Register of the Grey Friars of London: Titulus de Monumentis

Pages 70-133

The Grey Friars of London. Originally published by Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen, 1915.

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[Registrum Fratrum Minorum Londonie.] [I. Titulus De Monumentis.]

Hic est titulus monumenti Gen. 35. (fn. 1) Cum ei . . . succedenter luculencius apparebit. Hec sequent . . . monumentis in presenti ecclesia sepultorum aga . . . ipsarum; idcirco titulum monumenti non incongrues . . . lendo. Monumentum est quasi moneo mentem. Et si[c a doctoribus] solet ethimologiari. Monet namque bifarie hu[manam mentem cum] aut mortis memoriam incutit visis [precedentium] sepulcris aut vti eisdem conspectus mentes moneantur ca[rorum ad] redendam suffragia pro ipsis. Hic est ergo titulus monu[menti]. Hunc sane titulum de monumentis in hoc sacro loco consti[tui]. (fn. 2)

In Primis, de Choro.


(fn. 3) In primis retro magnum altare in archu partis australis in sacrario jacet Cor venerabilis patris et domini domini Johannis Peccham, (fn. 4) ordinis minorum, Archiepiscopi Cantuar.


(fn. 5) Item in medio ante magnum altare jacet nobilis domina Margareta, (fn. 6) filia Philippi filii Sancti Ludowici, Regis Francie, et vxor Edwardi primi secunda, et prima fundatrix noue ecclesie nostre: que obiit 14° die mensis Februarii A° dni. 1317° .

Beatrix.; Buckingham.

Item ad eius sinistram in archu boriali jacet Beatrix, (fn. 7) ducissa Britanie, et filia Regis Henrici tercii et Alianore, consors et vxor domini Johannis, ducis Britanie. Et ad dexteram eius jacet domina Alienora ducissa Buckyngham: (fn. 8) que obiit 13° die mensis Februarii A° domini 1530.


Ad eius capud in archu eiusdem muri jacet Cor sancte memorie domine Aleanore (fn. 9) filie comitis Prouincie, et vxoris Regis Henrici Tercii.


(fn. 10) Ad eius capud in consimili archu jacet venerabilis vir, frater et dominus Robertus Lile, (fn. 11) qui post obitum vxoris sue abrenuncians seculo (fn. 12) factus frater minor: in tumba elevata.


Ad eius dexteram spacio ix pedum in plano sub lapide cum dupplici scriptura jacet domina Margareta de Revers, (fn. 13) quondam comitissa Devonie et domina de Lyle: que fuit filia domini Guarini Fitzgerrard. (fn. 14) armiger, quondam coronator et attornatus dorninorum Regum Henrici 4ti et 5ti in banco eorum, et Angnes vxor eius: qui obiit 20 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1422.

Hastyng.; Marchall.

Et ad dexteram eius in tumba elevata jacet dominus Johannes Hastyng, miles, Comes Penbrochie: (fn. 15) qui obiit 30° die mensis Decembris (fn. 16) A° dni. 1389. Juxta quem jacet Nobilis domina, domina Margareta Marchall, Comitissa Northfolch, et domina de Segrave: (fn. 17) que obiit 24° die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1389.


Ad cuius dexteram in plano sub lapide jacet venerabilis Pater et frater Willelmus Goddard, (fn. 18) doctor egregius et ordinum fratrum minorum in Anglia Minister bene meritus: qui obiit 30° die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1437.


Et ad eius dexteram sub lapide cruce exarato jacet bone memorie et hereticorum extirpator acerrimus, Frater Willelmus Wydford, (fn. 19) Doctor egregius et Minister.


Et continuo juxta eum versus austrum jacet venerabilis Frater Robertus de Wycett, (fn. 20) quondam Minister Anglie et doctor theologie.


Item ad eius dexteram sub lapide jacet venerabilis vir, Frater Rogerus Conway, (fn. 21) doctor egregius ac eiusdem ordinis in Anglia prouincialis minister.


Ad cuius dexteram in archu australi jacet venerabilis Pater et frater minor Petrus Bononiensis, (fn. 22) quondam episcopus Corboniensis in Hungaria et suffraneus episcopi London: qui obiit . . . die mensis Januarii A° dni 1331.


Item reuertendo ad partem sinistram infra ostium (fn. 23) versus vestibulum jacet Cor domine Johanne de Ferers, vxoris Guidonis de Salinis. (fn. 24)


Et ad eorum dexteram in plano jacet domina Johanna de Fenys, (fn. 25) et domina Isabella, soror, eius, sub pavimento.

Pisanis. Barbason.; Mounford.

Et ad dexteram earum inmediate versus austrum jacet domina Eufrosina de Pisanis. Et domina Beatrix Barbason (fn. 26) jacet inmediate juxta illam versus austrum ad finem lapidis parui exarati multis litteris, sub quo jacet Cor domini Petri Mounford, (fn. 27) militis, ad capud Comitisse Devonie.

Rokysle.; Persevall.

Item ad capud domine Margarete Marchall in medio chori, vbi legitur epistola, jacet dominus Gregorius de Rokysle; (fn. 28) valens burgensis, et quondam Maior Londonie. Et ad dexteram eius in plano sub lapide jacet pater et frater Johannes Persevall, (fn. 29) doctor egregius et ordinis minorum in Anglia minister: qui obiit 16 die mensis Decembris A° dni. 1505.


Et ad dexteram eius spacio decem pedum ad hostium capelle nouiciorum (fn. 30) jacet venerabilis vir Bernardus Chester, (fn. 31) collector pape in Anglia.


Item ad finem stallorum ex eadem parte chori in archu jacet nobilis dominus, dominus Johannes Dennham, (fn. 32) Baro et quondam thesaurarius Anglie, militis cum liberata de garterio: qui obiit 28° die mensis Januarii A° dni. 1501.

Fitz Warren.

Et ad sinistram eius jacet domina Elizabeth Fizthwarryn (fn. 33) soror eiusdem domini: que obiit A° dni. 1516, 16° die mensis Octobris.

Fitz Warren.

Et ad sinistram eius versus quasi medium chori jacet dominus Willelmus Fizthwarryn, Baro, et Isabella, vxor sua quondam Regina Man. (fn. 34)


Item ad sinistram eiusdem coram finem stallorum sub paruo rotundo lapide jacet Cor domine Isabelle de Averne. (fn. 35)


Item ad finem stallorum partis boriali chori in tumba eleuata jacet corpus domini Roberti Chalons, (fn. 36) strenui militis in armis: qui obiit 3° die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1439.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide plano jacet venerabilis Pater et frater Rogerus Juyll, (fn. 37) valens pater, quondam gardianus Jerosolomitanus et huius loci: qui obiit . . .


Ad euius dexteram in plano jacet Johannes Chalons, (fn. 38) strenuus. . . .


(fn. 39) In medio chori in tumba eleuata de alabastro jacet Nobilis domina Isabella (fn. 40) Regina, vxor Edwardi secundi dicti Carnaryvan, et filia Regis Philippi pulcri, Regis Francie: que obiit 22° die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1358° . Et sub pectore imaginis eius jacet Cor Regis Edwardi, mariti sui.


Et ad dexteram Nobilis jacet domina Isabella, (fn. 41) primogenita Regis Edwardi tercii, Comitissa Bedfordie et domina de Cowcy.


Et ad capud nobilis domine Isabelle Regine jacet domina Johanna de la Towr, (fn. 42) Regina Scocie, filia Edwardi secundi et Isabelle predicte, et vxor domini Roberti de la Bruys, Regis Scocie.


Et ad dexteram predicte Johanne, Regine Scocie, 4 pedum spacio interposito jacet illustris princeps, dominus Johannes, Dux de Burbon (fn. 43) et Angue, Comes de Forern, Cleremund et Mompaunsere, et dominus et baro Beaugeu: qui obiit 4° die Januarii, A° dni. 1433.


Et ad sinistram Regine Scocie spacio 3 pedum jacet venerabilis domina Elizabeth Nevyll, (fn. 44) vxor domini Johannis, filii et heredis domini Radulphi Comitis Westmerre, et mater domini Radulphi Comitis Westmerre, ac filia domini Ricardi Comitis Cancie: que obiit 4° die mensis Januarii A° dni. 1423.


Item versus finem chori ex parte boriali a stallis sub fune lampadis jacet sub longo lapide frater Johannes Lamborn, (fn. 45) confessor Regine Isabelle, et filius Baronis et vltimus heres illius baronie.


Item coram introitu chori sub magno lapide jacet valens miles, dominus Johannes Claron de Francia.


Et ad dexteram illius inmediate versus austrum coram stallo gardiani jacet venerabilis Magister et dominus Edwardus Burnell, (fn. 46) filius domini de Burnell.

In capella Omnium Sanctorum.


In primis ad sinistram aultaris versus boriam jacet Jacobus Fenys, dominus de Say: (fn. 47) qui obiit 4° die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1450° . Et domina Elonina (fn. 48) vxor eius: que obiit 5° die mensis Januarii A° dni. 1452° .

Smyth.; Langley.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacet venerabilis pater et dominus Johannes Smyth, (fn. 49) doctor sacre theologie, episcopus Landauensis: qui obiit 4° kal. Februarii, A° dni. 1478° . Et ad dexteram eorum jacet domina Katerina Langley; que obiit 16° die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1511° .

Halsam.; Hussey.

Item directe ad dexteram, coram medio altaris jacet venerabilis domina Petronilla Halsam, vxor domini Hugonis Halsam, (fn. 50) valentis militis: que obiit primo die mensis Decembris A° dni. 1440. Et ad dexteram eius jacet domina Constancia Hussey, soror predicte Petronille, et vxor nobilis viri, domini Henrici Hussey, (fn. 51) strenui militis in armis tempore Henrici Vti, de comitatu Sussex: que obiit 19° die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1461.

Merlay.; Hylton.

Et ad dexteram eorum 4or pedum spacio interposito jacet venerabilis domina Elianora, domina de Merlay: (fn. 52) que obiit 24° die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1476. Et ad dexteram eiusimmediate sub lauatorio (fn. 53) jacet dominus Johannes Hylton, (fn. 54) Baro de Hylton.

[Ba]stardus de [Hu]rhon.; Clynton.; Hastyng.

Item redeundo ad secundam partem prime fenestre jacet sub muro dominus Perseualus, bastardus de Hurhon, (fn. 55) miles egregius. Et ad dexteram eius sub cruce de lapidibus marmoreis jacet dominus Johannes Clynton, (fn. 56) baro. Et ad dexteram eorum in tumba eleuata de alabastro jacent domini Ric. Hastyng, (fn. 57) militis, domini de Wyllyby et de Welles: qui obiit . . . die mensis Sept. A° dni. . . ., et Johanne consortis sue: que obiit . . . die mensis Marcii A° dni. . . .


Et ad dexteram eorum sub lapide jacet Johanna Numarche, nobilis domicella Isabelle (fn. 58) Comitisse Warwici.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet Johannes Cutler, (fn. 59) sacre theologie professor, quondam gardianus loci: qui obiit 9 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1530.

Camoyse.; Webbe.

Sub prima parte secunde fenestre iuxta scanum domina Isabella Camoyse, (fn. 60) vxor nobilis domini Thome Camoyse, militis: que obiit A° dni. 1444. Et ad dexteram eius jacet Anna Webbe: (fn. 61) que obiit 14 mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1530° .


Ad cuius dexteram spacio 5 pedum sub lapide paruo quatrato jacet dominus Thomas Crane, sacerdos: qui obiit 25 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1458° .


Ad cuius dexteram inmediate jacet domina Margeria Romsey, (fn. 62) nobilis domicella domine Isabelle Regine Anglie. Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Johannes Romsey, filius eius.


Ad cuius dexteram inmediate jacet Magister Ricardus Fysher, (fn. 63) probus vir, cancellarius et discretus in consiliis dandis cum Ricardo, nobili comite Warwici.


Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Thomas Burdett, (fn. 64) valens armiger domini Georgii Ducis Clarencie: qui obiit anno dni. 1477.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet sub lapide Johannes Vyaunde, ciuis et grocer Londonie: qui obiit 15 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1410.


Et ad sinistram eius jacet in plano frater Thomas Cheyny, (fn. 65) doctor theologie.

Alen.; Bekynden.; Saund.

Sub secunda parte tercie fenestre jacet Johannes Alen, (fn. 66) pater magistri, quondam de capella Johannis, Ducis Bedfordie. Et in eodem loco jacet frater Johannes Alen, (fn. 67) sacre theologie professor, quondam gardianus loci, filius Johannis Alen; et sub eodem lapide frater Reginaldus Bekynden. Et magisteret frater Gilbertus Sands: (fn. 68) qui obiit 16 die mensis Julii, Anno dni. 1533.

Toly.; Goodfeld.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacet sub vno lapide frater Willelmus Toly, sacre thelogie professor, quondam regens loci: qui obiit 5 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1500. Et frater Walterus Goodfeld, (fn. 69) sacre theologie professor et gardianus loci: qui obiit in festo sancti Johannis Ewangeliste, A° dni. 1521.


Et ad dexteram eorum jacet domina Elizabeth Longfelde: qui obiit . . . die mensis . . ., A° dni. 1503.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet frater Robertus Burton, (fn. 70) sacre theologie professor, quondam Regens loci: qui obiit 8 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1522.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet sub lapide Gilbertus Egcleston, (fn. 71) ciuis et Awrifaber, Londonie. Et Katerina consors sui. Qui obiit 14 die Mensis Julii, A° dni. 1508. Et A[licia] consors sui: qui obiit 15 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1502.


Descendendo ad primam partem tercie fenestre ad capud fratris Johannis Alen sub lapide cum armis Regine jacet frater Johannes Vye, (fn. 72) valens pater et confessor Regine Isabelle.

Chamberlen.; Romsey.; Denham.

Et ad [dexteram] (fn. 73) eius jacet frater Robertus Chamberlen, (fn. 74) doctor, frater Johannes Romsey, (fn. 75) doctor. In medio eorum frater Willelmus Denham, (fn. 76) pater spiritualis eorum.

Kyrye.; Rede.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacet venerabilis pater et frater Johannes Kyrye, (fn. 77) quondam confessor Regis Edwardi 4, et istius loci gardianus interpellatim per 20 annos: qui obiit vltimo die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1474. Et ad dexteram eius jacet Sibille Rede: que obiit 31 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1508.


Ad cuius dexteram vnius sepulcri spacio interposito jacet iuxta tumbam domini de Lyle dominus Robertus de Lyle, filius et heres prefati domini. (fn. 78)

In capella sancte Marie.


Ad dexteram cornu altaris sub prima parte fenestre (fn. 79) [sub] lapide eleuato dominus Johannes Gysors, (fn. 80) valens ciuis Londonie et strenuus miles.


Item ad partem australem eiusdem altaris sub sacrario jacet Thomas de Banguentibus, mercator de societate Perusii.

Glociter.; Carlell.

Item sub secunda parte eiusdem fenestre iuxta murum jacet Thomas Glociter (fn. 81) et Anne vxor eius, principui benefactores huius conventus. Item in eodem loco jacet Alicie Carlell alias Norre, (fn. 82) secunda filia Thome Malore, armigeri de Comitatu Cantuarii: que obiit 13 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1507.

Bever.; Thorppe.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacet Walterus de Bever (fn. 83) et Johanna, vxor eius, qui vitrari fecerunt fenestram eandem: et in eodem loco jacet Mariona Thorppe. (fn. 84)


Et ad dexteram eorum jacet venerabilis vir Vmfridus Stafford, (fn. 85) valens armiger de comitatu Wigornie: qui obiit A° dni. 1486, 8 Julii.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet Margareta Oldall, vxor domini Willelmi Oldall, (fn. 86) militis, et filia prenobilis domini de Willughby.


Item extra ostium (fn. 87) capelle sub lapide plano jacet venerabilis pater et frater Thomas Wynchelsey, (fn. 88) sacre theologie doctor, principuus procurator in magnis beneficiis huius loci: qui obiit 18 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1436.


Et ad dexteram eius sub muro chori jacet dominus Johannes Louetot, nobilis miles: et ad pedes eius domina Margareta, vxor eiusdem.


Sub prima parte 5 fenestre jacet dominus Lupus Roderys, valens baro de Hispania: qui obiit 23 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1475.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet inmediate sub longo lapide et lato dominus Johannes Tybbay, (fn. 89) quondam archidiaconus Huntyndon, et cancellarius domine Johanne Regine Anglie, vxoris Henrici 4: qui obiit in festo Marie Magdalene, A° dni. 1414.


Et ad dexteram eius inmediate sub longo lapide jacet dominus Robertus Bertram, (fn. 90) baro de Bothale: qui obiit 21. . . .


Et in eodem loco jacet Stephen Lynne, (fn. 91) habardasher Londonie: qui obiit 10 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1528.


Et ad dexteram eius spacio 2 pedum sub longo lapide jacet dominus Walterus Malytt, (fn. 92) quondam Canonicus sancti Pauli et rector sancte Marie de Archubus, et specialis amicus fratrum minorum huius loci: qui obiit 6 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1444.


Et ad dexteram eius inmediate sub lapide jacet Magister Ricardus de Haveresham, (fn. 93) quondam Curie Cantuar. advocatus: qui obiit 15 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1369.

Appylton. Bernes.

Et ad dexteram illius inmediate in plano jacet frater Willelmus Appylton, (fn. 94) miles; et dominus Radulphus Bernes, miles.


Et ad dexteram illius in tumba eleuata sub archu jacet domina Alicia Kyngston, quondam vxor Thome Kyngston, (fn. 95) militis, filia domini Hugonis de sent John, filii et heredis domini Thome domini de sent John: que obiit 19 die mensis August, A° dni. 1439.


Item reuertendo ad eandem fenestram sub secunda parte fenestre iuxta scanum sub lapide cruce signato jacet dominus Reginaldus de Cawmbry, (fn. 96) valens miles et ciuis Londonie.

Bewmond.; Slawter.

Et ad dexteram eius inmediate sub lapide jacet Thomas Bewmond, (fn. 97) filius et heres domini Henrici, domini de Bewmond.

Et ad dexteram eius jacet Katerine Slawter; que obiit 2 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1497.

Tremayn.; Bell.; Zegraue et de Peche. Wotton.

Et ad dexteram eius inmediate sub lapide jacet Johanna Tremayn, vxor Nicholai Tremayn, armigeri: que obiit 29 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1428. Et Elizabeth Bell, vltimo Aprill, 1533. (fn. 98) Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet venerabilis domina, domina Yda de Zegraue, vxor domini Hugonis de Peche. Et Magistri Roberti Wotton, (fn. 99) doctor decretorum et aduocatus de arcubus.


Et ad dexteram eorum jacet Johannes Wryght, ciuis et aurifaber Londonie; qui obiit 3 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1512.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Johanna Elvenden: (fn. 100) que obiit 13 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1400.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Willelmus Chambyrlen, (fn. 101) armiger de Comitatu Northamton; et Johanna vxor eius: qui obiit 3 die mensis Octobris, Anno dni. 1470.


Ad cuius dexteram modico versus orientem sub lapide jacet Willelmus Gage, (fn. 102) armiger: qui obiit 15 die mensis Februarii, A° domini 1496.

Butler. Battell.

Et ad dexteram eius jacet iuxta murum dominus Johannes Butler, (fn. 103) miles. Et in eodem loco jacet Elizabeth Battell, vxor Johannis Battell, armiger: que obiit. . . .


