Pages 469-488
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 3, March 1715 - October 1718. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1924.
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Mackburney, Mr., secretary to Royal Fishery Coy., attends board, 390, 394.
Mackenzie, Mr., 127.
Madeira, (Portugal) Consulate for, 72–73, 77–79, 80–81, 101.
-, exports of, 428, 434.
-, wines of, 171, 297, 431.
Madrid, 100, 225, 231, 242, 399.
Maigne, Monsr., of St. Kitts, lieut. du Roi de France; widow, see Durepair, Mme., 85.
Maillard, Mary, French protestant at St. Kitts, 17.
Maine, province of, 239, 309.
-, suitable for growing of hemp, 108.
-, settlement of, 215, 235, 342.
Major, Mr., 202.
Man, Isle of, 423.
Marcader, Don Manuel, vicar general of Minorca, evidence re salt, 366–367.
March, Francis, solicitor, evidence re Jamaica, assembly, 112, 114–115, 121, 237, 303.
-, -, evidence re Antigua, 342, 376, 405.
-, -, petition of, extraordinary, 303.
-, -, to attend board, 120, 371, 373, 402.
-, -, letter from, 375.
Mareschall, M., 261.
Marseilles, silks exported from, 107– 109.
Marshall, Capt., instructions to, 350.
Martin, Hannah, of New York, 435.
Martinique, Island, Leeward Islands, (to France) governor of. See Duquesne, 17.
-, -, hostages at, 40, 65, 120, 245, 252, 287.
-, -, trade with, 36–37.
Martyn, Sir Joseph, member of Muscovy Coy., 128.
-, -, attends board, 128, 167, 266.
-, -, attendance required, 16, 59.
-, -, letters from, 17, 261.
-, Mr., inspector general of customs, 3, 16, 127.
-, -, attendance desired, 100, 206, 289.
-, -, evidence of, 23, 32, 121, 135, 177, 222, 224, 241, 293, 324, 328.
-, -, instructions and letters to, 47, 85, 103, 106–107, 116, 133, 149, 176, 220–221, 240, 286, 327, 419, 433.
-, -, letters from, 40, 101, 153, 203, 221, 325, 422, 437.
Mary II, Queen, acts of, 391, 393, 397, 410, 432.
Marygalante, island, 198.
Maryland, 33, 241, etc.
governor. See Hart, John.
proprietor. See Lord Baltemore.
guardian of. See Lord Guilford.
appointment of governor, 24, 41.
acts in, 33, 41, 138, 203, 282.
commission for, 427.
merchants of, petition, 138, 144, 149, 164.
naval passes in, 110–111, 113.
surrender of, to crown, 74.
tobacco in, 139, 142, 230.
trade of, 164–166.
-, with Indians, 138.
-, illegal with French, 248, 349.
Mascarene, Major, 71.
Mason, Major, 268, 275–276.
Massachusetts Bay, 34, 69, 71, 168, 172, 318–319, 321, 335, 341, 348, 414.
governor of, (New England).
See Burgess; Shute; Dudley.
lieut. governor. See Taylor.
secretary. See Willard.
agent. See Dummer, Jeremy.
council, 167, 235, 403.
-, minutes of, 71, 401.
assembly of, 235, 239.
-, minutes of, 401, 409.
acts passed in, 147, 152, 234, 347, 390–391, 393, 394, 398– 400, 409–411.
boundaries of, 352, 401.
courts, 398, 410.
defence and stores of war, 401.
charter, clause of, 173, 236, 239, 324, 350–352, 369, 432.
customs house fees in, 192.
commissions for, 427–428.
Indian relations with, 239, 401.
militia of, 136, 419.
naval stores, 26, 210, 215.
pirates in, 419–420, 424–425.
seals, 277, 279.
trade, 230.
woods, waste in, 407, 430, 432, 434, 437, 440, 445. See also Bridger.
Matthew, Col. (ref. 1) , 316.
-, -, appointed lieut. governor of St. Kitts and lieut.
general of Leeward Islands, 15, 123.
-, -, evidence of, 15, 396, 398, 438.
-, -, leave of absence granted, 124–125, 397.
-, -, letters from, 83, 147– 148, 398.
-, -, to attend board, 437.
-, William, an infant, of St. Kitts, 228, 244, 259.
Matthews, Sir George, attends re fishing patent, 344.
May, Isle of, 93–94, 108, 110, 120, 397.
Maycock, Thomas, treasurer of Barbadoes, 282, 356.
Mayne, Captain, lately arrived from Newfoundland, 93.
-, -, evidence re Isle of May and Newfoundland, 94–95.
Mc Cartey, Daniel, of South Potomac, complaints against, 246.
Mc Kenzie, Rev. Eneas, minister of St. Andrews, 298.
Meaburn, 298.
Mead, Mr., letter to, 324.
-, -, letter from, 325.
-, -, attends board with memorial, 328.
Mears, Capt., attends board, 73.
-, -, letter to, 71.
Measurer, Captain, treatment of, 214, 216.
Mediterranean Sea, fishing in, 423, 425.
Melanson, Mr., of Minos, letter to, 392.
Melmoth, Francis, evidence re Jamaica, 202–203.
-, -, petition of, 201, 265.
Merrill, Mr., 116.
-, -, letter from, 119.
Merriweath, Thomas, Bristol merchant, attends re insurance charter, 348.
Messina, 416.
Methuen, Paul, H.M. Minister at court of Portugal, 78.
-, -, evidence of, 184, 209.
-, -, secretary of state, during Stanhope's absence, correspondence with, in that capacity, 163–247, passim.
Meure, French protestant in St. Kitts, attends re lands, 197.
Mexico, 159, 307, 309, 311.
Micklethwaite, Mr., agent for Barbadoes, letter from, 135, 169.
-, -, attends re ecclesiastical court, 263, 268, 295, 300, 365, 372.
-, -, memorial from, 293, 317–318.
-, -, Secretary in chancery, 317.
Miclon Island, Newfoundland, 117.
Mico, Mr., dealings with Mr. Bridger, 43, 58, 65.
-, -, evidence re whale fishing, 257–258.
Middlesex county, Virginia, 418.
Mienzies, Mr., ordered to attend board, 43.
Mildmay, Mr., commissioner on Salt duty, attends board, 422–423.
Miles, Mr., 77–78.
-, -, desired for consul at Madeira, 79, 101.
Mill, Mr., receiver general of Jamaica, patent of, 276.
Milliken, Mr., of St. Kitts, 261, 328.
-, -, behaviour in Stoddard's case, 303, 312, 316, 397, 399.
Mills, John, of Nevis, debentures delivered to him, 59, 69, 106, 206, 254.
-, -, evidence re St. Kitts, 250–252, 261, 268, 278.
-, -, letter of attorney to, 24.
Milner, James, (or Josiah) evidence re Madeira consulate, 339– 340, 368.
-, -, letter from, 178.
-, -, to attend board, 177, 359.
-, John, late consul general in Portugal, 32, 34.
-, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of John Milner, her petition, 32, 34.
Minas, Nova Scotia, inhabitants of, 48, 173, 392.
Minett, Mr., to attend board, 437, 441–442.
Mineville, David, 437.
Minorca, Island, governor. See Carpenter, General.
-, lieut. governor. See Kane.
-, vicar general. See Marcader.
-, -, Salt trade at, 366–367, 370–371, 393, 395–396, 413– 414, 418, 427, 431.
Miranda, Mr., memorial from, 426, 429.
clerks of board, precedency and salaries, 65–66, 219–220, 238.
expenses of board, 42, 70–71, 89– 90, 113, 145, 163, 188–189, 226, 309–310, 378.
legal adviser appointed, 369.
See West, Richard.
memorial presented to, 10–11, 127, 131. See Palatines.
new commissions of trade, 34–35, 105, 247, 334.
orders of council etc., 46, 282, 307.
regulation of business, 68–69, 296, 362.
repairs to building, 298, 323.
Mississippi river, 307, 311, 335, 438.
Mitchel, Thomas, evidence re Royal African Coy., 190.
-, -, attends board, 202.
Mitchell, Capt., of St. Kitts, deceased, 302, 308, 311–312, 315–316.
-, Mrs., of St. Kitts, widow of Capt. Mitchell, 308–309, 316.
-, -, attends board, 311– 312.
Mobile, French at, relations with Indians, 57.
Modyford, Sir Thomas, prisoner at Jamaica, 143.
Moene, Jacob, of Connecticut, 436.
Mohawk or Canandega Indians (Iroquois), 290.
Molesworth, Robert, commissioner, 1, et passim, 67.
-, -, letter to, 68.
-, -, commission to, 35.
-, -, new commission to, 105, 247, 334.
Moller, Mr., counsel for Sir John Lambert, in Bermuda case, 170–171, 175–176.
