Cecil Papers: January-June 1569

Pages 387-413

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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January–June 1569

1242. — to Jacques Claix, a Girdler of Antwerp.
1568/9, Jan. 1. Instructions respecting the making and supplying of certain goods, and other matters of business.—London, 1 January 1568.
French. 2 pp.
1243. Sir F. Knollys [Vice-Chamberlain] to the Queen.
1568/9, Jan. 1. The Queen of Scots kept her chamber all yesterday, perusing her letters and conferring with Lord Boyd and Rowlett, her decipherer. At night she came forth, when she said, that her Majesty had told the Bishop of Ross she would have her a Queen still, and that Murray should take the execution of government at the hands of her and her son jointly. Is sure that until the Bishop is sent away in despair, her Majesty will never bring her to a resolute yielding, for she hath courage enough to hold out as long as any jot of hope may be left unto her. Till she sees a severe order for her removing, she will believe in the Queen's mildness. Urges her Majesty to be guided by the resolutions of her faithful councillors. Surely neither he nor Lord Scrope have any quarrel with the Q. of Scots, or would mislike any favour to her, yet it were better policy to disclose such favour to them first, before the Bishop of Ross, for he converts everything to harden the Queen to hold off, so as to make the better bargain. Hitherto they constantly stood to their former persuasions (to their great discredit with her) because they were so directed, yet to-day they were fain to say to the Queen that they would be very glad if they had so erred. Nevertheless, they bade her take heed that she beguiled not herself by wrong constructions. Their persuasions are contemptible here, if not backed by the Court. To be plain, the Queen is half persuaded that her Majesty will not openly disgrace her nor maintain Murray, howsoever she refuses to conform.—Bolton, 1 January 1568.
In bad condition.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 499. In extenso.]
1244. Nicholas Culverwelles to Thomas Allen, John Barne and Company.
1568/9, Jan. 4. Yesterday he went to the Cardinal Chastillon, with whom was M. de Cavaignes, from whom he received four letters directed to the Queen of Navarre, the Prince of Condé, M. Chastelion, Admiral, and the Governor of Rochelle, to enable him to have the choice of such kind of merchandise as is there besides the salt and wines for the satisfaction of the contract. Awaits at Plymouth a gentleman of the Cardinal's who accompanies him, and in the meantime requests any news from Richard Willis.—Basingstoke, Thursday, 4th of January 1568.
Copy. 1 p.
1245. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Jan 6. Thanks Cecil for his letter of the 27th. Has been at Norham and has viewed the house and finds that whosoever was cause of her Majesty's taking it into her hand was more for the Bishop's profit than her Majesty's. The house is in such decay as without present reparations no man shall be able to lie in it, and where her Majesty hath but 50l. a year besides the Captain's fee, a thousand marks will “scant” repair it. “Besides, where there are divers pieces of ordnance there, there is neither powder nor shot, bow nor arrow, pike, harquebus, nor bill, to make any defence if need should be. It was never unfurnished, being in the bishop's hands, who looks to have all the royalties, profits, and escheats, so that the Queen hath but Nomen sine re; but since he finds that it is her Majesty's, he has forbidden any royalties to be had in the bishop's name. Prays for Cecil's opinion herein, for if the bishop have the royalties they must be answered at Durham; if they be the Queen's they must be answered within the shire. Here hath been so great a frost as, notwithstanding the gentle thaw, if repairs had not been done to the bridge, a great piece of it had lain in the sea; was fain to have it watched three nights, and rose one night at two of the clock in the morning to bring company to save the bridge, when men were afraid to stand upon it; so that unless some order be taken for it, the next great frost it will away. In this town, it is not the least want that there is never a physician that he can hear of this side of York (if there be any there), yet the living of a learned and expert man should be better than 50l. a year; “burnt child dreads the fire,” and having been troubled with his old disease the “kowhe,” and seeing daily the want of one both in the town and country, is the bolder to crave Cecil's help in the matter. Yesterday his deputy warden met Sesford's deputies, but had nothing but words, and nothing else can be looked for till the Regent's return. There are great troubles in Scotland, and great likelihood of greater, for every man doth what he lists, as he shall perceive by the enclosed bill.—Berwick, 6 January.
Endorsed :—1588.
Seal with Crest. 1½ pp. Encloses,
Intelligence from Scotland.
Young Sesford [Cessford] hath entered into Kelsey Abbey and put out the Regent's folks, and lieth there himself, for what intent nobody knoweth.” Upon Saturday, being New Year's Day, the Laird of Carmichael and young Applegarth, with 30 horse, lay for Robin Hepburn, a son of the Laird of Wharton, to have killed him going to market, and missing him, returning home by Eston Ford, the young L. of Wharton issued out of his house and hurt divers of Carmichael's men, some of his own being taken prisoners and carried to Tentallen. Upon St. John's Day at night, Marten Ellwood and his accomplices, to the number of 300 horse, came to one Pringell of Torretlie in the forest of Ettrick, whilst he was at supper with divers of his friends, and killed the good man and five or six others, and sacked the house to the value of 7,000l. or 8,000l. Scots, and earned the rest away prisoners. Marten Ellwood being hurt in the house to the death, as it is thought, was the cause of killing of the others, and on their return they were set upon at a straight with certain of the country, but Marten and his company had the upper hand and carried away 80 of them. This was verified by divers of the Scots that came to the meeting yesterday. Divers other suchlike things are done, too tedious to write.—Undated.
Another copy of the preceding. 1 p
Modern copy of Lord Hunsdon's letter.
1246. Peter Osborne to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Jan. 7. Suggests that certain hulks now coming out of Spain with wine for the Netherlands should be “laid for.”
Their value will in great part counterbalance the expense of the delay, and the hulks themselves will serve their purpose for salt.—From Ivy Lane, the 7th Jan. 1568.
½ p.
1247. “The Sum of that was declared to the Spanish Ambassador by the Lord Admiral and Sir Wm. Cecil, 8 January 1568.” (Cecil's endorsement.)
1568/9, Jan. 8. Whether the proceedings of the Duke of Alva were approved by the K. of Spain. The severity of the proceedings at Antwerp would necessitate her Majesty to make arrest of the King's subjects. Some vessels would be sent to the Downs to stay all vessels passing to Spain or the Low Countries. Staples to be made in the realm, that no unnecessary commodity should be admitted. Then follows, in Latin, Cecil's detailed statement of the grievances complained of by her Majesty.
Minute by Cecil. 3 pp. [Haynes, p. 501. In extenso to end of paragraph 4.]
1248. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Jan. 10. At the writing of his last letters, he was advertised of a servant of Earl Huntly's, that came divers times through this march to Bolton with letters, and was guided by an Englishman, and was at that present gone to Bolton with the said Englishman, whereupon Hunsdon took such order that he was taken on the previous night and brought to him. He had about him divers letters from the Queen of Scots, which Hunsdon sends herewith, wherein he thinks Cecil will find matter worthy the knowing. Although he never went nor returned by Berwick, yet, to blind Hunsdon's brother Knollys, he procured a passport from him to pass by Hunsdon. Seeing he neither heretofore passed this way, and was returning another way, Hunsdon thought it his duty to send up the letters and to stay the party till he heard from Cecil. As for the Englishman, who has been his guide so often, he means to put him to the law of the borders. The Englishman's name is Robson; he lives 15 miles from Berwick, under Cheviot, and within a mile of Scotland. The Scotsman is Thomas Karr, who meant to have gone secretly with those letters, as he has done divers times with others. Prays answer what he shall do with Karr, for he is prisoner by the law. Has received a letter from the Lord of the “Owtyles” [Out-Isles] of Scotland, who, he perceives, was banished his country and restored again by Queen Mary. He prays Hunsdon to convey his letter to the Queen's Majesty. Sends the same, with the Laird's letter to himself.—Berwick, 10 Jan.
Endorsed :—1568.
Seal. 1 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
1249. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
[1568/9], Jan. 12. Desires Cecil to aid the bearer, Captain Carvell, in his reasonable suit which he meaneth to Her Majesty for the better maintenance of himself, and recompense of his long service.—Berwick, 12 January.
Endorsed :—156[8 ?].
Seal with crest. ½ p.
1250. Rowland Johnson to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Jan. 13. Reminding Cecil that it is now two years since the work ceased and no order taken for his relief. Had thought his service this 20 years and more would have been better considered. Prays Cecil to help him in his suit to the Queen and her Council.—Berwick, 13 January 1568.
2/3 p.
