Cecil Papers: May 1600, 1-15

Pages 134-148

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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May 1600, 1–15

Thomas [Jones], Bishop of Meath, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 1. Strongly recommends the bearer Mr. Egerton, well experienced in her Majesty's service, especially in the north part towards Carrickfergus, where he has many times been employed as Governor and Commander of the Forces. About three years since he was preferred to the place of Colonel, upon the then intended employment of Sir Sa. Bagenall to Lough Foyle, and that course being altered, he has since had some command at Dundalk, and in the parts near the writer's dwelling.—Arbrachan, 1 May, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Bishop of Meath in favour of Captain Egerton.” 1 p. (79. 20.)
Henry Leighe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 1. I beseech your good offices with her Majesty for my release from this imprisonment, which I have patiently endured for a month for that my rash and indiscreet contempt, being forced by necessity and good desire to further her service. Vouchsafe to withdraw out of her conceit all mistrust of my loyalty. For the last ten years past, since my estate was consumed in her service, I have only depended upon her favour, of which I have most bountifully tasted. If the sweetness thereof by this my little negligence be withdrawn, I desire not to live. I know there want not about princes that are apt to whet their wit upon poor men's fortunes, and will sooner give forth a word of suspicion than do good service themselves. But I trust that by your means her heart will be moved to due mercy.—This first of May, 1600. The Gatehouse at Westminster.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 88.)
Sir Arthur Capell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 2. He is entreated by his brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Chester, now High Sheriff of Herts, to inform Cecil of his knowledge concerning the insufficiency of the townsmen of Royston to undergo so great a charge as the building up of their church, now utterly ruinated and fallen down. He has ever known the town for a poor one, consisting for the most part of innholders and victuallers, which seldom prove men of any great wealth. Prays Cecil to further the work.—2 May, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 21.)
The Court of Wards.
1600, May 2. Order of, as to the wardship of Ferdinando Leigh.—May 2, 1600.
1 p. (P. 2181.)
P. Lord Willoughby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 3. Offers services. The “toyle” shall presently be delivered to Cecil's servant. As soon as he has better health, he will advertise Cecil, and attend their Lordships' further directions.—Hackney, 3 May, 1600.
Signed. ¼ p. (79. 22.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 3. According to your command, I have examined this bearer, George Cartewryte, touching his transporting of certain gentlewomen and others to Calais, and for bringing back from thence three other passengers, suspected to bear evil affection to the State. The offence he doth with great submission and sorrow acknowledge, unto the which he was procured by one Mrs. Skarlett, a recusant gentlewoman lurking about London, whom I as yet cannot apprehend. His fault I find only to proceed from a desire he had of profit, they paying 20s. apiece for their passage, and not of any evil inclination to religion or to State. I cannot find that he hath formerly offended in this nature, but is reputed to be an honest poor man. If his boat be not by your commiseration restored, himself, his wife and children are utterly undone.—Tower, 3 May, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower.” 1 p. (79. 23.)
William Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 3. I do understand, both by him that sent me the railing pamphlet set out by Wright and by others, that they were printed in Northamptonshire, where there is more like stuff on the press. The printer is one Henry Oven. He is known in this town; for being a prisoner in the Clink, he was by my Lord's grace removed to the “White Lion,” whence he escaped. The corrector of the print is one Wills that is now in this town.
Those two persons that escaped, which were brought over by the shipper that was before your Honour, the one of them is called Thirberry, the other goeth by the name of George Ascue. Both come out of Spain. The latter hath been persecuted by Persons. Three more came over at the same time, Fysher, Brooke and Morryce. One was with me this day that doth tell me there are twenty come over within these few days.
These railing pamphlets are marvellously dispersed.—From Moor Lane, the 3 of May, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 89.)
H. Hardware, Mayor, to the Privy Council.
1600, May 4. This day, having received letters from George Thornton, Esq., captain of her Majesty's ship called the Popingey, I have thought good to send them unto you.
A lieutenant unto Captain Sydney, returning from the waterside unto this city, and being here arrested for a debt of 16s. which by way of complaint came in question before me, amongst other matters (concerning the answering of the same debt) he protested he had nothing wherewith to satisfy the same, saving certain daggers, which were given unto him by his said captain (as he alleged). On further examination, I not only perceived that the same were part of the arms which were provided for her Majesty's service, but that divers other captains had converted their soldiers' daggers unto their own private commodities. I thought good, rather than the same should be so lost, to pay that small debt, and to preserve those daggers, being in number 72, for her Majesty's service, which now remaining in my custody, I pray your directions for disposing of the same.
