Journal, August 1715: Journal Book R

Pages 65-76

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 3, March 1715 - October 1718. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1924.

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Journal, August 1715

August 2. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.

New England.


His affidavit about money from Mico.

Vaughan Lieutenant Governor of

New Hampshire.


Ships built at Boston.

Mr. Bridger attending [fo. 195], presented to the Board an affidavit made by him relating to his not having reed. any money or other consideration from Mr. Mico for cutting masts belonging to his Majesty, which was read; And Mr. Bridger in discourse said, That Mr. Vaughan the father of him who is appointed Lieut. Govr. of New Hampshire, is in the Council of that province, and that he and his son have several saw-mills there. That there are in the province, above one hundred, some of which are double. That at Boston there are always fifty or sixty sail of ships upon the stocks at a time. Ten at Piscatagua, and several at the other ports.

New England.

Plantations General.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Surveyor of the woods.

A letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, in answer to one from him of the 8th of April last [fo. 196, 203], relating to the necessity of continuing a surveyor of his Majty's. woods in New England, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.



Sir Nathaniel Lloyd's report.

Queries hostages.

Sir Nath. Lloyd, his Majesty's Advocate General [fo. 197], delivered to their lordships his answer to several queries sent him with the Secrys. letter the 29th of last month, relating to the proceedings of the French when they invaded the island of Nevis &c. in 1706, and to the British hostages or prisoners at Martinique was read.


Disposition of the Clerks.

Mr. Carrol's allowance.

Ordered that the several Clerks in this office, be advanced according to their seniority; and that the four clerks, who by this means will be advanced in salary do pay to Mr. Carrol £30 per annum allowed him by the minutes of this Board of the 20th Decr. last, and then the said clerks will be as follows vizt.

Justinian Loggan at 80 per ann.
Samuel Gellibrand at 70 "
Israel Hudson at 60 "
Anthony Sanderson at 50 "
William Gray at 50 "
William Hodskin at 40 "
Thomas Holford at 40 "

August 3. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.

New England.

Plantations General.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Surveyor of the woods.


A letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, ordered yesterday to be transscribed, relating to the necessity of continuing a surveyor of his Majtys. Woods in New England [fo. 202, 204] and to Mr. Bridger the late surveyor there, was signed.

New Hampshire.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Vaughan Lieutenant Governor.

Another letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope relating to Mr. Vaughan's being appointed Lieut. Govr. of New Hampshire and the unfitness of any person for that imployment, who is concerned in saw-mills &c. destructive of the Woods was signed.

Plantations General.

Circular letter.


White men.


Stores of war.

Then the draught of a circular letter to several Govrs. of his Majesty's Plantations in America [fo. 195, 205], relating to the revenues raised there to the number of white men fit to bear arms, the Indians, Stores of War &c. was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.

August 4. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke.

New England.

Plantations General.

Letter to Mr. Taylour.


Bridger Surveyor of the woods.

Ordered that the Secry. of this Board, transmit to Mr. Taylour, for the information of the Lords Commrs. of his Majesty's Treasury, a copy of the letter writ yesterday, to Mr. Secry. Stanhope [fo. 203, 222], relating to the office of Surveyor of his Majesty's Woods on the continent of America, and particularly concerning Mr. Bridger the late Surveyor there, whose petition for that place was inclosed in Mr. Taylour's letter, mentioned in the minutes of the 14th June last [fo. 126.]

Plantations General.

Circular letter.


White men.



Circulars letters to several Govrs. of his Majesty's plantations in America, relating to the revenues raised there [fo. 204], the number of white men fit to bear arms, to the Indians, stores of war &c. were signed.

New England.

Letter from Mr. Dummer.

Land bank.

Letter to him.

A letter from Mr. Dummer of the 1st instant, in answer to one writ him the 28th of the last month, relating to a Land Bank proposed to be erected in New England, was read; whereupon ordered that the Secry. send him a copy of the proposals relating to the said Bank, mentioned in the minutes of the 30th of June, 1715 [fo. 151, 211], that if he thinks fit to add to or alter what he had already written on this subject, he may do it as soon as possible, and that he be at the same time informed that he seemed very well acquainted with the said proposal, when present at the Board, and might have had a copy thereof immediately had he desired it.