1251. The Queen to the Lord Wardens of the Marches.
1568/9, Jan. 14. Instructing them, more especially those of the East and Middle Marches, to give orders for the safe conduct of the Earl of Murray and other noblemen returning into Scotland, as they fear some impediment to their train near to the borders. Urging them to aid the said Earl in every way, and not to allow any Scottishman to enter the realm without his special recommendation. Lord Hunsdon, who shall have the first sight of these letters, is ordered to distribute copies of the same.
Endorsed by Cecil :—14 January 1568.
Draft corrected by Cecil. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 501. In extenso.]
1252. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Jan. 15. Has received Cecil's packet of the 9th on the 15th of the same. As to the importunacy of Adams, there is no truth in his statements. Thinks his learning is not so great as to plead in any Court or assize, besides, at those times that he speaks of, the last being when the Queen was at Killingworth, there was neither term nor circuit, and the other time her Majesty was at Westminster. Will answer these matters at his return, which he trusts will be soon. Perceives great matters are like to ensue between her Majesty and the King of Spain. Is advertised that the Hepburns and Hamiltons do besiege Wharton, and Lord Hume is gone to rescue the same. The Earl of Huntly and his associates mean to keep a Parliament or Council at Glasgow. Is left very rawly here—Scotland being all in arms— there being nobody but himself.—Berwick, 15 January 1568.
P.S.—A. servant he sent to Leith tells him that Huntly, Argyle, and all that society are at Glasgow, and a proclamation is issued that all men from sixteen to sixty are to be ready with twenty days' victuals, at an hour's warning, to resist the Regent and their ancient enemies the Englishmen. Certain bills are cast abroad in Scotland touching a resolution that the Queen's Majesty hath made of the disposing of the Crown of Scotland, and as to a marriage between the Earl of Hertford and Cecil's daughter, with many other matters, written, as it is said, from their Queen. Understands that Mr. Norton, the Captain of Norham, by whose patent Sir Harry Percy hath occupied it, is dead; as all the tithes of Bamburghshire were always incident to the Governors of Berwick, but now all let to sundry men, to the great hindrance of all who shall have this charge, he has written to the Queen for it, and trusts the matter may have Cecil's furtherance.
Seal with crest. 2 pp.
1253. Lord Hunsdon to Queen Elizabeth.
[1568/9.] Jan. 16. All Governors of Berwick heretofore have always had divers tithes in that wardenry, incident to their office, for the provision of their houses for all manner of corn. These tithes, by Lord Grey's sufferance for a piece of money, and the Earl of Bedford's not weighing the rest, are all let by lease to others by her Majesty's officers, to the great hindrance of as many as shall succeed them. This he feels, for he is fain to buy all his corn where he can get it, to his great charge. Understands that one Mr. Norton is dead, who was captain of her Majesty's castle of Norham, 4 miles from Berwick; whose interest Sir Harry Percy had, who lies at Tynemouth, 40 miles off, being small commodity to him, and the chiefest place of service upon all those borders. Being now in her Majesty's disposition, if it please her to bestow the same upon him, in lieu of the tithes, he will not only be the better able to serve her highness at Berwick, but trusts to revive a great many for her better service, who now are clearly put down, as her Majesty shall understand hereafter. There are great troubles in Scotland, and greater like to be; for the Earls of Huntly and Argyle with all their associates are come to Glasgow, where they have made proclamation that all men between 16 and 60 should be ready at an hour's warning with 20 days' victuals, to resist the Earl of Murray “and their ancient enemies the Englishmen;” for they give out that many Englishmen shall come with him. Also the Hamiltons and Hepburns have besieged a house of the Earl Morton's, to the rescue whereof Lord Hume is gone with all his power. “Many other disorders are daily committed to the great harm of the country; for whosoever can make any revenge spares not, and he that can do most mischief is most set by; and surely, whensoever the Regent doth return, he is like to have his hands full.” Trusts her Majesty will take in good part his “small suit and small intelligence.”—Berwick, 16 Jan.
1 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
1254. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Jan. 19. Sends a copy in Scottish hand of the Queen of Scots' Proclamation, wherein appear the exhortations to her subjects against the Queen, and how she discredits her with breaking promise with her, besides slandering her Majesty and her Privy Council; which letter was the cause of the assembly of the Lords at Glasgow, where they meet again the latter end of the month. Where he wrote of the besieging of Waughton, states, that when the Lord Hume came thither, the Hepburns came and put themselves into his hand, but when he saw that none of the Hamiltons were there, he returned home. Where he was a suitor for Norham, hearing of the death of Mr. Norton, understands since that he was very sick, but now amended. Asks for the armour and other munitions that are at Newcastle.—Berwick, 19 January.
Seal with crest. ¾ p. [Haynes, p. 503. A portion in extenso.]
1255. The Bishop of Winchester to Sir W. Cecil.
1568/9, Jan. 21. Advises him that the Council's letters addressed to the Sheriff (of Southampton) and others against the time of the election of verderers were not delivered, for they plainly perceived that although they should have prevailed both in power and in numbers it would not have been ended without much mischief. There was no one of any worship or credit in the country present at the election besides the Lord Chidiock and the Sheriff, except Sir John Barkley, Sir Robert Oxenbridge, Sir Richard Pexall, Mr. Scroope, and Mr. Shelley. Suggests that positions of trust in the shire should be withdrawn from such as are likely to prove disaffected for “wise men fear some troubles toward.”
It is said that George Puttenham is appointed to the Commission of the Peace, prays that it be not true for his evil life is well known, and also that he is a “notorious enemye to God's Truthe.” Begs him to use his influence to have not only Puttenham but also Sir Robt Oxenbridge, Ralph Scroope, and others kept out of that Commission.— Waltham, 21 Jan. 1856.
Modern copy. 2½ pp.
1256. Proclamation against Slanderous Writings published in Scotland.
[1568/9, Jan. 22.] A proclamation contradicting certain false reports that the Queen of Scots' son should be delivered to her Majesty to be nourished in England; that the Castles of Edinburgh and Stirling should be in Englishmen's keeping; that the Castle of Dumbarton should be besieged; and that the Earl of Murray should be declared legitimate with a view to his succession to the Crown of Scotland, to be held in fee of the Queen of England; and assuring all persons that any league between the Earl of Murray and the Earl of Hertford is a malicious invention. That her Majesty willeth all persons to understand that in this cause between the Queen of Scots and her son, she means to have the same well ended with quietness for the whole Scottish nation.
Minute, corrected by Cecil. 2½ pp. [Haynes, p. 500. In extenso.]
1257. Henry Killigrew, Ambassador to Germany.
1568/9, Jan. 26. Copy of the Privy Seal addressed to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer for the payment to Henry Killigrew, Esq., sent into Germany to the Court of the Emperor, the sums allowed for his diets at the rate of 40s. a day from the 25th of January, with an advance of 40l. for his transportation and posting charges.—26 January, 11 Eliz.
2/3 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
1258. Peter Osborne to Sir W. Cecil.
1568/9, Jan. 31. Concerning a contract for the carriage of salt.
1 p.
1259. The Regent Murray to the Queen.
1568/9, Jan. 31. Being arrived at Berwick the 30th of this present at night, and so ready to enter into Scotland, I would not omit to certify your Majesty of the same, and withal to render thanks for your Majesty's gracious favour, being so well and substantially convoyed by your Majesty's Wardens, but specially by Lord Hunsdon. For the which I have nothing to offer but my good heart and true meaning, so that both heart, body, and all in my power, shall be always bent to your Majesty's service.—Berwick, 31 January 1568.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. [Haynes, p. 505. In extenso.]
1260. The Regent Murray to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Jan. 31. I would not forget to let you understand how honourably I have been convoyed through the bounds of the frontiers, but chiefly by my Lord Hunsdon. I must render you my hearty thanks for the great expedition used in setting forth the proclamation anent untrue reports published in Scotland; this declaration is able enough to do great good among my friends, of whom no doubt the hearts of many were wounded, that, without this medicine timeously ministered, had been in no small danger. I have been earnest to understand of the Queen my Sovereign's Mother's disposition; and truly (so far as I can inquire) in her conceit she esteems herself nothing dejected nor destitute of friendship, and so methinks there was never greater occasion to be careful of her surety.—Berwick, 31 January 1568.
Seal. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 506. In extenso, with a P.S. which belongs to another of Murray's letters to Cecil of the same date (No. 1261).]