Molyneux, Mr., secretary to Prince of Wales, letter from, 68.
Mompesson, Roger, chief justice, of New York, decease of, 76.
-, -, report re maladministration in N.Y., 87.
Monks Hill, Antigua, 187, 373.
Monmouth county, New Jersey, 298.
Montcleone, Marquis de, ambassador of Spain, letter from, 142, 248, 266–267, 323–324, 333.
-, -, action of board re, 318.
Montgomery, Sir Robert, attends re governor, 343, 345.
-, -, memorial from, re governor of Carolina trans Savana, 340, 348, 363, 366, 415.
-, -, to attend board, 342.
Montserrat, Leeward Islands, 251– 252.
Council of. See Barzey, Bramble, Fox, Ravel and White, William.
-, minutes of, 147, 151.
-, recommendation for, 75.
acts passed in, 147, 390, 395, 411.
French invasion of, 364–365.
passes for, 111.
ships entered, 147.
Moody, Col., lieut. governor of Placentia, 71, 103, 217, 228.
-, -, accusations against, 88–89, 93, 118, 394.
-, -, clothing sent to, 29, 30.
-, -, commercial activity of, 104.
-, -, declaration of, 225.
-, -, letter from, 184.
Moore, John, of Jamaica, nominated for Jamaica council, 278.
-, Samuel, of Jamaica, attends board, 202.
-, -, nominated for Jamaica council, 278.
Morant, John, nominated for Jamaica council, 278.
Morgan, Joseph, Monmouth County, New Jersey, letter from, 298.
Morocco, Emperor of, 68, 406, 408– 409.
-, trade in, 68–69, 81, 406, 408– 409, 412, 424–427, 444–445.
Morris, (or Morice) Humphrey, evidence re African Coy., 92–93, 190–191, 202, 237, 339–340.
-, -, to attend board, 91, 188, 235.
-, Col. Valentine, of council of Antigua, 75.
-, -, evidence of, 363–365.
-, -, illness of, 173.
-, -, suspension of, 361, 365–366, 375–376, 402, 405– 406.
-, Col., chief justice of New York, 73.
-, -, recommendation from governor, 76.
-, -, warrant for appointment, 84.
Mostyn, Roger, to be governor of Bahama Islands, 95, 97–98, 126.
Mountain, Thomas, of Antigua, deposition of, 361.
Mount Lucy Plantation, Barbadoes, 204, 332.
Mousehole, Cornwall, 422.
Mulcaster, Mr., agent for forces at Annapolis, 28.
-, -, evidence re garrison at Annapolis, 31.
-, -, to attend board, 27.
Mulford, Samuel, of New York, petition and letter of, evidence re whales, 240, 249, 257–258, 336–337, 358, 360, 368–369, 432.
-, -, speech of, 290.
Mumby, Valentine, nominated for council of Jamaica, 19, 144.
Murray, Andrew and Elizabeth, of Antigua, 183, 185, 204.
Muscovia Coy., 100, 126–128, 157– 158, 161, 163, 167–168.
-, -, governor. See Ayloffe, Sir Benjamin.
-, -, Czar, Peter I., treaty of commerce with, 124–130, 150, 152–153, 157, 167–168.
-, -, letter to, 102.
-, -, memorial from, 107.
-, -, secretary. See Hawys.
Musson, Capt., of Bahamas, report from, 245.
Naples, 413, 416.
Nassau Island, New York, 443.
Needham, William, of Jamaica, to administer oath, 294.
Neilson, Mr., Lord Provost of Edinburgh, 444.
Neptune, ship taken by pirates, 8, 93.
Netherlands. See Austrian Low Countries.
Nevis, Leeward Islands, 252, etc.
governor of. See Smith, Daniel.
agent of. See Col. Jory.
council of, 75; see also Bridgewater, Choppin, Pinney.
assembly of, memorials from, 151, 395.
acts passed in, 152, 175, 185, 191–192, 205, 211, 355, 364, 388–389, 415.
French invasion of, 23, 40–41, 49–50, 64–65, 69, 106, 120, 169, 254–255, 285–287, 297– 300, 348, 397, 415, 426–427.
inhabitants, sufferings of, 14, 24, 40–41, 50, 153, 251–252, 426– 427.
passes for, 111.
Newberry, in New England, 289.
Newcastle on Tyne, merchants of, 387.
Newcastle, duke of, 353.
New England, 54–56, 69, 175, 234, 348–349.
governor. See Dudley, Burges, Shute.
surveyor of woods. See Bridger.
surveyor of customs. See Cumming.
agent. See Dummer.
acts in, 192–196, 220.
imports and exports, 64, 79, 111, 163, 192, 196, 218, 233, 245, 438.
duties in, 49, 309.
Indians in, 27, 54–55, 71, 83, 239.
instructions to governor, 90, 134, 137–138, 148, 150, 204.
land bank proposed, 44, 49–50, 63, 65–66, 68, 71–73, 74.
merchants, 158–159.
naval passes, 110.
naval stores, 27–28, 33–34, 37, 39, 41, 51, 76, 108, 212, 218– 220.
pirates in, 428.
settlement of soldiers in, 68, 170, 172–173, 176–177, 215–216, 231, 235–236, 238–239, 307, 318–319, 321–324, 350–352, 354–355.
surveyorship of woods, 41–44, 46, 52, 58, 65–66, 72, 76–77, 84, 106–110; see also Bridger.
woods, waste of, 34, 37, 173; see also Bridger.
sturgeon curing, 288–289, 298, 313, 327–329, 335, 360, 369.
union with Nova Scotia proposed, 34.
Newfoundland, 8, 16, 19, 37, 105, 119, 125–126, 263, 370, 436, 449.
governor of. See Philips, Col.
lieut. governor, (Placentia).
See Moody, Purcell, Lieut. Col.
agent. See Campbell, James.
commissions for, 349, 427–428.
convoy, 19, 23, 93, 144–145,
148, 232, 286, 346, 351, 425.
fishery at, 6, 15–18, 25–26, 73, 79, 84, 87–89, 116–118, 210, 212, 214–217, 224–228, 426, 435, 438, 440.
garrison at, 1, 25, 28–29, 49, 51, 53, 58, 184, 352, 371–372.
governor, instructions to, 311.
-, memorial from, 353, 357, 359.
liquors at, 227, 438–440.
merchants petition of, 6, 9, 15, 26, 28, 109, 114–115, 213.
pirates at, 213.
relations with French, 36, 38, 88–89, 103–104, 216–217, 372, 394.
-, -, Spaniards, 9, 38.
-, -, New England, 345.
state of, 9, 84.
survey of, 26, 93, 103, 107, 392, 394.
trade, general, 1, 94–95, 97, 102– 104, 107, 116–119, 239, 426, 435.
abuses in trade and fishery, 108– 109, 111, 120, 214, 221, 286, 345, 438–440.
New Hampshire, 24, 65, 66, 401, 409.
governor (New England). See Burgess, Shute.
lieut. governor. See Usher, Vaughan, Wentworth.
agent. See Dummer, Jeremy.
Council, 46, 76, 79–80, 167–168, 288.
-, minutes of, 401, 403.
-, memorial from, 33, 350.
-, members of. See Atkinson, Gerish, Jeffrey, Penhallow, Wentworth, Westbrook, and Wybird.
assembly, 401.
-, minutes of, 401, 403.
acts passed in, 400, 402–403, 406–408, 411, 413.
commissions for, 427–428.
instructions to governor, 80, 81, 90, 168, 402.
naval passes, 110, 350.
naval stores, 24.
proposed purchase by crown, 79.
seals, 277, 279.
stores of war, 401, 409.
trade in, 233.
New Jersey, 15, 76, 121, 264, 300, 329.
governor of. See Hunter, Brigadier.
secretary. See J. Smith.
agent. See Phillips, Ambrose.
attorney general. See Gordon, Thomas.
council of, 24, 44, 46, 292, 299, 333, 407.
-, minutes of, 124, 244, 299–300.
-, members of, See Deacon, Hugg, Lyal.
assembly of, 299, 310, 403.
-, minutes of, 299, 403.
acts passed in, 68–69, 124, 300, 302, 305, 307–308, 310, 327– 328, 342, 354, 395, 398.
governor, dissension with assembly, 201–202, 263, 302, 336, 339.
-, instructions from, 24–25, 45, 125–126, 331, 334, 340, 412.
circular letters from, 277, 347, 412.
commissions for, 427–428.
missionaries in, 45–46, 299.
naval passes, 110.
protests of inhabitants, 76, 87.
seals in, 59, 182, 277, 279.
surrender of properties, 237.
Quakers, q.v.
Newman, Mr., New Hampshire, attends board re New Hampshire councillors, 80.
-, -, letter from, 79.
