Deeds: A.7101 - A.7200

Pages 121-133

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 4. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1902.

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A.7101 - A.7200

[N'hamp.] A. 7101. Grant by Richard Warner of Trop, to Benedicta daughter of Benedict de Weleton, of 2½a. of land in Weleton, viz. part on Churkehul, part on Fouluswellehul, and part extending beyond the way of Souford &c. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Tywe, William Ketilbern, and others (named). Seal.
[Linc.] A. 7102. Grant by John de Haryngton, knight, to Roger de Cobeldyk, knight, in tail, of a water-mill in Hagwordyngham called 'Stobbewathe- milne,' with the ponds, ditches, and watercourses, belonging, together with the suit of all John's bondmen in Haryngton and Aswardeby, to grind their corn at the said mill; also a croft called 'Kneppecroft,' and land adjoining the mill &c.; the corn for the use of the said John and his free household (libere familie sue), whenever he is staying at Haryngton, and also for servant having the charge of the manor of Haryngton, is to be ground at the said mill free of multure; also further grant, in tail, of two plots of meadow in Aswardeby, one at Snyfen called 'Snyfendaill,' and the other called 'Staynmilnedam.' Friday before the apostles Simon and Jude, 13 Edward II.
Endorsed: 'Stopwaght Mylne.'
[N'hamp.] A. 7103. Grant by Geoffrey son of Hugh le Chapman of Jelvertoft, to Richard Ballard of Cliftone in Jelvertoft, and Juliana his wife, in tail, of ½a. 1½ roods of land in Jelvertoft, part lying on 'le Longemalewe,' part on Anlowe, and part on 'le Waltfurlong,' at 'le Bricslowe.' Witnesses:— Thomas de la Hoese of Jelvertoft, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] A. 7104. Grant by Matilda Pite, to Richard de Solevile, of 2½ roods of land in Wotton, part at Puttishil, part on Hu[n]kerhil, and part between two 'Wydekeris.' Witnesses:—Sir Bartholomew de Somerton, Walter de Horton, parson of Wotton, William his son of the same, Gilbert Mannori of Colentre, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] A. 7105. Demise by Hubert le Bacheler, and William his brother, to Geoffrey de Cramford, of 3 roods of land in Ashby (Assebia), in Estfeld and 3 roods in Westfeld. Witnesses:—Thomas de Estleg', steward of the earl of Leicester, William de Senevilla, and others (named).
[Essex.] A. 7106. Grant by Geoffrey le Warenn [er], to Sir Philip Basseth, of 10a. of heath land in Mistele. Witnesses:—Sir Hubert de Rullye, Sir Richard Filloyl, Sir Thomas de Welles, and others (named).
[Hunt.] A. 7107. Grant by Robert son of Isabella de Cunington, to Reginald Cayston of Aylington, of 2a. of land in Aylington, part lying on the tillage called 'Beneyeston' by 'le Longewong,' part on Saldinescrosfurlong, abutting on the highway to Jakele and on Benelondhevedine, part on Herd- wykbenelond, and part by 'le Gyldinegore.' Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 25 Edward I.
Herts. Leic. A. 7108. Agreement between Sir Hugh le Despenser, knight, and Thomas de Jarpenvile; viz. the said Thomas shall enfeoff Sir Hugh of his manor of Bysseye co. Herts. and Sir Hugh shall enfeoff Thomas of his manor of Southcrokestone, co. Leicester, [in exchange] for a moiety of the said manor of Bysseye; if the manor of Suthcrokestone be found worth more than the moiety of the manor of Bysseye, Thomas is to render the surplusage yearly to Sir Hugh, but if it be of less value Sir Hugh is to assign Thomas a certain rent to the full value of the said moiety. London, Tuesday after St. James the Apostle, 25 Edward [I].
A. 7109. Release by William le Pareker, to William le Munchensi, of all his right in Roger Qic, formerly his bondman, and in his chattels and suit (secta). Witnesses:—Robert Lecu, Hugh Scrisping, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] A. 7110. Release by John Colas of Westhaddon, to John Freman of Sevelesworth, of all his right in a cottage with land in Sevelesworth. Feast of St. Agatha the virgin, 11 Henry VI. Portion of seal.
[Suff.] A. 7111. Grant by Robert son of Roger Martely of Sproutun, to Nicholas Bonde of Frestone, and Thomas de Rougham, in fee, of land in Sproutun. Thursday the feast of St. Barnabas, 6 Edward III.
[Wilts.] A. 7112. Grant by John de Gardino, to Adam de Argoges, of pasture for two oxen in the pasture of Westrewe. Witnesses:—Philip le Bret, Roger de Camera, and others (named).
A. 7113. Release by Ellen Kerkeby, widow, to William Staunford, of all her right in land on the furlong called 'Heggefurlong,' abutting on the road to Wrennepark. Clyfton, 16 October, 6 Edward IV.
