Cecil Papers: 1565

Pages 315-324

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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1034. Stuart, Lord D'Aubigny to the Earl of Lennox.
1564/5, Jan. 1. Rejoices to hear of his restoration to the Queen's favour and to his estates, honours, and dignities, and also of his favourable reception in Scotland. The news of this hath much revived his spirits, which were dulled by hearing of the death of his sister the Countess of Sutherland.—“Fra my howsse of La Veririe,” 1 January 1565.
1 p.
A modern copy of the preceding.
1 p.
1035. Stuart, Lord D'Aubtgny to the Earl of Athol.
1564/5, Jan. 1. Congratulating him on the favourable reception of the Earl of Lennox in Scotland.—From La Veririe, 1 January 1565.
1 p.
Modern copy.
1036. Stuart, Lord D'Aubigny to the Bishop of Aberdeen.
1564/5, Jan. 1. Complains of his long silence. Trusts to hear from him as soon as time may serve.—La Veririe, 1 January 1565.
1 p.
Modern copy.
1037. Stuart, Lord D'Aubigny to Lord Darnley.
1564/5, Jan. 1. Congratulating him on his father's restoration to his lands and dignities.—La Veririe, 1 January 1565.
1 p.
Modern Copy.
1038. Stuart, Lord D'Aubigny to the Bishop of Caithness.
1564/5, Jan. 1. Rejoices to hear that his brother has, by the Queen his natural Princess, been restored to his possessions, honours, and dignities in the realm of Scotland, and trusts that Her Majesty will see him and his heirs restored to like honours and offices belonging to them in the kingdom of France, particularly to the guard which was taken from him in King Francis the First's time and given to Monsieur De L'Orge, and which after King Francis' death his son King Henry promised should be restored to him, and also to the command of the hundred men at arms of whom the Earl of Arran was lately captain. Has written to Her Majesty on this behalf and also “to the Lord James our cusing,” praying him to intercede for him, from whose elbow he is sure his lordship will not be far as time and place shall require.—“Fra my howss of La Veririe,” 1 January 1565.
2 pp.
Modern copy.
1039. Robert Burbage.
1564/5, Jan. 8. Recognizance for 428l. 10s., due by Sir Wm. Cecil to Robert Burbage; and note of its payment on January 8 th, 1564.
1 p.
1040. Albert Knopper [Ambassador of the King of Denmark] to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1564/5, Jan. 29. Sends the opinion of his King concerning the opening of the Baltic to English merchants briefly set down in writing. Begs him to submit it to the Queen or to the Council and to forward the answer to him in the first place. The affairs of the London merchants commended to his influence in Denmark shall be so cared for that they will feel that his labour has not been wanting. Hopes that many English merchants and sailors will bear witness to his faithful patronage from the time when he was last ambassador in England. Remembers that certain ships of Hull heretofore unjustly detained at Elsinore were set at liberty by his means. Writes this in order that Cecil may be persuaded of his readiness to do much more in the future.
—London, 29th January 1565,
Endorsed :—“29th Januar. 1564. D. Knopper, ye K. of Denmarke's Embr to Mr Secretary.”
Latinp. Enclosure,
Although the King of Demnark for certain grave and necessary causes had resolved to close the Baltic Sea altogether for the ensuing summer, and had wished it to be notified in due course to the Queen of England by this embassy, with his reasons therefore, lest any of Her Majesty's subjects should through ignorance thereof incur any fruitless expense; nevertheless, having experienced the friendship of Her Majesty from the beginning of her reign, and being desirous of retaining the same according to ancient treaties, he has been induced to modify the said decree, so that English merchants and sailors with their ships and merchandise (salt, wine, and armament excepted) will be permitted to pass to and fro to the Baltic on entering into certain just and proper agreements, that is to say, that during their whole voyage they will convey no merchandise to the Swedes nor any munitions of war to His Majesty's enemies. Latin.
