Cecil Papers: 1544

Pages 23-44

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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98. The Duke of Suffolk to the Earl of Hertford.
[1543/4]. Has seen the letters addressed to his Lordship by the Lords of the Council, and as regards the making up of the 100l. to “Donmarycke” concerning which they write, that is done already, for it was thought not meet to stick with him for 25l.; for if the other were well spent so would this be, and if not, it is but the loss of 25l. more.
½ p.
99. Lord Lisle to the Earl of Hertford.
[1543/4], Jan. 11. Thanks him for his loving letter, wherein he perceives that it has pleased his Majesty, having advanced his Lordship to the office of Great Chamberlain, to give to him (Lord Lisle) the office of High Admiral of England, for which “highe rome” he feels himself most unmeet and unworthy, but will do his utmost to serve his Majesty faithfully in this and all other his affairs.—Alnwick Castle, 11 January.
[Haynes, p. 8. In extenso.]
100. Sir Ralph Constable, Thomas Alrede, and Robert Kellyngham to Sir Michael Stanhope.
[1543/4], Jan. 29. The greater part of the powder issued to them in the second year of the present king's reign has been spent in his Majesty's service at Scarborough and Flamborough, only eight half barrels remaining. Have thought it their duty to apprize him thereof. —Hull, 29 Jan.
1 p.
101. Sir Wm. Paget to the Earl of Hertford.
1543/4, March 3. Sends herewith an answer in writing from the King to the letter written to his Majesty by the Earls of Angus and Glencairn, with a copy thereof for his Lordship's information, of which he requests to have a duplicate.—Westminster, 3 March (at midnight).
1 p.
The King to the Earls of Angus and Glencairn.
1543/4, March 3. Has received this day their Lordships' letter, dated at Douglas the last of February, and requiring an answer before the 9th of the present month, but inasmuch as they have written very obscurely without stating in what they require to know his Majesty's pleasure, and have allowed him so short a space of time in which to reply, he can for this time only make answer that if they will instruct Mr. Penven, his Majesty's chaplain, to declare unto his Majesty on their behalf what it is they intend and purpose to do, he will thereupon make such further answer as will content them.Wherefore he requires them to despatch the said chaplain to him with all diligence, and in the meantime counsels them so to dispose their affairs that their enemies may no more catch them at such an advantage as they have done at their last encounter together. States further that in case they conduct themselves towards his Majesty like men of honour and courage, as he has no doubt they will, they shall not want the aid at his hands that they can reasonably demand. —Westminster, 3 March.
Copy. 1¼ pp. [Haynes, p. 8. In extenso.]
102. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1543/4, March 5. The King having lately instructed the Lord Warton to give to one Dunlanerick, by way of reward for certain services rendered to his Majesty, the sum of 300 crowns, the latter thinking himself but ill-recompensed, sent by his servant an acquittance for a hundred pounds. His Majesty, thinking from certain expressions in Dunlanerick's letters that he may be willing for gain and profit to serve his Majesty's turn in some things, is willing that the three hundred crowns should be made up to the sum of 100 pounds sterling, and directs that he should be asked when he says in his letter “that he woold be redye to further his Majesties affayres with all leful service,” what he meaneth by “lefull service.” And also when he says that “he must of his honour if the Cardinall and the rest of that sorte cum agaynst the King's host, do as they do,” whether he means to do against his Majesty's army, or else to serve his Majesty; and if he intend to serve his Majesty with what kind of service? His Lordship is further to understand that whereas on the occasion of scarcity of fish in those parts the Duke of Suffolk lately made suit in his letters that his Majesty would give licence to his subjects there to eat white meats, his Majesty is pleased to grant the same.
Further, his Majesty's pleasure is that all the Scottish prisoners shall be called in, and kept securely guarded in England until the exploit his Lordship knoweth of shall be finished.—Westminster, 5 March 1543.
pp. [Haynes, p. 9. In extenso.]
103. Leonard Grenewood to the Earl of Hertford.
[1553/4], March 5. With reference to the six score tons of timber which he was appointed by his Lordship to provide in “planckes, quarters, and gyests,” &c., to be delivered at Hull, begs to be instructed as to the length of the said planks, &c., which is not specified in the schedule furnished to him.—York, 5 March.
1 p.
104. Sir Ralph Eure to the Duke of Suffolk.
[1543/4], March 6. Reports that the Armstrongs and Nixons of Liddesdale, lately made a raid into Tyndale, and took away certain cattle belonging to one Percy Robson; and also that yesterday one Edmond Nixon, and certain of Hector Armstrong's servants, came into Tyndale and slew “as proper a man as is within all Tyndale, callide Bartye Yowng, upon no caws but only that the sayde Bartye Yowng's frends was my gydes when I borned Mangerton.”
Has forborne to avenge these wrongs because these men are “assurede to Englande,” but will certainly do so on them or on some of their friends unless he hears from his Grace to the contrary.—Chipchase, 6th March.
105. The Earl of Hertford to Sir Thos. Wharton.
[1543/4], March 7. Has received his letter of the 5th inst., and also the account of his conference with Lord Maxwell's chaplain, wherein it appears that his Lordship is desirous to meet Sir Thos. Wharton. Thinks it well that he should meet his Lordship in some convenient place, and hear such intelligence as he has to offer. And as it appears that Lord Maxwell has professed his willingness to give himself up at his Majesty's command when and where it shall please his Grace to appoint, he is to let him know that as it is his Majesty's intention shortly to summon all his Grace's prisoners to come in, his Lordship will by such voluntary surrender be much more thankfully received than if he merely came in on commandment. Requires him finally to be at Newcastle on Wednesday night next, bringing with him Sir John Loder, when he shall know further of his Majesty's pleasure.—7 March.
Draft. 2 pp. (detached.) [Haynes, p. 10. In extenso.]
106. The Duke of Suffolk to the Earl of Hertford.
[1543/4], March 8. Has appointed Thomas Nysson to serve his Majesty as post at Alberford in the place of Robert Harpyne, who was found to be very negligent in his duties. Prays his Lordship to afford the said Nysson his support in case the said Harpyne should try to supplant him. Darnton, 8 March.
[Postscript]. Sends also herewith a certificate of draught horses from the Sheriff of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
1 p.
107. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
[1543/4], March 8. Have, “for the necessity of the thing,” despatched a warrant for the present payment of 912l. 9s. 4d. Beg him, “when John Hales shall send unto Master Sadleir,” to cause a warrant to be made therefore in due form, and to return their warrant unto them cancelled.—Westminster, 8 March.
1 p.
108. Sir Ralph Eure to the Earl of Hertford.
[1543/4], March 11. Has had a conference with one “John Charltone the Outlawe,” the substance of which he sends enclosed.
Also sends his opinion concerning the burning of Jedworth which is the strength of all “Tyvidale,” and that once destroyed, his Majesty may with a small force have all the borders of Scotland at his command.
