Cecil Papers: 1552

Pages 94-106

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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378. Sir Philip Hoby to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1551/2, March 4. His sudden coming hither, and short return, maketh these folks somewhat astonished. Had plenty of good words at the Queen's hands. They must needs desire to keep in with some that are already out with so many. These Germany matters trouble them sore, and seem to promise some dangerous success. It is rumoured that the Elector of Treves is become altogether French.—Antwerp, 4 March 1551.
2/3 p. [Haynes, p. 117. In extenso.]
379. Memorial.
1552, April 1. “Remembraunce of things to be moved to the Kinge's Majestie”:—
The letting out of the old ships; the petition of Lord Bergavenny; Lord Rich's patent; the Bishop of York's case; discharge of the superfluous bulwarks in Essex and Kent, &c.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Primo Aprilis 1552.”
¾ p. [Haynes, p. 119. In extenso.]
380. The Duke of Northumberland to the Lords of the Council.
1552, April 26. Has received their letters requiring his attendance, as also his opinion concerning the answer to be made to the French Ambassadors. Excuses himself on the score of illness. Trusts that his answers touching the Archbishop of Canterbury, conveyed to their Lordships by the Lord Chancellor and Mr. Cecil, may be found satisfactory. Hopes they will not impute the matter to be his, or for his cause, and that in any reformation to be had, the foundation be fetched from the original cause.—26 April 1552.
pp. [Haynes, p, 119. In extenso.]
381. The Bishop-Elect of Chichester to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1552, May 17. Thanks Cecil for his pains taken in the suits of himself and his fellows. The true and only cause why he has not set out his book is that he wants money, and cannot get a penny from his receiver for the last half year. Asks Cecil to send him word how the Bishops of Worcester and Lincoln are ordered for their first fruits.—Bromley, 17 May.
Endorsed :—17 May 1552.
½ p. [Haynes, p. 151. In extenso.]
382. Suits to the King.
[1552], May. Certain suits to be moved to the King's Majesty, on behalf of Sir Thomas Chamberlain, Sir John York, and the Master and Fellows of Christ's College, Cambridge.
Endorsed :—“Mens. Maii 1552.”
½ p. [Haynes, p. 120. In extenso.]
383. [Sir Edward North to Sir Wm. Cecil.]
1552, June 5. Has been engaged with Mr. Attorney and Mr. Solicitor at the Tower all the afternoon taking the surrenders of Thynne and Whalley, according to the command of the Council. As the day is far spent desires Cecil to inform the Council, in case they should meet in the meantime, that the report shall be made to-morrow.—June 5.
Endorsed :—“5 June 1552. From Sir Edw. North to Sir Wm. Cecill.”
Half a page; the signature has been torn off.
384. — to —.
1552, June 12. My good brother.—The Queen has commanded me to write to you, that she has been informed by M. de Mansfeldt, that on the 9th of the month the French attacked Damvilliers on the three sides which they had battered with 40 large pieces of artillery, and that our men had repulsed them with 3,000 killed and others wounded, among them many of the nobility. Moreover, the King had asked for a truce in order to withdraw the dead from the trenches, but it was not Known whether this had been granted. The King of the Romans assists the Emperor with 20 ensigns from Germany, and with 1,000 horse. The Duke of Alva has brought from Spain 4,000 Spaniards. The Marquis of Marignan joins him with 4,000 Italians, old soldiers. And, over and above these, His Majesty will have 70 ensigns of Germans, and 8,000 horse. Nine large ships carrying a large quantity of gold for his Majesty have arrived at New Spain, one of the Azores, from the Indies.—Brest, 12 June [Juing ?] 1552.
1 p. Minute. French.