1041. Christopher Mundt to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1564/5, Feb. 13. After sundry observations tending to show the weightiness of the task he had been led to undertake, and expressing a hope that the issue thereof might be estimated, not by the result, but by his goodwill in prosecuting the matter, he goes on to state that the Emperor and his brothers had started from Vienna for Bohemia with their father's body, to bury it beside that of their mother, whose remains lay in a monastery not far from Prague. There, it was thought, the Emperor would summon the estates of the empire, and report went that they would meet at Ratisbon. The electors living by the Rhine had proposed Worms or Frankfort, but Ratisbon was nearer for the Emperor, and more fitted for obtaining knowledge of Turkish affairs. The Emperor had lately led an army against the Vaivode of Transylvania, who had ravaged some small towns in Hungary, a violence disowned by the Turk. The Emperor had sent the latter an embassy for renewing and prolonging the armistice. Maximilian was said to have recently paid the Turk the allowance agreed upon with the Emperor Ferdinand. The coming meeting of the Estates would be a crowded one, as the Princes and Lords of the empire would have to attend to do homage for their possessions, and foreign rulers would send their representatives to congratulate the new Emperor, and would confirm their friendship with him. Thinks Elizabeth should send an embassy, which might at the same time take occasion to strengthen her amity with the Protestant Princes. The Swiss had been bound to the French King by a new treaty, and by a larger payment than formerly, viz, an increase of 40,000l. crowns annually. The King of Spain also had had at hand his agents offering the sums asked for, if the negotiations with France had succeeded less well. Had, in his letter of August 8, written to Cecil that certain captains of horse had journeyed into France to seek in their own name, and that of other captains of horse, the pay due to them. These had lately returned home, having received all such pay, and having entered into new engagements with the French. Some suspect that so firm a friendship does not exist even between the French and Spaniards. The French had reinforced the garrisons they had at Metz and in all other places up to Marseilles. The Spaniards had done the same at Luxembourg and Thionville. In the coming meeting of the Estates, which would most probably take place in three months, many things now hidden would be revealed. Condé, and those joined with him, had had in the last few days an agent with the Protestant Princes, asking a longer time for paying the debt due to the latter, which they, making a virtue of necessity, had granted. Condé notified to the Princes that three matrimonial alliances had been offered him by the Cardinal of Lorraine, either the Queen of Scotland, or the widow of Guise, or the Duchess of Lorraine. After the writing of this letter, the announcement had been made that the meeting of the Estates of the empire would take place on the first of May. Had not yet seen the official summoning thereof.
[Postscript].—Although he and Cecil have the same wish and end in view, nevertheless he ponders how they may most speedily attain the same. The delay hitherto in replying can be tolerated, by reason of the funeral ceremony, but, unless an early answer is received after this, the event will show that a fatal ignorance is rendering some blind and demented. For his part, as he desires and seeks all labour for the accomplishing of this most honourable cause, so he fears that by doing too much he may appear importunate and unbecoming in his behaviour. On the other hand, when be considers what losses may be occasioned by delay in this business, he has less rest than Sisyphus rolling the stone. If it were decorous for him to do so, he would hasten into Bohemia; but, when he sees himself not more furthered by the Duke's authority and diligence, hesitating between hope and fear, he restrains himself, sighing daily for good news. Had been informed by Sturmius what Cecil had said in his recent letter. But, unless the princes and the Estates of the empire give their mind and strength to recovering what has been taken away from them, he (Mundt) does not see how the obstacle is to be overcome.—Strasburg, 13 February 1565.
Latin. 3 pp. [Haynes, pp. 410, 411. In extenso. The date of this letter in Haynes corresponds with the date in Cecil's endorsements; the year, however, (given correctly in the letter itself) should be 1565, and not 1563. The Emperor Ferdinand died on the 25th of July 1564, but in consequence of the war against the Turks in Transylvania his sons could not take his body for burial in Bohemia until January 1565.]