August 5. Present:—Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.


Order of committee of House of Commons.

Papers about circumstances of Carolina.

An order from the Committee of the House of Commons [fo. 199], dated yesterday, requiring several papers to be laid before them, relating to the present circumstances of Carolina, was read; and copies of the said papers being accordingly prepared, together with a list thereof, Mr. Molesworth was pleased to take the same to the said Committee, the list being as follows vizt.
1. Extract of the minutes of the Commrs. for trade and plantations from the 8th to the 29th of July, relating to the insurrection of the Indians, in Carolina. [The dates of the said minutes being July ye 8th, 12th, 14th, 15, 16, 18, 19, 26, 28, and 29th.
2. Copy of a lre. from Mr. Secry. Stanhope of 7th July, 1715, referring to the Lords Commrs. for trade and plantations two lres. one from Col. Craven, Govr. of South Carolina, the other from Col. Spotswood Govr. of Virginia, relating to an insurrection of the Indians in Carolina.
3. Copy of a letter from the Commrs. for trade and plantations to the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, inclosing the copies of the two foresaid letters.
4. Copy of a letter from Mr. Popple to Mr. Shelton, Secry. to the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, desiring a Conference with the Lords Proprietors about the hostilities committed by the Indians in that province.
5. Copy of a letter from the Lords Proprietors of Carolina to the Commrs. of trade and plantations, of 8th July, 1715, relating to hostilities committed by the Indians in that province.
6. Copy of a letter from the Commrs. for trade and plantations, to the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, with several queries relating to the present condition of that province and relief to be sent to them.
7. Copy of a letter from the Lords Proprietors, of the 15th July, 1715, to the Commrs. for trade and plantations in answer to the foregoing queries.
8. Memorial to the Commrs. of trade and plantations from several planters and merchants trading to Carolina, relating to the miserable condition of that province by the insurrection of the Indians, and to the relief necessary to be sent thither.
9. Copy of a letter from the Commrs. of Trade and plantations to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, upon the foregoing papers.
10. Copy of a letter from Col. Nicholson to Mr. Popple, with an extract of one from Capt. Riggs, dated at New York, the 11th of June, 1715, relating to the practices of the French upon our five nations of Indians &c.
11. Copy of a letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, inclosing the foregoing.

August 9. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.

Nova Scotia.

New England.

Letter from Mr. Molyneux.

Coram's proposal.


A letter from Mr. Molyneux, Secry. to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, dated the 5th instant, desiring to see some reports made by the Board, relating to the proposals made by Mr. Coram and others about settling a new colony of disbanded soldiers in North America, was read; whereupon ordered that copies of the letters to the late Lord High Treasurer, of the 17th June, 1713 and 3rd of May, 1714, with the papers therein referred to, as also of the repn. to his Majesty of the 17th of March last, be accordingly sent him.

New Jersey.


Earl of Clarendon's objections.

Letter from Brigadier Hunter.

Representation upon the Act.

Their lordships taking into consideration the Act of New Jersey passed the 16th of Febry., 1713, intituled An Act to enable Thomas Gordon Esqr. Treasurer of this province to pay the sume of Nine hundred ninety-nine pounds, thirteen shillings and three pence towards the support of the Government [Q. fo. 410]; the Earl of Clarendon's objections thereto, mentioned in the minutes of the 8th of Febry. last, were read, and a letter from Brigadr. Hunter, Governor of New York, and New Jersey, to the Secry., the 21st of May following [fo. 375]; whereupon directions were given for preparing the draught of a repn. for laying the said Act before his Majesty for his royal approbation [fo. 212.]


Letter from Mr. Godolphin.

List of trading vessels.

Orders to be procured from the Treasury.

Letter to Mr. Lowndes.