Is informed that the Provost of Jedworth has been with the Governor and the Cardinal to solicit aid from them, to which they replied “that they trustyde not long to be at a quyatnes with Englonde, or ells they shulde have ayde.”—Chipchase, 11 March.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 12. In extenso.]
109. Sir Wm. Paget to the Earl of Hertford.
1543/4, March 11. Answers to various enquiries made by his Lordship touching his instructions and equipment. His Majesty's opinion is that it would be well for such as make raids into Scotland, when they have despoiled any towns or states, to leave a written notice on the church door, or some other notable place therein, in the following or similar words : “Youe may thank your Cardinal of this, for if he had not bene, youe myght have bene in quiet and rest, for the contrary whereof he hath travailed as moche as can be, to bring you to sorow and trowble,” Gives items of news concerning the progress of affairs on the continent.—Westminster, 11 March, 1543.
4 pp. [Haynes, p. 11. In extenso.]
110. The Earl of Hertford to Sir Ralph Eure.
[1543/4], March 12. Touching the burning of Jedworth by certain Scotsmen as he proposes, his opinion is that, if he can be sure that the whole town or the better part thereof shall be spoiled and burnt, then the twenty marks would be well employed in the doing thereof; but if only that a house here and there is to be burnt, whereby the town shall not be much injured, then he thinks that the twenty marks might be better bestowed. Has appointed a meeting for Monday next to consult on this and other exploits, at which he trusts Sir Ralph will be present. —Newcastle, 12 March.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 13. In extenso.]
111. The Bishop of Llandaff to the Earl of Hertford.
[1543/4], March 13. Has received his letters dated at Darnton the 11th of March, and, according to the effect thereof, has appointed Launcelot Allfurthe, the King's servant, and William Grymstone, gentleman, to go and view the cart-horses mentioned in the certificate sent to his Lordship from Mr. Stanhope, and in that sent to himself by the Sheriff of Yorkshire and other officers, the duplicate whereof he sends by Richard Goldthorpe, the bearer of this letter. Has further commanded the aforesaid gentleman to choose and take forth 140 of the strongest of the said cart-horses. Has also sent one Arthur Dyneley (whom he takes to be an honest and witty man) to view all the horses certified by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Requests that the money for the provision of the said horses may be given to the said Richard Goldthorpe.
Further, ascertaining that, at the last return of his Majesty's army from Scotland, the D. of Norfolk and others of his Majesty's Council there sent certain cart-horses into sundry parks in Yorkshire to be there kept, wishes to know whether such of the said horses as may be found in fit condition shall be reckoned as a part of the 140 required.—York, 13 March.
112. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
[1543/4], March 13. With reference to Lord Maxwell, his Majesty's pleasure is that if he should make his entry according to the summons sent to him by his Lordship, he is to have all necessary assurance. But if he do not enter, his Lordship is to cause to be done “what may be doon for the annoyaunce of him to the uttermost.”—Westminster, 12 March.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 15. In extenso.]
113. The Earl of Hertford and Sir Ralph Sadleir to the Privy Council.
1543/4, March 13. Send a certificate of the Mayor and Brethren of Newcastle, by which it will appear that the town is utterly disfurnished and unprovided with all manner of grain, of which there is great dearth and scarcity in all the country thereabouts, especially in Northumberland and the Bishopric. The said Mayor and Brethren have also shewed unto them that they had made certain bargains in Norfolk and Suffolk for grain which they expected to have had conveyed hither by this time, but the ships sent by them for that purpose have been stayed by their Lordships' command and their bargains frustrated in consequence of the general restraint of corn for his Majesty's provisions. Wherefore they pray that such ships may be released and discharged from the ports in which they are now stayed, and that they may enjoy such bargains as they have made for grain, and be permitted to bring the same home with them with all speed. At the same time, as seven sail, supposed to be Frenchmen, have been seen hovering round the coast, they beg to suggest that the said ships should be sent under strong convoy. Ask also that a thousand demy-hakes may be sent for the Kerne who are to be sent hither out of Ireland, and for instructions respecting a sum of 612 pounds nine shillings and four pence, part of a sum of 6,000 pounds left with John Hales by the warrant of two of their Lordships for the furniture of provisions for the enterprise against Scotland.—Newcastle, 13 March.
Draft. 4 pp. [Haynes, p. 13. In extenso.]
114. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
[1543/4], March 14. The bearer has been appointed by the King to serve him in the capacity of Trumpeter. The Duke of Suffolk's trumpeter, “who is instructed in the French tongue,” is required by his Grace for his journey into France.—Westminster, 14 March 1543.
1 p.
115. The Earl of Hertford to the Bishop of Llandaff, the “President at York.”
[1543/4], March 15. Has received his letter of the 13th instant, together with the certificate of draught horses by Richard Groldthorpe, who has received 200 marks in prest for the provision and transport of the same.
Thanks him for his diligence herein, and with reference to the King's horses which he mentions as being out “at gresse,” he may use as many of them as are sufficiently strong and can by good feeding be got ready towards the making up of the number asked for.—Newcastle, 15 March.
Draft. 1 p.
116. The King to the Lords Maxwell and Fleming.
1543/4, March 20. Summoning them as his Majesty's prisoners on parole, to come in and submit themselves to the Lord Wharton, Warden of the West Marches, within twelve days within the receipt of the present letters. Given, &c. on the 20th March in the 35th year of His Majesty's reign.
Copy. l¼ pp. [Haynes, p. 18. In extenso.]
117. Sir Wm. Paget to the Earl of Hertford.
1543/4, March 21. Yesterday the Lord Admiral took his leave of his Majesty and this day goes towards Harwich. All the ships in the Thames also this day “avale outward.” Prays God to send him and them all good speed. Fears the long treaty they are now beginning to enter into with the Earl of Angus and others will keep them from doing any good to his Lordship in Scotland. Prays God to keep them from doing any hurt.—Westminster, 21 March, 1543.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 15. In extenso.]
118. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford, the Bishop of Durham, and Sir Ralph Sadleir.
1543/4, March 21. His Majesty wishes them to desire his Lordship to signify to the Warden of the West Marches that his Majesty's pleasure is to have two hundred of the best horsemen on the borders in readiness, Sir William Musgrave to have the leading and levying of one hundred of them, and the other hundred to be under the leadership and levying of Thomas or Richard of Dacre. His Lordship is also to write to the Warden of the Middle Marches to enquire what horsemen can be spared out of Tynedale and Riddesdale, and whom he thinks meet to have the leading of the same. And whereas his Majesty has been informed that divers Scottishmen, Borderers (who are bound, and some of whom have given hostages to serve his Majesty, and have already according to advertisements received done divers exploits against his Majesty's enemies in Scotland,) have offered to serve his Majesty wherever his Highness should appoint, his Majesty desires him to write to the Lord Wharton and require him to provide, if he can, a hundred and fifty of the best horsemen amongst the said Borderers, who shall hold themselves in readiness to serve his Majesty in France, at his wages, on due warning thereof being sent to them. His Majesty is also at the Lord Lieutenant's request pleased to permit Mr. (Sir Ralph) Sadleir to go with him into Scotland, notwithstanding the former determination to the contrary.