385. The Lords of the Council to the [Duke of Northumberland ?]
[1552, June 20]. On Sunday last they had before them Sir Thomas Holcroft, Sir John Thynne, and Whalley, who surrendered their offices, and were bound to stand to such further order as might be taken. On Monday they had Lord Paget again before them at the Lord Chancellor's, and informed him that he was to be fined 8,000l., to give up his offices of the Duchy, to pay his debts to the King, and to repair to Staffordshire within six weeks. He prayed that the order for his going into Staffordshire might be mitigated, on account of the want there of advice and remedies for his own and his wife's serious diseases, and also through want of provision and suitable habitation. They are moved to pray his Majesty to grant his request. They had released Sir J. Arundell, binding him to absent himself from the Court, and to remain within London or two or three miles from it. Had forgotten to state in their last that the French Queen, Regent in the absence of the King, had complained, through the French Ambassador, of very great quantities of wine carried by English merchants from France to Flanders, and had ordered that the exportation of wine, except for sale in England, should be stopped, but had deferred the confirmation of the order till she had written to them. They had thanked her for staying the order, and said that they had at no time suffered wines once within the realm to be brought out again, and that they would consider the matter; and now propose to answer the Ambassador that in none of the wars between France and the Emperor had their merchants been impeached of their free traffic, and they trust they will be suffered to continue their accustomed liberty; they will give straight charge to prevent excessive carrying of wines. M. de Courrieres and Mr. Chamberlain are gone. News had come through the French ambassador that Danvilliars was now in the French King's possession, without loss of men, or assault, as was reported from Antwerp. This news amazes the Imperialists of the Low Countries, as appears from Thomas Gresham's letters. Beaumont had that day confessed before them in the Star Chamber to every part of the bill laid against him, “which containeth so many foul matters as we think have seldom appeared in any one man.” He was bound in 30,000l. to pay such fines and to stand to such order as might be appointed, and was again returned to the Fleet. Westminster the [20] June.
pp. [Lodge, Vol. I., pp. 170–175. In extenso.]
386. The Duke of Northumberland, Earl of Pembroke, and others to the Privy Council.
1552, June 21. Communicate their proceedings with reference to the matter of the Debatable. Forward a plat of the same, having three lines drawn across over the Debatable. Think it fit that a second Article be comprehended in the Instructions to the Commissioners, that if they cannot reduce the Scots to the very direct division, as the Linea Stellata leadeth, they may have authority to relent to the Scots somewhat from the said right line.—Sempringham, 21 June 1552.
P.S.—(Omitted by Haynes). A paper is enclosed with the names of gentlemen who have been commended to the writers, as very meet men to be placed in the Commission of the Peace for Lincolnshire, and they pray that their names may be included.
pp. [Haynes, p. 120. In extenso.]
387. The Duke of Northumberland to the Privy Council.
1552, June 29. Received their letters of the 27th inst., on his arrival here with the Earl of Shrewsbury. Is pleased to hear of the prosperous health of the King. Commends their wise and politick orders, for the shunning and avoiding the peril of the sickness, which, as they inform him, is much increased; as it is not of one or two years' infection and engendering, so must it have a time of purging.—York, 29 June.
Endorsed :—“1552.”
pp. [Haynes, p. 122. In extenso.]
388. The Duke of Northumberland to Sir W. Cecil, and in his absence to Sir W. Petre, Knt.
1552, July 9. Says that Thomas Gresham writes from Antwerp of the great fear and doubt which the Low Countries now stand in by reason of the French conquests. Has thought it good to put Cecil in remembrance, that our part is next of repentance, if these countries fall into French hands; “considering as well the vent of this whole realm is then at their courtesy, as how Calais and Guisnes shall be neighboured.”—Alnwick, 9 July 1552.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 122. In extenso.]
389. Dr. N. Wotton to Sir Wm. Petre and Sir Wm. Cecil.
1552, July 20. Thinks that for the labour taken in obtaining an answer to the Council's letters he deserves a buck out of Eltham park, or, at least, a fat goose or a duck. Mr. Lyell unlucky if he has not obtained Dr. Brittain's prebend at Westminster. Desires news.—London, 20 July 1552.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 124. In extenso.]