A letter from Mr. Godolphin, Register of trading ships to Mr. Molesworth, dated the 3rd instant, upon the subject of the letter writ to Mr. Carkesse, the 28th of last month for some accounts of vessels cleared from the several ports of England, was read [fo. 198]; and Mr. Godolphin observing in his said letter, that his Patent directs him to pursue such orders as he shall receive from time to time from the Lord Treasurer, or Commrs. of the Treasury, and desiring the Board to procure him orders accordingly for laying before them the accounts he is preparing pursuant to the forementioned letter to Mr. Carkesse; a letter was immediately writ to Mr. Lowndes, to move the Lords of the Treasury for their directions in this matter.



Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Inconvenience of not being immediately supplied with papers and accounts.

Ordered that the draught of a letter be prepared to Mr. Secry. Stanhope [fo. 212], to represent to him the inconvenience of this Board's not being immediately supplied with copies of such papers and accounts as they shall find necessary for his Majesty's service to be communicated to them.

New England.

Letter from Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Land bank.

Letter to Mr. Dummer.

A letter from Mr. Secry. Stanhope, of the 6th instant, referring to the Board a scheme for a Fund of Credit in New England, was read; whereupon ordered that Mr. Dummer be desired to let their lordships know tomorrow morning what he has further to offer, (if anything) in relation to the Land Bank proposed to be erected in New England [fo. 205, 213.]


Captain Paddon.

Trade in Morocco.

August 10. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke.

Wool produced and carried to France.

Captain Paddon, who is going with some presents from his Majesty to the Emperor of Morocco attending, [fo. 248], and their lordships having some discourse with him concerning the trade of those parts, he said, that the duties upon importation into that Empire were about 10 per cent. in specie. That great quantities of wool is produced there, and better than, or at least as good as English wool, to mix with the Spanish. That abundance of this wool is carried from Barbary to France every year. That when he was last there, he saw two or three French ships loaden with the said wool.

New Jersey.



The draught of a Repn. ordered yesterday to be prepared upon an Act passed in New Jersey the 16th of Febry., 1713, intituled An Act to enable Thomas Gordon Esqr. Treasurer of this Province, to pay the sume of £999 13s. 3d. towards the support of the Government, was signed [fo. 210, 277.]



Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope about the Boards being supplied with papers and accounts.


The draught of a letter [fo. 211], ordered to be prepared to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, relating to the inconvenience of this Board's not being immediately supplied with copies of such papers and accounts as they shall find necessary for his Majesty's service to be communicated to them, being laid before the Board; ordered that it be delayed till Mr. Lowndes's answer to the letter writ him yesterday, for accounts of vessels cleared from several ports of England, be known.

New England.

Mr. Bridger and Mr. Sheaf summoned.

Ordered that Mr. Bridger and Mr. Sheaf, be acquainted that the Board desire to speak with them at ten of the clock tomorrow morning.

Leeward Islands.



Mr. Mills attending, and his powers of attorney from several of the sufferers by the French invasion of Nevis, being examined, the five Debentures numbered as follows, were delivered to him, vizt. No. 519, 540, 542, 550, 582.

New England.

Mr. Dummer.

Land bank.

Mr. Dummer attending as desired [fo. 211, 221], he acquainted their lordships, that he expected instructions by a ship now arrived upon the coast, from the Govr. of the Massachusets Bay, relating to the Land Bank proposed to be erected in New England; and so soon as his letters arrived, he promised to wait on their lordships again, which he hoped would be in a few days.


Letter from Mr. Crawley.

Insurrection of Indians.

A letter from Mr. Crawley to Mr. Byrd [fo. 191], relating to the insurrection of the Indians in Carolina, dated the 30th of last month, was communicated to the Board and read.

August 11. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.


Colonel Blakiston, Byrd, Perry.

Order of Council about 2 shillings per head and quit rents.