Redeundo ad columpnam inter 5 fenestram et 6 sub paruo lapide jacet frater Willelmus Wolfe, doctor egregius, apud principes et nobiles magnifice acceptus: qui obiit in vigilia natiuitatis Christi, A° dni. 1466.

Howton.; Triuet.

Et ad dexteram eius jacet dominus Adam de Howton, (fn. 104) miles: et Johanna, filia domini Thome Triuet, (fn. 105) militis.


Et ad dexteram eorum sub lapide jacet Robertus Davncy, (fn. 106) de Walden in Comitatu Essex, et Johanna vxor eius: qui obiit 25 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1491.


Et ad dexteram eorum jacet domina Margareta Goldysburgh, vxor domini Ric. de Goldysburgh. (fn. 107)


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet dominus Johannes Asschle, (fn. 108) militis: qui obiit 12 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1417.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Wyett, ciuis et pannarius Londonie, et Margareta, vxor eius: qui obiit 26 die mensis Septembris, A° dni 1448.


Et ad dexteram eorum sub magno lapide jacet Ricardus Fylongley, (fn. 109) quondam armiger Edwardi principis Wallie, filii Regis Edwardi tercii, et Margareta Paris vxor eius.

Salles.; Pisario.; Brytell.; Asshewill.; Hamle.; Bekerton.

Redeundo ad primam partem fenestre 6te in plano jacet Benedictus Salles, nobilis mercator de Baiona. Et magister Giraldus de Pisario, (fn. 110) ordinis minorum, doctor theologie egregius de prouincia Acquitanie. Ad cuius dexteram sub paruo lapide jacet Thomas Brytell, ciuis et mercer, seruiens ad arma cum Rege Edwardo 4: qui obiit 18 die mensis Novembris, A° dni. 1450. (fn. 111) Et in eodem sepulto jacet dominus Johannes Asshewill. Et Robertus Hamle. Et Johannes Bekerton. (fn. 112)


Et ad dexteram eorundem sub magno lapide jacet Rogerus Spensar, (fn. 113) ciuis et aurifaber Londonie, et Margareta vxor eius: qui quidem Rogerus obiit 27 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1491: et Margareta obiit 14 die mensis Novembris, A° dni. 1485. (fn. 114)


Et ad dexteram eorum jacet sub lapide Johannes Strete, (fn. 115) ciuis et aurifaber Londonie, Johanna et Johanna vxores sue: qui quidem Johannes obiit 15 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1463, et Johanna obiit 24 die mensis Maii A° dni. 1510.


Et ad dexteram eorum jacet sub lapide Stephanus Kelke, (fn. 116) eiuis et aurifaber Londonie, et Katerina et Johanna vxores eius: qui quidem Stephanus obiit 7 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1415. (fn. 117)


Et ad dexteram eorum jacet sub lapide frater Ricardus Waltam, valens pater: qui obiit 5 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1375.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet sub lapide frater Johannes Bavell, valens pater.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet sub muro lapide (fn. 118) albo dominus Bartholomeus de Castro, (fn. 119) valens miles et ciuis Londonie: qui fecit Refectorium.

Fizhugh.; Wircet.; Godfray. Slawter.

Redeundo ad 2m partem fenestre 6 scanno muri sub lapide jacet Thomas Fizhugh, armiger, et Alice vxor eius: qui obiit 11 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1433. Et Robertus Wircet. Et dominus Henricus Godfray, rector. Et Hewgonis Slawter, ciuis et inholder Londonie.

Cowley.; Chamberleyn.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacet in plano Thomas Cowley, armiger, et Margareta Chamberleyn de Sowthampton, iuxta eum.

Labarr.; Beynton.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacent Walterus et Johannes de Labarr de comitatu Herfordie. Et in eodem loco jacet Johannes Beynton, armiger, de comitatu Wylshire.


Et ad dexteram eorum sub lapide jacet Henricus Masse, ciuis et aurifaber Londonie, et Johanna vxor eius.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet sub lapide Willelmus Anne, (fn. 120) generoses (sic), de Grays Inne, filius et heres Alexandri Anne, (fn. 121) Recordatoris ciuitatis Londonie: qui obiit 24 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1451.


Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Johannes Davson, armiger.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Willelmus Whyttyngton, (fn. 122) armiger, et dominus de Pauntley in comitatu Gloucestre: qui obiit 3 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1470.

Arundell.; Rothenale.; Langley.

Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide iuxta murum jacet dominus Renfridus Arundell, (fn. 123) militis: qui obiit 6 die mensis Junii Anno dni. 1468. Et domina Margareta Rothenale, quondam vxor domini Johannis Rothenale, (fn. 124) militis. Redeundo ad primam partem fenestre 7 sub archu in tumba eleuata jacet Walterus Langley, (fn. 125) valens armiger, dominus de Knolton in comitatu Kancie: qui obiit 4 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1470.

Langley.; Tyffelde.

Et ad dexteram iuxta cum in plano jacet domina Johanna Langeley de est Kent. Et iuxta eam Katerina et Margareta domicelle (fn. 126) Regine Anne de Boemia. Et jacet Massillia Tyffelde.


Et ad dexteram eorum jacet sub lapide frater Johannes Lent, quondam custos custodie Cantabrigie, valens pater.


Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet venerabilis vir Thomas Clemens, (fn. 127) armiger, de comitatu Cornubie: qui obiit 24 die mensis Junii, A° dni. Edwardi 4ti 22° .

Pykett.; Marchall.; Pemerton.

Et ad dexteram eius jacet Johannes Pykett, et Johannes Marchall, valens armiger. Et sub lapide jacet Nicolaus Pemerton, ciuis et letharsellar Londonie: qui obiit 9° die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1521.


Et ad dexteram eorum jacet sub lapide Margareta Arays, vxor domini Henrici Arays, qui jacet in eodem loco sub muro chori, valens miles.


Redeundo ad 2m partem 7 fenestre sub lapide jacent Johannes Fowler, (fn. 128) ciuis et pelleparii Londonie, Alicia vxor eius cum liberis suis. Qui quidem Johannes obiit 2 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1494; et Alicia obiit 6 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1509.


Et ad dexteram coram jacet sub lapide Margeria Chambyrleyn, (fn. 129) quondam vxor Willelmi Chambyrlen: que obiit in festo Natiuitatis Marie, A° Regis Henrici 6, 11° .


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Thomas Elyngham, generosus: qui obiit 19 die mensis Septembris, A° doni. 1479.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Thomas Covele, (fn. 130)

Bello.; Baker.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacet in plano dompnus Johannes, (fn. 131) electus in abbatem monasterii de Bello in comitatu Sowthsex. Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Willelmus Baker, qui obiit 1488.

Marchall. Gryffyn.

Et ad dexteram eius in latitudini (sic) hostii (fn. 132) capelle jacet Johannes Marchall, armiger, et Vmfridus Gryffyn.


Et ad dexteram eorum in parua tumba eleuata jacet Johanna Hyllyng, (fn. 133) vxor domini Roberti Chalons: que obiit primo die mensis Septembris, Anno domini 1439.

In Capella Apostolorum ex parte australi chori.


In primis ad dexteram cornu altaris in magna tumba eleuata de alabastro jacet nobilis vir dominus Walterus Blount, (fn. 134) strenuus miles, cum liberato de garterio, et dominus de Montjoy et magnus thesararius Anglie tempore Regis Edwardi 4ti, filius et heres Thome Blunt, militis, nuper Thesurarii Normanie: quidem Walterus obiit primo die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1479. Et ad sinistram eius in eadem tumba jacet dominus Edwardus, (fn. 135) dominus de Montjoy, filii (sic) Willelmi Blount, filii et heredis prefati domini Walteri Blount, domini de Montjoy: qui obiit primo die mensis Decembris, A° domini 1475.


Et ad sinistram super gradum vltra medium versus boriam jacet domina Alicia Montjoy, (fn. 136) nuper vxor Willelmi Browne, (fn. 137) Maior Londonie, et filia Henrici Kebell, (fn. 138) nuper Maior eiusdem ciuitatis: qui obiit 8 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1521.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet sub lapide Anna Blount, filia domini Johannis Blount, (fn. 139) militis, domini de Montioy, et Lore vxoris eius: que obiit 15 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1480. (fn. 140)


Redeundo ad partem australem eiusdem capelle sub 2a parte fenestre prime ad capud domini Walteri Blount, domini de Montioy, jacet Willelmus Blunt, (fn. 141) valens armiger, filius et heres predicti Walteri, et pater domini Edwardi, domini de Montjoy: qui obiit. . . .


In eodem supulto jacet dominus Jacobus Blunt, (fn. 142) miles, et filius predicti Walteri Blunt, capitaneus de Gwynes: qui obiit 20 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1492.


Juxta eum ad sinistram jacet domina Elizabeth Blunt, et vxor Roberti Curson, (fn. 143) militis: qui obiit 26 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1494.

Strange. Meynter. Patricius.

Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacent Johannes, filius domini Strange, (fn. 144) et Comitissa de Meynter (fn. 145) in Scocia, et Patricius, armiger, de Scocia.

Gyldysburgh. Deyncowrt.

Et ad sinistram eorum sub lapide jacet venerabilis domina Elizabeth, vxor dominorum Johannis Gyldysburgh et Johannis Deyncowrt, (fn. 146) militum.

Goddard.; Burwesche.

Et ad sinistram eius in medio sub lapide jacet Frater Willelmus Goddard, sacre theologie doctor, gardianus loci, et principuus benefactor eiusdem: qui obiit 26 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1485. Et in eodem loco jacet dominus Bartholemeus Burwesche, (fn. 148) et domina Elizabeth vxor eius.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide touche (fn. 149) jacet domina Burga de Vawse. (fn. 150)


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Johannes Burwesche (fn. 151) filius predicti Bartholomei.


Et ad sinistram eius in tumba eleuata in archu jacet dominus Johannes Blunt, (fn. 152) dominus de Mountjoy, quondam capitaneus de Gwyne et Hammes: qui obiit 14 die mensis Octobris A° dni. 1485.


Redeundo ad primam partem 2e fenestre sub lapide jacet Nicolaus Marys de Janua, constabularius regine, Burdegauensis: qui obiit 8 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1343.

Buxhale.; Blunt.

Et ad sinistram eius jacet in plano Adam Buxhale, ciuis Londonie. Et in eodem loco jacet dominus Johannes Blunt, miles: qui obiit 27 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1531.

Phylpott.; Sampford.

Et ad sinistram eius sub magno lapide jacet Nobilis vir dominus Johannes Phylpott, (fn. 153) maior Londonie et miles, et domina Johanna Sampford, (fn. 154) vxor eius: qui quidem Johannes obiit 25 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1384, et Johanna obiit 14 Kall. Nouembris, A° dni. 1374. Et sub eodem lapide jacet Magister Johannes Sampford, (fn. 155) filius predicte domine Johanne.

Brembre.; Blount.

Et ad sinistram eorum sub magno lapide jacet dominus Nicholaus Brembre, (fn. 156) valens miles et Maior Londonie. Et ad sinistram eius iuxta murum (fn. 157) jacet Roland Blount, armiger: qui obiit 24 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1509.


Redeundo ad 2m partem fenestre 2e, in plano jacet Margareta Bonteyn filia. . . . Montjoy: (fn. 158) que obiit 20 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1509.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Tussanus Hatfeld, (fn. 159) seruiens ad coronam cum Rege Edwardo 4° : qui obiit 19 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1491.

Sencler.; Nelond.; Bradbery.

Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Margareta, filia domini Johannis Philpott predicti et vxor Thome Sencler, (fn. 160) armigeri, et postmodum vxor Johannis Nelond, (fn. 161) armigeri que obiit 18 die mensis Sept. A° dni. 1438. Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Robertus Bradbery: (fn. 162) qui obiit A° dni. 1489.


Redeundo ad primam partem 3e fenestre sub muro cum magno lapide jacet Maners Francisci, (fn. 163) valens mercator Florencie: qui obiit A° dni. 1342.


Et ad sinistram eius 4 pedum sub lapide jacet frater Adam Savge, valens pater et per 40 annos Gardianus Wyntonie, et quasi nouus renouator tocius conuentus illius: qui obiit. . . .


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet frater Robertus Brayns, religiosus Magister nouiciorum in conuentu isto multis annis: qui obiit 20 die mensis Augusti A° dni. 1492.


Redeundo ad 2m partem 3e fenestre in plano sub fenestra eadem jacet Galfridus Pomfereit, seruiens Regis Edwardi 3 in armis.


Et ad sinistram eius jacet domina Johanna Gray, (fn. 164) vxor nobilis domini Johannis Gray, domini de Codnere.


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet nobilis vir dominus Nicholaus Clyfton, valens miles, et domina Aleanora, vxor eius, filia domini Thome West, (fn. 165) domini de Dalaware.

In Capella Sancti Francisci

Guynys.; Scales.

In primis in parua (fn. 166) capella sancti Francisci sub prima parte fenestre 4 iuxta murum in plano jacet Johannes de Guynys. Et ad sinistram eius jacet Thomas, (fn. 167) puer, filius domini de Scales.


Et ad sinistram illius versus medium altaris in plano jacet Henricus Botryugh, (fn. 168) valens armiger de comitatu Devonie et Cornubie.

Crocherd.; Cheyny.

Et ad sinistram eius jacet in plano Johannes Crocherd et due filie domini Alani Cheyny, (fn. 169) et Johannes filius et heres predicti domini Alani Cheyny, militis.


Et ad finem altaris versus Boriam in parua tumba eleuata de alabastro jacet strenuus vir dominus Johannes Robsard, (fn. 170) valens miles in armis, cum liberata de garterio: qui obiit 24 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1450.


Ad cuius sinistram sub longo lapide jacet Jacobus Raymond, nepos Magistri Pacii de Cotrone: (fn. 171) qui obiit 20 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1341.

Pancius. Medicus. Cheyne.

Et ad sinistram eius in tumba eleuata in archu jacet Magister Pancius, (fn. 172) Medicus: et dominus Alanus Cheyne, (fn. 173) valens miles.


Sub 2a parte fenestre 4e sub lapide jacet dominus Thomas Mallere, (fn. 174) valens miles: qui obiit 14 die mensis Marcij, A° dni. 1470, de parochia de Monkenkyrkby in comitatu Warwici.

Yonge.; Baldwyn.

Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet venerabilis vir Thomas Yonge, (fn. 175) vnus Justiciariorum de banco communi tempore Regis Edwardi 4: qui obiit 4 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1476. Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Baldwyn, (fn. 176) quondam socii de Grays Inne, seruiens communis ciuitatis Londonie et fidelis depositor huius conuentus: qui obiit 10 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1469.


Et ad sinistram eius sub magno lapide jacet dominus Walterus Wrottesley, (fn. 177) miles strenuus in armis cum comite Warwici: qui obiit 10 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1473.

Cochia.; Latermo.

Et ad sinistram eius extra hostium parue capelle jacet Gwynfredus de la Cochia de Luca, mercator. Et ad sinistram eius jacet Bonacursus de Latermo, mercator.


Et ad sinistram illorum in tumba eleuata in archu jacet venerabilis vir Willelmus Danvers (fn. 178) de Barkshore, valens armiger et sub-thesaurarius Anglie, et domina Johanna vxor eius: qui quidem Willelmus obiit 28 die mensis Januar. ii, A° dni. 1439; et Johanna obiit 18 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1457.


Redeundo ad primam partem fenestre 5e sub magno lapide jacet magne probitatis vir Bartholomeus Thomaysin (fn. 179) Thomaxini, et . . . vxor sua; et sub eodem lapide jacet Nicolaus Thomaxini, (fn. 180) filius eorum.


Et ad sinistram eorum in tumba eleuata jacet Stephanus Jennyns, (fn. 181) sartor, miles, Alderman et Maior Londonie: qui obiit 6 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1523.

A Par.; Mylwater.

Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Thomas A Par, (fn. 182) et Johannes Mylwater, (fn. 183) valentes armigeri domini Ricardi, ducis Gloucestrie; qui obierunt in die sacro pasche apud Bernet, A° dni. 1471.

Lippomannus.; Poyns.; Dalamare.; Poston de Tynmouth.

Et ad sinistram eorum sub lapide jacet spectabilis vir ac generosus dominus Johannes de Lippomanno, Venetus eximius, septem arcium liberalium collateraliumque sororum (fn. 184) ac sacre theologie perscrutator: qui obiit 3 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1437. At ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Nicolaus Poyns, armiger: qui obiit 27 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1512. Et ad sinistram Bartholomei predicti spacio 3 pedum interposito, non directe set magis declinans in occidentem, sub lapide jacet Willelmus Dalamare, armiger, filius et heres Roberti Dalamare, armigeri, domini de Aldermaston in comitatu Barkes. Et ad sinistram illorum jacet dompnus Nicolaus Poston, (fn. 185) Monachi Monasterii sancti Albani et prioris de Tynmoth: qui obiit primo Idus Junii, A° dni. 1494.


Et ad sinistram eorum spacio 5 pedum sub lapide jacet Nobilis vir dominus Robertus Elkynton, miles, de comitatu Lincolnie: qui obiit 5 die mensis Februarii Anno dni. 1460.


Et ad sinistram eius sub magno lapide ad murum chori jacet dominus Ricardus Haueryng, (fn. 186) miles, et domina Angnes v xor eius, qui in tota vita sua ordini fratrum minorum valde erant deuoti. Qui obiit 7 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1388.


Redeundo ad secundam partem fenestre 5e sub muro fenestre in tumba eleuata in archu jacet Georgii Barryt, (fn. 187) a rmiger, filius et heres . . . Barryt: qui obiit 20 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1525.


Et ad sinistram eorum jacet sub lapide Andreas de Maneriis de Florencia, mercator: qui obiit 25 die mensis Sept. Anno dni. 1390.


Et ad sinistram eius jacet sub lapide cum cruce frater Thomas Hatton, (fn. 188) valens pater, qui multa bona fecit in conuentu: qui obiit 20 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1419.

Lenthale.; Tresilian.

Et ad sinistram eius sub magno lapide jacet Edmundus Lenthale, (fn. 189) armiger, et Henricus frater eius, armiger, filiorum domine Margarete de Arundell, (fn. 190) vnius filiarum Ricardi, Comitis Arundell: et domina (fn. 191) vxor dicti Edmundi, filia Willelmi de la Zowche et Seymour: que obiit 16 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1483; et Edmundus obiit 18 die mensis Aprilis, Anno dni. 1447. Et ad sinistram illorum in plano jacet dominus Robertus Tresilian, (fn. 192) miles et Justiciarius: qui obiit Anno dni. 1388, A° 11° Ric. 2.

Favent.; Bregerach.; Whetnall.

Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet dominus Thomas Favent, (fn. 193) capilanus, et Brunetus de Bregerach, (fn. 194) armiger. Et in eodem loco jacet Margareta Whetnall; (fn. 195) que obiit . . . die mensis . . . A° dni. . . .


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Sibilla Prytelwell, vxor Johannis, et Dauid filius eius.


Et ad sinistram eorum jacet sub lapide ad murum chori venerabilis domina, domina Anna Molens, (fn. 196) vxor domini Willelmi domini de Molens, et filia Johannis Whalysburgh, armigeri, de comitatu Cornubie: que obiit prima die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1487.


Redeundo ad primam partem 6e fenestre juxta scannum in plano jacet dominus Johannes de Imperialibus, valens mercator de Janua.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Beatrix Thorley, quondam vxor Nicolai Thorley, (fn. 197) armigeri: que obiit 5 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1420.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet Elizabeth Thorley, filia Roberti Thorley et domine Anne de Lyle consortis sue: que obiit A° dni. 1396.


