Cecil Papers: 1562

Pages 263-271

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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844. Mary, Queen of Scots, to Queen Elizabeth.
1561/2, Jan. 5. Replies to Elizabeth's of 23rd November, expressing dissatisfaction with Mary's answer to Sir Peter Mawtus to the effect that she wished the treaty reviewed by Commissioners authorised by both parties. As Elizabeth desires her to communicate either privily through Randolph, or by her own letter, her reasons for staying the ratification of the treaty, she embraces the latter method. Passing by the questions when it was passed, by whose command, by what ministers, how authorised, and the sufficiency of their commission, she urges how prejudicial the treaty is to such title and interest as by birth and natural descent of Elizabeth's own lineage may fall to her [Mary], and how slenderly a matter of such great consequence is wrapped up in obscure terms. Knows how near she is descended of the blood of England, and what devices have been attempted to make her as it were a stranger from it. Trusts that being so near her cousin, Elizabeth would be loth she should receive so manifest injury as entirely to be debarred from that title. Will have no judge of the equity of her demand but Elizabeth, whom though the matter partly touches, she dares adventure to put mickle in her hands.
For the treaty, she is content to enter into a new one, not prejudicial to herself, in favour of Elizabeth and her lawful issue, provided always Mary's right to that Crown, failing such issue, is duly secured. Their behaviour thus shall exceed the amity of dearest friends, &c. Leaves reasons in confirmation hereof to Elizabeth's consideration. Such abundance of love nature has wrought in her heart towards Elizabeth that she is ready to set aside the manner of treating customary among Princes, and, leaving all ceremonies, to propone and utter the bottom of her mind nakedly without any circumstances, which fashion of dealing deserves to be answered in like fashion. If God grant a good occasion for their meeting, Elizabeth will perceive more clearly her sincerity.—Seyton, 5 January 1561.
4 pp. [Haynes, pp. 376–378. In extenso.]
845. The Queen to Sir Edward Warner, Lieutenant of the Tower.
1561/2, Feb. 10. Concerning his charge of Lady Catherine Grey and the Earl of Hertford, whose “infamous conversation and pretended marriage” is to be inquired into by a Royal Commission appointed for that purpose.—Westminster, 10 Feb. 1562 (anno 4).
Draft. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 378. In extenso.]
846. The Navy.
1561/2, Jan. 10–13. Estimates (dated Jan. 10, 1561), for the Royal Navy, from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1562. The tonnages of the vessels, and the numbers of the crews, are given. Also, for the same period, a table of expenses (dated Jan. 13, 1561), for repairs to the ships; and for making a new ship, to be got ready within the year. Also, another table (dated Jan. 13, 1561), of money due for cordage, &c., for the use of her highness' ships with a note attached to it of further expenses incurred in connexion with the same.
Modern copy of preceding.
847. William Maitland to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1561/2, Feb. 27. Enlarges on the proposed interview between Elizabeth and Mary; the desirability thereof; his own efforts with regard to it; the Scottish Queen's earnest desire for such meeting; and other points connected therewith.—Edinburgh, 27 Feb. 1561.
Seal. 6 pp. [Haynes, pp. 379–381. In extenso.]
848. Lady Margabet Lennox.
1562, April 2. Examination of Alexander Pryngell, concerning the illegitimacy of Lady Margaret Lennox.
Endorsed :—2 April 1562. 2¼ pp.
[Haynes, p. 381. In extenso; except the portion of the pedigree of Lady Traquair, given in this document.]
849. [Sir Thomas Challoner] to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton.
1562, May 1. Is glad his letters sent to Throckmorton through the French ambassador in Spain, have been safely received. Thanks him for his detailed account of the commotions in France. These have caused great consultations by the King [of Spain] and his council. They, at one time, devise how to aid the party of Guise; at another, they fear lest the troops assembled in France should descend on the Low Countries or Navarre. Good opportunity for the French as regards Flanders. Preparation of troops in Spain. Necessity for the Protestant party in France to take speedy action. Complains of the negligence shown in England with regard to the sending of news to her ambassadors abroad. Is glad to hear the news about Scotland. Expected movements of the King of Spain. Rumours that a meeting was to take place on the frontiers between him and the Queen-Dowager of France. The affairs of Flanders give the Spaniards something to think upon.
Endorsed :—1 May 1562.