Touching the Scottish prisoners, the King's pleasure is that the chief amongst them, and those most able to do either hurt or good at home, shall be detained and placed where they shall think most convenient; the rest are to be suffered to return home again, such assurance being taken for their good conduct as is usual in that behalf. Forasmuch as Robert Maxwell, being heretofore summoned to come in, has answered that he is not bound to come in except upon his father's refusal, whose pledge he is, they think it well that his Lordship should take order, in case the Lord Maxwell should not come in on the day appointed, to call upon the said Robert Maxwell to come in according to his promise.—Westminster, 21 March 1543.
5 pp. [Haynes, p. 16. In extenso.]
119. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1543/4, March 22. The bearer, Sir John Borthwick, knight, has been taken into his Majesty's service with a pension of 300 crowns by the year. His Majesty has appointed him to repair unto his Lordship, giving him 100 crowns as a reward, and desires his Lordship to employ him as he shall see cause.—Westminster, 22 March 1543.
1 p.
120. Edward Shelley to the Earl of Hertford.
1543/4, March 22. This day Sir George Douglas sent a servant of his with information that there are six sail of Scottish ships tarrying for the wind with the intention of making their course to Flanders. The said ships carry three several ambassadors with them, one to the Emperor, another to the French King, and the third to the King of Denmark, to obtain aid for Scotland. It was proclaimed yesterday at Edinburgh that all the “freeholders” and others that were the Governor's friends should be at Stirling on the last day of this month, every man to be victualled for 12 days, to go against the Earl of Lennox and his friends.
If the Governor do not prosper in this journey, it is thought that the Cardinal will pass into France. Sir George Douglas hath not been accustomed to send unto him in such affairs, and in order to resort to him personally he must have the Captain's licence so to do, if such should stand with his Lordship's pleasure.—Berwick, 22 March.
Endorsed :—“Shelley's L~re to my Lord. Recd 23 March.”
Copy. 1 p.
121. The Bishop of Winchester and Lord St. John to the Earl of Hertford.
1543/4, March 24. Reporting in gross the number of ships ready to sail from London and other ports (160 sail), with the amount of victuals and furniture provided. They hope to make a more particular declaration in four or five days.—Westminster, 24 March.
pp. [Haynes, p. 20. In extenso.]
122. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1543/4, March 24. Requiring him to provide ten ships from Newcastle and other ports for the transport of certain wool from Boston to Calais, and also to appoint “wafters” for the said wool fleet and such other ships as shall be sent from time to time with victuals for Calais.—Westminster, 24 March 1543.
1 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
123. Sir Thomas Palmer to Henry VIII.
1544, March 25. Describes the extent of the fortifications at the “Old Man,” at Boulogne, and accounts for the apparent slow progress therein. The books that should have been signed for the works at Guisnes by John Burgate, in the place of his brother William, remain still unsigned, and owing to the death of the said John this account causes him much unquietness. Begs to know his Majesty's pleasure in that behalf.—Dated from the Bastillion at the Old Man the 25th of March.
Endorsed :—“Sir Thos. Palmer's letter to Hen. 8 from the Old Man at Boulogne. 25 Mar. 1544.”
2 pp.
124. The Council to the [Council of the North ?].
1544, March 25. Have received their Lordships' letters ot the 21st March, according to the contents of which they have written to the Lord Wharton and to Sir Ralph Euere to provide and hold in readiness the number of horsemen therein specified.
Draft. ½ p.
125. Sir Thomas Wharton to the Earl of Hertford.
[1544], March 26. Has had before him at Penrith many gentlemen of the West Marches in the county of Westmoreland, upon whom he enjoined the putting of themselves, and those under their rule, in readiness for his Majesty's service, according to the proclamations heretofore made.
It there appeared that divers gentlemen, whose names he sends herewith, have sent a certain number of their servants out of the bounds of the West Marches to serve in other places.
Thinks it right to advise his Lordship of this “disfurnishment,” but has not taken it upon himself to stay the same, it being stated that they were sent to attend on his Lordship at Newcastle.—Penrith, 26 March.
1 p.
126. Sir Thomas Wharton to the Earl of Hertford.
[1544], March 27. Has been at Keswick, and has had before him all the gentlemen in the west part of Cumberland, to whom he declared his Lordship's commandments as to their readiness to serve the King's Majesty. Finds many that grudge the services required.—Keswick, 27 March.
1 p.
127. Edward Shelley to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, March 27. Concerning the provision of biscuit, &c., for the army. Begs his Lordship's safe conduct for certain fishermen of Eyemouth who have brought into this town, for the victualling thereof, above 10,000 fish, without which provision the garrison would have fared badly.
The said fishermen now come daily with their fish, and are at all times ready to serve his Majesty with their great cobles.—Berwick, 27 March.
128. Sir William Eure to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, March 27. A “Gentilman of the Marse,” called Edmond Trotter, who is his prisoner, has assured him that he knoweth perfectly that the Lord Maxwell “travailethe as muche as he canne to bringe agrement and a quietnes bitwene the Governor and Therle of Lenhouse” (Lenuox); one of his own spies also, who was in Edinburgh on Monday last, states that the E. of Lennox was in Stirling on Friday last, and had audience there of the Queen, and that the report in Edinburgh is that the Governor and the E. of Lennox will come to an agreement. Sends the musters of the garrisons of the East Marches.—Berwick Castle, 27 March.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 22. In extenso.]
129. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, March 27. His Majesty has received his letters containing the device for the several invasions by land on the East and West Marches at once, when they shall be thought at a point to land with the army by sea, which both he and the Council like very well, and think it would be well to make the Earls of Cumberland and Westmoreland participant thereof, which would encourage them as noblemen desirous to serve his Majesty, and would give them cause to think they are not altogether forgotten. His Majesty also approves his device for the proclamation which he thinks surely proceedeth from a good heart and will to serve him. And yet inasmuch as if he should cause the same to be proclaimed now at his first entry before he is sure of the feeling of the country towards his Majesty he cannot afterwards burn and spoil the country with honour, having once proclaimed his Majesty to be as it were chief Governor of the Queen and Protector of the Realm. They think it better, therefore, to defer the proclamation until such time as he shall get the upper hand of the enemy, and the mastery of the country in his hands, and until he shall find that such as should be his Majesty's friends there do join earnestly with him, failing which, “he may fall to burning, having proclaimed nothing openly before, which ought to hinder him therefrom in honour.”
The Lord Admiral, with the whole fleet, are lying ready without Harwich, and will, they trust, be with them shortly, “God sending them a mery wynde.”—Westminster, 27 March 1544.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 21. In extenso.]