Newport, Rhode Island, 437.
Newton, Sir Isaac, master of mint, letter to, 420, 437.
-, -, attends board, 440.
New York, 42, 45, 67, 71–72, 75, 121, 244, 289, 348, 357, 369, 377, 414, 437.
governor of. See Hunter.
chief justice. See Mompesson, Morris, Col.
attorney general. See Rayner.
collector of customs. SeeByerley.
agent. See Champante, Phillips, Ambrose.
council of, 24, 87, 123, 135, 299, 358, 432.
-, addresses from, 44, 299.
-, minutes of, 290–291, 402.
-, members of. See Clarke, Johnson, J., Staats.
assembly, 87, 299, 331, 432.
-, addresses from, 299, 337, 358.
-, minutes of, 87, 290.
acts passed in, 3, 14, 18, 24–25, 44–45, 76–77, 87, 97, 125, 264, 282, 287, 290–291, 330–333, 336, 340, 342, 367, 374, 402, 433–436, 440, 443–445.
accounts, 431.
circular letters, 277, 279, 347.
commission for, 427–428.
forces in, 88, 90, 123, 431, 433434, 436, 440, 443.
governor's instructions to, 25, 80, 412.
governor, complaints against, 15, 240, 257–258, 336–337, 339, 358, 366, 368.
Indians, relations with, 44, 65, 71, 73, 79, 87–88, 91–92, 95, 122, 290, 433, 436.
maladministration at, 87, 431.
memorials at, 34, 83, 87, 95, 336, 340, 426, 429, 431, 435.
merchants, 367, 374, 435.
missionaries bad behaviour, 73.
naval stores at, 102–103, 122124, 431.
negroes, fugitive, 433, 440, 443.
officers, appointments, 84, 98.
Palatines at, 44, 101, 122, 127, 131, 304.
revenues of, 44, 290, 431.
seals, 277–279, 431.
ships in, 122, 290–291, 329, 431, 436–437, 443.
stores of war, 122–123, 435.
naval passes, 110.
trade of, 301, 304, 329, 414, 435.
whaling in, 240, 249, 257–259, 336, 358, 360, 431.
Nicholas, George, of Barbadoes, 252, 285.
-, Susana, of Barbadoes, 252, 285.
-, Col. Edward, 257, 275.
Nicholls, Thomas, a pirate, letter re surrender, 357.
Nicholson, Col., ex governor of Nova Scotia, 26.
-, -, attitude to French inhabitants, 4, 38–39.
-, -, cited as withness, 15.
-, -, complaints against, 29, 32, 34, 45, 48, 123–124.
-, -, evidence re Nova Scotia, 5, 30– 31, 239, 350– 351.
-, -, letters from, 65, 71, 73, 205.
-, -, letters to, 79, 345.
-, -, to attend board, 238.
Nivine, Mr., of Nevis, agent for Antigua, attendance requested, 40, 208, 211, 246, 249, 285, 295, 361, 378.
-, -, evidence of, 41, 186– 187, 208, 212, 224, 250–253, 286–288, 269, 303, 342, 363– 366, 390, 405–406, 432.
-, -, letter from, 387.
-, -, memorial of, 223, 405, 420.
Nodin, Mr., attends re Bermuda pirates, 358.
Nore, the, 142.
Norris, William, recommended for council of Jamaica, 16.
North Carolina. See Carolina.
Northern Crowns, 28, 32, 34, 108.
Northey, Sir Edward, attorney general, attends re acts of Antigua, 376.
-, -, attends re Nova Scotia lands, 351.
-, -, opinion of, 257.
-, -, report of, 434.
Northumberland, country of, 357, 417.
Norton, Valentine, evidence re memorial of, 29–30.
-, -, to attend board, 27, 81.
Norway, trade with, 108, 415, 440.
Norwich, 417.
Nova Scotia, 7, 16, 18, 43, 59, 61, 79, 108–110.
governor. See Vetch, Phillips, Col.
lieut. governor. See Doucet.
commander. See Caulfield.
Commissions for, 35, 349, 427– 428.
governorship, successor to, 13– 16, 234.
governor, memorials from, 346, 353, 359, 370.
boundaries of, 352.
fisheries of, 6, 17, 38–39, 73–74, 77.
French inhabitants removal of, 4– 5, 10, 28, 36–37, 49–50, 392.
garrison of, 5, 26–32, 48, 52–53, 56, 58, 77, 114– 116, 119, 127, 181, 352.
Indians, relations with, 5, 38, 48, 71, 83, 105.
lands, grant of, 68, 215–216, 233– 239, 256–257, 262, 265, 267, 350–351, 389– 390.
ships at, 18.
state of, 118.
timber, 27.
trade, 6, 120, 218.
union with New England, proposed, 33–34.
O'Brien, Capt., an Irish Catholic, trading with Newfoundland, 89.
Offley, Henry, evidence re India trade act, 141–142, 160, 163– 166.
-, -, letter from, 149.
Oldfield, Col. Francis, planter of Jamaica, 3.
-, -, appointed to council of Jamaica, 19.
-, -, resignation from council of Jamaica, 110, 135.
-, -, evidence of, 7, 144, 202, 237.
-, -, petition of, 223.
Oldmixon, Mr., letter from re Madeira, 72.
-, -, memorial from, 81– 101.
Old North Sound, Antigua, 43.
Oliver, Mr., of Antigua, member of council, his illness, 172–173.
Olmius, Herman, to attend Board, 162.
-, John, to attend Board, 162.
Oneida, (Iroquois) Indians, 290.
Onondage, county, 73.
-, Indians (Iroquois,) 290.
Onslow, Lord, attends board re insurance, 379, etc.
-, Mr., of Jamaica, letter from, 188.
-, -, attends re Spanish piracies, 284.
-, -, to attend board, 300.
Oporto, 2, 3, 181, 416.
-, consul at, 78, 432.
Orange county, New York, 433.
Orby, Mr., attends re debts of New York, 14, 15.
-, -, memorial of, 3.
Orford, Earl of, lord of Committee, 25.
-, -, recommends Mr. Sheppard, 15.
Orkney, Earl of, 14, 288.
-, -, governor of Virginia, 2, 240.
-, -, evidence re disputes in Virginia, 425–426.
-, -, instructions for, 6.
-, -, recommends Mr. Ayscough, 18.
-, -, relations with Lord Archibald Hamilton, 9, 74.
Ostend, 79, 222.
Ourt river, See Limburgh, 39.
Outerbridge, Col. William, of council of Bermuda, 171, 175.
Oxford, Earl of, 31.
Pace, Joseph, advised to attend board, 104, 209, 211.
-, -, evidence re plantation naval stores, 105–107, 212.
Paddon, Captain, embassy to Morocco, 68–69, 81, 409.
Page, Francis, sergeant-at-law, counsel, in Colleton's case, 153–157.
-, -, counsel in insurance case, 379, 382–384, 386.
-, Mann, member of Virginia council, 2.
-, Dr. Samuel, of Jamaica, deputy secretary of council, appointed deputy clerk of inrolments, 74, 299.
-, -, complaints against Lord Archibald Hamilton, 170, 172, 193, 195, 280.
-, -, indictment of him by Lord Archibald Hamilton, 268, 271–272, 275–278, 283– 284.
-, -, letter from, 142.
-, -, removal of, 331, 343.
Pagit, Francis, a Catholic, protests against appointment, 76.
Palatines, memorial re, 127, 131.
Palmer, Henry, attends board re Barbadoes offices, 60–63.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 59.
-, Col. Thomas, evidence re Barbadoes, 61–62.
-, -, ordered to attend board re Barbadoes offices, 60.
Panton, Col. John, of St. Kitts, 16, 262.
-, -, decease of, 398.
Parke, Col., estate of, 46, 305.
-, -, relations with Capt. Walton, 89.
Parkes, Mr., letter from re Jamaica, 14.
Parris, Mr., solicitor, attends re the New Jersey act, 396–397.
Parrot, Mr., of Jamaica, attends board, 202, 284.
-, -, to attend board, 283.
Parry, Mr. Samuel, of Antigua, deposition of, 361
Partridge, Col. William, agent for Rhode Island, 134.
-, -, evidence re grant of lands, 177.
-, -, lands to be granted to, 204.
-, -, letters from, 236, 239.
-, -, presents petition, 170, 172–174, 176.
Passenger, Capt., to be commodore of Newfoundland convoy, 227.
-, -, letter from, 345.
-, -, answer to, 425.
-, -, to attend board, 435436.
-, -, evidence re Newfoundland fishery, 438–440.
Paul, Mr., consul at Zant, letter from, 79, 416.
Payne, Charles, of St. Kitts, recommended for council, 398.
Peartree, Mr., 243.
