept at the Queen's expense. Now, as I am poor, sick, and abandoned by all, I can but implore you to have pity on me, and order that I may have my usual food that I may not die of hunger, and that I may have the liberty of the house that I die not of disease, for which two favours your Excellency shall find me ever bound to you.—Newgate (Carcere de Nughet), 26 July, 1600.
Holograph. Italian. 1 p. (251. 16.)
Richard [Bancroft], Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 26. I have brought with me from Embden a vat of Rhenish wine, containing six score gallons, or, as they are termed there, three ames. This vessel I entreat you to accept, and to send me word whether I shall send it to the Court, or to your house at the Savoy. You should not have had it but that I did so surfeit at Embden in quaffing to such and so many healths, not forgetting yours (but remembering you better, I trust, in my prayers), that now I can be well content to part with it, and to make it as you have made me, that is, your own for ever.—London, 26 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 29.)
William, Earl of Derby to his Uncle, Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 26. Two months since, by the Council's warrant, the bearer, his cousin Edward Stanley, was commanded to appear before them to answer objections against him. Stanley duly attended about the Court this month, but has not been called. As the man is poor, and the charge great, he prays that he may be called to his answer, or permitted to depart on security.—Chanon Rowe, 26 July, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 20.)
Gabriell Goodman, Dean of Westminster, to [Sir R. Cecil?].
1600, July 26. I am informed by Mr. Barrie that it is your pleasure he should attend at the Court. I find him very willing to attend her Highness to the Chapel, if it seem good to you; and I doubt not in a short time he will be conformed to all good orders, as a gentleman and scholar should. I have sent one of my men to attend him and to know your further pleasure.—Chesweeke, 26 July, 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (251. 26.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600], July 27/August 6. I would not let this messenger pass without giving you notice how our affairs are in these parts, so far as I understand them. I doubt not but your intelligences are quicker and more authentical from others than they can be from me, which yet is but a stranger in the country. We are come to Middelborough, and have left at Ostend 39 companies to defend the town if there be any occasions. The Governor of the Brill is there still, but mends of his hurts. His Excellency's army is thrust up into garrisons here about, and have their “potents” delivered them. The horse are gone to Bergen up Son for the most of them, the rest in places convenient thereabouts. The horse hath done somewhat in Brabant at their very first arrival, yet not otherwise than in riding upon the “bowers” [?boors] of the country. We expect to be in the field again within these ten days; then shall all the companies be united together, for we hear that the enemy makes haste into Brabant, but where we shall cast ourselves that is unknown, and secret only to his Excellency's own heart. We judge by conjecture that it will be into Flanders, either to Hulst of [? or] Sluce, when the enemy shall attend us in another place, but their counsels are so uncertain, only begot upon new intelligences, that certainly one cannot deliver anything. There was four of the galleys at sea as we passed from Ostend to Flushing to attend stragglers, or the benefit of calms if they happened. My Lord Gray and myself had taken our lodging in a hoy for our better ease and sweetness. We had like to have paid well for our niceness (what by the negligence of our pilot which had well supped): in the morning there was a calm, our hoy one of the last of the company almost, and not to be succoured by any of the men of war which was about us. We found the galleys rowing towards us very near, yet we were favoured at that instant when the pilot gave us lost with a good gale of wind, so as the men of war made good way, gave the galleys chase to the very haven, and as it is reported by a French man that came thence, is well torn : the galleys did creep so nigh the shore as our ships could not come nigh them but with their great shot; some 100 great shot was bestowed of them. If the calm had continued, many of the hoys had been in danger, then full of soldiers, cannon, and other portage. Now I will end with these accounts, because the wind hastes this messenger away, and myself ready to go to a drunken feast to attend his Excellency, which the burghers of the town doth make him. Drink begets kindness when one is full of it, so as at dinner I shall love you in that humour : ever after as a true faithful constant friend.—Middelborough, 6 August, stilo novo.
[P.S.]—His Excellency is going within this two or three days to Bergen. I think it is to review his troops of horse which were weak, and to see in what state the country is in thereabouts.
Holograph. 2 pp. (87. 65.)
