[Surrey.] |
A. 11701. Release by Cecilia, late the wife of Stephen Hunfrey,
widow, to William de Rokesle, citizen of London, and Sarah, his wife, of
her right of dower in a place of land, with trees, which Richard Hunfrey,
her son, sold them in the town of Ritherhethe. Seal, with legend,
[s] cecilie. hvmf[r]ey. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11702. Feoffment by Roger de Rokesle, heir of Gregory de
Rokesle, to William de Rokesle, citizen and corder of London, and Sarah,
his wife, of two places of land, with buildings, in the parish of Retherheth,
next the wall of the Thames, &c.; rent, a rose (rosam de rosar') at Mid-
summer; consideration, 13 marks beforehand in gersum. Seal, with
legend, s. rogeri. de. chadele[g].
Endorsed, Carta Rogeri le Hettere. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11703. Feoffment by Richard Hunfrey son of Stephen Hunfrey
to William de Rokesle, citizen of London, and Sarah, his wife, of a place
of land, with trees, in the town of Ritherheth, 3ft. in width, and reaching
from the highway to the land of Sir William de Blytheburg; rent, a clove
at Easter. Seal. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11704. Feoffment by Stephen Pykeron, of Retherheth, to William
de Rokesle, citizen of London, and Sarah, his wife, of a messuage, with
curtilage, in the parish of St. Mary of Ritherheth, formerly belonging to
John son of John the priest (presbiteri), between the tenements of Stephen
Hunfrei and Adam de Aldenham; rent, a rose (rosam de rosar) at Mid-
summer, and to the church of St. Mary of Retherheth, 10d. by quarterly
payments, and to the sacristan of Beremundeseye 6d. at Michaelmas, and
by defending against the Thames as much as belongs for the said tene-
ment, viz. the width of two yards (virgarum), &c.; consideration, 40s.
beforehand in gersum. Seal (a pike), with legend, s. stefani pikervn. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11705. Feoffment by Henry Frig to William de Rokesle, citizen
and corder of London, and Sarah, his wife, of 3a. arable in the parish of
St. Mary Magdalen of Bermundeseye in 'Reyneresfeld,' next 'Grene-
wichesweie,' &c.; rent, 2s.; consideration, 51s. Seal (a pelican in her piety),
with legend, s. henrici frig. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11706. Feoffment by Henry Fryg to William de Rokesle and
Sarah, his wife, citizens of London, of 3a. of the arable land which is
called 'la Wowelond,' in the parish of St. Mary of Retherheth; rent, to
the chief lord, 3s.; consideration, 7 marks beforehand in gersum. Monday
after the Quinzaine of Easter, 24 Edward I. Seal as to A. 11705. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11707. Release by Henry Frig to William de Rokesle, citizen and
corder of London, and Sarah, his wife, of his right by inheritance, or
otherwise, in 3a. arable which he formerly had in the parish of St. Mary
Magdalen of Bermondeseye, in 'Reyneresfeld,' next 'Grenewychesweye,'
&c.; 2s. rent, &c.; consideration, 100s. beforehand in gersum. Seal as to
A. 11705. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11708. Feoffment by Adam de Lega to Hervey Ridel for his
homage and service, of the rent which the abbot and convent of the Holy
Cross of Waltham owed him for the rent of the land which was William
Bissop's in the parish of Waltham, whereof they have entry (introitum) by
Peter de St. Edward, late sheriff of Essex; rent, a pair of gloves or ½d.
within the octave of Easter; consideration, 4s. in gersum. Equestrian seal,
with legend, sigill. ade. de. lehe. Endorsed, Carta Ade de Lega quam fecit
primo Hervieo Ridel de libra cimini et forinseco servicio. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11709. Feoffment by Adam de Lega to Peter de St. Edward, for
his homage and service, of whatever he had, or could have, in the whole
tenement which William Bissop held of him in Little Waltham; rent,
1 lb. of cummin or 2d. within the octave of Easter for all service, save the
foreign service belonging to so much of that fee. Equestrian seal, as above. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11710. Grant in pure alms by Adam de Lega to God and the
church of Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons there, for his soul and
his ancestors' and successors' souls, of 1lb. cummin yearly, or 2d., and the
service (terrenum servicium) which Peter de St. Edward, and his heirs,
ought to render for the tenement which William Bissop formerly held
of him in Little Waltham; also grant to them, as he had before granted to
the said Peter, and to those to whom Peter might be pleased to assign the
same, of whatever right he had in the whole tenement which the said
William Bissop held of him there. Witnesses:—Andrew de Walkfare and
others (named). Equestrian seal, as above. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11711. Grant in pure alms by Gilbert son of Robert to God and
the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons there, of 20d.
rent which he received from Hervey Ridel for a tenement in Borham, with
the homage and service of the said Hervey, to wit, for the croft called
'Huniland' and for the messuage and its appurtenances. Witnesses:—
William de Culeworth, Robert de Borham. Robert son of Walter de
Springefeld, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. gilb'ti. fl'i. rob'ti.
de. monte. Endorsed, Carta Gileberti de Borham de redditu . . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11712. Grant in pure alms by Robert son of Walter de Springge-
feld to God and the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons
there, of 6d. rent which he received from Hervey Ridel for a tenement in
the parish of Springgefeld, to wit for land called 'Staundune' and for 6a.
land and 1a. meadow in the field called 'la Lee.' Witnesses:—Ralph
son of Lewis and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. roberti. fil.
walteri. de. spgn. Endorsed, Carta Roberti de Springgefeld . . . .
Illam terram pro qua consuevit reddere dictos 6d. nondum dedit nobis H.
Ridel set solvit nobis vjd. per annum. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11713. Feoffment by Robert de Monte son of John to Hervey
(Herwico) Ridell, for his homage and service, of the whole croft called
'Huniland,' which Michael de Doddebroc held of him, in the parish of
Borham, to wit between the land of Doddebroc and the land of Ralph
Warenger (Warengeri), &c.; rent, 20d.; consideration, 15s. in gersum.