Et ad sinistram eius sub magno lapide jacet Margareta Barnard, vxor Johannis Barnard de Graunt Bownden, (fn. 198) armigeri, de Lecestrie: que obiit 25° die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1398.

Fetztrafe.; Masse.

Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Alicie Fetztrafe, (fn. 199) soror Johannis Walysburgh, et filia domine Johanne Pomery (fn. 200) : que obiit in festo sancti Georgii martiris, A° dni. 1471. Et ad sinistram earum jacet Radulfi Masse, armigeri, et Philippe consortis sui: qui quidem Radulfi (sic) obiit 8 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1521.


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Galfridus Lucy, (fn. 201) filius domini Galfridi, domini de Lucy.

Benet.; Ferrers.

Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Johanna Benet, vxor T home Benett, mercator de Stab. (fn. 202) Et domina Matildis vxor domini de Ferers: (fn. 203) que Johanna obiit 2 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1413. (fn. 204)


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet dominus Marinus Balby (fn. 205) de Ven[etis]: (fn. 206) qui obiit 24 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1430.

Joly.; Acton.

Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide iuxta murum chori jacet Johannes Joly de sancto Ciriaco: qui obiit 7 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1357. Et in eodem loco in tumba eleuata jacet Magistri Hugonis Acton, (fn. 207) ciuis et sartor (fn. 208) Londonie, et Katerine, vxor eius: qui quidem obiit 7 et 9 die mensis Junii A° dni. 1530.


Redeundo ad 3m partem fenestre 6e sub lapide jacet Rogerus de Maryns, (fn. 209) armiger, vnus progenitorum domini Willelmi Hawte, (fn. 210) militis, de comitatu Kancie: qui obiit 8° die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1341.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Magister Stephanus Gylle, doctor vtriusque Juris et aduocatus curie Cantuarii: qui obiit 4 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1400.


Et ad sinistram eius jacet sub lapide Henrici Suttell, (fn. 211) armiger, et Johanna, vxor eius: qui Henricus obiit A° dni. 1505.

Bedell.; Radclyff.; Danyzys.

Et ad capud Alicie Fitztrafe sub lapide jacet Cristine Bedell, vxor Willelmi Bedell, armigeri, et filia Henrici Suttell de Stokfaston de comitatu Lecestrie, armigeri. Que obiit 8° die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1540. (fn. 212) Et in eodem loco jacet . . . Radclyf. Et ad sinistram Cristine Bedell sub lapide jacet Gerardus Danyzys de Florencia, mercator: qui obiit 4 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1457.


Et ad sinistram Henrici predicti jacet sub lapide Maria Fraunces, vxor Thome Fraunceys: que obiit in festo natali domini, A° dni. 1457.

Watter.; Sanders.

Et ad sinistram eius Gerardi (fn. 213) in plano jacet Johannes Watter, (fn. 214) alias dictus Yorke heraldus ad arma: qui obiit 28 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1520. Et Margeria Sanders: que obiit 3 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1521.


Et ad capud eius sub paruo lapide jacet Johannes More (fn. 215) alias Norrey heraldus ad arma: qui obiit 22 die mensis Aprilis, A ° dni. 1491.


Et ad sinistram eius sub muro lapide jacet Ricardus Aghton (fn. 216) de comitatu Lancastrie, armiger: qui obiit 24 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1439.

Yngolsby.; Lynwod.

Redeundo ad primam partem 7 fenestre per 4or pedes a muro sub lapide jacet Frater Robertus Yngolsby, valens pater et vice-gardianus huius loci: qui obiit primo die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1494. Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Frater Thomas Lynwod, quondam janitor huius loci, et confessor monialium de Berkyng: qui obiit primo die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1506.


Et ad sinistram illorum jacet per spacium 4or pedum sub lapide Johannes Banand, ciuis et coffer. Londonie, et Agnes vxor eius: qui obiit 23 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1457.


Et ad sinistram eorum jacet sub lapide Johannes Bayly, (fn. 217) quondam vnus clericorum de priuato Sigillo domini Regis Henrici 5ti: qui obiit in festo sancti Leonardi A° Regni eiusdem Regis octauo.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Magister Johannes Brenchle, doctor et advocatus in curia Cantuar. de Archubus.


Et ad sinistram eius in muro in archu jacet Magister Johannes Bloyhou, doctor et officialis predicte curie.


Et ad sinistram eius in tumba eleuata jacet Johannes Gylle, vtriusque juris doctor et advocatus curie Romane et Cantuariensis: qui obiit 12 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1410.

Cayle.; Grayryford.

Redeundo ad 2m partem fenestre 7 sub lapide jacet Johannes Cayle, ciuis et pictor Londonie. Et ad pedes eius jacet dominus Georgius Grayryford: qui obiit 4° die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1512.


Et ad sinistram Johannis Cayle jacet Willelmus Burton, qui obiit in habitu sancti Francisci: qui obiit 7 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1517.

Shardlow.; Norrey.

Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet domina Margareta S hardlow. Et in eodem loco jacet Margarete Norrey: (fn. 218) que obiit in vigilia sancti Francisci, A° dni. 1485.


Et ad sinistram eius per spacio (fn. 219) 4 pedum interposito sub lapide jacet Willelmus, filius Nicolai Sabraham.

Hopton.; Havardyn.

Et ad sinistram eius spacio 3 pedum interposito sub muro chori sub lapide jacet dominus Georgius Hopton, (fn. 220) miles: qui obiit A° dni. 1489. Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Elizabeth Havardyn: que obiit 1489.

In Ambulatorio inter Chorum et Altaria.

In primis ex parte Australi 8 fenestre sub lapide jacet . . . (fn. 221)


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide insculpta Imagine mulieris jacet Typhania; (fn. 222) nutrix et magistra nobilis domine Isabelle Regine Anglie.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Simon Gwydon, (fn. 223) valens armiger Regis: qui obiit A° dni. 1356.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet dominus Gwydo de Florencia, miles: qui obiit A° dni. 1356.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Willelmus Galeys, (fn. 224) valens armiger Regine Isabelle, et Robertus filius eiusdem W illelmi.


Et ad sinistram eius spacio basis columpne interposito in plano jacet Alicia, vxor Galfridi Tablecter. (fn. 225)


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Johannes Myrwyr, valens ciuis Londonie.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Wydeslade, (fn. 226) generosus, de comitatu Devonie, quondam prothonatorius de communi banco Regum Henrici 6ti et Edwardi 4ti temporibus: qui obiit 10 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1469.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet dominus et frater Johannes de Yatmenstre, (fn. 227) miles famosus, set obiit frater minor deuotus.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet dominus Radulphus Spygurnell, (fn. 228) valens miles, et deuotus.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Magister Willelmus Nykke, (fn. 229) vtriusque juris doctor, et quondam Archidiaconus Wellensis: qui obiit 29 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1494.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Willelmus Hylton, (fn. 230) armiger: qui obiit in die assumpcionis beati Marie. . . .


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet frater Thomas Canynge, (fn. 231) magister sacre theologie.

Wyggmore.; Baymon. Luter.

Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide Johannes Wyggmor, (fn. 232) armiger, quondam socius de Grays Inne, et Robertus filius eius. Rogerus Baymon (fn. 233) et Isabella Luter filia eius. Qui Johannes obiit 8° dies mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1504.

Whyttyngton.; Hayes.

Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Christoforus Whyttyngton: qui obiit 10 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1510. Et in eodem loco sub lapide jacet Willelmus Hayes (fn. 234) de Grays Inne: qui obiit 21 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1530.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide cum cruce jacet valens domicella Nicolaa de Sulham. (fn. 235)

Seller.; Studley.

Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Frater Magister Johannes Seller, (fn. 236) ordinis minorum, et doctor theologie, quondam huius loci gardianus. Et ad capud eius sub lapide jacet frater Christoforus Studley, (fn. 237) electus: (fn. 238) qui obiit 10 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1507.


Et ad sinistram illoram jacet in plano coram base columpne Magister Johannes Charnocke, legum doctor et aduocatus curie Cantuar.: qui obiit 4 Kall. Octobris, A° dni. 1485.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Magister Nicolas Rawdon, minor canonicus sancti Pauli: qui obiit 10 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1479.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Magister Thomas de Kenyngham, (fn. 239) quondam rector ecclesie de Swanton.


Et ad sinistram eius sub longo lapide jacet Henricus Verney, armiger, et Juliana vxor eius.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide insculpto litteris quondam legibilibus jacet bone memorie Frater Henricus Wodylston, ad cuius excitacionem informacionem et laborem omnes Judei fuerunt finaliter expulsi de Regno Anglie tempore Edwardi 3i. (fn. 240)


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Frater Thomas Chew: (fn. 241) qui obiit 19 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1531.


Et ad sinistram eius iuxta hostium jacet Frater Johannes Person, (fn. 242) electus et cursor theologie huius loci: qui obiit 18 die m ensis Februarii, A° dni. 1527.


Redeundo ad 2m partem fenestre 8e iuxta scanum sub lapide jacet Mauricius de Cauo Monte, (fn. 243) valens armiger de Vasconia.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Frater Thomas Ryppyngall.


Et ad pedes eius sub lapide jacet Beatrix de Bardys, (fn. 244) vxor quondam Cautroni: que obiit 2 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1392.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Philippus de Bardys (fn. 245) de Florencia, vnus Magistrorum comitiue Bardorum: qui obiit 11 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1362.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Dino Forceti (fn. 246) de comitiua Bardorum de Florencia.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide bene ornato jacet Petrus Pronan de Carguano.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Donatt Baldwyni Florencia (fn. 247) mercator: qui obiit mense Octobri, A° dni. 1369.


Ad sinistram eius Donatt sub plano ad basim columpne jacent finis (fn. 248) Johannes filius, Katerine et Margareta due filie domini Willelmi Bagott, militis.


Et ad sinistram eorum per spacium 4 pedum sub lapide jacet Elizabeth da la Penne, filia domini Willelmi de Statford, (fn. 249) militis, et vxor Thome de la Penne, armigeri; que obiit in festo sancti Bartholomei, A° dni. 1415.


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Thome Pykeryng, (fn. 250) armiger: qui obiit 17 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1509.


Et ad sinistram eius per spacium hostii (fn. 251) introitus in ecclesiam sub lapide magno jacet valens domicella Isabella de Somersham.

Goodwyn.; Wyllyng.

Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Katerina Goodwyn: que obiit 2 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1488. Et in eodem loco sub lapide jacet frater Johannes Wyllyng, condam janitor loci: qui obiit 8 die mensis Augusti, 1535. (fn. 252)


Et ad sinistram eius, vno lapide interposito, sub lapide ad capud Nicolaa Sulham jacet, valens domicella Regine Isabelle, Johanna Purle. (fn. 253)


Et ad sinistram eius spacio quinque pedum sub paruo lapide marmoreo jacet frater Johannes Furner, cursor Theologie: qui obiit 26 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1483.


Et ad sinistram eius sub magno lapide jacet dominus Johannes Kynman, (fn. 254) quondam Rector ecclesie Omnium Sanctorum ad fenum: qui obiit in die Sanctorum Innocencium, A° dni. 1352.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet venerabilis pater et frater Reginaldus Evell, valens pater.


Et ad sinistram eius sub magno lapide jacet valens pater et frater Thomas Westgate, (fn. 255) quondam Custos et Gardianus Londonie.


Et ad sinistram eius sub longo lapide insculpto litteris in circuitu jacent Juliana Trug et Emma soror eius.

Roser.; Wolcote.

Et ad sinistram earum jacent fratres Willelmus Roser, et R icardus Clyff, (fn. 256) vicegardianorum [sic] huius loci. Et in eodem loco jacet frater Christoforus Wolcote: (fn. 257) qui obiit vltima die Januarii, 1527.

Coram Altaribus.


In prima parte 9e fenestre ad finem altaris communis in tumba eleuata jacet Johannes Fulwod, (fn. 258) ciuis et sartor Londonie: qui obiit 18 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1521.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Magister Nicolaus Parker, quondam curie Cantuarii Registrator principalis et eiusdem curie registrorum custos, Margareta et Agnes vxores sue: qui quidem Nicolaus obiit 5 die mensis Februarii, Anno dni. 1484.


(fn. 259) Et ad sinistram eius in medio sub lapide jacet venerabilis pater et dominus frater Jacobus Walle, episcopus Darensis (fn. 260) et suffraganeus episcopi Lond., et gardianus huius loci: qui obiit 28 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1494.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Magister Jacobus Hutton, legum doctor et aduocatus curie Cantuar. de Archubus: qui obiit 7 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1490.


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet — Kepell, (fn. 261) ciuis et aurifaber Londonie: qui obiit . . . die mensis.

Deurose, de Bewmond.

Et ad sinistram eius inter altare commune et altare Jhesu in tumba eleuata jacet dominus Johannes Dewerose, (fn. 262) valens miles, quondam senescallus domus Regie, et Margareta, (fn. 263) vxor eius, quondam domina de Bewmond, et filia comitis Oxonie. (fn. 264)


Et ad sinistram eorum versus boriam sub lapide jacent Johannes Moyle, (fn. 265) generosus, et socius de Graysine, et domina Anna, vxor eius. Qui Johannes obiit 21 die mensis Novembris A° dni. 1495. Et domina Anna, que fuit vxor postea W illelmi Huddi, (fn. 266) militis, baro domini Regis Henrici 7 et Henrici 8: que obiit 24 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1501.


Et ad sinistram eorum in tumba elevata ad finem illius altaris iuxta hostium sub cruce jacet dominus Johannes Cobham, (fn. 267) baro, de comitatu Cantie.


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet dominus Johannes Morteyn, valens miles.


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet dominus Johannes Deyncourt, (fn. 268) valens miles: qui obiit Senescallus domini Johannis Ducis Lancastrie.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Robynson, (fn. 269) ciuis et . . . Londonie: qui obiit 29 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1511.


Et ad dexteram altaris sancte crucis sub lapide jacet venerabilis vir Johannes Wardall, (fn. 270) legum doctor, Lond. et Lincoln. Ecclesiarum canonicus, et curie Cantuar aduocatus: qui obiit 4 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1472. Qui ordinaiut perpetuam cantariam in eodem altari.

Norbery.; Bulle.

Declinando ad finem eiusdem altaris in tumba eleuata de alabastro jacet valens armiger, strenuus ac probus vir Johannes Norbery, (fn. 271) quondam magnus thesaurarius Regni Anglie. Et ad dexteram eius jacet Nobilis domina Petronilla, quondam vxor eiusdem Johannis et deuotissima mater ordinis: qui Johannes obiit die mensis . . . A° dni. Et in eodem tumba jacent dominus Henricus Norbery et domina Anna vxor eius, Johannes Norbery, armiger, filiorum (sic) predicti Johannis. Et ad capud illius tumbe jacet Radulfus Bulle.


Et ad sinistram illorum in medio altaris jacet venerabilis p ater et frater Andreas Bavard, (fn. 272) gardianus loci, qui multa bona fecit in vita: qui obiit 10 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1507.


Et ad sinistram eius ad finem altaris 4ti, videlicet Beate Marie, versus Boriam sub lapide jacet Alicie Barker: qui obiit d ie mensis . . . A° dni. Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Witwang, (fn. 273) ciuis et pandoxator Londonie, et Alicie vxor eius: qui obiit 14 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1463.


Et sub muro in plano jacet dominus Johannes Suthlee, (fn. 274) miles.

Vuedall.; Sakevyle.; Lucy.; Faunton.

Et at capud predicti Johannis in tumba eleuata in archu jacet venerabilis domina Elizabeth Vuedall, filia predicti Henrici Norbery, primo vxor Willelmi Sydney, (fn. 275) armigeri, postea vxor domini Thome Vuedall, (fn. 276) militis. Qui ordinauit in hoc altari vnam perpetuam cantariam. Que obiit 21 die mensis Junii A° dni. 1488. Et ad dexteram illius domine sub sedilibus jacet Thomas Sakevyle. Et ad dexteram eius sub . . . jacet dominus Thomas Lucy, (fn. 277) valens miles cum Henrico 8, de comitatu . . .: qui obiit 3 die mensis Septembris A° dni. 1525. Et in eodem loco jacet Robertus Faunton, (fn. 278) ciuis et fellarius.


Et ad dexteram eorum sub lapide jacet Johannes Lethum, (fn. 279) ciuis et pistor Londonie, et Margar. vxor eius.


Et ad dexteram eius sub magno lapide jacet Robertus de la Rever, armiger, filius Mauricii de la Rever, de comitatu Glocestrie, et domini de Tormerton: qui obiit in primo festo translacionis sancti Osmundi, A° dni. 1457, 16 die mensis Julii.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide Willelmus Canynges (fn. 280) de Brystoll, generosus: qui obiit 10 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1458.


Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet venerabilis vir Johannes Elmestede de Sowthsex.


Et ad dexteram eius in plano quasi ad basim columpne jacet dominus Bernarde de Brokarys, (fn. 281) primus illius genealogie in Anglia.


Et ad dexteram illius jacet Johannes Malmeyns, valens armiger, et germanus domini Thome Malmeyns, (fn. 282) militis.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet dominus Thomas Malmeyns, miles.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet domina Alicia Malmeyns, vxor predicti Thome, et ad dexteram eius jacet dominus Nicolas Malmeyns.

Bricius.; Almon.; Brawne.; Fernandi.

Et ad dexteram illorum jacet Magister Bricius, doctor legum et aduocatus curie Cantuar. de Archubus. Et in eodem loco jacent Roberti Almon, ciuis et fychemonger Londonie, et Alicia, (fn. 283) vxor eius: qui quidem Robertus obiit 13 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1510, et Alicia obiit 28 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1524. Et in eodem loco jacet Johannes Brawne, generosus de Gray inne: qui obiit 27 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1498. Et ad sinistram euis jacet Johannes Fernandi: (fn. 284) qui obiit 13 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1483.


Ed ad capud domini Johannis Deyncourt sub cruce jacet Nicolaus Vske, (fn. 285) armiger valens, quondam thesaurarius domini ducis Lancastrie et postea thesuararius ville Calisie.

Persall.; Browne.

Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet dominus Hugo Persall, (fn. 286) miles: qui obiit 27 die mensis Julii A° dni. 1490. Et in eodem loco jacet Johannes Browne, generosus, de Graysynn: qui obiit 26 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1498.

Rufford.; Gest.

Et ad dexteram illius sub lapide jacet Robertus Rufford, armiger: qui obiit 11 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1471. Et in eodem loco jacet Richard Gest, (fn. 287) armiger.


Et ad dexteram illius sub antiquo lapide jacet Johannes Yonge, ciuis et coper smyth Londonie: et sub eodem lapide jacet Margaret Yonge. (fn. 288) Qui obiit 10 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1510.

Canyse.; Goodwyn.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacet sub magno lapide cum semi-Imagine mulieris domina . . . Canyse, (fn. 289) vxor domini Willelmi de Monte Canyse, (fn. 290) qui fuit mater domine Ydonee, v xoris domini Hugonis de Ver. Et Kater. (fn. 291) Goodwyn coram hostio Jhu. (fn. 292) : que obiit 2 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1488.

Kyrketon.; Alyn.

Et ad dexteram jacet dominus Alexander de Kyrketon, miles. Et Willelmus Alyn, (fn. 293) ciuis et mercer Londonie, sub lapide, et Anne, vxor eius: qui quidem Willelmus obiit 3 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1510.

Asswey.; Preston.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacet domina Margareta Asswey, et Isabella quondam vxor Ricardi Preston. (fn. 294)

Assele.; Lovenay.