Paul Iue [Ivy] to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 28. Since the departure of my Lord Cobham there has not been anything done in Flanders; for the Archduke having thrust Nieport, Dunkerke, Dixsmuyde, Quern and the “circumacysin” towns full of men, having besides, by his army in the field, succoured certain well seated forts on the drowned grounds about Ostend, which Count Maurice could not approach, the Count therefore upon Saturday, July 19, sending [sent] away his cavalry unto Berghen-op-Zoom under the conduct of Count Lodowyke, who arriving there upon Sunday at night immediately made an incursion upon the open country. The Archduke hastened so fast out of Flanders into Brabant to succour it that, for his better speed at Gaundt, he put his infantry into waggons (“waghens”). Count Maurice leaving good garrison of horse and foot in Ostend, departed thence upon Tuesday the 22 of July, in whose passage into Zeeland the galleys against Sluus in a calm, rowing up to the fleet, assail his hoys : a sudden gale arose that the ships filling their sails and making in toward the land bestowed upon them some 150 shot. The galleys never turned their prows to shoot but used their muskets and oars. Count Maurice is at this instant at Middleburgh, but as it is thought ready to depart to the Haghe.
Concerning the estate of the country, I do find the towns much better walled and housed than of late years they were, but they complain for want of trade with Spain and the enemy, for houses, store-houses, cellars and chambers stand empty but too many; besides, upon the Burse I found a bill of sale put up for the selling of ten ships in Rotterdam that had been men of war, and at Vlyssinghe, ships are better cheap than they have been. I pray God send them trade.—Middelburg, 28 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (80. 91.)
Lord Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600], July 28. To avoid the reputation of an idle fellow that may be thought rather to forget his friends than show any diligence in remembering them, is the cause why I recommend now my service unto you; for I assure myself there [is] no particularity concerning the designs they have here that you shall not be informed of. My suit to you is I may still be retained in your good favour, which I hold very dear, and desire to preserve by the best services I can be able to perform.—Ostend, 28 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” ½ p. (80. 92.)
The Earl of Essex to [Sir Charles Davers].
[1600], July 28. Worthy Sir Charles, this bearer returns to you fully instructed and leaves your friend here perfectly resolved : if you on the other side find the same judgment, affection and assurance to correspond, then answer for me who will never make you repent being my surety. By him that carries now all our wares to you, I shall long to know how they are valued beyond sea, and till I hear from you, I will by provision beat my brains upon all particulars, that 1 may have my storehouse full of all such things as at our great mart will be expected.—28 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“E. to Sir Ch. Davers, 1600.” ½ p. (80. 93.)
Justices of Peace of Suffolk to the Privy Council.
1600, July 28. They have published the Council's letters touching the Queen's gracious respect for the relief of the poorest by provision of corn, and furnishing the markets of this county, which was thankfully received as a special favour of her Majesty. Upon the publication, corn abated in the market at Bury 2s. in the coomb. They have had all the markets in the franchise of Bury (for which part only they make this certificate) well furnished with corn, and so is likely to continue till they be furnished with new corn.—Bury, 28 July, 1600.
Signed : Robert Jermyn, T. Heigham, John Gurdon, John Jermyn, John Sprynge, Henry Warner, Thomas Croft, Edw. Lewkenor and John Gylbert.
Endorsed :—“Justices of Peace of Suffolk.” 1 p. (80. 94.)
Paul Pinder to Michael Hicks.
1600, July 28. I was at Court and had your letters delivered to Mr. Secretary by Mr. Lavignes. At his going up to the Queen, his Honour pleased to call me and told me he had moved the Queen touching my suit for my charges coming from Constantinople, but that she was not pleased to allow the same, but displeased that the Agent would send the present overland : as to my suit for the consulship at Venice, until the Queen had resolved whether the old or new Company should have the trade; it was not to be moved. I made no reply, because he was accompanied and time permitted not. Neither do I hope by any other means to obtain the same, and must therefore surcease my suit. Yet I must think my fortune hard and my loss and disgrace great. For other bringers of presents less worthy than this last have been allowed to kiss the Queen's hand and bountifully rewarded. But I (albeit employed by the Company) yet in the Queen's name, having gone with the presents to Constantinople and delivered them to the Grand Seignor, the Sultana, the Vizer, and others, and having returned with a present for the Queen, may neither deliver it myself, nor kiss her hand, and must have the charge of my travel for my labour. Had I not come, some base Turk should have brought it at a greater charge. But I must have patience.
Unless at your special conference with Mr. Secretary he conceives of the Venice matter as a project fit for the Queen's service, I shall despair of that suit also; for he is so busy that I shall have no opportunity to solicit him by myself. If he will, he can effect it; the obtaining whereof would well satisfy me for all. Of my sufficiency for the same, I can only say that my eighteen years' experience of Italy deserves a trial. But my suit to you is that you move Mr. Secretary instantly herein, to draw the matter to a conclusion, not awaiting the resolution between the two companies excepting their assent, for doubtless in respect of some small charge they will object against same as needless; so that except in the Queen's pleasure and authority there is no hope for me. But if it be told to the Companies that the Queen is resolved to have such a place executed, they will at once agree. I have sent your letters to Venice and written myself. Had the despatch of my affairs permitted me to go, I would not have doubted of more effectual performance.—London, 28 July, 1600.
