Deeds: A.13001 - A.13100

Pages 425-444

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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A.13001 - A.13100

Camb. A 13001. Counterpart of demise, 31 March, 16 Elizabeth, by John Peers, of Arnoldes Hall, co. Essex, gentleman, to William Baron, of Trumpington, 'yoman,' for thirty years from Michaelmas, 1579, of the manor called 'Huntingtons mannor' in Trumpington, with all land, &c. belonging, 'lately Sr Phillipp Parrys knight,' now in William's occupation, in the parish of Trumpington, courts and profits of courts reserved; rent, 24l. &c.; covenant by Peers that if William be evicted by any person claiming any title by or from him or one Thomas Gardyner, esquire, that he will pay the said William 200 marks within three months; covenant that whereas Sir Phillipp Parrys, late owner thereof, demised the said manor, 10 March, 30 Henry VIII, for forty-one years, to William Baron, grandfather of the said William, &c. English. Signed William Baron.
Oornw. A. 13002. Indenture of bargain and sale, 2 May, 32 Elizabeth, by John Loun, the elder, of 'St Nighton joyning with Wynnoe,' yeoman, and John Loun, the younger, his son and heir, to Peter Bevell, of Rosilian within the parish of St Blazie, esquire, in consideration of 13l. 6s. 8d., of their messuages, land, &c. in the 'towne and feeldes severalls and wastrells of Tregorrock within the parish of St Austoll,' in the occupation of John Croft as in right of Elizabeth his wife, &c Saving a lease for term of her life granted to Elizabeth, now wife of John Croft, whereon a yearly rent is reserved of 6s. 3d.; attorney to deliver seisin, Edward Coswarne. English. Signed J. L. and John Lon. Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Cornw. A. 13003. Counterpart of demise, 28 July, 18 Elizabeth, by John Reskymer alias Grebar, of Merther (sic), esquire, to Richard Polgren, John his son and 'Katherin' bis daughter, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of a close of pasture in Marhasbyan 'marchinge upon the clife of the south side abuttinge withe the landes of Alexander Pollard one the northe side whiche one Harry Polgren sometymes there before helde and one garden in Marhasbian' on the north of the said close, tin, &c. excepted, at 5s. rent, 5s. 'heriatt' and common suit to the manor court of Trevarthyn; attorneys to deliver seisin, Alexander Pollarde and John Davye. English. One seal.
Cornw. A. 13004. Counterpart of demise, 6 June, 6 Elizabeth, by Thomas Tretherfe, of Tremayne, esquire, to John Court, of Managhan, husband- man, John Trythall and James Jelbert, son of Richard Jelbert, of Gulvall, for the term of their lives in survivorship, in consideration of 20l., of all his land, &c. at Trethogga veor and Barlowena in the parish of Gulvall, which John Jelbert 'and other before held,' tin, &c. excepted, at 40s. rent, 'a best beaste yn the name of a hereott or ferliffe,' &c.; attorneys to deliver seisin, Renold Bawdyn and William Richerd. Dated at Trethogga veor. English. Two seals.
Endorsed: Trethoggaveor and Borlawena which John Court holdythe, John Trythall and Jamys Gylbert.
Cornw. A. 13005. Bond by Francis Bluett, of St. Coolan, esquire, to 'Pascaw' (Pascasio) Kerne and Richard John, in 100l. conditioned for their quiet enjoyment of two parts of certain land, &c. 'yn the towne and fyldes of Melyncowse, Nantornam and St. Coolan,' whereof by deed, 16 November, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary, he had enfeoffed them. 29 October, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Cornw. A. 13006. Indenture of demise by Robert Strechlegh, gentleman, and Margaret, his wife, in consideration of 4l. paid them by John Lamerton, to Joan his wife and William and Frances (Francisce) his children, of all their land in Horelake in the parish of Maramchurch, three closes called 'Brodeparke,' 'Sandeparke' and 'Woodeknollparke' excepted, being now in his occupation for term of his life, for eighty years if they the said Joan, William and Frances should so long live, the term to commence on the death, surrender or forfeiture of the said John, at 46s. 8d., rent, the best beast for heriot or farleve and suit of court at their manor of Horelake. 5 November, 2 Edward VI. Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Hants. A. 13007. Indenture of demise, 24 May, 7 Edward VI, by John Phetyplace, of Stanlayke, co. Oxford, gentleman, to Thomas Froste, of Welde, co. Hants, 'husbandeman,' of 'all the scite of one house callid Horwooddes Ferme' in the parish of Preston Candever, with arable land belonging, with divers closes (named), and a pasture called 'the Hays,' 'one chamber and a parler' in the said 'ferme house' excepted, 'for his resorte thider,' common of pasture for seven hundred sheep, and common for his 'rudder beastes in a pasture called Ocollte'; to hold for twelve years from Michaelmas next; rent, 16 quarters of well 'wynedid' wheat and 34 quarters of barley; covenant that John shall yearly have 'two acres of the beste fetchys growyng upon the lande belongyng to the saide ferme,' paying 2s.; covenant that Thomas shall enjoy for his own profit 'the foldyng of all such sheep as the said John' 'shall kepe,' &c.
Hants. A. 13008. Bond by Thomas Froste, of Welde, 'husbandeman,' William Wattes, of the same, 'husbandeman,' and Henry Hockeley, of Harmesworthe, 'husbandeman,' to Jdhn Phetyplace, gentleman, in 100l., at Midsummer next, conditioned for Thomas Froste's observance of covenants in indentures of even date. 24 May, 7 Edward VI. Seals.
[Cornw.] A. 13009. Indenture being a feoffment by David Urban, of Penryn- burgh, to David, his son, in tail, with remainder in default successively in tail to David son of Hervey (Hervei) Tregoos, of Deveryon, Simon son of Thomas Lamanva, Joce (Joceo) brother of the said Simon son of Thomas, William brother of David son of Hervey, John Skurell son of John Skurell, and Joan daughter of Thomas Lamanva, mother of the said John, with remainder in default to his own right heirs, of all his land, &c. in the town of Penrynburgh, Cheiensorn in the parish of St. Martin, Treboulan and Gaier in the parish of Gwennap (Sancte Weneppe) in Kerier, and Carvodres in the fee of Neuham, beside the west bridge of Truru March', viz., a tenement and garden annexed in Penrynburgh, between the tenements of Watter Jose and of the chapel of St. Mary there, another tenement there between the tenements of Noel de Treuthall and of the heirs of John Meg[er], with 10d. rent in a messuage there situate between the messuage of John Tirell and the messuage of the chapel aforesaid, with all his reversions, expectant on the death of Isabel, his wife, of three closes of land there, whereof one is situate between the highway from Penrynburgh to Eeesdruth, on the south, the stream (bedum) of the mill of the bishop of Exeter on the north, and another highway from Penrynburgh to Seint Dei, on the east, the second is situate between a close of John Trenewith and a close belonging to the heirs of John Penryn, and the third is situate between a close of Joce Trefuthan and a close of land belonging to the heirs of Brixham, with the reversion of 2a. land English in Meneth Nanfan, situate between land of William Bodrugan, knight, and a close of land of Henry Sampson, the reversion of a grange, between a garden of land of the said chapel and a tenement of John Roger; all his land, &c. being a moiety of the town of Cheiensorn; his land, &c. in Treboulan; his rents and services in Gaier; and a tenement in the street of Carvodres in the said fee beside the said bridge. Witnesses:—William Bodrugan, knight, John Penhall, esquire, John Trefusis, John Langorthou, John Barell. Penrynburgh, 9 March, 13 Henry VI.
Norf. A. 13010. Grant by 'Eligius' Ferrers, abbot of the monastery of St. Mary of Wymondham, and the convent of the same, to Richard Hoo of the office of auditor of all their manors, lands and tenements in Norfolk, to be held by himself or his sufficient deputy from Michaelmas last for the term of his life, with 13s. 4d. yearly rent from their manor of Wymondham. 15 March, 28 Henry VIII.
Endorsed: Irrotutatur coram auditore domini Regis curie augmen- ticionum revenc' in com' Norff.
[Berks.] A. 13011. (1) Feoffment by John de Benetfeld to Andrew Saddok, rector of the church of Whytewaltham, Edmund Smewyn and John son of Robert at Lake, of all his land, &c. in the towns or fees of Benetfeld, Whytewaltham, Sottesbrok and Wokyngham, with the rever- sion expectant on the decease of Joan late his father's wife of the land, &c. she holds in dower, the easement of a chamber excepted, wherein he lies, for life. Benetfeld, Friday after St. John before the Latin Gate, 23 Edward III.
(2) Release by Edmund Smewyn of Whytewaltham, to Andrew Saddok, rector of the church of the same, of his right in land, &c. as above, by virtue of the above feoffment. Whytewaltham, Monday, the feast of St. Margaret, 23 Edward III.
(3) Letter of attorney of even date, by the above Edmund, to John le Saye, vicar of the church of Whytewaltham, to put the said Andrew in possession.
