Appendix: Thomas Chapman to Thomas Cromwell

Pages 216-217

The Grey Friars of London. Originally published by Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen, 1915.

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Prudentissime mi Domine. Dandumque tibi salutem.

Yff yt may be callyd to your lordchyppys remembrans ye comandyd me to send the namys off my bretherne, wheruppon ye myght send a dyspensacyon off our papystycall slanderus apparell, the which I thynke yt plesyth god that we shall no more were. For off truth yt hath not byn ryghtly usyd many yerys, and therffor I dowth not but god movys the hertes off princys to take yt away and many other thynges more yn the chyrche off Christ, sicut Ezechias 4to Reg. 18 fregit serpentem eneum quem fecit moyses ex precepto dei. Off the which acte we may se that prynces may change a thynge that god dyd institute, when yt ys not usyd to goddes yntent. Also yt ys not onknowyn to them that be lernyd in goddes law how god gaffe to the chylder of ysraell, and to clargy off ysraell also, bothe ceytys and townys &c., but when thay usyd them selwys with ydolatry and syne, then dyd the same god that gaffe the gyftes mowe and caldeys and babylons, yee as scrypture sayth that he callyd the babylons and the caldeys to take away that he affore gaffe &c. And the apostyll sayth prima Cor. x. Hec autem omnia in figura nostra contingebant illis, scripta autem sunt ad correctionem nostram. No dowth but yn thoys wordes the apostyll spake off us and all that shall cum after cryst. The which thynge ys now justly executyd on us, we specyally off the clergy, home god as a lowyng ffather doyth corectte and callyth away to hym by thoys that hath autoryte to change all customys, usages, and maners in levyng, and apparell, that hath byn offenssyve to goddes pepyll; the which autoryte wee say ys yn the kynges graces hond and your; and therffor all my bretherne desyryth no nother dispensacyon but your lordchyppys word, so knowyn to be your word and comandment by the leste letter that your lordchypp can wryght. For as moche as ye be our heyd (under the kynges grace) wee be exempte from all byshoppys tyll yt shall plese the kynges grace to submytte us to them; I trust your lordchyppe wyll wyth save to take us as your subjectes exemptyd from byshoppys: and as for my selfe I am your beydman and servant at all tymys to my lyvys ende at your comandment, and styll remaynyng yn soche apparyll as your lordchyppe sawe me yn at chechest., (fn. 2) and wyll tyll I shall know your plesur to be theryn and then shall obey with all redynes. I thynk longe tyll your dyspensacyon cum for my bretherne and so thynke thay also. Yff your plesur be to make your dyspensacyon by euery mans name, here I have send them yn this other letter. So Fare ye well yn god and all good prosperyte, for the which ye have and shall have the dayly prayar off your orator the warden of the Grayffrerys yn London.


The warden of the greyfreres in London. To the ryght honorabyll yn god lord privyseyll be thys delyveryd with speyd.


  • 1. Cotton MS., Cleopatra E. iv., f. 115.
  • 2. Chichester