Seal, with legend, sigill. rob. fil. ioh'. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11714. Feoffment by Robert son of Walter de Springefeld to
Hervey Ridel, for his homage and service, of 11a. land in the field called
'la Lee," to wit 10a. next land of Stephen Franceis, &c. and 1a. next the
land Hervey held of the fee of Robert de Borham, &c., in the parish of
Springefeld; rent, 12d. for all service save the service of the king, to wit
at 20s. a penny: consideration, 5 marks in gersum. Seal, as to A. 11712. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11715. Feoffment by Gilbert de Kelleueden to Hervey (Herenic)
Rydell, for his homage and service, of all the land which he held of Walter
son of William of the fee of Robert son of Walter de Springefeld, to wit
between land of Ralph Warenger and land which was Godfrey de
Dobbebroc's and ½a. adjacent, &c. in the parish of Borham; rent, 6d.;
consideration, 3 marks. Seal, with legend, s. gileberti. de. kenleved.
Endorsed, Gileb' de Kelwedene. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11716. Grant in pure alms by Baldwin Filoyl to God and the
church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular there, of 14a.
land in Little Waltham, between 'la Brome' field and land of John de
Belstede, the road from Dodebrohg to Little Waltham and Peter de Besevile's
way towards Hokle; rendering the service due therefore to John de Belstede.
Seal, with legend, si. bavdewin. filol. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11717. Grant in pure alms by John de Wymbysse and Alice
daughter and heir of the late Roger de Wymbisse, his wife, to God and the
church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular there, of 14a.
arable which they had of the fee of the late William de Middelton in the
parish of Brumfeld, viz.: 8a. 3r. in Oklefeld between land of John Miller
(molendinarii) and the land which Maud late the wife of Roger de Wymbysse
holds in dower, abutting on land of Peter de Besevile, &c., 5a. 1r. in Oklefeld
next land of the said Maud and the land they held of the fee of the late
Sir Richard de Munfichet; also grant of a right way, &c. Two seals, with
legends, (1) s. alicie. uxor'. ioh. wymbis.; (2) s. ioh'is wimbis. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11718. Grant in pure alms by Richard de Colwrth, knight, to
God and the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular
there, of all the land which he had of their fee in the parish of Borham,
which Godfrey Asketil formerly held; also of the land which Godfrey le
Hert held of him in the same parish, with 6d. rent to be received from
Godfrey, or his successors, therefore; except the whole of that meadow in
'Brademade,' which is of their fee, which meadow shall remain quit to
him and his heirs for 2d. yearly to be paid them at Easter and Michaelmas.
Seal of arms (vairy), with legend, s. [ric]hardi de colewrthe. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11719. Grant in pure alms by Cecily daughter of Henry de
Saundford, widow, to God and the church of Waltham Holy Cross, and
the canons regular there, of 4d. rent, which Hervey Ridel used to pay her
for 2a. wood, which he held of her by her charter of infeudation in the
wood of Middelhey, next the wood of the said canons in the town of
Springefeld. Seal, with legend, sigil, cecilie. de. sanford. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11720. Release in pure alms by Sawalus son of Robert de
Springefeld to God and the church of Waltham Holy Cross, and the canons
there, of 12d. rent which William Smith (faber) of Borham used to pay
him for 3a. land in Springefeld, reaching to the meadow of Richard
de Dodebroc, which is called 'Holemed,' &c. Seal (Virgin and Child), with
legend, mater, d'i. memento. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11721. Grant in pure alms by Stephen le Barbur and Rose, daughter
of the late Hervey Ridel, his wife, to God and the church of the Holy
Cross of Waltham, and the canons there, of 7a. arable and 1a. wood in
Borham, formerly Gilbert le Munt's of the same town. Two seals, with
legends, (1) rois. fil. hervei.; (2) s. steph. barbvr. reversed. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11722. Grant in pure alms by Geoffrey son of the late Hervey
Ridel, of Borham, to God and the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham,
and the canons regular there, of all the lands, tenements, and rents which
his said father gave him in Borham, and Little Waltham; also release to
them of all his right in the said land, &c., which could accrue to him, his
heirs or assigns, by descent, or by his said father's gift. Witnesses:—
Henry Aucher, knight, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. galfrid.
fil. hervi. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11723. Release in pure alms by Gerbert de Borham to the abbot
and convent of the Holy Cross of Waltham, of 6 marks rent for a tenement
in Borham, and grant to them in pure alms of the said tenement, as in his
charter of feoffment made to them thereof. Seal (a squirrel), with legend,
s. gelberd. de. borhom. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11724. Grant in pure arms by William de Gures, to God and the
church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular there, of 8d.
rent which Hervey (Heruicus) of Borham used to pay him for 4a. land which
Hervey held of him in Little Waltham by his charter of infeudation, and
which 4a. Hervey gave and confirmed to them by charter, next Middelhey
wood, &c.; also of another rent of 2d. which Richard Ploughman
(carrucarius) used to pay him for 1a. land between the said 4a. and the land
of John Weaver (tixtoris). |
[Essex.] |
A. 11725. Release in pure alms by Gerbert de Borham to God and
the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham and the canons regular there, of
all his land and tenement in Borham, with services of bond and free, &c.
Witnesses:—Peter de Besevill, John le Marescal, then constable of the
earl of Hereford at Pleshey (Plessetum) and others (named). Seal, as to
A. 11723. |
[Middx.] |
A. 11726. Feoffment by Hugh Peverel, of Edelmeton, to Richard,
the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 5a. land in
Edelmeton in 'Langheg' field; rent, 6d.; consideration, 8½ marks in
gersum. Seal, with legend, s. hugonis. peverel. d. edelmt. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11727. Feoffment by Simon de Nelme to Walter de Welles of ½a.
land in the hundred of Prestone in the field of Sowyntone, next land of John
de Doune; consideration, 40s. in gersum. September, 31 Edward [I].