1261. The Regent Murray to [Sir Wm. Cecil].
1568/9, Jan. 31. After my L&rtilde;e finished, being at Berwik, I ressavit yor L&rtilde;e of the xxvj [of] Januar with sic L&rtilde;ez as I send you from Huntingtoun, and with the Copy of the proclamatioun; of &qtilde;lk all I rander you my hertlie thankes. To prove the quene my soverains moder author of the slanders, In deid I haif not send zow ony principall, saulffing that subscrivit be the principallis of the adversaires direct to the Lard of Grange. At my cuming to Striveling I sall do gude will to obtene the principall of that L&rtilde;e sent to my lord of Mar or sum other/.
The occasioun quhy Mr Johnne Wod returned not, wes his awin ernest sute to returne to visite his fader being of a greit age, and for sum his previe bissines, throw his absence lang neglectit, qrunto T condiscendit the rather for that I belevit the quenis Matie suld due&rtilde; (?) sum of hiris to remane in Scotland / be quhome hir hienes mycht be advertist of the certaintie of thingis in this cuntre/&qtilde;lk peraventur she will credit mair furmlie / then that to be writtin of ws. Towardes the Duke of Chestellerault I haif avisit with certane my speciall freinds, and for or opinioun we think it rather better he be permittit to cum in Scotland then ayther to abyde thair or pas in France for during his absence his frendes makus no lesse stur then he wer present /. And he is at poynt no[t] to be persewit / quhair be the contrair he being at hame / we trust eyther he shulde weary of the warre / or ellis we mycht haif all Attanys to conte[nd] with. And not the principall to be kepit in store / as Innocent of the attemptes of his children frendes and servandis.— From Fast Castell [the] last of Januar 1568.
Gif the Lordes Boyd Hereis and Bishop of Ross culd be stayed for s season it wold do greit gude.
Signature torn out. 2/3 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
1262. Lord Boyd to Lady Boyd.
1568/9, Jan. 31. Has no news to write but that the Queen and they removed from Bolton the 26th of this month. Prays her to take no thought albeit they be gone farther within the country, and that the Earl of Murray be come home in Scotland. Bids her not to be discouraged, for he assures her that the Queen's causes were never so likely to come shortly to a good success as at this present. Prays her to give her sons her good counsel to beware and look to themselves, as he has written before.—Rotherham, 31 Jan. 1568.
Addressed :—“To my Spous Margaret, Lady Boyd.”
½ p.
Modern copy of preceding.
1263. Lord Boyd to the Lairds of Rovallane and Crawfurdland.
1568/9, Jan. 31. The Queen departed from Bolton on the 26th, and is on her journey to Tutbury. Prays them not to be discouraged, but to continue as they have done, notwithstanding the threatenings, suits, and proclamations of the Earl of Murray, as the Queen's cause is likely to come shortly to a good success. The Duke of Chatelherault and Lord Kilwinning are on their journey from London, who will show all proceedings here at more length.—Rotherham, 31 Jan. 1568.
[Haynes, p. 506. In extenso.]
1264. Removal of the Queen of Scots to Tutbury.
1568/9, January. A note of the Queen's Letters, &c. (14–20 Jan. 1568/9) sent to Mr. Vice-Chamberlain [Sir Francis Knollys] and others in connexion with the removal of the Queen of Scots with all haste to Tutbury.
Minute in Cecil's hand.
¾ p. [Haynes, p. 505. In extenso.]
1265. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Feb. 1. Announces the Earl of Murray's safe arrival in Scotland; he reached Berwick 30 Jan. and departed next day. Encloses packets, one for Lord Lennox.—Berwick, 1 February 1568.
½ p.
Modern copy of preceding.
1266. Christopher Mundt to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Feb. 2. Has received Cecil's letters of the 7th and 12th of December. Wishes he might remedy this great need and lack which is very pernicious and dangerous, for such kind of people do nothing without lucre. Where lack of money is, there nothing may be done; 8,000 mechi and occisores three “phalanges” be marching to the “Lustranen” place. The new arisen disturbance at Antwerp and in the Low Countries hinder negotiations, for sundry merchants which were well minded and willing now draw back and revoke their word. Unless this lack be remedied by Cecil's order he sees no help at all. And this remedy may not be longer deferred, for if the first payment be not clearly discharged, nothing can be obtained; and they corrupted, might become our enemies—Nam ibi fas ubi maxima merces. When the marriage shall be holden with Casimirus and the daughter Augusti, some greater men would fain see that the Queen's Majesty should send some agent to congratulate the parents on this conjunction and affinity, and so to renew the old amity and intelligence between the Queen and the Protestants; for it is supposed that under this assembly of marriage other deliberations will be concluded. Of the time and place when this marriage shall be holde he does not know assuredly as yet. Passing down to Cologne he saluted in the Queen's Majesty's behalf the Elector Palatine at Heidelberg, which at the same time did celebrate nuptias inter filiam suam et tertiegenitum Lantgravii; and at the same time the Elector told him that he must lend 100,000 florins to his cousin the Duke of Bipont [Deux Ponts] upon certain bonds and revenues, to help him forward in this begun enterprise. Sed quid hoc inter tot et tantos. The Duke of Bipont desired his commendations to the Queen, thanking her for her aid and help to further and maintain religion and liberty of all them which profess the Word of God. The Duke did by continual exhortations and almost compulsions obtain from Mundt to go down to Cologne to haste that matter forward, for the Duke was informed by the Cardinal's letter that such money was already transported hither, but in that matter the writer found here no preparation at all. But because no negligence should be found in him, considering the great importance of furthering this enterprise, he had taken this long and grievous journey upon himself in this incommoding time, cold, and “wheter,” and arrived hither 30 January and hopes to do some good herein. The good Duke of Wurtemburg “is departed out this world to January, his eldest son of 23 years died before a year; had left but one son of 14 years, but many daughters. If the son should depart without heir male, then that noble and rich dukedom were like to become to the House of Austria.” The Emperor is still in Austria and gathers much money from his lands and territories.—Cologne, 2 February '69.
Signed : “N.”
Holograph. 2 pp.
Two modern copies of the preceding.
1267. Peter Bizari.
1568/9, Feb. 2. Brief account of European events, 1564 to 1568; written in Italian by Peter Bizari, and “englished by R. W.”
At the beginning is a sonnet in Italian to Francis Russell, Earl of Bedford, by Francesca Guintini, Florentino.
160 pp.
1268. John Musgrave and Nicholas Lockwood to Lord Scrope, Warden of the West Marches, or, in his absence, to Sir W. Cecil.
1568/9, Feb. 4. Hither is presently repaired one Wattye Scotte, Scotsman, who departed from the train of the Scots' Queen at Rotherham on Monday last, and hath brought with him a packet of letters from Lord Boyd to divers his friends in Scotland, and certain other loose letters to the Duke of Chatelherault and others, for delivery in this realm : among which they have found one letter ciphered and directed to the Abbot of Kilwinning. As the bearer has no passport they thought it their duty (in the absence of Mr. Lowther, who is sick) to stay the man and to despatch the packet and letters, and have herewith sent the same. Ask for a speedy reply, and also how they shall behave themselves to such passengers, especially those with letters. The Grahams of Levyn have lately ridden upon certain tenants of Lord Heries, and have taken a reasonable booty; they have got into their heads (by what means they know not) that they may lawfully ride against the Earl of Murray's “contraries.”—Carlisle, 4 Feb. 1568.
Endorsed :—“With letters of the Lord Boyd's intercepted.”
Seal with crest. 1 p.
1269. Lord Hunsdon to the Privy Council.
1568/9, Feb 9. Complains of the weak and defenceless condition of the Town of Berwick and points out the necessity for proceeding with the repairs and fortifications without delay. Whereas there used to be seven or eight houses of strength in the neighbourhood to which the Warden might repair upon any occasion of service, there is now not one that any man can He dry in, for now they are farms, the halls serving for the sheep and cattle to lie in at nights, and the chambers as store-rooms for hay and corn.
The “gentlemen” dwell 16, 20, and 40 miles off, and some at London, so that the country hath no help from them. There are besides too many Scots dwelling in the country. In this Wardenry, being only 24 miles long and 16 broad, there are above 2,500 Scots whereof few or none are denizens. Asks for a commission to make denizens of those whose services may be necessary as salmon fishers, shepherds, &c., and that the rest may be banished.—Berwick, “9 Feb. 1569.”
Modern copy. 2½ pp.
