Deeds: A.7901 - A.8000

Pages 235-249

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 4. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1902.

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A.7901 - A.8000

[Kent.] A. 7901. Feoffment by William Wenstone of Sandwich and Agnes his wife to John de Prestone of a moiety of a messuage in Sandwich in the parish of St. Mary with highways 'north' and 'east' the messuage of William Condy's heirs on the 'south' and the capital messuage of Robert Mouyn's heirs on the 'west.' Sealed Saturday the feast of St. John and St. Paul, 13 Edward III. Witnesses:—John son of William Condy then mayor of Sandwich, Thomas Eppelton and Nicholas Champeneis then bailiffs, Peter Condy, John son of John Condy and others (named). Seals.
[Kent.] A. 7902. Counterpart of A. 7898. Fragment of seal.
[Kent.] A. 7903. Acquittance by Maud de Say, one of the executors of [Geoffrey] de Say (mon treshonore seigneur de Say) to her sister, the countess of Huntingdon, of 100s. by the hands of John Maniware, bailiff of Wateringbury, in full payment for the goods and chattels bought for the use of the said countess in her, the countess', manor of Wateringbury after the death of her said lord. The feast of the Holy Trinity, 30 [Edward III]. French.
[Kent.] A. 7904. Feoffment by John son of Robert de Dormey to Walter de Welles of ½a. land in the hundred of Prestone whereof one rood (virgata) of land lies between the land of the said Walter on the 'west' and 'east' land of the said John on the 'swth' and land of Henry de Hoke on the 'north' and the other rood lies between land of the said Walter on the 'north' and 'swth' land of Henry Cheke on the 'west' and the high street on the 'east'; for this gift, &c. made and recorded in the month of February, 13 Edward II the said Walter gave him 2 marks sterling in gersum. Seal.
Endorsed:—De Johanne Robilard.
[Kent.] A. 7905. Counterpart of demise 1 August, 31 Edward III, by Juliana de Hastynges, countess of Huntyngdon, to William Pemel of North- bourn for five years of the manor of Rypple with the stock thereon, detailed, rent 21l., buildings to be kept up, dung not to be removed &c, the countess to give him livery yearly. Seal.
[Middx.] A. 7906. Demise by Cecily de la Stoke in Wylesdone in her widow- hood to John de Middeltone for 12d. paid beforehand of 2a. land in Wilesdone field between land of Richard de Oxegate, William the chaplain, vicar of Welesdone and the said John, for three years from Michaelmas 26 Edward [I]. Seal.
Norf. A. 7907. Letter of attorney by Henry Inglose, knight, to Thomas Selers, Christopher Norwich and John Wilton to deliver seisin to Walter Lyard, bishop of Norwich, John Fastolff, John Colville and Robert Conyers, knights, William Lanstrothir, preceptor of Kerbrok, knight, Edmund Wichyngham, Robert Inglose and Thomas Beaupre, esquires, William Jenney, John Parham, clerk, and Henry Wilton of the manors of Lodne and Bokenham ferye, with the advowsons of the churches of Bokenhamferye and Hasyngham with their appurtenances, Stalham called Stalham Halle, Skewriston, North Walsham, Felmyngham called Brians, Rakhith, Howgate, Salhous, South Creyk called Roseys, Kellyng, Hednham, Sislond called Walsyngford and Munddam called Mauclerkes, co. Norfolk, with their appurtenances, and of lands &c. bought by him or others to his use in the towns of Lodne, Sislond, Munddam, Sethyng, Langle, Shedgrave, Thurton, Bokenhamferye, Hasyngham, Strumpsaw, Breyston, Stalham, Skowriston, Cowetishale, Skothowe, Sloleye, North Walsham, Felmyngham, Abbot Swanton, Rakhith, Salhous, Bastewyk, Northcreyk, Southcreyk, Brunham, Berwyk, Bermers, Stanhow, and elsewhere, co. Norfolk, all of which the said bishop and others had of his gift by his charter of feoffment of even date. Lodne, 26 May, 29 Henry VI. Fragments of seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7908. Release by James Palmer son and heir of Sarah Palmer daughter of Stephen Preston to Thomas Pykenham, citizen of London, of his right in the lands &c. bought by the said Thomas of the said Sarah and Isabel her sister in the towns of Rethuhith (sic) and Bermundesseye. London, Friday after the Translation of St. Swithun, 35 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Essex. A. 7909. Indenture, being a feoffment by Humphrey, duke of Buckingham, Thomas, bishop of Ely, Henry, viscount Burghcher, Peter Arderne, John Hampton, Richard Wallere, Thomas Stones, Richard Ryche, citizen and mercer of London, John Grene, of Wydyton, Thomas Pownde, William Goodyng, and Walter Gorfen; reciting that Thomas Hille of Badewe and Thomas Gale late of Sabrightford were seised in their demesne as of fee of the manor of Newhalle, co. Essex, and of lands &c. in the said county formerly belonging to Thomas Coggeshale, esq. and also of certain other lands &c. all of which manors, lands &c. they had both by the gift and feoffment of Richard Alrede late of the said county, esq., and by the release of the said Richard Ryche and Walter Gorfen; and that being so seised the said Thomas and Thomas enfeoffed them the said duke and the others together with the said Richard Alrede, since deceased, thereof; feoffment thereof by the present writing indented to Agnes Alrede late the wife of the said Richard Alrede for the term of her life without impeachment of waste, wilful waste excepted, with remainder after her decease to William Cotton, esq., Thomas Tudenham, knight, John Leventhorp and Thomas Radclyf their heirs and assigns for ever; proviso that should she remarry she should be liable for waste before and after that event; one part of the present indenture to remain with her, the other with the said William Cotton and the others. Witnesses:—Thomas Cobham and Thomas Tyrell, knights, John Dorward, William Tyrell and John Terell, esqs. 15 July, 30 Henry VI. Paper copy.