(4) Grant by the said Andrew, and John son of Robert at Lake, to Walter de Auneford, parson of the church of Benetfeld, and William Aleyn, of New Wyndesor, clerk, of the above land, &c. Witnesses:—Thomas Foxeley, Sir John Olyver, parson of the church of Fynchamstede, William le Englysch. Benetfeld, 30 September, 23 Edward III.
(5) Letter of attorney of even date by same to John de Auneford, chaplain, and John Barton of Benetfeld to deliver seisin.
(6) Feoffment by Thomas Holbot and Joan his wife, to William Wykham and Elizabeth Farnham, of all the land, &c. which they had by the gift and feoffment of Walter de Auneford, parson of the church of Benetfeld, and of William Aleyn of New Wyndesor, clerk, in Benetfeld, Whyte Waltham, Sottesbrook and Wokyngham; to hold to the said William and Elizabeth, their heirs and assigns. Witnesses:—John Everdon, parson of the church of Benetfeld, and others (named). Benetfeld, 26 January, 9 Henry IV.
(7) Release by John Farnham and Agnes his wife to William Wykham and Elizabeth Farneham their daughter, their heirs and assigns of all their right in land, &c. in Benetfeld, Whytewaltham, Sottesbrook and Wokyngham, which after the death of Thomas Holbot, and Joan his wife ought to remain to them, in right of the said Agnes. Witnesses:—John Everdon, parson of the church of Benetfeld, and others (named). Benetfeld, 26 January, 9 Henry IV.
(8) Schedule attached. Copy of court roll. In the margin 'Cokeham.' John Lake son of Agnes daughter and heir of John son and heir of Robert atte Lake claims by descent, in right of Agnes his mother now (jam) wife of John Farnham, all the land, &c. late belonging to Thomas son of Thomas Holbode and to Joan daughter of John de Benetfeld his wife which the said Thomas and Joan his wife had by the gift and feoffment of Walter Aunefford, parson of the church of Benetfeld, and of William Alayn, chaplain, by charter indented, shown in the court held at 'le Leyghe,' Tuesday before St. Katharine, the Virgin, 23 Edward III, and dated at Benetfeld, 19 November in the said year; which land, &c. the said Walter and William had by the gift of Andrew Saddok, parson of the church of Whyte Waltham, and of John son of Robert atte Lake, who had the same by the gift and feoffment of John Benetfeld, in Benetfeld, White- waltham, Sottesbrook and Wokyngham.
Endorsed:—Andreas Saddok, clericus, dedit, &c. Johanne filie et heredi Johannis Benefeld et heredibus de corpore suo, &c.
(9) On dorse. Writ by King Henry to the bailiffs of Humphrey de Lancastre, knight, of Cokeham and Bray, to do right according to the custom of the manor of Cokeham and Bray to William Wykeham and Elizabeth his wife, in respect of a messuage, mill, 200a. land, 50a. meadow, 46a. wood and 60s. rent in Benetfeld, White Waltham, Sottesbrok and Wokyngham, which Thomas Holbot and Joan his wife, and John Farneham and Agnes his wife deforced to them. Westminster, 24 January, 9 Henry [IV].
(10) Final concord made in the court of Sir Humphrey de Lancaster, knight, the king's son, of his manor of Cokham, held there, Tuesday, the last day of January, 9 Henry IV, before John Barton, then steward there, William Louches and others (named), suitors of the said court, between William Wykeham and Elizabeth his wife, querents, and Thomas Holbot and Joan his wife and John Farneham and Agnes, his wife, deforciants, of a messuage, mill, 40a. (sic), meadow, &c. as above, by virtue of the king's writ of right, &c., to hold to the said William and Elizabeth and their heirs; consideration, 100l &c.
(11) Feoffment by Andrew Saddok, clerk, to Joan daughter and heir of John de Benetfeld, of all the land, &c. which he had by John's gift in the towns or fees of Whitewaltham, Sottisbrok, Wokyngham and Benetfeld, with the reversion of the land, &c. held by Joan late the wife of John's father in dower, a croft of arable called 'Wylkestrecche' and la. arable in 'Bradecroft' next land of John de Fienles &c. excepted, and except the rents and services of Richard le Stout in Whytewaltham and Benetfeld, and 4s. 3d. rent there from John atte Feld; to hold to the said Joan and the heirs of her body, with remainder in default to John son of Robert at Lake in tail, with remainder in default to the right heirs of John de Benetfeld. Witnesses:—Walter Aneford, rector of the church of Benetfeld, and others (named). Benetfeld, Sunday before the lifting up of the Holy Rood, 23 Edward III.
(12) Pedigree:—Johannes de Benetfeld de quo (1) Johannes de Benefeld, de quo Johannes de Benfeld, de quo Johanna que disponsata fuit Thome Holbote qui quidem Thomas et Johanna levaverunt finem, &c. simul cum Johanne Farneham et Agnete uxore ejus infrascriptis. (2) Matilda que desponsata fuit Roberto atte Lake et habuit exitum Johannem atte Lake de quo Agnes que desponsata fait Johanni Farneham qui quidem Johannes Farneham et Agnes levaverunt finem predictum cum predictis Thoma Holbot et Johanna uxore ejus'. Copies on one skin.
A. 13012. Bond by Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, Nicholas, bishop of London, Henry, bishop of Winchester, Thomas, bishop of Durham, Edward, duke of York, John, earl of Somerset, William Roos, Richard Grey and Hugh de Burnell, knights, John Prophete, clerk, and John de Stanley, knight, to Richard Whityngton, citizen and merchant of London, in 1,000l. at Michaelmas next. 16 June, 8 Henry IV. Cancelled by cuts. Seals.
Camb. A. 13013. (1) Feoffment by Margery Aunger, of Whitewelle, widow, and Nicholas Aunger, son and heir of Sampson Aunger, late of the same, as executors of his testament and last will, to John Puregolde, of Cam- bridge, gentleman, Paul Smyth of the same, apothecary (appoticario), John Thirleby, of the same, Richard Aunger and Richard Serle, of Barton, to the use of the said John Puregold, of two selions of land, containing 3 roods, in the fields of Barton, to wit in the field called 'le Hylle Felde,' one of them lying between land of the said John Puregold and the boundary (communem divisam) leading from Barton to Whitewell and abutting on land of the prior of Barnewell and on 'Dykkes medowe' alias 'Somers croft,' and the other between land of the said John and land belonging to the Treasurer (Thesaur') of the town of Cambridge, late John Hesewell's and abutting on land of the Master and Fellows of the College called Clare Hall in Cambridge. 28 January, 7 Henry VIII. Fragments of seals. Witnesses' names endorsed.
(2) Bond of even date by same to John Puregolde, of Cambridge, gentleman, in 3l. at Easter next, conditioned for his quiet enjoyment of the above two selions. Fragments of seals.
[Warw.] A. 13014. Bill by Thomas Lucy, of Charlecote, esquire, to 'Herry' Rogers, citizen and vintner of Coventre, acknowledging a debt of 10l. to be paid 'at the fest of Corpus Christi next commyng.' 23 August, 1 Henry VIII. Signed per me Thomam Lucy. Paper.
Hunt. A. 13015. Indenture of demise, 20 March, 30 Elizabeth, by Sir Edward Wyngfeild, of Kymbalton alias Kymolton, knight, to Roger Vawghan, of the same, yeoman, for services rendered beyond seas and at home, and for a sum of money in hand, of common of pasture for a horse and five 'rother beastes' upon the close called the 'Towne Pasture,' parcel of the demesnes of the manor of Kymbalton alias Kymolton, in such manner as the horses and beasts of the inhabitants dwelling in the said town be fed, &c. there by the 'oversight of one keeper thereof att the appoyntement of the said inhabitauntes'; to hold for twenty-one years, paying to the said inhabitants, or their collector, 3s. 4d. yearly. Signature and seal, broken. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Surrey.] A. 13016. Bond by Henry Wattes of Waddon, co. Bucks, gentleman, to Henry Knyght, in 100l. at Midsummer next, conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of even date. 4 April, 36 Henry VIII. Cancelled by cuts. See A. 12875.
Cornw. A. 13017. Indenture of demise by John Reskymer, esquire, to Margaret Greber, for the term of her life, of all his land, &c. in Chymed[er], Wyllys, Sensewana and Leyty, at a rent to him during his life of 8l. 16s.; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Pentecost, the younger, and George Waterton. 6 March, 37 Henry VIII.
A. 13018. Bond by David Broke, of the Inner Temple, gentleman, to John Griffith, clerk, and William Dobson, gentleman, in 200l, on the feast of St. Thomas, the Martyr, next, conditioned for his saving harmless Henry Seward, of Childe Compton, co. Somerset, esquire, against John Eston, 'sergeaunte at armes with our soverain lorde the king,' in respect of a statute of the staple of Westminster of 1,000 marks wherein the said Henry with John Walshe and John Huntley, esquires, stands bound to Eston, or for his paying, within twelve days after the date of the present obligation, 100l. to Griffithe and Dobson. 2 July, 18 Henry VIII. Signed per me David Brook. Seal.