[Herts.] A. 7114. Release by Margery late the wife of Geoffrey de Lankeford, widow, to Sir Eustace, the prior, and the convent, of the Holy Trinity, London, of all her right in certain lands, &c. which the said prior claims to possess of the grant of her said late husband. Witnesses:—Richard de Gatesberi, Richard de la Rokele, and others (named).
[Herts.] A. 7115. Grant by Thomas de Bordesden son of John, to the canons of the Holy Trinity, London, in frank almoin, of 2a. of land in Bordesden, part extending upon the head of the upper Brade (super capud superioris Brade) and part extending on Kingesacres. Witnesses:—Moyse the clerk, Helias de Croiland, and others (named).
[Hunt.] A. 7116. Grant by Christian de Chartres, to Peter de Chartres, her son, for life, for his better support, of all her lands and tenements in Wodehirst, except the rent and services of John de Nottynge and Margery his wife, with the reversion of their tenements. Wolle, Monday the morrow of the close of Easter, 21 Edward III. French.
[York, W.R.] A. 7117. Release by Jordan son of Serlo de Milefeld, to William, earl of Warenne, of all his right in land in Solande and in the moiety of a mill there. Witnesses:—Ralph de Normanvill, Nicholas de Kenet, William de Billeham, and others (named).
[Berks.] A. 7118. Acknowledgement by Ralph de la Stane, that he is bound to Sir William de Valencia, lord of Pembroke, to endeavour to obtain for him from Robert de Hauterive, a release of all service, other than a rent of 7s. 6d. a year, in respect of a tenement in Fernham; failing which he and his heirs shall acquit Sir William of all such service other than the said rent. Witnesses:—Sirs Geoffrey Gupill, Jordan de Sakevile, and Stephen de Eddewurth, knights, Geoffrey de Burton, and Roger de Ingepenne.
[N'hamp.] A. 7119. Grant by Robert Fareman of Atteneston, to Henry son of Robert Attehul of the same, of one rood of land in Atteneston at Chirche- brugge, extending to Essebybrock. Witnesses:—William Deynte of Atteneston, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Linc.] A. 7120. Confirmation by Mabel de Gaunt of Norwym, widow, for her own life, to Sir Roger, parson of Norwym, of a grant made to him by Gilbert de Gaunt, her late husband, of part of her wood. Witnesses:— John de Dyve, Hugh de Durem, Richard de Waldeseph, and others (named).
[York.] A. 7121. Release by Alice, relict of Richard son of Simon de Ravinfeud, widow, to Sir John, earl of Warenne, of all her right which she had in all the land of Flandirwath with tofts and buildings &c. after the death of her said late husband. Witnesses:—Richard de Gaham, William de Mickilbrig, clerk, and others (named).
I. of Wight &c. A. 7122. Memorandum of an agreement between the king and Isabella, countess of Albemarle; viz. the said countess is to give the King all her land of inheritance, as well the Isle of Wight, as all her other lands, rents, and tenements, with the advowsons of churches and religious houses, knights' fees, &c. except the manors of Sevehampton, Whitlechirche, Harewode, and Craft; which lands &c. are to be extended by four suitable men, two to be chosen by each of the said parties, who are also to extend certain of the King's lands and tenements equal in value to the said lands &c. of the said countess &c. after which the said countess is to enfeoff the King of all her said lands &c. except the said manors; and all the lands &c. which may from this time come to the said countess, as well those which Thomas de Breaute holds as others, are to remain to the King in fee, who is to enfeoff the said countess for her life of his lands and tenements extended as above, and is to give her 20,000 marks for the grant of the said lands, to be paid in the manner specified &c. Winchester, the morrow of St. Hilary, 4 E [dward I]. Copy or draft. See A. 6273.
A. 7123. Demise by John le Bascle, to Walter de London, of a messuage with a house built upon it &c. in Hortune, rendering 6d. yearly to Sir John Bysop, and a rose at Midsummer to the grantor. Witnesses:— Robert Tundut, Alexander Prichet, and others (named).
[York, W.R.] A. 7124. Grant by Gilbert Basset, to Warin Basset, his brother, in tail, of all the land in Lede which Thomas Basset, his brother, held of the constable of Chester, viz. two parts of the same town; if the grantee die without lawful heirs by his wife, the said land is to revert to the grantor. Witnesses:—Sir Alan Basset, Fulk Basset, the provost of Beverley, William de Monte Acuto, and others (named).
[Glouc.] A. 7125. Letters patent by Theobald de Verdun, constable of Ireland, granting to Sir Hugh le Despenser all the goods and chattels found in the manor of Bysele, on the day on which the said Theobald delivered the said manor to Sir Hugh. Westminster, 27 March, 7 Edward [I]. Fragment of seal.
Surrey. A. 7126. Demise by Thomas Elyot and William Thwaytes, to Nicholas Carewe, esquire, Margaret his wife, Henry, duke of Exeter, Richard Beauchamp, bishop of Salisbury, and others, named, and to the heirs of the said Carewe, of the manor of Carsalton, which the grantors lately had of the gift of the said Carewe. 8 November, 29 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed:—Memorandum of delivery of possession on Thursday before St. Edmund, king and martyr, A.D. 1450, with names of witnesses.