Draft. 2½ pp. [Haynes, pp. 382, 383. In extenso.]
850. Mary, Queen of Scots, to Queen Elizabeth.
[1562], 25 May. Accrediting the Laird of Lethington to Elizabeth, and praying her to give him favourable audience.—Holyrood House, 25 May, in the 20th year of her reign.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 386. In extenso.]
851. Sir T. Challoner to Sir N. Throckmorton.
1562, May 25. Sent two or three letters by Henry King, his servant. Talk at Madrid of the French troubles. Has heard of Sir Henry Sidney's arrival at the French court. Desires to know the causes. Recovery of the Prince. Varied opinions as to the late errand of Mons. de Rambouillet, “It is here said that the vulgars of the Protestant side fall to spoil; perchance nothing long of the captains; which disorder will breed alienation of minds, and disadvantage their party.” The course the Protestant party should take. Doubtful whether the King of Spain will send help to the French King, “in this tycle tyme and quarell.” Aid looked for by the Guisians from Lorraine Envoy to the King of Spain from the Duke of Savoy. Suspicion lest Elizabeth “should set in a foot.” The Bishop of Aquila instructed to discourage this, “which by the sending of Master Sidney I take for esclarished, as not meant.” Arrival of the new French ambassador at Madrid. Desires that a duplicate of this letter be sent to Sir Wm. Cecil. Great want of news from abroad in Spain.—Madrid, Trinity Sunday, 1562.
Endorsed :—“M. xxvto Maii to Sir N. Throgmorton, sent by a secretary of the Count de Mansfeldt's, by means of Arthus. Md a double hereof was sent to Mr. Secretary viijo Junii by the ordinary for Flanders.”
pp. [Haynes, pp. 384–386. In extenso.]
852. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Sir Thomas Challoner.
1562, June 14. Has received his letter of the 24th May, and has sent a copy of it, as requested, to Sir Wm. Cecil. Sends a packet received from Queen Elizabeth for him, from which he will understand the state of matters in England. Hostility of Spain to England. The Laird of Ledington is at Greenwich, to solicit that an interview may take place between the two Queens. The Queen Dowager of France, and the King of Navarre, have had some conference with the Prince of Condé. The manner thereof. Position of the troops of either party in France. Creation of several knights of the Order of France. Report in England that Sir Morrice Barklay is to marry Mistress Sandes. “I pray you good my l. ambassador sende me ij paire of parfumed gloves, parfumed with orrange flowers and jacemin, th'one for my wives hande, the other for myn owne.” Would be glad if they were sent by Mr. Henry Cobham, who, he hears, will be in those parts [i.e., in or near Paris], before long, and whom he hopes to see before his own departure from France.—Paris, 14 June 1562.
[Postscript.]—The Earl of Arran is not dead, but remaineth still in prison with the Earl Bothwell and others accused.
pp. [Haynes, pp. 386, 387. In extenso.]
853. Affairs of Ireland.
1562, June. Matters to be committed to the consideration of some special persons of the Council, or of such like credit, to be sent into Ireland to consult with the Lieutenant.
These “matters,” as the first clause of the document shows, refer partly to the law, partly to the revenue, and partly to the reduction of charges.
Under the first head is the following clause :—“To take order that the records, both of the Crown and of the revenue be better kept.”
Endorsed :—June 1562.
Draft by Cecil. 2¼ pp. [Haynes, pp. 387, 388. In extenso; except the names of the proposed (?) Commissioners, viz. :—Sir John Mason, Sir Richard Sackvile, Sir William Coodall, Sir Walter Myldmay, Sir Thomas Wroth, Sir Hew Panlet, Mr. Solicitor, Thomas Mildmay, Mr. Attorney of the Wards, and Sir Nicholas Arnold.]
854. Articles for the Interview between Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots.
[1562, June.] Articles agreed upon for the interview between the Queen of England and the Queen of Scots, at York, “in the month of August next, if the controversies in France may be compounded or ended before the last of this month of June, without prejudice to the state of the Realm of England.”
[The version in Haynes (pp. 388—390), is evidently taken from another document, containing, as it does, two passages which do not appear in this draft, and differing in many instances from the wording here given. Moreover this document does not answer the description given in the marginal note of Haynes.]
Draft, with corrections in the hands of Cecil and Maitland. 2¼ pp. Modern copy of preceding.