390. The Bishop of Norwich [Thomas Thirlby] and Dr. N. Wotton to the Secretaries of State.
1552, July 20. Send their letter to the Council, with a book containing the determination of the doctors and writers upon the question moved unto them, written in English and Latin; the English containing the decision only, the Latin the allegations and proofs upon every article. They give reasons for making the answer in this manner, instead of answering directly, whether the King be bounden or not.—London, 20 July 1552.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 123. In extenso.]
391. Bernardino Ferrario to the Duke of Northumberland.
1552, July 22. “From Porsenon in German Brixen, the 22 July 1552. By mine of the 16th from Lienze, at the Imperial Court, I wrote as much as had happened up to that hour. The following day his Imperial Majesty came to Bruneck, and after two days arrived here at Porsenon, a place distant from Trent two days' journey, and as much from Innspruck. Here he was in such continual consultation, deliberating what had to be done, that as yet he has not come to any resolution. And, verily, in difficulties so great, in times so troublous, in so many events adverse to His Imperial Majesty, in such great suspicion of everybody, it must be difficult to find out what resolution is the best for his said Imperial Majesty.
“The 4000 Italians under the Marquis of Marignano, and the 5000 Spaniards come from Spain are continually on the march, but have no orders yet where to join his Imperial Majesty, as he has not yet resolved what road he will take : although it is said he will go to Constance, where there are 36 German ensigns, others say 46, with whom, and with the Italians, Spaniards, and these ten ensigns under the Count of Lodrone, it is said that a move will be made towards Flanders. The artillery will hold Ratisbon, and it will have moreover troops from Strasburg and elsewhere. In short, his Imperial Majesty, hearing such bad news from Flanders, is stimulated, urged, and compelled, to use every endeavour for its succour. It is said that the opposition of Duke Maurice will stay Duke Frederick of Saxony, who will receive some money with which to enter the country of the said Maurice. Others say that his Imperial Majesty will enter France, to divert the most Christian King from the attack on Flanders. But the determination respecting all these matters will quickly be known. His Imperial Majesty shews great spirit, as I have seen on this journey; and yesterday, as he was out, there came post-haste to Lienze the Duke of Alva, who was welcomed and caressed by his Imperial Majesty.
“Nothing is spoken of Duke Maurice except that he was sent towards Frankfort, as also Marquis Albert.
“Here they do not yet know the resolution of the Council of the Prince of Salerno and of other Neapolitans and gentlemen of the French party, that was to be held at Chioza.
“Of the Turkish fleet there are advices that it has burned Riggio in Calabria, and done great destruction by fire to the Campagna. It passed afterwards by Salerno, whence it came to Porzo, seven miles from Naples, where is the harbour called the 'Dead Sea,' near to the ancient city of Baiæ. The said fleet they say consists of 120 vessels; a hundred and six galleys, two 'malione,' and the rest foists [light galleys] and galliots.
“From Genoa they send advices that 40 galleys from Algiers had appeared in the direction of Corsica, which, it is believed, will join the French fleet for some enterprise.”
Italian. 1½ pp.
392. Dr. N. Wotton to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1552, Aug. 1. The last letter from the Council found him still here, ready to have gone down as yesterday, but that letter stayed him till this day. Is, within this hour, going to Canterbury, there to tarry till the King returns to some place near London, unless otherwise commanded.—London, 1 Aug. 1552.
Holograph. ½ p.
393. Sir Philip Hoby to Sir W. Cecil.
1552, Aug. 21. Where Cecil writes that one Monsieur Obrye is looked for to come out of France shortly, to answer the spoiling and taking of English ships by the French, doubts not he will come with fair words, according to their accustomed manner; but trusts the Council will order the matter that the poor Englishmen be recompensed, as the case requireth. As to Cecil's intention to go to the baths in September, reminds him that as that month is cold here, and hot in other countries, baths here cannot be good to amend Cecil's cold legs against winter. Recommends rest and liberty. Asks Cecil's aid with the Council for his own leave of absence, as Sir Arthur Darcy, Lieutenant, is sufficient enough to look unto this place of charge. Prays to be commended to the Duke of Northumberland, who cometh shortly to the Court; is glad to hear of the excellent service he hath done the King, especially in bringing to light who were the conveyers away of the Earl of Huntley, and causing them to be put to execution. As to the wine he sends, it is to my Lady and not to Cecil : his adventure was great, and he cannot tell what it stands him in.—The Tower, 21 August 1552.