Seal, with legend, s. simon' fil. will'i. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11728. Counterpart of demise, Michaelmas, 33 Edward III, by
Dame Julian de Hestynges, countess of Huntyngdon, to Henry Fryday and
Anne his wife, of 6a. land and a garden, formerly Isabel de Wattone's, in
the town of Renham; to hold to them, and the heirs of their bodies for
ever; rent, for the garden, 5s. 1¾d., and for the 6a. six seams of palm
barley (ordei palm'), struck measure (per mens' rasam), to be sought and
received at Michaelmas, at Renham, according to the sale (juxta vendicionem)
of the better barley in Middiltone, at 2d. in the quarter (per duos denarios
in quarterio). Seal. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11729. Indenture of demise by Walter son of Robert de Dormeye
to Walter de Welles, of a virgate of land in the hundred of Prestone, next
land of the heirs of Sampson de Nelme and his parceners, &c., from Michael-
mas, 8 Edward [I], for seven years, at a rent of 3 bushels of palm barley
(ordei palm'), on (super) the said tenement. August, in the said year.
Fragment of seal. Endorsed . . . . Dorneye. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11730. Counterpart of demise, Michaelmas, 33 Edward III, by
Dame Julian de Hestynges, countess of Huntyngdon, to John Michel,
'bocher,' of 5½a. land at 'le Dane,' &c.; to hold to him and the heirs of
his body for ever; rent, 5½ seams of barley, struck measure (per mensuram
rasam), to be claimed and paid at Michaelmas, at Upecherche, according to
the sale of the better barley in Middiltone at 2d. in the quarter (per duos
denarios in quarterio); with right to distrain on the said 5½a. and on 3r. of
his land lying at Brencche. Seal.
Endorsed: . . . . in Upcherch . . . |
[Kent.] |
A. 11731. Feoffment by John, called Etard, to Walter de Welles, of
1½ virgates land in the hundred of Prestone, &c.; consideration, 60s.
28 Edward [I]. Seal, with legend, s. ioh. fil. etardi. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11732. Release by Herbert Pleyman to Sir Roger de Leyburn of
his right by descent after the death of Guy (Wydonis) his father in 2a.
land in the parish of Renham. Seal, with legend, s. pleyman. fl'. wd'.
Endorsed: Carta Oseberti Pleiman . . . . . |
[Kent.] |
A. 11733. Counterpart of demise, Michaelmas, 33 Edward III, by
Dame Julian de Hestyngges, countess of Huntyngdon, to John Michel, clerk,
of 3a. land in the town of Upechurche, at 'le Dane,' next 'Chekenehull,' to
hold to him and the heirs of his body for ever; rent, 3 seams of palm
barley, struck measure, payable at Michaelmas at Upechurche according to
the sale of the better barley in Middiltone, at 2d. in the quarter; right of
distraint thereon, and on 1a. of his land at 'le Dane.' Seal (lamb and
flag), with legend, ecce agnvs de[i]. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11734. Counterpart of demise by William de Clynton, earl of
Huntyngdon, and Julian his consort, to Benet Taverner, of Sandwich, his
heirs and assigns, of a site (placeam) in the town of Sandwich, in the
parish of St. Clement, &c.; rent, 4s. 6d. Preston, 16 January,
22 Edward III. Seal. |
[Kent] |
A. 11735. Feoffment by Stephen son of Robert de Dorneye to
Walter de Well, and Amicia, his wife, for the term of their lives and the
heirs begotten by them, of 1a. land, his by inheritance and purchase in
the hundred of Preston; consideration, 5 marks in gerpum; January,
3 Edward II. Seal, with legend, s. steph'i. f'. rob'ti. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11736. Feoffment by Thomas Robilard, son of Robert de Dorneye,
to John de Preston of a messuage between the common forestall (forstallum)
on the 'south,' and land of Geoffrey Hayroun on the 'north,' and 3r. land
adjoining, &c., in the parish of Preston beside Wyngeham; also of 8d.
rent from a piece of land which John Driw holds in the same town;
consideration, 4 marks. May, 8 Edward III. Seal of arms (quarterly first
and fourth a pheon, second and third a cross patée), with legend, s. thome. de.
prestone. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11737. Feoffment by Thomas Robilard to John de Prestone, of
a messuage at Hellewarton in the hundred of Preston beside Wyngeham,
between land of Geoffrey Heyroun on the 'north' and the common
forestall (forstallum) on the 'suth,' &c. and of 3 virgates land between land
of Geoffrey Heyroun on the 'east,' land of John Etard on the 'west,' and
abutting on the said messuage on the 'suth,' &c., and of 8d. rent from a
piece of land occupied by John Dreu, &c.; consideration, 4 marks. May,
8 Edward III. Seal, as to A. 11736. |
[Kent,] |
A. 11738. Feoffment by Stephen Vrode to Walter de Welles, and
Amicia, his wife, of a piece of land containing 1½ virgates in the parish of
St. Mildred of Preston; consideration, 12s. beforehand in gersum. July,
15 Edward II. Seal, with legend, s. steph'i. l'. vrod . . .
Endorsed, Carta Stephani le Vrode. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11739. Feoffment by Thomas son of Hamo le Pechel to John de
Prestone, of a virgate of land in the hundred of Preston next land of
Hamo le Mellar', &c.; consideration, a sum of money (unam pecuniam
argenti) in gersum beforehand. The day of St. Gregory, the Pope,
15 Edward III. Seal (a man's head), with legend, . . . . .
Endorsed: Carta Thome Pechel . . . . . . |
[Kent.] |
A. 11740. Feoffment by Thomas son of Simon Saltwellar, of Grove,
to John de Prestone, of a virgate of land in the hundred of Prestone,
between land of Maud ate Nelme and the path from 'Langemed' to 'le
Nelme'; consideration, a certain sum (unam porcionem pecunie) in gersum
beforehand. Monday, the feast of St. Gregory, 15 Edward III. Seal, as
to A. 11740. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11741. Feoffment by Stephen Philippot, of the parish of Preston
beside Wyngham to Thomas Fokes and Nicholas Scarp, of the same, of a
piece of arable in 'Atteneves' field there, next land of Maud Attenelme,
the demesne land called 'Leuedy Doune,' &c. with a pasture called
'Auerbrok' next the marshes of Bartholomew Stake and William Brithred.