Holograph. Addressed :—“Michael Hicks, Esquire, Ruckolls.” 2½ pp. (180. 138.)
Richard Cooke to [Sir R. Cecil].
1600, July 28. I am permitted by your licence to come unto this kingdom to discover a dangerous purpose. I have done my best to bring it to light to you, wherein I have been prevented, because I could not come otherwise than by compulsion to the speech of Mr. Wisman. Herein was the overthrow of the business, by the private acquaintance that he has with Cresswell and Fittes Harbert : for their servant told me they often receive letters from them both, and so consequently an actor herein : and therefore by warning given by Wisman to Hare, I was prevented of my expectation. If their wicked persuasions, with colour of religion had not bred resolution in me to effect that which they had drawn me unto, which at that time I was so blinded by their enchantment that I would have lost my life to have performed, I might have brought letters and other specialities to have made the matter manifest. But since Mr. Wade suspects that it is a forged matter, saying I was acquainted with them before, I protest I never knew them but only since I have undertaken to discover this matter. Parting with them with the intent to effect and not reveal the same, I simply received their directions by word of mouth. But upon the way from Madride, coming to Vytoria, where I remained two days with a most troubled mind, in the night I dreamed I was in England, apprehended and executed for this offence, and that my soul, departing this life, was received by evil spirits : which brought me into such terror that I began to see my error, and determined to reveal the same. Then I wished I had been in that mind before, that I might have brought better evidence for the discovery thereof : yet expecting that the circumstances should be sufficient to make the matter plain, I followed my way homewards. But it being that it needs further proof, and as I see myself not so well trusted as I ought to be, I am therefore resolved with your favour to return to the Court of Spain, and bring with me satisfactory evidence : so that in the meantime Wisman and Hare be kept close, and that I may carry with me their letters. If you think not good to allow of my request, I crave your benevolence to supply my present want with some small sum of money, and I will live in my country in the fear of God, as repentant of former follies.—London, 28 July, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil's secretary :—“Richard Cooke to my Master.” 3 pp. (251. 15.)
Sir Henry Bromley to Henry Cuffe.
[1600], July 29. My dear Brother, I may not omit this opportunity to urge you to let me hear what is done or what hope there is of doing good for our lord. If nothing be done yet, my hope will be very small that it will be very shortly. It were good in my poor opinion that an end of his expectations were urged. The summer is half done, time is precious, opportunity may be lost; I am and will be as I have promised. I expect but direction, for I am wholly his that you are. Let us not lose the start that we have gotten, but bethink of some means either to be winners or savers. I doubt of the forbearing hand by former experience, for vile natures will ascribe that patience to pusillanimity that the noble would to contempt. For my part I am ready to undergo what he doth, and none that have been most tied to him by benefits are or shall be more tied in affection. Let this suffice, and lose I pray you no time to perform those offices that you have undertaken and I have promised.—From my house at Holt Castle, 29 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Leave this with Sir Gillam Merricke.” Seal. 1 p. (179. 131.)
[Sir Robert Cecil to Lord Norreys.]
[1600, c. July 29.] I am sorry to write in anything that may trouble you, because I see you are retired to your own private, but that I speak to you for one of your own, on whom the title of honour must descend which you received by her Majesty's favour; from whom I presume you would wish nothing to be taken which might be a blemish to that place wherein he must abide and keep the memory of your house in honour. There is an intention, besides all that is already done, to cut down the woods about your house, which work, because I assure myself it proceeds no way from your own disposition, but from those who cannot be contented with the extraordinary goodness they receive from you, but seek even to tread upon him whom God and nature have appointed to be the head of your house, I have thought good to acquaint you, from whom only he and myself (in whose house he is matched) expect favour for him; hoping that however in your power you are absolute, yet that you will not execute it in this kind, which can never be repaired, but that you will offer me no such hard measure as I shall repent me to have bestowed my niece in a house where the grandfather shall so rigorously deal with her husband, especially considering that I had your allowance to the match, and your promise of favour after, which if I could have imagined should have proved no other than it is (although I take comfort in the gentleman himself) yet the Lord Norreys, and Sir Edward too, should have well perceived that the Earl of Oxford's daughter might have been as well bestowed. Neither I nor my nephew desire to be beholden to any but you, and doubt not you will be ruler of your own while you live; although if I would believe what is informed, Sir Edward Norreys gives it out that nobody shall either speak with you but by his means, nor obtain anything of you but by his favour; whereof I desire by you answer to make trial, presuming that for so small an advantage as that wood can be to him whose purse soever you mean to fill, you will not deface the state of your posterity.