The forces being hence departed and landed at Carrickfergus, I purpose forthwith to perfect my accounts, and send the same to you.—Chester, 4 May, 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Chester, with Captain Thornton's letter.” 1 p. (79. 24.)
The Enclosure :
Captain George Thornton to Henry Hardware, Mayor of Chester.
1600, May 1. At the appointment of Sir Henry Dockry, I came from Carrickfergus to the Isle of Man for a supply of victuals for the whole army for 14 days, having the Council's letters for my warrant from Sir Henry, but Captain Molineux, Deputy Governor of the Isle, has received letters shelved to my view which command straitly not deliver any victuals without present payment : so that I am forced to go hence without any relief at all to the army. I heartily desire you to certify these to the Lords of her Highness' Council for reformation hereof the more for that tiie speedy departure of the Lord Bishop of Man from the Island did hinder my proceedings.—Castle Rushton, 1 May, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (79. 19.)
Henry Hardware, Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 4. I received your letter of April 24 enclosing a letter directed to Sir Henry Docwra, which I sent to Sir Henry, who was departed this river before the receipt thereof, by Captain Harte, appointed by you for the conduction of the supplies sent from London, who hoisted sails with his supplies and 20 other runaways sent in by the country, and passed the bar of Chester upon Wednesday last, and I hope. ere this safely landed at Carrickfergus, yet somewhat doubtful because, since their going out of the river, the wind has been a little variable, but as yet we hear no news to the contrary.
One Christopher Howe, owner of the William, a bark of this river, landed this day at this city, who reports that yesterday morning he saw the fleet at Dublin (which was appointed from thence to Carrickfergus and so to Lough Foyle), and that they have been within three days of a month on shipboard attending a prosperous wind, which hitherto has stood so easterly as that they could not put out of the river. He further told me that the bark called the Katherin of Helbrye (whereof William Wryght is owner), being laden from hence with 100 quarters of oats appointed for Carrickfergus, had her mainmast broken northward the Isle of Man, whereby she was severed from the rest of the fleet, yet safely arrived at Dublin, and proposes upon repair of his bark speedily to pass for Carrickfergus.—Chester, 4 May, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 27.)
Sir Anthony Poulett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 4. Recommends the suit of the bearer, his kinsman Mr. Mallet, for a licence to travel beyond the seas. Mr. Mallet's father lived in good account in Somerset, and his brother has married one of the Lord Chief Justice's daughters.—4 May, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 25.)
H. Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 4. The winds have been so long northerly that for want of a westerly wind (as the master of the ship whom I will send to you to-morrow informs me) his ship could never get out of the haven, and half the deer dead with removing on land, or ill-usage, as I think. I have no mind to write of such cross hap as is fallen out therewith, but rather to provide a better ship hereafter, where they may not be so thronged, and hope of better winds.—4 May, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (79. 26.)
Anthony Hungerford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 5. For a passport for his servant Christopher Worley to repair to Lady Hungerford, late wife of Sir Walter Hungerford, deceased, now abiding in Lovaine, in order to obtain evidence in certain questions as to the inheritance of Sir Walter between Sir Walter's brother and daughters, whereof the writer married one.—5 May, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (79. 28.)
George, Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, May 5.] It pleased her Majesty two days since to talk with me for the putting some ships to sea, and commanded me to set down what the charge would be to victual them. My own ship can have no less than 400 men, the two merchants 150 apiece. The proportion of their victual I send you herewith, for four months, which is long enough, considering how far the year is spent. Precisely to set down what the victualling will cost, I cannot as yet, not having enquired what the prices are, but I am sure 3,000l. will be the uttermost, and so I dare undertake it. Thus much I pray you inform her Majesty and excuse my not attending with it, being now in good faith so discouraged with the manner of her denying me a suit which I moved at my late speech with her Highness, as I protest my heart is near broken, and if it were directly so, I should be glad, if honour and conscience continually awaked not my thoughts to consider the just scandal of the world and heavy burden to my soul, if I should end, as too many have done before me, leaving what I owe unsatisfied. Wherefore, since after my long attendance, with neglect of my poor estate, adventure of my life, hate of all thoughts that were not for her Majesty's service or profit, I have gained no better opinion than to be a deceiver, it is time for me to creep into a corner where, hiding myself from company, my frugal course out of my own shall pay what down my last breathing I will heartily wish for. It would never have troubled me if the rent I offered had been thought too small, or any other particular in it excepted against, so as being referred to the consideration of any it might have been rejected or allowed upon conference; but at the first to be judged a cosener, and so absolutely denied, it sticks near me, and forces me now to entreat you, as the last favour I will beg at your hands, and the greatest you can do me, to draw her Majesty's allowance to my private course in the country, where time and care shall scrape out of my own living to pay all men. If the journey pretended proceed, I pray you get of her Majesty's ship to go in place of mine, for I have done hoping, and yesterday James Sutten brought me word that a Fleming which long has been desirous to buy her, is come over, and we will agree, whatsoever I lose, for my thoughts must turn from intercepting of carracks ta sowing of corn, from rigging ship to breeding sheep, and from honour to clownish cogitations.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Earl of Cumberland, May, 1600.” 1 p. (80. 1.)
The Enclosure :
1600, May 5. A proportion for the victualling of 700 men for four months at the allowance of for every man, 1lb. of bread and one gallon of beer per day; four days in the week, every man 2 lb. of beef per day, and three days in the week every four men to have two messes of fish per day. Every mess of fish may be made of the tlúrd part of a ling, also every fish day every four men to have half a lb. of butter at dinner, and a lb. of cheese at supper. Other items mentioned are water casks for water, wood, candles at 6lb. per day in three ships, “otmell” for sick men, pease, “vinegara,” and mustard seed.—May 5, 1600.
1 p. (79. 29.)
Sir John Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 5. The Queen thanks you for sending to remember her to answer the French King's letter, the which she hath done so fully and so finely, as I know not what can be said more to the point. It pleased her first to read me the French King's letter and then her own, and then to will me to remember you that all other despatches touching that service should be ready, because it seems she will not seal up her letter till then. But that it hath all his rights, saving only the direction and sealing, that I am sure of.—This 5th of May.
P.S.—The Queen would fain hear the French gentleman sing and play who is so much commended, and saith if she had been put in mind or could yet tell how to do it, she would see the gentleman who danced on the rope and is so cunning in those voltiges.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 90.)
Sir Charles Davers to the Earl of Southampton.
1600, May 5. I will not let any messenger pass without a letter, to the end, though I can write you nothing, you may at the least know there is nothing to be written. I have not heard from you yet from the sea-side, but the wind having served you so well all this week, I make no doubt but that you have been in Ireland these three or four days, and that upon the first turning of the wind your friends here shall hear from you. My Lord of Essex is still where he was and as he was, with no more hope of better than when you left him. All other things likewise stand just in the same state. You are not like, as far as I can hear, to see my Lord Grey in Ireland, but of that Sir R. Druery will yield you an account. There is no other news.—From London, the 5th of May, 1600.
I have even now received your letter from Lerpoole.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 91.)
Ed. Lord Cromwell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 6. Of his unfortunate and miserable estate. His long suit is again adjourned till Michaelmas term, contrary to her Majesty's express letters. Prays that, in consideration of his long service and great charges, he may have employment either by sea or land; also for the speedier hearing of his suit, and the performing of her Majesty's gift of certain trees about his house at Launds.—6 May, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 30.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 6. Recommends the suit of Mr. Thorpe, one of the clerks of her Majesty's works, for a reversion of one of the higher places of that kind.—Paris, 6 May, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (79. 31–1.)
Sir Charles Davers to the Earl of Southampton.
1600, May 6. Three letters of mine to yourself, my Lord Deputy and my brother, went away this morning, whereby your Lordship may guess that I have little to write. Only this news I can send you more than I knew yesterday, that Doctor Herbert shall on Sunday be sworn a councillor and secretary. All other things remain in the same state.—From London, the 6th of May, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (180. 92.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 7. Entreats his favour in a cause between him and certain Flemings, the effect whereof he has at large written to the Council.—Plymouth, 7 May, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Thomas Sherly the younger.” 1 p. (79. 31–2.)