[Middx.] A. 7127. Grant by William de Porta of Harwes, to Edmund son of Richard the smith of Norhall, of 2a. of land in the hamlet of Suzberi, at 'La Newerente,' extending from the field of Greneforde to the wood of 'La Suzberi.' Thursday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 27 Edward I.
[N'hamp.] A. 7128. Grant by Richard Vincent of Welton, to Henry son of Hugh de Bouetun, of ½a. of land in Welton on Stretfurlong. Witnesses:— Simon de Twe of Welton, Robert de Duston of the same, and others (named).
[Wilts, now Berks.] A. 7129. Grant by Richard Hod, to Robert his son, of ½a. of land lying between the road from Riselee to the bridge of Salufeld, and Laggelee; rendering 3d. yearly to the lord of Seprigge. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Dideham, William de Stanford, William de la Wifaude, and others (named).
[Linc.] A. 7130. Release by William son of Ralph the shepherd (pastoris) of Croxby, to Andrew son of Alan de Croxby, of all his right in land in Litteldale. Witnesses:—Master Ralph, rector of the church of Croxby, Thomas de Gresby, and others (named).
Berks. A. 7131. Grant by John Stokes, esquire, to Margaret late the wife of John Catesby, esquire, Robert Catesby, William Pakynton, and William Overton, of 5 marks yearly rent from his manor of Myggeham. Asshby Leger, 8 December, 16 Henry VI. Seal.
Berks. [N'hamp.] A. 7132. Defeasance of above grant, witnessing that if the above- mentioned grantees may hold and peacefully enjoy the manor called 'Stokes Maner' in Asshbyleger, and all the lands and tenements there called 'Stokeslandes,' then the above grant is to be void. 8 December, 16 Henry VI. Seal.
[Wilts.] A. 7133. Grant by Richard de la Wyz, to Bartholomew the miller, for twenty-six years, of certain meadow land abutting on Richard's garden. Witnesses:—Roger de Bromham, William de Gores, Robert Halfknight (Dimidio Milite), and others (named). Easter, 43 Henry III. Injured.
Endorsed:—' La Wiz.'
[Warw.] A. 7134. Grant by Robert atte Brugge, Henry le Walkar, and William le Glasiar, chaplains, of Alyncestre, to Joan de Raggleye, of the same, late the wife of William de Raggeleye, of the same, for her life, of all the lands and tenements &c. which they had of the feoffment of her said late husband in Alyncestre, Overesleye, Kynwarton, Upton, and within the manor of Tardebygge; with reversion in fee to John, son of the said William de Raggeleye and Joan. Saturday in Whitsun week, 39 Edward III.
[Hunt.] A. 7135. Grant by John le Fraunceys of Aylingtone, to Sir William the abbot, and the convent, of Rameseye, in frank almoin, of ½d. yearly rent of assize from Henry Godsweyn, and one acre of land in Aylingtone, half lying on Noldich, and half at Vuerehammare. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Hale, clerk, William de Lollingtone, and others (named).
[Sussex.] A. 7136. Confirmation by Richard son of Andrew, to the monks of St. Pancras, in frank almoin, of the gift of his ancestors to them, viz. a hide of the land of Thorne, of his fee. Witnesses:—Richard de Essete, Robert de Liclinton, Giffard de Hekinton, William de Horstede and his son, Warner de Lewes, Robert de Lund' and Reginald his son.
Endorsed: 'De rap de Pevenese.'
'Ricardi filii Andree de Alwrichest' &c.
[Oxford.] A. 7137. Demise by Stephen son of William de Hampton, to Sir Fulk, bishop of London, for eight years, of 10a. in the meadow on the Charewell, between Hampton and Goseford bridge, discharged of tithes; with covenant by the lessor to protect the said 10a. till mowing time, and then to mow, make, and collect (falcare levare et adunare) the hay, to be carried by the lessee. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Elsefeld and Roger de Aumary, knights, and others (named). Portion of seal.
Endorsed: 'Cyrographum de p [ra] to empto juxta Kertlintun.'
[York, W.R.] A. 7138. Grant by John le Fraunsceys son of Richard de Herdeslawe, to Sir John, earl of Warenne, of a half bovate of land in Herdeslawe, containing a moiety of that bovate of land which is called 'Westeroxgang,' in the fee of Henry son of Alexander. Witnesses:—Sirs William de Lond', steward of the earl, Ralph de Horbir [y], Richard de Thorinh', and John de Sothill, Michael de Breretuisil, Reginald Flandrensis, and Hugh de Rastryc.
[N'hamp.] A. 7139. Grant by Roger son of Adam le Keu of Esscheby St. Legers, to Richard ad Pontem of Weltone, and Matilda his wife, of ½d. yearly rent from a half acre arable in the South field of Esscheby at 'le Chalcputtes.' Friday after the close of Easter, 15 Edward II.