12/3 pp. [Haynes, p. 124. In extenso.]
394. Charges.
1552, Sept. 29. Charges of the wars of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. with France and Scotland; of the fortifications at Calais and the Marches, Berwick and the Borders, and elsewhere in England, and the Channel Islands; and also of the suppression of the late rebellion in England, to Michaelmas, 6 Edward VI.
25 pp.
395. The King's Debts.
1552, Oct. 2. Minute, in Cecil's handwriting, being “A Breffe of all the King's Majesties dettes, with provisions for the discharge thereof.”
Debts external : to the Shetts and Fuggars—110,860l.
Debts in the realm : to the Household, &c.—108,826l. 19s. 10d.
Provisions for Payments.
Sales of chantry lands, alum, fustians, &c.—59,000l.
Item, Church plate, bell metal, lead, &c.
Names of persons to appear before the Lord Treasurer, the D. of Northumberland, the Lord Privy Seal.
To declare to the K's. Majesty, that my Lord of Northumberland desires to render the manor of Tynmouth for recompense; that John Hall be sergeant of Tyndale and Riddesdale.
Endorsed :—“Dettes of the King's Majesty. 2 Octob. 1552.”
3 pp. [Haynes, pp. 126–128. In extenso.]
396. Device to pay the Debt.
[1552], [Oct. 2]. Minute by Cecil, “For the devise to paye the dett at November,” including such items as :—by sale of chantries 12,000l.; sale of tenths and other quilletts; to buy up lead at reasonable prices; to continue the Commission for sale of chantries; to proceed for the collection of Church plate,—Item, Sir John Gilford to have the Marsh of Gilford. Item, where one Day has the privilege for the Catechism, and one Reyne Wolfe for all Latin books, that they both may join in printing the Catechism.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Memory.”
1 p. [Haynes, p. 127. In extenso.]
397. The Queen Dowager of Scots and the Sieur D'Oysel to the French King. [Communicated to Sir Thomas Gresham by the Regent of the Low Countries. See No. 401 below.]
1552, Oct. 6. Extract from a writing headed :—“These are the Articles which the Queen Dowager of Scots and le Sieur D'Oysel, Lieutenant for the King in the said country, presently send to His Majesty, to inform and instruct him as to the present state of affairs in Scotland.”
His Majesty is advertised that of the two Irishmen who came into this country, as they stated, by his Majesty's command, one is named George Paris, who has made many journeys into France with letters from the Princes and Lords of Ireland to his Majesty, and has been found guilty of treason to his Majesty; in fact, he had obtained a pardon from the King of England, to whom he intended to go, carrying with him his Majesty's letters to the Irish Princes, &c, had not M. D'Oysel, a few days since, seized all his papers, which contained proofs of his intercourse with the English. He has therefore been put in a place of security. The other gentleman, his companion, has but lately returned from Ireland with some letters from certain Princes and Lords of that country to the Queen Dowager; he had reported that the said Princes greatly suspected Paris, and the Earl of Ormond, now at the English Court, had informed the Earl of Desmond, that Paris had done much to the prejudice of Desmond and his adherents. The gentleman is named Cormock Courquhor, and is a man of good service and credit, banished from his home, his father a prisoner in England : he therefore prays his Majesty's aid.—Falkland, 6 October 1552.
Signed :—“Marie,” and underwritten : “H. Clentin.”
Copy. French. 2½ pp. [Haynes, p. 133. In extenso.]