130. Sir Ralph Eure to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, March 28. Is credibly informed that “a gret sorte of the Lards of Tevedale” intend to make suit to his Lordship secretly to obtain assurance for the space of twenty or forty days, in the meantime making such large offers to his Lordship as they doubt not he would be contented with. He is, however, informed by one of his spies that their intent is only to ascertain whether they will receive the aid which has been promised them by the Governor and the Cardinal within this fortnight, in which case they will stand at defiance with England, and if not they will yield. His poor opinion is, therefore, that unless they will bind themselves straightway to be partakers with England, and give pledges for the same, they should have no assurance or friendship of England.—Chipchase, 28 March.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 22. In extenso.]
131. Sir Ralph Eure to the Earl of Hertford.
[1544], March 29. Has this Friday night received a letter from his father with the muster book of the inhabitants of the East March and of the garrisons there; and also a letter from a Scotsman directed to his Lordship, which he sends herewith. Has received the returns of the musters for all the Middle March, excepting those of Newcastle Ward, Morpeth Ward, and Tynemouth Shire, the Commissioners of which have not yet returned their books, although Thursday last was the furthest day allowed. Encloses a billet of their names, and has written to them pretty sharply desiring them to bring the said books to him on Sunday next at Newcastle. According to his Lordship's commandment, has spoken with the Scotsmen of whom he has bond and pledges, as to the number of men they could provide to serve his Majesty in France on horseback, if they should be called upon; and they have answered him that in Scotland they are able and willing to do his Majesty good service, but are loth to go into France. Nevertheless they have desired a respite to Thursday next to enable them to speak with their friends.—Chipchase, 29 March.
132. Sir Christopher Morris to the Earl of Hertford.
[1544], March 30. Gives an account of the number of pieces of ordnance, and of the quantity of armour and other munitions at Berwick.—From Berwick, “thys Sonday.”
Endorsed :—“Recd xxxj Marcii.”
1 p.
133. The King to the Earl of Lennox.
[1543/4, March]. Acknowledges the receipt of his letter by the bearer, his Lordship's secretary, Thomas Bishoppe, and thanks him for his good affection towards his Majesty, which shall receive all honourable consideration. Has appointed the Warden of the West Marches and Sir Robert Bowes, Knight, to meet at Carlisle such Commissioners as his Lordship and his friends shall send to convene and conclude further on the articles to be observed by both parties.
Copy. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 18. In extenso.]
134. The King to the Earl of Angus.
[1543/4], March. Whereas he, with some other noblemen friends to his Majesty, has requested that a main army should be sent into Scotland for their relief; his Majesty's answer to some part of their request may be perceived by the report of his Majesty's chaplain, Mr. Penven, and Thomas Bishop, the Earl of Lennox's secretary. Desires him to consider how good and gracious his Majesty has been to him ever since the beginning of their acquaintance, and points out to him that, although bound in honour to serve his Majesty loyally, in recompense thereof nothing has by his means taken effect or come to any good purpose. For if he had taken and prosecuted things now gone past earnestly, and like a man of heart and courage, and used his enemies when he had them at advantage, as now he sees they use him and his, he would not have been driven to the point he is now at, nor his Majesty have been put to the charges which he has been, and for his sake now intends to be, in case he and the others shall agree to the reasonable things required of them for the assurance of their good service. Exhorts him, therefore, to bestir himself now, and to play the man, and being a nobleman and a man of known courage, not to suffer himself to be overcome with delicateness at this, when he should show himself most industrious for the preservation of his honour and credit. Assures him that if he now serves his Majesty frankly, he will find that he is a prince who “hath yet in store much liberality to imparte unto him.”
Copy. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 19. In extenso.]
135. The King to the Earls of Angus, Cassilis, and Glencairn.
[1543/4], March. Perceiving from Mr. Penven, his Majesty's chaplain, and the Earl of Lennox's secretary, their desire to have a “main army” sent into Scotland for their relief, his Majesty, albeit their proceedings hitherto have been such that he would not easily be induced to be at any further charges on their behalf until he sees some better effect thereof than he has hitherto, yet conceiving by the report of the said chaplain and the said secretary that they will “ernestly redubbe things negligently handled in tymes by past,” and prosecute what they have in hand against the King's enemies and their own with more constant and better courage than heretofore, has sent unto them such an answer by the bearer hereof as will give them good cause to think themselves well satisfied in that behalf.—Westminster, the day of March.
Copy. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 20. In extenso.]
136. [The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.]
[1543/4, March]. Requiring him to appoint one or two trusty persons to go into Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, and Derbyshire, there to select 140 draught horses for his Majesty's service, to be sent to Newcastle-on-Tyne before the 26th of this present March.
Draft. 2 pp.
137. The Earl of Hertford to [Sir William Paget.]
[1543/4, March]. Has received certain letters from Sir Thos. Wharton and also from Sir W. Euers with such espial news and intelligence as they addressed to the Duke of Suffolk and himself, which he encloses herewith. Prays him to show the same to his Majesty. Whereas he had appointed the said Sir Thos. Wharton and the other Wardens to have been with him on Wednesday next to arrange certain matters, has now, for the reasons expressed in the said Sir Thos. Wharton's letters, put off his coming and that of the others till Monday, the 17th instant. Also, as the said Sir Thomas is desirous to know what answer he shall make to Lord Maxwell (if they meet) in case he should desire a new assurance, has written to him directing him to grant no assurance, but to answer that he dare not take it upon himself to do so without his (the E. of Hertford's) consent.
Begs therefore to be advertised of his Majesty's pleasure in that behalf.Reminds him of the scarcity of grain, and all manner of victual at Newcastle, and begs him to arrange for the relief thereof before the arrival of the army there.
Draft. 2 pp.
138. The Earl of Hertford to Sir Thos. Wharton.
1544, April 2. With reference to his desire to know how he is to receive the Lords Maxwell and Fleming if they do “enter,” and also what answer he shall make Robert Maxwell “anempst” the assurance which he requireth, informs him that the Lords Maxwell and Fleming, if they do enter, are to be used “in honest sorte with gentyll interteynment,” until he shall know further of his Majesty's pleasure in that behalf, and Robert Maxwell is to be answered in good terms, that considering the old assurance is broken, you dare not take upon yourself to grant any new assurance until the Lord Maxwell, his father, shall make his entry, and so with good words he is to be put off for a time.
Endorsed :—“Depeched, 2 Aprilis.”
Draft. 1½ pp. [Haynes, p. 23. In extenso.]
139. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, April 5. His Majesty thinks it well, for several reasons, that the application of Robert Maxwell for assurance should be granted. Notwithstanding his former order therefore, he is to instruct the Lord Wharton to give the said Robert assurance for eight days, to be renewed from eight days to eight days, until the said Robert do fail to assist and help truly and directly the E. of Lennox and the rest of his Majesty's friends.—Westminster, 5 April 1544.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 23. In extenso.]