855. The Hanse Towns to Queen Elizabeth.
1562, July 6. Acknowledge her answer of 11 May to their former letters, and thank her for the great favour she has already shown to them. Bring forward certain other grievances of which they desire redress.—Lubeck, Pridie Nonas Julii (6 July), Anno 1562.
Latin. 1 sheet.
856. Safe Conduct for Mary Queen of Scots.
1562, July 8. Copy of a safe conduct for the Queen of Scots in view of the proposed meeting between her and Elizabeth.
Endorsed :—8 July 1562.
pp. [Haynes, p. 390. In extenso; this copy, however, is not in Cecil's handwriting.]
857. Instructions for Sir Henry Sidney.
1562, July 15. Instructions given by the Queen's Majesty to Sir Henry Sidney, Knight, Lord President of the Council in the Marches of Wales, sent by Her Majesty to her good sister the Queen of Scots.
Sir Henry Sidney is instructed to explain to Mary, that the interview between her and Elizabeth, which was to take place in the summer of that year, must necessarily be postponed, in consequence of the extreme and cruel proceedings of the Duke of Guise's party in France, whereof particulars are given. He is to express Elizabeth's great regret at the disappointment thus occasioned, and to state her proposal that the interview should be held in the early summer of the following year, the articles given for the former meeting having been confirmed by Elizabeth for this one, and a safe-conduct like that previously granted being assured. Manner in which Sir Henry is to deliver the ratification of the articles, and the safe-conduct. He is to mention the various hindrances that stood in the way of the interview taking place at the time previously arranged. Sir Henry is also to speak to the Earl of Mar, and others of the Council, and state how England must needs pay attention to the late proceedings in France touching religion, warning the Scotch Council, also, that they, too, should watch events whose sequel must necessarily concern Scotland. He is to communicate his charge to Thomas Randolph, who may be able to further his proceedings.
Endorsed :—15 July 1562.
Draft. 7¼ pp. [Haynes. pp. 391–393. In extenso.]
858. Ratification of the Articles for the Interview between Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots.
1562, July 15. These had been agreed to by Lord Howard of Effingham, and William Maitland, Laird of Ledington, (the Commissioners appointed for the purpose,) at Greenwich, on the 6th of July 1562. After the ratification, the time of meeting is postponed to any part of the period between the 20th of May in the following year, and the 31st of August then next ensuing, the said Articles to hold good for such time. The safe-conduct, also, for the Queen and her retinue, is not only ratified for the period between April 20 and October 20 of the following year, but, if required, may be obtained by the Queen or any having authority from her, at any time up to the said April 20.
Endorsed :—15 July 1562.
Draft. 5¼ pp., a portion erased. [Haynes, p. 393. In extenso. with the exception of three drafts in Cecil's handwriting appended to the above ratification; one being for a letter of credit to Mary, on behalf of Sir Henry Sidney; the other two, for letters of safe-conduct, on behalf of Sir Peter Mewtas, sent into France by Elizabeth.]
859. Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, to the Lord Keeper and Sir Wm. Cecil.
1562, July 28. Where the Council's letters signified that a servant of the French Ambassador was evil entreated in his way through Kent, has heard of no such matter. Went with his whole company through his journey as quietly as he could devise, and has also now inquired in his household. Wishes the party had declared the day and the place. “It may be that some 'tawnye cotys' might be looking upon such “doings and yet none of my men.” Will inquire further.—Beaksbourne, 28 July 1562.
Modern copy. 1 p.
860. Archdeaconry of Lincoln.
1562, July 28. Deaneries and parishes in the Archdeaconry of Lincoln.
Imperfect. A roll 17 feet long.
861. The Queen to the Lord Admiral.
1562, July 30. Directing him to get ready certain vessels, which are to be sent to the narrow seas, to apprehend pirates, and also to watch the coasts of France. Sir William Woodhouse is to command, and captains are named for the vessels.
Endorsed :—30 July 1562.
Draft by Cecil. ¾ p. [Haynes, p. 394. In extenso.]
862. Resolutions for Sir William Woodhouse.
1562, Aug. 3. A paper of directions to Sir William Woodhouse, with reference to the ships to be sent under his charge to the Narrow Seas.
Endorsed :—3 Aug. 1562.
Draft by Cecil. ¾ p. [Haynes, p. 394. In extenso.]