[Suff.] A. 7910. Eelease by Robert Waryn of Bures St. Mary, diocese of Norwich, carpenter, to Albric de Denham, vicar of the church of Bures St. Mary, of his right in land &c. they had jointly acquired from John Tristram of Symplyng. Bures, Sunday the feast of the beheading of St. John the Baptist, 18 Edward III. Seal.
[Essex.] A. 7911. Feoffment by William son of John Dodebrok of Borham to his brother Edmund in tail, with reversion to himself and his heirs in default, of 50s. rent from 27a. land in Rechenefeld and Gurnayslond in Borham. Trinity Day, 12 Edward III. Seal.
[Essex.] A. 7912. Feoffment by Sibyl (Sibilla) de Aldholte to the church of Holy Cross of Waltham and the canons regular there of a tenement in Borham. Witnesses:—German de Colecestre, clerk, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 7913. Feoffment by Edmund Welman of Hoghton and John at Halle, son of William at Halle, otherwise called William Clerk, late of Little Walsyngham to Richard Browster of Little Walsyngham and Agnes his wife and William Browster his brother, of a piece of land with a cottage in Hoghton, containing ½a. lying at 'le Spittelkote' between bond-land (terram nativam) belonging to the manor of Walsyngham and lord de Roos, &c. which, together with Robert Levyk, since deceased, they had by the gift and feoffment of Joan relict of John Baxster of Warham. 3 April, 28 Henry VI. Seal, and fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 7914. Letter of attorney of even date by same to John Slyngge and William Fyssher to deliver seisin of said premises. Seals.
[Kent.] A. 7915. Notification by William, archbishop of Canterbury, to John, bishop of Rochester, and Anfr' the sewer (dapifero), and all the men of Bix, that he had granted to Jordan, his clerk, and the church of St. Mary of Bix ten beasts in his demesne herbage and ten pigs in his wood without pannage (patnagio) and all the tithe of his pannage of pigs and of pence. Witnesses:—John the bishop, Giffard the chaplain, Simon the canon and chaplain, Godfrey, Alan, Jordan de Dover, Robert son of Riculf, Ralph Picot, William de Sancto Albano and Ralph the chamberlain. At Canterbury (Cantorobiriam).
[Leic.] A. 7916. Release by John de Moubray lord of the isle of Axiholm and of the honor of Brombre and of Gower (Gouherie) to the prior, Peter, and convent of Lewes of his right in the advowson of the church of Melton Moubray appropriated to the said monastery, and in lands and tenements which they held by the gift of his grandfather Roger de Moubray or other his ancestors. London, Thursday the feast of St. Cuthbert the bishop, 11 Edward III.
[Leic.] A. 7917. Duplicate of A. 7916.
[Oxford.] A. 7918. Counterpart of demise by the prior, John, and the convent of Lewes to John de Mapelderham and Robert his brother of the same, clerks, sons of Robert de Mapelderham, in survivorship of their tithes in the town or parish of Mapelderham in the diocese of Lincoln, rendering 14s. sterling at Whitsuntide in the parish church there. Done in the chapter at Lewes the day of St. Fabian and St. Sebastian, A.D. 1286. Fragments of seals.
[Surrey.] A. 7919. Feoffment by John de Waltham of Rethereth to master William de Preston, clerk, son of Stephen de Preston, late citizen and corder of London, of a piece of arable in the parish of Retherethe which he bought of Agnes de Dunleye. Monday after St. Gregory, 11 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] A. 7920. Letter of attorney by Agnes, late relict of Richard Browster of Little Walsingham, to John Blome of Dokkyng to deliver seisin to Thomas Lovell, John Doraunt and Richard Warde of a piece of land in Hoghton at Spittelkote with a cottage thereon, as in A. 7913. Hoghton, Monday after the Epiphany, 37 Henry VI. Seal.
[Hants.] A. 7921. Feoffment by Richard de M[er]ley son of Sir John de Mi er]ley, knight, and his heir, to Thomas Stake of Frendestapele and Isabel his wife, of a messuage and curtilage in the town of Frendestapele, between the messuage of the said Thomas and the garden Geoffrey Pulein had of his, Richard's, gift, by his free charter; also of the barton (totum bertonum de porta (orientali que tendit versus cappum versus occidentem et austrum usque ad bruarium sicut bertonum plenarie continuit): also of all the land he had (quam habui) and a wood in Frendestapele lying between the park of Sir Reginald son of Peter, &c.; rent 7s. sterling at Michaelmas and to the lords of the fee three arrows (tres sagittas barbulatas cum flecchiis pennatis); consideration, 8 marks sterling. Witnesses:—Sir Richard de Portesie and Sir Richard de Burhuntte, knights, Gilbert, rector of the church of Bechamton, and others (named).
Endorsed:—Copia carte terrarum et tenementorum vocatorum Stakes in Frynstaple, in com. Southt. Copy, paper.
[Surrey.] A. 7922. Feoffment by Adam de Aldham and Christina his wife to Hamo atte Cherche of Retherhethe and Margery his wife and their heirs of a curtilage (cortilagium) in the parish of St. Mary of Retherhethe which he bought of William Glover (cirotecario) between lands of Gregory de Rokesle &c.; rent a clove gillyflower and to the rector of the church of Retherhethe 20d. payable quarterly and a cock and hen on Christmas day, getting their food at the rector's table that day, and to the said William 'le Ganter' 1d. at Michaelmas; consideration, 15s. sterling beforehand in gersum. Witnesses:—William de Rokesle, Stephen Pikeron, William le Ganter and others (named).
Endorsed:—Carte de omnibus placeis terre ex parte grangie tantum. Seal.
[Essex.] A. 7923. Feoffment by Hugh son and heir of Hugh Saykoc of Borham, to Thomas Bernard of the same and Richard his son of 4d. rent the said Thomas was used to render him yearly for 1½a. land there between land of the abbot and convent of the Holy Cross of Waltham and the road from Great Leighs (Magna Lego) to Chelmersford. Sunday the feast of the Holy Trinity, 8 Edward III.