[Warw.] A. 7140. Grant by John Wodelawe and John Ivy, to Simon Felton of Henley in Arderne, and Agnes his wife, of land &c. in Henley, Wotton, Ulnehale, and Wetley by Henley, which they had of the feoffment of Thomas Pulton and William Deyster, of Henley. Monday before the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 6 Henry V. Two seals.
[Herts.] A. 7141. Grant by William de Walcr [a] (Walkern), to Ralph Thiede, of all the land in Bordesden which he held of the prior and convent of the Holy Trinity, London. Witnesses:—William de Mora, Simon de Melkley, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 7142. Confirmation by John de Burgh, to Sir Philip Basset, of the manor of Beston with the capital messuage, the advowson of the church excepted, which manor the said Philip had of the grant of Sir Hubert de Burgh, late earl of Kent, his father, [in exchange] for the manor of Croxston. Witnesses:—Walter Byset, John de Curtenay, Robert de Mucegros, Philip de Arecy, Robert de Tweinge, and others (named). Portion of seal, defaced. Duplicate of A. 5284.
[Hunt.] A. 7143. Grant by John Blacchalf of Aylingtone, to Reginald Cayston of the same, of one acre and half a rood of land in Aylingtone, one rood on the tillage called 'Le thorn,' and abutting, at one head, on Neutoneweyefurlong; one rood on 'Le pit Rodes'; one rood on 'Le Snoneslond'; and one rood and a half on Benelondhevedinefurlong. Thursday after St. Leonard, 25 Edward I.
[Leic.] A. 7144. Indenture being an agreement made between Sir John le Despencer (dispensarium) of the one part, and Simon de Creppinge, steward of Sir Roger de Clifford of the other, before Sir Guy la Thouche, Sir Peter de Nevile, and others, at Beumaner viz. that the said Sir John shall give the said Sir Roger 50l. for the fine made between them for the said manor, by the hands of the said Simon, at such terms as the said Sir Roger shall after conference with him direct; all stock on the said manor &c. being reserved to the said Sir Roger until the money is fully paid. Thursday after the Circumcision. [Edward I.]
[Warw.] A. 7145. Grant by Simon Bertulmeu of Hattone, to Simon son of Hugh de la Grene of the same, and Alice, his wife, the grantor's sister, of a half acre of land in Hattone, lying on the tillage called 'Longerugge,' and extending from the road called 'le Fildenewey' to 'le Nunnestaken.' Witnesses:—John Syflede of Hatton, William de Alveston of the same, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] A. 7146. Indenture of demise by Richard de Stratford, burgess of Northampton, and Alice his wife, to John de Felmeresham, baker, and Alice his wife, for their lives in survivorship, of two messuages, one with an oven in Abyndonestrete, Northampton, at 6s. rent and by baking con- stantly at the said oven; the lease to be void in default of their suit (de communi secta) to the said oven; the said Alice being duly examined in the full pleas of the Husting Court of Northampton. Saturday after St. Botulph, 5 Edward III. Two seals.
[Warw.] A. 7147. Demise by Sir William Catesby, knight, to Robert Wod of Coventre, 'wryter,' for fifty years, of a tenement in Coventre, in the street called 'Catesbylane.' Michaelmas, 14 Edward IV. Seal.
[Wilts.] A. 7148. Grant by Robert Salman, to Sir Elias Erlestoke, vicar of the church of Calne, John Gylys, William Stokton, vicar of the church of Cosham, John Grene, chaplain, William Lery, of Calne, John Covyntre of Devyses, and Thomas Temse, of the manor of Wyke by Lacok, with lands &c. in Wyke, Lacok, Natton, Naisshehulle, and Beuelegh within the parish of Lacok, or elsewhere in the hundred of Chippenham; also further grant of the rent called 'le Warres rente,' with all lands and tenements &c. in the parish of Boxe, or elsewhere in the said hundred, which he, together with Thomas Calston, Thomas Murslegh, and Eobert Hatte, now deceased, lately had of the feoffment of Nicholas Crooke. Witnesses:—Robert Baynard, Walter Stodeleye and others (named). 12 April, 8 Henry VI. Portion of seal.
[Kent.] A. 7149. Grant by Nicholas son of Walter ate Curt, of the parish of Newintone, to Robert son of John Legat, of the parish of Tonge, and Joan his wife, of 1½a. land in Newintone, in the field called 'Witsscelde,' abutting on the street leading from Beanhamme to 'La Hole.' Thursday before St. Valentine the martyr, 26 Edward I.
[Wilts.] A. 7150. Release by Denise de Martini daughter of William de Martini, to Walkelin de Rosey, of all the land she had of the gift of Alice de Wlferrinton late the wife of Richard Crede, and which she held of the said Walkelin, in Gerardeston, with a manse (manso), croft &c. Witnesses:—Sirs Godfrey de Eskedemor, Richard de Derneford, knights, Richard de Wiggeberge, Geoffrey de Brudemere, and others (named).