H. Touneshend to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 7. In reply to charges brought against him, apparently by the Lord President [of Wales] and Lord Chandoys, of having spoken “in dishonour or harm to my Lord President,” and of dishonest dealings. Also, as to the grievances of Mr. Lesieure.—Lincoln's Inn, 7 May, 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Justice Townshend.” 1 p. (79. 32.)
Robert Pigotte to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 7. He came not over hither to seek relief at the hands of the Queen till necessity enforced him thereto, through the extreme miseries he has endured in her service, hoping to find some respect of his services and losses for enabling him to continue his endeavours, and also to encourage others who depend on him, his allies and near kinsmen, of English parentage, by surname Breretons, Baringtons and Danyells. Prays Cecil to make known to the Queen the extremity of his estate, and the hopes that the abovenamed expect from him.—7 May, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (79. 33.)
Anthony Hungerford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 8. To the same effect as letter of May 5 above.—8 May, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (79. 34.)
Sir Thomas Gerrard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] May 9. If my occasions to the country had not been great, I had attended you before my departure. Her Majesty charged me deeply at my coming away, and I vow before God, if I had been guilty, I would never have denied, and where it pleased her to name my Lord of Rutland for one of my accusers, I have sent her my Lord's own hand to the contrary, and if anyone that was with me at that time would ever have avowed it, I would have given good satisfaction to the contrary, but that particularly and before witness they have all freed me. How grievous it is unto me that I, who have so often and sundry times received her Majesty's gracious favour, should now be held so base and dishonest a servant as to equal any (in my love and duty to her), much more a man being but her subject and one that in his life never pleasured me, but in his love that he afforded to many others, [and] should now be condemned upon an unjust accusation. I refer to the secrets of a true heart, and therefore, as in this matter I was first beholden to you at Richmond, where it pleased you to deliver your mind frankly and honourably unto me, so I now most humbly crave your favour, as if by chance you hear her Majesty speak on me, to answer by your good word for me, which I will assure you by the reputation and credit of an honest man, that if I live, you shall fully find by my courses wherein I will give good satisfaction to make requital.—9 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Thomas Gerrett, 1600.” 1 p. (79. 36.)
Sir Richard Barkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600], May 9. The Earl of Essex hath desired me to write to you that he desireth you that you will be a mean for his Lordship that he may have leave to write to the Privy Council.—Essex House, 9 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” ½ p. (79. 37.)
The Earl of Essex to the Lords of the Council.
1600, May 9. Though I have been many times and deeply wounded by practising libellers, who since my commitment have shewed their intended mischief to me under pretended grief or passion for me, yet I have been silent till now that I hear that they do not only renew their former practices, but have conspired with a printer to set out a pamphlet in my name. But now, since I see that the malice of these conspirators doth not decrease, but that their desperate boldness increases, I do beseech your Lordships be so honourable and just unto me as to believe that my name is used without my liking or privity; that I hold them no well-wishers to me but my secret enemies, that thus abuse my name, and that next the recovering the precious favour of my gracious Sovereign, no worldly thing can give me greater comfort than to see these practisers receive such punishment as they deserve.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Earl of Essex, May 1600.” 1 p. (80. 2.)
A copy in the hand of Reynolds, Essex's Secretary. Endorsed :—“Copy of my Lord's letter to the Lords. 9 May, '600. Concerning a pamphlet printed in his name.” ½ p. (180. 93.)
Edward More to Mr. Collyer.
1600, May 9. With respect to the lease of Freelands.—Odiham, 9 May, 1600. (P. 2305.)
½ p.
Lord Cobham.
1600, May 10. Release by Gilbarte Gardner, of London, goldsmith, to Sir Henry Brooke, Lord Cobham, of all claims to the present date.—10 May, 42 Eliz. [1600].
Signed and witnessed. 1 p. (79. 38.)
J. Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 10. Upon the receipt of your letter I did cursoriwise run over the discourse of your action in this negociation of peace. I find the same to be most pertinent for the maintenance of her Majesty's honour, as being sought unto in such manner and by such persons as she could not well without blemish of honour refuse to enter unto the same. Therefore, when you have perused the same to your own best content, I must entreat you to have it again, as a thing most necessary for her Majesty's service.—Th' Arches, 10 May, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Secretary Herbert.” 1 p. (79. 39.)