[Warw.] A. 7924. Feoffment by Thomas de Solihull to William son of John de Fleckenho of Catesby of 3a. arable in Lodbrok, described: with the reversion of one rood land which Emma, wife of Richard le Cok of Lodbrok held for the term of her life; also of a rent of 13d. in Lodbrok, viz. 8d. from William Michel, 4d. from John Colynes and 1d. from William le Dekene at Easter and the Annunciation. Monday the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula 8 Edward III. Witnesses:—Sir Roger de Lodbrok then rector of the same and others (named).
[Linc.] A. 7925. Indenture being a sale by Gervase Clyfton, knight, to Thomas Molyneux and Katharine his wife of the next presentation to a mediety of the advowson of the church of Claypole in the diocese of Lincoln on the death or resignation of Peter Hellarde, the then incumbent. 5 June, 15 Henry VII. Seal.
[London.] A. 7926. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by Stephen, prior of the church of Holy Trinity, London, and the convent of the same to Ralph de Winchester (Wincestria) of his land, that messuage (masagium) to wit which next before him Robert le Parur held in 'Philippes lane', to hold in fee and heredity for 4s. yearly; he has sworn in the chapter, &c.; for this he has given the prior one bezant and to the convent a sextary of wine of London. Witnesses:—Geoffrey chaplain of St. Alphage (Alfego), Lawrence the chaplain, his son, Eustace le Mercier, Nicholas le Avenier, Alwin the cutler (cultellarius), Robert de Camera, Ailred de Huse, William Bulegarius, Robert de Cogeshale, Walter nephew of Nicholas.
Endorsed:—Contra Radulphum de Wincestre de terra quam tenuit Robertus le Parur pro. iiij solidis in Philippes lane. Sancti Elphegi de Cripelesgate.
[London.] A. 7927. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by S. prior of the church of Holy Trinity, London, and the whole convent of the same to Warin the chaplain of that land in 'Philippes lane' where sometime dwelt (manserunt) Geoffrey the baker (pistor), Paschasius and Richard the corviser (corvesarius); to hold to him and his heirs in fee and heredity for 3s. yearly for all service, to wit 18d. at Michaelmas and 18d. at Easter; for this he gave the canons 2s. in gersum. Witnesses:—Geoffrey (Gaufrido) the chaplain, the son of the said Warin, William the baker (pistore), Pentecost, Alexander the deacon, Hugh the clerk, Richard the porter (portario), Richard the cook, Robert Curtill', Ralph the carpenter, Richer de Sartrino.
Endorsed:—Sancti Elphegi de Cripelesgate.
[Essex.] A. 7928. Bill indented being a receipt by William Nanseglos one of the executors of William Cotton, 'squier,' from Thomas Ormond, 'squier,' for 180l. in part of 200l. in part of 825 marks for the reversion of the manor of Newhall. London, 18 February, 34 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. Paper. English.
[Norf.] A. 7929. Feoffment by Sibyl Schort, relict of Robert Schort of Skrouteby, in her widowhood to Robert Benedith of Martham of 3 roods arable in Skrouteby field. Sunday before St. Luke, 9 Edward II. Seal, effaced.
London. A. 7930. Extract from pleas [in the Husting of London] Monday after St. James the Apostle, 5 Edward III, being a feoffment, 9 January, 4 Edward III, by John son of Robert le Sakkere, late citizen of London, to Henry de Denecombe, citizen and painter of London, and Alice his wife and his heirs of a tenement in the parish of St. Giles without Crepulgate with the highway called 'le Forstrete' on the south, &c.
[Leic.] A. 7931. Indenture being a grant by the abbot, Robert, and convent of Leircestre to Sir Geoffrey le Despencer (dispensatori) and his heirs of licence to build a chapel within the bounds of their parish of Barowe, to wit on his estate (fundo) of Littlehawe and to have a chaplain therein celebrating without beat of bell; also grant to the said chaplain of their oblations accruing from the free household of the said lord (dicti nobilis), such as knights, squires (scutariis armigeris) and other his free servants (liberis servientibus cum dicto nobili militantibus), saving in all other things the right of the mother church of Barwe and saving the due portion of the vicar of the said church in the said oblations; the residents in Littlehawe such as the reeve (prepositus) and those who are not of the free household of the said lord (dicti nobilis) let them acquit ecclesiastical rights to the mother church of Barwe and receive ecclesiastical sacraments therefrom; the said chaplain to pledge himself to admit none of their parishioners to oblation, confession or other sacraments to the hurt of the mother church; the judgment of the archdeacon of Leircestre to be invoked &c.
London. A. 7932. Extract from pleas [in the Husting of London] Monday before the feast of St. Martin, 7 Edward III, being a feoffment, Wednesday the feast of St. Faith the Virgin, 7 Edward III by Thomas de Shene, fishmonger, citizen of London to Henry de Denecoumbe, painter, citizen of London and Alice his wife of a tenement, a place of land and garden with the vessels and utensils in the said tenement which he had in the parish of St. Giles without Crepelgate in the suburb of London by purchase from the executors of Philip Tilly, citizen of London, deceased, bounded east by lands and tenements of Thomas de Farndon, goldsmith, the said Henry, Isabel de Stokwell, Richard de Dunmowe and Adam le Naylere, west by land of Roger de Frowyk and lands and tenements held by Roger de Ely, citizen and fishmonger of London, for life of the demise of the prior and convent of Newerk &c.
[London.] A. 7933. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by the prior S. and convent of Holy Trinity London to William the baker (pistori) of the land which next before him Ralph de Vincestria held, to hold in fee and heredity by 3s. rent yearly; he has sworn in the chapter &c.; for this he gave 2s. gersum. Witnesses:—Walter chaplain then in the church of St. Alphage (Alfegi) and others (named).
Endorsed:—Sancti Olavi de Cripelesgate.
[Norf.] A. 7934. Feoffment by Simon Wych of Ormesby to Hervey Elyn of the same and Margaret his wife of a piece of turbary in Ormesby marsh, abutting on the turbary of Sir John le Vaus, knight, on the west and on Ormesby common on the east. Witnesses:—Roger de Ormesby, Thomas his son and others (named). Sunday before the Nativity of St. John Baptist, 16 Edward II.