398. Dr. N. Wotton to Sir W. Cecil.
1552, Oct. 10. To-morrow they intend to wait on Cecil to declare what they have done with the ambassadors. Desires to know what answer he shall make to M. de Villandre as to the required escort from Calais to Guisnes, for fear of the English Burgoines, who lie at Guisnes and in villages thereabout. Had been asked by the French ambassador to remind Cecil about the answer touching an order which the French King had made in France for the seas.—Warwick, 10 October 1552.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Vileandrees matters.”
pp. [Haynes, p. 128. In extenso.]
399. Christian, King of Denmark, to Edward VI.
1552, Oct. 30. Acknowledges his letter, dated Greenwich, 19 June, sent by John Borthwick, now returning at Edward's request. Thanks him for his expression of friendship which he reciprocates. Testifies to Edward's ardent zeal for the pure doctrine of God's word and for its dissemination throughout his dominions.—Copenhagen, 30 October 1552.
Latin. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 129. In extenso.]
400. Dr. Richard Smith to Sir Nicholas Strelley, Captain of Berwick.
1552, Nov. 11. One Digby came to him at St. Andrew's the 10th of November and said that Sir Nicholas had received the King's pardon for Gr. Paris, for his priest Robert Daly, and the third for the writer. As for Paris, he is in prison by the Queen's commandment, and Monsieur Doosyes [? D'Osyes], his servant, had given information that he had in his coffer a great box of letters. Whereupon the Queen sent to the Provost of Edinburgh to search his chamber, and found in a coffer the King's pardon and other letters. There is a common bruit that he and Paris wrote the secrets of this realm to the Council, which is very false. If Paris is once out of prison he will soon do the King good service in Ireland. Hears that O'Connor is sent by the Queen into Ireland, to comfort them, that they go not from their promise made to the French King concerning that country. Has sent the doctrine set out by the clergy in their assembly at Candlemas last. Asks that the pardon may be sent.—St. Andrew's, 11 November.
pp. [Haynes, p. 130. In extenso.]
401. Sir Thomas Gresham to the Duke of Northumberland.
1552, Nov. 16. Particulars of his financial transactions for the Government. His talk with the Emperor's ambassador. Schetz gives a good report of the writer to the Regent, who sends her Treasurer to him. Is shown important letters of the Queen of Scots that had come into the Regent's hands, also a letter of the French King. Is to receive copies [See Nos. 268 and 397 above], and then will repair to his Grace with all diligence. Tells him to have regard to the Lord of Ormond, who is “touched” in the Queen of Scot's letters.—Antwerp, 16 Nov., 1552.
3 pp. [Haynes, pp. 132, 133. In extenso.]
402. Sir Nicholas Strelley to Lord Wharton.
1552, Nov. 18. Encloses a letter from Dr. Smythe. Asks that the pardon for the said Doctor and for Robert Daly, priest, may be obtained as soon as possible. Sends certain books, set out by the clergy of Scotland, sent unto him by Dr. Smythe. Intends to be at Newcastle by the 20th inst., concerning the ship there arrested.—Berwick Castle, 18 November 1552.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 129. In extenso.]
403. Thomas Parry to Sir W. Cecil.
1552, Nov. 19. Her Grace prays Cecil's diligence touching Blakesley, and to advertise her by bearer. Will not forget Cecil's letter as to his office. Her Grace's mind is that Parry, the Auditor, and some other of her own folks shall forth to survey after Candlemas.—19 November 1552.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 131. In extenso.]
404. The Duke of Northumberland to the Secretaries of State (Sir W. Petre and Sir W. Cecil).
1552, Nov. 23. Has perused their letters and wishes—since the matter is so forward, that his Highness hath nominated personages for managing this weighty and secret affair—that no time should be lost in consulting what is to be done in it. Approves the choice of councillors, all save himself, who neither hath understanding nor wit meet for the association, nor body apt to render his duty, as the will and heart desireth. Received before dinner a packet from the North, which confirmeth the letters from Falkland, and also the ratifying by Mr. Chamberlain's letters, how all things come together. Has perceived by their letter that the Count of Horn, with others of the Privy Chamber of the Emperor, should have arrived at London; wishes some of the Chamber were sent to welcome them.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“23 Nov. 1552.”