Monday before St. Dunstan, the Archbishop, 9 Edward III. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11742. Acknowledgment by Adam Porter (janitor) that neither he,
nor his heirs, will ever claim his land of Felsted, which he holds of Richard
de Mulesh[am], by less service than 7s. against the said Richard or his heirs,
by reason of the charter he had of Peter Marshal (marescal') and Ralph, his
son; he and his heirs will acquit the said land against the king of all
foreign service. Witnesses:—Richard le Gai, Reginald de Besevill, Hamo
de Reines, and others (named). Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11743. Grant by Robert Marshal (marescallus), of Badwe, to
Richard de Molesha[m], of the whole service which Alan Porter (portarius)
used to do to Peter Marshal, his father, and Ralph, his brother, for his
whole fee of Felsted; rent, 2s. at Michaelmas; consideration, 20s.
Witnesses:—Heward the chaplain of Borham, Michael de Borham, Sir
William de Hobregg', Philip de Hobregg, and others (named). Seal, with
legend, si [gill.] roberti. mar . . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11744. Grant by Ralph Marshal (mariscallus), of Badwe (Badua),
to Richard de Mulesham of the whole service which Adam Porter (portarius)
used to do to his father and himself for their whole fee of Felested; rent,
2s.; consideration, the homage and service of Richard, and 2 marks in
gersum. Seal, with legend, sigillum. radulfi. marescalli. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11745. Feoffment by Maud de Dodebroc, widow, to Richard de
Dodebroc, her son, for his homage and service, of 5a. land (quinque acras
terre mee lucrabiles) in the parish of Borham, of the fee of the Holy Cross of
Waltham, viz. 4a. in 'Longefeld' abutting on land of Hervey Ridel, &c.
and 1a. in the field called 'Sandacre '; rent, 5d.; consideration, 4 marks
in gersum. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11746. Release in pure alms by Roger Prodohme, and Katharine
daughter of John le Jay, his wife, to God and the church of the Holy
Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular there, of their right in all the
land, &c. which John le Jay formerly held in the towns of Borham and
Little Waltham. Witnesses:—Sir James de Stiventon and John de la
Mare, knights, and others (named). Seals, with legends, (1) s. rogeri.
prodvme.; (2) s. kat'ine. franceis. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11747. Release by Gervase de Aldeholte, and John, his son, to Sir
Reginald, abbot of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the convent of the same,
of their right in the land, &c. formerly Sibil de Aldeholte's, in the town
of Borham, and which the said abbot and convent before demised to them
for the term of their lives, at 40s. rent; for this the abbot and convent have
demised the premises to Gervase, to hold from Michaelmas, 11 Edward [I], to
the end of two years, to sow the same at his expense and to discharge all costs
of ploughing, seed, mowing, hoeing, and all other things needful touching
the said tilth (culturam); the said abbot and convent to take half of every
kind of crop (bladi) growing thereon at their pleasure in autumn; saving
to the said abbot and convent the messuage and all the mead for mowing
and 3s. yearly rent from the prior of Leges; and the abbot and convent
shall discharge half the service due to the chief lords of the fee and
Gervase the other; when the said two years are finished the whole tenement
is to revert to the abbot and convent; also release by them to the abbot and
convent of all action which they, or either of them, had, from whatever
cause, against the abbot and convent and the men of the same; the abbot and
convent have restored to them their crops which were growing on the said
tenement, and which were carried off against their will; because Gervase has
no seal to hand (in promptu) he has procured the seal of Sir James de
Stevintone, knight, to be set to, and he, and John, his son, shall set to
their seals within the Quinzaine of Easter. Witnesses:—James de
Stevintone, knight, and others (named). Waltham Holy Cross, the morrow
of Palm Sunday (in crastino Palmarum), 12 Edward [I]. Three seals
(1) of arms (six gouttes three, two and one, on a chief three martlets), with legend,
s. iacobi. d'. st[e]vintone.; (2) with legend, [si. g]erva[si]i. d'alde[h]olt.;
(3) . . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11748. Feoffment by Richard son of Godfrey de Doddebroc
to the abbot of Waltham Holy Cross, and the canons there, of a
croft (cruftham) of land called 'Huniland,' in the parish of Borham,
between land of Hervey Ridel and land of Ralph Fisher (piscatoris) before
the gate (januam) of the said Hervey; rent, 6d.; consideration, 4 marks.
Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Borham and others (named). Seal, with legend,
[s. r]icardi. de. doddeb . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11749. Feoffment by Thomas son of Osmund to the abbot and
convent of the Holy Cross of Waltham, of 5a. land at Crowenho in the
town of Borham, which are of their fee; rent, for him and his heirs, to Sir
Richard de Colewrth, 2s.; he has delivered the charter he had thereof to
their keeping. Witnesses:—Sir William de Clovyle, Sir William de St. Clere
(Sancto Claro), Sir Hugh de Colewrth, knights, and others (named). Seal,
with legend, s. thome. fil. osemvdi. de. wlfet. Endorsed, Carta Thome
Osmund . . . . |
[Essex,] |
A. 11750. Feoffment by Ralph son of Simon atte Lane (de venella), of
Little Watham, and Alditha, his wife, to Arnulph son of Henry of Pandfeld,
and Fina, his wife, for their homage and service, and for 29 marks in gersum,
of all the land which they had by the gift of Nicholas de Aldholte, in the town
of Little Waltham, of the fee of Sir William de Bovill and of the fee of the
church of Waltham, as contained in Nicholas' charter of feoffment; also
of 13d. rent which William le Rust used to pay them for 4a. land which
he held of them, with his homage and service; rent, for them and their
heirs, to Sir William de Bovill and his heirs, 5s., and to the church of Little
Waltham, 12d., and to them and their heirs a clove at Easter, for all
service save the king's service, &c. Witnesses:—Sir William de Grand-
curt, Sir John de Appelterefeld, Sir Robert de Borham, Sir William
le Poer, knights, and others (named). Two seals, with legends, (1) s. radulfi.