Et ad dexteram earum sub lapide jacet Edwardus Assele, (fn. 295) ciuis et aurifaber Londonie, et Margaret consors sui: qui obiit Edwardus 6 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1510. Et Margaret Lovenay, vxor Willelmi Lovenay, (fn. 296) armigeri.


Et ad dexteram illorum jacet Willelmus Wolashull, (fn. 297) generosus: qui obiit 7 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1453.

Matrevers. Clachus.; Joyes. Croner.

Et domina Agnes, domina de Matrevers. (fn. 298) Et Lora Clachus. (fn. 299) Et ad capud Lore jacet Johannes Joyes (fn. 300) et Robertus Croner, ciuis et aurifaber Londonie.


Et ad dexteram eorum jacet sub muro Bernardus Dyos de Pymeroll.

Isti jacent in medio naui ecclesie.


In primis extra valuas per spacium hostii (fn. 301) introitus in ecclesiam jacet sub lapide Willelmus Pavlett, (fn. 302) armiger, de comitatu Somerset: qui obiit 2 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1482.


Et ad dexteram eius jacent sub lapide Ric Godfre, (fn. 303) ciuis et salter Londonie, Alic. et Emme, vxores eius: qui quidem Ricardus obiit 9 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1500, et Emma obiit A° dni. 1497.

Arow.; Moyle.

Et ad dexteram eorum in plano jacet Johannes Arow, (fn. 304) ciuis et vintenarii Londonie: qui obiit 26 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1489. Et in eodem loco jacet Johannes Moyle, (fn. 305) generosus: qui obiit 11 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1530.

Lynton.; Lee.; Ellys.; Fynch.

Redeundo ad sinistram Pawlet jacet in plano Johannes Lynton, ciuis et sartor Londonie; qui obiit 6 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1500. Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide quasi ad capud jacent Johannes Lee, ciuis et aurifaber Londonie, Robertus Ellys, Agnes et Margerie vxores suorum: qui quidem Johannes obiit 20 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1500. Et ad sinistram eorum jacet sub lapide Robertus Fynch, ciuis et pastelar Londonie, et Johanna vxor eius: qui obiit 1 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1455.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Atwodde, (fn. 306) ciuis et grocer Londonie, Agnes, Margarete, et Editha vxores eius: qui quidem Johannes obiit 28 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1487.

Reuers.; Barans.; Browne.

Et ad sinistram eorum sub lapide jacet Johannes Reuers, (fn. 307) ciuis et pelliparii Londonie: qui obiit 13 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1494. Et Johannes Barans. Ad pedes Johannis Atwode jacet Robertus Browne, (fn. 308) de Walsyngam: qui obiit 27 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1526.

Brokeherst.; Rysby.; Portulond.

Declinando ad capud Johannis Lee sub lapide jacet Johanna Brokeherst, vxor . . . (fn. 309) Brokeherst, ciuis et haberdacher Londonie: que Johanna obiit 19 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1530. In eodem loco jacet Agnetis Rysby et Johannes Portulond. (fn. 310)

Button.; Renaldes.; Hannore.; Wodmon.

Et ad dexteram eius in medio sub lapide jacet Johannes Button (fn. 311) de Alton im comitatu Wiltes: qui obiit 12 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1523. Et Margareta Renaldes obiit 15 Aprilis, 1533. (fn. 312) Et ad pedes eius sub lapide jacet J ohannes Hanmore et Johanna vxor eius: qui Johannes obiit 22 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1469. Et ad capud Button sub paruo lapide jacet Wiilelmus Wodmanton. (fn. 313)

Walker.; Irelond.

Redeundo ad primam columpnam jacet in plano Jacobus Walker, ciuis et barbitonsor Londonie. Et Nicolaus Irelond: qui obiit 9 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1510.

Grayson.; Rosse.

Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Thome Grayson (fn. 314) et Margarete consors sui: qui Thomas obiit 13 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1520. Et ad dexteram eius Thomes Rosse, (fn. 315) ciuis et surgen Londonie: qui obiit 3 mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1529.


Redeundo ad vltimam partem columbne, (fn. 316) sub paruo lapide jacet Elizabeth Mundes.


Et ad dexteram eius sub magno lapide jacet dominus Ricardus Whethall, allias Baker: qui obiit 14 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1507.

Champyon.; Wibley.

Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Petrus Champyon, (fn. 317) armiger pro corpore illustrissimi Regis Henrici 7 et 8: qui obiit 24 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1511. Ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Johannes Wibley: qui obiit 4 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1492.

Stevyns.; Treszawell.

Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet dominus Johannes Stevyns, (fn. 318) sacerdos, canonicus de Welles ac quondam curie C ant. examinator generalis: qui obiit 24 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1467. Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Treszawell, (fn. 319) generosus, ciuis et sartor Londonie: qui obiit 2 4 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1520. Et Margere, vxor eius: que obiit 8 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1510.


Et ad dexteram illorum sub magno lapide jacet Willelmus Batux. (fn. 320)


Et ad dexteram eius sub magno lapide jacet Willelmus Ewstas, (fn. 321) armiger.


Et ad dexteram eius inter columpnam sub paruo lapide jacet Johan Whylyams.


Redeundo ad mediam partem columpne jacet sub magno lapide Petrus Huske, ciuis et pictor Londonie, et Cicilia vxor eius: qui obiit 24 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1463.


Et ad dexteram eius sub magno lapide jacet Robertus Carthaleage, (fn. 322) generosus, et Emote. . . .


Et ad dexteram jacet Willelmus Lego, (fn. 323) ciuis et barbitonsor Londonie: qui obiit 17 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1529.

Cottyngwyth.; Marham.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacet sub lapide Thome Cottyngwyth, c lericus, curie Cant. procurator generalis, et Mathildis et Alicie, consortes sui: qui Thomas obiit 13 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1428; Mathildis obiit 8 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1426; et Alic. obiit primo die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1448. Et ad pedes eorum sub paruo lapide jacet Thome Marham: qui obiit vltimo die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1459.

Herte.; Petrus.

Et ad dexteram illorum jacet sub magno lapide Johannes Herte, (fn. 324) generosus: qui obiit 5 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1449. Et ad eius [dexteram] (fn. 325) sub lapide Petrus, venerabilis doctor in fesici: qui obiit 20 die mensis Maii, 1533. (fn. 326)


Redeundo ad mediam partem columpne in plano jacet . . . Bennett, (fn. 327) ciuis et. . . .

Eglyston.; Bell.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacet sub lapide Thome Eglyston, ciuis et stacinarius Londonie: qui obiit 25 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1485. Et Margareta vxor eius: que obiit 25 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1471. Et eciam Margareta vxor eius: que obiit 9 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1478. Et ad d exteram eius in plano jacet Elizabeth Bell: que obiit 7 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1502.


Et ad dexteram eius in medio sub lapide jacet Thome Cartelege. (fn. 328)

Byrt.; Herte.; Osney.

Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Willelmus Byrt, (fn. 329) armiger domini Regis Edwardi 4ti, et Margareta vxor eius: qui obiit 12 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1480. Et ad pedes eius jacet Johannes Herte, (fn. 330) generosus: qui obiit 5 die mensis D ecembris, A° dni. 1449. Et ad dexteram eorum jacet Matildis Osney, 1495.


Redeundo ad vltimam partem sub magno lapide jacet Willelmus Brygges, ciuis et haberdasher Londonie, et Elizabeth vxor eius: qui obiit 5 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1518.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet in medio ecclesie Alex. Greyke: qui obiit 6 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1465.


Redeundo ad primam partem columpne in medio ecclesie sub lapide jacet Robertus Tonfeld, quondam thesararius de villa Berwyci: qui obiit 21 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1413.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Walterus Mabeld, generosus.

Ireby.; Durham.

Redeundo, sub lapide jacet Johannes Ireby: qui obiit 8 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1422. Et Johannes Durham, ciuis et grocer Londonie. (fn. 331)


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Basset, ciuis et pandoxator Londonie, et Johanna vxor eius: qui obiit 27 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1424. (fn. 332)


Et ad dexteram eius sub paruo lapide jacet Johannes Rycheman, socii de Graysinne: qui obiit 7° A° Henrici 8.


Et ad dexteram eius sub magno lapide jacet Thome Huddylston, (fn. 333) ciuis et haberdacher Londonie, et Agnes vxor eius: qui obiit 5 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1506.


Et ad capud Mabeld sub paruo lapide jacet Johannes Hebsun, (fn. 334) ciuis et stacionarius Londonie: qui obiit 27 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1520.

Bughay.; Dybdale.

Redeundo jacet dominus Henricus Bughay. Et in eodem loco jacet Willelmus Dybdale: qui obiit . . . die mensis . . . A° dni. 15. . . (fn. 335)

Newenham.; Ledston.

Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Thome Newenham. Et Margarete Ledston. (fn. 336)


Et ad dexteram eius sub paruo lapide jacet Willelmus Grene: (fn. 337) qui obiit 17 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 150 . . .


Et ad dexteram eius sub paruo lapide jacet Willelmus Howton.

Browne.; Croker.

Redeundo quasi medium sub paruo lapide jacet Johan Browne: que obiit 20 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1501. In eodem loco jacet Alicie Croker.

Martyn.; Gybson.

Et ad dexteram eius sub paruo lapide jacet Johannes Martyn, aurifaber Londonie. Et in eodem loco jacet Thome Gybson, aurifaber.

Breggys.; Bloont.

Redeundo quasi capud sub lapide jacet Willelmus Breggys, ciuis et Iremonger Londonie, et Agnes vxor eius: quidem W. obiit 8 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1517. Et ad dexteram eius sub paruo lapide jacet Radulfi Bloont, ciuis et iremonger Londonie: qui obiit 28 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1507.


Et ad dexteram eius in fine sub lapide jacet venerabilis vir Johannes Clarke, (fn. 338) vnius baronis domini Regis de Scaccario, et vxor eius: qui obiit vltima die mensis Decembris, A ° dni. 1480. Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Walter Clerke.


Redeundo iuxta columpnam in plano jacet domina Alicia Hungerforth. (fn. 339) Suspendit apud Tyborne. Que obiit 20 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1523.

Bynchester.; Selby.

Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Willelmus Bynchester. Et Roberti Selby. (fn. 340)

Newman.; Byrde.; Dey.

Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide cum cruce jacet Johannes Newman, generosi. Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Willelmus Byrde: qui obiit 1484. Et ad dexteram eorum in plano jacet Henricus Dey, (fn. 341) et vxor eius, de societate cocorum: qui obiit 5 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1488.

Isti jacent in ecclesia extra Valuas in ala Boriali inter murum Borialem et columpnas.

Prentys.; Whytte.

In primis coram secunda fenestra ab altari (fn. 342) eiusdem ale extra intersticium per spacium iij pedum a scanno jacet Alicie Prentys. Et in eodem loco jacet Roberti Whytte et Cristina consortis sui, ciuis et grocer Londonie: qui Robertus obiit . . . d ie mensis . . . A° dni. 1520; et Cristine obiit 15 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1515.

Bromyerd.; Oliuer.; Lucas.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacent in plano Cecilia Bromyerd. Et Margeria Oliuer. Et Alicia Lucas. (fn. 343)


Et ad dexteram eorum sub lapide jacent Gilberti Bellamy, (fn. 344) ciuis et aurifaber Londonie, et Alicia vxor eius: qui quidem Gilbertus obiit 4 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1498.


Et ad dexteram eorum sub lapide jacent Thome Hastyng, (fn. 345) ciuis et pissinarii Londonie: qui obiit 3 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1506; et Agnes vxor eius: que obiit 4 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1500.

Hudson.; Whytwam.

Et ad dexteram eorum sub lapide jacent Randolfi Hudson, (fn. 346) ciuis et aurifaber Londonie, et Elizabeth vxor eius: qui obiit 27 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1530. Et ad pedes jacet Georgius Whytwam: qui obiit 15 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1529.

Butsyde.; Hamden.

Redeundo ad 2m partem fenestre sub lapide jacet Thome Bvtsyde, (fn. 347) generosus, nuper 2I compitatorii in Bradford: qui obiit 11 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1497. Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Elizabeth Hamden: que obiit 13 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 15 . . .


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Michaelis Inglyshe, (fn. 348) ciuis et mercer Londonie, et Margarite vxor eius: que obiit 23 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1507.


Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet . . . Steward, ciuis et . . .

Robynson.; Thomas.

Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Willelmus Robynson, (fn. 349) ciuis et sadler Londonie, Katerine et Johanna vxores eius: qui W. obiit 10 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1529. Et ad dexteram eius jacet Willelmi Thomas: (fn. 350) qui obiit 24 die mensis Junii, 1530.

Norton.; Arnald.

Redeundo sub prima parte 3e fenestre jacet Oliua de Norton. Et in eodem loca iuxta murum sub lapide jacet Johannes Arnald, ciuis et pandoxator Londonie, qui fecit istam Imaginem beate Marie: qui obiit die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1492.

Garton.; Grene.

Et ad dexteram eorum jacet in plano Ydonea Garton. Et in eodem loco sub lapide jacent Johannes Grene, ciuis et carnificis Londonie, Agnes et Agnes vxores eius; qui quidem Johannes obiit 5 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1463.


Et ad dexteram illorum jacet sub lapide Stephani Gotchere, (fn. 351) ciuis et carnificis Londonie, alias Lewys bocher, et Cristine vxor eius.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Walterus Potter, ciuis et aurifaber Londonie, et Agnes vxor eius: qui W. obiit 21 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1459.

Curtes.; Walter.

Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Emmote Curtes. Et in eodem loco jacet Jacobus Walter, barbitonsor et ciuis Londonie; qui obiit 4 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1491.

Mariner.; Hebson.

Redeundo ad 2 partem 3e fenestre in tumba eleuata jacet Willelmus Mariner, (fn. 352) ciuis et salter Londonie, Agnes et Juliana vxores eius: qui W. obiit 9 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1512: Agnes obiit 27 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1500, et Juliana . . . die mensis . . . A° dni. 15 . . Et in eodem loco jacet Johannes Hebson.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Willelmus Wylson, ciuis et pandoxator Londonie, et Elene vxor eius: qui W. obiit 19 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1511.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Wythewal, ciuis et whytbaker, Londonie, Johanna et Johanna vxores eius: qui Johannes obiit 12 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1460.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Willelmus Gee, (fn. 353) ciuis et pannarius Londonie, et Johanna vxor eius: qui W. obiit 27 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1485.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Willelmus Dabeney, Notarius publicus ciuitatis Londonie, et Margarete vxor eius: qui obiit 15 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1471.

Vooke.; Dalby.; Hall.

Redeundo ad 3 partem 3e fenestre sub lapide jacet Johannes Vooke, iremonger, et Agnes vxor eius. Et Margarete Dalby. In eodem loco jacet Edwardi Hall, (fn. 354) generosi et socii de Greys Inn: qui obiit 15 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1470.

Gyllys.; Horne.

Et ad dexteram eius jacet Johannes Gyllys, ciuis et vitirarii Londonie: qui obiit 9 die Marcii, anno 1528. Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Horne, ciuis et grocer Londonie, et Katerina vxor eius: que obiit 25 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1514, et Johannes . . . 30 et eodem A° . (fn. 355)

Hoton.; Gryngham.

Et ad pedes eorum sub paruo lapide jacet Willelmus H oton, et Robertus (fn. 356) frater eius. Et in eodem loco jacet Katerine Gryngham. (fn. 357)


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacent Galfridus Mayne et Margar. vxor eius: qui obiit 29 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1498.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Robertus Tutbery, (fn. 358) clauiger computatorii Regis Henrici 4ti: qui obiit 11 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1413.


Redeundo ad primam partem 4e fenestre sub lapide jacet Johannes Carbonell, (fn. 359) et Alicia vxor eius.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide in medio jacent Ricardus Chyrcheerd, (fn. 360) generosus et socii de Graysinne, et Margarete (fn. 361) vxor eius: qui Ricardus obiit 9 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1498.


Et ad dexteram eius sub paruo lapide jacet Willelmus Baylly.


Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Thomas Semer, ciuis et pastorarii Londonie: qui obiit 18 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1519, et jacet in habitu sancti Fr[ancisci].


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Bokebord, (fn. 362) Johanna, Alicia, et Margareta vxores eius: qui Johannes obiit 21 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1462.


Redeundo ad 2 partem 4te fenestre sub paruo lapide sub muro jacet cor Johannis Mortimer, (fn. 363) militis: qui obiit A° dni. 1423. Et in eodem loco jacet dominus Thomas . . . prebendarii de colegie de Reppon: qui obiit 22 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1528. (fn. 364)


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Ricardus Walter, ciuis et iremonger Londonie, Cecilie et Alicie, vxores eius: qui obiit 26 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1460.


Et ad dexteram eius in medio sub lapide jacet Margaret Rycrofte (fn. 365) de 3° ordine sancti Francisci; que obiit primo die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1517.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Thomas Comton, ciuis et haberdacheer Londonie, et Johanna vxor eius: qui quidem Thomas obiit 24 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1410.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Roger, generosus, et Philippa vxor eius; qui quidem Johannes obiit 30 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1463.


Redeundo ad 3 partem 4te fenestre sub lapide jacet Ricardus Emmyley, ciuis et cellarii Londonie; qui obiit 2 die mensis D ecembris, A° dni. 1466. Et Agnes vxor eius: que obiit 15 die mensis Augusti A° dni. 1470.


Et ad dexteram eius in fine sub lapide jacet Ricardus Lodgeman, ciuis et flecher Londonie, Margarete et Agnes et Johanna vxores eius: qui quidem Ricardus obiit 15 die mensis Januarii, A° dni. 1476.


Redeundo ad primam partem 5e fenestre sub magno lapide jacet Thomas Candych, (fn. 366) ciuis et aurifaber Londonie, . . . vxor eius: qui obiit A° dni. . . .


(fn. 367) Et in eodem loco jacet Reginaldus Frowyke. (fn. 368)

Marchall.; Bongge.; Hallum.

Et ad dexteram eius sub paruo lapide jacet Willelmus Marchall. Et ad pedes eius sub magno lapide jacet Willelmus Bongge: qui obiit 20 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1486. Et frater Johannes Bongge, (fn. 369) frater eius: qui obiit 22 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1484. Et ad capud Marchall jacet Ricardus H allum, (fn. 370) armiger, et frater domini Roberti Hallum, nuper episcopi Sar., qui obiit 22 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1414.

Frowyke.; Lem.

Redeundo ad 3 partem fenestre jacent Henricus Frowyke, (fn. 371) quondam Aldermanus Londonie, et Isabella vxor eius. Et ad dexteram sub lapide jacet Johannes Lem.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Ricardus Hallum, armiger, frater Roberti Hallum, nuper episcopi Sar.: qui obiit 22 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1414. (fn. 372)


Et ad dexteram quasi ad capud Candych, sub paruo lapide jacet Thomas Dune, de comitatu Sothamton: qui obiit 25 die m ensis Julii, A° dni. 1471.

Palmer.; Leuchenor.

Redeundo ad 3 partem 5e fenestre juxta murum jacet Rogerus Palmer et Sibilla vxor eius. Et Thomas Leuchenor, (fn. 373) filius domini Thome Leuchenor. (fn. 373)


Et ad dexteram eius jacet Johannes Dighton.


Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Roberti Orchard, (fn. 374) attornati de Yeldehall: qui obiit in vigilia sancti Thome apostoli, A° dni. 1472.


Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Margarete Tyrry. Et Ric. (fn. 375) mariti sui.

Blake.; Sutton.