1042. Blackfriars.
1564/5, Feb. 23. Inventory of household stuff sent to the Blackfriars from Hackney.
3 pp.
1043. Dr. N. Wotton's Mission to Bruges.
1564/5, Feb. 23. “Remembrance of things to be done for our going to Bruges.” Necessaries for the journey and points to be settled in connexion with the mission.
¾ p.
1044. The Earl of Arundel to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1564/5, Feb. Is much beholden to him for his recent conduct. Trusts soon to have some opportunity of showing him the fruit of his meaning.—“From Nonesuch this present Tuesdye.”
1 p
Modern copy.
1045. Cornelius de Alneto to Princess Cecilia.
1564/5, March 3. Cannot answer her letters at present as there are some Englishmen present with him. Promises to write on Thursday next. Her Highness may rely entirely on his promises. Is determined that the matter shall be brought to a conclusion as soon as possible.
Endorsed :—“3 Martii 1565. Cornelius to ye La. Cecilia.”
Copy. Latin. ½ p.
1046. Privileges of Jersey.
1564/5, March 10. Petition of the inhabitants of Jersey to the Privy Council, praying that the practice of issuing process against them out of the High Court of Chancery and other courts, contrary to the privileges of the Island, may be put a stop to. Encloses an extract from their charter.
2 pp.
1047. Christopher Mundt to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1565, March 27. Since his last letter of the 20th inst. nothing new here of the Assembly. The proclamation was sent to the Spiers Chamber about the beginning of February. The Emperor has had some successes in Transylvania, and the Weywode has sought safety in flight. The Archduke Charles sends 1,000 horse from Styria and Carinthia to aid his brother. The Emperor has received large sums from the merchants of Augsburg and increases his Hungarian forces. It is doubtful whether the Turk will allow the Weywode to be put to flight, and is said to be making great war preparations. Has been frequently asked whether the Queen sent a reply to the letters addressed to her and Lord Robert [Earl of Leicester] by Wolfgang, Duke of Bipont and Neuburg; they were forwarded on the last of October in the preceding year. The French are continually sending messengers to the Princes, and earnestly solicit the Landgrave. Mentions the matter of the inventors of certain warlike machines, to which he had recently alluded.—Strasburg, 27 March 1565.
P.S.—Appends a copy of a letter received from the Duke of Wurtemburg, dated Tübingen, 26 March 1565, in reply to a communication from Mundt on the cause of the delay in their affairs.
Seal. Latin. 3 pp. [Haynes, pp. 433, 434. In extenso.]
1048. A. Allinga to Christopher Mundt.
1565, March 27 The negotiation (touching the Austrian match) is being proceeded with, though by some it is opposed as much as possible by all kinds of rumours and calumnies. A great hindrance thereto is certainly to be found in the wars sprung up in those parts. Should have thought that the meeting of the Assembly would have hastened the matter somewhat.
Suggests that some one should be sent, either secretly or openly, on Mundt's behalf to inquire into the different opinions on the subject and to use persuasion with those who might be useful in promoting the negotiation. Points out the danger of delay and asks Mundt to decide what course is to be adopted.
Desires nothing in life so much as the success of their object.— 27 March 1565.
Seal. Latin. 1 ½ pp.
Modern copy of the preceding.
1049. Baron Caspar Breynner to Roger Strange.
1565, April 1. Rejoices to hear of his safe arrival in London. Highly approves of what he, in conjunction with Throckmorton, communicated to Cecil and the Earl of Leicester touching the state of the Emperor and the Archduke Charles. Desires his good offices in favour of Adam Schwetkowitz, Free Baron of Pisin, councillor and gentleman of the chamber of the Emperor, who has been selected to receive the insignia of the Garter on behalf of His Majesty. The meeting of Parliament at Easter will settle whether the Queen will marry or not. Beadily believes that Cecil desires to re-open the negotiation. The late Emperor Ferdinand and the whole Austrian family have promoted this marriage in every way, but hitherto the consideration of it has been suspended and neglected by the Queen.—Vienna, 1 April 1565.