fil. simonis.; (2) s. aldit [h]e. pistoi's. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11751. Letter of attorney by William Borham to John Borham,
his son, to deliver seisin to John Ardeleygh, the elder, of Borham, Henry
Tumour, Robert Heyd, John Sanderman, and Bartholomew Tournour, of
a croft of land called 'Peperiscroft' in Spryngfeld, between land called
'Hamstallefeld' and land called 'Petiswenge,' abutting on the highway
from Borham to Chelmersford and on land called 'Petisbrome.' Spryng-
feld, Sunday before All Hallows, 5 Henry V. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11752. Grant in pure alms by William de Rykham to God and
the church of the Holy Cross of Waltham, and the canons there, of the
homages, rents and services of Sir Richard de Colewrthe, Dame Joan de
Huntingfeld, Hugh a te Noke, William Bond, Robert Dyket, William de
Molendino, Philip Waleys, John le Deen, Henry Hareel, John de Karleel,
Alice de Rygham, and Thomas Duraunt, for land, &c. they held of him in
the town of Borham, or elsewhere. Witnesses:—Sir Reginald de Ging', Sir
Hugh de Colewrthe, Sir John de la Mare, knights, and others (named).
Seal, with legend, s. willi. de. richom.
Endorsed, Carta Willelmi de Richam . . . . . . . . Carta de feodo de
Rycham. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11753. Feoffment by Fine (ego Fine) of Little Watham daughter
of Ralph de Messingham, widow, to Simon son of William de Twamhil, of
Mildenhale, for his homage and service and 40 marks in gersum beforehand,
of the whole of her messuage with buildings in the town of Little Wautham
and of all the land, &c. which Arnold (See A. 11750), late her husband and
herself acquired in the town of Little Wautham and in the town of Great
Leighs (Magna Leia); rent, 1d., and to the chief lords, &c. Witnesses:—
Sir John de Maundevile, knight, and others (named). Seal (a dexter hand
apaumy), with legend, crede michi. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11754. Feoffment by Ranulf Tabor, of Borham, to Philip le
Taylur, of the same, of a croft called 'Perescroft' there; rent, a rose at
Midsummer. Seal, with legend, s. ranvlfi. tabvr. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11755. Feoffment by Richard Brewer, of Borham, to Ranulf
Tabor, of the same, for his service, of a croft called 'Perescroft,' in
exchange for land in 'Westfeld; rent, 12½d. for all service, saving the king's
service when scutage come, 1d. only. Seal, with legend, s. ricard. brewer. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11756. Release by Roger de Beriwyk, of Hatfeud Peverel, and
Amabil daughter of the late Robert Hamelin, his wife, to Sawall son of
Richard le Wyht, of 2a. land in the parish of Borham, between land of
Geoffrey le Spek and 'Westfeld'; rent, to God and the church of Borham,
20d., and to them a pair of gloves or ½d.; consideration, 7s. in gersum
beforehand. Seals, with legends, (1) [s. am]abil' [fil'] robert[i].; (2) s.
rog['i.] del. ber . . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11757. Feoffment by Edmund Dodebrok of Borham to John
Clobbe and Adam atte Ponde of Mulsham, of a piece of meadow in
Borham in 'Westmannemad' containing 4½a. Borham, Good Friday (die
perassaues), 40 Edward III. Seal of arms, effaced. See A. 11758. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11758. Indenture made at Borham, Saturday, the morrow of
Good Friday (in crastino parassaues), 40 Edward III, being a defeasance of
the above (A. 11757) feoffment, to wit if John and Adam, in consideration
of a sum paid to the said Edmund beforehand, shall have the first crop of
the first mowing of the said 4½a. for the next eight years the feoffment to be
void; provided that Edmund shall yearly have the aftermath (relucrum)
and pasture of the same, after the first mowing and the hay carried. Seal
effaced. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11759. Feoffment by Philip le Taylur, late chamberlain (cam-
erarius) of Sir Hervey de Borham, to John son of Robert de la Mare, of
Bernolby, the younger (juniori), for his service, and for 20s. in gersum, of a
croft of land which he had by the gift of Ranulph Tabour, in Borham, called
'Perescroft'; rent, to Ranulph, his son, and his heirs, of 12½d. and to a
scutage 1d. only. Seal, with legend, s. philippi. l[e. t] ailvr. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11760. Release by William Redhood, of Borham, co. Essex, to
Richard Alred, esquire, of his right in the land, &c. called 'Redhoodys,' in
Borham. 12 May, 17 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11761. Feoffment by John Durant to Robert son of Eustace le
Celer of 2d. rent which Alice, his sister, used to pay him for a house she had
of his gift in the town of Borham; rent, a clove at Christmas. Seal, with
legend, s. iohis. dorant. |
[Essex] |
A. 11762. Feoffment by Maurice Brune, knight, Robert Darcy, John
Doreward, Henry Clovill, esquires, John Grene, of Wedyton, and Henry
Stampe of Leyr Breton, to Richard Hill, chaplain, Thomas Hill, of
Badewe, and Thomas Gale, of a messuage, 131a. land, 4a. meadow and
12s. rent, in the towns of Springfeld, Chelmesford, Mulsham, Borham,
and Little Waltham, called 'Olyveres,'; also of 3a. land called 'Gulguttes-
land,' in Spryngfeld; which messuage, &c., they, together with William
Loveneye, Richard Baynard, esquires, William Escourt, clerk, John
Symound, of Toppesfeld, Thomas Stampe, son of Thomas Stampe, the
elder, of Writle, William Walden, of Wenden Lowtys, Thomas Stampe, of
Badewe, and Thomas Grene, of the hamlet of Mulsham, since deceased,
had by the gift and feoffment of Andrew Michell and John Warewik, of
Chelmesford, 'spicer.' Spryngfeld, 26 November, 24 Henry VI. Seals of
arms, &c. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11763. Letter of attorney by Maurice Brune, knight, and others,
as in A. 11762, to Thomas Bernard and Thomas Cranford, to deliver
seisin to Richard Hill, and the others, of the above premises. Date and
seals as above. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11764. Feoffment by John Randoulf to John de Prestone, of