1270. Lord Hunsdon to Sir W. Cecil.
[1568/9], Feb. 10. According to Her Majesty's letters has seen the Earl of Murray safe into Scotland, and has also sent copies of her Majesty's proclamation into that country, whereof many of the Earl's friends were very glad as till then they had been in some doubt. Had hoped that, now the Scottish matters are ended, something would be done to remedy the weak and defenceless condition of this town (Berwick) of which he has once more ventured to remind her Majesty, and also the Lords of the Council. Is sorry that he troubled her Majesty with reference to the captaincy of Norham. Asks Cecil to assist him in a suit he is now about to make for the fee-farm of his “Uncle Bullen's land.” Is also a suitor to him on behalf of Rowland Johnson, who is “both paynfull and honest” and has her Majesty's bill for 2s. 6d. a day which has been unpaid for this two years.—Berwick, 10 Feb.
Modern copy. 2 pp.
1271. Lord Hunsdon to Queen Elizabeth.
1568/9, Feb. 11. I have set the Earl of Murray safe into Scotland, where he was received by the Lord Hume with 500 horse, as also proclaimed your Majesty's proclamation in places convenient, and also sent divers of them into Scotland, whereof a great many were very glad, for it seems that the Scottish Queen's letters had brought some of his friends in some suspicion of the matter; and therefore he, seeing your Majesty's hand to one of the proclamations, was very desirous to have the same, being of the more credit, so as I could not deny it him. As I have once already advertised your Majesty of the state and weakness of this town, so I trust your Majesty will pardon me, though I put you in[remembrance of the same; the necessity of the cause, and the time of the year doth (sic) inforce me to call upon your Majesty to take order for the doing of something this year, for surely if your Majesty do not finish that which is begun (the earth work I mean) that which is begun will much decay; for all the lining of the curtains and bulwarks, with as much as was made of brick, is with this last frost mouldered away and fallen down, and of necessity must be new made again; and if your Majesty will bestow any charge this year, you must determine thereof betimes, that all such things as are necessary for the works may be prepared before the workmen come, or else your workmen shall many times loiter for lack of stuff, and so the works be hindered, and your Majesty's charge the greater. I need to trouble your Majesty the less with the particulars of the wants, because I have written to the lords of your Council of the same, as also because I trust my lord of Norfolk hath sufficiently informed your Majesty of the same. I am loath to trouble your Majesty with the weak state of this east Wardenry, and the causes thereof, because I have discoursed the whole state thereof, also to your Council, but surely it is in very weak case, and will be weaker, if speedy remedy be not had to your Majesty's infinite charge. Your Majesty may do well to be good to Mr. Lovell, who bought Appleyard's rum, for surely he is both wise and honest.—Berwick, 11 Feb.
Endorsed :—“11 Febr. 1568. The L. Hunsdon to ye Q. Maty by Mr. G. Cary.”
Seal. 1 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
1272. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Feb. 14. Asking him to aid the bearer, Mr. Tymperley, a pensioner, in the matter of a lease from the Dean and Chapter of Durham, of which the Queen had sent her letters of confirmation.— Berwick, 14 February 1568.
½ p.
1273. Thomas Jackson to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Feb. 16. Whereas he was lately possessed of a certain fishing in the Tweed, called New Water, by virtue of a lease granted by the Queen to Edmund Eynes and George Beverley, who have made a conveyance of the same to him; but the Governor of Berwick [Lord Hunsdon] hath put him from the possession of the said water challenging the same to be annexed unto his office. Craves Cecil's help in the matter.—Berwick, 16 February 1568.
1 p.
1274. Lord Hunsdon to the Privy Council.
1568/9, Feb. 17. Concerning the repairing of the fortifications at Berwick. Has conferred with Messrs. Johnson and Flemyng thereupon, and finds that the plan of the former is to have the work performed by task-work, whilst the latter proposes to contract to execute the repairs for a fixed sum. Thinks the former plan the most advantageous to her Majesty, and has therefore sent Mr. Johnson to report further to their Lordships.—Berwick, 17 Feb. 1768.
Modern copy, 2 pp.
1275. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Feb. 17. Thanks him for his letter of the 6th. The Earl of Murray and his side are at Stirling, where they convene. Is advertised that the Earl of Argyle hath sent for a safe conduct to come to the Lords, as have divers others, for their Queen hath sent word that she can do little for them, and wills them to take the best way for themselves they can. All soldiers are glad of the Proclamation, but fears that now they see her Majesty will not receive such injuries at their hands, they will pull in their horns. Trusts he may have leave to come up against St. George's Day, and so end his business and return to the works. Asks for assistance as he is forced to keep the town, whilst the country needs more reformation than the town.—Berwick, 17 February 1568.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 508. In extenso.]
1276. Sir John Forster to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9. Feb. 17. Since the passing of the Lord Regent of Scotland no “daies of Marches” hand other officers have been in attendance upon his Grace. The “Evell countries” have in consequence so knit themselves together that he has been obliged to repair to Harbottle, and not only to assemble such of his friends as were willing to help him, but also to crave assistance from Lord Hunsdon who sent Captain Pickman with his band of footmen from Berwick. These he has horsed at his own charges, as also the whole of his friends, at no little cost, which he was compelled to do or suffer the country to be entirely over-run by the evil disposed. Has with no little trouble apprehended 10 of the principal men of Riddlesdale who have been “Aidors and Resettors of the Rebels,” whose names he sends herewith. Prays that her Majesty's warrant may be directed to the governor of the gaol at Durham for the safe keeping of the prisoners, as the gaol at Newcastle is too weak and too near the “Evell countries.”
Asks Cecil to intercede with her Majesty for 20 men to lie at Harbottle, whom, if her Majesty will allow them 8d. a day, he will horse at his own expense.—Harbottle Castle, 17th Feb. 1568.
The names of such as have been the Aidors and Resettors of the Rebbells of Reddesdall.”
Robert Hall of Muckerige.
Randy Hall of Colwellhill.
John Hall, called “Anthones John.”
Clement Hall of Burdope.
George Aundersone of Davye Shell.
Roger Wanles of Durtes.
Mychell Pott of Clennell.
Arche Don.
George Topson.
Anthony Hall of Sharperton.
Modern copy. 3 pp.
1277. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Feb. 21. Yesternight he received a letter from the Earl of Murray, by which he perceives they have finished their convention, and have concluded either to bring the rest to obedience, or else to drive them to fight. They gather their forces and meet at Stirling the 10th of March, and so go .straight to Glasgow. The Earl has written for 200 harquebussiers, but the Queen's pleasure must first be known. Is loth to disfurnish this town of so many, unless others are provided in their stead, for many are down with ague and there is no physician in the country. Prays him to send Mr. Marshall or Mr. Treasurer, or else the writer will be laid up shortly too. Complains of the posts, which take six or eight days coming.—Berwick, 21 February 1568.
Seal. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 508. In extenso.]
1278. Papal Bull.
1568/9, Feb. 25. Bull of Pope Pius V. against Queen Elizabeth, dated from Borne, 5 Kal. Martii, 1569.
Latin. Copy. 1 sheet.
1279. N. White to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Feb. 26. When he came to Coleshill, finding that Tutbury Castle was not above half a day's journey out of his way, and having somewhat to say to Lord Shrewsbury; he took post-horses and came thither about five in the evening. The Queen of Scots understanding that a servant of the Queen's Majesty of some credit was come to the house, came into the Presence-chamber, and asked how her good sister did. He told her Grace that the Queen did very well, saving that she was much concerned at the death of the Lady Knollys. This much past, she heard the English service with a Book of the Psalms in English in her hand, and after service, fell in talk with him from six to seven o'clock, first excusing her ill English, declaring how she used translations, and that Mr. Vice-Chamberlain was her good schoolmaster. He asked her, how she liked her change of air; she said, if it might have pleased her good sister to let her remain where she was, she would not have removed this time of the year; but she was better contented therewith, because she was come so much the nearer to her sister, whom she desired to see above all things. He asked her Grace, since the weather did cut off all exercise abroad, how she passed the time within; she said, that all that day she wrought with her needle, and the diversity of colours making the work seem less tedious, she continued so long at it till very pain made her to give over; and with that laid her hand upon her left side, and complained of an old grief increased there. She also entered into a pretty disputable comparison between carving, painting, and working with the needle, affirming painting in her opinion for the most commendable quality. After supper he and Mr. Harry Knollys had some conference, when he learnt how loth the Queen was to leave Bolton Castle, not sparing to give forth in speech that the Secretary was her enemy, and that she mistrusted by this removing he would cause her to be made away; that her danger was so much the more because there was one dwelling near Tutbury who pretended title in succession to the Crown (meaning the Earl of Huntingdon). But when her passion was over, she said that though the Secretary were not her friend, he was an expert wise man, washing it might be her luck to get the friendship of so wise a man. Advises that very few should have access to or conference with this lady. For besides that she is a goodly personage, she hath without an alluring grace, a pretty Scottish speech, and a searching wit, clouded with mildness. His own affection by seeing the Queen our Sovereign is doubled, and thereby he guesses what sight might work in others. Her hair of itself is black, and yet Mr. Knollys told him that she wears hair of sundry colours. He noticed on her cloth of estate this sentence :—En ma fin est mon commencement; which is a riddle he understands not. The chief personage in the house about her is the Lord of Levenston, and the lady his wife, both Protestants, as he was told. She hath nine women more, fifty persons in household, with ten horses. The Bishop of Ross lay at Burton-upon-Trent, with another Scottish Lord. Lord Shrewsbury is very careful of his charge, but the Queen over-watches them all, for it is one o'clock every night ere she goes to bed. The next morning he was up timely, and viewing the seat of the house, he espied two halbardmen without the castle wall searching underneath the Queen's bedchamber window.—West Chester, the — of February.