Pechells, Mr., of St. Kitts, French protestant, attends board, 197–199.
Peck, John, nominated for council of Jamaica, 19, 144.
Peers, John, merchant, letter to, 413.
Pejebscot, fort, 71.
Pelham, Thomas, 298.
-, -, appointed commissioner of trade, 247.
-, -, new commission to,334.
Pemaquid, fort, New England, 173, 175, 350.
Pemberton, Joseph, evidence re Nevis, 255, 427.
Penhallow, Samuel, letter from re New Hampshire council, 80.
Peniston, master of a Bermuda sloop, 170.
-, said to be in Bermuda council, 175.
Penn, Mr., proprietor of Pennsylvania, 183–184, 193–194, 199, 377.
-, -, instructions to, 205.
-, -, declaration of, 221.
Pennant, Edward, of Jamaica, petition of, 267, 275, 278, 281, 343.
-, -, nominated for Jamaica council, 278.
Pennsylvania, 209–210, 221, 331, 335, 353–54.
proprietor. See Penn, Mr.
lieut. governor. see Keith,
agent. see Philips, Ambrose.
acts in, 199, 302, 377, 407.
assembly of, 311.
circular letter for, 347.
commissions for, 427–428.
counties disputed, 194, 209–210, 221–222, 286.
exports from, 213.
governorship, succession to, 183– 184, 193–194, 205, 288.
naval stores in, 209–210, 213, 216, 219, 232.
surrender of, to crown, 74, 375, 377.
Penobscot, river, 235–236.
-, Indians of, 48, 105, 352.
Penrice, Sir Henry, judge of Admiralty court, letter from, 424–425, 428.
-, -, letter to, 427.
Penzance, Cornwall, 422.
Permiter, John, of New York, 443.
Perne, Mr., of Antigua, attends re Antigua Roman Catholics, 363, 365.
Perret, John, of Barbadoes, 356.
Perry, Jonathan, secretary of Royal African Coy., attends board on naval defence, 91–92, 217, 237, 278.
-, Micajah, merchant of Virginia, 261.
-, -, attendance requested, 138, 228, 247, 347.
-, -, evidence re quit rents, passes, 70, 112, 139–140, 229– 230, 237, 241–243, 248, 253, 266, 278, 288, 347, 429.
-, -, humanity of, 137.
-, -, letter from, 183.
-, -, pass for, 110.
-, -, security for Mr. Keith, 194.
Perth Amboy, New Jersey, 298.
Petersburg, Russia, 205.
Petit Nore, Newfoundland, fishery of, 17.
Philip V., King of Spain, etc., letters to, 216, 232, 236, 436.
Phillips, Ambrose, agent for New York and New Jersey, 428.
-, -, letters from, 336–337.
-, -, letters to, 302, 431.
-, -, memorial from, 299, 340.
-, Col., appointed governor of Placentia and Annapolis Royal, 349, 428.
-, -, attendance requested, 352.
-, -, evidence of 359.
-, -, letter from, 357.
-, -, memorial from, 346, 353, 370, 372, 392, 395.
Phipps, merchant of Royal African Coy., 188.
Pierce, Mr., evidence re Royal African Coy., 186–188.
Pierro, Mons., 261.
Pilgrim, Mr., of Barbadoes council, decease reported, 133.
Pingelly, Mr., Serjeant, counsel for insurance agents, 379, 381382, 387.
Pinney, John, for council of Nevis, 75.
Piscatagua river, Maine, 27, 65.
-, map of, 33.
Pitt, Thomas, to be governor of Jamaica, 152, 204.
-, -, attends board, 182.
-, -, instructions for, 167, 195, 225.
-, -, memorial from, 184, 187, 191–192, 194.
Pitts, Mr., evidence re trade in Spain, 243.
Placentia, Newfoundland, 215–216, 349, 394.
lieut. governor. see Moody, Purcell.
governor. See Phillips.
commander in chief of, 25, 30, 93.
commissions for, 427–428.
evacuation by French, 88, 103.
fishery at, 15, 49, 73–74, 118.
fortifications of, 25–26, 126.
French evacuation by, 88, 103.
-, plantations at, 103–104.
garrison of, 25–26, 28, 49, 51, 53, 58, 184, 352, 357, 371–372.
harbour of, 125.
ill condition of, 9.
map of, 107; see also under Newfoundland.
Plantations, General.
accounts, 207, 239, 285.
acts of, 70, 120, 123, 192, 196, 277, 280.
circular letters, 143–145, 232, 249, 277, 279, 311, 336, 347, 366, 426–428.
councillors of, 6–7, 366.
duties in, 7, 25, 32, 49, 59, 108, 194, 207, 214–215, 224, 231, 239, 241, 247–248, 374, 376 see also trade.
estates, 3.
exports, from, 103, 109, 119.
general business of board, 296, 345–346, 369, 371, 374, 376.
governor's instructions for, 2–3, 13–15, 19, 23, 48, 148, 150, 276, 297.
laws of, to be printed, 262–263, 282, 353, 359–361, 442.
missionaries, 46.
naval stores, 27–28, 37, 39, 41, 50–51, 76, 104–105, 108, 206, 209, 211–213, 216–221, 225, 232, 304, 328, 332, 337-338.
passes to plantations, 110–113, 115.
patent offices, 268, 281.
privateers in, 235, 237, 254–255, 265, 292–293, 333–335, 338, 340–341, 343–344, 407, 415– 416, 426–428, 432.
revenues, 66, 285.
seals, 39, 46, 59, 182, 277.
surveying woods. See Bridger.
sturgeon curing. See Borland, Lowe and Wachter.
Plowman, John, London fishmonger, petition of, 307, 312, 315, 360.
-, -, evidence of, 313–314, 328–329.
-, -, to attend board, 309, 327.
Plymouth, county of (Massachusets), 410.
-, council of, 235, 352, 398.
-, Newfoundland trade, mayor written to re, 97, 102, 109.
-, merchants of, 387.
Poland, trade with, 415.
Pontchartrain, Monsr., letter from, 38.
Poole, merchants of re fishing of Newfoundland, 6, 104.
-, Newfoundland trade, mayor written to re, 97, 102, 109.
-, 'Golden James' ship of, 115.
Poplay, John, attends re Nevis sufferers, 426.
Popple, Alured, letter from, 28, 67.
-, -, petition of, 162, 168.
-, -, appointed clerk, 220.
Portadally, king of, piracy by, 92–93.
Port Mahon, Minorca, consul at, 236.
Porto Rico, Spanish West Indies, 75, 404.
Port Royal, burning of, referred to, 12.
-, decay of, 331.
-, fortifications of, 115, 133, 320.
Portsmouth, England, 350.
Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, 347, 401, 403, 432.
Portugal, king of. See John V.
-, ambassador at London, 177.
-, See d'Acunha.
-, consul general. See Milner, Shipper.
-, minister at. See Methuen, Worsley.
-, oppressions by government, 78, 81.
-, trade with, 27, 94, 96, 113, 177, 179, 180, 182–183, 321, 416.
Potomac, river, 241.
-, south, 246.
Potter, evidence re Portuguese oppression, 81.
Pouldon, Mr., consul at Canaries, letter from, 333.
Poyntz, Mr., consul at Lisbon, 321, 445.
-, -, letter from, 435, 439.
Preston, 365.
Princess Anne county, Virginia, 414.
Pringle, Mr., letter from, re relation between governors and commanders, 14, 23, 79.
-, -, letter to re Madeira consulate, 72, 143.
Prissick or Priswick, Capt., evidence re Leeward Islands, 172, 265, 278, 283, 317.
-, -, letters from, 170, 278.
-, -, to attend board, 264, 283, 372.
Proprietary, charter colonies, bill about charter governments, 70, 72.
Providence, Island of, Bahamas, disorders at, 183.
-, pirates at, 196–197, 358–359, 361.
-, resettlement of, 42, 93, 237.
Provost, Daniel, of New York, 443.
Prussians, trade with, 92.
Pulleyn, George, carpenter, of Antigua, 187, 246, 279, 342, 371, 373, 376.
-, Mr., lieut. governor of Bermuda, his death, 45.
-, -, letter from, 341.
Pulteney, David, appointed commissioner of trade, 247.
-, -, new commission to, 334.
-, -, communication from, 440.
-, William, secretary of war, letters from, 13, 128.
-, -, letters to, 89, 111, 116, 119.
Purcell, Lt. Col., petition of, 325– 326.
-, -, to be lieut. governor of Placentia, 349.
Pye, Mr., counsel for Sir John Lambert in Bermuda case, 170–171, and 175–176.
-, -, letter from, 181.
Quakers, 284, 298, 305, 310, 317, 327, 330, 332–333, 341, 395– 396, 398.
Queen's country, New York, 443.