[Leic.] A. 7935. Letters by Richard de Hecham, perpetual vicar of the church of Melton Moubray in the diocese of Lincoln, reciting that matter of dissension had arisen between him and his lord patrons, his lords the prior and convent of Lewes, upon certain obscurities and doubts, as he had alleged, touching the orders made of Henry and Oliver, bishops of Lincoln, as to the state of his vicarage, first as to the chantries in the chapels of Oleby, Fretheby, Syxteneby, and Borthon St. Lazars which he alleged ought to be made and maintained at the charge of the rector of the said church, secondly as to the tithes from the oven and mill of the rectory and from the flocks, whether the rector's own or his farmer's, depasturing the pasture of the rectory, and thirdly as to mortuaries in the case of a parishioner of Melton deceased with one live beast only which the rector claimed; finally on St. Dunstan's day A.D. 1294 at Lewes being minded to have peace with his patrons he agreed with them, first that he was bound to bear the charge of the said chantries, secondly that he would never claim tithe of oven, mill or flocks, whether the farmer's or the rector's own, and thirdly that when one of his parishioners died with only one live beast among his goods, that beast belonged, as mortuary, to the portion of the rectory; and that that should be observed in the case of a mortuary consisting of cloth (mortuarium consistens in pannis) which commonly had been observed in his or his predecessor's time; his patrons on the other hand granted that he should be entitled to bestow freely the benefice of holy-water bearer (beneficium deferentis aquam benedictam libere conferre valeam). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 7936. Release by Robert Coners, knight, and Edmund Wychyngham to Thomas Bougcher, archbishop of Canterbury, Henry Bougcher, lord de Bougcher, Thomas, lord de Scales, John Selot, clerk, Robert Inglose, esquire and the heirs of the said Robert Inglose of their right in the manor of Bokenhamffery in the hundred of Blofeld and in the advowsons of the churches of Bokenhamffery and Hasyngham, which together with Walter Lyhert, bishop of Norwich, John Fastolff and John Colvyle, knights, Robert Inglose and Thomas Beaupre, esquires, William Jenney, John Parham, clerk, and Henry Wylton, they had by the feoffment of Henry Inglose, knight. Dated 29 October, 35 Henry VI. Seals.
[Surrey.] A. 7937. Indenture being an agreement (convencio) between Henry Freg of the one part and Robert Long, citizen and fishmonger of London of the other, to wit that the said Henry demised (concessit et dimisit) to the said Robert 10½a. land and meadow in the parishes of St. Mary of Retherheth and St. Mary Magdalen of Bermundesey, which the said Robert then held and had by the charter of feoffment of the said Henry (tenet et habet per cartam dicti Henrici de feoffamento); to hold the said 10½ acres from Michaelmas A.D. 1278 for seven years, in consideration of 6l. paid by the said Robert beforehand. Witnesses:—Stephen Pikerun, William le Glovere, and others (named).
[York. W.R.] A. 7938. Composition between the prior, Richard, and the monks of Kirkebi and the monks of Lewes touching the tithes and obventions of Thorne (Spineto), viz. that the monks of Lewes shall pay 3s. yearly for the same in corn, lambs, wool, cheese, pigs and all other things from which obventions can come, except the tithe of the harvest from the first assart which was assarted before Thorne (Spinetum) came to the monks of Lewes. Made in the presence of Baldric, archdeacon of Leicester. Witnesses.
[Norf.] A. 7939. Indenture being a grant by Robert Berneye, knight, Nicholas Wychingham, Oliver Groos and Geoffrey Somerton of the reversion of the manor of Runham with all other their lands Runham, Thirkeby, Haryngby, Stokesby, Mauteby, Rakheyth and Crosteweyt next Horstede and view of frankpledge in Rakheyth, expectant on the death of Denise late the wife of William Clere of Ormesby and which formerly belonged to him, to William and Robert his sons successively in tail with reversion in default to themselves. Ormesby, Thursday after the Annunciation 3 Henry V beginning.
Norf. A. 7940. Feoffment by Warin Luscien, knight, to William Clere of Ormesby of the manor of Little Burgh with its appurtenances in West Fleg, co. Norfolk called 'le Vausehall,' with lands in the said town of Burgh or elsewhere in the hundreds of Est Fleg and West Fleg. Witnesses:— John de Mauteby, knight, John son of Alexander Fastolf, John son of Nicholas Fastolf and others (named). Monday after the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, 3 Richard II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 7941. Feoffment by Reginald le Gros rector of the church of Hingham, brother and heir of John le Gros, to Thomas de Bukenham Ferie for his homage and service and 2s. gersum of a piece of marsh in Claxston marsh, boundaries defined, by the rent of 1d. at Michaelmas for all service. Witnesses:—Sir William de Kerdeston, Sir Thomas de Helgetune, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 7942. Feoffment by Adam Stannard of Bukeham Ferie to Thomas de Ripa for his homage and service and 15s. gersum of a withy-bed (virgultum) ditched round non built on with a piece of marsh in the town of Bukeham Ferie, boundaries defined, by 1d. rent. Witnesses:— Sir Roger and William de Ratlesden, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 7943. Feoffment by William de Walsham, rector of the church of Asheby, to Peter son of Bartholomew de Pikeringg and his sons William and Nicholas of land &c., reserving services, in Clipesby, late John de Pikeringg's, with reversion of Mariota, his relict's, dower. Witnesses:— Sir Bartholomew de Somertone and Sir Peter Bozoun, knights, Roger de Ormesby, and others (named). Monday after St. Gregory the Pope, 10 Edward II. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 7944. Grant by Thomas son of John Cayle, knight, to William de Fordele of the wardship and marriage of William son and heir of Roger Snecke of Ormesby and the lands the said Roger held of the manor of Ouby. Ormesby, the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, 24 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 7945. Grant by John son of Hugh to Robert de Clere and his heirs of all the land which William chaplain of Ormesby held in the same town of lay fee, except two acres of the said tenement and the advowson of the church of St. Margaret in the same town and the service of John de Fremmigeham, which he retained with Robert's consent (pro voluntate ipsius Roberti); rendering 6d. yearly for all service. Witnesses:—Gilbert son of Peter, earl of Essex, Roger de Stratton, Carloy of Yarmouth, Warin his brother, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 7946. Feoffment by William son of Alwred of Ormesby to Robert son of William Clere and Wlviva his wife and their heirs of all his land in Ormesby of lay fee with the house (mansione) where he dwelt (manere solebam) with the buildings thereon and rents to the said house belonging in frank marriage, to hold freely &c., rendering to him and his heirs 15d. for all service, except the land he had granted to Amabel daughter of Beatrice, the land he had granted to Ralph Brunstan and Leticia his wife and except the rent he had granted to Reginald de Crakeford and Margaret his wife, with grant to the said Robert and Ulviva for their homage and service of the homage and service of the said persons and of all other persons who held of him in the said town. Witnesses:—Walter de Basingham and others (named).