1 p. [Haynes, p. 137. In extenso.]
405. The Privy Council to Sir Thomas Chamberlain.
1552, Nov. 23. Have of late had certain matter opened to them from the Regent, that it is thought meet that some further progress shall be used in the same through Chamberlain. In the end of this summer, Thomas Gresham entered into talk with the Emperor's ambassador here resident, as to a closer friendship and amity between this realm and the Emperor's Low Countries. Whereupon, when Gresham was last in Flanders, at Jasper Schetz's house, the Regent sent Treasurer Longine to commune further with him, who showed unto him for demonstration of the Queen's amity towards the King, that a courier from Scotland to the French King had been stopped near Boulogne with a packet of letters, among which was one from the Queen Dowager to the French King, with reference to George Paris, one who had applied himself to all the traitorous practices of Ireland, against the King's Majesty in the French Court. Paris had obtained a pardon, which had been sent to Berwick, to be delivered to him at his entry out of Scotland, but the same was indiscreetly handled by Sir Nicholas Strelley, who sent it to Edinburgh to him. The result appears in the Queen's letter, with other matter of much importance for the better order of Ireland. Another writing was showed to Gresham, which was the instruction from the French King, dated 1548, at the time the Lord Admiral, the Duke of Somerset's brother, was imprisoned, showing what good meaning the French King had, to have moved a civil war by the matter. A copy of this instruction was delivered to Gresham. [Haynes, p. 135.] The Treasurer also had much friendly talk with Gresham, touching the corroboration of the amity between the Regent and the King; making mention of the King of the Romans' daughters, by speech of marriage for the King. To which Gresham replied that he was not expert or brought up to understand such great and princely matters, but was willing to repair to the Council with the copies of the letters; and so he had done. They, therefore, instruct Chamberlain to convey his Majesty's most hearty thanks to the Regent for this friendly discovery of the letters, and to assure the Queen that if any man should be sent to propound any matter tending to the augmentation of the amity betwixt the King and the Emperor, they would always be ready to further the same. He is also to let Her Majesty understand that the French King had made arrangements in Scotland to have 5,000 footmen and 500 horsemen to serve against the Emperor next spring, with the Earl of Cassilis as their general; the French ambassador had also made means with certain merchants to provide 400,000 crowns in the lower parts of Germany about Lubeck.
[From a minute, with portions underlined for cipher.]
Endorsed by Cecil :—“23 Nov. Letter to Sir Thomas Chamberlaine—the practise of Ireland.”
8 pp. [Haynes, p. 138. In extenso.]
406. The Duke of Northumberland to the Secretaries of State.
1552, Nov. 23. Requires to know how the matter stands with the Dean of Durham. Reminds them that some order should be taken for Knox, otherwise they shall not avoid the Scots from out of Newcastle. Has been moved by sundry honest men to be a suitor to the King, that the linen that appertained to the churches in London, as surplices and altar-cloths, should be given for the health of the poor. Desires that the Lord Chamberlain may move the King in the following matters :—
1. That the Duke of Suffolk and the Earls of Salop and Huntingdon be put in certain commissions.
2. That some fit person may be nominated for Ireland.
3. That some apt men having learning and language may be nominated to reside about the Emperor and the Regent of Flanders.
4. That a fit person take charge of Berwick, in the place of Mr. Sturley [Strelley]; and that his Majesty's pleasure be known concerning the Marshalship of Rokesby.—Chelsea, 23 November 1552.
pp. [Haynes, p. 136. In extenso.]
407. The Duke of Northumberland to the Lord Chamberlain and the Secretaries of State.
[1552. Post Nov. 26]. Reminding them of the talk, he willed Gresham to entertain the Emperor's ambassador with, at his first coming to Windsor. The result of this is seen in a letter from Gresham which he encloses, and which he desires they will communicate to the King in such secret wise as shall seem to their wisdom. Remarks that there doth appear in this more goodwill than of long time he has seen on that side.—Undated.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 132. In extenso.]
