Pages 625-626
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.
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Table men and chessmen; 131.
Tables :
playing; 130.
with pictures, maps, &c., inventory of; 130.
Tadcaster; 446, 468, 490.
Tailer, William; 529.
Talbot :
Lord (1553), suit of; 118.
— (1557); 146.
— and Lady, at Topcliffe; 469.
Talbotstown, letter dated at; 417.
Tamworth, Mr., payment to; 261.
Tailored, —, of Borough bridge; 470.
Tantallon Castle; 34, 36.
surrender of; ib.
plan of; 37.
Tarifa, Marquis of, Viceroy of Naples; 148.
Tarnof, Count Jehan Crietofle de; 135.
Tarsiell, the; 11.
Tassel, Johan; 439.
Tathwell, Lincolnshire, vicar of, complaint by; 80.
Taunton; 312.
Tavanes, Sieur de; 362.
Tavistock monastery; 45.
Taylor, Thomas, of Tadcaster; 468, 469, 557.
Taymouth; 168.
Tealby manor, co. Lincoln; 93.
Tecklenburg, Count; 320.
Telligny, Sieur de; 361.
Tempest :
Mr., recommended as sheriff of Durham; 170.
one; 483, 503.
Templars, Knights, documents concerning; 1.
Temple Newsam, goods at; 326.
Tentallen; 389.
Teregles; 507.
Terouenne, archdeacon of, 8.
Terricles; 187.
Teshda, Manuel, petition from; 375.
Teure, Chevalier de; 361.
Tevedale, Lords of; 31.
Teviotdale; 403, 405.
thieves in; 383.
sheriff of; 459.
Thame; 454.
Thames, the; 11, 28, 278, 349, 352.
Themsicke, George de, commission to; 8.
Therouenne, imperial army at; 118.
Thickesover; 402.
Thirlby, Thomas, Bishop, letter of; 97.
Thomond, Earl of (1552); 104.
Thorne, Robert, letters of; 6.
Thorold :
Mr.; 119, 124.
William, letter of; 106.
Throckmorton; 249.
Sir Nicholas; 61, 319, 426, 456, 544.
— instructions to; 150, 165.
— letters of; 229, 231, 233.
— letters of; 266, 363, 465.
— letters to; 265.
— his detention; 277.
— and Roger Strange; 290, 291.
— examination of; 430, 432.
— interrogatories for; 435.
— answers of; ib.
Thurgood, Christopher, letter of; 298.
Thurkill, —, receiver; 469.
Thursby —; 440.
Thwynge, John, 502.
Thynne :
Mr., steward to Duke of Somerset; 48.
Sir John; 325.
— letters of; 50, 73, 77.
— letters to; 46, 56, 57, 59.
— his servant; 44.
— surrender of; 95, 96.
Tichfield; 435.
Tildsley family; 82.
Tirell, Sir James, his manor of Swinbroke;
Tirwhit, Sir Robert; 443.
Toledo; 203.
letters dated at; 158, 237.
Archbishop of; 159.
Cardinal; 408.
Don Pedro de, viceroy of; 110.
Tollesbury manor, Essex; 527, 570.
Tooke, William, of the Court of Wards, warrants to; 147.
Topcliff; 433, 435, 468, 469, 470, 502.
Balterby Brome or Bawderbin Bromes, near; 468, 469.
Topson, George; 399.
Torretlie; 389.
Torture; 496.
Totington manor; 467.
Totnes, mayor of, examination before; 257.
Tournay; 121.
Tower, Henry de la, letter of; 576.
Townshend :
Mr.; 438.
Sir Robert; 126.
Roger, commissary; 11.
Traghton Abbey, capture of; 413.
Transylvania; 110, 320.
affairs in; 82.
Turkish Governor in; 313, 317.
the emperor in; 319.
Traquair, Lady; 265.
Travels to Cathaia; 340.
Travers, John, letter of; 91.
Traygnethen, house of; 374.
Trayport; 111.
Treasury, the King's, deficient state of; 86.
Treaties; 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 44, 47, 49, 74, 80, 146, 152, 226, 246.
Tremayne :
—; 209.
Mr.; 477.
Edmund; 496.
Nicholas and Andrew, suit against; 280.
Trendell, —, examination of; 344.
Trent; 98.
council of; 54, 58, 286, 288.
Treves; 359.
bishopric of; 110.
Elector of; 94, 429.
Tries Castle; 36.
Trindell, examination of; 351.
Tring manor, co. Hertford; 48.
Tripoli; 196, 270.
Trotter, Edmond, a prisoner; 30.
Troughton, Richard, of South Witham; 106, 107.
Tübingen, letter dated at; 319.
Tuckfield, servant to the Lord Chancellor; 18.
Tuddington, 481.
letter dated at; 482.
Tunstall, Dr., Bishop of Durham; 124.
Turbervile family; 82.
Turin; 113, 177, 408.
Turks :
the burning of Riggio by; 98.
the Emperor and; 346.
and Spain; 387.
Turner :
a servant; 521.
Edmund; 526.
— letters of; 455, 464.
— examination of; 530.
— Turpin, Martin, a murderer of Rother-furthe; 42.
Tutbury; 370.
Queen Mary at; 395, 400, 424, 470, 484, 536, 547, 548, 549, 552, 553, 578.
letters dated at; 424, 426, 463, 466.
Tweed, the river, fishing in; 398.
Tweedmouth; 373.
Tyler, Richard; 559.
Tymperley, Mr.; 398.
Tynedale; 28.
raid into; 24.
sergeant of; 99.
keeper in; 173.
men of; 460.
Tynemouth; 173, 338, 392, 433.
shire; 31.
manor; 99.
Tynwell, lease of; 116.
Tyrone :
Earl of (1543), letter of; 21.
— (1552); 104.
Tyrwhitt :
Sir Robert, his house in Lincolnshire; 22.
— letters of; 61, 62, 64, 67, 69.
— confession of; 72.
Lady, in charge of the Princess Elizabeth; 69.
Tyrwyn, siege of; 3.