[Surrey.] A. 7947. Chirograph indented being a feoffment by Hugh, prior (humilis minister) of the church of St. Saviour of Bermundesey and the convent of the place to John the cook (coco) their man, for his homage and service of all the land which Nicholas the painter (pictor) son of Geoffrey Blund gave them, to wit two houses (managia) in Bermundesey with curtilages and 4a. land in Bermundesey field to the said houses belonging, all which is called Blanchard's land (terra Blanchardi); to hold to him and his heirs by hereditary right freely and quietly &c., rendering therefore yearly to their church 8s. viz. 2s. quarterly. Witnesses:—John Bucheuncte, Stephen son of Aswi and others (named).
[Glouc.] A. 7948. Letter of intendence by Geoffrey de Pulham to his free tenants and other of his manor of Wyneston whereof he had enfeoffed (feoffari et in seisinam feci) Sir Hugh le Despenser. St. Lucy the Virgin, 4 Edward [I]. Seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7949. Release by Geoffrey atte Cherche and Christian his wife daughter of the late William le Rous, to William de Rokesle and Sarah his wife their heirs and assigns of their right in a tenement in the parish of St. Mary of Retherheth between the tenement of William de Blybourgh and the tenement late Gregory de Rokesle's: consideration 10s. Witnesses:—William le Gantier, and others (named). London, Friday before St. Michael, 1291, 19 Edward I. Seal and fragments of seal.
[Essex.] A. 7950. Feoffment by Hugh son and heir of Hugh Saykoc of Borham to Thomas Bernard of the same and Richard his son of 4d. rent the said Thomas used to pay him for 1½a. land there between land of the abbot of Holy Cross of Waltham and the road from Great Leghs (Magna Lega) to Chelmersford. Sunday the feast of the Holy Trinity, 8 Edward III.
[Essex.] A. 7951. Sale by Thomas, rector of Estyllebery and Walter, rector of Little Elyngham, executors and in performance of the will of Walter Baker (pistoris) rector of Sehropham to Sir Henry de Coggeshal, of the county of Essex, knight, of the reversion of a tenement, held by Alice Jerveys under the said will for life, between the churchyard of St. Nicholas, Colchester (Colecestre), William Crabbe's and Richard Byngaright's tenements and the lane leading from 'Culver lane' to the churchyard; to hold the said reversion of the chief lords of the fee &c. according to the liberty and custom of the borough of Colchester. Witnesses:—Alexander Cogger and William Cristemasse, bailiffs of Colchester, Adam Waryn and others (named). 28 April, 47 Edward III. One seal remaining.
Endorsed:—Ista carta consignata fuit in domo mansionis Roberti Arundel in Colecestre die et anno infrascriptis, in presencia Johannis Sewal, Georgii Fordham, domini Johannis rectoris ecclesie Sancti Nicholai Colecestre, Galfridi Dawe, Roberti Arundel.
[Essex.] A. 7952. Release by Geoffrey de Belstede to the church of Holy Cross of Wautham and the canons regular there in pure alms of 4d. rent which they used to pay him for a meadow which Hervey Ridel gave them in Borham. Fragment of seal.
Linc. A. 7953. Feoffment by Nicholas Holme, clerk, to Thomas Darcy, knight, lord Darcy, of a messuage, a bovate of land and 2½a. meadow in Knayth, which lately were Richard Wardz. 4 October, 23 Henry VIII. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Surrey. A. 7954. Feoffment by John atte Felde, citizen and fishmonger of London, son and heir of Hamo atte Felde, to master William de Preston, clerk, son of Stephen de Preston, late citizen and corder of London, of a piece of land called 'Brodacre' which descended to him from his said father in Swanworth field in the parish of St. Mary of Rotherethe. Thursday before St. Gregory the Pope, 11 Edward III. Seal.
A. 7955. Warrant by William Rolfe, esquire, 'clerke of the Estreates of H.M. court of common pleas' to Lawrence Whitakers, esquire, to receive 50l. out of H.M. court of Exchequer due to him in respect of his said office and as assignee of Miles Hobart, esquire, by grant of King James. 15 March, 1636–7. Paper.
[Essex.] A. 7956. Feoffment by Richard de Doddebroc of the town of Borham to Robert his brother for his homage and 16 marks sterling given in gersum of one third of the land which Maud his mother sold to Sir Andrew Blund, to hold by 16d. rent. Witnesses:—Hervey Ridel and others (named). Seal effaced.
[Leic.] A. 7957. General release by William son of Walter of Melton Moubray to tbe prior of Lewys and his successors for 80 marks, wherein the said prior and convent were bound to him; so that neither he nor any other in his name should have power to sustain any action against them, saving on the said bond, and on a writing (scripto de peticione) of 10 marks, and on a release he had from them. London, Wednesday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 33 Edward I. Seal.
[Essex.] A. 7958. Feoffment by John Derby of Borham to Robert Porter of the same of a croft of arable called 'Crawenhocroft' containing 8½a. there, between Crawehotye and William atte Tye's land. Sunday the feast of St. Richard the bishop and confessor, 47 Edward III. Seal.