Essex. A. 13019. General release by John Gyver, of Walden, yeoman, to John Feltwell alias Ion of Litle Wenden, yeoman. 18 January, 31 Elizabeth. Seal.
[Cornw.] A. 13020. Counterpart indenture being a feoffment by John Nanskylly to Benet (Benedicto) Tregooz and John Wolwedon, clerks, John Skewys, William Gerves and Thomas Gerves, of all his land, &c. in Penhale and Tregena with a garden in Helstonburgh called 'Lovurth an Men,' rendering therefore yearly for the next five years 15s., and thereafter 40s. at the feasts of St. Philip and St. James, Midsummer, Michaelmas and All Hallows. Witnesses:—John Gotholghan, mayor of the borough aforesaid, Peter Seyntaubyn, Thomas Seyntaubyn. Helston, 10 April, — Henry VIII.
Endorsed:—Condicio infra scripti feoffamenti est talis quod si ego Johannes Nanskylly decesserim . . infra quinque annos infra scriptos quod extunc volo quod omnia exitus et proficua omnium et singulorum infra scriptorum ad implendum meam voluntatem videlicet viginti solidos ad edificacionem capelle sancte Elvine in Lannargh . . . . . ad celebrandum pro anima mea ac omnium benefactorum meorum durantibus quinque annis infra scriptis.
Norf. A. 13021. Indenture being a feoffment by Clement Harwarde of Alburghe, esquire, to William Paston and William Heydon, knights, John Holdiche, Martin Barnye and Edmund Ryches, esquires, and Richard Stubbes of Edgefelde, gentleman, to the use oi his last will, of all his land, &c. in Alburghe, Thwayte, Wyckmere, Thurgarton, or elsewhere in Norfolk. Alburghe, 10 December, 27 Elizabeth, 1584.
[Norf] A. 13022. Feoffment by John Man, of Skernyng, Geoffrey Brakke and Edmund Mychell, of the same, to John Botry, of Gressenhall, and Robert Kyrby, the younger, of Skernyng, of a messuage and cottage in Skernyng, formerly Adam Man's, with a croft adjacent and 1a. land, enclosed, there, 3a. arable called 'Peper lond,' la. meadow and a piece of underwood in the common, situate as described, which, together with John Wright, since deceased, they had inter alia by the grant of John Pomefreth, the elder, by charter, 31 August, 23 Henry VIII. Skernyng, 19 November, 12 Henry VIII. Two seals. Memorandum of livery of seism endorsed. Endorsed Thomas Hoo.
Norf. A. 13023. Indenture being a feoffment by Thomas Hoo, of Burnham Overey, gentleman, in consideration of 19l., to Rowland Pierson, of a messuage, with buildings, barn, curtilage, and 'le malthous,' in Burnham Ulp, and 2½a. at 'Brancaster Wey,' which he lately had by the gift of Richard Short, of Burnham Ulp, 'roper,' by charter dated there 21 April, 1 Mary (regine nunc).
Endorsed: Apud Heydon 7 die Aprilis, 1557. Paper copy, or draft.
Norf. A. 13024. Indenture of bargain and sale. 24 July, 9 Elizabeth, by John Grebby, of Kynges Lynne, 'marchaunt,' to Thomas Richardson, of the same, 'marchaunt,' in consideration of 112l. of a messuage and 'brewhows,' with brewing vessels, with 'kayes, stathes and other edyfices' thereto belonging, in his occupation, in Kynges Lynne, 'in the strete there called the Checker,' between — Lane and the tenements of Robert Gervis, 'nowe maior of Lynne,' &c. English.
Endorsed: . . . . . . to John Grebbie senior.
Cornw. A. 13025. Indenture of demise by John Reskymer, esquire, to Thomasyn Pregyan, John her son and Katharine her daughter, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of a third part of the land, &c. which she 'before held yn Trewordur the lower withyn my manor of Tretheves,' by 13s. 4d. rent at the terms usual in the hundred of Keryer, 'ther best catell as often as hit shall happen accordyng to the custum withyn the said hundred used and approved,' and suit of court of the said manor. 1 May, 2 and 3 Philip and Mary. English. Witnesses' names endorsed; also A. lease for Tre ourde.
Camb. A. 13026. General release by Thomas Cuttson, of Mylton, 'husbond- man,' to Richard Aylemer, of Barton, 'husbondman.' 12 August, 34 Henry VIII.
Camb. A. 13027. Indenture of bargain and sale, 26 February, 29 Henry VIII, by Robert Holder, of Barton, 'yoman,' to Richard Maldon, of Trumpyngton, 'yoman,' of all his land 'free' and 'copy' in the 'townes and feldes of Barton Whitewell Cotton and Graundecestre'; covenant that Richard 'shall entre and falowe all londes seisionably belongyng to premysses,' at Lady Day next, 'and also upon the layes and a closse called Allgers Closse'; Robert shall 'occupy the mancion place called Asshewell with two copy holdes holden of Mr. Ward and copy holde holden of the prior of Barnewell, parcell of the premysses,' 'as the said mancion place and copy holdes be now enclosed within hegges,' from the day of date for five years; 'for the whiche bargayne and salle' Richard shall pay 'seven scor poundes,' at certain dates. English. Seal.
Camb. A. 13028. Feoffment by Richard Malden, of Barton, 'husbondman,' to Richard Aylmer of 40a. arable in the several fields of'Berton, Grawnceter, Cotton and Whytwell, which he recently mortgaged (dedi et concessi in morgagium) to Reginald Baynbrig and others; attorney to deliver seisin, Richard Burde. 7 September, 6 Edward VI. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
[Norf.] A. 13029. Acquittance by Thomas Poumfret, of Estdereham, to Richard Hoo for 26s. 8d. in full for 1a. land in Skernyng, in 'Bitfeld,' between land of the manor of Skernyng, in the tenure of Clement Poumfret, and land late John Pynnez', &c. 2 December, 18 Henry VIII. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
A. 13030. Bond by Walter Denys, of Boddyngton, co. Gloucester, esquire, to William Rogers, gentleman, in 200l. conditioned for his delivering before 1 July next his obligation, with two sufficient sureties, in 100l. conditioned for his and his wife Margaret's observance of covenants contained in indentures of assignment of even date. 12 May, 15 Elizabeth. Signed Walter Dennys. Seal.
Endorsed: 23 John Hygford.
Cornw. A 13031. Release by Pollidore (Pollidorus) Pentyre, of Canorchard within the parish of Launcells, gentleman, to John Uglow alias Will, of his right in a close oi land called 'Greata parke' or 'Great parke,' in Canorchard, containing 4a. land, now in the said John's occupation in right of Elizabeth his wife. 12 October, 38 Elizabeth. Signed Pollider Pentyer. Witnesses' names endorsed, and memorandum of livery of seisin, 30 March,—, in the presence of Richard, Nicholas, William and John Uglowe.
Norf. A. 13032. Indenture being a feoffment by John Aldham, of Shymplyng, gentleman, and by Henry Ravyn, of Sowthbarowe, yeoman, at John's request, in part performance of a bargain and sale specified in indentures tripartite, 17 September, 11 Elizabeth, between the said John Aldham, of the first, Thomas Thwaytes, of Hardyngham, esquire, of the second, and Francis Sturges, of Craneworthe, in the said county, esquire, of the third, to the said Thomas Thwaytes, of a moiety of the manors called Elyngham Cawes alias Cawes and Buttelles, and a moiety of the advowson of the rectory of Sowthbarowe alias Sowthbergh, with a moiety of the lands and pastures called 'Oxleyfeld' in the parishes of Sowthbarowe, Hengham, Hardyngham and Reymerston, of meadows and enclosures thereto belonging, and of all lands, &c. accounted part of the said manors within the last twelve years, now held by the said John Aldham or Elizabeth his wife, in the towns above named and in Rysyng, Craneworth, Little Elyngham, Skulton, Sturston, Hackford and Depham; also of the moiety of a messuage or tenement called 'Mansons,' and of a parcel of land or alder-carr (alneti) called 'Rawaghe' lying in Hardyngham, and of a moiety of land, &c. in Hengham, Hardyngham and Sowthbarowe to the said messuage belonging called 'Mansons' or 'Mantestons'; to hold to the said Thomas Thwaytes, to the use of himself, his heirs and assigns; similarly feoffment of the other moiety of all the above premises to the said Francis Sturges; warranty in both cases against himself and his heirs and his wife Elizabeth and her heirs; attorney to deliver seisin, John Cady, of Great Elyngham, 'yoman.' 19 September, 11 Elizabeth.