All the countries which he has passed from London to this sea-bank live in great wealth and quietness; each man increaseth his own, and no degree dare offend the law. Mentions a faction in Cheshire between Sir Hugh Chamley [Cholmley] and Sir Edward Fitton.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“26 Feb. 1568.—Of Tutbury; ye Q. of Scottes.”
pp. [Haynes, pp. 509–512. In extenso.]
1280. N. White to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Feb. 26. Since writing his last, Edward Waterhouse, Secretary to the Lord Deputy, arrived here, furnished with all instructions as well concerning his master's private causes as also touching the whole state of that realm. And as he is wise, so the writer knows him to be an inward man with his master, and the same in effect that Mr. Alington is to Cecil in the affairs of his office. The Deputy uses him also as a “Register” of all his proceedings, and entrusts him with as much as any master could commit to a servant. This much of the credit of the man. Understands he has brought letters for Lord Leicester and Cecil. To deal plainly with Cecil, he has made him privy to that part of Leicester's letters which remain in his hands as yet unclosed. Wherein he answers Cecil's friendly letters in the furtherance of White's causes, and also an offer made on behalf of Sir Peter Carew touching the house of Laghlyn. Considers, if the Barony of Idrone, which hath been both in demesne and service the maintenance of the house of Laghlyn, be by this new recovery discharged of all those customs, then, either the house must decay, or the prince must be at the more charges in keeping it. This taking place, the Queen cannot find so fit a keeper nor so easy a way for aught he can conceive as yet. For his own part he shall always yield to what her counsellors shall think fit for the Queen's benefit, or the reducing of the country to good order. And as he considers himself for skill and honest dealing in the world, beyond Mr Stukeley, so he acknowledges Mr Carew abler to supply the charge than himself; still, for zeal to his prince's service, he will go with the foremost, relying on Cecil's help. Waterhouse told him that the Deputy shall owe the Queen nothing the last of March next, and that £3,000 would discharge all the debt he oweth otherwise in England and Ireland; he said also, that the Deputy thinks the marriage not in doing but done by reason of the ample Commission he hath given Lord Leicester and his wife to go through therein. The writer told him that it behoved wise men to deal more deliberately in so weighty a cause, and that if the Deputy hereafter (when fitter time through ripeness of years shall serve to make better proof of friendship) should be found slow in the matter, his haste now might chance to hurt the gentlewoman who, (for many respects) might be many ways happily provided for, and as for his Lordship he did presently reap as much fruit of the motion as if it were already perfected. Waterhouse has largely to say from the Deputy on this cause. The Deputy hath £500 in Lincolnshire within 20 miles of Burleigh, and Waterhouse hath a manor in lease for 21 years of his lordship near Lyddington, called Thickesover; he accounts his living £1,400 yearly, besides his Mills.—Chester, 26 February, 1568.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Mr Whyte from West Chester.”
Ink much faded. 2 pp.
Modern copy of preceding.
1281. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Mar. 4. Is requested to send Cecil this packet, and marvels much he has no answer of his letter of the 21st of February. Perceives the Regent holds on his determination upon the 10th of this March, so “it is like to be off or on presently, for the others are prepared for him and will fight; it is a great hindrance to his doings the suffering of the Duke and Heries go home so soon. If the Regent happen to have any overthrow now, he shall never be able to recover it.” Beseeches Cecil to help him to procure his leave, for his sudden coming hither forced him to leave his things very rawly. Perceives by Mr Marshall that his long tarrying was upon the Council's leisure.—Berwick, 4 March 1568.
¾ p.
Modern copy of preceding.
1282. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1568/9, Mar. 14. Prays him to send his licence to come up in Easter week as soon as he can. Is glad to hear of her Majesty's good disposition to his late sister's children.
Begs Cecil to procure him an answer concerning the “avoydynge” of the Scots, and the making of such denizens as shall be fit to be suffered; for now comes the time to avoid them that other men may take their farms. —From Berwick, 14 Mar. 1568.
1 p.
A modern copy of the foregoing.
1283. Christopher Mundt to Sir W. Cecil.
1568/9, Mar. 16. It is rumoured that on the 4th April all the Electors will assemble at Frankfort, but for what cause he knows not as yet.
Hears say that the Elector of Saxony has mustered 6,000 horsemen, which is likely to be for some great enterprise, for in his doings he is prudent and constant. The affinity between the two electors is much liked by all honest men and thought likely to bring forth good fruit. Intends to proceed to Frankfort about the 22nd of the present month, and to remain there during the fair time.
Modern copy. 1 ¼ p.
1284. Alfonso Ferrabosco.
1568/9, Mar. 22. A writing of Alfonso Ferrabosco binding himself to the service of the Queen in consideration of a pension granted to him for life, and promising to return to the Queen's service after settling certain affairs in Italy.—From Corte, 22 March 1563 (sic).
Endorsed by Cecil :—“A bond of Monsr Alphonso for the defezance of his patent granted during life.—22 March 1568.”
[The patent is dated 26 March 1568/9, see Patent Roll, 11 Eliz., pt 6.]
Holograph. Signed. Italian. 1 p.
1285. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, Mar. 30 Wrote in his last letter of the Regent's coming to Kelso and of his sending to him (Ld. Hunsdon) for some shot, which he accordingly sent to Wark, together with an escort of 50 horse to accompany the Regent into Liddesdale as scouts. The Regent has now returned with the loss of some of his men, both slain and taken prisoners, and if it had not been for the men sent with him would hardly have returned at all, for besides the Liddesdale men who skirmished with his followers daily, and made small account of him, there were at least 300 horse of the West borders who sat not still. Of these the Captain of Bewcastle was the chief, and with him was Sir John Forster with 4,000 horse, which stood him in great stead. Marvels that the Regent should put himself in such danger for so small an enterprise, for indeed he had no man with him of any trust except the Lord of Hume, for all Tyvydale hates him, although many of them went with him for particular reasons.
Thinks he is too trusting, and that his efforts to do justice and give redress will fail, “for the principal gentlemen of that country are the only mayntayners and receptors of those arrant theves.” Has just received a letter from the Regent asking him to meet him at Kelso, whither he goes accordingly. Thinks that they themselves will bring these matters to an end sooner than their deputies.—Berwick, 30 Mar. 1569.
2 pp.
1286. The Queen to the Regent Murray.
1568/9, Mar. Forasmuch as we understand that the inward troubles of that realm tend to a civil war, and also understanding by your letters how desirous you are to have some of ours to see the state of your causes : we have chosen Henry Middelmore, whom we send presently into that realm, requiring you to give him credit in such things he shall communicate.—Westminster, March, 11 Eliz.
Signed. ⅓ p. [Haynes, p. 513. In extenso.]
1287. H. Killigrew to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, April 2. Mr. Junius and himself arrived at Heidelberg late last night. Hopes to-morrow to have an audience of the Prince, who is now accompanied by the Dukes Casimir and Christopher, the Landgrave's son-in-law. Casimir is not married but betrothed only.
The D. of Wurtemburg is dead long since, and has left his son aged 15 years under the wardship of the D. of Swebergh and the Elector of Brandenburgh. The D. of Swebergh has passed by Montbeliard to the River Loire to meet the Prince of Condé; his army is 10,000 horsemen and 6,000 or 7,000 footmen. Sir H. Norreys had a packet intercepted in which there were letters to the Cardinal of Chatillon, since which time he is straightly looked unto. The Prince of Orange is gone into France with the 1). of Swebergh, not having above 2,000 horsemen in his charge. Mons. de Maury is the leader of the French since the death of Mons. de Genlis, who died of an “aurresye” near Strasburg, where M. de Cormallon died of the like disease. During the stay of the French king at Metz the Protestant church was razed by a company appointed for that purpose, and to further their purpose a rumour was spread abroad that the Prince of Condé was slain, the Admiral sore hurt, Montgomery sore hurt, and the whole power overthrown, for which news there was great triumph and ringing of bells in the town.