Quennebeck river. See Kennebeck.
Ramillies, battle of, 22, 35, 62.
Randall, John, of Virginia, attends re Virginia Indian Coy., 164– 166.
-, William, of Virginia, evidence re Virginia Indian Coy., 164– 166.
Ratisbon, 32, 40, 150.
Ravel, Daniel, for council of Montserrat, 75.
Rawleigh, Benjamin, of Antigua, deposition of, 361.
Rawlins, Henry, of St. Kitts, 261.
Raymond, Mr., of St. Kitts, 261.
Rayner, Mr., attorney general of New York, his memorial and attendance, 83–84.
Read, Olivia, 183, 185.
-, Thomas, of Virginia, evidence re Virginian exchange, 189–190.
-, Mr., of Jamaica, 204.
Reading, Lt. Col., attends board, 15, 16.
-, -, petition for governments of Annapolis, 13, 15, 18.
Reams, Christina, widow of Richard Reams, of St. Kitts, 176.
-, Richard, deceased, of St. Kitts, 176.
Rednap, Col., recommended for engineer for N. America governments, 401.
Reeves, Mr., counsel for insurance, 379–382, 386–387.
Reneu, Peter, to attend Board.
Renoult, Monsr., French protestant, in St. Kitts, case of, 181, 208– 209.
Renouse, Newfoundland, 104.
Revell, surveyor at St. Kitts, 250– 251.
Reynolds, Thomas, patent officer in Barbadoes, provost marshall of Barbadoes, 37.
-, -, petition from, 293, 295, 317–318.
Rhet, Col., of Carolina, letter from, 365.
Rhode Island, 437.
agent for. See Partridge, militia of, 134, 136.
Richards, Charles, master of brigantine, evidence re Madeira, 72.
-, Col., surveyor general of ordinance, his memorial re Newfoundland, 25, 26.
-, -, evidence of, before board, 26, 371–372.
-, -, to attend board, 370.
Richardson, Capt., master of a Bermuda sloop, 170, 175.
-, George, of Nevis. Widow, married to Alexander Langdon, q.v. 17.
-, Mr., of Barbadoes, 156.
Ricouart, Monsr. intendant of French Islands, correspondence with, 245.
Riga, Braak at, 168.
-, British factors at, 127, 129.
-, timber from, 106, 108.
Rigby, Richard, of Jamaica, attends re misbehaviour of assembly of Jamaica, 10, 18, 202.
-, -, attends re possessions act of Jamaica, 22.
-, -, letter from, 3.
-, -, nomination for council of Jamaica, 19.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 18.
-, settlement of Jamaica, views on, 12.
Riggs, Capt., letter from, re Iroquois, 65, 67.
Rio de Janerio, Brazil alias Reiho, 180.
Risby, James, nominated for Jamaica council, 144, 273.
Robert, Daniel, of New York, 443.
Roberts, William, of Barbadoes, recommended to be of council of Barbadoes, 227.
Roe, John, Mr., of London, to be agent at Santander, 158–159.
-, -, evidence of, re trade with Spain, 160, 162–163, 174– 177, 232–233.
-, -, to attend board, 231.
-, Mr., seized at Martinique, 245.
Rogers, Mr., fishmonger, of London, attends board re strugeon, 315.
-, Capt. Woodes, to be governor of Bahamas, 263, 295–297, 333.
-, -, attends board re pirates, 237, 287.
-, -, instructions to, 311.
-, -, petition of, 249–250, 252.
Roman Catholics, petition of, in Antigua, 353, 363–365, 368, 415.
Roope, Mr., attends board re Min– orca, 366.
Roos, Mr., engraver of his Majesty's seals, 46, 59.
-, -, attends board, 182.
Rose, Francis, nominated for council of Jamaica, 19, 144.
-, -, renominated for council of Jamaica, 278.
Ross, Lord, attends re fishery patent, 344.
Royal African Coy., 386–387.
-, naval assistance required, 91–93, 100, 185–186, 188, 190–191, 204.
-, memorial from presented, 97, 99, 332.
-, secretary. See Perry.
Royal Fishery Coy., 390, 394.
Rudge, Mr. Edward, to attend board, 231, 242.
-, -, evidence of, 232, 243.
Russell, Charles, a Catholic in Spain, 243.
-, -, consul at Sevilla, letter from, 436.
-, Mr., of Jamaica, his petition re Jamaica act, 223.
Russia, Czar of, Peter I., 107.
-, trade with, 96, 167–169, 205, 377, 388.
Ryswick, treaty of, 9, 37, 197, 324.
Sables, Cape, fishing at, 4.
Saddle Hill, Nevis, 191.
Sadler, John, of Jamaica, debt paid to, 360.
-, -, nominated for council of Jamaica, 19.
-, -, renominated for council of Jamaica, 278.
St. Agustin, Florida, 57, 242.
St. Andrews parish, Barbadoes, 252, 285.
St. Bartholomew, Island, possession of, 20.
St. Christophers, Leeward Islands, 83, 283, 288, 392, 404.
lieut. governor. See Mathew, Lambert.
chief justice. See Crooke.
agent. See Duport.
council of, 75, 147, 398; see also Duport, Estridge, Garnett, Helden, Panton, Payne, Willet.
acts of, 147, 223, 228, 244, 259, 264, 279, 281, 304, 343–344, 388–390.
French attack on, 110, 176, 184, 195, 203, 206, 400.
quarters of, Cabus Terre and Basse Terre.
parishes, St. Mary Cayone, Christ Church or Nicola, St. John Capisterre, St. Ann or Sandypoint, St. Thomas or Middle Islands, Trinity or Palmeto.
plantations in, (260–2), Bowyeas, College, Fountain, Lagureques Oliviers, Pennells Upper, Pensez y Bien, (85), Le Jardin, La Solevelle, La Frontiere.
plantations settlement of, (in French part) 14–24, 85, 94–95, 97, 148, 151, 161–162, 168, 177–180, 197–200, 208, 249– 254, 260–266, 268, 278, 280, 283, 292, 295, 302–303, 305, 307–309, 311–312, 315–319, 325, 327–332, 369–370, 372, 399.
Protestants, French. See above.
Roman Catholics in, 198–199, 208.
ships and stores of war, 147.
St. Croix, in New England, 350–351, 354.
-, W. Indian island, 151, 349.
St. George, parish in Virginia, 404.
St. John's parish, Antigua, 241, 279, 353, 364, 376.
St. John's, Newfoundland, fishery at, 95, 104, 117.
-, -, savages of, 105.
St. John's Island, West Indies, Danish proposal to settle in, 350, 404– 407, 412–413.
St. John's river, Indians of, 48.
St. Lawrence, river, 74, 311, 335, 438.
-, Newfoundland, 118.
St. Lucia, Leeward Islands.
French claim to, 23, 245.
St. Malo, merchants of, 103.
St. Martyn Island, possession of, 20, 251.
St. Michaels, Barbadoes, 154, 183, 185, 264, 278.
St. Paulo alias , St. Pauls. Brazil, 180.
St. Peter's parish, Barbadoes, 252, 285.
St. Peters, Cape Breton, English fishery at, 38–39.
St. Peters, Newfoundland, 16, 87, 210, 215–217, 224–225, 394.
-, -, chart to be published, 26.
-, -, fishing at, 89, 104, 118, 210, 214, 225–228.
-, -, St. Philips, Antigua, 187, 246, 279, 342.
St. Thomas Island, 85, 192, 234, 255– 256, 350, 404, 407, 410–412, 414.
Salem, grand jury of, 76.
Salenave, Mrs., of St. Kitts, petition of, 180.
Salkeld, John, clerk, Nevis losses sustained by French, 23, 261.
Sallee pirates, 186, 188, 191.
Sanderson, Anthony, clerk at board, 66, 220.
Sandford, Thomas, attends board, 212.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 104, 211.
Sandwich, 444.
Sandy Hook, 302.
Sandy Point, St. Kitts, 261.
San Lucar, Spain, French at, 160.
San Sebastian, Spain, French at, 160.
Santander, Spain, agent at, 158–160, 162–163, 174–177.
Santiago de Cuba, 201.
Santiago de la Vela, Jamaica, 331.
Saponie Indians, removal of, 259.
Sarum, bishop of, 353.
Savage, Abijah, 211, 226.
Savana river, Carolina, 340.
Scawen, Sir Thomas, to attend board re Flemish trade, 222.
Schenectedy, New York, 434.
Schuyler, Mindert, of New York colony, 436.
Scotland, 131, 220–222, 332, 400, 417, 422, 424–425.
-, wool in, 441–442.
Scott, Captain appointed commodore of Newfoundland convoy, 341, 351.
Seale, Mr., evidence of, Mr. Roe's proposal, 174.