Latin. 2½ pp.
1050. The English Prisoners in the French Galleys to the English Ambassador in France [Sir Thomas Smith].
1565, April 1. Certify that there are 24 Englishmen at Marseilles in the galley that came from Rouen. Pray for assistance, as it is known in England that they were pressed to serve tinder Captain Layton, who brought them to Rouen, where they were taken, and so have remained ever since, in great misery, fed with bread and water, beaten, naked, “and calle wos the dokes of englon.”
There were taken at Newhaven and at Rouen 250, and all dead save 24. The captain of the galley, Monsieur Labeche [D'Albisse], who is in the court, will not let them go away without some man is sent for them :—Marseilles, 1 April 1565.
1 p.
1051. The Bailiff and Jurats of Guernsey to the Privy Council.
1565, April 9. State how the inhabitants are daily vexed with various writs to appear in sundry of the Queen's Courts in England, as, of late, one Richard Hathelay, in the behalf of Collete, his wife, got a Privy Seal, which he delivered, in the presence of the bailiff and jurats, to Nicholas Carey and Thomas Effard, inhabitants of the isle, requiring them to appear at the Court of Requests at Westminster. Pray that the inhabitants may enjoy the benefit of the privileges granted them by the Queen's progenitors, and confirmed by her letters patent under the great seal, which are recited at length.— Guernsey, 9 April 1565.
Signed by the Bailiff and Jurats. [An endorsement, dated 5 May 1565, and signed “W. Smyth,” states that the matter is referred by Order of the Council to the Attorney and Solicitor- General.]
Broadside. 1 p.
1052. Christopher Mundt to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1565, May 1. Had recently visited the Frankfort fair with a view to glean intelligence. It is reported that the Saxon forces are being collected by command of the Emperor. The King of Spain has demanded certain fortresses and lands in Westphalia as parcel of the Ligni Barony, which the Emperor Charles took from the ancient owner Count Tecklenburg, for aiding the Protestants, The Bishop of Munster now holds the lands, and says they appertain to the diocese of Munster by ancient right. It is suspected that Philip is at the bottom of this, with a view to obstruct the Emden negotiation, and the advances to the Rhine through Westphalia. The Danes are now seeking peace, but it is delayed by their desire to include the Lubeckers in it; the Swede, like his father, has conceived a great hatred towards the Lubeckers. The Duke of Lorraine, son of the daughter of Christian, formerly King of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, hopes to recover his maternal rights. The body of the Emperor Ferdinand remains unburied, and it is said the burial is delayed so that the anniversary of the exequies (July 25) and the burial may be celebrated together. Duke Richard, brother of the Elector Palatine, lately wrote to him (Mundt) that a new method of drawing water in large quantities from the deepest mines had been discovered; this discovery is offered to the Queen for trial in England. The Emperor has returned to Vienna from Bohemia, as the first Count of Hungary, owing to a dissension with Schwend, had gone over to the Weywode. The Emperor is raising new levies throughout his dominions for the recovery of Transylvania, and defers everything for this.—Strasburg, 1 May 1565.
P.S.—The Duke of Bavaria two years since took from the Count of Ortenburg all his possessions on account of change of religion, submitting that as his vassal the religion could not be changed in in those parts. The Count, on the other hand, affirmed that he was subject to the Emperor, and that he could do so under the Strasburg Confession. The Emperor has now ordered the Duke to restore the lands to the Count, together with the revenues received in the meantime. It is said that the Duke of Bavaria and Augustus, the Elector of Saxony, are both manœuvring for the dignity of King of Rome. Wishes Cecil to consider whether it would be desirable to send a congratulatory embassy to the Emperor.
Seal. Latin. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 435, In extenso.]