Undated. Endorsed by Cecil's secretary :—“Minute to my Lord Norreys from my master, concerning Mr. Francis Norreis.” Corrections by Cecil. 2½ pp. (251. 25.)
Henry, Lord Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 29. I perceive by your letters there is a great looking into my proceedings. My course of my life has been such that I may hope to obtain the privilege as others in the like cases have; that is, to do with my own as seems to me best; which is nor shall be no otherwise than shall well stand with my honour to do. Being weary of this subject, I am loth to trouble you or myself any longer.—Wytham, 29 July, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (251. 13.)
Dr. Ch. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 29. Sickness prevents him from attending upon Cecil at his appointment, and he begs Cecil to bear with him. He will follow Cecil as soon he is able to ride.—Westminster, 29 July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 19.)
Sir Edward Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 30. I understand by some merchants here at Chester that came from Ireland, that my Lord of Donesane and other gentlemen of the Pale lighted upon a good piece of service in the border of Cavan called O'Reylle's country. The man that Donesane lighted upon is called Terlacke Mc Shane O'Reylle. I thought good to acquaint you with the man, fearing that some of his friends would find means to have him set at liberty, which would be a mighty maim to her Majesty's service; for the traitor Tireone has not about him a man that he reckons of so much as he does of Terlacke. There is none in Ireland that persuaded Tireone to this villany, but this man, being “put unto,” will declare the state of it, for he knows as much of the treasons amongst us as any man in the north of Ireland, and made great proffers for his enlargement, and has promised that the Earl of Ormond's pledges shall be set at liberty, which now remain in the enemy's hands. If it would please you, I would certify you from time to time of such news as shall be in Ireland.—Chester, 30 July, 1500 [1600].
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (251. 8.)
Counterfeit Signatures.
1600, July 31. Examinations of Chrystopher Porter, one of the ordinary messengers of her Majesty's Chamber, and of Guye Lewes : taken before Sir Francis Darcy and Thomas Fowler, Justices of Middlesex, 31 July, 1600.
Porter being demanded why he caused to be made three stamps of the names counterfeited by one Guy, viz.:—of Sir Robert Cecil, Mr. W. Waade and Mr. Thomas Smythe, answered he suspected that others had heretofore deceived her Majesty by such practices, and for the discovery of such like parties he caused the stamps to be made, supposing thereby to discover any bills that should be signed, for by their stamp of printer's ink, it will be discovered, and the wetting of the paper makes it take their ink without suspect, so that the print will not be seen of the back side, as the maker of the print told him : for proof whereof the printer showed him the print of his name at a printer's house upon part of his own name. Being asked how by this stamp which he caused to be made should be discovered another counterfeit of the aforesaid names, he "answered that by those stamps the bills in the pay house are to be called in question for the service they have done; and so to be compared with these, whereby they may be discovered. Being demanded why he did not make any acquainted with this course, was for that he had a secret determination to discover all such bills as should be signed by these honourable gentlemen, before he would make it known.
Lewes details the circumstances under which Porter induced him to make the above stamps : bringing him at the first for graving the name of a woman who, as Porter said, “being much given to play at cards was loath to forego her game to write her name”: and afterwards bringing the above names.
Signed by Dairy and Fowler. 2 pp. (80. 95.)
Ja. Anton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 31. Complains of delay in the payment of his annuity from the starch patent, which he is informed is by the Lord Treasurer's command. Prays Cecil's favour in the matter. Details of his losses through yielding up his right in the patent, and of his unsatisfied claims. Asks for the 100l. remaining of the Lord Thomas Howard's money.—July 31, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 97.)
Thomas Holcroft to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 31. Expresses his thanks to Cecil for his late favour at the Council table, and the allowance of his suit in the matter between him and Sir Edward Fitton : also for the defence of his credit, endeavoured to be impeached by an honourable person whom he never offended. An order has thereupon ensued to his special good content.—Vale Royal, last of July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 9.)