408. Walter Hele, Vicar of Iplepen, co. Devon.
1552, Nov. 27. Recantation of Walter Hele, Vicar of Iplepen pronounced in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, Exon. A contemporary copy attested by Miles [Coverdale], Bishop of Exeter.
13 pp.
409. The King to the Lord Deputy of Ireland.
1552, Nov. 29. Minute (in Petre's handwriting) of a letter from the King to the Lord Deputy of Ireland [Sir J. Croft], requiring him to delay his coming thence, until the King's further pleasure be signified unto him. Desiring him also to send unto the Council a full opinion of the whole state of that realm, and of such things as require present consideration.
Endorsed :—“M. from the King to the L. Deputy of Ireland. 29 Nov. 1552.”
[Haynes, p. 140. In extenso.]
410. Articles sent to the Lord Deputy of Ireland.
1552, Nov. 29. “Articles to be delivered to the Lord Deputy in Ireland, of divers matters concerning the King's affairs in that realm whereof the King's Privy Council require answer.” The items refer to the following matters :—the army; fortifications; the mint; the revenue : Martin Pyrrye; mines; the countries of Lesse and Offally; the kindred of O'Connor and O'More; ordnance; navy; O'Raylee; the Earl of Desmond; McCarthy More; Earl of Thomond; Earl of Clanricard; Baron of Dungarvan; Earl of Tyrone; James M'Conell; and O'Donnell and his children.
Endorsed :—“Minute of tharticles sent to the Lord Depute of Irland by Mr. Knolles, 29o Novembr. 1552.”
pp. [Haynes, p. 141. In extenso.]
411. The Privy Council to the Lord Deputy of Ireland.
1552, Nov. 29. Minute from the Privy Council to the Lord Deputy of Ireland [Sir J. Croft], signifying the King's pleasure for his continuance in Ireland for a few weeks longer, for certain weighty considerations. (Here follow two lines in cipher.) Instructing him to make some convenient excuse for this delay in his return, and on no account to let it be known that it is owing to this order from them. Urging the speedy return of the messenger, with his opinion on the articles sent herewith. In case he should meet the messenger on this side, he is to continue his journey towards the King.
Endorsed :—“M. from the Lords to the Lord Deputy of Ireland, 29o Novemb. 1552.”
412. Piere Veulnerice to John [Dudley], Duke of Northumberland.
1552, Dec. 12. Forwarding a letter from Liege, addressed to the Duke. He is to pay the bearer three “patars de Flandre.” Requests that any reply may be sent to Bruges, Rue des Armeuries, at the sign of the Burchgrave Coultier de Lainnes.—Bruges, 12 December 1552.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“9 Dec. 1552. Greffery Pooles letters to the Lords for his safe conduct.”
½ p. French.
Sir Geoffrey Pole to the Privy Council.
To his great grief he has not heard particularly from his wife and children for four years. By the bruit that goeth he hears that their Lordships are very good to them. Prays permission to come and see his family and to declare his poor heart and mind to their Lordships. Trusts they will then perceive that not without reason he required such sort of safe conduct. Beseeches their favour, whom, none of them all, he has offended. Asks that his wife may be allowed to have the letter directed to her, and that she may have licence to write to him again. Prays pardon of his scribbling, “that use no secretary.”—Liège, 9 December 1552.
Addressed :—“To my lordes grace off [No]rthumberland and the [resi]dew of the Kynge's Matie hys honorable Cowncellers.”
1 p. Holograph.
Sir Geoffrey Pole to Lady Constance Pole.
Is glad to hear that the Duke of Northumberland shows favour unto her, and that Arthur, delivered out of prison, is in his Graces service. Has been four years absent, and is desirous to return to her and his children, trusting that his desire to return may be taken in as good party as his departure without licence was taken in ill part. Prays her to certify what favour he shall find at the hands of the Council, and whether they will grant him a safe conduct to come and return.—Ledge (Liège), 9 December 1552.