[Essex.] A. 7959. Feoffment by Richard Peyntour of Bockyngg to John Derby of Borham of 8½a. land between Crowenhotye and land late John ate Tye's, John Hamelyn's land and the lane from Crowenhotye to Richard Bernard's house. Sunday before St. Dunstan, 28 Edward III. Seal.
Middx. A. 7960. Feoffment by John atte Hacche of Wyllesdon co. Middx. to John Braynt of Hendon in the said county, Ralph Chalkhill of the same, Ralph Blood of Willesdon and Richard Veyser of Willesdon and all his lands &c. in the parish of Wyllesdon. 28 August, 19 Henry VI. Seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7961. Feoffment by John son of Osbert to Walter sometime chaplain of Ruherhithe of 1a. land there in Northswaneworth, rendering therefore yearly to the lords of the fee 12d. and to him and his heirs 1d. for all service; consideration 18s. gersum; witnesses.
[Surrey.] A. 7962. Feoffment by Henry Freg of Ritherhethe to William de Rokesle, citizen and corder of London, and Sarah his wife of a place of arable in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen of Beremundeseie, in Pevereffeld next 'le handbrigge' on the west of the highway between the lands of John Baudr' and William Drie and 'le watergang' of the prior of Bermundeseie, by the rent of a rose (unam rosam de rosario) at the Nativity of St. John Baptist; for this they gave him 3½ marks beforehand in gersum.
[Oxford.] A. 7963. Bond by William de Bello, clerk, to the prior of St. Pancras of Lewes and the convent of the same in 14s. to be paid them yearly in Whitsun week in the parish church of Mapeldreham in the diocese of Lincoln, for all their tithes there which in consideration of the said payment they had granted him for his life. Saturday after Michaelmas, A.D. 1271.
[Surrey.] A. 7964. Feoffment by John son of Osbert to Richard Thotforth of 1a. land in Ruherhithe in 'Longefeld' between William de Fontenay's and Fulcher's lands and extending from 'Childremed' to land of the said Richard called 'Gore'; rent ½d. and to the chief lords 12d.; consideration 12s. 6d. gersum. Witnesses:—Hervey son of Fulcher, William le Lumynour (illuminatore), William de Fontenay and others (named).
[Kent.] A. 7965. Partition made Thursday after St. Martin in winter 13 Edward II, between Julyana, late the wife of Sir William de Leybourne, and Sir Walter de Pavely the younger and dame Maud his wife of the manor of East Stour (Esture). Copy, paper, French.
[Kent.] A. 7966. Indenture Monday before St. Hilary, 17 Edward III, being the defeasance of a feoffment made by John de Preston to Thomas Hangerel of a piece of marsh called Piryhope in Preston next Wyngeham, to wit that on payment of 6l. 10s. on the feast of St. Faith then next the said feoffment and seisin had thereon should be void, Seal, broken.
[Kent.] A. 7967. Feoffment by William called Palmere of Deyredeston and Philip and Thomas sons of John ate Wode to Walter de Dune, of their part of the pasture and common they had in the drove at Hundepette in the tenure of Preston between land of John son of James of Hamo Hangerel and of the parceners of Dune, abutting on the highway and land of Philip de Swalclyve; doing services therefore to the lords of the fee, and rendering to them three roses of forgavel on the Nativity of St. John Baptist; for this he gave them 18d. in gersum. 19 Edward I. Witnesses:—Robert de Dorney and others (named).
Endorsed:—Carta drove que ducit de Hudepette versus molendinum de Prestone.
[Kent.] A. 7968. Feoffment by Thomas son of Robert de Dornee to Stephen Robylard, his brother, of the land which descended to him on the death of the said Robert, his father, and Joan his mother in Prestone next Wyngeham; for this gift, &c. made in the month of January, 2 Edward II, the said Stephen gave him 4 marks in gersum. Seal.
[Kent.] A. 7969. Feoffment by Stephen le Frode of Preston next Wingeham to Simon, his son, and Cecily, his daughter, of all his messuages, &c. in Preston and Elmeston; for this gift, &c. made and recorded before credible men, 2 Edward [I], they gave him 10 marks beforehand in gersum. Seal.
[Kent.] A. 7970. Feoffment by Thomas Rayner of the parish of Renham to John Tely of the same of four dayworks (daywercas) of land there in Northfeld. Sunday the feast of the Assumption, 13 Edward III. Seal.
[Kent.] A. 7971. Receipt by the prior William, and the convent of Tonebregge, for 40s. from the lady Juliana, countess of Huntyngdon, due for the marsh of 'la Doune' in Elmele for Michaelmas term last. 2 October, 32 Edward III.
[Kent.] A. 7972. Indenture of feoffment by Thomas Doys to Walter de Welles of three roods (virgatas) of land in the hundred of Preston; for this gift made and recorded 10 Edward II the said William gave him three roods (virgatas) of his land in exchange in the same hundred. Seal.
Endorsed:—Carta de iij. rodis perquisitis cum Thoma le Doys.