Colonel Blakiston, Mr. Byrd and Mr. Micajah Perry attending, they presented to the Board an Order of Council of the 25th of the last month [fo. 237], referring to the Board an address from the Council and Burgesses of Virginia, relating to the decrease of the revenue of two shillings per head appropriated to the support of that Government and praying that his Majesty's Revenue of quit rents arising there, may be given in aid of the former, &c. was read, and the following papers received from Mr. Byrd, relating to the said quit rents &c. were laid before the Board vizt.
Papers from Mr. Byrd, about quit rents &c.
Memorial concerning the quit rents of Virginia.
Copy of the Lords of the Treasury's Order for transferring concerning the surrender of Lord Colepepper.
Copy of Mr. Blathwayt's report upon Mr. Byrd's petition for the balance of his father's account.
Copy of Mr. Byrd's Petition for the balance of his father's accounts.
Copy of Lords Justices Warrant for allowing to William Byrd Esqr. 2955l. 9s. 8½d. expended upon extra occasions in Virginia, out of the quit rents there.

Discourse about quit rents.

2 shillings per head.

Annual expense of the government.

Stores of war.

Assistance to Carolina.

Accounts of revenue.

After which their lordships having some discourse with these gentlemen, Mr. Byrd acquainted the Board, that the quit rents from Virginia produced annually from £1,200 to £1,500, and the duty of two shillings per head about £3,000 sterling. That the annual expence in supporting the ordinary charge of that government, was about £3,500. That since the quit rents have been accounted for to the Treasury in England, the Colony has run into debt. He added that the Colony had raised money by a duty on liquors and negroes, and built the Capitol, which is a handsom house for the Govr. with publick offices for the Civil Government which cost above £10,000, the building. Being then asked what warlike stores are kept in Virginia, for the publick service, he said that in the reign of his late Majesty King William there was £3,000 given for providing arms and stores of war. Whereof they had lately assisted Carolina with 150 muskets, ten barrils of powder, and two thousand weight of ball. And Mr. Byrd being desired to lay before the Board a particular account of the revenue of Virginia and the application thereof, as also a particular account of the expence of that Government, he promised to do it accordingly [fo. 217.]


Bill about Charter Governments.

Several of the members of this Board being appointed the 10th instant, by the House of Commons, to bring in a Bill for the better regulation of Charter and Proprietary Governments in America [fo. 217], and for the incouragement of the trade of this Kingdom, and of his Majesty's Plantations, and for the security of his Majesty's Customs; the draught of a bill for that purpose, was laid before the Board, and a progress made in the consideration thereof.

August 12. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.


Mr. Byrd.

Accounts of revenue.

Mr. Byrd attending [fo. 216], communicated to the Board several general accounts of the revenue of two shillings per head on tobacco arising in Virginia, between the 20th of Augt., 1705 and the 25th of October, 1714, whereupon their lordships ordered them to be compared with the like accounts formerly transmitted to this office.


Bill about Charter Governments.

Their lordships then proceeded in the consideration of the draught of a Bill for the better regulation of Charter and Proprietary Governments in America [fo. 216, 223], and for the incouragement of the trade of this Kingdom &c. mentioned in yesterday's minutes, and agreed the same.

August 16. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke.


Accounts of incidents.

The accounts of the incidental charges of this office, for three months, from Lady Day, 1715, to Midsummer following amounting to One hundred ninety nine pounds five shillings and nine pence, were laid before the Board vizt.

£ s. d.
Account of petty expences from Lady Day, 1715, to Midsummer following amounting to 120 19 3
The Stationers Acct. for the same time amounting to 43 8 0
The Post Officers Acct. for the same time amounting to 34 18 6
£199 5 9

Letter to the Lords of the Treasury.

Whereupon a letter transmitting the same to the Lords Commrs. of his Majtys. Treasury, desiring the payment thereof, as also of the salaries due to this office, was signed.

New York.

Letter from Brigadier Hunter.

A letter from Brigadier Hunter, Govr. of New York, to the Secry. [fo. 220], dated the 2nd of July, 1715, relating to the Indian War and the practices of the French to debauch our five Nations, was read.

Nova Scotia.

New England.

Letter from Colonel Nicholson.