1054. Mary, Queen of Scots to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1565, May 3. Sends a packet which she requests Cecil to see safely forwarded to Lethington, her ambassador. Will be equally ready to oblige Cecil.—Stirling, 3 May 1565.
Signed :—“Votre bien bonne amye. Marie, R.”
French. ¼ p. [Haynes, p. 436. In extenso.]
1055. Petition of the Inhabitants of Jersey and Guernsey to the Privy Council.
1565, May 5. Complaining that the inhabitants of those Islands are much vexed with Privy Seals and other writs to appear in Her Majesty's Courts in England, and praying that the ancient privileges in that respect granted unto them by Her Majesty's progenitors may be confirmed.
Modern copy (imperfect). 1 p.
1056. Adam Swetkowyz [“Baro in Miterburg”] to the Emperor Maximilian.
1565, June 4. The Queen of England condoles with him on the death of his father Ferdinand, but heartily congratulates him on his succession. At the ambassador's request in the name of the Emperor—Her Majesty having formerly promised the Emperor's father that if she at any time should marry she would notify the same to His Majesty—the Queen now answers.
Whereas heretofore she had always purposed to die a virgin, nevertheless, at the pressing instance of the Estates of her realm, she had now decided to marry, and had authorised the ambassador to communicate the same. This answer he notifies as speedily as possible by the present noble messenger; at the same time he would not omit to mention what else he heard in conversation, to wit, that the Queen had vowed to marry no one, unless she should first see with her own eyes him whom she should marry. Hints that the Queen seems to be anxious as to the view the King of Spain would take of this marriage with the Archduke Charles; he therefore suggests that it would much advance the matter, if that King would declare himself in favour of the Archduke. States the arguments in favour of the Archduke's acceptance. The Queen, at his request on the subject, had referred him to Secretary Cecil with reference to all business details of the marriage, and the writer had taken down the subjoined articles from the Secretary's verbal statement. Considers it will be necessary for the Archduke to come over incognito, and suggests how this might be carried out. Since the principal author and promoter of this transaction is, and will be, the illustrious Earl of Leicester, who is most devoted to the Archduke, and is loved by the Queen with a sincere and most chaste and honest love, even as a cousin-german; it seems to the writer that the Emperor and Archduke would aid the business by addressing fraternal letters to the Earl.—London, 4 June.1565.
Latin. 4 pp.
The articles (eight in number) which were dictated by Secretary Cecil to Swetkowyz, and were taken down verbatim on the 30 th May 1565. A further note, dated 2 June 1565, states that Cecil informed the ambassador that the dowry would be 20,000l.
Latin, 1½ pp. [Haynes, pp. 437–439. In extenso.]
1057. Sir Francis Englefield to Stephen Wilson.
1565, Aug. 17. Acknowledges his letters, and returns thanks for the same. Wilson can hear all the news from the lord who is the bearer. Asks him to burn such a paper as this, when read.—Louvain, 17 August 1565.
¾ p.
1058. Henry Draycott to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1565, Sept. 29. Having been called to the examination of the state of the Queen's revenues there [in Ireland] has perceived some occasion of so great arrears and of so many debts having grown desperate. Has considered for the remedy thereof, and has devised orders for the redress of the same. These he encloses, and thinks they will be effectual. Requests, if they are approved of, that they be engrossed and returned to him, signed by the Queen, and under her seal. Will not only do his part to see the orders executed, but will also from time to time, as occasions shall serve, devise others for Her Majesty's better service. Begs Cecil's continued favour in his suit before the Council for the office of Master of the Rolls in Ireland.—Marynton, 29 September 1565.
[Postcript].—There has long been a contention between the Auditor and the Clerk of the Pipe, which has had bad effects and should be stopped.
Endorsed :—“29 Sept. 1565 : Mr. Draycott of Ireland to my master.”
1 p.