140. The Earl of Hertford to Alexander Gordon.
1544, April 8. Has received his letter by which he perceives not only the hard case and danger into which the E. of Angus and his father, with other friends of his Majesty are plunged by the treasonable and false dealing of the Lord Maxwell, but also his honest and wise determination to defend and keep the castles of Dalkeith and Tantallon to his Majesty's pleasure. Prays him to persist in such determination and to take great heed lest the Governor and Cardinal with their adherents should either by fair words with subtile and crafty persuasions, or by force suddenly entrap them, as they have done the rest of their friends, assuring him of such aid and supply from his Majesty that he need not fear the power of Scotland.
Assures him also that in case the Governor and Cardinal do send the E. of Angus and his father into France with the Ambassador and “the Patriarch,” as is expressed in his letter, in the ship called the “Lyon,” such order has been already taken that if they proceed to that purpose “they wilbe encountered and mette withall.”—Newcastle, 8 April.
Draft. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 24. In extenso.]
141. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, April 12. The King, understanding that Robert Maxwell has made certain offers touching the keeping and delivery into the King's hands if need be of Lochmaben and three other places, desires him to send secretly “Patie Grayme, or some other trusty wise man,” under colour of some other business, to view the state and strength of the said places; and in case he shall upon his report perceive them to be tenable, to use any means he can devise to get them into his own hands for his Majesty's use.—Westminster, 12 April 1544.
(Postscript).—Instructions are to be left with the Earls of Westmoreland and Cumberland for their conduct in case of any sudden invasion.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 25. In extenso.]
142. The Earl of Hertford to “the Lord Eure.”
1544, April 14. With reference to the message sent by Alexander Gordon respecting Tantallon, he will do well either to write unto him or to send him a message giving him thanks for his honest offer; he is also to assure him that if he will deliver up Tantallon to the Earl of Hertford on his arrival there with the army, he shall have such liberal reward and yearly pension from the King “that he and all his shall be made for ever.”—April 14.
Endorsed :—“L~re to the Lord Eure per Alexr Lawder. Depeched xiiij. April.”
Draft. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 26. In extenso.]
143. Sir Ralph Eure to the Earl of Hertford.
[1544], April 14. Whereas his father and himself have been appointed to make an enterprise to burn Haddington at the time his Lordship is landing at Leith with the army, points out that they have hardly sufficient force to draw the enemy after them until the army is disembarked as was intended, and asks that they may be reinforced with one thousand more archers on horseback to be taken from Yorkshire and Durham within six days, if his Lordship can tarry so long, by whose assistance when they have burned Haddington they will be able with half a dozen pieces of ordnance, to keep the Scots occupied for one day in skirmishing, until such time as the greater part of the army were landed.—Alnwick Castle, April 14.
(Postcript).—The thousand men being taken from Durham and Yorkshire, his Majesty need not be charged with more than a fortnight's wages at the utmost.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 26. In extenso.]
144. The Earl of Hertford to Sir Thos. Wharton and Sir Robert Bowes.
[1544], April 15. Requiring them, at his Majesty's desire, to send “Patie Grayme” or some other trusty man to find out the strength and situation of the castles of Lochmaben, Carlaverock, and Langhole, which are now in the rule and custody of Robert Maxwell.
Endorsed :—“To the L. Wharton and Sir R. Bowes. Depeched xv. Apl.”
Draft. 1½ pp. [Haynes, p. 27. In extenso.]
145. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
[1544], April 16. His Majesty, understanding by sundry letters and advertisements from the Lord Eure “the good service and manly forwardnes of John Car, Captayne of Warke Castell,” desires him to convey to the said John Car, his Majesty's hearty thanks and assurance of future consideration.—Westminster, 16 April.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 28. In extenso.]
146. The Earl of Hertford to Sir Thomas Wharton.
[1544], April 21. Desires him to appoint a day for Lord Fleming's entry, and to prepare a pledge for him who shall enter Scotland as he shall enter England, according to his request.
With reference to Sir Roger Lassels, he having already componed and agreed with his taker for his ransom, is clearly discharged of his captivity. Requests him also to assay and prove Robert Maxwell by requiring the delivery to the King's hands of such of his houses as are tenable, which if he refuses to do, he is to be required to enter as his father's pledge, according to promise, seeing that his father has not complied with his Majesty's letters in that behalf.
Draft. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 28. In extenso.]
147. Edward Shelley to the Earl of Hertford.
[1544], April 22. Has showed Sir Christopher Morris the tenor of his Lordship's letter, who has stayed here the hoy and two other small vessels.
Asks for instructions as to the lading of biscuit and other provisions, the baking of bread or biscuit, and the brewing of beer.—Berwick, 22 April.
1 p.
148. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, April 23. His Majesty has caused six thousand pounds to be despatched to him for the expenses of his return by land. With respect to the strongholds of Robert Maxwell, his Majesty would be glad to have Lochmaben in his hands and also Tries; but is not disposed towards the giving of any ordnance or munition to the said Maxwell.—Westminster, 23 April 1544.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 29. In extenso.]
149. The Earl of Hertford to the Privy Council.
1544, April 23. Signifies their great lack of money, not so much being left as will pay the month's wages of the officers and mariners of the fleet which are now due. Thirty thousand pounds were appointed for the furnishing of this enterprise, but by reason of the long delay of the ships for lack of wind the army hath unfruitfully consumed a month's wages, which if the ships had come in time would have advanced a great piece of the enterprise.
They cannot moreover expect to make any money by the sale of the remaining victuals, great deceit having been practised by the petty ministers, and great part of the provision being “so ill that no man can eat it.”
Draft. 2½ pp. [Haynes, p. 30. In extenso.]
150. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, April 26. The bearer hereof, Wishart, who came from “Brounston,” has been with his Majesty and for his credence declared the same matters whereof his Lordship hath written.
Touching the feat against the Cardinal he hath received for answer that in case the lords and gentlemen whom he named shall undertake the same earnestly, and do the best they can to bring the same to pass, and shall thereupon not be able to continue longer in Scotland, but be compelled to fly into this realm for refuge, his Majesty will be content to accept them and relieve them accordingly. As to their desire to have the entertainment of a certain number of men at his Majesty's charge, covenanting therewith to burn and destroy the abbots', bishops', and other kirkmen's lands, his Majesty thinks the time too short for further communication on this matter by writing as proposed, but if they mind effectually to burn and destroy, as they have offered at the time of his Majesty's army being in Scotland, and will give hostages for their upright dealings therein, his Majesty will take order that one thousand pounds sterling shall be delivered to them for their furniture in that behalf.—Greenwich, 26 April 1544.
pp. [Haynes, p. 32. In extenso.]
151. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, April 26. With reference to his letters of the 22nd and 23rd inst., wherein he declares his want of money, the King who has already three days ago despatched six thousand pounds, has commanded four thousand more to be advanced, which will be sent to-morrow, and desires at the same time to express his hearty thanks to his Lordship for his diligence and courage in coming homeward by land. They are in some doubt whether his Lordship intends that the Lord Wharton should go to Jedworth or no, and pray to be resolved on that point. In case he shall see in his return homewards that either Tantallon or any other place lies commodiously for being kept and revictualled, his Majesty's pleasure is that he should take the place and man it, and furnish it with sufficient victuals to last until it can be re-victualled; and if such place shall lie near the borders, so much the better, for then it can be revictualled from Berwick.—Greenwich, 26 April 1544.
(Postscript).—A “plat” of Tantallon is sent herewith to be used by him as occasion shall serve.
3 pp. [Haynes, p. 31. In extenso.]
152. The Council to Lord Lisle, and the Earl of Hertford.
[1544], April 27. With reference to their letters to his Majesty concerning the deficiency in the provisions supplied to them, have examined the Bishop of Winchester and the Lord Chamberlain on the subject, whose explanations they give in full.—Greenwich, 27 April.
5 pp.
153. Donna Maria of Arragon to Princess Mary.
1544, April 28. Has heard from the bearer of this letter, Captain F. that she is very fond of Spanish gloves, and takes the liberty of sending some which she hopes will suit her Highness, &c.—Ballameda, 28 April 1544.
½ p. Spanish.
154. The Lord Admiral (Lord Lisle) and the Earl of Hertford to the King.
[1544, April]. Complain of serious deficiencies in the quantities of the provisions supplied to them for their enterprise into Scotland, in which it appears his Majesty has been not a little deceived. Have sent for the Wardens of the East and Middle Marches, “and other expert men of these parts,” to consult and devise with them how they, with the number of horsemen required to burn Haddington, may join forces with the army at Edinburgh.
Draft. 4 pp.
155. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, May 6. Signifying his Majesty's pleasure that the Surveyor of Calais should be sent to him with all diligence. The said Surveyor to come to Berwick by sea, and thence by post.—Westminster, 6 May 1544.
1 p.
156. John Lynne to the Earl of Hertford.
[1544], May 6. According to his Lordship's commandment has repaired to West Chester and Liverpool, to enquire for the kerne who should come from Ireland to serve his Majesty in his wars, and immediately after his arrival one Walter Peperd came to Chester with his Majesty's commission to receive 600 of the best of the said kerne and conduct them to London, the remaining 400 being directed to repair to the north parts. However, as yet the said kerne have not arrived on this coast, although the wind hath been lately favourable, and it is reported that, there being two great ships and a barque of war hostile to his Majesty on this coast, the said kerne dare not venture to come till the coast be clear. Nevertheless, he and the said Walter Peperd will remain until they can gain further knowledge of the said kerne, or shall be otherwise commanded.—West Chester, 6 May.
Copy. 1 p.
157. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
[1544?], May 9. Whereas one Thomas Bodenham, gentleman, has been lately accused, and “cast” by verdict of twelve men, of having feloniously robbed one John Allshire, whom at the time of the alleged robbery “he did put in jeopardy of his life,” it has now been declared to his Majesty that the money pretended to have been feloniously taken from the said John Allshire was by him, without any compulsion, freely delivered up to the said Thomas Bodenham; these are to require him to enquire into the truth of the said matter, and to certify his Majesty thereof.—Charing, 9 May.
1 p.
158. The Bishops of Durham and Llandaff to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, May 14. They have received a letter from the Privy Council containing a clause to the effect that order should be taken with the Wardens of the Marches to send straightway to Dover such horsemen as are appointed by them to wait upon his Majesty into France, amounting to the number of four hundred, as also the footmen chosen for the same purpose. Have written to the Lord Wharton to have regard that the King's pleasure herein be accomplished.—Newcastle, 14 May.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 33. In extenso.]
159. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford and Viscount Lisle.
1544, May 15. His Majesty has received the accounts of their pro ceedings, as well in landing as in the repulse of the E. of Arran and the Cardinall, the taking of the town of Leith, and the burning of Edinburgh and other towns and villages, and of the “wise, manly, and discrete handling” of the charge committed to them, for which he gives them his most hearty thanks.
And inasmuch as they wrote that the Scots, after the first taking of the town of Edinburgh, had chosen themselves a new Provost, and made new ramparts, and prepared themselves again for the defence of the said town, his Majesty's pleasure is that if they have not already left Edinburgh they should cause the gates of that town to be overthrown, and so rased that not only shall there remain in this part a perpetual memory of their untrue and disloyal behaviour, but also the occasion of any such fortification henceforth shall be taken from them. Requires them further on the return homeward to see that the army marches always in good order for defence, so that the voyage honourably begun and carried out may end accordingly.
And also, after the return of the army, to appoint 2,900 able soldiers from the landsmen, and one thousand from such as were carried hence by sea, to embark at Newcastle or some other convenient port for Calais, there to be used in his Majesty's wars against France.—Westminster. 15 May 1544.
pp. [Haynes, p. 33. In extenso.]
160. The Privy Council to the Bishop of Durham.
[1544], May 15. Enclose letters to the Lord Lieutenant, which he is to peruse, and then to forward them to him. His Majesty's further pleasure is that if he has not already taken order with the Wardens for the four hundred horsemen and the others on foot, he should do so, and cause them to be sent to Dover as soon as may be.—Westminster, 15 May.
1 p.
161. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, May 16. The King's pleasure is that in case Sir George Douglas, or any other of that sort, who under pretext of friendship have dealt suspiciously with his Majesty, should now, upon the bruit of their good success, repair unto his Lordship, whatever offers or fair language they may use, his Lordship is to execute and carry out the instructions already given to him, “and not forbeare by the way to burn and spoyle in his journey, without respect to whome the places shall appertayne.”—Westminster, 16 May.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 35. In extenso.]
162. The Bishops of Durham and Llandaff to the Earl of Hertford.
[1544], May 17. Forward three letters received from the Council addressed to his Lordship, and also the copy of a letter sent to the Bishop of Durham by which he will perceive that the King looks for the two hundred horsemen to be sent from these, and as many from the West Borders, besides the footmen, whereof they have advertised the Lord Wharton.—Newcastle, 17th May.
1 p.
163. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, May 20. Whereas it appears by his last letters that the Scots, “notwithstanding this plage wherewith they for their open untrouth and disloyall behaviour, have been moost wortheley and justly plaged, yet of their naturall stoberness and arrogancie prepare to assemble their forces and power against the 24th of this present,” his Majesty's pleasure is that, taking the advice of the Wardens and others on the Borders, his Lordship should take such order before the dismissal of the army as will provide for the defence of the same. His Majesty further wishes his Lordship to understand that one “Scott” was lately apprehended here, upon whose examination it appeared that he was sent by the procurement of a Scottish Lord, called the Lord Massey, to have set fire to London and to have procured by all means the destruction of the same; to the intent that his Lordship, having special respect to such Scots as are now or shall hereafter come to the Borders, shall take such precautions as may seem to him necessary.—Westminster, 20 May 1544.