Ant. Atkinson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July 31. Cecil was offended with him for not delivering the muskets to the Scotsman. He wrote to the Lord Treasurer why he took them, and satisfied him. Now the loss has fallen upon him, besides Cecil's displeasure. [Margin :—The Scots mariners confessed the muskets were provided for Tirone in Ireland : and at that time a Scotsman dwelling in the west part of Scotland claimed them.] Cecil is informed he looks through his fingers at the Scotsmen, but he looks as broad as he can. They daily in Humber deceive her Majesty, and he cannot help it, for he spends his money to reform it, and can have no allowance for his charges. Since 27 Eliz. he has advanced the yearly customs in that port 1,400l., and spent 700l. He also apprehended John Boost and Francis Markeland, two notable traitors and seminaries, and Warcoppe and others their aiders, and spent in that service 600l., besides other services; yet never had any recompense. Prays Cecil to help him with the Queen for reward for his services; and not to believe the report of his enemies, who hate him for taking the said traitors, and for executing his office. For the abuses committed in Humber by conveying of corn and prohibited goods by Scots and others, he cannot remedy them unless her Majesty bears the charge.—London, last of July, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 157.)
The Earl of Essex to [Sir William Knollys, Comptroller of the Household].
[1600,] July. Good Uncle, I thank you for your letter and the enclosed papers in it, but in mine own cause I doubt my credit with Sir Richard Barkley to make him take a copy at my hands. Secondly, I do not conceive what a motion of his for himself can do for me, if the Queen's royal word, the public profession made at my Lord Keeper's at the day of hearing, and the intercession of so strong mediators can work nothing. And I know that Sir Richard Barkeley, that now may pretend some merit for being so long kept prisoner with me, may now think he is paid, if he be dismissed, and the Queen, that is now tied before God and man to give me liberty, will think it strange that she should be only moved to change my keeper. Of the news you send, I take comfort, that God doth give the pride of our enemy any check. It is strange both in substance and in circumstance to me, that was wont to know them. God make us thankful for it. Receive, I pray you, my thanks, and deliver them where you find them due, and believe that Prince Maurice is not happier in his victory than is in his affliction, your loving nephew.
Draft in the hand of Essex's secretary. Undated. Endorsed :—“My Lord to Mr. Compt., July.” ½ p. (80. 79.)
Tho. Jackson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July. Refers to his father's services in Edward and Mary's time, “and what great loss he sustained by the lending of 4,000l. to the Duke of Norfolk to pay her Majesty's army in Scotland, which was repaid when the treasure came to Berwick, in base money, which was presently first called down and then abolished.” Speaks of himself as a former servant of Lord Hunsdon, when Governor of Berwick. The course ordained for Berwick is that the companies that fall shall be bestowed upon the succeeding officer, if fit, or upon the eldest captain best deserving : and not sold for money, as they now are, whereby men able to do service are disgraced. Wherefrom proceeds that great decay of good men in Berwick, which was heretofore esteemed the nursery of England for martial men and their good discipline : but by these means is made a receptacle and sink of all the dissolute and cunning cosening livers in England. Before Sir John Carey's time, never company was sold in Berwick, Complains of Carey's lately selling, and preferring a stranger to, a company which was given to the writer, and begs Cecil not to permit it.
Undated. Endorsed :—“July, 1600, Captain Jackson.” 2 pp. (80. 98.)
Supplies to the Rebels in Ireland.
[1600, July.] Jaymes Stuard of Glasco brought out of Ireland eight brass pieces taken out of the water in Adonell's country. He sends daily powder into Ireland. Jhon Allen, merchant for Sir Jaymes McSurley, conveys all things to Surley Boy that he wants. Jhon Willson and Henry Willson of Glasco convey powder and munition into Ireland to Adonell. There are two brethren at Ayre that are merchants for Tyron, and all that country trade thither. One bark of 30 tons with 30 men and three or four cast pieces might intercept all these, and furnish the garrison at Loughfoyle with victuals from Knocfergus, for these Scottishmen send over the powder and munitions in very small boats of ten, sixteen and twenty tons, and go all the winter time, and in the summer time they dare not stir. Upon complaint made by Mr. Nicolson of these Scottishmen that do furnish the enemy with powder and munitions, the Scots King did put them to the horn on the Friday, and restored them again the Saturday following.
Undated. Endorsed :—“July, 1600, Jhon Kelly.” 1 p. (80. 99.)
Fra. Darcy, Amb. Copinger, and J. Barne to the Council.