[Norf.] A. 7151. Release by William son of Ralph Dalicun, to the church of St. Pancras, Lewes, and the convent of the same, of all his right in 3s. 2½d. yearly rent, and one hen, in Walsok [en] and Westwalton, viz. part from land lying in Herdd in Walsok [en], part from land in Neuland, in the same town &c. and part from a messuage in Westwalton. Witnesses:— Sirs William de Tyrington, and Hugh de Pynkeny, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Elyens' dioc'. Merslonde.'
[Kent.] A. 7152. Release by John de Wibbing, and Adam his brother, to Sir William de Ley burn, of all their right in a rent of 2d. and one hen, which the said William used to render to them for land [called] 'Picosland' in Halestowe. Witnesses:—Lucas de la Gare, and others (named).
[Bedf.] A. 7153. Grant by Osbert son of Henry the clerk of Wybbessnade and Alice his wife, daughter of Roger de Bartone, and Ralph de Lynleye of Wybbessnade, and Edith his wife, sisters (sic) of the said Roger, to Richard atte Wode of Bartone, of 3 roods of land in Bartone, adjoining land of the abbot of Rammesheye, and abutting on the road to Sarpenho. 13 Edward [I]. Seal, and portions of two seals.
[Bucks.] [Herts.] A. 7154. Grant by William de Horsendene, knight, to Geoffrey son of Geoffrey de Scallariis, of all his land of Horsendene, Wydihale, Red, Berqueye, and Boclonde, on condition of finding a chaplain to celebrate divine service every year in the chapel of Horsendene, for the souls of the grantor's ancestors and successors. Witnesses:—Sir John de Scallar[iis], Ralph de Bradefeld, Roger de Scales, and others (named).
London. A. 7155. Release by William de Fynchingfeld, citizen of London, to William Curteis, of all his right in 5s. yearly quit rent from tenements in the parishes of All Hallows Barckyngchyrche, and St. Olave towards the Tower. London, . . . . . 5 Edward III. Much defaced.
[Hunt.] A. 7156. Grant by Robert son of Reginald Morel of Niddingeworth, to Ivo of St. Ives, clerk, of 4a. 1 rood in the meadows of St. Ives; part lying at Stotford, part in Stonilandfurlong, part in Hunemadfurlong, of which one half acre is called 'Silkenestyche,' and part in Thornhegfurlong; rendering yearly one pair of gloves of the price of 1d. within the month of Easter. Witnesses:—Master Gilbert de Wepstede, steward of Ramsey, and others (named).
[Salop.] A. 7157. Release by Henry de Kingeshomede, to Sir Brian de Bromtone, of all the land which Adam, his brother, bequeathed to him and Isabella his sister, in Methene. Witnesses:—Roger de Foxcote, Richard de Pedworthin, Sir Richard, vicar of Kinlet, and others (named). 51 Henry III.
[York, W.R.] A. 7158. Grant by Roger son of Herbert de Milford, to William de Milford, of all his part of a toft with a house built there, and also of a croft, in Milford, with all his right therein. Witnesses:—Sirs Richard de Hudlest [on], Robert de Barkest [on], and Robert de Landa, knights, Geoffrey de Muscham, Serlo de Brettun, Richard de Schyr[burn], and others (named).
[N'hamp.] A. 7159. Grant by John French of Creek, son and heir of William French late of Onley, to William Preest of Kyldesby, and Joan his wife, of a messuage and 2 roods land in Syllesworth. Thursday after St. Denis, 38 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] A. 7160. Grant by Roger Ruggele of Yelvertoft, to Richard son of John Terry, of the common of pasture belonging to the third part of a half virgate in Yelvertoft, which he had of the feoffment of Robert Chaumber- leyn, and which was formerly part of the frank tenement of Simon le Prest. Saturday after St. Matthias the apostle, 11 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Camb.] A. 7161. Demise by Gervase son of Alan, to John de Ledes, for twenty five years, of 4a. land in Wdecroft, next the land the said John holds of William de Bosco, and 2a. of which he took of Roger de Bosco, father of the said William, for the term of 40 years, and the other 2a. the said Roger gave him in marriage with his daughter. Witnesses:— Walter de Westle, Geoffrey de Brinkele, Silvester de Karletun, and others (named).
Endorsed:—'Gerv . . . . . in Karoltun Comit' Cantebreg.'
[N'hamp.] A. 7162. Grant by Hugh son of Alfred de Dinggele, with the assent of his heirs, to the nuns of Sewardesleye, in perpetual alms, of 4s. yearly rent in Brouthun, for the health of his soul and his ancestors. Wit- nesses:—Sirs Ralph de Wedun, John de Holecot, and John de Malesouveres, William, parson of Syuell, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 7163. Release by John de Merk of Leyham, to his lord, Sir Hugh le Despenser, of a piece of pasture which he held from Sir Hugh in Leyham, near Denscewelle. Witnesses:—Robert de Reydon, Nicholas de Lapham, Henry de Todeham, and others (named).