Redeundo ad primam partem 6 fenestre et vltimam iuxta scannum jacet Johannes Blake, valens aprenticius curie. Et ad dexteram eius jacet Alanus de Sutton et vxor eius.

Asheburnham.; Senuar.

Et ad dexteram illorum jacet Robertus Asheburnham: et Johannes Sentuar.


Et ad dexteram illorum jacet Thomas Donton, ciuis et pewtarer Londonie, et Johanna vxor eius: qui obiit 12 die mensis Nouembris, A° dni. 1486.

Ranger.; Tawch.

Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet dominus Willelmus R anger, sacerdos: qui obiit 12 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 1518. Et ad dexteram eius in plano jacet Johannes Tawch (fn. 376) de Southsex.

Et ad dexteram eius iuxta columpnam jacet sub lapide. . . .


Redeundo ad 2 partem 6e fenestre sub lapide jacet Martinus Seuche.


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet frater Johannes Burges.


Et ad dexteram eius jacet Johannes Brytwalter. (fn. 377)

Welford.; Symson.

Et ad dexteram eius in medio jacet Ricardus Welford. Et dominus Johannes Symson, (fn. 378) sacerdos.

Rede.; Suddell.; Willy.

Et ad dexteram eius inter columpnas jacet . . . (fn. 379) ciuis et pelliparii Londonie. Redeundo ad 3 partem fenestre jacet Willelmus Rede. Et in eodem loco jacent Radulfus Suddell, (fn. 380) et Johannes Willy. (fn. 380)


Et ad dexteram eius quasi medium sub lapide jacet Philippus Pettys: qui obiit 7 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1518.

Isti jacent in ecclesia extra valuas in ala Australi inter murum Australem et Columpnas.

Tavlle.; Poney.

In primis ad dexteram cornu altaris (fn. 381) in tumba eleuata jacet dominus Johannes Tavlle, (fn. 382) venerabilis doctoris Juri [sic] et cancellarii ecclesie Sancti Dauid: qui obiit 17 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1509. Ad sinistram pedis eius in plano jacet Johannes Poney, armiger et Magister Regis Henrici 8: qui obiit 5 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1526.

Wellia.; Porter.; Lynne.

Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacent Baynort Welliam (fn. 383) de Luca, [valen]s (fn. 384) mercator, et Sibilla vxor eius, Johanna filia predictorum. Et ad sinistram eoram sub lapide jacet Willelmus Porter, (fn. 385) seruiens ad arma cum Henrico 8: qui obiit 15 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1515. Et ad pedes eius sub lapide Johanna Lynne.

Kyngman.; Barro.; Glantham.

Et ad sinistram Potter sub magno lapide declinato da capud jacet Willelmus Kyngman; et Thome Barro, (fn. 386) ciuis et vinterarii Londonie, et Alicia vxor eius: qui quidem Willelmus obiit 3 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1326; et Thome obiit in die Assumpcionis Marie, A° dni. 1434; et Alicia obiit 13 die mensis Augusti, A° dni. 1427. Et ad sinistram eorum sub l apide juxta columpnam jacent Thomas Glantham, generosus, et Johanna vxor eius: qui obiit 4 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1511.

Rotheley.; Englysshe.; Chesuall.

Redeundo ad primam partem fenestre 4or pedum a muro jacet sub paruo lapide Willelmus Rotheley, (fn. 387) ciuis et aurifaber Londonie: qui obiit, 16 die mensis Marcii, A° dni 1470. Et ad capud eius sub paruo lapide jacet Edmundus Rotheley, generosus: qui obiit in die sancti Nicolai, A° dni. 1470. Et sub muro jacet dominus Rogerus Englysshe, capilanus: qui obiit A° dni. 1498. Et in eodem loco jacet Ricardus Chesuall: qui obiit 1 die Marcii, A° dni. 1527.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacent Johannes Rowlyn et Johanna vxor eius: qui obiit 2 die mensis Decembris, A° dni. 1440.

Keston.; Beyan.; Trauers.

Redeundo ad 2 partem 2e fenestre sub muro lapide jacet Ricardus Keston, (fn. 388) armiger, et seruiens ad arma, et Elizabeth vxor eius: qui obiit 17 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1472. Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Willelmus Beyan, (fn. 389) generosus: qui obiit 19 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1492. Et ad s inistram eius jacet . . . Petrus Trauers: (fn. 390) qui obiit 20 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1526.

Reston.; Bryan.

Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide quasi ad finem jacet Henrici Reston, generosi, de Graisinne, et Emme vxor eius: qui Henricus obiit 27 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1485. Et ad capud eius sub paruo lapide jacet Willelmus Bryan: qui obiit 19 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 14812. (fn. 391)


Et ad dexteram eius sub lapide jacet Ricardus Keystrym, ciuis Londonie, Agnes et Alicia vxores eius: qui obiit 29 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1440.


Et ad sinistram eius sub magno lapide jacet Johannes Blasto: qui obiit 26 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1396.


Redeundo ad primam partem 3e fenestre sub muro jacet Johannes Barrey, (fn. 392) alias Markeley, ciuis et pelliparii Londonie: qui obiit 20 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1439.

Hyggons.; Ellys.

Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Ric. Hyggons, valetti vicecomitis. Et Richard Ellys.

Et ad sinistram eius. . . .


Et ad sinistram eius inter columpnas sub lapide jacet Johannes Boor, ciuis et harper (fn. 393) Londonie: et Alicia vxor eius.

Buntyng.; Rede.; Remys.

Redeundo ad 2 partem 3 fenestre sub lapide jacet Philippi Buntyng, ciuis et sartor Londonie: Alice Rede: (fn. 394) qui P. obiit 17 die mensis Julii, A° domini 1503. Et ad capud eius sub paruo lapide jacet Johannes Remys.

Mariot.; Marchall.

Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Willelmus Mariot: qui obiit 28 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1487. Et Thome Marchall, p atris M. Marchall.


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Agnetis Prowde: que obiit 15 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1487.


Redeundo ad primam partem 4 fenestre jacet dominus Thome Gossup, (fn. 395) capellani de sancto Gorgio de Wynesor: qui o biit 22 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1479.

Poole.; Myddelston.

Et ad sinistram eius jacet Roberti a Poole; et Willelmi Myddelston.

Brytten.; Yrlond.

Et ad sinistram eius jacet Andreas Brytten: et Nicholaus Yrlond. (fn. 396)


Et ad sinistram eius inter columpnas sub lapide jacet Lodowicus Bandini, mercator de Florencia: qui obiit 19 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1471 (fn. 397)


Redeundo ad secundam partem fenestre in plano jacet Johannes Larwode, generosus.

Grene.; Grieffe.

Et ad sinistram eius jacet Georgius Grene. Et Roberti Grieffe.


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Elizabeth Newlyn.


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet Johannes Aubry, (fn. 398) filius Johannis Aubry nuper Maioris et Aldermani ciuitatis Norwici: qui obiit 10 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1368.


Redeundo ad 3 partem fenestre juxta murum jacet Laurencius Wylkynson.


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Ric. Trever, generosi de Wallia, et frater eius.


Et ad sinistram eius jacet Thome Connyngham: qui obiit 1497.

Hugh.; Hion.

Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Johannes Hugh: qui obiit 1491. Et Alice Hion.


Et ad sinistram eius inter columpnam sub lapide jacet Nicolaus Moungomery, generosus, ac ciuis et grocer Londonie, ac filius Johannis Moungomery de Epton in comitatu Northamton: qui obiit 24 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1485.

Martyn.; Webbeley.

Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Robertus Martyn. Et Johannes Webbeley, pandoxatoris: qui obiit 4 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1492.


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet Robinetti Nequerell, Normannus: qui obiit 13 die mensis Januarii A° dni. 1491.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet Isabella Fenton: qui obiit 4 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1524. (fn. 399)

Isti jacent in Claustro ex parte Orientali.


In primis in superiori parte gradus iuxta portam ecclesie (fn. 400) jacet vener[abilis pater] et frater Simon Gorwyche, sacre theologie doctor.

Brown.; Bugberd.

In inferiori parte gradus sub magno lapide jacet Johanna Brown: que [obiit] 27 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1500. Et ad pedes eius jacet cor Willelmi. . . . Et in eodem loco jacet Alicia Bugberd: que obiit 8 die mensis Februarii. . . .


Et ad sinistram eius sub lapide jacet frater Johannes Holdyche.


Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet frater Edwardus Pale.

Crosse.; Notyngham.; Twynham.

Coram prima parte fenestre sub magno lapide jacent Johannes Crosse et vxor eius, ciuis et carnitex Londonie. Sub eodem lapide jacent Nicolaus Notyngham et Maria vxor eius. Et Johannes Twynham.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet frater Hugonis Forman, sacerdos: qui obiit 15 die mensis Septembris A° dni. 1506.

2a Fenestra.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet frater Johannes Stamford, juuenis.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet frater Thomas Jams, sacerdos: qui obiit 15 die Marcii, A° dni. 1505.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide frater Thomas Hoode, 2us cantor loci et valens pater apud infirmos: qui obiit 3 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1501, cuius anime propicietur deus, Amen.


[Et ad sinis]tram eius coram columpnis sub paruo lapide jacet frater Ricardus Schrewesbery nuper . . . us (fn. 401) huius loci: qui obiit 13 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1486.

3a Fenestra.


[Et ad] sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet frater Henricus Sedbar, nuper cursor theologie: [qui o]biit 17 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1489.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo longo lapide jacet Petronilla Sheff, vxor Johannis Sheff: [que] obiit 20 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1464.


Et ad sinistram eius sub magno lapide jacet frater Michaell Gylot: qui obiit in . . . die professus sui.


Et ad sinistram eius coram columpnis sub paruo lapide jacet frater Ric. Stanley.

4a fenestra.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet frater Johannes Massy, valens pater.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet frater Willelmus Stanlow.


Et ad sinsitram eius sub paruo lapide jacet frater Willelmus Austeyn.

5a fenestra.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet frater Henricus Wedebake, nuper cantor loci: qui obiit 25 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1489.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet frater Willelmus Thorpp, nuper cursor theologie huius loci: qui obiit 6 Kal. Junii, A° dni. 1468.

Salford.; Hoode.

Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide frater Willelmus Salford: qui obiit 22 die mensis Octobris, A° dni. 1487. Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet frater Johannes Hoode, nuper cantor hiuus loci.

6a fenestra.

[Rawlyn.]; Boutayn.; Knotte.; Tayler.

Et ad sinistram eius coram columpnis sub paruo lapide jacet frater Johannes [Rawlyn] (fn. 402) valens pater in vestibularii [sic] per multos annos: qui obiit 22 die [mensis] A° dni. 1525. Et in eodem loco jacet . . . (fn. 403) Boutayn, mater e[ ] Johannes Knotte. Et ad sinistram eius jacet Edmundus Tayler, c[iuis] et pursser Londonie, 9 die mensis Februarii, A° dni. 15 . . . (fn. 404)

7 fenestra.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet Johannes Gamston, (fn. 405) sacerdos.

8 fenestra.


Et ad sinistram eius in plano coram columpnis jacet frater Willelmus Egerdyn, diaconus: qui obiit in festo sancte Margarete, A° dni. 1500.


Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet frater Ricardus Brothers, sacerdos.

9 fenestra.


Et ad sinistram eius jacet frater Johannes Wynyngton, sacerdos.


Et ad sinistram eius jacet Beatrix Garton.

10 fenestra.

Et ad sinistram eius. (fn. 406)

Et ad sinistram eius. (fn. 406)

Ex parte Australi.

Englysshe.; Hamond.

In primis coram prima fenestre juxta murum, sub paruo lapide jacent Johannes Englysshe, ciuis et coper Londonie, et Margeria vxor eius. Et ad sinistram eius jacet Katerina Hamond: qui obiit 26 die mensis Aprilis, A° dni. 1489.


Et ad capud eius in plano jacet . . . (fn. 407) Cooll.

[Wyston.]; Stapull.

Et ad sinistram eius in medio sub paruo lapide jacet Thomas [W]yston, (fn. 408) ciuis et pissinarii Londonie. Et ad sinistram eius in plano Margareta Stapull.

2a fenestra.

Wykyngston.; Benyngton.; Lumley.

Sub 2 fenestra in medio sub lapide jacet Willelmus Wykyngston. Et ad dexteram eius jacet Ric. Benyngton, generosi. Et in eodem loco jacet Johannes Lumley: (fn. 409) qui obiit 11 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1526.

3a fenestra.

Payn.; Cycilia.; Kyng.

Juxta murum jacet Johannes Payn. Et in eodem loco jacet frater Johannes de Cecilia. Et ad sinistram eius jacet Johannes Kyng: (fn. 410) qui obiit in festo natuitatis Marie, A° dni. 1526.

Browne.; Vernell.

4. (fn. 411) Juxta murum in plano jacet domina Cecilia Browne, (fn. 412) monialis et priorissa de Ankarwyke: que obiit 10 die mensis Maii, A° dni. 1522. Et ad sinistram eius in medio sub paruo lapide jacet frater Simon Vernell, quondam filius Reginaldi: qui obiit 15 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1462.


5. (fn. 413) Juxta murum sub paruo lapide jacet Matheus Pogden. (fn. 414)


6. (fn. 413) In medio sub paruo lapide jacet Archibaldus Doglas: qui obiit 3 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1485.

Slyndon.; Yooll.; Brent.

7. In medio sub lapide jacet Alicie Slyndon. Et ad capud eius sub lapide jacet frater Robertus Yooll. Ad dexteram eius jacet Willelmus Brent, generosi de comitatu Wilchere.

Appthomas.; Bawde.

8. Juxta murum in plano jacet frater Willelmus Appthomas de ordine sancte trinitatis de Hownslow: qui obiit 13 die mensis Junii, A° dni. 1478. Et in eodem loco jacet . . . gardianus de Ware: qui obiit. (fn. 414). . . .

Pavll.; Syche.

9. Juxta murum sub paruo lapide jacet frater Robertus Pavll de custodia Cantabrigie. Et ad sinistram eius sub paruo lapide jacet frater Ricardus Syche: qui obiit 1 die mensis Marcii, A° dni. 1509.

[Egylston.].; Buxston.; myth.

10. Coram vltima columpna in medio sub paruo [lapide] jacet frater Johannes [Egylston]. (fn. 415) Et ad dexteram eius sub paruo lapide jacet Willelmus Buxson, quondam. . . sancti Johannis Jherusalem in Anglia. Et ad capud Johannis Eglyston sub paruo [lapide] jacet frater Willelmus Smyth, quondam janitor huius loci: qui obiit 23 die [mensis] Aprilis, A° dni. 1496. Et ad capud eius sub paruo lapide jacet Willelmus, famulus janitoris.

Ex parte Occidentali.

Coram prima fenestra.


Warde.; Blackeman.; Cryspe.

3. In medio sub paruo lapide jacet frater Ricardus Warde.

Et ad sinistram eius in plano jacet frater Johannes Blackeman: qui obiit 31 die mensis Julii, A° dni. 1501. Ad dexteram eius in plano jacet frater Nicholaus Cryspe, 1528. (fn. 416)


4. In medio. In plano jacet frater Willelmus Bovylett: qui obiit 5 die mensis Septembris, A° dni. 1501.


5. In plano jacet Johannes Bersted et Elizabeth Catysin.

Cartysin.; Hent.

6. In plano jacet Johannes Hent, famulus Valentini Petytt (fn. 417) de Insula.





Ex parte Boriali.

[Coram] prima fenestra juxta murum jacet venerabilis pater et frater . . . de Ispania . . . ordinis minorum.





5. In plano jacet frater Robertus Spycer.

Holme.; London.

6. In medio sub lapide jacet frater Johannes Holme. Et ad pedes eius in plano jacet frater Thomas London.


7. Juxta murum in plano jacet Bartrandus Mountferand, militis, et domina Petronilla vxor eius.


8. In plano jacet Hugo Poolltayllome et Isabelle vxor eius.


9. In plano jacet Willelmus Norwyke, pelleparii.


10. In plano jacet frater Walterus Hylton: qui obiit in festo sancti Antonii Abbatis, A° dni. 1454.

In domo Capitulo.

Petrus.; Hontyngfelde.

Coram 2 fenestra in medio sub paruo lapide jacet frater Petrus. Item inter 3 et 4 columpnas ab austro jacet domina Ymayna de Hontyngfelde.


