Index: Q, R

Pages 618-620

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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Queenborough; 289.

Queen's College, Master and Fellows of; 492.

Quona, Cardinal de; 147.


Radcliffe, William, his lands in Stamford; 120.

Rambouillet, M., de; 265, 476.

Ramsey; 507.

Randall; 209.

his letters; 214.

Mr.; 235.

Edward, messenger; 190, 191.

Thomas; 194, 195, 199.

alias Barnabie, Thomas; 178.

Randan, M. de, ambassador in Scotland; 231.

— his train of engineers, &c.; 230.

— letter of; 234.

— treaty signed by; 245, 246.

Randolph, Mr.; 261, 264.

— letter of; 333.

Edward, letter of; 291.

— warrant to; 284.

— his widow; 341.

Thomas, letters of; 226, 337.

— agent in Scotland; 156, 218, 267.

— envoy to Russia; 348, 357.

Sir Thomas, memorial for; 258.

Rankeillour; 499.

Rasen :

Lincolnshire; 80.

East; 93.

Middle; 93.

Ratcliff, a schoolmaster; 558.

Sir Henry, captain of Portsmouth; 495.

Richard; 576.

Ratisbon; 98.

meeting at; 317.

Raw, —, a servant; 534, 537, 539, 540, 541, 544, 557.

Rawlins, Hugh; 133.

Ray, Henry, pursuivant; 18, 19, 201.

Reading, St. Lawrence parish, petition from; 133.

Realm, the, state of, documents concerning; 457.

Reconte, —; 139.

Rede, Cuthbert; 565.

examination of; 530.

description of; 532.

Reed, one; 73, 74.

Captain; 211.

Captain William, letter of; 405.

Reigate, letter dated at; 145.

Reneger, Robert, letter of; 91.

Renty, Sieur de; 371.

Reux, M. du; 117.

Revell :

Edward, of South Normanton; 504.

John, of Shurland; 503, 504.

Revels, the, payments for; 415.

Reynolds, a priest; 83.

Rhenish wines; 278.

Rich :

Lord; 146, 253, 443.

— (1549), letter to; 73.

— (1552), patent of; 95.

Richard III., commission by; 16.

Richardson, Peter, goldsmith; 415.

Richmond :

John; 526.

Surrey, letters dated at; 13, 14, 81.

co. York; 299, 470, 471, 502.

— rebels at : 447, 448.

archdeaconry, justices of; 312.

Riddesdale; 28, 373.

sergeant of; 99.

men of; 399, 460.

rebels of; 399.

Ridley, Bishop Nicholas; 132.

Ridolphi, concerned in plot for Mary Queen of Scots; 458, 475, 495–499, 524–579, passim.

Rigg, Edmund, 407.

Riggio, in Calabria, burnt by the Turks; 98.

Ripon; 434, 470.

letters dated at; 445, 446.

Rizzio, David, particulars of his murder; 333.

Roan, Count de; 534.

Robert, Lord, Mr. Drury and; 159.

Robinson :

George; 479.

William; 269.

Robsart, Amy, her death; 251–253, 255.

Robson :

—; 390.

Percy, of Tyndale, his cattle; 24.

Rochefoucault, Count de la; 362.

agreement for; 371.

Rochelle, governor of; 388.

Rochelyn, Hannibal; 364.

Rochester; 120.

mayor and citizens of; 13.

Rochford, Lady, deposition by; 14, 15.

Rock, Capt. at Calais; 134

Rockrey, Mr., of Queen's College; 492, 493.

Rodolph; 432.

Rogard, Peter; 322.

Rogers :

Captain at Calais; 134.

Sir Edward; 165.

John, lands alienated by; 256.

Mrs.; 130.

Rokesby, Marshalship of; 103.

Rokkestede manor; 12.

Rolleston :

Francis, of Mafelt, examination of; 508, 509.

Francis and George, concerned in plot for Mary Queen of Scots; 504–572, passim.

Rolls, the :

letters dated at; 325, 341.

Master of, Cordell, letter of; 341.

— (1570); 473, 548.

Roly, William, English merchant in Russia; 347.

Romans, the, King of; 96, 109, 110, 114.

his daughter; 102.

letters of 135.

Rome; 570.

letters dated at; 183, 344, 400.

controversy with; 53.

advertisements from; 417.

King of, manoeuvres for dignity of; 321.

Rooksby :

Christopher; 388.

letter to; 337.

letter of; 338.

his interview with the Queen of Scots; 339.

Rose Castle, letter dated at; 310.

Roslyn, Lord; 407.

Ross :

Bishop of, Leslie, Commissioner for Queen Mary; 364, 367, 370, 381, 394, 401, 414.

— answer of Elizabeth written by; 382, 388.

— his plots for the Queen's escape, &c.; 421–578, passim.

— letters of; 491, 561, 563, 569, 570, 573.

— memorial of; 484.

— interrogatories to; 432.

— answers of; 434, 499, 550, 555.

— articles against; 501.

— his liability to punishment; 538.

— statements of; 560, 562.

— his opinion of Queen Mary; 564.

— examination of; 570.

— charges against; 574.

Lord, his son; 532.

Sir Robert, commission to; 2.

Robert; 171.

Rotelin, la Marquise de; 362.

Rotherfurthe, murderers of; 42.

Rotherham :

letters dated at; 395.

Mary Queen of Scots at; 396.

Rothes, Earl of (1566), after Rizzio's murder; 333–336.

Rouen; 64, 112.

Court of; 17.

inhabitants, petition of; 271.

English prisoners taken at; 292, 319.

Rouse, Mr.; 66.

Rovallane, Laird of, letter to; 395.

Rovett, Robert, goldsmith; 262.

Rowcliff Castle; 455.

Rowe, Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor, letter of; 436.

Rowlett, decipherer to Queen Mary; 388.

Rowston manor; 93.

Roxburgh; 459.

Royar, a printer; 83.

Roydon, letter dated at; 122.

Royston; 428.

Sir W. Cecil at; 228.

Viscount, MS. belonging to; 336.

Stoke; 499.

Rue; 149.

Ruelx, M. du; 111, 114.

Ruff, Melchior, 322.

Rufford; 503.

Ruthen or Ruthven :

Lord; 180, 187, 420.

— his son Archibald; 178, 250.

— envoy from the Congregation; 230.

— and Rizzio's murder; 333–336.

Rutland :

intended rising in; 92.

Earl of (1542), Warden of the Marches; 18, 19.

— (1519); 62.

— his confession; 66.

— (1549), letter of; 74.

— (1553); 116.

— (1557), letter of; 140.

— (1561), letter to; 262.

— (1564), the late, his lands; 292.

— his estate; 313.

— (1569) letter to; 459.

Lady, deposition by; 14, 15.

Russell :

Lord (1542), letter of; 17.

— (1546), Privy Seal, letter to; 47.

Sir Thomas, of Worcestershire; 306.

Russia :

Emperors of, letter of; 347.

English merchants in; ib.

English embassy to; 357.

defeated by Poland; 343.

Rutsart, M.; 343.

Ruy Gomez, Senor; 301.

Rye; 17, 269, 284, 288.

governor of; 354.

M. du; 117.

Rygges, Mr.; 93.