[Essex.] A. 7164. Bond by Adam Trumpur of Angre, to acquit Sir Philip Basset and his heirs against Katharine late the wife of Hugh Slekoc of Angre of 6s. 8d. yearly for her dower which she had demised to Sir Philip for ten years from Michaelmas, 37 Henry III., and which Sir Philip had sold to him till the end of the said term. Witnesses:—Sirs Roger de Sanford and Ralph de Marcy, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Herts.] A. 7165. Grant by William de Caumvile, knight, to John de Melkeleye, of 18d. yearly rent, due from John Pake for a croft called 'Sougyuecroft,' and for land lying in Dungrave, and for part of a grange and bakehouse. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Melkeleye, knight, and others (named).
[Berks.] A. 7166. Release by Margery de Shete, for her life, to Sir Adam de Stratton, clerk, of all her right in the wardships and marriages of lands and heirs which belonged to William Terry in Westhanneye, which she lately claimed against the said Adam, and Ellen late the wife of the said William, on account of the lands and tenements which the said William formerly held from her in the said town; the releasor reserving to herself the homage and relief of the said heirs when they happen, and also suit of her court twice a year, together with a rent of 2d. which the said heirs are bound to render to her for the said lands and tenements. Westminster, Tuesday the vigil of St. Lucy the virgin, 2 Edward I.
[York, W.R.] A. 7167. Grant by Thomas de Thorneton, to Gregory his son, and Alice, Gregory's wife, of a burgage in Burton in Lonesdale, which he had of the feoffment of Willliam del Lee. Monday after the Annunciation, 16 Edward III.
[N'hamp.] A. 7168. Grant by Richard Golafer of Watforde, to Joan, relict of John Mallore, formerly lord of Welleton, and to Rose (Roysia), daughter of the said John, of six selions in Welleton, lying in the tillage called 'Le White Wong.' Witnesses:—Simon Tuwe of Welleton, Robert Ace, and others (named). Copy.
[Bucks.] A. 7169. Bond by William son of Sir William Knight (Domini Willelmi militis), of Stratfort, to Walter of Tinchewyk, son of Fulk Travers, of Acle, for 20l. which Walter had lent him at the Purification, 44 Henry III, to be repaid at his pleasure under a penalty of 100s. payable to him or the master of the work at Westminster (mayistro operis Westmonasterii) upon every default. Witnesses:—Sir William le Brun, Sir Richard son of Richard de Leoamsted, Walter de Forho, William the miller of Couesgrave, John Basigan of Passham, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 7170. Release by Robert Holdeland of Reidune, to Denise daughter of Ermerchardus de . . . ., of all the homage and service of Hugh . . . . ; with certain yearly rent. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Wallibus and William de Cheveruil, William de Wenham, and others (named). Much injured.
[Kent.] A. 7171. Grant by Thomas Chapman of the parish of Wyvelysbergh, to Edmund, duke of Somyrset, of 5½ a. meadow in Esshetyforde, in the meadow called 'Gouspet.' Sunday after All Saints, 30 Henry VI. Seal, injured.
[Wilts.] A. 7172. Grant by Isabella daughter of Everard de Argoges, to Adam de Argoges, of a croft and ½ virgate land with whatever else she had in Strattone, except a messuage and small curtilage. Witnesses:— John de Gardino, Roger de Camera, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 7173. Release by Richard the clerk, son of John the clerk, of Lausell, to Sir William the abbot, and the convent, of Ramseye, in frank almoin, of his right in the tenement which belonged to his father in Laussell. Witnesses:—William de Wolepol, William de Haningfeud, and others (named).
[Suff.] A. 7174. Grant by Godfrey Foc of Melleford, to Sir William de Valencia, of 1½a. land in Melleford, lying by the mill road. Witnesses:— Richard de Falsham, Robert de Bridebec, and others (named).
[Hunt] A. 7175. Grant by Nicholas Freman and Christian his wife, to Sir William le Barkere, chaplain, of part of a messuage lying by the cart road of the abbot, and 1 a. land with a hedge and ditch abutting on 'leNewefeld' of the abbot, in Heygthmundegrave. Sunday, the morrow of the Conception, 4 Edward III.
N'hamp. Warw. A. 7176. (1). Grant by Thomas Murdak, knight, and Ellen his wife, to John Goion, parson of the church of Ochocote, John Hanewell, parson of the church of Grutteworth, and John Person, chaplain, of the manor and advowson of Ochocote. Sunday after the Ascension, [7 ?] Richard II.
(2). Release by John Peresson, chaplain, of Thropmundovil, to John Goion, parson of the church of Ochocote, of all his right in the above- mentioned premises. XV. Kal. February, 7 Richard II.
(3). Release by John Hanewelle, parson of the church of Grutteworth, to John Goion, parson of the church of Ochocote, of all his right in the above mentioned premises. XIV. Kal. February, 7 Richard II.
(4). Fine made at Westminster, between the said John Goion, querent, and Thomas Murdak, knight, and Ellen his wife, deforciants, of the said manor and advowson, to the said Thomas and Ellen and her heirs. The Quinzaine of Easter, 7 Richard II.