1600, July. They have caused the Council's letters to be read in their market towns. They acknowledge her Majesty's care in the late orders for bringing down the high prices of grain, to the unspeakable comfort of the poor, and thankfulness of all well disposed persons. According to orders, they have searched the remain of grain in their part of the country, being the west part and most of the north, containing all the markets in Middlesex : and have procured as much as they can that the markets might be accordingly served therewith. This has brought down wheat from 7s. or 8s. a bushel to 5s., and other grains abate in price in like proportion. They enclose a note of the remain, which they estimate to be very sufficient for these parts till God send new, without fear of higher prices.—New Braynford, July, 1600.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Justices of Peace of Middlesex.” 1 p.
The Enclosure :
A true remain of the whole store of corn and grain which we have found in all the towns, parishes and hamlets on this part of the county of Middlesex mentioned in the letter.
Wheat, 393 qrs. 3 b.; Maslyne, 8 qrs. 5 b.; Rye, 111 qrs. 5 b.; Beans, 65 qrs. 5 b.; Beans and Pease, 15 qrs.; Beans and Barley, 1 qr.; Barley, 19 qrs. 2 b.; Oats, 22 qrs. 7 b.; Malt, 435 qrs.
½ p. (251. 12.)
Pi. Lovet to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, July. Is prisoner in the Marshalsea, being taken in the company of one Wright, who called himself Thorpe, saying he dwelt in Warwickshire. He (Lovet) has made his confession truly to Sir John Peyghton, Francis Bacon, Esquire, and Mr. William Wade, Clerk of the Privy Council; and thereby hopes to finds Cecil's favour. Is heartily sorry he fell into such company. His lands are mortgaged, and his friends engaged for him in great sums of money, whom he cannot relieve while in prison. Prays Cecil to commiserate his miserable estate, and to forgive him : and if he has been erroneously led in religion, he prays that he may be resolved by any means that Cecil thinks fit. He has lived honestly for 28 years in his own country, where he has a wife and fourteen children, and the best in the shire can report of his dutifulness to the Queen.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“July, 1600, Pinchpole Lovet.” 1 p. (251. 17.)
Sir Fardinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, July.] Thanks Cecil for the assurance of his favour in his suit for the wardship of the young Griffeth. He has sent one to attend Cecil for his resolution upon the course to be taken, wherein he is himself utterly ignorant. Prays Cecil to give direction what shall be done with “the other two,” who still remain here in prison attending their Lordships' pleasure.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“July, 1600.” 1 p. (251. 22.)
Sir John Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, July.] I send this messenger of purpose to know whether you think it necessary that I come to the dining house to speak with the Queen before she go thence; otherwise I shall have business in the town all this day.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“July, 1600.” ½ p. (251. 23.)
Lod. Bryskett to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, July.] Thanks Cecil for his inclination to relieve his decayed estate, which the common calamity of Ireland has brought on him. According to Cecil's pleasure signified by Mr. Crosbie, has written to Sir John Stanhope to second the motion to the Queen. Illness prevents him from following the suit, and he prays Cecil's care of his speedy despatch.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“July, 1600.” 1 p. (251. 27.)
Ja. Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1–600,] July. Certifies that the bearer and his father, of whom Cecil has conceived some displeasure, are both very religiously given, and as far from faction or disobedience as any gentlemen of their country or calling. If by any young man's errors the old gentleman has been misreported of, there was never knowledge nor consent in them, which Mr. Knighton has plainly written to his best friend at Court. If Cecil will hear them they will satisfy him.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“July.” 1 p. (251. 111.)
Henry Clare to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, July.] Prays for favourable letters to the Lord Deputy of Ireland; also for letters to the Lord President of Munster, to have his pay during his absence, and that he may be commander of the Castle of Limerick, if intended for a citadel, because he has spent much time there.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“July, 1600. Captain Clare.” 1 p. (251. 138.)
Sir Ed. Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, c. July.] Finds by the imputations in Cecil's letter what an unhappy place he holds in Cecil's favour : but he will always be able to give him satisfaction. His attendance on his father is necessary : but if Cecil will appoint some man of judgment to consider the actions on both sides, and make a just relation to him, he will make Cecil the judge thereof.
Holograph. Undated. 2 pp. (251. 14.)
Edward, Earl of Oxford to [? Sir Robert Cecil] .
[1600, c. July.] Refers to his non-success in former suits to the Queen. He has moved her lately about the office of the He [? Jersey] now vacant by the death of Sir Anthony Paulet, and prays [Cecil's] furtherance in the matter.—Hakney. “Your loving friend and brother.”
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 28.)