  • 1. Genesis xxxv. 20. Hic est titulus monumenti Rachel.
  • 2. The introduction was not copied by Stow. But Weever quoted part of it (Funeral Monuments, p. 9), whence the words in brackets are restored.
  • 3. Stow puts against this clause "finestra prima".
  • 4. 9th Provincial of England: d. 1292 (Dict. Nat. Biog., xliv., 190–196); Pecham, De Paupertate — B.S.F.S.— pp. 1–12, for a full bibliography of his writings.
  • 5. Stow puts against this clause "finistra 2a".
  • 6. Dict. Nat. Biog., xxxvi., 136.
  • 7. Born 1242, married John II. of Brittany in 1260 (Flores Historiarum, ii., 256, 441). For a notice of her burial here before 1279, see Peccham, Registrum, i., 34.
  • 8. Daughter of Henry Percy, 4th Earl of Northumberland, and wife of Edward Stafford (d. 1524), 3rd Duke of Buckingham (Wills, P.C.C. 4, Thower, and Testamenta Vetusta, 651); she directed that her heart should be buried here before the image of St. Francis, and her body at Whitefriars, Bristol. Her name is an addition.
  • 9. Eleanor of Provence (d. 1291), buried at Amesbury (Dict. Nat. Biog., xvii., 179–181). The St. Albans Chronicler, recording the burial of her heart here, says the friars "aliquid de corporibus quorumcunque potentium morientium sibimet vendicabunt, more canum cadaveribus assistentium, ubi quisque quam particulam avide consumendum expectat" (Rishanger, p. 129, Rolls Ser.).
  • 10. The text of this paragraph is restored from Stow's copy.
  • 11. First Baron Lisle de Rougemont; summoned to Parliament from 1310 to February, 1342; served in Flanders in 1339; died 4th January, 1343 (Complete Peerage, v., 112).
  • 12. Secule MS.
  • 13. Wife of Baldwin de Redvers; afterwards married to Fawkes de Breauté ; died in 1252 (M. Paris, ii., 638; v., 323).
  • 14. Of Harewood, Yorks. Robert de Lisle, in 1310, claimed Harewood as heir of Isabella, Countess of Albemarle, who was grand-daughter of Margaret de Redvers.
  • 15. Third earl, killed in a tournament when only seventeen years of age.
  • 16. Decembris blank in MS.
  • 17. Margaret, daughter of Thomas of Brotherton, and Countess of Norfolk and Countess Marshal in her own right. Married (1) John, 6th Baron Segrave (d. 1352); and (2) Sir Walter Manny. She died in 1399 (Complete Peerage, vi., 41). She was friendly with William Wydford (cf. Cal. Pat. Rolls, Richard II., ii., 452). See for her burial here Ann. Ricardi Secundi, p. 233, R.S.
  • 18. William Goddard, the elder, 38th (?) Provincial. The date given above is certainly wrong; probably it should be 1487; see p. 195 below.
  • 19. Or Woodford (fl. 1380–1411). Vicar for the Provincial Minister in 1390. An opponent of Wiclif at Oxford, and writer of numerous controversial treatises (Dict. Nat. Biog., lxii., 396–397).
  • 20. Or Wyshed (fl. 1370), 24th Provincial; see p. 194 below.
  • 21. 22nd Provincial. Died about 1360; see p. 193 below.
  • 22. Peter, Bishop of Corbavia in Dalmatia, Suffragan of London, Canterbury and Winchester. He died in the London friary (Stubbs, Reg. Sacr. Angl., 195, ed. 1897; Annales Paulini, 340).
  • 23. So Stow. It means the door from the Choir into Allhallows Chapel, and so to the Vestry.
  • 24. Restored from Stow.
  • 25. Perhaps a sister of William Fiennes, Lord Say (d. 1375). According to the English List she was sister of Isabel de Averne; see p. 74 below.
  • 26. See Nichols, Leicestershire, ii., 171.
  • 27. A Peter de Montford was killed at Evesham in 1265; but this is more probably Peter de Montfort of Beaudesert in Warwickshire, who died in 1367.
  • 28. Mayor of London, 1274 to 1281 and 1284–1285. Will proved 25th July, 1291 (Cal. Wills Husting, i., 98; see p. 153).
  • 29. 39th Provincial; see p. 195 below. Wood (Fasti Oxon., 6) says he became D.D. about 1500.
  • 30. The door from the Choir in the north-west corner of the Apostles Chapel.
  • 31. Bernard de Sistre, Archdeacon of Canterbury, who was a papal nuncio in England in 1342–1343 (Cal. Papal Petitions, i., 3, 8, 13).
  • 32. Or Dinham (1430–1501) summoned to Parliament in 1466. Treasurer of the household to Edward IV., K.G., 1485 or 1487 (Complete Peerage, iii., 126). Buried here on 31st January, 1501 (Chron. Lond., 233). For will see Testamenta Vetusta, 496.
  • 33. Married Fulke Bourchier (d. 1479) 10th Lord Fitzwarine (Complete Peerage, iii., 377).
  • 34. William FitzWarren who died in 1299 (Cal. Inquisitions, iii., 575); his wife was Mary de Argaill, Queen of Man (Wardrobe Account, 30 Edw. I., pp. 155, 182).
  • 35. The English List calls Joan and Isabel de Fiennes her sisters.
  • 36. Knighted 1399. Served in France in 1415. Married Blanche, daughter of Hugh de Waterton of Eaton Tregos, Hereford; she died before 1439. Had lands at Cockington, Devon (Chron. Lond., 48; Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry V., i., 358, Henry VI., ii., 85; Cal. Inq. p.m., iv., 186, 223; Wylie, Henry IV., i., 120; Westcote, Devonshire, 614).
  • 37. Or Jule (fl. 1437); see p. 58 above.
  • 38. Son of Sir Robert. Jousted in 1449 with Sir Lewis de Buriell, whom he killed in the field; "and after the said Chalons did the obsequy of the said Sir Lewis, and mourned him as he had been his carnall brother; for the which and for his manhood he was greatly alowed". Died in 1458 (Chron. Lond., 158; Cal. Inq. p.m., iv., 235, 472; Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., iii., 146).
  • 39. Stow notes, finistra, 4.
  • 40. Dict. Nat. Biog., xxix., 64. Before her death she took the habit as a sister of St. Clare.
  • 41. Id., 65. Married in 1365 Ingelram de Coucy, whom Edward III. created Earl of Bedford; born 16th June, 1332, died in 1379.
  • 42. Dict. Nat. Biog., xxix., 390. Married David Bruce in 1327, when only six years old; died in 1362.
  • 43. Jean I., Due de Bourbon, taken prisoner at Agincourt. His remains were exhumed and removed to France in 1451 (C.P.R., Henry VI., v., 410).
  • 44. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Holland, Earl of Kent (d. 1397), married John (d. 1423), eldest son of Ralph Neville (d. 1425), first Earl of Westmorland, and by him was mother of Ralph (d. 1484), second Earl.
  • 45. Should be Robert Lamborn, see p. 198 below. Confessor to Queen Isabella in 1327. In 1343, being then nearly blind, he had Papal licence to continue to reside in the London Convent with his clerk and servants, and to dispose of his property (Little, p. 237; Cal. Reg. Pap., iii., 88). There was no baronial family of this name.
  • 46. Either a son or a brother of Hugh Burnell (d. 1420); if the former, he died before his father (Complete Peerage, ii., 82, 83).
  • 47. Dict. Nat. Biog., xviii., 428. Murdered at London by Jack Cade. For his burial here see Gregory's Chronicle, p. 194. He bequeathed 100l. to the Grey Friars of London to pray for his soul (Testamenta Vetusta, 264).
  • 48. Also called Enomie, daughter of — Cromer in the English List.
  • 49. Consecrated bishop of Llandaff in 1476 (Stubbs, Reg. Sacr. Angl., 92).
  • 50. Of Sussex, Brabourne in Kent, Filby in Norfolk, and Colingbourne Valence in Wilts, with a house in Southwark. He married before 1425, and died in 1442 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry V., ii., 197, Henry VI., i., 316, ii., 428, iii., 172; Cal. Inq. p.m., iv., 208). For the brass of Hugh Halsam at West Grinstead see Boutell, Brasses, 42.
  • 51. Also had lands in Berks and Gloucestershire. His wife, whom he married before 1418, had been in the service of Mary de Bohun, mother of Henry V. (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry V., ii., 140, Henry VI., i., 499, iii., 429, 534; Cal. Inq. p.m. iv., 245).
  • 52. Daughter of Robert Morley (d. 1443) 5th Baron Morley, and wife of William Lovel (d. 1476) Baron Morley jure uxoris (Cal. Inq. p.m., iv., 387; Complete Peerage, v., 372).
  • 53. The piscina on the south side.
  • 54. The last Hylton (of Hylton, Durham) to be summoned to Parliament was Alexander in 1336. The family were commonly known as barons of Hylton. No head of the family was called John (Complete Peerage, iv., 304, 305; see also Herald and Genealogist, iv., 348–353).
  • 55. The name is clearly written "Hurhon," and was so copied by Stow; but in Stow's copy it has been altered to "Burbon". I cannot trace any Bastard of Bourbon called Perceval. The English List has " Sir Percyvall Burbon, bastard of Burbon".
  • 56. Apparently John, 6th lord, who died 27th February, 1488 (Complete Peerage, ii., 305).
  • 57. Brother of William, 1st Lord Hastings. Married before 1470 Joan, heiress of Richard, Lord Welles and Willoughby. Styled himself Lord Willoughby, but was summoned in 1482 as " Richard Hastinges de Welles" (Complete Peerage, viii., 143). For his will dated 1503 see Testamenta Vetusta, 443–444, where he directs that he should be "buried in the Church of the Grey Friars of London in the Vestry Chapel there". His wife died in 1504–5 (Test. Vet., 464).
  • 58. Daughter of the Kingmaker, Countess of Warwick in her own right, and wife of George, Duke of Clarence; died 21st December, 1476.
  • 59. See p. 61 above. An added name, see Index, p. 136.
  • 60. The English List has: "Dame Isabell, wyfe of Sir Roger Camoys, baron". This shows that it means Isabel, wife of Sir Roger Camoys, commonly called Lord Camoys; she died, as stated above, in 1444. The wife of Thomas, Lord Camoys (d. 1419), was called Elizabeth, and died in April, 1417 (Complete Peerage, ii., 508, 512; 2nd edition).
  • 61. An added name.
  • 62. Cf. Cal. Pap. Reg., iii., 168, 474, 507— date 1345–1353. She had a grant of an annuity of 10l. for her good service to Queen Isabella on 14th February, 1347 (C.P.R., Edw. III., vii., 254).
  • 63. I can find no other reference; his date is presumably c. 1470.
  • 64. Stow adds "beheded at Tyborne". Of Arrow in Warwickshire. A confidant of George, Duke of Clarence. He was accused of compassing the death of Edward IV., and executed at Tyburn on 20th May, 1477. See Stow, Annales, 430; Hall, Chronicle, 369; Ramsay, Lancaster and York, ii., 421.
  • 65. D.D. of Oxford; occurs in 1421 (Munimenta Academica, 274–275; Little, Greyfriars, 256).
  • 66. "Friars Minors and St. Sepulchre, London"; will proved 1463, P.C.C. a Godyn.
  • 67. See p. 59 above.
  • 68. Or Sawnders. Supplicated for D.D. at Oxford on 13th April, 1513 (Little, Greyfriars, 275). The note on Sands is an addition made by another hand.
  • 69. See p. 61 above.
  • 70. Guardian of the Grey Friars at Oxford in 1508; supplicated for D.D. on 8th March of that year (Little, Greyfriars, 130).
  • 71. Will of Gilbert Eccleston, "Friers Mynours, London; Spalding, Lincoln," proved in 1530. P.C.C., F. 24 Jankyn. The MS. has for date 158; Stow gives 1508.
  • 72. c. 1340.
  • 73. Om. MS.
  • 74. Guardian in 1403; see p. 57 above.
  • 75. D.D. and Regent Master at Oxford in 1389 (Little, Greyfriars, 252).
  • 76. Date c. 1380.
  • 77. See p. 58 above.
  • 78. Robert, 1st Baron Lisle, was succeeded by his son John (not grandson, as suggested by G. E. C., for John was twenty-four when Robert died in 1343, aged forty-nine). Robert II. presumably died before his father.
  • 79. Stow reads 4.
  • 80. Possibly the John de Gisors temp. Richard II. (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Ric. II., iv., 3, 458). See for the family Stow, Survey of London, ii., 354.
  • 81. Died before 1458; see the deed on pp. 207–8 below.
  • 82. Wife of Christopher Carlysle, or Carhill, Norrey, King of Arms, whose will was proved in 1511. P.C.C., 1 Fetiplace. See Noble, College of Arms, 119, where his wife is called Eleanor.
  • 83. Died in 1336, see p. 169 below.
  • 84. Perhaps Maryon Thorpe of Higham Ferrers, Northants, will proved in 1506. P.C.C., 7 Adeane.
  • 85. On commission of peace for Worcestershire, 1467–83; sheriff, 1484 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV., ii., 636; iii., 491, 578).
  • 86. Sir William Oldhall, Speaker of the House of Commons in 1450, married Margaret, d. of William, 5th Lord Willoughly of Eresby (Dict. Nat. Biog., xlii., 105).
  • 87. oltm. MS. Meaning the door from the inner chapel of St. Mary to the passage which led to the All Hallows Chapel (see p. 39 above). Wynchelsey lay in this passage.
  • 88. See pp. 42, 43 above.
  • 89. Tybbay first appears as associated with the Yorkshire family of Scrope in 1385–1406, and was executor for Sir Richard Scrope of Bolton (Testamenta Eboracensia, i., 277–278, 330). In 1401 he was bearer of a letter from Henry Percy to Owen Glendower (Ellis, Orig. Letters, 2nd ser., i., 9). As John de Seggeswyk, alias John de Tybbay, he had a general pardon on 16th Sept., 1406 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry IV., iii., 213). He was prebendary of Clifton, Lincoln, on 17th May, 1410, and Archdeacon of Huntingdon on 24th March, 1414, and chancellor for Queen Joanna from 1410. He was murdered in Lad Lane in London by John Nyauncer and others on 22nd July, 1414 (Nicolas, Lond. Chron., 98; Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry V., i., 347). See further Wylie, Henry IV., ii., 283; Test. Eboracensia, iii., 40. For his will proved in 1414, see P.C.C., 29 Marche.
  • 90. Robert was a common name with the Bertrams; one Robert Bertram was killed at Bannockburn (Cal. Inquisitions, v., 52, 510; vii., 165, 693).
  • 91. Will dated 3rd August, 1528, proved 6th October, 1533 (Sharpe, Cal. Wills, ii., 637). Another will, P.C.C., F. 12, Jankyn. An addition by the compiler.
  • 92. Will of Walter Malet, clerk of St. Mary-le-Bow, proved in 1404 (P.C.C., 7 Marche). He held the prebend of Harlesden at St. Paul's from 13th December, 1398, and the Rectory of St. Mary-le-Bow from 28th September, 1400, till his death on 6th November, 1404 (Hennessey, Repertorium, 28, 308). The date "1444" is clearly an error for 1404.
  • 93. Canon of Llandaff before 1343, Treasurer; provided to canonry at Salisbury in 1348, with prebend of Stratford, canon of Wolverhampton (Cal. Pap. Reg., iii., 60, 279, 397).
  • 94. On 20th June, 1381, the Guardian had licence to dispose of the goods of Friar William Appleton, deceased (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Richard II., ii., 11).
  • 95. Sir Thomas Kingston, captain of Chateau Gaillard in 1431 (First Engl. Life of Henry V., p. 170); he died before 24th March, 1439, when his widow had a licence to grant the manor of Warneford, Hampshire, with remainder to her children, Thomas, Elizabeth, Eleanor, and Margaret (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., iii., 248; Cal. Inq. p.m., iv., 187).
  • 96. I cannot trace him. But there were several Londoners called Cawmbry in the reign of Edward I. (Letter-Books, A., 32, 46, 115, C. 17).
  • 97. The 1st, 3rd, and 5th barons Beaumont were all called Henry, and each of them was succeeded by a son called John (Complete Peerage, ii. 60, 61, ed. Gibbs).
  • 98. The notice of Elizabeth Bell is an addition, later than 1530.
  • 99. An added name; later than 1530.
  • 100. Will of Joan Eluedon, "Friars Minors, London," proved in 1421, P.C.C., 52 Marche.
  • 101. Friars Minors, St. Botolph, Aldersgate; Barton St. John, Oxford. Will, P.C.C., 31 Godyn. Elder brother of Richard Chamberleyn of Cotes.
  • 102. Of Heighton St. Clere, Sussex. In the Inquisition the date of his death is given as Feb. 16, 1496–1497 (Cal. Inquisitions, Henry VII., i., 1160). Will, P.C.C., 10 Horne.
  • 103. Possibly Sir John Butler who died in 1476 (Cal. Inq. p.m., iv., 383).
  • 104. Probably a member of the family of Hoghton of Hoghton, Lancashire, in which Adam was a common name. One Adam Hoghton occurs 1279–83; but this is more likely to be Sir Adam de Howton, who died in 1385 (Victoria County History, vi., 39). Stow gives the date 1417.
  • 105. Sir Thomas Trivet (d. 1388)— Dict. Nat. Biog., lvii., 236.
  • 106. Or Dauntsey— will, P.C.C., 4 Dogett.
  • 107. Possibly Richard de Goldesburgh, a knight of Yorkshire, who died in 1357 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. III., viii., 519, 587).
  • 108. Or Asshele "Friars Minors, St. Michael, Wood Street"— 1418— will, P.C.C., 40 Marche.
  • 109. He was a surveyor of royal manors and employed on various commissions between 1378 and 1392; he was also tronager of wools in London (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Richd. II., i., 122; ii., 7, 82; v. 86; see p. 231 below).
  • 110. Possibly Fr. Geraldus Pasquerii, O.F.M., 1335: Denifle, Chart. Univ., Paris, II., pp. 451–452.
  • 111. Sic. in MS. Either 1475 or 1485.
  • 112. The notice of Stephen Kelke was first entered here, but afterwards erased.
  • 113. "St. Fastour (St. Vedast) Friar Minors within Newgate"— will, P.C.C., 29 Dogett.
  • 114. 14815 MS.
  • 115. Letter-Book L., p. 58; 8th March, 1465, bond for 100 marks for use of Margery, daughter of John Strete, late goldsmith.
  • 116. For the will of Stephen Kelk, goldsmith, proved 13th December, 1511, see Cal. Wills, ii., 617. Stephene Kelke, St. Peter, Westcheap, will proved in 1501, C.P.C., 1 Blamyr.
  • 117. In the erased entry higher up the date appears as "A° dni. 14 151"; "14" seems to have been erased first; probably the true date is 1511.
  • 118. Sic in MS.: iuxta murum [chori] sub lapide.
  • 119. Occurs 1292 (Letter-Book, A., 180). Dead before 1311 (cf. Cal. Wills, i., 193).
  • 120. "Gent., North Aston, Oxford; Friars Minors, St. Andrew, Holborn": will, P.C.C., 17 Rous.
  • 121. Occurs as Common Serjeant, November, 1424, as Recorder in 1435 and September, 1438. John Bowes was sworn in as Recorder 13th July, 1440, and Anne was dead before January, 1443, when his widow, Alice, was wife of William Furnyvale (Letter-Book, K., 39, 195, 247, 277).
  • 122. The Whittingtons of Pauntley are the family to which Richard Whittington belonged. William Whityngton was on the commission of peace for Gloucestershire, 1461–64 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV., i., 564).
  • 123. Renfrew Arundell had a general pardon 22nd February, 1460 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., vi., 592). As the King's servitor had a grant of the manor of Sheviock and Antony, Cornwall, in 1463. On commission of peace for Cornwall, 1465–66 (id., Edw. IV., i., 22c, 561). Will, P.C.C., 25 Godyn.
  • 124. Probably Sir John Rodenale, chirographer in the Common Bench in 1413 and treasurer of the Exchequer in 1415 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry V., i., 14, 352).
  • 125. Son of William Langley (Hasted, Kent, iv., 209). Walter Langley was J.P. for Kent, 1456–58 (C.P.R., Henry VI., vi., 668).