Sedgwick, Mr., of Royal African Coy., attends board re Coy., 91–92.
Seneca, (Iroquois) Indians, 290.
Sevilla, 436.
Shard, Robert, merchant of London, petition of, 307, 312, 360.
-, -, evidence of, 313–314, 329.
-, -, to attend board, 309.
Sharpe, Colonel, president of Barbadoes council, evidence re officers in Barbadoes, 60–61.
-, -, order to attend board, 59.
Sheaf, Mr., 33.
-, -, attends re naval stores, 28.
-, -, memorial, re New Hampshire stores, received, 24, 79.
-, -, order to attend board, 69.
Shelton, Mr., Carolina, 53, 67.
-, -, letter to, 178, 234–235, 262, 301, 365.
-, -, letter from, 285, 372.
Shepheard, Samuel, director of South Sea Coy., attends board, 306, 322.
Sheppard, Humphrey, attends board re grant in St. Christophers, 16, 17.
-, -, losses sustained by, 21.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 15.
-, recommended to board by Orford and Wharton, 15.
Shippen, John, succeeds to consulate in Portugal, 32.
Shipscot, New England, 175.
Shirrif (or Sherrif) evidence re Nova Scotia, 4–5, 30–31, 38, 56.
-, -, letter from, 127.
-, -, memorial from, 10, 30, 38, 43.
-, -, to attend board, 27.
Shute, Colonel, governor of Massachusets Bay, 136.
-, -, appointed governor of Massachusets and New Hampshire, 134, 137–138, 167–168, 204.
-, -, instructions for, 148, 150, 168, 233–234, 347–348, 411, 432.
-, -, letter from, 234, 288, 341, 403, 419–420.
-, -, trial of pirates by, 424– 425.
Sicily, 416.
Silesia, Austrian, 150.
Simpson, Andrew, ensign at Annapolis, memorial of, 77.
-, Mr., of Bermuda, attends re pirates, 358–359.
Skeen, surgeon to Annapolis garrison, memorial for, 181.
Skene, Mr., late secretary of Barbadoes, 219.
Smallwood, Mr., Bristol merchant, attends re insurance charter, 348.
Smith, Col. Daniel, governor of Nevis and Commander in Chief of Leeward Islands, 302, 316.
-, -, evidence re St. Kitts, 250–252, 261, 286–287, 305306, 318, 395.
-, -, to attend Board, 249, 285, 303, 317.
-, James, secretary of New Jersey, attends board re Quakers 329–330.
-, John, 261.
-, -, member of Virginia council, 2.
-, -, relations with Mr. Bridger, 58–59.
-, Stephen, pirate, letter from, 201.
-, Thomas, of Glasgow, 40.
-, -, answer to Mr. Wich's proposal, 43.
-, -, attends board re herring trade, 35, 86.
-, memorial from, 39, 42.
Smith's tribe, Bermuda, 232, 234, 259.
Soanes, Capt., commander of H.M.
Sea Horse, 149.
-, -, letter from, ibid, 151.
Somers, Lord, lord of committee, 25.
Soreau, in Siliesia, 150.
Soulegre, Peter, of St. Kitts, request for lands, 260–261.
Soulies, Mons., attends re Minorca petition, 366–367, 370–371, 393, 395–396.
Sound, the, Denmark, 405, 415, 440.
South, Humphrey, petition for lands, 261.
-, -, attends board re Nevis, 348.
-, Robert, petition for lands, 261.
Southack, Captain, map drawn by, of coast of Nova Scotia, 5.
-, -, letter of, 392.
South Carolina. See Carolina.
South Sea Company, memorial from, 120–121, 285, 288, 297, 300, 304, 306–307, 309, 318–319, 331, 349–350, 358.
-, sub governor. See Bateman.
-, secretary. See Ury.
Spain, 171, etc.
king of. See Philip V.
ambassador of, 247. See Monteleone.
court of, 231.
trade with, 16, 18, 113, 123, 158, 162, 174, 176, 216, 222, 232, 238–239, 242–244, 283284, 304, 333, 355, 358, 401, 416, 436.
treaty of commerce, with, 100, 129, 306.
wool, 441.
relations with Indians at Florida, 57, 196, 199, 242.
attack on Crabb Island, 392, 397, 399, 405.
piracies against, 142-143, 170, 253–256, 272–275, 288, 294295, 303.
prisoners of Spain, 50, 287.
Spaniards. See Spain.
Spanish Netherlands, treaty of commerce with, 20.
-, cloths, 102.
Spanish Town, or Virgin Gorda, 75, 80, 89, 151, 201, 211, 251, 349.
Spitalfields, 441.
Spelman, Francis, Major, at Annapolis fort, memorial of, 77.
Spotswood, Col., lieut. governor of Virginia, complaints against 134, 170–171.
-, -, conduct approved of, 55.
-, -, differences with council, 288, 425–426.
-, -, instructions to, 72, 83, 145, 147, 179, 182–183, 248, 262, 319, 332, 341, 408–429.
-, -, letters from, 2, 51, 53, 67, 74, 82, 91, 135–136, 138, 140-141, 163, 173, 178, 181183, 187, 241–242, 244, 247, 249, 254–255, 259–260, 294, 317, 389, 392, 419–420, 434, 437, 440.
Staats, Samuel, Esq., New York council, deceased, 122–123, 135.
Stafford, John, ordered to attend board re Madeira consulate, 77.
Stair, Earl of, letter from re Genl.
Hunter's hardships, 101.
-, -, letter to, 304.
Stanheard, William, clerk, evidence re Virginian exchange, 189190.
Stanhope, James, secretary of state, evidence of, 26, 52, 142–143.
-, -, letters from, 9 to 305, passim, 416, etc.
-, -, letter to, 1, passim.
-, Mr., H.M. minister at Madeira, 399.
-, Earl, letter from, 369, 377, 388, 394.
-, -, letter to, 445.
Stanyan, Mr., instructions to re Muscovia Coy., 161.
Stapleton, Sir William, house in Nevis burnt by French, 50.
Staten Island, New York, 298.
Steele, Capt., 34.
Stephenson, Mr., solicitor for Ireland, attendance required re Irish industry, 133.
-, -, evidence of, 134.
Stewart, John, nominated for council of Jamaica, 19.
-, Thomas, of Barbadoes, evidence re conditions in Barbadoes, 61–62.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 60.
-, Captain, letter from, 18.
Stribich, 437.
Stockdale, Alexander, deposition of, 183.
Stockholm, 162, 213, 441.
-, resident at. See Jackson.
Stoddart, Christopher, of St. Kitts, attends Board, 211, 302–303, 305–309, 311–312, 315–316, 318–319.
-, -, petition for St. Kitts plantation, 261, 295–296, 327– 329, 397, 399.
Stoss, John, 433.
Strahan, Mr., Officer Commanding forces, New York, 87.
-, -, letter writ to, 88.
-, -, memorial from, 34, 90.
Streater, Samuel, attorney, debentures of Nevis delivered to him, 169.
Stuckley, Mr., presents petition of merchants of Bydeford, 15.
Subercase, Mons., French governor of Accadie, 350.
Suffolk county, New York, 431, 443.
Suffolk and Bindon, Earl of, H.M.
commissioner of trade, commissions to, 34, 105, 247.
Summers, Thomas, of Barbadoes, 183, 185, 204.
Sunderland, Earl of, letter to, 305, 307, 321, 333, 341, 345–346, 362.
-, -, letter from, 325–326, 332, 341, 346.
Surinam, trade with, 63, 192.
Susquehannah, Indians, 122.
Sussex country, smuggling in, 417, 442.
Sutherland, Earl of, attends re Pennsyvania countries, 209— 210, 286.
-, -, letter from, 221.
Swanton, Mr., commissioner of Navy, attends board, 322.
Sweden, 417–418, 441.
-, tariff in, 162, 357.
-, tar from, 105–106, 213, 215, 217–218.
Swymmer, Anthony, of Jamaica, petition of, 267, 275, 278, 281, 343.
Symms, Dorothy, See Freeman.
-, Henry, son of Dorothy Symms (Freeman) of Antigua, 400, 411.
Tailer, Mr. See Taylor, Colonel.
Talbot, Mr., behaviour in New Jersey, 45, 299.
-, -, letter from, 302, 336.
-, Mr. counsel for merchants of London, 379, 383–384.
Tankard, Barry, for council of Antigua, 75.
-, -, refused to sit, 172.
Taverner, Capt., 370, 421.
-, -, complaints against, 114, 216, 392, 394.
-, -, evidence re Newfoundland trade, 103–104, 116–118, 217, 225, 413.
-, -, instructions re Newfoundland survey, 9.
-, -, letter from, 26, 105, 119.
Taylor, Col., late lieut. governor of Massachusets Bay, evidence of, 239.