The Marshal Villeville conveyed six ministers out of that (town) by a postern gate late at night, one of whom told the tale to Killigrew himself. The Elector of Saxe has proclaimed a revocation of such of his subjects as are gone to serve the Kings of Spain or France on pain of confiscation of their lands and goods, whereupon five hundred Reiters have departed France, the rest be ill paid there. The Diet of the Protestants is appointed to be held at Frankfort on the 15th of April next. Is just now wished by the Elector Palatine to write the following as truth, viz.: “That the galleys of Marseilles are sent for to the Ocean Seas with all haste, and that a Pirate was hired from Barbary to take the charge to burn the navy of England, wherefore great regard is to be had for the avoiding thereof. That the Cardinal of Lorraine said by way of discourse that if the Queen's Majesty did meddle in these troubles he was sure the Papist lords there and others had promised to rebel and to elect a Catholic King.”
The Elector Palatine is to marry Bredarode's widow the Sunday after Easter, and the Duke Casimir the Elector of Saxe's daughter within a few months after. Divers noblemen of Hungary have revolted from the Emperor to the Wayvode who doth profess our religion. The Italians who come to aid the French are in number three thousand foot and eight hundred horse. The religious persecution in Italy is great. News is come from the D. of Swebergh (dated the last of March) that he has passed the Strait and is within eighteen leagues of the Prince of Condé's army. The Wayvode is preparing war against the Emperor.
Mons. de Lambres (agent to the Prince of Condé) has been to him in the hope that he had brought some order for the payment of certain sums of money for which he has looked for three months past. Thinks this must be the money paid long since to the Cardinal Chatillon. Sends this despatch by the help of D. Mundt, who came this morning from Cologne. (Dated 1st April.) Has proceeded no further in his negotiation with the Elector Palatine than in making report of so much as Mr. Junius did propound in the Elector Palatine's name to the Queen which the said Elector avoweth in general terms, but defers to come to particulars. In the meantime there was never minister of any prince better treated than himself. The French king has been driven to send a jewel of his, worth 300,000 crowns, to Venice to borrow money upon. He received thereon 100,000 crowns, which are to be repaid this Mart at Frankfort. There came advices this day to D. Casimir that the Prince of Condé had defeated Mons. D'Anjou's vaward and slain or taken Lansack and Sansack. There march eighteen ensigns of footmen and three thousand horsemen from the D. of Alva to the French king, besides Ritters, under the leading of Philibert, Marquis of Baden.—From Heidelberg, 2 April.
Endorsed :—“2 April 1569.”
In Cipher, deciphered. 4 pp.
A modern copy of the foregoing.
1288. Richard Norton to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, April 4. Asking that he may have the custody of one John Paver, of Wetherby, in York, who is lunatic.—Norton, 4 April 1569. [On this letter are some rough memoranda by Cecil with reference to his property south-west of London. Mention is made of Mortlake, Putney, and Wimbledon.]
½ p
1289. Sir Henry Sydney to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, April 7. Touching the marriage of his son to Cecil's daughter . . . . . . . “Of my lands, livelihood as well certain as casual, and of my debts I charged Waterhouse truly to instruct you. How my land is conveyed you may also know by him. These things once known to you, let me know what you would have me do, and you shall find me ready. For before God, in those matters I am utterly ignorant, as one that never made a marriage in his life. But I mean truly and sincerely, loving your daughter as one of my own, regarding her virtue above any other dot, and your friendship more than all the money you will give. And for my boy I confess if I might have every week a boy, I should never love none like him, and accordingly have dealt with him, for I do not know above a hundred a year of mine that I have not already assured to him.” . . . . . The famine extreme, etc., and cannibalism [of the Irish].
From the Newry, 7 April 1569.
Torn. 2½ pp.
1290. Captain William Reed to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, April 8. Reminding Cecil of his suit for the repair of the fort at Holy Island, which, after costing 500 pounds, and the walls had been brought four yards in height about the piece, the work had been stayed for two winters; so that if order be not taken for ending the same, the work is like to decay. Having charge of the same, he has thought it his duty to advertise Cecil therein, as also of a little journey they had into Liddesdale.
The Lord Governor appointed the writer to attend upon the Lord Regent of Scotland with 200 footmen and 40 horsemen. The Regent understanding this, sent a letter for him to Wark the 25th of March in the morning to come unto him to Kelsey to confer touching the journey. They agreed to set forward that day at one of the clock after noon. They marched to Jedworth that night, rested there the 26th, and agreed to march forward the next day at one in the morning. The Regent had 2,000 horse and 400 foot. They marched till they came to a place called “the Squier Head.” Lord Home, the Lairds of Cessford, Buccleuch, Fearnehurst, and Grange, accompanied the Regent.
At the “Squier Head” they were joined by the Lord Warden of the Middle Marches and Mr. Heron, of Chipchase, with 300 horsemen. The Lairds of Fearnhurst and Buccleuch were then appointed to go in two parties on either side of the Liddle with two troops of horsemen as a guard, and 200 of the Regent's footmen to every troop, “to burn and destroy as much as in them lay.” The others proceeded so as to aid both the sides and guard the victuals. They marched that day to Mangerton after divers skirmishes, in which the Regent had 30 of his horsemen taken, “whereof the lord of Greenhead's son was one, and divers of Teviotdale as the Pringles and the Davisons, and 8 or 9 of his footmen taken and killed by straying further than reason did require.” That night they camped at Mangerton, the Regent thinking that they of Liddesdale should have come to him and submitted themselves, but they did not, and answered plainly they would not; whereupon the Regent sent out horsemen and burned all thereabout, and set pioneers to undermine the head-house of Mangerton, and blew it up with powder. They remained there till one in the afternoon burning and spoiling, and then marched back two miles to a tower called “Whyttowges,” but had not time to undermine it, so burned as much as could be within. Thence they marched towards Jedworth; it was a marvellous great wind and a cold rain, that they had two boys and a woman starved in the field. The power of Liddesdale was, as some say, 1,500, but the writer takes it that they were 1,000 horse. Martin Elwood's son was taken, and Martin himself came unto the Regent and submitted. They reacned Jedworth about 11, where they were “marvellous” honourably treated, the Regent giving the soldiers 20l. Requests an answer to his former letter.—Berwick, 8 April 1569.
3 pp.
Modern copy of preceding.
1291. H. Killigrew to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, April 13. Has written sundry letters to him since his arrival, containing no matter of importance but only advertisements received from the Elector Palatine, so if they miscarry the loss will not be great. With reference to his negotiation here, states that he will receive no answer to the first article of his instructions until Duke Casimir has been with the Elector of Saxe, which will not be till after the Elector Palatine's marriage. In order to avoid any suspicion that may be caused by his (Killigrew's) long abode here, it is thought fit that he should return to Hamburg, there to remain till he is sent for by the Duke Casimir. In the meantime he is to signify to the Queen that the sum desired in the second part of his instructions is to levy a new army for Duke Casimir, whose aid, together with that of the D. of Swebergh, will probably turn the balance against the French king. It is meant that these two dukes shall not return until Calais is restored to the Queen. This is the foundation they lay, and for the execution thereof they do not require above a third of what Mr. Junius desired. The following notes are taken from a letter from the Elector of Saxe to the Elector Palatine :—“Our counsels are sent to Frankfort, and are commanded to confer and agree with yours in all points, the Emperor shall at length be constrained to do the like with us. It is necessary that there be a general Diet to the end that either party may declare the truth to the other. If the K. of Denmark find the Spanish king to have the better hand, he will not fail to give aid against him. I desire to hear what your ambassador hath done in England, for in the Queen's Majesty there consisteth the safety both of your Lowe Countries and of the Prince of Condé. We desire that some trusty man of yours may be sent hither that we may communicate our counsels together.”
The Emperor has commanded the Electors by the Rhine on their allegiance to hold themselves in readiness with their powers to resist any invasion that may be made. The Elector Palatine is advertised that Mons. de la Forrest, Ambassador from the French king to the Emperor, has been arrested by him, but the cause is not known. The Elector is also informed, by letters arriving on the 10th instant, that the Baron des Adresses, seeking to stop the passage of the D. of Sweberg, was slain with 5,000 of his men, and that the D. of Sweberg lost 2,000 men in the same fight.—From Heidelberg, the 15th April.
Endorsed :—“15 April 1569.”
In Cipher, deciphered. 2 pp.
Modern copy of the preceding.