A. 13033. Bond by Thomas Lucy, late of Charlecote, co. Warwick, esquire, and Robert Throgmerton, late of Coughton, in the same county, knight, to Thomas Lovell, knight, John Husee, knight, and Henry Wyatt, esquire, in 100l., to the king's use, on the feast of the Apostles Philip and James, 1511, conditioned for the payment of 100 marks on the said feast; if Robert die before payment, another bondsman to be found. 25 May, 1 Henry III. Signatures and seals.
Camb. A. 13034. Certified copy of the will, 28 January, 1577, of Richard Ellmer, of Barton, yeoman; to Richard Ellmer, his eldest son, his 'mancion house,' 'free.' 'lease' and 'copiehold' lands in the 'parishe' of Barton cum Whitwell, Cumberton, Grancester and Coton, except 'one free tenement wherein William Gooden now dwelleth, with a pece of Lees,' containing 4a. abutting thereon, and a close at 'Barton bridge,' called 'Catteswell close,' containing 3a., with the 'woodes' belonging to the said tenement and closes, all which he gives to Thomas Ellmer, his younger son, as also 'all my free lande arable lees and meadowe within the bounds and lymittes of Haselingfeild, which I bought of Mr. Morrisbie'; 'item I bequethe to the township of Barton all my meadowe grounde lienge in Barton Haye within the boundes of Haselingfeilde abuttinge upon Bourne brooke and all other groundes there within the haie to the township of Barton in common as other the inhabitantes of Barton do occupie the same forever, willinge my son Richerd to ayde and assiste the said Towneship of Barton evermore to enter into the said ground and haye'; provided if the township or any other person 'shall hereafter till eare or sever the same haie,' or any part thereof, 'and so keepe the same severall to any private use,' the same to revert to Richard, his son, and his heirs; specific bequests of goods to son Richard; residue of goods to wife Agnes Ellmer and son Thomas, equally between them; wife to pay debts and legacies and to have all the wood in the 'greate close' towards their payment, and to occupy land, &c. given to sons till they come of age; if sons die under age without issue she shall have his lands, &c. for her life, with remainder in default of other issue of his by her, to John Skynner, of Orwell and his heirs for ever; the said John to have the tuition of his said sons if his said wife die whilst they are under age; his wife to deliver the land to son Richard, at his full age, 'well tilled,' with 12a. 'of the said tylthe sowen with wheate and rie'; if wife remarry, her husband to give bond to John Skinner for the performance of the will; to Roger Skynner, John Skynner's son, 'a browne howed calfe to be weaned'; 'to Richard Skynner my godson,' son of John, 'one brandled calfe of a yere olde'; to 'Richerd Skynner my wives brother,' 4 bushells of barley; son Richard Ellmer to be sole executor. John Skynner and James Norman to be supervisors, with 20s. 'for their paynes.' Proved before Thomas Ithell, doctor of laws, vicar general and principal official of Richard, bishop of Ely, and administration granted to Agnes Ellmer, widow, the relict, during son Richard's minority, for the education of Richard and Thomas his brother, 22 February, 1577.
Essex. A. 13035. Bond by Richard Southwell, of London, esquire, to 'Raynold' (Reginaldo) Heygate, of Ferynge, co. Essex, yeoman, in 200l. at All Hallows next, conditioned for his standing to the award of Sir Thomas Awdeley, knight, keeper of the great seal, and of Thomas Crumwell, esquire, upon the title to land called 'Mores, Haynes and Cornettes Croftes,' within the manors of Keldon and Revenhale, claimed by 'Reynold,' the awards to be delivered before the said feast. 18 September, 24 Henry VIII. Signed per me Ric' Southwell.
London. A. 13036. Indenture being a feoffment by George Foster, citizen and goldsmith of London, son and heir of John Foster, citizen and 'bowier' of London, to William Dernier alias Dormer, of London, scrivener, in consideration of 200l., of a tenement or messuage, late in his said father's occupation, in the parish of St. Katherine Christchurche, within Algate, London, and all that messuage or tenement 'bakehouse' in the said parish, in the occupation of William Jackson, 'baker,' with 'les backsides,' &c. 4 October, 23 Elizabeth, 1581. Signed George Foster. At foot, 'Sealed and delyvered in the tenemente bakehowse above specyfied and after delyvered in the tenemente taverne nowe in the occupacion of Robert Dodd by the said George to the said William Dormer in the presence of us R. Smyth, Robert Northe, W. Dodde, scrivener.' Seal [argent] on a fess [gules] between two cotises wavy [sable] three crescents [or], with crest, a serpent [cert] issuing from and piercing a garb [or], for 'Dodd.'
Memorandum of livery of seisin, 24 October, 1581, endorsed.
[Cornw.] A. 13037. 'This indenture testifieth that whereas Thomas Tamlinge and John Tamlinge did take certayne lande in Trewen in the parishe of St. Udye of John Daniell who in the righte of his wife set it them to teele for certayne yeres yet to come and for as muche as the same is in variens between the same Daniell and John Marfilde and is not yet determined, the same Morfilde havinge graunted certayne interest in the same landes in Trewen aforesaid unto William Carnsewe who by force of the same graunte is in actuall possession thereof: the same William Carnsewe and the above named Tamlinges have condissendid and agreed, that they the said Tamlinges shall have and enjoye the herbage and pasture of all the landes and grounde that they the said Tamlinges did teele untill the next springe painge only a capon at Christide nexte . . . .' 16 October, 1584, 27 Elizabeth. Signed by marks. Witnesses:—Henry Kewe, Mathew Carnsewe. Paper.
Cornw. A. 13038. Indenture of demise, 23 September, 1 Elizabeth, by John Reskymer, of Tremayn, esquire, to Thomas Tretherf, of Tretherf, esquire, for the term of his life, of 'all that his barton or mancion bowse of Tremaygn within the parishe of Seynt Marten yn Meneag,' 'with all measys landes,' 'leasys,' 'furse, heathes,' &c. in Tremaygn, being in his own occupation, at 'the old accustomed rent' of 3l. 'at the foure termes of the yere withyn the hundred of Keryer moste used,' &c.; attorneys to deliver seisin, Lawrens Chynhale and Nicholas Trethowen. English. Signed John Reskymer. Witnesses' names endorsed.
N'th'l'd. A. 13039. Grant by William Heron, of Forde, knight, to Henry Browne, of Berwick upon Tweed, for life, of 5 marks annuity from lands in Forde, in the tenure of Thomas Burrell and Robert White, and in Twissill, in the occupation of John Magyrson and Robert Roull. 20 June 25 Henry VIII. Signed S. Wyll'm Heron of Ford. Fragments of seal of arms.
Cornw. A. 13040. Grant by John Trethurff, esquire, to Amisia wife of Nicholas Arondell [daughter of] John Jamys, of an annuity of 13s. 4d. for life, payable at Michaelmas, to begin on the first such feast after the decease of the said John Jamys, with right of distraint, in default, upon his messuage or tenement in Tregathenyn. 2 February, 38 Henry VIII. Signed John Tretherffe. Witnesses' names, John Reskymer and others, endorsed.
Northamp. A 13041. Bond by William Catesbie, of Ashbie Leagers, esquire, to Lawrence Maidwell, of Gretton, 'yoman,' in 400l. conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures between them of even date. 2 April, 12 Elizabeth. Signed by me Wyllyam Catesby. Cancelled by cuts.
Norf. A. 13042. Release by Robert Fyssher at the request of John Pomfret, clerk, son and heir of John Pomfret, deceased, late of Skernyng, and executor of his will, to Richard Hoo and William Hoo, of his right in the land, &c. in Skernyng which together with the said John deceased, or others, he had to the said John's use. 30 September, 18 Henry VIII. Fragment of seal. Witnesses' names, Robert Eyer, gentleman, and others, endorsed.
London. A. 13043. Counterpart of an assignment, 5 November, 3 Edward VI, by Rose Cornewell, of London, widow, in consideration of 50l., to Lady Elyzabeth Morrys of London, 'wydowe,' of a lease, 4 March, 29 Henry VIII, by William Maior, 'late pryour of the Newe Hospytall without Bysshoppysgate of London,' and the convent of the same place, to one Patrick Whyte, of a tenement or house, 'which one John Stekes late helde and occupyed buylded over and in every syde of the west gate of the said place,' 'betwixte the said hospytall on the north and their tenement callyd the Candelhouse on the southe and the Kinges brode stret on the west and the wey entering in the churche of the said place on thest,' 'also a gardeyn plote,' 'without the said gate nighe unto the said tenement on the northe syde thereof adjoyning in the est uppon the wall of the said late Hospytall and in the said stret in the west and a crosse stonding at the dore of the said gardeyn on the southe,' for certain years yet enduring, which indenture of lease the said Patrick, 2 October, 2 Edward VI, assigned to the said Rose; the said tenement, now divided into three tenements, being at present of the yearly, value of 8l. 13s. 4d.; covenant by Lady Elizabeth that this assignment shall be void on payment by the said Rose of 50l. on or before 3 November next.