863. Instructions to Sir William Woodhouse.
1562, Aug. 4. Instructions given to Sir William Woodhouse, knight, Vice-Admiral of the Queen's Majesty's Navy, sent to the Narrow Seas with certain her Majesty's ships.
Endorsed :—4 Aug. 1562.
Draft. 5 pp. [Haynes, pp. 394, 395. In extenso.]
864. The Bishop of Chichester and Henry Gerynge, Sheriff of Sussex, to the Lords of the Privy Council.
1562, Aug. 6. Have proceeded, according to their Lordships' order in the examination of the matter between the Earl of Northumberland and Sir Thomas Palmer. Hope to send the certificate thereof speedily. Meantime, in addition to their Lordships' order, a sessions is required by Sir Thomas Palmer for indictments to be found. Think this very inconvenient. Two of their company have, however, unknown to them, signed an order for a sessions to be holden at Arundel on the following Tuesday. The time being very short, and the matter that may be involved great, have thought it their duty to ask their Lordships' pleasure therein.—Midhurst, 6 Aug.
Endorsed :—1562.
Seal. 1 p.
865. The Bishops of London and Ely [Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Causes] to the Privy Council.
1562, Sept. 13. Have laboured on the 10th of this month to examine the sayer and hearers of the mass at Lady Carewe's house but can come to no further knowledge. The reason being that neither the priest nor any of his auditors, not even the kitchen maid, will receive any oath before them but stoutly say they will not swear, and that they will accuse neither themselves nor any other. This they find has grown to be a rule to the scholars of that school, so that they think it is likely that Papistry will end in Anabaptistry. Great inconvenience may follow if some remedy be not devised. Some think that if this priest, Haverd, might be put to some torment and so driven to confess what he knoweth, he might gain the Queen's Majesty a good mass of money by the masses that he hath said. This they refer to their Lordships' wisdom.—13 Sept. 1562.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 395. In extenso.]
866. The Navy.
[1562, Sept.]. “A rate for the particular wages of the crew sent to Portsmouth.”
The principal officers named are :—The Earl of Warwick, Adrian Poyninges, marshal; Sir Maurice Dennis, treasurer; Cuthbert Vaughan, comptroller; William Bromfield, master of the ordnance; John Fisher, gentleman porter; and William Robinson, water bailiff.
2. “The rate of the wages for the captains sent to Rye.”—Undated.
A portion in Cecil's hand. 3½ pp.
Annexed :
“A rate for the particular wages of the crew sent from Portsmouth,” being a duplicate of the greater portion of the preceding.—Undated.
867. Proportion for Victuals.
[1562, Sept.]. “A proportion for 3,000 men by land one month and by sea 4 days; the sum total, the beef being 'powthred' and three fish-days in every week, 2,710l. 17s. 6d.”—Undated.
Endorsed by Cecil :—Purveyor, victuals.
3 pp.
868. Proportion for Victuals.
[1562, Sept.], Portsmouth. Proportion for victuals for 6,000 men for 28 days, and for four days, to be delivered on ship for the time of transport; containing amongst other memoranda the following :—Memorandum.—“I have appointed Wednesday a fish-day for saving of beef and charges.”—Undated.
2 pp.
869. The Vidame of Chartres to Queen Elizabeth.
[1562, ? Sept.]. “Persuasions” of Francis de Vendôme, Vidame of Chartres, addressed to Queen Elizabeth against her resolution to enter upon war with France, to retain Havre as a set off for Calais, &c., &c.
Endorsed :—“p[er]swations du Vidasme.”
French. 11 pp.