John [Whitgift], Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 10. Yesterday in the afternoon, Mr. Cuffe, the Earl of Essex his man, came from his Lord unto me to signify that he had understanding of the printing of this book which I send unto you herewith. Whereupon I presently sent to the Master and Wardens of the Stationers to make enquiry for the same, which they did accordingly, and found out both the press and the printers; the press in one Dawson's house, the printers two of Dawson's servants, whom I sent for yesternight, and examined so far forth as the time then served, and committed them to close custody in several prisons. And all this forenoon I have bestowed in the examination of some others also touching that matter. They confess that they have printed 292 copies, whereof I have gotten into my hands 210 or thereabouts, and am in good hope to recover most of the rest some time this day. Their examinations I purpose to bring with me to-morrow to the Court, because they are not yet finished.—Lambeth, 10 May, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lo. Archbishop of Canterbury with my Lord of Essex Apologie in print.” 1 p. (79. 40.)
Sir Richard Barkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600], May 10. Having had some conference with the Earl of Essex this last evening, I perceive the cause why he desires leave to write to the Privy Council is that he hears of a pamphlet printed in his name, wherewith being much moved, he has caused some of his servants to use such means as the printer of it is found out, with hope to know thereby the rest; and this is the matter he will signify by his letter to the Lords, and desire that the parties may be punished.—Essex House, 10 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1600. 1 p. (79. 41.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May [11]. The bearer Mr. Gill, who was sent by Cobham's brother to receive his part of prize lately come in at Plymouth, is sent up by Sir Thomas Sherley with a letter to the Lords to excuse the selling of the goods which were in the Hambourg [ship]. No part of the goods has been sold but such as the master confessed to have belonged to Spaniards. The Lords' letter forbidding the sale came after the goods were sold. Prays that Sherley may be free from blame, and that Cecil will favour him in the matter.—The Blackfriars,.. May, 1600.
Endorsed :—“11 May, 1600. Lo. Cobham.” 1 p. (79. 42.)
1600, May 11. Pass for Alexander Drummondon, Alexander Hey, and John Henryson, Scots, lately licensed by Sir John Carey, Deputy Governor of Berwick, to travel into England, riding on their own horses, to transport themselves with their horses [described] into France.—Court at Greenwich, 11 May 1600.
Signed by Sir Robert Cecil. Seal. 1 p. (79. 43.)
Sir Fardinando Gorges, Chr. Harris and Ric. Hitchens, Mayor, to the Council.
1600, May 12. Here is brought in by Captain Carpenter, three young gentlemen taken by him in passing out of France into Spain in a French barque, whose examinations we enclose. We have taken order for their safe keeping till the Council give further directions.—The Fort at Plymouth, 12 May, 1600.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Plymouth, &c.” 1 p. (79. 46.)
The Enclosure :
Examinations of Robert Griffith, Thomas Finch and Christofer Leister.
Robert Griffith, son of John Griffith, of Lambeth, Surrey, was sent some three years ago by his mother to Antwerp, thence to go to France to learn the language, and in Antwerp he was persuaded by one Sheldon to go to St. Omers to study the language, and under that pretence was placed in the English College there. At the time of his taking, he was being sent by the Superior of St. Omers to Seville in Spain, there to have remained in the English College to study. Confesses the Queen's supremacy, but refuses the oath of allegiance, as he pretends not to understand what belongs thereto.
Thomas Finch, son of Clement Finch, Esq., of Mylton in Kent. Two years since he left England without licence for St. Omers, persuaded by Mr. Hamden, with whom he grew acquainted at an ordinary in Fetter Lane, called the Plough Yard, kept by Mr. Payne. He continued in the English College there, maintained at the charges of the rectory, and then was sent to the English College at Seville, and if he liked of their courses there, he was to have proceeded in divinity. Acknowledges himself a papist, and refuses the oath of allegianee, but denies himself to be either a priest or Jesuit.
Christofer Leister, son of Richard Lester, in Farnough, Lancashire. Two years since he went to Antwerp, thence to St. Omers, and thence to Newhaven, where he took shipping to go to Spain, in which voyage he was taken by Captain Carpenter of the St. George of Hampton. His purpose in Spain was to study in Seville, and he was so directed by Father John Focart, Jesuit Father of the English College of St. Omer. He was persuaded to go out of England by a gentlewoman named Katherine Dallam, a Lancaster woman, lying in St. Clement's Churchyard without Temple Bar, at Mrs. Brighes' house, a recusant, of whom he received money towards his charges. He professes himself to be a papist, and denies the oath of supremacy, pretending he knows not as yet what belongs thereunto.