1r. 5p. in the parish of Prestone beside Wynggeham. Tuesday after
St. Andrew, the Apostle, 1 Edward III. Seal, with legend, s. ioh'is. radol'. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11765. Feoffment by Richard son of John de Berham to Hamo
Bakere of one acre and three roods (virgatas) of land with a house thereon,
in the parish of Preston, viz. 3 virgates in 'Att Holt' field, &c., 1 virgate
in 'Eastfeld,' one half virgate at 'Bradefelde' &c. 19 Edward II. Seal,
with legend, s. ricardi. fil. ioh'is. |
Essex. Hunt. Kent. Sussex. |
A. 11766. Feoffment by Roger de Rolling, and Maud, daughter of
William de Essetesford, his wife, to Sir Roger de Leyburn [and Dame
Eleanor de Vallibus, countess of Winchester, his wife], of their manors of
Essetesford and Pakemanneston, and all their land of Bocwell [Bokwell]
and all their rent at Bromenesmithe [Bromenesmythe] and all their rent
at Yburmesdenn [Iburnesdenn] and all their land at Serle [Scherle], with
all their land and all their rent in whatever place in the county of Kent
[and Sussex (Sussexie)], with the advowson of the church of Essetesford,
with homages, knights' fees, bondholdings (villenagiis), &c. to the same
belonging in the counties of Kent and Sussex (Sussessie); to hold of them
during their lives, and after their decease of the heirs of the said Maud;
rent 1d. at Michaelmas, at Essetesford; for this Roger gave them, for their
lives, with remainder to Maud's heirs, his manor of Stocton [Stokton],
which he had by the gift of Sir Nicholas de Criel and of William Herigaud,
in the county of Huntidon, and 15l. of land which he had from Roger
Lovedey [Loveday], in Rumford, co. Essex. Witnesses:—Sir Stephen de
Penecestre, Sir Goucelin de Badelesmer [Baddesmer], Sir Richard de
Thany, Sir John de Rokesle, Sir William Peyforer [Payforer] and Sir
Thomas de Sandwic', knights, Roger Lovedei [Loveday] and others (named).
The morrow of St. Margaret, 55 Henry III. Two seals, (1) with legend,
s. rogeri. de. rollinge clerici. (from A. 11774); (2) broken and effaced.
[Variants in brackets from A. 11774.] |
[Kent.] |
A. 11767. Counterpart of demise by Julian de Hastynges, countess of
Huntyngdon, to Katharine de Lucy, her cousin (cognate), for service rendered
and to be rendered, of her manor of Bykenore, fees and advowsons excepted;
to hold for the term of the said Katharine's life, at the rent of a red rose at
Midsummer and by the services due to the chief lords. Preston beside
Wyngham, 31 May, 29 Edward III. Witnesses:—Sir Arnald Sauvage and
Sir Roger de Say, knights, Sir Symon de Geynesburgh and Sir Henry de
Sodyngton, chaplains, William de Waure. Seal of arms (a chevron between
three bulls' faces), with legend, sigill. katerine. bolovr. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11768. Counterpart of demise, made at Preston, Sunday the
morrow of Michaelmas, 26 Edward III, by Sir William de Clynton, earl of
Huntyndon, to William Baker, of Hothfelde, of the manor of Cologhbrugge,
from the day of date for ten years, with a bull and forty cows; rent, 20l.
Seal. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11769. Counterpart of demise by Julian de Hastynges, countess
of Huntyngdon, lady de Leybourne, to William Henle, her groom, for
service rendered and to be rendered, of a site, with house, in the town of
Esshettesford, which Henry Taylour lately held for life; to hold from the
day of date for life, at 3s. rent. Preston, 22 February, 80 Edward III.
Witnesses:—Sir Simon de Geynesb', Sir Thomas de Wotton, and others
(named). Seal. |
[Kent] |
A. 11770. Letter of attorney by Stephen de Valoygnes, knight, to
William Gardyner and Roger Henry to deliver seisin to Richard de
Alleslee, parson of the church of Heriottesham, and Thomas de Merston,
parson of the church of Hechulle, of all his land, &c. in the towns of
Esshettesford, Wyvelesberghe, Mersham, Great Chert, and Stur and
Hothfield. Canterbury, 31 May, 31 Edward III. Seal of arms (paly
wavy). |
[Kent.] |
A. 11771. Counterpart indenture witnessing that Henry de Wynnes-
bergh, miller, has received from his lady, Dame Julian de Hastings,
countess of Huntyngdon, two windmills, viz.: Preston mill and Elmerston
mill, to farm, from Lady Day, 30 Edward III, for one year, for 9 quarters
of toll corn, payable quarterly, and grinding corn for her household free of
toll. French. Seal. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11772. Counterpart of demise, Monday after Michaelmas, 31
Edward III, by Dame Julian de Hastynges, countess of Huntyngdon, to
John de Lillesden, of Godmersham, of the manor of Berton beside Wy,
for four years, with four beasts (affris), at 13s. 4d. each, 15 quarters wheat,
at 6s. the quarter, and 20 quarters of barley (ordei palmati) at 5s. the
quarter; rent, 8l., &c. Dated at Preston, the day and year above. Seal. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11773. Feoffment by John Smith (faber) of Prestone beside
Wyngeham, to John de Prestone, of 2d. free and perpetual rent which the
lord of Prestone, and his successors, are bound to bear yearly, at Mid-
summer, for the mill hill of Prestone, which he inherited on the death of
his mother Joan; consideration, 2s. March, 9 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed, Carta Johannis le Smith . . . . |
A. 11774. Duplicate of A. 11766. One seal. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11775. Release by Adam son of John le Frode to John de
Prestone, son of Walter de Wellys, of his right in a messuage, 7½a. ½r. land
and in a rent of 4 bushels of palm barley (ordei palm') from 1½r. land,
which John le Mus holds at Shitestrete; also of his right in a cottage at
Shitestrete, which Elias Morket held, in two hens rent, in forestalls
(forstallis), driftways (drovis), commons, rights of way (chaceis), &c., which
he inherited on the death of John his father and of Joan, John's wife, and
of Stephen le Vrode, in Preston and Elmeriatone beside Wyngeham, &c.
which the said John formerly (condam) bought of him. May, 8 Edward III.