-, -, letter from, 390, 400.
Taylour, secretary to lords commissioners of treasury, 41, passim.
-, letter to, 66, 74.
Teignmouth, 439.
Terry, Richard, certificate of, 437.
Tetuan, Morocco, Pasha of, 409.
Thauvet, Capt., petition of, 162, 177, 197–199, 205, 344.
Thayer, Mr., merchant, attends board re Barbary trade, 408.
Thomas, Col., William, of council of Antigua, decease of, 432, 435.
-, Mr., fishmonger, attends board re sturgeon, 315.
Thompson, Col. Henry, Jamaica planter, attends to give evidence of, 7, 202.
-, -, petition for Lord Archibald Hamilton, 170, 172, 193.
-, Sir William, solicitor general, 232.
-, -, counsel for Mrs. Ernley, in Colleton case, 153–157.
-, -, attends re Nova Scotia lands, 350.
Thomson, Mr., consul at Algiers, letter from, 432.
Thorne, Thomas, letter from, 220– 221.
Thornton, John, of St. Kitts, 260– 261.
Three Sisters, ship seized at Antigua, 83.
Thurston, Mr., of Jamaica attendance requested, 111.
-, -, letter from, 112.
Tickle, Alice, of Barbadoes, 264, 278.
Tigh, Mr. H.M. Consul at Elsinore, letter to, 405, 415, 419.
Tilson, Mr., secretary to Lord Townshend, 42, passim, 200, 203.
-, -, letter from, 424.
Tobago, Leeward Islands.
French claim to, 23.
Toppan, Mr., 172.
Torbola Island, 350.
Torriano, Nathaniel, to attend Board, 162.
Toulouze port, Cape Breton, 38.
Tovey, Margaret, of Nevis, executrix of Anne Ling, 348.
Townsend, wool comber of Calais, 441.
Townshend, Lord Viscount, lord of committee of council, attends board, 25.
-, -, correspondence with, 14 passim.
-, Mr., evidence re insurance of ships, 339–340.
Trade, 8, passim.
accounts of exports and imports, 3, 16, 59, 63–64, 68, 79–80, 85, 90, 102, 127, 176–177, 203, 206–207, 221–222, 224, 240– 241, 255, 282, 286, 288, 292– 293, 300, 326–328, 378, 400, 419–421, 425, 430–433, 437.
acts, 145, 415, 444.
agent for commissioners, 159– 160, 162–163, 174–175, 177.
African Coy., 91–93, 98–100, 185–186, 188, 190–191, 204.
commerce, treaties of, 26, 35–37, 39, 61–62, 100, 124–130, 150– 153, 158, 161, 163, 167–169, 179, 181, 200, 205, 222, 231, 243–244, 318, 324, 334, 337– 338, 345, 348, 354, 358, 370– 372, 375, 377, 388–389, 436.
consular commissions and reports, 7, 14–15, 23, 32, 34, 72, 77–80, 101, 193, 232, 236, 238–239, 321, 331–333, 352– 352, 356, 359, 368, 405, 415– 416, 419, 429, 432, 440, 441.
convoys and crusers, 92–93, 191; See also African Coy.
duties, 22, 25, 32, 40, 119, 133, 136, 138, 194, 242, 325, 403, 425, 427–428, 430, 435, 442.
fishing. See Newfoundland, Nova Scotia.
France, illegal trade with, 1–3, 221, 228–231, 307, 319.
gold and silver exports, 81–82, 84, 420.
logwood trade, 242, 266–267.
merchants' petitions, 2, 182–183, 406, 408–409, 412, 424, 426.
negroes, 120, 288, 297, 306.
naval stores. See Plantations general.
pilchards and herrings, 35–36, 39–40, 42–43, 84 86–87, 131, 150, 152, 161–162, 200, 203– 205, 413–414, 421–425, 428, 444–445; See also Wych.
salt, 366–367, 370–371, 393, 395–397, 413, 425, 431; See also Minorca,
shipping, (vessels cleared and insurance) 69, 172, 332, 335– 337, 339–340, 346, 355, 362, 365, 373, 379, 387, 397.
silk manufactures, 1, 6, 32, 107– 109.
smuggling, 417, 441, 444.
wool trade, 23, 47, 50, 68–69, 93, 95–96, 100–102, 105–107, 116, 121, 123, 126, 196, 204, 338, 347, 369, 396, 417–418, 441– 442; see also under Plantations General, Newfoundland etc. and separate Plantations, Brazil, Canaries, Flanders, France, Italy, Morocco, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Venice, Turkey, etc.
Travers, Joseph, attending re Nevis suffers, 169–170, 261.
-, Samuel, 169–170, 261, 278; see also Joseph.
Trelawney, Mr., attends board re Minorca, 366–367.
Trepassey, harbour of, Newfoundland, 341.
-, map of, 107.
Treaneau, Andrew, 437.
Tripoli, consul at, 36–37.
Triste, (Trieste ?) 226.
Trowbridge, Francis, 243.
Tryon, Rowland, agent for Leeward Islands, 428.
-, -, attends board, 156, 211–212, 224, 247, 250–252, 296, 303, 365–366, 432.
-, -, memorials of, 161, 223, 263.
-, -, to attend board, 59, 211, 249, 295, 361.
Tulon, Olivier, of Newfoundland, a Frenchman, his complaint, 210, 214–216, 224–228.
-, -, attends board, 217.
Turkey Coy.
secretary. See Carbonel.
memorial about trade, 2.
charter of, 351.
petition re morning, 6.
trade with, 16, 18, 96, 99, 102, 106, 107.
silks from, 107, 109.
see also Levant Coy.
Turner, Mr., attends re Massachusets lands, 236, 238, 322.
-, -, to attend board, for Sir Bybye Lake, 318–319.
Tuscarora Indians, 44.
Tynes, Mr., of Bermuda, 175.
Ulster, New York, 433.
Urquhart, Adam, affidavit of, 171.
Ury, Mr., secretary of South Sea Coy., 288.
-, -, letter to, 285–288, 297.
Usher, Mr., lieut. governor of New Hampshire, 24.
-, -, letter to re woods, 107.
-, -, retirement requested, 33.
Utrecht, commercial treaty at, 36, 179, 326.
Valier, M., agent of Tulon, evidence, 214–217, 224.
-, -, memorial from, 225.
Valle, Don Juan del, memorial from, 142, 272–275.
Vanbell, Mr., of St. Kitts, 308.
Vanburgh, Capt. Peter, of New York, 435.
Vanhirgirken, Elizabeth, evidence re wool, 441.
Van Renseluar, Col. Kilian, of New York Colony, 436.
Varenne, La Monsr., governor of French West Indies Islands, correspondence with, 245.
Vaughan, James, of Barbadoes, 356.
-, Col. George, lieut. governor of New Hampshire, 65–66.
-, -, attends board, 27, 37.
-, -, certificate from, 298.
-, -, letter from, 288.
-, -, to attend board, 43.
-, -, Mr., father of Col. George Vaughan, q.v.
-, -, on council of New Hampshire, 65.
Venice, Republic of, merchants of, 371.
-, -, trade with, 334, 337– 338, 345, 348, 354, 370, 372, 375, 377–378, 388–389, 413, 416–417, 445.
Vera Crux, Mexico, 294.
Vernon, Mr., member of late board of trade, 304.
Versailles, woollen manufactury at, 437.
Vesey, Mr., of New York, indictment against, 290.
Vetch, Col., governor of Nova Scotia, 15.
-, -, evidence re Nova Scotia, 4, 27–28, 34, 114–115, 210.
-, -, contract re clothing of garrison, 30.
-, -, differences with Col. Nicholson, 4.
-, -, memorial from, 4, 77, 127.
-, -, to attend board, 26, 113.
Vicars, John, deposition of, 13.
Virginia, 33, 62, 72, 145, 332, 392.
governor. See Orkney,
lieut. governor. See Spotswood.
agent. See Byrd, Blakiston.
council of, 2, 6, 139, 164, 260, 262, 289, 291–292.
-, address from, 69.
-, minutes of, 136, 140– 141, 178, 317, 434.
-, members of. See Basset Berkeley, Blair, J., Carter, Cocke, Harrison, Jennings, Lewis, Ludwell, Page, Mann, Smith, John.
-, quarrels with governor, 134, 173, 181, 259, 289, 295, 425–426. See Spotswood, Ludwell.
assembly, 139, 140, 154, 240, 243, 260, 262, 420, 440.