Wilts. A. 13044. Release by Thomas Longe, of Beckington, clothier, son of William Longe, late of the same, clothier, to Henry Longe, of Whaddon, clothier, of his right in a close of land or pasture called 'Dolmeade,' in the parish of Whaddon, formerly in the occupation of the said William, his father, and now of the said Henry. 2 July, 11 Elizabeth. Signed By me Thomas Longe. Fragment of seal.
Glouc. A. 13045. Indenture being a feoffment by William Rogers, of Dowdeswell, gentleman, in consideration of a marriage already had between John Higford, son and heir apparent of John Higford, of Dixton, esquire, and 'Dorothie the sole and only daughter and nowe heire apparant of the said William Rogers,' and in part performance of covenants in indentures, 6 May, 33 Elizabeth, between the said John, the father, and himself, to John Pledall and George Masters, esquires, and Kynnard Delabere and John Whittington, gentlemen, to the uses in the said indentures contained, of the capital messuage or farm of Rosseley alias Rostley with its appur- tenances, in the parish of Wythington, and of all other his land, &c. there, sometime parcel of the possessions of the monastery of Wynchcombe; also of the 'mannour howse mancion place capitall messuage or farme in Dowdeswell aforesaide wherein I the saide William Rogers doe nowe inhabite and dwell,' with the appurtenances, as enjoyed by himself or William Rogers, his father, deceased, with all his land, &c. in Over and Nether Dowdeswell and in Peglesworth, 'lyinge on the south side or south parte of the Queene's Majesties highe waye leadinge from Cheltnam and from the lordshipp or mannor of Charleton Kinges,' 'throughe the parishe of Nether Dowdeswell aforesaide by the churchyard wall of the parishe churche there neare unto a place there called' 'the Perrye Tree Quarre or the newe Quarre, and from the sayde Quarre towardes Northlache'; to hold to the uses specified in the said indenture. 13 May, 33 Elizabeth. English. Signed Wyllyam Rogers. Seal of arms (— impaling three crescents and a chief ermine). Witnesses' names, Walter Compton, Abraham Huggeford, and others, endorsed; also 16. John Hygford.
A. 13046. (1) Bond by Thomas Lucy, of Assheby, co. Northampton, knight, Richard Druell, of Quexworth, co. Herts, esquire, and George Patenson, of Haverssham, co. Bucks, Thomas Hardyng, of Welden, co. Bedford, Robert Presgrave, of Gretton, co. Northampton, and William Alen, of Carleton, co. Bedford, yeomen, to Richard Humfrey, esquire, in 20 marks, at Michaelmas next, conditioned for the payment of 10l. 'at the fest of Seynt Martyn the Bisshop in Wynter,' 1528. 10 July, 16 Henry VIII. Signed per me Thomam Lucy. Cancelled by cuts.
(2 & 3) Fragments of similar bonds by same to same.
Hants. A. 13047. The like conditioned for the payment of 10l. on the feast of 'Seynt Martyn the Bisshop in Wynter,' 1529. 10 July, 16 Henry VIII. Signed per me Thomam Lucy.
A. 13048. Release by William Erneley, of Cakeham, co. Sussex, esquire, to John Gounter, of his right in land, &c. called 'Neelys lond' in the parish of Warblyngton. 1 October, 29 Henry VIII. Signed By me Wylly'm Ernele.
N'hamp. A. 13049. Bond by James Oldfeld, of Bugby, 'yoman,' John War- wyke, of Norhampton, 'wever,' and Richard and John Moxson, of the same, 'glovers,' to Thomas Lucy, knight, sheriff of the said county, in 100 marks, at Lady Day next, conditioned for Oldfeld's keeping the king's peace against John West, of Bugby aforesaid, 'gentilman.' 8 August, 12 Henry VIII. Fragments of seals.
Warw. A. 13050. Feoffment by William Porrey, of Henley in Arden, to Thomas Lucy, knight, and Dame Elizabeth Lucy, his wife, Thomas Yelshawe, clerk, and Roger Slye, of a messuage, with orchard and garden adjacent, in Henley, to the use of Sir Thomas and Dame Elizabeth Lucy. 21 May, 12 Henry VIII. Seal.
Camb. A. 13051. (1) Indenture being a feoffment by Richard Malden, of Barton, husbandman, to Richard and John Aylmere, of the same, husband- men, of all his land, &c. in Barton, Whyteweil, Cotton and Grauncester, the feoffment and seisin had thereon to be void if he performed the conditions specified in certain indentures annexed; attorneys to deliver seisin, Robert Malden, his son, and Richard Byrde, of Barton, husbandman. Barton, 30 July, 36 Henry VIII.
(2) Indenture of bargain and sale of even date annexed, by same to same of his land, free and copy, &c. as above, and of all his goods, as at Midsummer, 1546; the sale, and states and surrenders had thereon to be void if he save the said Richard and John harmless against John Veysy, of Cambryge, 'appotycarye or grocer,' in respect of an obligation, 28 March, 34 Henry VIII, whereby he and his son Robert, and the said Richard and John, stand bound in 200 marks for the delivery at certain dates of 'eyghtene score quarters of malt,' and if he pay Richard Mydleton of Cambryge 7l. 10s. at Michaelmas next, and William Fyssher, of the same, 10s., so that the said Richard and John may at no time be troubled for the said debts; proviso that if the said Richard Maiden is minded to sell any portion of the premises 'owt ryght' before Midsummer, 1546, the said Richard and John shall be preferred purchasers, and 'the money comyng of the sale' shall be applied to payment of the said debts. English. Seals.
N'hamp. A. 13052. Counterpart of demise, 1 February, 7 Edward VI, by Sir Richard Catesbye, of Ashebie Legiers, knight, to George Walker, of the same, 'yoman,' of two closes or pastures in Gretton, called 'the Stubbinges,' near a place called 'Rockyngham shere' there, and 'Piehill Close,' next Cotten, late in the occupation of Sir John Coope, knight; to hold from Lady Day next for twenty-one years, at 20s. rent.
Berks. A. 13053. Bond by Robert Kilby, of Wynkfeld, 'yoman,' to Richard Verney, esquire, and Dame Elizabeth, his wife, in 40l. at Christmas next, conditioned for his not selling or incumbering his tenement in Wynkfeld, without their consent, until they 'refuse the seid sale, they doyng as a nother man will do.' 20 November, 23 Henry VIII. Fragment of seal.
Camb. A. 13054. Bargain and sale and feoffment for 5l. by Thomas and John Wrenne, of Haddenham, gentlemen, to Richard Aylemer, of Barton, 'yoman,' of 4½a. land in the occupation of William Folkes in the common fields of Barton, and 3r. land in the occupation of Richard Maiden there, heretofore assigned to the sustentation and maintenance of an anniversary lamp and light in Barton church, all of which was sold to them by John Butler, of Woodehall, co. Herts, knight, and Thomas Chaworthe, gentleman, by their writing, 21 May, 7 Edward VI; to be held of the Queen, as of the manor of Eastgrenewiche, co. Kent, by fealty only in free socage; attorneys to deliver seisin, Richard Burde and Nicholas Aunger. 16 January, 1 Mary. Signed per me Tho. Wrenne, by me Jhon Wrenne. Fragment of one seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Hants. A. 13055. Feoffment by Thomas Keyleways, of Rogeboume, esquire, in consideration of 100 marks, to Ralph Barrye, of Bremmer, husbandman, of a tenement and messuage, orchard, garden and curtilage in Northe Gorley in the occupation of Gawin Barrye, Ralph's brother; also of 24a. arable, &c. in Northe Goreley, Southe Goreley and Forthyngbrydge, with the appurtenances in Gawin's occupation; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Fysher and Ralph Wynge. 31 May, 18 Elizabeth. Signed by me Thomas Keylway. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Warw. A. 13056. Bond by George Cobb, William Freman and John Compton, of Hillmoreton, 'husbondmen,' to Christopher Waid, of Coventre, 'marcer,' in 20 marks, at the Purification next, conditioned for the payment of 8l. at Lady Day next. 8 January, 28 Henry VIII. Signed per me George Cobbe.
[Somers.] A. 13057. Bond by John Vampage, of Wollashull, co. Worcester, esquire, to John Sydenham, esquire, in 500l., conditioned for his observance in covenants in indentures of bargain and sale between them of the manor of Syndercombe and Thrype and all other land, &c. in Syndercombe and Thrype, of even date. 31 May, 32 Henry VIII. Signed by me John Vampage. Fragment of seal.
Leic. A. 13058. Release by Elizabeth Leveson, widow, late wife of Edward Leveson, of Perton, esquire, and executrix of his will, of her right in a rent charge of 6l. 13s. 4d. going out of the manor of . . . . . ., co. Leicester, which he had by the gift of John Leonard, of Walton, co. Leicester, gentleman, 'duryng the entermaryage of the sayd John Leonard and Jane nowe wyff unto oon Thomas Pulteney, of Leighton,' co. Huntingdon, gentleman, and whereof she, the said Elizabeth, was in possession by her said late husband's gift. 21 November, 12 Elizabeth. Witnesses:—Roger Fowke, gentleman, and others (named). English. Seal. Paper.