(5). Fine made at York, between John Murdak, knight, and Eleanor his wife, querents, by Thomas de Solihull, guardian of the said Eleanor, and Nicholas Murdak, parson of the church of Ochocote, [deforciant], of [the manor of Ochocote] and the advowson of the church of that manor, co. Northampton, and the manor of Compton Murdak, co. Warwick, to the said John and Eleanor and the heirs of his body, with remainder to Thomas his brother in tail male, with remainder to John's right heirs. Michaelmas, 17 Edward II.
(6). Extent of the manor of Hoggecote. Tuesday in Whitsunweek, . . . . Richard II. Copies on one skin.
[Leic.] A. 7177. Grant by Aleyn Duk of Prestewold, to Robert Hullebarou, and Alice his wife, of a messuage and a half messuage, and land, [in Prestewold], part lying in Gildhow, part by 'le Stygate,' and part below 'les cotes.' Witnesses:—William Jordan, Adam del Grene, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] A. 7178. Grant by John de Cranford of Ashby St. Legers (Esseby Sancti Leodegarii), to Geoffrey Atoun of the same, of a place there with a toft and croft, and houses, and 3 half acres of arable, part lying 'Intorodmor,' part on Soslond, and parts 'Intoanloweslade.' Witnesses:— William, vicar of Essebi, and others (named).
[Herts.] A. 7179. Grant by Thomas de Flawendene, son of Nicholas de Flawende, to Sir William de Gippeswich, chaplain, of a pond in Flawendene, adjoining the high road from Pittlesburne to Berkamstede. Witnesses:— Sir John Cheyne, knight, Sir Stephen Cheindut, the younger, Thomas de Bulestrode, Richard del Ho, William the clerk of Flawend', and others (named).
[Hunt] A. 7180. Grant by John de Weston, clerk, to Nicholas de Kemeston, and Alice his wife, of 6d. yearly rent in Woldweston, which he bought of William Hotot his brother. Witnesses:—John le Lord of Leython, and others (named). Monday after the Purification, 10 Edward III.
[Camb.] A. 7181. Grant by John son of William Rose, of Clopton, to John the clerk of Kengham, of a messuage and croft which the grantor's father formerly had of the feoffment of Sir Hugh de Clopton, and land, part adjoining land of Sir William de Bereford, part 'atecrofteshendes,' and part 'withoutenacres,' [in Clopton]. Sunday before St. Peter in Cathedra, 30 Edward [I].
[Suff.] A. 7182. Release by Simon le Vineter, of Sprouton, to John his son of all his right in 2 acres of land in Sprouton formerly belonging to Roger his uncle, adjoining lands of the prior of St. Peter's, Ipswich, and of Sir Roger Loveday, and abutting on Hothewic. St. Leonard's day, 14 Edward [I].
[N'th'l'd.] A. 7183. Grant by Henry de Wynton, lay brother (conversus), to Sir William de Valence, in consideration of 140l. of the mill of Faltone with its suit, to hold to him, his heirs and assigns from the feast of St. Cuthbert in autumn, 41 Henry III, for thirteen years, as was contained in the chirograph made between the said Henry and Roger Bertram of the said mill, which chirograph, together with the King's confirmation, he had delivered to the said Sir William, so that thereafter, neither he nor his heirs should have any right in the said mill. Witnesses:—Sir Geoffrey Gacelin, Sir Imbert Guy, Richard, parson of Roubyri, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Warw.] A. 7184. Grant by Roger Edelyne of Henleye, to William Yve of the same, and Marion his wife, of a messuage in Henleye, between the messuages of William de Haselholt and Thomas Stori. Monday the feast of St. Margaret the virgin, 6 Edward III.
[Wilts.] A. 7185. Acquittance by Haimun de Bakh [amton] for his rent 'de la Bradetune,' received by the hand of Sir Alan Bassat, from a hide of land which Alan holds of his fee. Witnesses:—Sirs Roger de Dauntesi, Reginald de Calne, Hugh de Hentune, Thomas de Kenete, and others (named). A.D. 1220.
[N'hamp.] A. 7186. Grant by Simon son of Walter the clerk, of Hesebi, to Martin Lovel of Weleton, of 3 half acres of land, with headlands, in Hesebifield, part in Hesebi Slade, part above Rodmor, and part at Lambe Cotes. Witnesses:—Roger Beneit of Hesebi, Robert Asce of Weleton, and others (named).
[Hunt.] A. 7187. Assignment by Geoffrey de Halywell and Beatrice his wife, to Robert de Swayefeld and Emma his wife, of the residue of a term of twenty years in 5 acres 3½ roods land in St. Ives which they held of Richard le Eyr of Nyddyngwrth, part lying on 'le Benelond,' part called 'le Scharp Rode,' part on 'le Redelond,' part on Langgelond, part on 'le Watery Lond,' part on 'le Wodelond,' part in Kyngesbrok, part on Thremanhyl, part at the wind mill, part at Cheselynebrigg, and part at Churchlondes. Sunday before St. Clement, 4 Edward II.