-, minutes of, 141, 434.
acts and bills passed in, 6, 46, 50–51, 91, 135, 142, 144, 163– 166, 178–179, 185, 189, 227– 229, 230, 241–244, 255, 284, 291, 317, 327–328, 332–333, 341, 404–405, 412, 414, 418, 434.
boundaries, (with Carolina), 141, 262.
circular letters for, 347.
commissions for, 427–428.
courts in, (Oyer and Terminer), 334, 345–346.
exports, 149, 151, 153, 165, 230.
merchants petitions, 138, 149, 160, 227–229, 246.
naval stores in, 217–219.
pirates, 182–183, 196–197, 250, 295, 429.
relations with Carolina, 51, 54– 55, 70, 75, 178, 241–242, 246, 249–250, 418.
revenue and finances, 69–70, 74, 77, 135, 137, 140, 187–190, 204, 247–249, 255, 258, 389, 419, 434.
seals for, 277, 279.
ships in, 434.
trade with Indians, 54, 140, 142, 144, 149, 159–160, 163–166, 196, 227, 230, 241, 244; see also Cary, Offley.
-, tobacco, 137, 139, 142, 189–190, 229–230, 242, 255, 404.
Virgin Islands, 74–75, 81, 86–87, 89, 139–140, 151, 185, 211, 259, 410–412.
-, comparison with Leeward Islands, 75.
-, lieut. governor. See Walton, 80.
Wachter, Mr., letter from, 288.
-, -, to attend board, 298.
-, -, letter to, 307.
-, -, attends board, 314– 315.
Wade, Capt., presents memorial re abuses in Newfoundland fishery, 9.
-, -, to attend board, 435– 436.
-, -, evidence re Newfoundland fishery, 438–440.
Wager, Sir Charles, attends board, 322.
Wales, 423.
-, Prince of, George Frederick, petition to, 172, 275.
Walker, Glies, of Antigua, plantation of 241, 245, 259.
-, Samuel, of Antigua, plantation of, 241, 245, 259.
-, Thomas, of Bahamas, letter from re pirates, 205.
-, Colonel William, evidence as to Barbadoes offices, 60–61, 374.
-, -, evidence re Colleton case, 156.
-, -, instructions to, 394.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 59, 371.
-, -, memorial from, 412.
Waller, John, to attend board re Flanders trade, 222.
Walpole, Horace, attends board re Flanders commerce, 22, 268.
-, -, patent to be auditor of plantations, 281.
-, -, letters from re Low Countries, 23, 317.
-, -, letter to, 285.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 20.
Walter, Capt. See Walton, 74.
Walton, Capt., letter to him, 80.
-, -, petition re Virgin Islands, 75, 81, 86–87, 89, 139–140, 185.
Walwin, Thomas, junr., of Nevis, husband of Penelope Gardiner, 397.
Ward, Sir John, governor of Hamburgh Coy., letters to re woollen manufactures, 100, 102.
-, -, letter from, 179.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 177.
-, Richard, of Bahamas, depositions of, 205.
Waters, Charles, of St. Kitts, 184.
Watson, Martin, attends board re Nevis sufferers, 348.
Watts, Mr., of Lisbon, 183.
-, -, evidence re Brazil trade, 179–180.
-, Mr., of New York, certificate of, 298.
Webb, Elizabeth, of Nevis, 169.
-, George, of Nevis, 169.
-, Josia, of Nevis, 169.
Wedsley, George, 289, 312–315.
-, -, father of Mrs. Low, 315.
-, -, affidavit of, 328.
Wentworth, John, lieut. governor of New Hampshire, 409.
-, -, for New Hampshire council, 46.
-, -, letters from, 80, 409.
Wescomb, Mr., letter from, 287, 297, 318–319, 351, 358.
Westcomb, Sir Martin, consul at Cadiz, letter from, 436.
Wessels, Major Derick, of New York colony, 436.
West, Richard, appointment of, as H.M. counsel at law, 369.
-, -, attendance requested, 371.
-, -, attends board 372–3, 376, 388–390, 393–395, 398– 399, 402, 406–408, 410–412, 414–415, 418–420, 433, 435– 436, 440, 443, 445.
-, -, letters to, 432, 434.
Westbrooke, Thomas, recommended for New Hampshire council, 80.
West Chester County, New York, 435.
West Indies, Palatines, 127, 131.
-, pirates in, 223, 235, 237, 249, 254, 344, 407.
-, trade with, 17, 213, 241, 380.
Westmoreland County, 417.
Weston, Ambrose, petition of, 210, 212, 214, 225–228, 344.
-, Mr., solicitor for lords, evidence re fishing charter, 375.
Wetherill, John of New Jersey, behaviour to Indians, 301.
Weymouth, Newfoundland trade, mayor written to re, 97, 102, 109.
Wharton, Marquis of, letter of recommendation from, 15.
White, William, for council of Montserrat, 75.
-, -, to attend board re Flanders trade, 222.
-, Mr., Catholic in Spain, 243.
Whitehaven, England, 298.
Whitehead, Thomas, of New York, 443.
Whitworth, Mr., H.M. plenipotentiary to Emperor at Ratisbon, 32, 46.
-, -, ambassador at Russian court, 127.
-, -, papers from re German trade, 150, 205.
Whorwood, Capt., instructions for, 341.
Whydah, W. Africa, 188, 190.
Wickham, Doctor, of Antigua, evidence of, 365–366, 376, 405.
-, -, memorial of, 361, 375, 402.
-, Mrs. Elizabeth, of Antigua, deposition of, 361.
-, Mrs. Mary, of Antigua, deposition of, 361.
-, Nathaniel, of Antigua, deposition of, 361.
Wignacourt, Marquis de, French protestant, attends board re settlement, 233–235, 322.
-, -, petition of, 318, 354, 369, 374, 389–390.
-, -, letter from, 342.
Wida, W. Africa, 92.
Wightman, Mr., 441.
Wilcox, Mr., deposition of, 302.
-, -, complaints against Hunter, 336.
Willard, Mr., secretary of Massachusets Bay, letters from, 347, 409, 414.
Willet, Ralph, for council of St. Kitts, 75.
-, -, decease of, 398.
William III, (of Orange), 70.
-, -, acts passed by, 107, 255, 391, 393–394, 397, 399, 400, 410, 432, 442, 444.
-, -, grants by, 258.
Williams, Dorothy, wife of John Williams, of Jamaica, 223, 227–228, 259.
-, John, of Jamaica, 223, 227– 228, 259; also John, Thomas, Francis Williams, sons of above.
-, Capt. John (?), asks for lieut. governorship of Annapolis Royal, 234.
-, -, grants in St. Kitts, 260.
-, Sir John, attends re petition of insurance, 337.
-, -, memorial from, 371.
Williamsburgh, Virginia, Acts of, 418.
Williamson, William, evidence re Virginia Indian Coy., 164.
Willis, Capt. Francis, of Virginia, 353.
-, -, evidence re Virginia, 164.
-, John, nominated for council of Jamaica, 144.
Wills, John, of New Jersey, affidavit of, 301.
Wilson, Mr., of Virginia, 260.
Winchester, Marquis of, letter from 245.
Winder, Beake, trader to Barbary, attends board, 424–425.
-, Samuel, trader to Barbary, evidence re Barbary trade 81, 408–409, 424–427, 444–445.
-, -, to attend board, 406.
-, William, attends board, 408–409.
Winnet, Mr., complaints against Capt. Armstrong, 127.
Wood, Mr., of Jamaica, attendance requested, 283.
-, -, attends board, 12, 202, 284.
-, -, letters from, 341, 355.
-, -, petition from, 145, 346.
Woodley, John, planter at Nevis, 24.
Woolley, Mr., secretary to East Indian Coy., letter from re Coy. accounts, 82.
Woolwich, 238.
Worsley, Mr., envoy in Portugal, letter from, 321, 416.
Wright, Mr., summoned to attend board, 27.
Wyat, Mr., solicitor, 442.
Wybird, Richard, recommended for New Hampshire council, 80.
Wych, Mr., H. M. resident at Hamburg, letters and proposals from, 35–36, 39–40, 42–43, 84, 86–87, 131, 150, 152, 161, 200, 203, 415, 424.
Wyeth, Joseph, attends board re pirates, 237.
Wyndham, Sir William, conduct re wool trade, criticized, 96.
Yamansee Indians, insurrection of, 54, 62, 196, 236.
Yarmouth, Great, merchants of, 387.
Yarmouth, Earl of, attends re fishing patent, 344.
Yeamans, Col. John, evidence re Barbadoes offices, 60.
-, -, ordered to attend board, 59.
-, -, recommended for Antigua council, 404, 408, 435, 438.
York, duke of, afterwards James II, grant to, 222, 231, 350.
Yorkshire, 357, 417.
York Town, Virginia, 418.
Young, Mr., owner of 'Golden James,' 114.
Zante, Ionian Islands, 416.
Zouch, Arthur, ex clerk of general assembly, Barbadoes, 281, 356.
Zubere's plantation, St. Kitts, 209.