  • 126. domicella MS.
  • 127. Thomas Clemens served on many judicial commissions in Cornwall, 1467–70, on commission of peace 1469–70 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV., vol. ii.).
  • 128. All Hallows the Great: will, P.C.C., 22 Vox.
  • 129. On a palimpsest brass at Magdalen College, Oxford, there is found the inscription: "Hic iacet Margerie [que fui]t vxor Willm. [Ch]amberleyn que obiit in festo nativitat[is Sce.] Marie virginis [anno regni] Regis Henr. [se]xti vndecimo: cuius [anime propi] cietur deus. Amen. (Monumental Brass Society, vi., 251).
  • 130. Appointed Coroner and Attorney of the King's Bench by Henry IV. before June, 1421. Reappointed by Henry V. on 13 April, 1413. As Cowley or Couele appears on Commissions for Oxfordshire (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry IV., i., 563, ii. 99, iii., 153; Henry V., i. 11, ii., 178). Will of "Thomas Coule, Friars Minors, London; Crayford, Kent; and Oxford," P.C.C., 54 Marche.
  • 131. Several abbots of Battle were called John; there is no trace of one who died whilst still elect (Monasticon, iii., 235).
  • 132. The door from the Chapel to the Walking-place.
  • 133. See p. 74 above: apparently a second wife. But in the Index her husband's name is given as Thomas, and her own name as Hyllyngham. The MS. is damaged, but Stow gives Hyllyng which also seems to be the reading of the margin.
  • 134. Created Baron Mountjoy 20 June, 1465; Treasurer, 1465–66; K.G., 24 April, 1472. Described himself on his seal as "filii et heredis Thome Blount, quondam thesaurarii Normannie". He died 1 August, 1474— not 1479 as above (Complete Peerage, v., 398). See further F. M. Nichols, The Hall of Lawford Hall. Wills, P.C.C., 18 Wattys, and Testamenta Vetusta, 334.
  • 135. Edward, 2nd baron, succeeded in 1474, when seven years old; his father was killed at Barnet, 14th April, 1471.
  • 136. Married as his third wife, before 5th February, 1515, William Blount, 4th Lord Mountjoy. Her husband, who died in 1535, directed that if he died in London he should be buried at the Greyfriars (Testamenta Vetusta, 671). The Register does not show whether his wish was obeyed.
  • 137. Died on 3rd June, 1513, during his year of office.
  • 138. Mayor in 1510–11.
  • 139. John Blount (d. 1485), 3rd Lord Mountjoy, married in or before 1477, Lora, d. of Sir Edward Berkeley of Beverstone, Gloucestershire; Lora Blount marrried (2) Sir Thomas Montgomery (d. 1495), and (3) Thomas Butler, 7th Earl of Ormonde; she died before 1515. Will proved, 1486: P.C.C., 27 Logge. See also Testamenta Vetusta, 386.
  • 140. The English List has: "In the South Winge of the Quire. First vppon the steps lyeth Anne doughter of Sir John Blount, L. Montioye; and at her right hand lyeth Sir Thomas Grene, knight, in the playne, and by his side on the right hand lyeth Sir Alan Cheny, knight, and by his right side Sir Walter Blount, first L. Montioye, and by his side Edward Blount, L. Montioye, his sonne and heire". Grene is an additional name. There was a vacant space, before the altar, between the tombs of Alice and Anne Blount on the north, and of Walter Blount on the South. According to the Register, Alan Cheny was buried in the Chapel of St. Francis; see p. 93 below.
  • 141. Killed at Barnet, 14th April, 1471.
  • 142. Captain of Hammes in 1485 under the Earl of Oxford, joined Henry Tudor, was knighted by him (Polydore Vergil, pp. 208, 212, Camd. Soc.). Wills, P.C.C., 26 Dogett, Testamenta Vetusta, 415.
  • 143. Knighted October, 1472 (Metcalfe, Book of Knights, 23).
  • 144. Perhaps a son of John, Lord Strange of Knockin, who died in 1477, or of his grandfather, John, who died in 1399 (Complete Peerage, vii., 274).
  • 145. Probably Alice, widow of Murdoch (d. 1333), 10th Earl of Mentei, who was resident in England from 1335 to 1340 (Complete Peerage, v., 298).
  • 146. See p. 106 below.
  • 147. William Goddard, the younger, to be distinguished from William Goddard, the elder (Little, p. 263; see p. 59 above).
  • 148. Or Burghersh (d. 1355); married Elizabeth (d. 1360), daughter of Theobald de Verdon (Complete Peerage, ii., 78).
  • 149. Stone of touch: a dark granite.
  • 150. The English List has "Dame Isabel de Vaus".
  • 151. Died in his father's lifetime, i.e. before 1355.
  • 152. Third Lord Mountjoy; captain of Guisnes in 1476; father of Anne Blount, ut supra. Will, P.C.C., 27 Logge. See Hall of Lawford Hall, p. 192.
  • 153. Or Philipot, mayor, 1378–79 (Dict. Nat. Biog., xlv., 159).
  • 154. Hasted (Hist. Kent, iv., 236, 239) calls her Jane Stamford.
  • 155. Perhaps John Sampford (d. 1348), Rector of St. Faith's, London, and St. Mary, Woolwich (Hasted, Hundred of Blackheath, p. 163).
  • 156. Mayor of London, 1377–79; hanged at Tyburn in February, 1388 (Dict. Nat. Biog., vi., 255).
  • 157. Against the wall of the Choir.
  • 158. The English List has: "Elizabeth Bonten, doughter of Thomas Blount, ar.".
  • 159. Thurston Hatfield appointed serjeant of Guisnes on December 16th, 1461 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV., i., 81). Of Glossop, will, P.C.C., 29 Dogett. The English List has "Thurston Hatfeld, esquyre".
  • 160. Perhaps Thomas Seyntclere, of Surrey, 1428 (Feudal Aids, v., 120, 121).
  • 161. Of Lewes and Lingfield, Sussex, and Clerkenwell, London; will proved in 1437. P.C.C., 21 Luffenam.
  • 162. Robert Bradbury, King's serjeant, 1465 and 1468 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV., i., 344; ii., 86). The English List has: "Thomas Bradbery, esquyre".
  • 163. Perhaps Manentus Francisci, who occurs as a purveyor for the King in 1333–34 (id., Edw. III., ii., 409, 441).
  • 164. Apparently Johanna, wife of Richard (d. 1335), 2nd lord; John (d. 1392), 3rd lord, married Alice de Lisle (Complete Peerage, iv., 97).
  • 165. Thomas West, 5th lord, died in 1426.
  • 166. Meaning the small part which was screened off round the altar; see p. 39 above.
  • 167. Possibly a son of Thomas (d. 1460), 7th lord. In any case the date is before 1460.
  • 168. There is a mark of abbreviation over "gh". Stow expands to "Botryngham". Mr. Shepherd suggested "Bottreux". But no doubt it means Henry Bodrugan, a Cornish gentleman, who occurs often in connection with Thomas Clemens (see p. 87 above). He was charged with treason in 1474. In 1478 he is styled knight (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edward IV., ii., 53–54, 491; iii., 314).
  • 169. See note 5 below.
  • 170. Created K.G. in 1418. A distinguished soldier in the French Wars (Beltz, Memorials of the Garter).
  • 171. Pancius de Coutrone; see next note.
  • 172. Pancius de Coutrone, the King's physician, occurs in 1338 (Cal. Pat. Rolls' Edw. III., iv., 163).
  • 173. Alan Cheyne, knight, occurs in 1375 (Cal. Close Rolls, Edw. III., xiv., 275).
  • 174. M.P. for Warwickshire, 1445 (Dugdale, Warwickshire, 83).
  • 175. Justice of Common Pleas in 1467 (Dict. Nat. Biog., lxiii., 330).
  • 176. Will, "Friars Minors, Gray's Inn; Bucks": P.C.C., 27 Godyn. He was elected Common Serjeant on 26th September, 1463 (Letter-Book, L., p. 36).
  • 177. Captain of Calais for the Earl of Warwick in 1471 (Warkworth's Chronicle, p. 19).
  • 178. Of Berks; and Winterborne Danvers, Wilts; will, P.C.C., 27 Luffenam. Will of Johanna Danvers, P.C.C., 11 Stokton; dates as above.
  • 179. Occurs 1336 to 1348 (Letter-Book, F., pp. 5, 177; Ancient Deeds, A., 8554).
  • 180. Nicholas, son of Bartholomew Thomasyn, occurs in 1349 (Sharpe, Cal. Wills, i., 550).
  • 181. Mayor in 1508–1509; knighted at coronation of Henry VIII.; founder of Wolverhampton Grammar School (Dict. Nat. Biog., xxix., 333). John Benett, in 1527, endowed a chantry in the Chapel of St. Francis to pray for Jennyns and his wives (Cal. Wills, ii., 643). Will, P.C.C., 8 Bodfelde. See also p. 114 n. below.
  • 182. Perhaps Sir Thomas a Parre, one of the Yorkists attainted in 1459 (Paston Letters, iii., 199).
  • 183. In service of Richard of York in 1454 (Paston Letters, i., 148). He is described as of Clifford in the March of Wales, and of Stoke Edith, Hereford (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., vi., 301, 531).
  • 184. Perhaps a mistake for "scientiarum".
  • 185. His name was really Boston. He was made prior in 1478 (Monasticon, iii., 307).
  • 186. Of Havering atte Bower (Cal. Inq. p.m. iii., 26; Ancient Deeds, C., 2569).
  • 187. Or Barett, of Alvitheley, Essex; Wolverton, Hants: will, P.C.C., 36 Bodfelde.
  • 188. "Hallam" in Index.
  • 189. Under age in 1440 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., iii., 483).
  • 190. Third daughter of Richard, Earl of Arundel, wife of Roland Lenthale (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., iii., 483; Letter-Book, L., 247).
  • 191. Margaret, late wife of Edmund Lenthale, had licence to marry John Mongomery on 4th May, 1447 (id., v., 37).
  • 192. Chief Justice of the King's Bench, hanged at Tyburn, 19th February, 1388 (Dict. Nat. Biog., lvii., 206).
  • 193. Thomas Fovent, clerk, Friars Minors, London; Donyngton, Wilts.; will, proved 1404; P.C.C., 5 Marche.
  • 194. ? Bergerac.
  • 195. Perhaps Margaret, daughter of William Wetenhale, d. 1457 (Sharpe, Cal. Wills, ii., 531).
  • 196. The widow of William de Moleyns (d. 1428), who, however, was never summoned to Parliament; but he was styled "Lord de Molyns, knight," in 1439. The Lady Anne Moleyns had a grant of wine for good service to the King and Queen in 1446, and had robes of the Order of the Garter in 1448 (Complete Peerage, iv., 276; Beltz, Order of the Garter, p. ccxxiv.; Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., ii., 156; iii., 355; iv., 415). For her will see Testamenta Vetusta, 389.
  • 197. Nicholas Thorley of Essex and Suffolk, married, before 6th February, 1425, Alice, Countess of Oxford (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry V., ii., 129; Henry VI., i., 242).
  • 198. Bowden Magna.
  • 199. Of Pebmarsh, Essex; and Ixworth, Sussex; will proved, Will, P.C.C., 2 Wattys. She was a sister of Anne Molens.
  • 200. Lady Joan Pomerey, formerly Whalesburgh, of Clerkenwell, London, and Marhamchurch, Cornwall; buried at Greyfriars; will proved in 1435. P.C.C., 15 Luffenam.
  • 201. Either Geoffrey (d. 1304), or his son (Complete Peerage, v., 173).
  • 202. I.e. of the Staple.
  • 203. No Matilda appears in Complete Peerage amongst wives of barons Ferrers, or barons Ferrers de Groby.
  • 204. 14313 MS.
  • 205. For Peter de Balby, merchant or Venice at London in 1428, see Cal. of Letter-Book, K., p. 80.
  • 206. veneriis, Stow.
  • 207. Stow (Survey, ii., 328) says he was buried at St. Antony's, Budge Row. But his will gives "Gray Freres, London; Streatham, Surrey," P.C.C., 26 Jankyn.
  • 208. saritor MS.
  • 209. Of Boxsted, Sussex, and Blakmanston, Kent (Cal. Inq. p.m., ii., 105).
  • 210. Sir William Haut of Houtsborne at Bishopsborne, Sheriff of Kent, 1525 and 1535 (Hasted, Kent, iii., 745).
  • 211. Will of Henry Sothyll, of Stokefaston, Leicester: "Gray freers, London; Ardyslowe, Yorks": P.C.C., 31 Holgrave. And of dame Elizabeth Sothill of Stokefaston and "Gray freres": proved in 1506, P.C.C., 19 Adeane.
  • 212. Sic in MS. Probably an error for 1504.
  • 213. Gerardus MS.
  • 214. Noble, College of Arms, p. 90, gives the date of his death as 1500.
  • 215. In service of Edward IV., serjeant at arms, 1461; Windsor Herald before 22nd June, 1470; Norroy on 9th July, 1478 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV., i., 122; ii., 201; iii., 141; cf. Campbell, Mat. Hist. Hen. VII., ii., 40). Will, P.C.C., 41 Milles. His patent was not renewed by Henry VII. (Noble, College of Arms, 63).
  • 216. Or Aughton, "Friars Minors; Pottenhith, Surrey": 1440, will, P.C.C., 28 Luffenam.
  • 217. Will of John Bailay, "St. Clement prope ex' barram, London; Lancashire": proved in 1420. P.C.C., 49 Marche. See also C.P.R., Henry V., i., 101.
  • 218. Presumably wife of John More, see p. 99 above.
  • 219. Sic in MS.; probably he intended to write per spacium 4 pedum sub, etc.
  • 220. Commissioner of Array, Suffolk, in 1484 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Ric. III., p. 490). Knighted at the battle of Stoke, 16th June, 1487 (Paston Letters, vi., 102, 187; cf. Campbell, Mat. Hist. Hen. VII., ii., 108, 193). He died on 6th July, 1489 (Cal. Inquisitions, Henry VII., i., 480, 589, 643).
  • 221. Blank in MS.
  • 222. Date c. 1340.
  • 223. These two may, as Mr. Shepherd conjectured, be identical; but they both appear in the English List: "Symon Guydon of Florence, and by him lyeth Sir Guydon of Florence, knight". Donatus Guyde, serjeant-at-arms to Edward III., occurs in 1351 (C.P.R., Edw. III., ix., 166).
  • 224. In 1347 William le Galeys had licence to found a chantry with three priests at Cheylesmore near Coventry, for the repose of the souls of Queen Isabella and others (C.P.R., Edw. III., vii., 428).
  • 225. Geoffrey Wichingham, who was sheriff of London in 1344–1345, and Mayor in 1346–1347, was also called "le Tableter" (Letter-Book, F., p. 119). He was Alderman of Aldersgate, 1345–1349, M.P. for the city in 1346, and died in May, 1344 (Beaven, Aldermen, i., 386; Cal. Wills, i., 586).
  • 226. Occurs frequently on judicial commissions in Devonshire and elsewhere, from 1433 to 1469 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., ii., 279, 359; Edw. IV., ii., 34, 171). Will, P.C.C., 24 Godyn.
  • 227. The English List has: "Sir John Rattemestre, knight and frere".
  • 228. Occurs 1338 (Sharpe, Cal. Wills, i., 430).
  • 229. Will, P.C.C., 14 Vox. Admitted archdeacon of Wells, 12th April, 1473 (Le Neve, Fasti, i., 161).
  • 230. The English List has: "William Hibton, esquyre".
  • 231. Possibly a member of the family of which the famous William Canynges of Bristol, and Thomas Canynges, mayor of London in 1456, were the chief. Perhaps Thomas, son of their brother Simon (G. Pryce, Canynges Family, p. 74). But it may be the friar Thomas de Cannynge, who was 48th lector at Cambridge c. 1335 (Mon. Franciscana, i., 550).
  • 232. "Friars Minors, St. Thomas the Apostle, London: Hereford:" will proved in 1454, P.C.C., 1 Stokton. The date— 1504— given above seems to be an error.
  • 233. Roger Beyvin, by his will proved in 1278, directed that he should be buried in the churchyard of the Friars Minors, to whom he left 10l., and 6 marks for a pittance on the day of his burial. His daughter Isabella was the wife of John le Leutor (Sharpe, Cal. Wills, i., 29; Watney, History of St. Thomas Acon, 248, 264).
  • 234. Will of William Hayes of St. John Zachary, proved in 1530, P.C.C., 25 Jankyn.
  • 235. The English List has: "the wife of Nicholas Fulham"; a Nicholas de Fulham occurs in 1328 (Letter-Book, E., 228).
  • 236. See p. 62 above.
  • 237. Supplicated B.D. at Oxford on 18th November, 1506 (Little, Greyfriars 269). See p. 60 above.
  • 238. ? sc. Gardianus. See p. 60 above.
  • 239. He occurs as rector of Swanton Morley, Norfolk, in 1306 (Blomefield, Norfolk, x., 53). The English List has: "Thomas Kenyngham, esquyre".
  • 240. Presumably this is an error for Edward I.
  • 241. An added name in another hand.
  • 242. Added by the original hand. It is not clear to what office "electus" can refer (see p. 60 above). The door is that which led out to the Great Cloister.
  • 243. ? Chaumont or Caumont.
  • 244. Gautroun de Bardes was master of the moneys at the Tower in 1363, and occurs in 1380 (C.P.R., Edw. III., xii., 318; Rich. II., i., 495).
  • 245. There are frequent references to Philip de Bardes in the Patent Rolls from 1341 onwards.
  • 246. Dinus Forcetti, Forcinetti, or Forsetti occurs frequently in Patent Rolls between 1317 and 1349.
  • 247. So Stow: the MS. is damaged: read "de Florencia".
  • 248. Sic in MS.
  • 249. The English List has: "William Stafforde".
  • 250. Of Yorkshire, will proved, 1510; P.C.C., 30 Bennett.
  • 251. i.e., the door leading through the Altars to the Nave.
  • 252. An addition in another hand.
  • 253. c. 1340.
  • 254. Or Keneman, Rector of All Hallows the Great, or Haywharf from 1347 to 28th December, 1352 (Hennessey, Repertorium, 83).
  • 255. See p. 62 above.
  • 256. Clyff's name does not appear in the margin or in the Index. He was custodian of Oxford in 1465–1466 (Little, Greyfriars, 129).
  • 257. Added in the same hand.
  • 258. By his Will, dated 28th October, 1520, he directed that he should be buried here "in the wall by the altar of St. Michael," and made a bequest for masses (Letters and Papers, Henry VIII., iii., 1034).
  • 259. Here there followed originally: " Et ad sinistram eorum jacet sub lapide spacio 3 pedum Henricus Bewford, ciuis et scissor London". But the original writer has crossed it out, and written against it: "non jacet ibi".
  • 260. Bishop of Kildare, see p. 58 above.
  • 261. William Kebill, "Gray freeres, St. Mary Wolnoth; Glemesford, Suffolk," will proved, 1509, P.C.C.., 23 Bennett.
  • 262. Second Lord Devereux, Steward of the Household in 1385; died on 22nd February, 1393; buried here on 5th March, when William Thormanby was arrested for stealing a baselard from one of those present (Walsingham, Hist. Angl., ii., 213; Riley, Memorials, 531; Dict. Nat. Biog., xiv., 424). For his wills see P.C.C., 3 Rous, and Testamenta Vetusta, 134.
  • 263. She was his second wife, and daughter of John de Vere, 7th Earl of Oxford; her first husband Henry, Lord Beaumont, died in 1369; she then married, as his second wife, Sir Nicholas Lovaine (Dict. Nat. Biog., lviii., 240).
  • 264. Exonie, MS.
  • 265. Of St. Lawrence Pulteney, Middlesex, and Kent: will, P.C.C.., 7 Horne.
  • 266. Sir William Hody, chief baron of the Exchequer from 1486 to 1522 (Dict. Nat. Biog., xxvii., 78).
  • 267. John, third baron, died in 1355; there is a brass to him in Cobham Church (Complete Peerage, ii., 317). He gave the east window in the south aisle of the Choir: see p. 165 below. The English List has: "In the wall by the dore lyeth under neth the rood John Cobham, baron".
  • 268. Receiver of Kenilworth in 1372 (John of Gaunt's Register, Camden, 3rd series, vol. xxi.)
  • 269. Of St. Peter's, Westchepe, and Battersea, will, P.C.C., 3 Fetiplace.
  • 270. Of Islington; Great Wigborough, Essex; Temesford, Bedford; Delapre Abbey, Northants: will, P.C.C., 6 Wattys. Prebendary of Leicester, St. Margaret, at Lincoln, on 7th November, 1447 (Le Neve, Fasti, ii., 169).