1059. Vitus Wolffius to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1565, Oct. 1. Touching a gem which he had sent to Antwerp for inspection by Queen Elizabeth's emissaries. As these emissaries had not appeared, he had recalled his messenger, Peter Rogard, owing to the dangerous times. States that he had been advised by an Englishman, an exile of noble birth, to submit his discoveries to the Queen in the first place. Trusts that the Queen will at least dismiss his first messenger, Melchior Ruff, with some reward for the trouble taken in this matter.—Gedanum (Dantzic), 1 Oct. 1565.
Signed :—Vitus Wolffius a Senfftenberg, Armamentarius Gedani.
Latin. 2½ pp.
1060. The Earl of Arundel to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1565, Oct. 3. Has received Cecil's letter declaring more honour and affection to him than he has deserved. Wishes he were so meet to serve Her Majesty as her affairs require. There shall not lack in him goodwill to apply himself thereto, but as he can he will be ready to the uttermost at all times. Would have been at the Court in the afternoon, but is prevented by the medicine his physicians have given him.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“3 Octob. 1565. Earl of Arundel to W. C.”
1061. Mr. Marsh and Mr. Fitzwilliams to the Lord Treasurer (Marquis of Winchester). [From indorsement.]
1565, Oct. 4. A paper headed “A brief note of sundry Englishmen born which are become free porters in divers towns of the Low Countries, Holland, Zeland, Brabant, and Flanders”; with their names and short descriptions of their methods of trading.
Endorsed :—“48br 1565.—With the names of carriers of corn out of the realm.”
6 pp.
1062. Trade with the States.
1565, Oct. 22. Proclamation to continue trade with the States. Draft, corrected by Cecil. ¾ p.
1063. “Burghley's Journal.”
1565, Oct. A collection of certain yearly accidents, chiefly Scottish affairs, from 4 June 1564 to October 1565.
By Cecil. 4 pp. [Murdin, pp. 757–760. In extenso.]
1064. Wormley Rectory.
1565 Nov. 1. Three receipts, on printed forms, for ecclesiastical subsidy due from the rectory of Wormley, in deanery of Braughing, Herts, dated last of February 1563, 23 October 1564, and November 1, 1565.
3 slips of paper.
1065. The Title of Mary Queen of Scots.
1565, Dec. 7. 1. Invective against the succession of the Queen of Scots to the Crown of England.
11½ pp.
2. A treatise for confutation of the preceding.
1066. Transport of Corn.
1565, Dec. 14. Warrant, under the Sign Manual, to the Lord Keeper (Sir Nicholas Bacon), Lord Treasurer (Marquis of Winchester), and to the Privy Council, to permit corn to be carried from port to port, in consideration of the small yield this year.—Westminster, 14 December 1565.
Seal. 1 p.
1067. Mr. Fowlar to Lady Lenox.
1565. Thanks her Grace for the good opinion she hath of him, wherein she shall not be deceived for his “simple carkas” while it hath life shall travail to serve her and hers. Assures her of the good heart and affectionate disposition of the King her son. Christmas Day last was the first day the King went openly to Mass since he came into his realm, on which day he went “in dispyght of who would say nay to all the service, and heard three Masses one after another.”
Modern copy.
1068. George Coryatt to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1565. Desires Cecil's interest in the furtherance of his cause. Conveys the thanks of Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, and others.
Endorsed :—1565.
Latin. ½ p.
1069. Sandwich.
[1565]. Estimate for building a haven at Sandwich.
Imperfect. A roll 3 feet long. [Cf. State Papers, Domestic, Elizabeth, 1565, May and June.]
1070. Account of Monies Exchanged.
[1565 ?]. “The account and discharge of ten thousand crowns of forty sturis (sic), every crown received at the command of my Lord Seton, ambassador for the Queen's Majesty [Queen of Scots], in Flanders;” giving the sacks with their marks, and the valuation of the coin in Flemish money.—Undated.
Another copy of the same. 1½ pp.