1292. The Queen to Lord Hunsdon.
1569, April 13. Commends him for recently aiding Murray “to chastise the low and disordered persons of Lyddisdale and other parts of the frontiers.”
Cecil's draft. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 514. In extenso.]
1293. The Regent Murray to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, April 14. Has no special matter to impart as the Convention has taken no end, yet visits Cecil with a letter in token of good will. “Occurrents” in Scotland, his servant, John Wood, will declare.— Edinburgh, 14 April 1569.
½ p. [Haynes, p. 514. In extenso.]
1294. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, April 17. Has received his letter of the 9th of April and also the Queen's dispensation for his absence from St. George's Day, which he had far rather had been a license to come.
The Duke and the rest of the Scottish lords (except Huntly) are at Edinburgh. Hears of nothing they have done as yet.
There is a rumour that the Prince of Condé is still alive; prays God it may be true.—Berwick, 17th April 1569.
1 p.
1295. Sir Wm. Meryng to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, April 18. His son in-law, Edmund Rigg, having died leaving an infant son, and Cecil having already granted him the wardship, he begs that he may have such portion of lands as falleth to his part, and the order of them during his minority. Begs stay of writs to the escheators in cos. Lincoln and Notts.—From Mearynge this 18th of April 1569.
¾ p.
1296. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, April 18. The Duke and his party, contrary to the agreement between the Lords of Scotland, refusing to consent to the authority of the King or the Regent, or to any appointment, Lord Herries was committed to Edinburgh Castle, then the Duke and the Earl of Cassels. Rumour said at first the Bishop of St. Andrews and Kylwyning.—Berwick 18 April 1569.
P.S.—The above news is confirmed. The Bishop of St. Andrews and Lord Roslyn are also committed. Huntley and Argyl will do what they may to resist the Regent.
pp. [Haynes, p. 514. In extenso.]
1297. The Earl of Murray to Sir W. Cecil.
1569, April. Prays him to procure at the hands of the Queen the appointment of two wise men “zealous of justice and not over addicted to the pleasure of the Borderers” as commissioners to join with two others to be nominated by himself in deciding the controversy as to certain debateable ground between the East March of England and the Middle March of Scotland, from which controversy both he and Lord Hunsdon find the greater part of the disorders affecting that country to proceed.—April 1569.
Modern copy. 1¼ pp.
1298. The Lord Admiral.
1569, April. Minute (in the handwriting of Cecil) of a conversation between himself and the Lord Admiral, touching the making out of the latter's warrant, which, Cecil says, “the Queen were better content should be passed for wines than for ready money.”
Endorsed:—“April 1569. My speche wt. my Lord Admirall.”
1 p.
1299. The Marquis D'Haure to Count de Berghe [Governor of Gueldres].
[1569, May 2.] Had delayed writing as by order of the Count deFuentes he had gone to meet the Elector of Cologne at Huy, concerning the pacification; owing to which all the deputies of the Princes had arrived at Frankfort, and to-day, the 2nd of this month, they begin to negotiate. Through the good offices of the Elector, the Duke of Saxony has been brought to reason. Has great hope of peace, because everyone inclines to it, and already the Pope, for certain, has given absolution to Navarre upon certain conditions, which he doubts not will be accepted. The substance is, to secure throughout France the Council of Trent, and to establish that the Concordats of King Francis shall be executed; that all church goods shall only be held by ecclesiastics, and that the bulls of his Holiness shall be observed according to the ancient ordinances; that within one year the Prince of Condé shall be taken out of the hands of the heretics to be brought up as a Catholic; that throughout the province of Bearne the Romish religion shall be re-established and ecclesiastics admitted to all their possessions; a public and private abjuration of his errors, with solemn protestation to live and die in the ancient, Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman religion. The whole matter had been settled in full conclave, where, Cardinals Jesualdi and Colonna, the elder, made great remonstrance, nevertheless, without effect. It is thought Cardinal Toledo, a Jesuit and Spaniard, causes all this trouble, and will go as Ambassador into France. The affairs of Burgundy progress favourably, and it is said that De Tramblecourt has restored the places by means of certain sums of money. The peace and neutrality between the people of Navarre and the Duke of Lorraine is drawn up and signed. The best news that we have is that the Count de Fuentes writes, that on the 27th of August the Cardinal had left to come hither with the Prince of Orange who is quite at liberty, having received shortly before the Order of the Fleece and other honours from his Majesty. The Cardinal goes direct to Turin to see the Infanta, and thence hither, so that it is considered he may be here by the middle of November.
Extract. French. 1¾ pp.
Another copy of the preceding.
1300. Christopher Mundt to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, May 3. News of the Duke of Bipont. “Such ways as he is passed be all kept and stopped through the Archduke Ferdinand's countries.” The Emperor in his legation to the French King complains that Monsr. Darnall hath done great damage by spoiling, robbing, and burning in lands pertaining to the Emperor, viz., in the dominion of Strasburg, in the bishopric, &c. The Emperor requires the French King to restore such cities as his father took from the empire. The Emperor is making war against rebels in Hungary. In the diet at Frankfort be the Prince's commissaries only, and no Princes themselves. The Counts of Kingston and Montfort are commissaries for the Emperor.—Strasburg, 3 May 1569.
1 p.
1301. The Earl of Sussex to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, May 15. Is sorry from the bottom of his heart to think that the D. of Norfolk and Cecil stand on worse terms of amity than heretofore. Cannot guess what may be the ground thereof, but exhorts them as a general medicine for many such diseases at the present time, “if seditious tongues have sowed cockle in either of them,” to remember what good and fruitful ground they are, and “with the touchstone of the old and pure faithfulness that was wont to be between them,” to try both the sower and the cockle, and to cast them both away, whereby God, the Queen, and the realm shall be the better served, and each of them the more honoured, loved, and esteemed.—York, 15 May 1569.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. [Lodge, Vol. I., pp. 475–477. In extenso.]
1302. Henry Killigrew to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, May 20. Since 10 May, the date of his last dispatch, has learnt by such as have come from Zealand along the coast that no ships are arigging for war. There are none but a few bound afishing. Has sent a man to report certainly. Some from Antwerp, say divers Portugals and Spaniards, fearing to pass by the narrow seas, are determined to take the north course about Scotland. The news is confirmed of the overthrow of the Duke D'Aumale's whole army. There is a truce between—and—till St. James' Day; yet their preparation to the seas goes forward. Some say that before then it will grow to peace, and be dangerous for those against whom the said preparations will be turned. Has not heard from Duke Cassimir, now with the Elector of Saxe, whence much good is looked for, especially if the Queen likes to fall roundly to work. If so, she should write to the Duke of Saxe and to William.—Hamburg, 20 May.
In cipher, interlined with the decipher. 1½ pp. [Haynes, p. 515. In extenso.]
1303. Henry Killigrew to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, May 25. The Queen's ships arrived 24 May, not a little welcome. Letters from Antwerp affirm the overthrow of M. D'Aumale and of the King's brother. The King's treasure and credit is so base, his men so long unpaid, that, if his enemies can keep the field two months, the quarrel will be decided. Fears nothing more than the mutiny of the Ritters for lack of money, and the Prince of Condé's breach of promise to the Duke and them. Alva has commission from the King his master to appease this jar with England. As Cecil knows, the Spaniard will not yield till he be at death's door. Thinks the Queen never had a better time to make a profitable bargain. They be no ways able to annoy her Highness, if all be sure at home. Since this French news Alva has renewed his prest money to the Ritters, 3,000 in number, to small purpose the writer trusts. He has also withdrawn his garrisons from these frontiers towards France. The Earl of Emden is glad of it; fearing the Duke's practices against him he took up horse and foot for defence of his country. Cannot learn that the Duke doth arm by sea, but looks for more certain advertisement thereof.
If the Queen agrees to send money, thinks the League will follow; if not, nothing will or can be done. The Queen is “more feared and honoured this day of all countries, what religion soever they be of, than ever any of her Majesty's predecessors.”—Hamburg, 25 May.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 515. In extenso.]
1304. H. Killigrew to Sir W. Cecil.
1569, May 26. Sends a copy of certain verses printed in praise of the Duke of Alva with a token of Utenhove's good will towards him; and also the copy of a letter sent to him by one of the magistrates of this town, from which Cecil will perceive the kind of news that finds credit in these parts.
Understands from one Mr. Lyster of “Lanqueschier” [Lancashire], lately come from Padua, that on the news of the death of the Prince of Condé the aid which was being prepared by the Pope for the French King was stayed and some of the soldiers disbanded.—Hamburg, the 26th May.