Endorsed: . . . release of . . . rent out of the manor of Pulteney.
Camb. A. 13059. (1) Feoffment by Andrew Manfeld, M.D., and Thomas Manfeld, to Robert Holder, of Barton, 'yoman,' Robert Fanne, John Upholder, Robert Malden and John Warde, of the same, 'husbondmen,' of a messuage with croft adjacent and 4a. arable lying dispersed in the town and fields of Barton, which they together with John Manfeld, clerk, M.A., since deceased, had by the feoffment of Robert Kyng, of Great Eversdon, Alexander Roger, of Little Eversdon, William Laurans and William Barnard, by their charter dated at Barton, 26 January, 22 Henry VII; attorney to deliver seisin, Ralph Bycardyk. 16 April, 12 Henry VIII. Signed per me Andrea' Ma'feld. Seals.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
(2) Bond by Ralph Bicardyke, of Cambridge, 'breuer,' to Robert Holder, of Barton, 'yoman,' in 12l. at Midsummer next, conditioned for Robert's quiet enjoyment of a messuage, croft, and 4a. arable in Barton, formerly belonging to John Peyke, late vicar of Barton, and of late sold by the said Ralph Bycardyk to the said Robert. 16 April, 12 Henry VIII.
A. 13060. Indenture being a feoffment by Thomas Owen, of Llanelwy, co. Flint, to John Wyn Foulke, of Eriviat, co. Denbigh, gentleman, in consideration of 20s. of a parcel of land containing 1r. in . . . . . ., to be void on payment of 20s. at Michaelmas 1592 or 1594. 1 March, 33 Elizabeth. Signed per me Thoma' Owen. Decayed.
Cornw. A. 13061. Counterpart of bargain sale, 1 . . ., 2 Edward VI, by John Reskymer to William Leen and Robert Recester, in consideration of 92l. of 23a. wood in the park of Myrdon, with free access for six years to cut and carry.
Bedf. A. 13062. Counterpart indenture, 23 April, 24 Elizabeth, between John Rowe, of Clappham, esquire, and William Purratt, of the town of Bedford, husbandman; Purrat shall 'tyll, manure, dresse and sowe' 84a. arable in Clappham, late in the occupation of Evans Richarde, 'accordinge to the nature of the soyle and seasons of the yeare,' from Michaelmas next for ten years; he shall have the messuage or tenement there, of late occupied by the said Evans, for ten years, doing repairs, 'one milnehouse wher a mault milne standeth' only excepted, and he shall have 'towards the findinge and fotheringe of his cattall' 8a. meadow and a close called 'Acre Closse' there, as the said Evans had, paying yearly for the said meadow and close 4l.; Purrat covenants, at his own cost, according to 'the need usage and nature of the soyle,' to 'manure, tyll, dresse and sowe all the errable lands aforesaid for and with wheate or rye barley or pease beanes otes fetches,' or 'any other kynd of myxed corne or grayne,' according to soil and seasons, Rowe delivering to him yearly sufficient seed to sow half the said land, 'to weed and dresse the croppe readye to harvest,' to suffer Rowe to take half the crop, the division to be made 'one fortnight next before every harvest tyme,' and to carry the said grain to Rowe's barns or yards in Clappham, as follows, viz. he 'shall carry or bring home one dayes carriage' for every day's carriage by Rowe, the carriage of the tithe of both moieties excepted; clause as to 'donge and compasse'; Purrat to have 'the gate and feedinge' for ten 'beaste or neate' and forty sheep 'upon the commons in the fieldes and bounds of Clapham' with Rowe's sheep, and to 'cut downe and take' 'all the bushes growing in or upon the heydens leyses or baulkes,' belonging to the said 'ferme house,' and to feed his beasts upon the said 'heydens,' &c.
[Norf.] A. 13063. Feoffment by John Wright, of Hikelyng, to John Smalwood, of the same, of a piece of land containing 1½a. in Ingham, near 'Ingham Mill Hill,' between land of Thomas Skyrwit, of Hothorp in Ingham, &c. which he had by Smalwood's feoffment according to the force and effect of an act of parliament, 1 Richard III, by charter dated at Ingham, 29 November, 27 Henry VIII. Ingham, 14 December, 27 Henry VIII.
N'hamp. A. 13064. Copy, or draft, indenture, on paper, being a demise, 12 February, 7 Edward VI, by Sir Richard Catesbye, of Asshebye Legers, knight, to John Bennet, of the same, yeoman, of a tenement and close, with the 'comen bakkehowse' and a barn next the forge there, in John's occupation, from Lady Day next for twenty-one years at 22s. rent. English.
[Cornw.] A. 13065. Indenture of demise by John Reskymer, esquire, to Henry Clysse and William and Thomas, Henry's sons, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of a close called 'Ruen Wallen,' containing three English acres, which Henry held before for term of years by the lease and demise 'of one Raff Reskymer aunceter of the sayde John,' 'sett lyeng and beyng yn Marhasvean betwen a close of the heires Whita yn the southe' and John's land on the north; rent, 4s. 4d. at the terms usual in the hundred of Penwythe and 26s. 8d. 'heryott or farlyff on the death surrender or forfeiture of a tenant, making 'comen sute' to his courts 'withyn my maner of Treverthyan; attorneys to deliver seisin, Jamys White and George Waterton. 31 May, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary. English. Signed John Reskymer.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
[Cornw.] A. 13066. (1) To all faithful of Christ to whom this present writing shall come, greeting in the Lord everlasting, that we (sic) Nicholas Carmy- now, Roger Kelwa, Master John Pascow, Master Nicholas Weigen, Master John Lannergh, Sir Richard Yellour, John Tremeyr, William Treberveth, John Trenowyth, Richard Trenowyth, Paul Benny, Peter Berry, Thomas Robyn, John Harry Drapur, John Wyllyam Sn[i]ll, Noel Meryasek, John Nickol Troker, Thomas Carda, John Carda, Roger [W]ylys, Thomas Percy, Michael Flamak, James Hoper, John Donan, Richard Wethen, Jonn Huchyn, Robert Roos and Michael Jaka Roos, know that we the beforesaid seeing the peril of our souls, &c. wherefore we the aforenamed know and for truth have heard, that one John Nanskylly, lord of Nanskylly was seised, as in demesne and fee, in all messuages, lands and tenements in the towns of Nanskylly, Penhall, Dodwode, Tregony, Tregenna Trencryk and in the street (vico) of Nuham beside Truru, which messuages, &c. he gave of his own free will to Richard, his son, and Isabel his wife, to hold to the said Richard and Isabel according to the form and effect of a certain charter by me (sic) the said John Nanskylly to them and the heirs of their bodies. In witness whereof we the beforesaid witnesses required by Richard Nanskylly, at the request of Richard, have put our seals to this letter testimonial. 4 June, 31 Henry VI. Seals.
(2 and 3) Fragments with which the above was backed to preserve it.
Norf. A. 13067. Bond by Humphrey Deane, of Tylney, gentleman, to Thomas Hoo, of Burnham Overy, gentleman, in 200l. at All Hallows next, conditioned for Humphrey's standing to the award of Robert Houghton, Henry Valenger and William Hoo, gentleman, upon matters in dispute between them. 3 October, 4 Elizabeth. Seal. Signed by me Humfrey Dene.
Montgom. A. 13068. (1) Indenture being a feoffment by John ap Morice ap Lleu[elli]n, of Penegoes, yeoman, in consideration of 4l. to Lleu[elli]n ap Rees ap Jevaun ap Wilkog, of Ywch Yccorrey, gentleman, of a tenement commonly called Kae Atha goch, in his own occupation, in the town of Ywch Koed Penegoes, comote of Keveiliog. Ywch Koed Penegoes, 22 July, 21 Elizabeth. Names of witnesses endorsed.
(2) Bond by same to same, of even date, in 20l. for quiet enjoyment.
Somers. A. 13069. Indenture of demise by William, abbot of Clyve (Cliva) and the convent of the same, to George Prous and Joan his wife, and John, Hugh, William, Joan and Thomas, their children, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of their grange in Crowdon, with its appurtenances and the wood adjacent in the parish of Oldeclyve, which John Prous, of Crowdon, held before, oak and ash excepted, and also of the tithe of sheaves to the grange belonging, at a rent of 3l. for the grange, 26s. 8d. for the tithe of sheaves, and 10s. 4d. for small tithes (decimis minutis); they shall find dinner and supper (prandium et cenam) at the grange once a year for the abbot and twenty men, secular and regular, in attendance on him, between Michaelmas and the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle; they shall have 'housbote haybote fyrebote and ploughbote' to the value of 40s.; they shall keep the house, &c. in repair; they shall do suit of court of the manor of Oldeclyve twice a year; they shall give their best beast for heriot; and they shall do suit to the lord's mill at Wayschford; attorneys to deliver seisin, Henry Dovell and John Stone. Witnesses, Baldwin Malet, esquire, William Gebyns, Thomas Hie. 24 May, 9 Henry VIII. Note at foot:— 160a. land, 24a. wood, 12a. meadow.