Seal. Endorsed, Vrod'. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11776. Release by Fulk son of Ralph Angevin to Rose (Rosee)
late the wife of Peter Marshal (Marescall') his brother, of all the acquisitions
(purchacium) which his said brother made in the town of Borham, which
could by right come to him; to hold, &c., doing to the lords of the fees the
service which the tenements owe according to the charters thereof; con-
sideration, 1 mark beforehand. Witnesses: Sir Robert de Borham, Peter
Marshal (Marescall') of Badue, and others (named). |
[Suff.] |
A. 11777. Feoffment by Edmund de Corton to John de Corton, of 6d.
rent in Corton from Bartholomew le Clerk and Roger Mathew of Corton.
Witnesses:—Thomas de Neuton, and others (named). Tuesday, the feast
of St. Thomas, the Apostle, 16 Edward II. Seal, effaced. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11778. Feoffment by William Spek to John Spek, his son, for
his homage and service, of 4½a. land in the parish of Borham, in
'Suthfeld'; rent, 12d. for all service, saving the king's service, to wit,
when scutage happen over the fee of Richard de Monasterio, 1½d. be the
scutage more or less; consideration, 20s. in gersum, and to Emma, his
wife, 12d. Witnesses, Hervey Ridel, Richard de Mandavill, and others
(named). Seal, with legend, s. will'i. spek. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11779. Feoffment by Alan de Badewe to William le Pestur (pistori),
of 3a. land in the parish of Borham, in 'Westfeld,' between lands of the
prior of Leighs (Lega) and the rector of the church of Borham; rent, for him
and his heirs, to the chief lords of the fee 14½d., and to him and his heirs
a ginger root. Witnesses:—Sir Richard de Coleworthe, Sir William de
Annl . . ., knights, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s. alani. de.
baddowe. Endorsed:—Modo in manu Tenderlyngys pro eodem redditu. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11780. Feoffment by Walter (Walt') son of Walter (Galt') de
Badewe to William Spek, for his homage and service, of 10½a. land in the
parish of Borham, whereof 5½a. in 'Suthfeld' next land of Richard de
Monasterio, &c. and 5a. in 'Bradefeld' &c.; rent, 26d. for all service, save
2d. to a scutage of 20s., more or less; consideration, 2 marks in gersum,
and to Alice, his wife, 6d., and to his heir 6d. Witnesses:—Hervey Ridel,
Philip his brother, and others (named). Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11781. Indenture of demise in fee farm by John Dodebrok, of
Borham, to Thomas de Tresil, of the same, of ½a. land abutting on the
highway from the messuage late of Ralph Cabi to Borham church, &c.,
between land of Rose (Roisee), late the wife of Philip le Taillour, &c.; rent,
6d. Thursday the feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist,
8 Edward II. Seal. Endorsed, Thomas Heyward modo Johannes Duk. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11782. Feoffment by Ranulf le Taylur, of Borham, to John de
Doddebrok, of a messuage between those of Sir Peter de Terring and
Geoffrey Monche, abutting on the street of Folebregge, in the parish of All
Saints of Great Maldon. Saturday after the Annunciation, 4 Edward [I].
Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11783. Letter of attorney by John Dodbrok, of Borham, to John
Porter, of the same, to deliver seisin to William Dodbrok, his son, of the
moiety of a messuage called Dodbrok, 50a. arable, 2a. meadow, 3a. pasture
and 2a. wood and 5s. yearly rent in Borham, according to his charter of
feoffment thereof. Sunday after St. Lucy, the Virgin, 21 Edward III.
Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11784. Grant by John Dodbrok, of Borham, to Edmund
Dodbrok, his son, of 100s. annuity for life from his land, &c. there; he
paid him 6d. beforehand in name of seisin. Tuesday the feast of St. James,
the Apostle, 20 Edward III. Seal. |
Suff. |
A. 11785. Deed poll by John son of Geoffrey de Gorton, reciting that
it was his will to demise his manor of Gorton with its appurtenances in
Corton, Hopton, Blundeston, Gunton and Olton to certain persons so that
they might re-enfeoff and entail the same on his sons John, Thomas
and Geoffrey, successively, in tail male, with remainder in default to the
right heirs of the said John son of Geoffrey; in order that such his will
may have effect, he grants to his sons John and Thomas successively in
tail male an annuity of 20l. therefrom. 4 May, 7 Edward III. Seal of
arms (three griffins passant, two and one), with legend, s . . . . . . de.
corton. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11786. Feoffment by John de Haveryngge, of the county of
Essex, knight, to Richard Vincent, rector of the church of St. Benet beside
Sopereslane, London, and Denise Vincent, Richard's sister, of all his land,
&c. in the towns of Retherhethe, Bermondeseye, and Westgrenewich.
Retherhethe, Sunday before All Hallows, 22 Edward III. Seal of arms
(a chevron between three crosses), with legend, sigillv. io[hi]s. de. havering. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11787. Feoffment by Robert Tourk, citizen of London, to Elias
Roussell, and Julian, his wife, citizens of London, of 10a. land and meadow,
described, in the parishes of St. Mary Magdalen of Bermundeseye and
St. Mary, of Retherheth, formerly John le Luminur's; also of a curtilage,
which was Isabel le Luminur's, in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen of
Bermundeseye; rent, to the prior of Bermundseye, 6s. for the 10a.,
and to him, his heirs and assigns, 2d. for the curtilage. Bermundeseye,
Tuesday before St. Michael, 24 Edward I. Seal (a skate), with legend,
s. roberti. [tv]rk. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11788. Feoffment by John atte Felde, fishmonger of London, to
Stephen de Preston, citizen of London, of 4s. quit rent from a messuage,
formerly John de la Bare's, in the parish of St. Mary of Retherheth.