P.S.—Since the sealing of his letter has received the enclosed from Leipsic :—
If it be the Queen's pleasure to approve of this enterprise of Duke Casimir's and to send any money for that purpose, beseeches Cecil to procure her Majesty's letters to the Landgrave William of Hesse and to the Elector of Saxe also. Asks also for a letter to the magistrates of Hamburg thanking them for their friendly usage of her Majesty's minister and other subjects; “but will be most of all bound to Cecil to help him home.”
1 p. Encloses,
1. Latin verses from Charles Utenhovius to Utenhovius, Lord of Markeghen, and Nicolas Utenhovius, of Ghent his brother, beginning :
Dux Albane scelus nullum non ause poetas Irritare cave, &c.,
and ending :
Protinus et vasto se terra reclusit hiatu
Hausit et Hispanos cum duce quotquot erant.”
Alva. “qui niveum penitus nil nisi nomen habet,” having summoned them before his tribunal is represented as himself cited to appear before the throne of the King of Kings, and thereafter hurled into the bottomless pit, the earth forthwith swallowing all his followers.
Latin. 1¼ p.
Endorsed :—“26 May 1569 inclosed in Killigrew's letter.”
2.—to H. Killigrew.
Send the following items of news from certain letters lately brought to Leipsic from Geneva. On Sunday the third of April there came hither (that is to say to Geneva) a courier with letters from the Prince of Condé, whose camp he had left on the 21st of March, from which we learnt that a battle had been fought between the Prince and his enemies on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of the same month. The Admiral with the Count Montgomery (the same who killed King Henry in the tournament) at the head of three thousand horse on the first day routed Strossa's regiment, Strossa himself being amongst the slain. On the following day the son of Guise and also his natural brother were both slain, and the courier affirms that he himself saw their dead bodies. On the third day the Swiss were overthrown, as all here hold for certain, although they of Lyons maintain the contrary lest the news of this success should embolden the adherents of our cause to attempt hostilities; in the same letter it is asserted by the papal adherents that Condé is slain, which appears to be most false.
Deuxponts with his forces is acting in Burgundy near Dijon. So far the letters from Geneva. Letters have also been received from Zurich in which the alleged slaughter of the Swiss is confirmed, but no word uttered concerning the other rumour. Moreover letters have been received from Nuremberg stating that a German nobleman of high rank had said that he wished he might be counted a rogue and a knave if he had not supped with Condé on the last day of March. Another nobleman also in the Court of Prince Augustus said that he wished he might be beheaded if he had not seen Condé alive on the self-same day. One thing is certainly very probable, namely, that the Cardinal of Lorraine should have made use of this false rumour lest the minds of the Catholics should be utterly overwhelmed by the news of their great defeat. Since all these occurrences they have heard that the D. of Deuxponts has entered Dijon, a city in size and wealth three times as important as Leipsic.
Some thousands of Frenchmen have hastened thither to join the Germans. But woe to the shaven-crowns, who were there in great plenty! This city is two days' journey from Lyons, which moreover is but weakly garrisoned, as was the case with Dijon, the king having withdrawn therefrom as many soldiers as he could to his own camp, so that it is not very improbable that, as has been reported, the Germans have occupied that town also. There is in Picardy a town called Soissons, to which have betaken themselves De Montmorency, the brother of the late constable, the Marshal-General of France with his brother D'Aumale, a celebrated Protestant warrior, and eight or nine hundred Frenchmen, most of whom are of noble families. These are sincere in their faith, but wish to take no part in the war and call themselves neutral.
Latin. 2 pp.
1305. Loan in London.
1569, May [ ]. Warrant for issuing privy seals for a loan of money in London to be paid to Sir Wm, Garrard, Alderman of London, and to be repaid in 12 months, annexing the privy seal, dated Greenwich [ ] May, 11 Elizabeth. [The date is left blank.]
With Elizabeth's signature. 1¼ pp. [Haynes, p. 518. In extenso.]
1306. The Government of Scotland.
1569 [May]. Copy of the degrees, sent by John Wood, collected upon speeches projected by such as have communed and devised of Scottish Causes.
1o. How the Queen of Scots might be induced to affirm the estate of her son according to the Parliament held whilst she was in Loch Leven; and how her estate for her person with her surety and liberty may be provided.
2o. If they cannot be compassed, how she may be induced to join with her son, to reign jointly, the government to remain during her son's minority in a Regent and Council; and herein what order is to be taken with the Queen for her abode.
3o. If none of this can be compassed, then, if the Queen be recognised Queen and her son remain only Prince, how may these things following serve any good purpose?
(1.) That the religion now professed by the Regent, &c. may be universally received in Scotland; if the Queen in her own person observe not the same, yet she shall observe that used in England; and that the Queen and Crown of Scotland be delivered from the superiority challenged by the Bishop of Rome.
(2.) That the government be established in the Earl of Murray till the Prince is 18; a Council chosen; and affairs committed to special persons, not to be changed by the Queen without the assent of the Regent and majority of the Council.
(3.) That a full accord be made betwixt the Queen and her subjects, and betwixt her subjects themselves; restitution made of all lands heritable to be as they were at the Queen's committing to Loch Leven, saving such as are attainted and convicted of the murder of the Queen's husband; and abolition of all actions and suits for matters chanced in the meantime.
(4.) That no strangers be suffered to remain in the realm but known merchants or necessary household servants.
(5.) That a perpetual league be made between England and Scotland and the parts of such treaties between France and Scotland revoked as maintain offence between England and Scotland.
(6.) To consider whether what follows may make good assurance of the premises, viz.:—
1o. That the articles of the treaty be accorded tripartitely, i.e., the Queen of England, the Queen of Scots, and the Prince of Scotland and his subjects.
2o. That they be established by Parliament in Scotland with penalties of high treason; the profit of the forfeiture to come to the Queen or her son, as either of them shall be offended.
3o. If the Queen of Scots break any of them, and shall be so judged by the Queen of England with the assent of the Regent and more part of the Council, then she shall forfeit her state to her son, who shall be reputed King without any other coronation.
4o. Hostages for observing these articles to remain in England till the Prince is 18.
5o. In what place shall the Queen of Scots remain?
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 516. In extenso.]
1307. The Earl of Sussex to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, June 9. Is heartily glad to hear of the reconciliation between him and the Duke of Norfolk, which he trusts will long continue. Was very glad to receive knowledge thereof not only in respect of themselves, whom he protests that he loves “better than any two other subjects in the realm,” but also, and principally, for the service of the Queen, whose surety and honour is and must be chiefly supported by those two, “whom the world hath always judged to be void of private motives, and to respect only her and the realm, in all their actions.”—Cawood, 9th June 1569.
Holograph. 1 p. [Lodge, Vol. I., pp. 478–479. In extenso.]
1308. Andrewe Skiddye to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, June 20. Reports that on the 16th of this month MacCarty More and James Fitz Morris, Captain of the E. of Desmond's country, “accompanied by no small number of malefactors,” came to the Cantrede of Kerrycurrchie, a farm held by Sir Warham Sentleger of the E. of Desmond, and after spoiling and gathering an infinite number of kine and other cattle, to the utter undoing of all her Majesty's subjects in these parts, encamped near Traghton Abbey, which the next day they assaulted and took, slaying therein 17 persons.
They afterwards took the castle of Carrickylyne, which belonged to the said Sir Warham, with the spoil of which they departed. The common rumour is that Sir Edmund Butler, brother to the E. of Ormond and the traitors of Ulster, are confederate with them, which the said James Fitz-Morris openly declares, and also that he trusts shortly to receive further aid from Spain. The brethren of the City and himself have thought it their duty to apprise her Majesty of these desperate enterprises, although they have already sent intelligence thereof to the Lord Deputy.—From Cork, 20th June 1569.
2 pp.
1309. R. Bertie to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, June 25. Approves Cecil's discourse and the loan by privy seals. Proceedings therein to be through the bishop of the diocese, who is to receive two commissions, one for himself to deal with the clergy and such nobility as are to be dealt with, the other directed to four head gentlemen, to deal with persons of lower degree. Men and treasure to be under the direction of assured men, lest what the bee hath gathered the drone devour.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 518. In extenso.]
1310. N. White to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1569, June 28. Their troubles in Ireland are great and perilous in appearance. Being driven from his house and his country, having no place wherein to put his head, begs Cecil to procure for him the house of Lexlipp for which he has applied. There is a stay made by the Lord Deputy therein. Is to repair to Wexford to levy the power of that county. Has written to Lord Leicester.—From Dublin 28 June 1569.
1 p.
Modern copy of preceding.