[Kent.] A. 7973. Feoffment by Helewys late the wife of Thomas Wery to John de Preston of 1½ roods (virgatas) of land with a house thereon in the hundred of Prestone next Wyngeham, between her land on the 'north,' the drove leading from the high street to the mill of Preston on the 'suth,' &c.; for this gift, &c. made and recorded in the month of July, 9 Edward III, he gave her 1 mark sterling in gersum. Seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7974. Indenture of feoffment by Adam son of Elias Ruscel of London to John de la Bare of his land in the parishes of St. Mary Magdalen in Bermundesey and St. Mary of Rezerheze, with the meadow which he had by the gift and feoffment of Richard Fisher (piscatoris) and Emma his wife, with all the land lying in the Thames breach (in brecta Tamisie); rendering after the term of twelve years, beginning at Michaelmas, 2 Edward II, 60s. by quarterly payments. Witnesses:—Peter Saryng and others (named). London, Sunday the feast of St. Michael, 2 Edward II. Seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7975. Feoffment by Peter Saring of Bermundesey to William de Rokesle, citizen and corder of London, and Mary his wife, of 1½a. meadow in the parish of St. Mary of Rethurheth in two places; rent ½d.; considera- tion 70s. gersum. Seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7976. Release by Elena Turk late the wife of Robert Turk to John de la Bare, citizen of London, of the dower she had in lands in the parishes of St. Mary the Virgin of Retherhethe and St. Mary Magdalen of Bermondeseye after the decease of her said husband. London, Sunday the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 9 Edward II. Seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7977. Feoffment by John Paul of Retherheth to William de Rokesle, and Sarah his wife, citizens of London, of one acre and one rood (virgatam) of arable in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen of Bermundeseye, the acre lying in Toufforthesfeld and the rood in the field called 'Thremacre,' to hold by the rent of a rose on the Nativity of St. John Baptist. Friday the feast of St. Matthew the Apostle, 24 Edward I. Seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7978. Feoffment by John Long (longus) to his brother Geoffrey of the moiety of an acre in Ruherhith called 'Slet Aker', rent 7d.; consideration 4s.
[Surrey.] A. 7979. Feoffment by John le Cyrger, citizen of London, to Elyas Russel, citizen of the same, of a garden in the town of Bermundesey which he had by the gift (A. 7987) of John Cole between the curtilage of Bermundesey Hospital on the east, the way (commune iter) called 'Shiteburlane' on the west, the tenement formerly of Dulcia Druye on the south and the garden called Beaurepeyr on the north; rendering therefore yearly to the heirs of John le Alumynur 1lb. cummin or 1d. at Easter and to John Cole and his heirs a pair of white gloves or 2d. at the same term. Witnesses:—Peter Sarang and others named. Seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7980. Release by Emma atte Mede late the wife of Adrian le Poleter and sister and heir of the late Henry atte Mede, deceased, to Elyas Russel and Juliana his wife of her right in 1a. arable next land of the prior of Bermundeseye in Reyneresfeld which they had by the feoffment of the said Adrian. London, Friday before the Invention of the Holy Cross, 29 Edward I. Seal.
[Sarrey.] A. 7981. Feoffment by John le Lumynour of Bermundeseye to Roger Goldsmith (aurifabro) of Berkinge, citizen of London, of a messuage in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen in Bermundeseye, situate with its curtilage between the messuage of William Smith (fabri) and John le Chaloner's land, &c.; rent 6d. a quarter, and for warranty (pro nostra warantia) a penny on the feast of St. Michael and by doing for the chief lords of the fee a weeding, a carrying and a reaping in autumn (unam sarclarium, unam levacionem prati et unam messionem in autumpno) once a year for all service; for this Roger gave him 40s. beforehand in gersum. Witnesses:—Richard le Mareschal then bailiff of the prior of Bermundeseye, Henry atte Made and others (named). Bermundeseye, Thursday the feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle, 10 Edward I. Seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7982. Indenture of demise by Walter Forester, citizen of London, to the prior, Peter de Tenolio, and convent of St. Saviour's Bermundesey of his land in Bermundesey fields as freely &c. as he or Thomas Pykeman ever held the same, for thirty years from day of date; for this the said prior and convent have demised to him the 6a. arable in Southswansworthe in the field of Retherhide called 'Clerkeslond,' which Thomas Pykeman lately held of them. Friday in Easter week, 43 Edward III.
[Surrey.] A. 7983. Sale by Willam le Rous (ruffus) to John son of the chaplain of Retherhithe of 1d. rent the said John used to pay him at the feast of St. Michael for land called Brightradeslane in 'the Westone' of Retherhithe; consideration 3s. Witnesses:—Sir John then chaplain of Retherhithe, Paul Tuforth and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] A. 7984. Feoffment by Denise late the wife of William Clere of Ormesby to William Clere and Robert Clere her sons and Robert Gosselyn of Depham, chaplain, of a messuage with building which formerly belonged to William atte Wode and Margaret his wife in Ormesby with a piece of land containing 1a. 1 rood in the croft adjoining a piece of pasture two pieces of turbary in the same town and seven pieces of arable in Ormesby, Scrowteby and Fylby, positions described. Witnesses, Robert Mauteby, John Fastolf and William Caston, esquires, and others (named). Sunday after St. John before the Latin Gate, 3 Henry V.
Endorsed:—Of the purches of Dianis Cler in Ormesby and Dionyse Clere enfeffeth &c.
[N'hamp.] A. 7985. Indenture being an exchange between John Malorre of Weleton and Adam le Hayuard of a half acre arable and a rood pasture for a half acre arable in Weleton fields. Tuesday after St. Mary Magdalen, 13 Edward II.
[Surrey.] A. 7986. Feoffment by Robert de Swalclyve, citizen of London, and Joan his wife to Sir John Vyncent of Waltham Holy Cross the younger and Richard his brother of a curtilage and 3a. meadow with a dovecot therein in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen of Bermundeseye, which they had by the feoffment of John de la Barre. Wednesday the eve of the Purification, 2 Edward III ending. Seals, one broken.
[Surrey.] A. 7987. Feoffment by John Cole, citizen and draper of London, to John le Syrger his fellow citizen (concivi meo) of a garden he had in Bermundesey by the gift of John le Alumynour, deceased, bounded as in A. 7979. Sunday before St. Simon and St. Jude the Apostles, 1292, 20 Edward [I]. Fragment of seal.
[Leic.] A. 7988. Writing by Walter son of Guy, rector of a mediety of the church of Melton, reciting that whereas he was bound by oath (obligatus essem tactis sacrosanctis ewangeliis juramento interposito) to pay yearly to his lords the prior and convent of Lewes 12 marks for the said mediety, viz. 4 marks at Easter, the feast of St. John the Baptist and the feast of St. Michael respectively, and 3 marks for 2½ carucates of land, less one bovate, he held of them for life; and whereas for a long time he faithfully paid the said 15 marks at the appointed terms; and whereas subsequently for the space of two years he ceased to pay and was thereupon sued by the said prior and monks before (me in causam traxissent coram) the archdeacon of Canterbury and masters Thomas de Frekeham and Alexander de Walton judges delegated by pope Honorius III; he had now sworn to pay 35 marks of arrears and 8 marks for expenses incurred before the said judges and the said 15 marks of rent for the future, subjecting himself, without appeal, to the jurisdiction of the official for the time being of the archbishop at Canterbury, the benefice to be ipso facto vacant if he were a year in arrear &c. Dated 1222 the fourth day after the Epiphany. Witnesses:— Master Alexander de Walepol and others (named). Executed, Ego Walterus propria manu subscripsi. Four seals, wanting.