A letter from Col. Nicholson to the Secry. dated the 13th instant, was read, and the following papers therein, referred to, laid before the Board vizt.
Papers relating to the French and Indians.
1. Extracts of letters from persons at Boston to Capt. Mears [fo. 226], dated in July, 1715, relating to the Indians at Cape Sables, seizing our fishing vessels, and their being instigated to hostilities by the French at Cape Breton.
2. Minute of Council of the Massachusets Bay, relating to Major Mascarene's viewing the fort at Pejebscot.
3. Copy of a letter from Col. Nicholson to Col. Dudley, Govr. of New England, dated the 25th Decr., 1714.
4. Messrs Godet's declaration of their journey to Cape Breton, in May, 1714.
5. Peter Arcenan's Journal to Cape Gaspe, in May, 1714.
6. Copies of letters from Col. Nicholson to Col. Moody, Lieut. Govr. of Placentia.
7. Copies of letters from Col. Nicholson to Major Caulfield, Lt. Govr. of Annapolis Royal.
8. Copy of Orders given by Colonel Nicholson, Govr. to Major Caulfield, Lieut. Govr. of Annapolis Royal.

Letter from Colonel Nicholson.

Extracts from Annapolis and Boston about French and Indians.

Another letter from Col. Nicholson to the Secry. dated the 16th instant, including extracts of letters from Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, and Boston in New England, relating to the practices of the French and depredations committed by the Indians, was read.

New York.

Nova Scotia.

New England.

Plantations General.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope about securing the Indians, and preserving the plantations.

Whereupon a letter was immediately prepared and signed to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, inclosing copies of Brigadier Hunter's forementioned letter of the 2nd July last [fo. 219] of the said extracts of letters from persons at Boston to Capt. Mears, and of Col. Nicholson's letter of the 16th instant; the said letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, representing the necessity of some speedy directions for securing the Indians, and taking further measures for preserving his Majesty's Plantations.

New England.


Land bank.

Col. Byfield attending and desiring the dispatch of the Boards report, upon the proposals for erecting a Land Bank in New England [fo. 225], he was acquainted that their lordships stayed for what Mr. Dummer, Agent for the Massachusets Bay, might have to offer upon advices [fo. 213], which he said he daily expected from thence in relation to that matter.

August 17th. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.


Letter to Colonel Spotswood.

The draught of a letter to Col. Spotswood, Lieut. Govr. of Virginia, [fo. 222] was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.

August 18. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.


Letter to Colonel Spotswood.

The draught of a letter to Colonel Spotswood, Lieut. Govr. of Virginia, agreed yesterday was signed [fo. 221.]

New York.

Letter to Brigadier Hunter.

The draught of a letter to Brigadier Hunter, Govr. of New York and New Jersey, being drawn up and now agreed, was likewise signed.

New England.

Plantations General.

Letter from Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Commission and instructions for Bridger Surveyor of the woods.

A letter from Mr. Secry. Stanhope of the 11th instant, requiring a draught of a Commn. and instructions to be prepared for Mr. Bridger to be Surveyor General of the Woods in all the plantations on the continent of America, was read, and directions given for preparing the same accordingly [fo. 224, 226.]

New England.

Letter from Colonel Burges.

Land bank.

Mr. Banister.

A letter from Col. Burges to the Secry., together with one to this Board, relating to the Land Bank [fo. 156], proposed to be erected in New England, were read, and Mr. Banister attending and desiring to peruse what Col. Burges has laid before their lordships upon that subject, ordered that he have leave to peruse the said letters.


Order of committee of House of Commons requiring books and papers, &c.

An Order from the Committee to whom the Bill for the better regulating of the Charter and proprietary governments in America is committed, dated the 17th instant, requiring the Secry. of this Board to attend the said Committee tomorrow morning with such books and papers as are in their custody, relating to the said charter and proprietary governments, was read, and directions given for looking out the said books and papers accordingly [fo. 217.]

August 23. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.


Letter from Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Consulships at Madera and Lisbon.