(Postscript).—His Majesty's pleasure is that the men appointed in obedience to his Majesty's late letters to serve him in the wars against France may be shipped off to Calais with all diligence.
pp. [Haynes, p. 35. In extenso.]
164. The Bishops of Durham and Llandaff to the Earl of Hertford.
[1544], May 21. Have received his letter, dated at Berwick, by which they perceive that his Lordship intends to stay both the horsemen and the footmen that should be sent from the Borders, whereas the staying was intended only for the footmen. Desire him, therefore, to send up in all haste the two hundred horsemen of the East and Middle Marches according to his Majesty's letters.—Newcastle, 21 May.
1 p.
165. Sir Wm. Eure to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, May 25. Has received his Lordship's letter, and with regard to his desire that assurance shall be given to the servants, friends, and tenants of Sir George Douglas, till his Lordship's pleasure shall be further known, beseeches his Lordship to write to him (Sir George Douglas) for a particular statement of their names, “with their landes, townes, and steids.” For in times past it was his custom, when all those of the East end of the March sustained any loss by the English, to declare that they were his friends and claim redress for them; but if they did any harm to any Englishman, he “refused them, and said they were not at his commaundement.” And whereas his Lordship writes that “Lyddisdaile and Tyvidaile takethe pryde of the spoiles they have done in th' Este Marches of England,” the truth was the greatest and most heinous spoils were by those of the March, who he trusts will prove by the statement now asked for to have been, many of them, those whom Sir George Douglas takes for his servants and friends. Nevertheless, till he hears further from his Lordship will command stay to be made in the proceedings against all those of the March, except against the servants of Lord Hume, who are far west, adjoining Wark and thereabouts.—Berwick, 25 May.
1 p.
166. The Earl of Hertford to the King.
1544, May 27. Sends letters received by him from Lord Wharton, with others addressed to the said Lord Wharton from Drumlaveryk and one Lindsey. In order that his Majesty's money spent upon the garrisons on the Borders may not be unfruitfully employed, he, the said Earl, has devised with the Wardens of the East and Middle Marches that, as soon as their horses, which were much tired and wearied by the late journey into Scotland, shall be well refreshed and rested (which they think will be within 12 days), there shall be a “Warden's rode” made unto Jedworth, not doubting but that, with the grace of God, it shall be feasible enough to win the town, and also the Church or Abbey thereof, which is thought to be a house of some strength, and may be made a good fortress.
Begs his Majesty to signify his pleasure whether, in case the said Abbey and Town of Jedworth be won and be found tenable without a “mayn army,” they shall arrange with the said Wardens to put a good number of men there as a garrison to hold the place to his Majesty's behoof; or whether his Highness wishes them to proceed to the burning and utter devastation of the same. And whereas George Douglas, as they lately wrote to his Majesty, desireth assurance for his friends, they think it good, if it shall stand with his Majesty's pleasure (considering that his garrisons cannot yet make any roads or attempts into Scotland, because their horses are so wearied as aforesaid; and again, because the Lord Maxwell has written for the E. of Angus to come into England, as his Majesty knoweth, whereunto he has as yet had no answer) that the said George Douglas may have assurance for the time, until his Majesty shall see whether the said E. of Angus will come or not, and also till such time as the said road to Jedworth be accomplished; after which time, unless the said George Douglas and his friends will put in sufficient hostages and pledges to serve his Majesty, he, the said Earl, will not give them any longer assurance, subject, of course, to his Majesty's pleasure.
Finally he, the said Earl, did yesternight break with the Lord Maxwell for his repairing to his Majesty, telling him that his Highness wished to confer with him upon the state of affairs in Scotland, and to have his advice touching the same, whereat “he was marvelously perplexed; and, as one that having an ill conscience seameth almost to accuse himself hath been in hand with me at the least 6 or 7 tymes, syns he knew of his repayre to your Majestie, to wryte unto the same in his favour, and to give him my good word unto your Majestie.”
Endorsed :—“To the K.'s Mate. Depeched xxvijs Maii.”
Draft. 5½ pp. [Haynes, p. 37. In extenso.]
167. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, May 28. With reference to George Douglas his Majesty's pleasure is that “forasmuche as, beside his former more than suspitious proceedings, itt doth appere by continuance of the same, that his sayings doth far differ and disagree from his doings,” he shall grant him no such assurance as he requires. Perceiving by the letters of the Lord Wharton that he is desirous to know his Grace's pleasure concerning the Bishop of Caithness, now remaining in hostage for the Earl of Lennox, they desire him to inform the said Lord Wharton that his Grace's pleasure is that the said Bishop shall repair hither unto the Court.—Westminster, 28th May 1544.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 38. In extenso.]
168. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, May 31. His Majesty approves his device concerning the “Warden rode” to be made to Jedworth, and if they should win the Town and the Abbey, is pleased that he should arrange for a suitable number of men to remain as a garrison, his Lordship using in this and all other circumstances touching the same such order as shall seem to him and the Wardens most convenient. His Majesty also thinks the taking of Hume Castle of great importance to the furtherance of his Highness' affairs, as it also may with little cost be made tenable. Touching Sir George Douglas, his Majesty, taking into prudent consideration the reports that have been made concerning him from time to time, thinks it most meet that, except he shall deliver good and sufficient hostages for himself and his friends, his Lordship shall in no wise grant any assurance to him, “but procede to the devastacion of his frends and countrees, as occasion shall and may serve yow most commodiously.”
In the handling of this matter, nevertheless, considering that it may be inconvenient to undertake such an exploit presently, his Lordship may for the time, “and for the more sure prove and triall of him,” use such other means and devices as he shall think best. His Majesty's pleasure is also that the Earl of Lennox, if he shall come on land of the West Marches, shall be received “in a good and gentle sorte,” and that some honest gentleman shall be appointed to conduct and accompany him in his journey towards the Court. The Earl of Glencairn having made suit for a good gelding, his Majesty prays his Lordship to take order with the Lord Wharton to have one provided and sent to him.—Westminster, 31 May.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 39. In extenso.]
169. Sir Thomas Wharton to the Earl of Hertford.
[1544, May 31]. This Whitsuneve has received a letter from Robert Maxwell, and has also seen an unsealed letter sent from him to the Lord his father by John Douglas, the Lord Maxwell's servant, whom, together with his despatches, he sends to his Lordship according to the instructions in his Lordship's letter of the 26th instant.
Sends also a letter received by him from Sir George Douglas, and desires to know what answer he shall make both to “Robert Maxwell and to the said Sir George.