Dorset. A. 13070. Indenture of demise by Thomas Bampfeld, esquire, to William Farnham, of West Corscombe, husbandman, Joan his wife, and William, their son, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of the reversion expectant on the death or forfeiture of John Rawly, of Chedyngton, of a tenement in West Corscombe, a meadow called 'Pylmede,' a close of pasture called 'Stanley,' a close of pasture called 'Humley,' the south part of a pasture called 'Severell,' the south part of a meadow called 'Cokermede,' half the pasture for his beasts in 'Pyggismore,' half the arable in 'le Commen Feld,' half the pasture for his sheep in 'le Commen Feld' called 'le Downe,' half a close of pasture called 'le owte Downe,' and half all the land, meadow and pasture in the said John's occupation; rent, 4l. 6s. 8d.; attorneys to deliver seisin, George H . . . . and Henry Hoskens. 14 March, 22 Henry VIII. Certified copy.
N hamp. A. 13071. Indenture, 2 April, 12 Elizabeth, whereby William Catesbye, of Ashebye Leagers, esquire, covenants with Lawrence Maidwell, of Gretton, yeoman, that the said Lawrence may recoup himself 242l. 13s. 4d. from wood sales within 'Sallow Coppice' in Gretton, for the sale of which coppice he had deputed, by deed dated 18 January last, the said Lawrence and one William Harris, of Ashbie Leagers, his attorneys. English. Signed by me Wyllyam Catysby. Cancelled by cuts. Names of witnesses endorsed. See A. 12221, 12268.
A. 13072. Bond by William Catesby, of Ayshby Leagers, co. Northampton, knight, to Henry and Dennis Breton, of Petwourth, co. Sussex, gentlemen, in 200l conditioned, in the event of its becoming payable, for the due discharge of an annuity as in A. 12798. 19 June, 28 Elizabeth.
A. 13073. Bond of even date by same, to George and Samuel Breton, of Petworth, in 200l. conditioned as above.
A. 13074. Counterpart of indenture of award, dated 19 November, 1521, 13 Henry VIII, by John Devereux, citizen and scrivener of London, upon matters in dispute between Richard Reynoldes, citizen and mercer of London, and Christopher Coo, of . . . ., co. Norfolk, gentleman, concerned apparently with a venture of a certain ship; twenty bales of woad to be deliverd to John Smalpiece in the town of Colchester to Christopher's use; Richard's dwelling house in St. Christopher parish of London; 'bowes and bowstaves, dealles, and sparres' are mentioned. English. Mutilated.
Norf. A. 13075. Bargain and sale and feoffment by John Harte, of Stalham, husbandman, to Richard Swaynson, of Sutton, of 1a. land with a messuage on it, called 'Essex,' formerly Nicholas Eokettes' and afterwards Ann Rokettes', in Sutton, which descended to him on the death of Alice Hart, his sister. 28 January, 9 Elizabeth. Signed John Hart.
Norf A. 13076. Release by Anne Shelton, widow, late the wife of John Shelton, knight, and John Shelton, knight, son and heir of the said John, to Richard Hoo, of their right in a meadow in Skarnyng, late John Man's, lying at Pepers Brig, which the said Richard holds of them, as of their manor of Carrowe beside Norwich, by fealty and 2d. rent, so that they can claim no interest or rent therefrom hereafter; warranty by John of the said rent for himself and his heirs. Signed per me Johannem Shelton. Seals.
Middx. A. 13077. Counterpart indenture, 12 May, 23 Henry VIII, between Thomas Crumwell, of London, gentleman, and Thomas Rawlyns, gentleman; whereas Hugh Marble, of the city of Hereford, goldsmith, by indenture 30 May, 17 Henry VIII, demised to Eobert Wod, of Westminster, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife, six tenements, 1a. arable and one parcel of meadow in 'Gyfelde' and in 'Gymere by Westminster and a close with all maner gardeyns to the same tenementes belonging,' 'set and lyeng ayenst the white crosse and ayenst the grene before the Kinges Manor latelie called Yorke Place besides Westminster,' to hold to the said Robert and Elizabeth from Lady Day then last for forty-one years, at 4l. 13s. 4d. rent, the estate, &c. of which lease the said Thomas Rawlins now hath; release by the said Thomas Rawlins to the said Thomas Crumwell to the king's use, of his right in the premises, in consideration of 20l. paid him by the king by the hands of John, abbot of Westminster, and the said Thomas Crumwell. English. Signed Thomas Raullyns. Seal.
Norf. A. 13078. Acquittance, 1 January, 27 Henry VIII, by Thomas, abbot of Wendeling, to Richard Hoo for 28l. 16s. 8d. at sundry times to the use of his monastery, in full of the purchase of such land in Skerneng as 'the same Richard before this tyme have had in ferme ther by force of the dedez indented sealid with the covent seale of the seid monastere,' whereof one is dated 20 December, 24 Henry VII, and the other 25 April, 25 Henry VIII. English. Signed per me Thomam Abbatem. Seal, chipped.
Sussex. A. 13079. Counterpart of demise, 4 October, 37 Elizabeth, by Adrian Stoughton, of Weste Stoake, esquire, and Mary, his wife, to Thomas Byrde, of the city of Chichester, 'marchante,' of little piece or parcel of ground, 17 yards by 7 yards, newly enclosed out of the highway by the said Thomas, adjoining the messuage or tenement standing and being upon the freehold land of the said Thomas on the north, the highway leading from West Stoake to Chichester on the south, reserving to the said Adrian and Mary, and Adrian's heirs and assigns, and to the occupiers and tenants of the tenement, now in the occupation of Thomas Clementes, adjoining the said demised parcel of ground on the east, and to their servants, ingress and egress into and from the before demised parcel of ground to 'fett and carry away' water from the well now standing thereon; to hold to the said Thomas from Michaelmas last for fifty years, at 2d. rent. English. Signed by me Thomas Byrd. Seal.
Norf. A. 13080. Release by William and Edmund Hogan, sons of Robert Hogan, late of Estbradham (sic), deceased, to Thomas Hogan, son and heir of the said Robert, of their right in all the land, &c. in Skernyng and Wendlyng or elsewhere in the county of Norfolk bequeathed to them and to Robert Hogan, another of his sons, by the said Robert late of Estbradenham. 2 May, 2 Edward VI. Signed By me Edmond Hogan, by me Will'm Huggo'.
Norf. A. 13081. Bond by John Gigges, of Burnham St. Clement, gentleman, to Roger Touneshend, knight, in 100 marks at Christmas next, conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of even date. 28 November, 26 Henry VIII. Signed by me Joh'em Gygges.
A. 13082. Bond by Walter Marsshe, citizen and mercer of London, to John Gigges, gentleman, in 100 marks, at Christmas next, conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of even date. 25 November, 26 Henry VIII. Signed By me Walt' Mersch. Seal.
A. 13083. Bond by Thomas Guyer, of Buryun, co. Cornwall, to the Queen in 20l. conditioned for his continuing his personal appearance in the High Court of Star Chamber, not departing till order be taken with him for his contempt committed. 2 November, 38 Elizabeth.
A. 13084. Bond by Thomas Gygges, citizen and mercer of London, to Walter Marshe, citizen and mercer of London, in 100l. at the Purification next, 22 December, 22 Henry VIII. Signed per me Thomas Gygg. Seal, perishing (a gem).
N'hamp. A. 13085. Counterpart of A. 12221. Cancelled by cuts.
Middx. A. 13086. Counterpart indenture, 18 May, 23 Henry VIII, between Thomas Crumwell, of London, gentleman, and William Russell, 'of the towne of Westminster,' 'yoman'; whereas John, abbot of Westminster, and the prior and convent of the same, by indenture, 25 September, 1524, 16 Henry VIII, demised to the said William their 'mesuage or grete tenement called the Bell,' with meadow ground, &c. belonging, in 'the towne of Westminster aforesaide in the Kinge's strete there next the barres,' except three tenements and one garden parcel of the said 'grete mesuage, whereof one is demised for terme of yeres unto Guy Gascoyn and Johan his wife, the other to John Garlonde and Elayn his wif and the third with the garden unto John Russell,' to hold to the said William from Michaelmas then next for forty years, at 41s. 8d. rent for the first thirty years, and 45s. rent for the ten last; assignment by the said William of his years to come in the premises to the King, in consideration of 128l. paid him by the King by the hands of the said John, abbot of Westminster, and of the said Thomas. English. Signed per me Will'm Russell. Seal.
Warw. A. 13087. Release by Richard Ingylwodde, of Coventre, 'glasyer,' to Thomas Ilom and Alice his wife, of his right in a messuage or tenement with a garden adjacent in Nuneton, between the tenement of John Ludford, 'barbour,' land of the prioress and convent there, the weir called 'le Honysuche,' and 'le Burgage Felde.' 27 February, 15 Henry VIII.