A letter from Mr. Secry. Stanhope, of the 12th instant [fo. 238], referring to the Board several papers, relating to the settling a consul at Madera, independent on the Consul General at Lisbon, was read, together with the said papers, which are as follows vizt.
Papers relating thereto.
Reasons for re-uniting the Consulship of Madera to that of Lisbon.
Certificate from several merchants of Mr. Hemming's having been Consul at Madera, independent of Lisbon.
Certificate of Charles Richards, master of a brigantine, relating to his being stopt at Madera &c. without any redress being obtained from the Govr. or assistance from the Consul.
Letter from Mr. Oldmixon, to Mr. Pringle, against re-uniting the consulship of Madera with that of Lisbon.

Clerks of the Council to lay former proceedings before the Board.

And in relation to the fourth Article of the forementioned reasons for re-uniting the consulship of Madera to that at Lisbon; Ordered that the clerks of the Council be desired to lay before this Board tomorrow morning the proceedings said to be had before her late Majesty in Council in the year 1704, relating to the vacating the Commn. to Mr. Hemmings, Consul at Madera &c.

New York.

Colonel Lodwick, his memorial about French and our Indians.

Colonel Morris &c.

Letter to Brigadier Hunter.

Mr. Charles Lodwick attending, presented to the Board a Memorial of the advices he has lately received from New York, concerning the influence of the French over our five nations of Indians, the appointment of Col. Morris, Chief Justice of that province, and to disagreements, between Brigadier Hunter, and the Council of New York, which was read; whereupon ordered that a letter be prepared wherewith to transmit to Brigadier Hunter a Copy of the said memorial.

New England.

Land bank.

Letter to Mr. Dummer.

The Board being acquainted that Col. Byfield [fo. 220] had come again to the office to pray ther Lordships would soon make their Report upon the proposals for erecting a land-bank in New England; ordered that a letter be writ to Mr. Dummer to put him in mind of the Board's having expected what he had further to offer upon that matter since the 10th instant [fo. 213, 226]; and let him know they can no longer delay representing to his Majesty their opinion concerning the said proposals.

August 24. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.

New York.

Colonel Lodwick. his memorial.



Mr. Lodwick, attending, his memorial mentioned in yesterday's minutes, relating to the influence of the French over our five Nations of Indians at New York &c. was again read; and their lordships having some discourse with him upon that subject, he said that the lake mentioned in his memorial to be beyond the Onondage Country, was Cadaraque Lake. That our missionaries have been some of them scandalous in their character, and behaviour, and do not live after the Indian manner as the French priests do, whereby the latter have very much insinuated themselves into the friendship of the Indians.

New England.

Letter from Mr. Dummer.

Land bank.

A letter from Mr. Dummer with a memorial relating to a land bank proposed to be erected in New England was read [fo. 225, 228.]

New England.

Plantations General.

Mr. Bridger Surveyor General of woods.


Mr. Bridger attending, their lordships after some discourse with him relating to the office of surveyor genl. of his Majesty's Woods on the continent of America [fo. 222, 233], were pleased to direct him to lay his thoughts in writing before the Board, how his instructions for that imployment might be made more effectual for the publick service, which he promised to do accordingly.

Nova Scotia.

New England.

Captain Meers.

Original letters.

French and Indians.

Affidavit about Cape Breton.

Fishery there and at


Capt. Meers likewise attending [fo. 219] communicated to the Board the original letters from Boston of the 2nd and 6th of July, 1715, whereof extracts were transmitted to this Board with Col. Nicholson's letter of the 13th and read the 16th instant. He likewise communicated to their lordships the Original Affidavit of Jethro Furbur, taken at Jamaica the 20th of April last, relating to the French Settlement and fishery at Cape Breton; whereupon Capt. Meers being asked whether the fishery at Placentia in Newfoundland, or that at Cape Breton, began earliest; he said, the fishery at Cape Breton; and not only so, but that the French at Cape Breton could fish the whole year round, which was impracticable at Placentia, because of the shoals of ice, which for great part of the winter are driven from the mouth of the River St. Lawrence to Newfoundland, and seldom or never upon the coast of Nova Scotia or Cape Breton.



Letter to Mr. Taylour.