One Robert Graham, called “Gares,” has come to him from Scotland, where he alleges that he has been by his Lordship's commandment, asking him “if he wold anything to his Lordship.” Advertises him that the said “Gares” is servant to Lord Dacres and also served his father. One “Ryneane Gares,” a Scotchman, his brother, is servant and Warden-Sergeant to the Lord Maxwell, and one of the said Robert Gaire's sons was lately servant to Robert Maxwell. That son he has now in custody for his offences in intelligence-giving and his “practice” in Scotland. Has lately, in obedience to orders received by him from the Council of the North, travailed for the apprehension of divers Turpins and others, “murderers of Rotherfurthe,” one of whom, called Martin Turpin, married Lord Dacre's base sister. He and others, “for the more pleasure of my Lord Dacre,” have been rather willing to “deface and lett” his service to his Majesty than to advance the same.—“At the Kinges Highnes Castle of Carlisle, this Witsoneve.”
170. Princess Mary to Lady Hertford, and Queen Catherine Parr to the Same.
[1544, June 3. 1. “Madame, after my mooste herty cōmendac[i]ons this shalbe to adv~tise you that I have receyved yor l~res and I hertely thanke you for yor kinde remembaunce and the desire ye have of my healthe I have byn nothing well as yet thes holydayes wherfore I paye you holde me excused that I write not this to you wt my hand. I have delyv~ed yor l~res unto the Quenes grace who accepted the same very well. And thus, good Madame I byd you mooste hertely well to fare. At Saynt James the iii daye of June.
Your assured frend to my power
duryng my lyef
Underwritten :
2. “Madam, my lord youre husbandes comyng hyther is not altered, for he schall come home before the Kynges maiestye take hys journey over the sees, as it pleasyth hys maiestye to declare to me of late. You may be ryght asseuryd I wold not have forgotten my promyse to you. in a mater of lesse effect than thys, and so I pray you most hartely to thynke. And thus wt my very harty com[m]endations to you I ende, wyshing you so well to fare as I wold myself.
Your asseuryd frend,
Kateryn the Quene, K.P.”
Endorsed :—“To my Lady of Hertford.
Q. Katheryne to the La. Hertford.”
½ p.
171. Sir Ralph Eure to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, June 7. Prays that his father “being something crosside,” may remain at home this time and that he may conduct “the exploit” in his stead. Will take such order that his father's men shall be “rewlide” by him and the enterprise accomplished as much to the honour of his Majesty and of his Lordship as if his father were there present. With reference to the hundred men which his Lordship commanded him to have in readiness to serve the King in France, he appointed a muster of the gentlemen of the country at Newcastle, but divers of them disobeyed his letters and would not come to the muster. Some of these are pensioners and have livings of the King which he thinks they ought to lose. Intends on his return from Scotland, if his Lordship's pleasure is not to the contrary, to take the same gentlemen and put them in Ward for disobeying his commandment.—Warkworth Castle, 7 June.
(Postscript).—Would be glad if his Lordship could spare him his “Trompyte;” and if it were possible that he might have him on Monday morning by six or seven of the clock “it shoulde be a grete encoragment for our men and a discourage for the Scotts.”
1 p. [Haynes, p. 41. In extenso.]
172. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, June 9. Sir Peter Mewtys having made suit to the King that being appointed to serve his Majesty with 500 hacquebutiers (part of whom are already sent to Calais) that he might have with him Walter Urbes and Robert Crache, who were “Peti-capitaynes” under him in the late voyage into Scotland, they are to be sent up with all diligence and to bring with them such eight other hacquebutiers as they shall think meet. The E. of Lennox has arrived at Chester and is expected at Court within one or two days.—St. James, 9th June 1544.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 41. In extenso.]
173. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford.
1544, June 11. Herewith he will receive his Majesty's letters for his return, and also letters and a commission for the E. of Shrewsbury whom his Highness hath appointed to supply the place of his Lieutenant General in those parts; to whom he is requested to communicate the whole state of affairs there and to assist him by his good advice and otherwise.
His Lordship will also receive a minute of a letter to be sent from the Lord Wharton to the E. of Glencairn which, when he has read it, he is to forward to the said Lord Wharton to be by him addressed accordingly.—St. James, 11th June 1544.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 42. In extenso.]
174. The Duke of Norfolk to Sir John Wallop.
[1544, June ?] The King's pleasure is that he should advertise him, [the D. of Norfolk], with all possible diligence of such conference and communication as he has had with the two persons mentioned in his Majesty's last letters; and if he has not yet spoken with the last of them, as soon as he has done so, to send his discourse with all speed by a trusty messenger.—“From Canterbury, this Whitsunday.”
1 p.
175. John Dudley (Viscount Lisle) to the Lord Privy Seal.
1544, July 20. Has received this night at 9 of the clock his Lordship's letters with the King's instructions for their voyage, which they will endeavour to accomplish to the uttermost of their power.—“Scrybled in haste in the Downes the xxth day of July (attending thes thyngs wch we have nowe receyved) wt thrude hand of yor most bounden. John Duddley.”
Endorsed :—“Mr. Dudley. 1544.”
1 p.
176. John Burston to Sir John Thynne.
[1544?], Aug. 11. Arrangements as to a marriage settlement to be made by one of Sir John Thynne's servants.
1 p.
177. Surrender of Boulogne.
1544, Sept. 13. Articles agreed upon between the Duke of Suffolk and M. Jacques de Coucy, Seigneur de Vervins, for the surrender of Boulogne by the French King to King Henry VIII.—The Camp before Boulogne, 13 September 1544.
Endorsed :—“Recepi 18 Septembr. 1544.”
Copy. French. 3 pp. [Printed in extenso in State Papers, Henry VIII., Vol. X., pp. 66–68.]
178. Francis I. and Charles V.
1544, Sept. 24. Copy of the treaty between Francis I. and the Emperor.—Warty, 24 September 1544.
French. 18 pp. [See Dumont. Recueil des Traitez. Tome IV., Partie ii., pp. 179–287. In extenso.]
179. The Privy Council to the Earl of Hertford, the Bishop of Winchester, and Dr. Wotton.
[1544, Oct. 31]. Containing instructions as to what they shall say in their conference with the Emperor (Charles V.) touching the peace with France, and inclosing a copy of the answers to be made by his Majesty's Commissioners to the French Ambassadors concerning the cession of Boulogne, to be communicated by them to the Emperor
[The original letter of which this is an imperfect copy is printed in State Papers, Hen. VIII., Vol. X., p. 161.]
Copy. 5 pp. [Haynes, pp. 56–60. In extenso.]
180. Invasion of Scotland.
1544, Nov. 17. Exploits done upon the Scots from the beginning of July, Anno 36 Henry VIII. to Nov. 17.
15 pp. [Haynes, pp. 43–51. In extenso.]
181. Naval Affairs.
[1544?]. Ships' rigging and stores received from Dantzig, delivered to Master Gonson.
A Boll, 6 feet long.