870. Sir T. Challoner to Queen Elizabeth.
[1562, Oct. 23.] To check the piracy of the Moors, whose depredations along the coast of Andalusia and Gibraltar had caused losses estimated at more than 200,000 ducats, the King of Spain sent 32 galleys, under Don Juan de Mendosa, son and successor of Don Bernardin de Mendosa, towards Sardinia. The fleet, delaying there, arrived on the Spanish coast after the Moors had departed. Oran being in need of stores and money, it was arranged that a supply of both should be taken on board at Malaga, and then the fleet coasting along to Carthagena, should cross over with the first fair wind to Oran, returning thence to winter at Carthagena. Owing to some delay they did not start from Malaga before last week, and when they were but a little advanced on their way, a storm arose by which they were partly overwhelmed, and partly forced on to the rocky shore, near to La Torre de Velez Malaga. Twenty five galleys were wrecked, three are past service, and four only escaped. The treasure, said to be 80,000 ducats, with the stores, was sunk in the sea. Don Juan de Mendosa, Don Francisco de Mendosa (son of the Marquis de Mendosa), with divers others, and the greater part of the crews, perished. The number of all sorts in the galleys, reckoned to have been 10,000. Oran now in danger of being lost; Naples and Sicily destitute of galleys and soldiers, and all the coast of Spain unprotected. At present the King has only 20 galleys remaining, including the four that escaped and others in his wages belonging to Andrea Doria. “So many galleys will not lightly be set on foot again for want of slaves, expert mariners, and captains.” It is accounted that the King had better have lost 2,000,000 of gold than after so many former losses, “have received this so great a wipe.” Losses of the King at Bugia in 1555, at Mustagan in 1558, in Tripoli and Sicily; also of one great galley in 1561 ; and in 1562, the loss of two great galleons by fire, of 23 ships in the same way at Seville, and now this great loss by Velez Malaga. Through want of hearing from home, he rests as one that hears more a great deal than he would at their hands that of ill talent talk now their pleasures at large. Encloses the latest news arrived from France.—Madrid. [Postcript.] On the same day of the storm, 12 ships were lost in the haven of Cadiz. Tea galleys were lost in a haven called La Herradura, beside Velez Malagh. The money and artillery are recoverable by divers, amongst whom is one Pedro Paulo, who was entertained at Portsmouth about the Marie Rose. He has been here with the writer, and has been despatched thitherwards.
Draft. 3¼ pp.
Modern copy of the preceding.
[See State Papers, Foreign, 1562, No. 906, for another copy of this letter.]
871. Fortifications at Jersey.
[1562, Oct. ?]. A brief note of the ordnance and munition remaining in the old and new forts in the Isle of Jersey, with an account of disbursements upon the fortifications, &c. It ends :—“I suppose the sum of 700l. well husbanded and bestowed, having some help of timber out of England for housings and some help in labour of the islanders, will go near to perfect the works at the islet.”—Undated.
2¼. pp.
872. Thomas, Earl of Sussex, to the Council.
1562, Nov. 28. Recommends John Smythe and Robert Fleming to the favourable consideration of the Council for their services in disclosing the dispositions, proceedings, and practices of Shane O'Neill. They are sent over by Shane with certain his letters and petitions to the Queen.—Dublin, 28 November 1562.
Signed. 1 p.
873. Fortifications at Jersey.
[1562, Nov.]. 1, Notes of Warrants for Jersey, required for the works upon the fortifications there, to be carried out under Amias Paulet.—Undated.
2. A similar list of warrants to the preceding, but, containing in addition :—“Item, the inhabitants of the Isle of Guernsey do make petition that the chapel called St. Julian's may be appointed to be a school-house, with some convenient allowance; upon the Queen's Majesty's goodness to be assigned of the wheats late due unto the obits and friaries there, for and to the finding of a schoolmaster.” Then follows a list of the “Commissioners for the Isles of Jersey and Guernsey” including Fraunces Chamberlain, captain of Guernsey; Amias Paulet, lieutenant of Jersey; Thomas Compton, lieutenant of Guernsey; John Paulet, clerk, dean of Jersey; — Hafter, dean of Guernsey; Ootes Nycholl, bailiff of Jersey; Hellier Gosslyng, bailiff of Guernsey; William Dyrdo, receiver of Jersey.—Undated.
874. Remembrances for the Castle of Jersey.
[1562, Nov.]. Notes with reference to the fortifications required there and at Guernsey, with an estimate of materials in the island towards the charges.—Undated.
875. Jersey and Guernsey.
[1562]. Memorandum of the charges and expenses of the commissioners for the islands of Jersey and Guernsey, besides their expenses in Jersey at the charge of Sir Hugh Pawlet, captain there.—Undated.
1 p.
876. The Inhabitants of Rouen to Queen Elizabeth.
[1562.] Refer to the happiness in which the people of Normandy formerly lived under the rule of England; beg Elizabeth to render them assistance against the enemies of religion, who are perpetrating such cruelties in France; and desire to be taken under her protection.
French. 1 ¾ pp.