Papers about surrender.

Ordered that a letter be writ to Mr. Taylour, Secry, to the Lords Commrs. of the Treasury, to desire this Board may have copies of such papers as are in the Treasury relating to the surrender of Pennsylvania and Maryland.

August 25. Present:—Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.

New England.

Land bank.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Upon consideration of the several papers before the Board, relating to a Land Bank proposed to be erected in New England [fo. 226, 229] their lordships gave directions for preparing a letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope concerning that affair.


Earl of Orkney.

Extracts of Lord Archibald's letters about deputy to Mr. Congreve.

Secretary of the Island.

Their lordships being acquainted that the Earl of Orkney had desired an extract of the Lord Arch. Hamilton's letter to this Board of the 26th of April last, being paragraphs H and I containing reasons for not admitting Mr. Beckford or Mr. Page to officiate as Deputy to Mr. Congreve, whom His Majesty has been pleased by Letters Patents to constitute Secry. and Clerk of the Inrolments in Jamaica; ordered that an extract be made thereof, and sent to the Earl of Orkney and that his lordship have copies of any other papers he shall desire that have been transmitted by the Lord Archibald Hamilton.

August 26. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.

New England.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Land bank.

The draught of a letter, ordered yesterday to be prepared to Mr. Secry. Stanhope [fo. 228], upon the proposals for erecting a Land Bank in New England, was agreed and signed.

Leeward Islands.

Captain Walter summoned.

Virgin Islands.

Ordered that Capt. Walter, whose petition relating to the Virgin Islands [fo. 231], is referred to the Board by Order in Council of the 17th of June past, be desired to attend at 10 of the Clock on Tuesday morning next.


Mr. Byrd.

Observations upon his accounts.

Mr. Byrd, receiver General of Virginia [fo. 217] attending, as he had been desired, and their lordships observing to him the difference, which appeared in the ballance of the account of 2 sh. per hogshead, arising in that Colony from the 20th July, 1711, to the 25th of April, 1712, which was transmitted to the Board with Col. Spotswood's letter of the 26th of July, 1712, from the account thereof for the same time, which he communicated to this Board the 12th instant. Mr. Byrd said, that the account transmitted in 1712, was what he had been obliged to make up imperfectly to be sent by that conveyance, before he had fully accounted with the officers of some districts. He was then asked how the salary of the auditor and receiver General came to be augmented to 10 per cent. which in the account from the 20th of August to the 25th of Octr., 1705, delivered the 12th instant appeared to be no more than 7½ per cent., he said, that the same was done by Order, procured by application to the Treasury.

August 30. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique.

Leeward Islands.

General Hamilton.

Persons recommended to be of the several Councils.

General Hamilton Govr. of the Leeward Islands, attending, recommended the following persons as fit to supply the present vacancies in the respective Councils of the said Islands vizt.

For Nevis, John Choppin, Charles Bridgewater, and John Pinney Esqrs. [fo. 233.]

For Antegoa, Barry Tankard, Valentine Morris, Nathan Crump and John Frey Esqrs.

For Mountserrat, Daniel Ravel, William White, John Bramble, Anthony Fox and William Barzey Esqrs.

And for St. Christophers, Ralph Willet, John Helden, and John Duport Esqrs.

Whereupon directions were given for inserting their Names accordingly in the instructions now prepared for General Hamilton.

Settlement of Virgin Islands.

Then General Hamilton being asked some questions in relation to the Settlement of the Virgin Islands [fo. 250], he said that it was never thought hitherto worth while to do it, there being very little good Lands there. That these Islands are only fit for producing of Stock, as fowles, goats, &c. That Crab Island is much the best of them but it lies so near to Porto Rico. That it would be almost impossible to keep any negroes there, the passage between that and Porto Rico being fordable all but a very little space.

Captain Walton.

Order of Council.

Virgin Islands.

Comparison with the Leeward Islands.

Account of former proceedings.

Captain Walton's demands.