Signed. 3 pp. (79. 44.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 12. My vice-admiral came into Plymouth on Saturday last at night and brought with him a Dutch trumpet that came newly out of the King of Spain's service. He saith that the Adalantado is now very busy in preparing a fleet for the Northward, but whither they are bound, he cannot tell. But this he knoweth assuredly, that the Adalantado hath for his own command 20 of the King's galleons in the river of Seville and St. Lucars, which are ready, whereof the Paul is admiral, and the Peter vice-admiral. Siriago hath in St. Lucars 25 sail of those fly boats that were confiscated the last year from the Hollanders, under his command. The Adalantado doth give five pound in hand to every mariner, and hath 3,000 landsmen. This is the whole force that is ready in the south part of Spain; what is in Lisbon or the Groyne he knoweth not. I did ask him how the Adalantado could be able to fit these galleons, considering the great distress that those ships were in when they came from the islands the last year. He answered that some eight weeks past there came two ships of Hambroughe laden with cables and other cordage into St. Lucars. Myself did, when I was at sea, speak with a Rocheller that was laden by certain Hollanders with cables of 18 inches and hawsers answerable to them, which could serve for no less ships than the King's galleons.—Plymouth, the 12 of May, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 94.)
Peace Negotiations.
[1600, about May 13.] “Instructions for Sir Henry Nevell, our Ambassador with the French King, John Herbert, Esq., one of our Secretaries and Privy Council, Robert Beale, Esq., a Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary of the Council at York, and Thomas Edmunds, Esq., a Clerk of the Privy Council, Secretary for the French tongue, appointed to treat with the Commissioners for the King of Spain and Archdukes of Burgundy.”
The following is an epitome :—
To make direct claim of precedency. To be resolute to yield to nothing which may overthrow the state of the Low Countries. To have good regard to the validity of their commission. To justify our former actions by the correspondence and the negociations which have passed through the hands of “you, Edmonds,” one of the Commissioners. To make them the first proposers of conditions, as they were the first invitors to treat. Conditions to be obtained : universal trade in their dominions; safety from Inquisitions; order for the avoiding of unjust taxations. Seeing that Spain in reversion, and the Archdukes in possession, profess to have interest in all the estates of the Low Countries, whereat they shoot by establishing this treaty, labouring by force or fair means to become sovereign lords of the same : to declare that we will never be one to any act of hostility against the Low Countries. It having been the ill-fortune of the King of Spain, by the partiality and violence of his governors, to imprint an extreme diffidence in the minds of the Low Countries, there is no other way to remove the same than the judgment they make upon observation of his proceedings in this pacification. Reasons are detailed for refusing the following demands, which they will probably make : to enter into a league offensive and defensive; to insist upon having the two cautionary towns; and to require us to forbear trading with the Low Countries. To their demand for revocation of all the English nation out of the service of the States, you may say that, except to those that are maintained for the guard of the cautionary towns, we will not give a day's pay to any that serve against them; and if they will not require to have those revoked that are there now, but let them stand and break with time, we will make it capital for any to pass thither to supply them. It is likely they will forbid us to trade in their Indies, which you must maintain is very disconsonant with true amity, especially when, in former treaties in 1541, there have been contrary clauses; yet we are content to prohibit all repair of our subjects to any places where they are planted, but only to seek their traffic by their own discoveries in other places, whereof there are so infinite dimensions of vast territories as themselves have no interest in, but trade with great kings of those countries but as strangers, of which to bar ourselves by accord, seeing it is not in his power to do it by force, were an indignity. That there be no gap left open whereby the Inquisition may take hold of any of our subjects; for which purpose you shall have delivered to you a collection of all the cruelties and advantages which the Inquisitors took, and also the last order that was obtained for that matter after the negotiation of Sir Henry Cobham and Sir John Smith. That they shall not aid the rebels in Ireland. That they shall pay certain debts specified. Conditions which may be accepted as to the garrisons, and access of their ships to our harbours. If they much urge restraint of fugitives, you may plainly answer that we entertain none of theirs with pensions; those in England are merchants or artizans; and we hold ourselves not so much bound as to stipulate for them as haply the King of Spain and Archdukes may be, who give them great pensions in recompense of service or practice.