[Kent.] A. 7188. Release by David de Hesthalle, son of John de Hesthalle, to Richard the prior, and the canons, of the Holy Trinity, London, of all the tenements, with rents, homages, and services &c. which he held from them in Bekeham; in return for which the said canons have acquitted him against the Jews of London concerning 20 marks, and have remitted to him 15 marks which he owed to the said canons. Witnesses:—Richard de Wilkeseye, Julian de Bastane, Alan de Godintone, Geoffrey de Yrmingelond, Alexander de Orpinton, and others (named).
[Devon.] A. 7189. Indenture of demise by John Holbrock, to Thomas Byllyng, and Matilda his wife, for their lives, in survivorship of a messuage with a curtilage in Axeministre, adjoining Coulardesberne, which Thomas Childeheys formerly held. Sunday after Michaelmas, 38 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Glouc.] A. 7190. Sale by Geoffrey de Pulham, lord of Wyneston, to Sir Hugh le Despenser, for 20l. of all the moveable goods and chattels found in his manor of Wyneston on the undermentioned date. Sunday the feast of St. Lucy the virgin, 4 Edward II.
[N'hamp.] A. 7191. Indenture of demise by Robert Baud of Lodynton, to Thomas de Tewe of Welton, and Ellen his wife, and Thomas their son, for their lives in survivorship, of a croft in Weltone adjoining Loddereslake and the tenement of John Mallore, knt. Wednesday before St. George the martyr, 46 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[N'hamp.] A. 7192. Release by John Brunne of Buckebroke, and Matilda his wife, to John Malory of Welton, of all their right in a croft in Welton adjoining Lodderslake. 28 April, 7 Henry V. Two seals.
[N'hamp.] A. 7193. Counterpart of A. 7191. Two seals.
[Oxford.] A. 7194. Indenture of grant by William son of William son of Elias of Waterpery, to Sir Elias, his brother, of the manor of Tettindon for life, with remainder to whichever of his heirs, lawfully begotten, he should wish to assign the same; rendering, yearly, a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. at Easter, at Waterpyrie. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas de Valoynes, Sir Roger Gernun, Sir Peter Foliot, Walter Payn of Garsindon, William de Mildecumbe, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
N'hamp. A. 7195. Conveyance by Nicholas West, Henry Brewes, and Thomas Fyssher, of Daventre, to John Catesby, esquire, and Margaret his wife, and his heirs, of a messuage in Braundeston, a croft in Falclyve, abutting on Fallamgrene, and a virgate and 5 acres of land in the fields of [Bra] undeston and Falclyve, which they had of the feoffment of John Nyghtyngale late of Braundeston. . . . . after St. Matthias the Apostle, 9 Henry VI. Injured. Seal.
[Kent.] A. 7196. Grant by William son of Elias the tanner, to Roger son of Gerard de Gardino, of a messuage with a house built thereon, of the tenement of the abbot and convent of Leneyes. Witnesses:—Richard de Gurnay, Hosebert de Stanpett, and others (named).
[York.] A. 7197. Bond by Richard Knut, knight, to Juliana de Sallay, daughter of the late Walter de Sallay, in 60 marks, for services rendered, to be paid her on demand, for her promotion. York, XV. Kal. July, A.D. 1284.
[Kent] A. 7198. Release by Hamo de la Gare, to his lord, Warin de Montechen[iso], of all his share in Donesgrave. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Sancto Claro, Ralph de Chaluns, Ralph de Basingg, and Robert le Buteler, Bernard de Estun, William de Wyndgate, Walter de Ocolte, William de Beddesham, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
Warw. York. Leic. A. 7199. Counterpart indenture, being an agreement made in the presence of the bishop of Bath and Wells, John de Vescy, Otho de Grandison, and Robert Tybetot, between the King and Queen Eleanor, his consort, of the one part, and Sir John le Lou and Amice his wife, of the other, whereby the said John and Amice released to the said King and Queen all that part of the inheritance of Richard de Ardern, lately deceased, which came to the said Amice, as one of his heirs, in the manors of Hampton in Ardern, la Knolle, Wutton, and Solyhull, co. Warwick, and other rents in the same county, and Burton upon Suale, co. York, and in all other manors and lands &c. of the said Richard's inheritance in England; for which the said King and Queen have given to the said Sir John and Amice, for the term of either of their lives, thirty librates of land in the manor of Neuton Harecurt, co. Leicester. Overton, 27 September, 12 Edward I. Portions of two seals.
Endorsed: 'H[oc] cirografum fuit irrotulatum in cancellar [ia] xxixo die Septembr [is] ann[o] r[egni] r[egis] E [dwardi] xiio.'
[Essex.] A. 7200. Grant by Walter son of Walter de Reymes, to Sir Philip Basset, his lord, of that piece of his land in the field of Throstlesete, lying between the land of Alfred son of Jordan, and the land of Gilbert son of Alfred of Samford. Witnesses:— Sir Richard de Hyspania, Richard de Ruylly, William de Gelham, Roger de Hamsted, Matthew de Piriton, William de Ambbr[edon] and others (named). Injured.
Endorsed: 'Boiton.'