Then Capt. Walton being called in [fo. 229, 246], the Order of Council of the 17th of June, 1715, referring to the Board a Petition from the said Walton, relating to the Virgin Islands was read, and Captain Walton presented to their Lordships a paper containing a comparison of the Virgin Islands to the Leeward Islands, an account of the way of trading at the Virgin Islands, and reasons for their being made a separate government; as also another paper containing an account of what had hitherto passed in relation to this matter; upon which Mr. Walton said, that he proposed to settle on Spanish Town, in order to the doing whereof he desired to have the command of an independent company of marines of 100 men, and after some further discourse with these gentlemen, relating to the said Islands, their Lordships agreed to proceed in the consideration of this matter at the first opportunity.


Mr. Byrd.

Assistance to Carolina.

Mr. Byrd attending communicated to the Board, part of some letters he had lately received from Virginia, which gave him an account of that colony's having resolved to assist the province of Carolina, with a thousand men at thirty shillings per month each man, whereof 130 men were actually imbarked, and the rest were raising.

New York.

Letter to the Governor.

The draught of a letter to Brigadier Hunter, Govr. of New York &c. was agreed, and ordered to be transcribed.

August 31. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke.

Leeward Islands.

Instructions for General Hamilton.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

The draught of instructions to General Hamilton for the Government of the Leeward Islands, being laid before the Board, with the names of persons inserted for supplying the present vacancies in the Councils of those Islands respectively as directed yesterday [fo. 230, 277], the same was agreed, as likewise the usual draught of instructions to him with particular regard to the Acts of Trade and Navigation; whereupon a letter for transmitting the said draughts of instructions to Mr. Secry. Stanhope was signed.

New England.

Plantations General.

Letter from Bridger.

Naval stores.

A letter from Mr. Bridger, of the 26th instant [fo. 226, 236, 332], together with some proposals relating to Naval Stores, were read.

Commission and instructions for him.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

After which the draught of a commission for constituting the said Bridger Surveyor General of his Majty's. Woods on the Continent of America, was laid before the Board, agreed and ordered to be transcribed as likewise a draught of instructions for him relating to the execution of that office, and instructing the inhabitants in those parts in the manufacturing of Naval Stores; whereupon a letter was Ordered to be prepared wherewith to transmit the said draughts [fo. 236] of a commission and instructions to Mr. Secry. Stanhope.

New Hampshire.

State of the Council.

Colonel Burges to recommend persons.

Their Lordships then considering the present state of His Majesty's Council in the province of New Hampshire [fo. 245], and observing several vacancies therein, ordered that inquiry be made of Col. Burges, [fo. 242], appointed Govr. of the said province &c. whether he have any persons to recommend for supplying the said vacancies, and in case he has, to desire he will lay before this Board a list of them tomorrow morning, or as soon as he conveniently can.

New York.

New Jersey.

Letter from the Governor.

A letter from Brigadr. Hunter Govr. of New York and New Jersey, dated the 25th of July last, was read [fo. 375], and the Acts and papers therein referred to, were laid before the Board vizt.
Acts and papers therein referred to.
Four Acts passed in New York in July, 1715 [fo. 236.]
Copy of a paper subscribed by several inhabitants of New Jersey, signifying their refusal to pay Francis Pagit, acting as Constable, any money assessed on them by a person alledged to be a Roman Catholick.
Copy of the presentment of the Grand Jury of Salem, against several persons for refusing to obey Francis Pagit, the Constable appointed to collect the taxes laid by Act of Assembly.

Colonel Morris recommended to be Chief Justice of New York.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Whereupon their Lordships considering the extraordinary good character, which Brigadier Hunter gives in his said letter of Lewis Morris Esqr. whom he has appointed Chief Justice of New York in the room of Roger Mompesson Esqr. deceased, and signifying his humble request, that the said Mr. Morris be not superseded in that imployment, a letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope upon that subject was signed.

New York.


Mr. Clark to be of the Council.

A repn. proposing George Clarke Esqr. [fo. 277] Secry. of the province of New York, to be a member of His Majesty's Council there, in the room of the forementioned Mr. Mompesson, was likewise signed.