Signed :—“Your louying bedfellow, Geoffrey Pole.”
1 p. Holograph.
413. Sir T. Chamberlain to the Lords of the Council.
1552, Dec. 13. Reports the conversation between himself and the two Presidents as to the intercepted letters which had been. shown to Thomas Gresham, and as to the necessity of a closer amity between England and the Low Countries. As to the latter is sure the Council will perceive that they are anxious about it, but are loath to be the seekers. A Councillor gave him to understand “that they had received a nay of you which I guess doth now cause them to stand the stiffer.”
Speaking of the amity the same Councillor said, “What should we trust thereto seeing you refuse to aid us, which by the treaty you are bound unto?” Nevertheless has good hope as their Lordships shall see by the end of the two Presidents' talk.—Brussels, 13 December 1552.
In cipher. 7½ pp. [Haynes, p. 142. In extenso.]
Contemporary decipher of the preceding.
Endorsed by Cecil :—13 Dec. 1552. From Mr. Chamberlain to ye; answer made by ye Regent to him.”
414. Sir William Pickering to Sir W. Cecil.
[1552], Dec. [22]. So far as he can see other fruit will not ensue by the French Commissioners coming hither in our merchants' complaints than their wonted fair words. Fears their new promises will still prove old delays. Thinks Cecil somewhat relented in his last answer to the Commissioners. M. Bois-Daulphin cometh home shortly. “We say here that Bois-Daulphin hath so feasted and banqueted you in England that ye will with very evil will suffer him to depart.”—Compiegne, December.
Partly cipher, deciphered. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 144. In extenso.]
415. Intelligence from France.
1552, Dec. 23. This day, the 23rd of December 1552, MM. de Vaudeville and de Halloye came out of Hesdin to agree upon articles for its surrender with the Duke de Vendôme et de Beaumont, Governor and Lieutenant-General of the King in Picardy, Boulogne, and Artois, who has granted the following terms :—
1. M. de Beaurin, Lieutenant of the Emperor, shall march out with all the captains and men of war, horse and foot, with their arms, horses, and ensigns furled, without sound of drum, until they are out of sight of the camp.
2. The Duke permits them to remove two “faulcons” which they brought into the place, with horses to conduct them, as also to carry off the sick and wounded.
3. The Duke will retain the French prisoners unless M. de Beaurin can remove them.
4. M. de Beaurin promises to leave the place without fraud or deception, leaving all the artillery and other munitions of war without concealing or injuring anything.
In witness whereof M. de Beaurin has signed these presents in the town of Hesdin the day and year above written.—Signed, Jehan de Croy.
Minute. Endorsed by W. Pickering :—“The rendering of Hudyng.”
1 p. French.
416. The Mint at Dublin.
1552, Dec. 27. Draft Signet Bill, granting liberty to the officers of the Mint at Dublin, to coin further bullion to the extent of 8,000l., not withstanding the previous restraint sent to the Lord Deputy, Sir James Croft.—Greenwich, the day of December, 6 Edw. VI.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“27 December, 1552. Minute of the King's letter to the Justices in Ireland for setting the Mint at liberty.”
½ sheet.
417. Records, &c.
[1552 ?]. Index Nominum, “out of Mr. Webbe's book” (41 pp.) [See No. 331 above], followed by notes headed, “Records that remain in the. King's Majesty's Treasury of Receipt be as follow; delivered to my Lord by Mr. Lambe ultimo Maii, 1552,” (2½ pp.), and “Also remains their fines from Richard I. unto Henry VIII.” (½ p.) Further index of names (7½ pp.).
Partly Latin.
418. Bernardo Navagiero.
1552. Relatione del clarissimo M. Bernardo Navagiero, fatta nell' Excellmo Conseglio de Pregadi, l'anno 1552, quando ritorno da Costantinopoli, ova era stato Baylo appresso Sultan Solimano, Ottomano Imperatore de' Turchi.
71 pp.