Undated. Subscribed by Cecil. Copy in 17th cent. hand. 29 pp. (242. 46.)
Francis Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 14. I understand by my Lord Gray that upon his report unto you of the extreme wrongs done unto my mother by her husband the Earl of Lincoln, you were pleased to offer to right her, either by gracing her petition to the Queen, or to expostulate the matter with himself, which is the course she desires might be taken, for she exceedingly fears to exasperate the rancour of his malice towards her, because she has resolved, how vilely soever he use her, to live with him for ever, in respect of the tenderness she bears to the children she has by him, whom he threatens to abandon if she make any means to depart his house, which to prevent, he keeps her now docked up like a prisoner, without suffering her either to write or hear from any of her friends, having appointed to guard her an Italian, a man that hath done divers murders in Italy and in the Low Countries, for which he fled into England, from whom, I protest, she has just cause hourly to fear the cutting of her throat. Thus bold to importune your trouble, it being a matter whereby you shall bind unto you the humble affection and prayers of a poor distressed woman.—Woborne, 14 May, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Frances Norrys.” 1 p. (79. 48.)
Francis Bealie.
[1600, c. May 14.] 1. Statement of Edward Braine, minister of Granciter, Cambridge, with regard to Francis Bealie. The 9th of May, 1600, he gave Bealie alms, and asked him if it were true that the Earl of Wormewood was taken by the rebels; and Bealie said the Earl was taken at Holy Cross in Ireland, with two other captains. Bealie further said that Sir Horatio Palavicino had sent over corn and victuals into some part of Scotland, which was transported from the Islands in the North parts of Scotland unto the Earl of Tyrone, who has of his own people and from other parts 50,000 strong. Also that Sir Robert Cecil had written letters to some captains in Ireland that the captains should detain their soldiers' wages, to the end the English soldiers should be the more weakened, and that the wars might continue the longer; and that it was told him at Huntingdon that Sir Robert Cecil was committed to the Tower 8 days ago. He caused Bealie to be apprehended and carried before the next justice. After his apprehension he confessed the above speeches in the hearing of certain persons named.
Undated. Cont. copy. 1 p.
2.—Examination of Francis Bealye, late soldier under Captain Richard Windworth in Ireland, taken before Robert Soame, D. D., Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, one of the justices of Cambridgeshire, in his lodging in Peter House, Cambridge, 9 May, 42 Eliz. Confesses he said that the Earl of Tyrone had and has of his own people and from other parts, 50,000 strong; but does not remember that he made any of the other statements attributed to him. Undated. Cont. copy. 1 p. (82. 102–3.)
[Probably the enclosure in the next letter.]
Dr. R. Soame to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 14. If it please you to peruse the enclosed (a true copy of the original) you shall see clearly what indignity is offered to you by a base rogue. I examined the party and committed him to Cambridge Castle; and acquaint you and my Lord Chief Justice with it. I thank you for your good favour to this University.—Cambridge, May 14, 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge.” ½ p. (136. 85.)
J. Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 15. Having received on Monday last her Majesty's commission for this employment under the great seal, the note of the moneys due by the States to her Majesty, together with her Majesty's instructions, under her royal hand, I speeded myself . away on Tuesday, and overtook Mr. Beale at Rochester, and this Thursday came to Dover by 9 of the clock in the forenoon. Since dinner, Mr. Edmonds is also come, whereby we mean to embark this night, and by to-morrow noon to be at Bullen. My fellow Mr. Beale being somewhat heavy and “unwildly” to travel, I was forced to apply myself thereafter. But I hope the speed is competent so the rest succeed thereafter.—Dover, 15 May, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Secretary Herbert.” 1 p. (79. 49.)
Henry Beaumont and Lisle Cave to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 15. Death of their cousin, Thomas Skeffington, sheriff of Leicestershire, to whom they are executors. They pray that the heir may be acquitted of the charge of that office for the rest of the year, being greatly indebted.—Skeffington, 15 May, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (79. 51.)
Sir J. Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, May 15. As to the petition to the Council by the wife of Thomas Home, a gunner in Ireland. On leaving Ireland, he left money in the hands of Butler, the Master Gunner, to satisfy Horne. Though Butler has dealt ill with him in detaining Horne's due, he is content to pay it again, on receiving certain certificates, detailed.—15 May, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir John Davyies.” 1 p. (79. 53.)