Kent. York, W.R. A. 13088. Feoffment by Robert Uftwayte to Charles, earl of Worcester, Thomas Lovell, knight, treasurer of the king's household, John Erneley, John Porte, Edward Skerne, Edward Forman, John Cheseman, Robert Egmunton and William Ostobe, of his capital messuage in Adlyngflyte, co. York, and of all his land, &c. there, to the use below specified. 14 July, 10 Henry VIII.
Below, in English:—'Thentent and cause of the feoffament above writtyn is this,' whereas the said Robert, by indenture, 8 July, 10 Henry VIII, bargained and sold to the king 'his principall mease with the barnes stables orchard and gardyns therto belonging in Estegrenewiche,' co. Kent, 'lately in the holding of the above named Erle,' two other tenements near adjoining, and a 'littill close of arrable land' of 2a. 1r., late in the tenure of Roger Howesley; if the king's possession therein is undisturbed, the said earl and his co-feoffees shall stand seised of the land, &c. in Adlyngflyte to the use of the said Robert, or otherwise to the king's use. Signed per me Robertu' Uftwayte. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin, 31 August, endorsed; also of enrolment on the Close Rolls, 26 October, in the said year.
Warw. A. 13089. Bargain and sale and feoffment by John Oughton, of Fyllongley, yeoman, to John Suffocke of Nonn Eton, 'tannar,' in perform- ance of covenants in indentures of 27th. inst., of a messuage, or tenement, garden, and small croft in Nonn Eton in 'le Churche End,' between the highway to the church, the tenement late Lewis Ford's, the tenement now in tenure of Austin Vinsent, some time Everattes, and 'Bondend Lane,' also of a parcel of meadow in the parish of Chilverscoton in 'le Greene Mere Meddowe, abutting on the highway from Nonn Eton to Coventry, all of which was lately in the tenure or occupation of Edward Ethell alias Lawrence, deceased, and which he acquired in fee by the gift of Richard Pole, of Stoneley, clerk, and Elizabeth, his wife, and of Simon Mountford, of Byckenhull, gentleman, and Ann his wife, by their charter, 6 July. 6 Elizabeth; attorney to deliver seisin, Robert Chapleyn. 28 June, 31 Elizabeth. Signed by me John Owghton. Fragment of seal. Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
[Warw.] A. 13090. Feoffment by John Ludford, of Nuneton, barber, to William Ludford, of Wytherley, in consideration of 6l. 13s. 8d., of three tenements or cottages in Nuneton in 'Backhowse Lane,' between 'Burgage Felde' and 'Honysyche' weir. 2 May, 12 Henry VIII.
[Cornw.] A. 13091. A copy, with many variant readings, of A. 10236.
Endorsed: This is wreten in haste out of suche a copey that cannot be understanded wherfore it were neide better advice to be had theron. Thomas Legh.
[Norf.] A. 13092. Feoffment by John Clubbe, of Skarneng, in performance of a bargain and sale, for 6s. 8d., to Richard Hoo of 3r. land at 'Stubbez' next land of the king, late of the abbot of Wendeling, in the tenure of John Kirkby, and land of the manor of Skarnenghall, &c. Skarneng, 2 January, 34 Henry VIII. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Surrey. A. 13093. Indenture of bargain and sale, 20 October, 33 Elizabeth, by Richard Jenkinson, of Camerwell, yeoman, to George Dallie, of the parish of St. Georges in Sowthwarke, of messuage or tenement and garden in Peckam Rye, in the parish of Camerwell, in his own occupation. English. Signed by mark. Fragment of seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Warw. A. 13094. Bargain and sale and feoffment by Richard Smythe, of Newton beside Clifton, yeoman, and Eleanor, his wife, daughter and heir of William Wurshippe, late of Nonneton, in consideration of 20l., to Nicholas Ethill alias Lawrence, of Asteley, of the messuages, &c. in Nonneton, in the occupation of Agnes Wurshippe, William's relict, which descended to Eleanor on her father's death; attorney to deliver seisin, William Chapleyn, yeoman. 1 January, 8 Elizabeth. Seals.
Middx. A. 13095. Feoffment by Thomas Redeman, of New Braynford, 'fremason,' to Richard Parkar, gentleman, John Browne, 'tallough chaundeler,' John Selby, 'smyth,' and John Ravyn, 'bruer,' of a cottage or tenement with garden adjacent, in New Braynford, between the tenement of John Redeman, his brother, and the tenement now in the tenure of 'Myghele' Androw, to the use of Katharine, his now wife, for her life, with remainder to the use of Mary Redeman, his daughter, in tail, with remainder in default to his right heirs; attorney to deliver seisin, John Redeman, 'fremason.' 9 September, 28 Henry VIII.
Norf. A. 13096. Counterpart of demise, 12 February, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary, by Thomas Hoo, of Burnham Overey, gentleman, and Margaret, his wife, 'owners of the manor of Ingworth,' to Robert Whall, the elder, Richard Gubberd, Robert Wigman, Thomas Tomson and Thomas Alleyns, 'husbondmen,' of their 'manor clos in Ingworth,' 'somtyme called the Priory Clos,' of 70a. between the 'comen' river, land of the manor called the 'Little Field,' the pathway called the 'Mylsty,' and ['the comen of Erpingham and Ingworth 'struck out], with four other closes adjoining, of 25a. to hold, with fishing, fowling, &c. as amply as Richard Collyns, John Gubbert and the said Robert Wigman, or other farmers before had the same, from Michaelmas last for twenty-one years, at 7l. 15s. rent, &c. English.
Cornw. &c. A. 13097. Indenture, 18 September, 15 Elizabeth, between William Fortescue, of Wymunston, co. Devon, esquire, John Summaster, of the Inner Temple, esquire, and Gregory Stevens, of Axminster, co. Devon, gentleman, of the one part, and Thomas Tretherffe, of Treymayne, co. Cornwall, esquire, of the other; whereas Henry Mack Williams and Robert Colshill, esquires, 'gentlemen pencioners' of the Queen's Majesty, having full power and authority by virtue of the Queen's letters patent, dated at Reading, 24 September, 14 Elizabeth, for the term of seven years then next' to examyne searche and fynde out all and every the offences comytted and to be comytted by any person or persons against sondry particuler estatutes' specified in the said letters, have by their 'sufficyent dede of deputacion,' 12 October, 14 Elizabeth, nominated the said Fortescue and the others their 'assignes deputies and attorneys' to 'searche and fynde out release acquyte and discharge' such offenders as well in the county of Cornwall aforesaid as in divers other counties; 'forasmuch as the said Thomas Tretherffe hath offendid in lending out of mony for gayne to Drew Ryce, Robert Sumaster, John Nicholas and John Trespriser, to the value of' 27l. 'against the lawes and statutes of usury in that behalfe made and providid if the extremytie were or shoulde be taken and hathe faith- fully promysed not to comytt the like and hathe farther more desierid to make composicion for his severall offences'; release and composition in consideration of 6l. fine. English. Signed Wm. Fortescu, per me Joh'em Su'master, Gregory Stevyns. Names of witnesses endorsed, Jamys Godolphyn, John Moyle, Valentyne Penson; also 'An indenture of dischardg for usury untill the xvjth yeare of the reign of the Quenes Majestie that now is.'
London. A. 13098. Letter of attorney by Richard Morrys, the younger, citizen and 'irenmonger' of London, administrator of the goods, &c. of Thomas Morrys, the younger, late citizen and 'irenmonger' of London, deceased; whereas 'Martyn' Slatyar, citizen and 'irenmonger,' and John Cady, of London, gentleman, by their obligation, 15 October, 1584, 26 Elizabeth, stand bound to the said Thomas in 100 marks conditioned for the payment of 40l. 'at a day longe past'; appointment of Thomas Lee, citizen and 'irenmonger' as his 'attorney irrevocable' to recover the 40l., and the penalty of 100 marks in default, to the use of the said attorney. 15 October, 1591, 33 Elizabeth. English. Signed per me Ric' Morris. Seal. Paper.
[Warw.] A. 13099. Acquittance, 6 April, 1576, 18 Elizabeth, by Henry Sadleyer, parson of Lapworthe, to Sir William Catysbe, knight, for 3l. received by the hands of Thomas Askewe, being the half year's rent of his rectory or parsonage. English. Holograph. Seal.
Sussex. A. 13100. Bargain and sale and feoffment by Thomas Burges, of Buxsted, 'husbondman,' in consideration of 45l. 10s. to Nicholas Delve, of the same,' yoman,' of a parcel of land there called 'Blasmatrede,' containing 7a. between land of the said Nicholas, the highway from 'lez Forest of Asshedone to Buxsted church and land of Thomas Symons called' lez Stonerock.' 31 December, 26 Elizabeth.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed; also A deede . . . of Blowsmat reede.