[Wilts.] A. 7989. Feoffment by Margery Caperun of Compton to Robert Smith (fabro) of the same and Cecily (Cessilie) his wife of a house and garden which William Caperun father of Richard Caperun her father held there with arable land and which her said father had of the gift of Nicholas de Haversam. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh le Chamberlayn and others (named).
[Surrey.] A. 7990. Feoffment by Henry atte Mede to Adam le Carpenter of Bermundesey and Alice his wife of a messuage and curtilage there; rent 6s.; consideration 22s. Witnesses:—John le Luminur and others (named). Seal with legend s. henrici de pr[at]is.
Norf. A. 7991. Indenture of demise by Denis Hyndolveston, monk of the cathedral church of Holy Trinity Norwich and master of the hospital of St. Paul called 'Normans Hospitall' in Norwich, to Robert Clere of Ormesby, co. Norfolk, esquire, of the rectory of Ormesby appropriated to the said hospital with all tithes &c. from the feast of St. Margaret then next for five years; also the demesne lands of the said rectory for five years from Michaelmas then next; rent 23l. 5s. 4d.; the said Robert the farmer to find the said master and his servants lodging and food at their coming twice a year, and straw enough to strew the churches there &c.; if the said Robert keep the above covenants his writing obligatory in 24l. to William Spynk, prior of the cathedral church of Holy Trinity Norwich, to be void. 23 June, A.D. 1491, 6 Henry VII. A few fragments of seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7992. Feoffment by Henry Freg of Bermundesey to William de Rokesle, citizen and corder of London, and Sarah his wife of 12d. quit rent William Glover (cirotecarius) of Retherheth used to pay him yearly for la. land in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen of Bermundesey in a place called 'le Dune'; rent a rose at Midsummer; consideration one mark. Witnesses:—Peter Sarang and others (named). Seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7993. Feoffment by Peter Hareng of Bermundesey to William de Rokele, citizen of London, and Sarah his wife for their homage and service and 40s. in gersum of a piece of meadow in the parish of St. Mary of Retherhethe, between the prior of Bermundesey's land and the way called Scitinhalestrat; rent ½d. at Midsummer.
[Surrey.] A. 7994. Release by Adam Salcote of Retherheth to William de Rokesle and Sarah his wife of his right in a tenement in the parish of St. Mary of Retherheth between their curtilage and that of Hamo atte Cherche (ad ecclesiam); for this they have given him an over-coat (supertunicam). Fragment of seal.
[Surrey.] A. 7995. Release by William atte Cherche of Retherethe son and heir of Hamo atte Cherche to William de Preston son and heir of Stephen de Preston, late citizen of London, of his right in two messuages &c. next land which was Gregory de Rokesle's. Witnesses:—Sir John Latymer, knight, and others (named). Retherethe, Thursday after the Purification, 19 Edward II. Seal.
Norf. A. 7996. Release by Warin Luscien, knight, to William Clere of Ormesby of his right in the manor of Little Burgh in West Fleg, co. Norfolk, which manor is called 'le Vausehalle' and also in all lands and tenements in the said town of Burgh or elsewhere in the hundreds of Est Fleg and West Fleg or elsewhere in the said county. Witnesses:—John de Mauteby, knight, John son of Alexander Fastolf, John son of Nicholas Fastolf and others (named). Burgh, Monday after the feast of All Hallows, 8 Richard II. Seal. Memorandum of enrolment on dorse of Close Roll in February 4 Richard II endorsed.
[Surrey.] A. 7997. Feoffment by Henry Freg of Retherhethe to Adam de Aldenham of a messuage in the parish of St. Mary of Retherhethe between land which was of John son of the chaplain, the land of Henry called 'le Horefreg' and the land of Gregory de Rokesle; rendering there- fore yearly to Juliana relict of John son of the chaplain 8½d., and to him and his heirs 1d. for all service; consideration 40s. Witnesses:—Gregory de Rokele and Robert le Lung, citizens of London and others (named).
[Surrey.] A. 7998. Release by John Paul of Retherheth to William de Rokesle, citizen and corder of London, and Sarah his wife of his right in la. in the parish of St. Mary of Retherheth, between the land of the prior of Bermundesey called 'le Gore' and land of Hamo atte Cherche (ad ecclesiam); to hold of the said prior the chief lord of the fee, rendering to the said chief lord a rose at Midsummer; consideration 40s. Witnesses:— Peter Sarang and others (named). Seal.
Surrey. A. 7999. Release by Alice late the wife of Geoffrey de Wychyngham, late citizen and mercer of London, and daughter of Simon Fraunceys, late citizen and mercer of the same, to Sir Richard Vyncent, rector of the church of St. Benet Shorhog, of her dower in the lands &c. formerly the said Geoffrey's which the said Ralph then had in the towns and parishes of Retherhethe and Bermundeseye, co. Surrey. Witnesses:—Adam Fraunceys, Fulk de Horwode and Simon de Lyncoln, citizens of London, and others (named). London, Sunday the feast of St. Lucy the Virgin, 34 Edward III.
[Surrey.] A. 8000. Feoffment by Robert le Doreward of Stowemarket to Henry le May and Margaret his wife and his heirs of 1a. land in Madbrok in the parish of St. Mary of Retherhuth between lands of William le Glovere and Adam Clippe, the highway and the meadow called 'Shyttenhale'; rent 12d.; consideration 32s. Suthwerk, Friday after St. Gregory the Pope, 22 Edward I.