  • 271. Or Norbury, a rich Cheshire squire, made treasurer in 1399. He fought at Aljubarotta in 1385, and at least early as 1390 was in the service of Henry or Lancaster. He died before 1433. His wife Pernel occurs in 1399. His second wife Elizabeth is mentioned on 28th April, 1410; she married as her second husband Sir John Montgomery, and was still alive in 1454. By Norbury she had two sons, Henry, who was godson of Henry IV., and John. Henry, of Stoke d'Abernor, Surrey, was a knight (see numerous references in Wylie, Henry IV., cap. iii., 44 n., and for his family Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., ii., 296; iii., 510; vi., 466).
  • 272. See p. 60 above.
  • 273. Or Wetwang, of St. Bartholomew, West Smithfield, and West Drayton, Middlesex; will, P.C.C., 3 Godyn.
  • 274. Sudley in the English List.
  • 275. Of Stoke d'Abernon and Baynardes, Surrey; he died in 1462 (Cal. Inquisitions, Henry VII., i., 401). He was great grand-uncle of Sir Philip Sydney.
  • 276. Thomas Uvedale (d. 1474) of Wykeham, Hampshire. Sheriff in 1452 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Hen. VI., vi., 55). Elizabeth held lands in Surrey and Sussex; the date of her death is given as June 19th (Cal. Inquisitions, ii., 3). Will, P.C.C., 15 Milles.
  • 277. Of Charlecote, Warwick. Served in French war, 1512– 1513. Under his will he left 11s. for trentals at the Grey Friars in London with wine and wax (Letters and Papers, Henry VIII., iv., 5870). Will, P.C.C., 28 Jankyn.
  • 278. For Harold Faiwnton (apparently a fellmonger) see Cely Papers, p. 54: date 1480.
  • 279. Perhaps John Lethum of St. Margaret Moyses, whose will was proved in 1478. P.C.C., 35 Wattys.
  • 280. St. Botolph, Billingsgate, and Bristol: will, P.C.C., 14 Stouton. He was a son of the famous William Canynges of Bristol, and married in 1457 Isabel Vowel (G. Pryce, Canynges Family, p. 205).
  • 281. The first Bernard Brocas of Beaurepaire was buried in Westminster Abbey (Burrows, Family of Brocas, 128). The above may be the founder of one of the younger branches.
  • 282. The Malmayns family was settled at Hoo and Waldershare in Kent. One Nicholas Malmayn was at the siege of Carlaverock in 1300; another was knight of the shire in 1327, and died in 1350. A Sir Thomas Malmayn died in 1375, and a John Malmayns was nephew and heir of Sir John Mereworth in 1370 (Hasted, Kent, ii., 652; iv., 187; Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. III., xiv., 398; Cal. Close Rolls, xiv., 271).
  • 283. Will of Alice Almon "Freres Minors, St. Vedast" proved in 1523. P.C.C., 17 Bodfelde.
  • 284. Or Fernandis; of St. Olave, Southwark, 1483. Will, P.C.C., 8 Logge.
  • 285. Will proved 1402, Calais, Friars Minors, London. P.C.C., 3 Marche.
  • 286. Knighted by Henry VII. at Bosworth on 25th August, 1485 (Stow, Annales, 470), Sheriff of Stafford in 1488.
  • 287. Of Coston, Norfolk, and Calais: will proved, 1407; P.C.C. 15 Marche. The English List has "Richard Best".
  • 288. Will of Margaret, to be buried at Grayfrerys, London, proved in 1500; P.C.C. 20 Moone. See p. 237 below.
  • 289. In the Register of Godfrey Giffard, bishop of Winchester (p. 360) under date 1289 there is evidence of the burial of Amy, widow of Sir John de Hull, and wife of William de Munchensi, at Greyfriars, London, circa 1282.
  • 290. William de Munchensi (d. 1289), whose daughter Dionysia or Idonea married Hugh de Vere (d. 1318); she died in 1313 (Complete Peerage, viii., 26). Dionysia de Munchensi was a benefactress of the Friars, see p. 154 below.
  • 291. "Katerna" in Index. Stow reads "Katerina".
  • 292. In the doorway leading from the Chapel of the Jesus Altar to the Nave.
  • 293. Of St. Nicholas Shambles; Stone, Kent; and Melwych, Stafford. Will. P.C.C., 32 Bennett.
  • 294. Perhaps Richard and Isabella, parents of Richard de Preston (d. 1391). Cal. Wills, ii., 291.
  • 295. Or Assheley; of St. Michael Querne; will proved 1518; P.C.C., 8 Ayloffe. Will of Margaret Ashelay of St. Michael Querne, proved in 1520, P.C.C., 31 Ayloffe. Both to be buried at Friars Minors.
  • 296. Donor of the 15th window on the south aisle of the nave, see p. 167 below.
  • 297. J.P. for Worcestershire, 1430-1446 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., ii., 627; iv., 481).
  • 298. Daughter of Sir William Bereford, and second wife of John, Lord Maltravers (d. 1365); she died c. 1375 (Dict. Nat. Biog., xxxvi.–l.; Complete Peerage, v., 204).
  • 299. The English list has "the lord Clatus".
  • 300. Perhaps John Jakes, gent., Friars Minors, London, Asshen, Essex; will proved, 1438; P.C.C., 25 Luffenam.
  • 301. In front of the door leading through the Altars to the Choir.
  • 302. Cal. Inq. p.m., iv., 415. Held manor of Gothurst and other lands.
  • 303. Of St. Alban, Wood Street, and East Greenwich; will, P.C.C., 9 Moone.
  • 304. Of St. Gregory; and Estham, Essex; 1489, will, P.C.C., 32 Milles.
  • 305. John Moyle in service of Wolsey (Letters, etc., Henry VIII., iii., 214). Of St. Faith; and Eastwell, Kent; 1531; will, P.C.C., 6 Thower.
  • 306. Grey Freres, St. Sepulchre; will proved in 1489; P.C.C., 29 Milles.
  • 307. John Ryvers, skinner, occurs in 1471 (Letter-Book, 4, p. 96). He is apparently to be distinguished from John Ryver, gent., whose will was proved in 1506 (see p. 10 above).
  • 308. Also of St. Botolph, Billingsgate; will, P.C.C., 10 Porch.
  • 309. Blank in MS.
  • 310. Rysby and Portulond are clearly added names; so probably later than 1526.
  • 311. Will, P.C.C., F. 20, Bodfelde.
  • 312. The notice of Renaldes is an addition in another hand.
  • 313. This also seems to be an addition, but in the same hand; presumably the date is between 1526 and 1530.
  • 314. The will of Thomas Greyson, who directed that he should be buried at Grey Friers, London, was proved in 1501; P.C.C., 14 Blamyr.
  • 315. Thomas Roos, "Gray freres, London; Herts; Bucks"; will, P.C.C., 11 Jankyn. This name is added, possibly in another hand.
  • 316. Sic MS.
  • 317. Or Piers de Champayne. See references in Letters and Papers, Henry VIII., vol. i.
  • 318. John Stevens was installed Canon of Wells in 1437–1438 (MSS. Dean and Chapter of Wells, ii., 69, Royal Hist. MSS. Comm.). Another John Stevens became Canon in 1488 and died in 1504 (id. ii., 110).
  • 319. "Frieres minors, Aldermary; Essex; Herts; Middlesex." P.C.C., 3 Maynwaryng. He was a benefactor of the Merchant Tailors Company (Herbert, Livery Companies, ii., 485, 503) and Master in 1511 (Clode, Early History, p. 339).
  • 320. Perhaps William Batisford, clerk, of Balsham, Cambridge, and Friars Minors, London, will proved 1430; P.C.C., 13 Luffenam. See p. 9 above.
  • 321. A William Ewstace (d. 1522) seems to have been buried at Blackfriars; will, P.C.C., 2 Maynwaryng.
  • 322. On 11th October, 1486, Henry Coote and three other goldsmiths entered into a bond in 700l. for use of Thomas, Robert, Richard, John, Emmota, Wilham, and Antony, children of Robert Cartleage, late goldsmith (Letter-Book, L., p. 237).
  • 323. "Graiefriers, London"— will proved, 1530, P.C.C., 21 Jankyn. Anne Lego was also buried here in 1544; will, P.C.C., 5 Pynnyng. William Lego is an addition apparently by the same hand. For Anne Lego, see p. 47 above.
  • 324. Will, P.C.C., 13 Rous.
  • 325. Dexteram, om. MS.
  • 326. The notice of Peter is added in another hand.
  • 327. Possibly John Benett, merchant-tailor, who in 1528 endowed a chantry in the chapel of St. Francis (Cal. Wills, ii., 643, see p. 94 above); this imperfect entry is in the original hand.
  • 328. Perhaps a son of Robert (see p. 114 above), or his father (?), Thomas Cartleage, goldsmith, who died in 1472 (Letter-Book, L., p. 109).
  • 329. William Byrde, esquire, king's servitor, 1468 (C.P.R., Edw. IV., i., 110).
  • 330. This repeats the entry on p. 114 above. One of them may be an error for William Herte, whose will— Friars Minors, All Hallows, Honey Lane, and Penryn, Cornwall— was proved in 1450. P.C.C., 12 Rous. William Herte directed that he should be buried near his brother.
  • 331. Durham does not appear in the Index. His name is possibly an addition by the compiler, if so, the date is 1527–1530.
  • 332. John Basset, brewer, by will dated 29th December, 1425, and proved 4th July, 1428, directed that he should be buried at Greyfriars; mentions wife Johanna (Cal. Wills, ii., 447).
  • 333. "Fryers mynours, St. Michael Querne; East Mitcham, Surrey; Fulbourne, Cambridge: 1506"— will, P.C.C., 11 Adeane.
  • 334. Or Ebson; "St. Margaret, Southwark; Grey Friars; " will, P.C.C., 8 Blamyr.
  • 335. Entry imperfect in M.S.
  • 336. Apparently an addition, as it clearly is in the Index.
  • 337. William Grene was Master of the Merchant Tailors in 1507; in this year John Tresawell (see above) was warden (Clode, Early History of the Merchant Tailors, 339). This Grene occurs in 1509 (Letters and Papers, i., 144, 512).
  • 338. Appointed second baron of the Exchequer on 10th October, 1460 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., vi., 628). Of Wrotham, Kent; will, P.C.C., 2 Logge.
  • 339. Wife of Sir Edward Hungerford, hanged at Tyburn with one of her servants for murdering her husband (Stow, Annales, 517). "Suspendit apud Tyborne" is an insertion in the margin. See the long inventory of her goods, where she is called Agnes, ap. Letters and Papers, Henry VIII., iii., 2861, 3214.
  • 340. Possibly an addition, but by the same hand: so probably between 1526 and 1530. The name is added in the Index, p. 143 below.
  • 341. Occurs in 1457 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., vi., 376). Will of Elizabeth Day. "Friars Minors, St. Giles', Cripplegate," 1488; P.C.C., 28 Milles.
  • 342. Meaning the Altar of St. Mary.
  • 343. The names of Oliver and?Lucas are apparently additions.
  • 344. "Greyfriars, London": will, P.C.C., 22 Horne. Occurs in 1486 (Letter-Book, L., p. 237).
  • 345. "St. Mary Magdalene, Old Fish Street; Freers Minors; "— will, proved 1506, P.C.C., 6 Adeane.
  • 346. Rawf or Randoll Hudson. "Grayfreers, London; " wills proved, 1503. P.C.C., 31 Blamyr, 3 Holgrave.
  • 347. "St. Vedast, and Grey Friars; Plymouth, Devon; " will, P.C.C., 13 Horne. Mr. Shepherd suggests as an explanation of the obscure description "Secondary of the Compter in Bread Street; " this is confirmed by Letter-Book, L., p. 300, under date 1494. He had been elected Coroner on 16th December, 1485 (id., p. 229).
  • 348. Michael Inglyssh, or Englysshe, mercer, was an alderman 1520 to 1531: his will (P.C.C., F. 24 Dyngely) was not proved till 1539 (Beaven, Aldermen, ii., 24). The Michael Inglysshe above may be his father.
  • 349. "Graye fryers, London"; 1529, will, P.C.C., F., 12 Jankyn.
  • 350. William Thomas, gent., Lamberhurst, Kent: "Freres mynors, London": 1530; will, P.C.C., 25 Jankyn. The names of Robynson and Thomas are added in the same hand.
  • 351. "Godchere" in Index.
  • 352. Or Maryner; "Freers Minors, Staines, Tottenham; 1512; " will, P.C.C., 8 Fetiplace. He occurs in 1465; in February, 1481, was one of those appointed to superintend the collection of a "benevolence"; and was one of the citizens elected to attend the Chief Butler at the coronation of Richard III. (Letter-Book, L., pp. 59, 176, 208).
  • 353. "Friars Minors, London; Aylesham, Norfolk": 1485, will, P.C.C., 17 Logge.
  • 354. Possibly a kinsman of Edward Hall the historian, who also belonged to Gray's Inn. The name is an addition, both here and in the Index; possibly it was made after the historian became famous.
  • 355. Stow omitted to copy the date of John Horne's death.
  • 356. Robert Hoton or Houghton, "Greyfreres, St. Giles, Cripplegate; Preston in 'Andernes,' Lancashire: 1492; " will, P.C.C., 20 Dogett.
  • 357. Gryngham is an added name.
  • 358. Thomas Tutbury was Treasurer of the King's hostel in 1400 (Wylie, Henry IV., iv., 193). The name was not uncommon. Roger Tutbury the King's servant occurs in 1406 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry IV., iii., 160).
  • 359. Perhaps John, son of John Carbonell, d. 1406 (Cal. Wills, ii., 365).
  • 360. Of Shoplond, Essex: will proved, 1498, P.C.C., 20 Horne.
  • 361. Formerly Kelam or Kelom; of Writtell, Essex: will proved, 1498, P.C.C., 27 Horne.
  • 362. John Bukebord of Hendon and Margaret his wife occur in 1445 (Hardy and Page, Feet of Fines, i., 119).
  • 363. Executed at Tyburn. See Chronicles of London, 281–283, 341–342.
  • 364. This notice is an addition. The surname is blank in MS.
  • 365. Perhaps Margaret, wife of Henry Rycroft, d. 1503 (Cal. Wills, ii., 606).
  • 366. Donor of the third window from the west in the north aisle of the nave (see p. 168 below); his tomb, as described above, was under the second window from the west.
  • 367. A red cross is set in the margin.
  • 368. Perhaps Reginald, son of Henry Frowyke, d. 1286— see below (Cal. Wills, i., 76).
  • 369. The Index gives, "Frater Johannes Bunggey," and "Frater Rogerus Bunggey".
  • 370. Described in his will, proved 1419, as of "Weryngton, Lancaster; Friars Minors, London; Hedley, Surrey"; P.C.C., 46 Marche. This evidence for Robert Hallam's family seems to have been overlooked; cf. Dict. Nat. Biog., xxiv., 99.
  • 371. Henry Frowyke, alderman of Cripplegate Ward, Sheriff in 1275, d. 1286; mentions wife Isabella in his will (Cal. Wills, i., 76).
  • 372. This seems to be the right place for the notice of Hallam: the previous one is marked "b," whilst the notice of Frowyke is marked "a".
  • 373. Lewknor. Perhaps a son of Sir Thomas Lewknor (d. 1498) of Goring, Sussex; will, 22 Horne. His grandfather, another Sir Thomas, was alive in 1453 (Visitations of Sussex, p. 26: Harl. Soc.).
  • 374. Gent., Friars Minors, St. John Walbrooke, 1473; will, P.C.C., 9 Wattys.
  • 375. Richard Tyrry "Grey Friars, St. Leonard, London; Egremont, Cumberland"; will proved, 1495, P.C.C., 29 Vox. The MS. here reads "Tyrvy," but the Index (see p. 143) has Terry.
  • 376. An addition, possibly by the same hand.
  • 377. Apparently added, but by the same hand.
  • 378. Apparently added, but by the same hand.
  • 379. Blank in MS.
  • 380. The names of Suddell and Willy seem to be added.
  • 381. Sic MS.
  • 382. Or Talley, was chancellor of St. David's on 5th March, 1493 (Le Neve, Fasti, i., 319).
  • 383. Or possibly Wellima.
  • 384. valence, Stow.
  • 385. Appointed sergeant-at-arms June 16th, 1513 (Letters and Papers, i., 4247).
  • 386. For a reference to him in 1429 see Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., i., 510. For will, Thomas Berow, Friars Minors, All Hallows, Hony Lane, London, 1433, P.C.C., 18 Luffenam.
  • 387. Occurs 1450–1458 (Letter-Book, K., pp. 333, 383, 393). Not the founder of an almshouse at Dartford in 1453 (C.P.R., Henry VI., vi., 114), who died in 1464, see P.C.C., 5 Godyn.
  • 388. Referred to as deceased 1473–1474 (C.P.R., Edw. IV., ii., 394, 461). Richard Kesteyn, "squier, Freres Menours, St. Mildred Poultry; Essex; Leicester; " will, 1473, P.C.C., 8 Wattys.
  • 389. Perhaps the same as William Bryan below; the Index has Brydun.
  • 390. Stow has in the margin "Travers printer". This suggests identification with Peter Treveris (Dict. Nat. Biog., lvii., 312), who, however, published books as late as 1532 (Ames, Typ. Antiq., iii., 1441). The Index (see p. 143 below) shows conclusively that Stow was in error, for Travers is there described as "generosus de Hibernia".
  • 391. Stow reads "1482".
  • 392. John Barrey, otherwise "Markeley," skinner— d. 1439— directed that he should be buried here (Cal. Wills, ii., 488). Another will— P.C.C., 25 Luffenam— proved 1439.
  • 393. harper om. Stow.
  • 394. Alice Rede seems to be inserted.
  • 395. Thomas Gossep had a grant from Henry VI. of the chantry of St. Cross, Old Sarum, in 1460 (C.P.R., Henry VI., vi., 583).
  • 396. The names of Gossup, Poole, Myddelston, Brytten, and Yrlond, all seem to have been added by the original compiler; there is similar evidence of correction in the Index, where Irelond is further entered under M "in medio ecclesie".
  • 397. The date was first given as 1368.
  • 398. John Aubrey, citizen and merchant of London, occurs in 1364 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. III., xiii., 59); but this is probably the London alderman who died in 1380 (Beaven, Aldermen, i., 389). There was no Mayor at Norwich before 1404; a John Aubry was alderman of Norwich in 1478 (Hudson, Records of Norwich, ii., 102).
  • 399. Here Stow's transcript ends. But he has added two notes: "An other copy hathe, in ye body of the churche between ye pillars William Englishe, ser Bartilmew Enefeild knyght, ser Henry Enefeilde, knyght ser Andrewe Sackvill, knyght. One other copie hath in the Chapter house and Cloyster ser Geffrey Mandyvile, Erle of Essex, ye lady Athelard his wyfe, and James Salesburie, knyght." The English List has an entry beginning as above with English and the two Enfields and then continuing: "Item Sir Barnard St. Peter, knight, and at his fete Sir Ralf Sanwich, knight. Item Sir Andrew Sackville, knight. In the East Wing of the Church: First Sir Thomas, the son of Thomas Lewknor. Item Symond Ganis, esquyre. Item Sir Philip Pickworth, knight. In the Weast Winge of the Church. First Sir Richard Poncherdon, knight. Item William Maynard, Esquyre." These are all the names which the English List gives for the Nave.
  • 400. Meaning just inside the door leading down the steps to the Great Cloister.
  • 401. It is impossible to restore this word; it has been suggested it should be "gardianus"; but see p. 59 above.
  • 402. Supplied from the Index, see p. 142 below.
  • 403. Blank in MS. The Index gives Johannes Bountayn et mater eius.
  • 404. The notice of Tayler is an addition; the date is therefore probably after 1530.
  • 405. "Frater" in Index.
  • 406. Left blank in MS.
  • 407. Left blank in MS.
  • 408. See Index.
  • 409. "Frater" in Index. Benyngton and Lumley seem to be additions.
  • 410. "Frater" in Index.
  • 411. sc. fenestra.
  • 412. Neither Dugdale nor the Victoria County History give any prioress between Eleanor Spendlow elected in 1478, and Alice Worcester who occurs in 1526. Ankerwick is in Bucks.
  • 413. "Frater" in Index.
  • 414. The notice of Bawde is incomplete; his name appears in the margin. The entries for Brent and Bawde appear to have been added. The names of Bawde and Brent are added in the Index, where Bawde's Christian name is given as John.
  • 415. Egylston supplied from the Index.
  • 416. The notice of Cryspe has been added, apparently by the same hand.
  • 417. Valantyne Petytt of the Isle of Thanet; will proved 1490; P.C.C., 36 Milles.