Witnesses:—Sir John le Latimer, knight, and others (named). Seal,
quasi-heraldic (party per pale two lions rampant on a chief a pike), with
legend, s. ioh'is. ate. felde. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11789. Release by Adam Russel, son of Elias Russel of London,
to John de la Barre, citizen of London, of his right in all the land John
had by his grant in the parishes of St. Mary Magdalen of Beremundeseye
and St. Mary of Retherhuth, and of his right in a meadow formerly of
Richard Fisher (piscatoris) and Emma his wife, and also in all the land in
the Thames' breach (brecta) which John had of his gift; consideration, 40
marks. Beremundeseye, Wednesday before the Apostles Simon and Jude,
7 Edward II. Seal of arms (a lion passant), with legend, secretvm. ade
rvssel. |
Surrey |
A. 11790. Feoffment by Sarah, late the wife of James Palmer, and
Isabel, late the wife of Henry de Priston, daughters of Stephen Priston,
late citizen of London, to Thomas Pykenham and Simon Lincoln, citizens
of London, of all the land, &c. which they had on the death of Master
William de Priston, their brother, in the towns of Retherhith, Bermundes-
seye, co. Surrey. Witnesses:—Sir Nicholas Burnel, knight, Thomas son of
Reginald, chaplain of Walpol, and others (named). Rethirhith, Thursday
after the Translation of St. Thomas, the Martyr, 35 Edward III. Seals. |
Surrey. |
A. 11791. Feoffment by Walter Forestier, citizen of London, and
Agnes, his wife, to King Edward, of all their land, &c. in the towns of
Retherhide, Bermundeseye, and Westgrenewych. Witnesses:—William,
bishop of Winchester, chancellor of England, Thomas de Brantingham,
elect of Exeter, treasurer of England, William Latymer, steward of the
king's household, Peter de Tolonio, prior of St. Saviour of Bermundeseye,
John de Chichestre, mayor of London, Nicholas Carru, William de Neude-
gate. Retherhith, 20 February, 44 Edward [III]. Two seals, with legends,
(1) sigillvm. walteri. le. foster.; (2) the letter 'A.' |
Surrey |
A. 11792. Feoffment by Thomas de Pykenham, citizen of London,
to Walter Forestier, citizen of the same, and Agnes, his wife, of all the
the land, &c. he had in the towns of Retherhide, Bermondeseye and West-
grenewych, co. Surrey. Witnesses:—Sir Nicholas Burnel, knight, and
others (named). Retherhide, Friday, the morrow of St. Clement, the
Pope, 37 Edward III. Seal, with legend, sigillvm. thomas. de. werrild. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11793. Feoffment by Richard Wygood, of Springefeld, son and
heir of John Wygood, of the same, to John atte Pyrye, of Ronewell, of 1½r.
meadow in the town of Borham in 'Westmannemad,' between meadow of
Ranulph Rydel, Geoffrey Porter and Sir John de Houlo, knight. Borham,
Wednesday after St. Matthew (Mathii), the Apostle, 45 Edward III. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11794. Feoffment by John dil Melle of Raurethe to John atte
Pyrie of Ronewelle, of a messuage with a garden in the town of Borham,
next the road from Chelmersforde to Wytham, &c. Borham, Saturday the
Purification, 50 Edward III. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11795. Feoffment by Alice Brewere, of Borham, to John atte
Pyrie, of Ronewell, and Robert Porter, of Chelmersford, of all her land,
&c. in Borham. Sunday the morrow of St. Scolastica, the Virgin, 43
Edward III. Seal effaced. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11796. Release by John Porter, of Borham, to John Pyrie, of
Ronewell, of his right in land, &c. in Borham, which, together with John
Pyrie, father of the said John Pyrie, of Ronewell, he had by the gift and
feoffment of Alice Brewere, of Borham. Wednesday before the Annun-
ciation, 7 Richard II. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11797. Feoffment by John Wymbis, and Alice daughter of Roger
Wymbis, his wife, to James de Markeshele, and Avice, his wife, for their
homage and service, of a messuage and 21a. land, in Little Waltham,
formerly of Roger de Wymbis, next land of Roger de Belsted, the road from
Leighs (Lega) to Chelmerford, &c.; rent, as their attorneys, to the chief
lords of the fee, 4s., and to them, a clove at Christmas. Fragment of one
seal effaced. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11798. Release by Thomas de Middelton to the abbot and convent
of the Holy Cross of Waltham, of his right and claim against them for
spoil or burning of his houses or buildings by whomsoever done in the
tenement which he had in the town of Brumfeld. He had made oath
(corporale prestiti sacramentum) to faithfully observe the above, and found
pledges, Robert del Frit, Stephen Porter (janitorem) and Vincent de
Hertford. Witnesses:—Philip le Taylur, of Borham, and others (named).
Seal, with legend, s. thome. d'. middilton. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11799. Release by John son and heir of William Reynberd of
Borham, to the abbot and convent of Waltham Holy Cross, of his right in
the land, &c. which the said William formerly held of them in Borham.
Witnesses:—Hervey de Terlingg, clerk, and other (named). Sunday after
the octave of the Annunciation, 5 Edward II. Seal, with legend, s. rob'ti.
de . . . . . .
Endorsed . . . de terra Reinberd . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11800. Release in pure alms by Rose (Roysia) late the wife of
Thomas Sorel, of Borham, widow, to God and the church of the Holy
Cross of Waltham, and the canons regular there, of her right in 5a. land,
which the said canons had by her said husband's gift, in Little Waltham,
and which her said husband had by the gift of Sir Richard de Colewrthe.
Seal, with legend, s. roysie. sorel. |