April 2.
695. Commission from the Duke of York. Reciting the King's
Letters Patent to him of 12th March last of lands in New England
[see ante, No. 685], and appointing Richard Nicolls his Deputy
Governor there with all the powers granted to the Duke by said
Patent. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 40.]
April 2.
696. Reasons of the Council of Barbadoes against the execution
of the place of Provost Marshal by Francis Cradock during life by
patent under the Great Seal. Certified copy by Edward Bowden,
Deputy Secretary. Calendared No. 759, with Order in Council and
Report of Attorney-General thereon. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XVIII., No. 41.]
April 5-7.
Port Royal.
697. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Major Robert Freeman
sworn Councillor. Lieut.-Col. Lynch chosen President in the
absence of Sir Chas. Lyttelton until the arrival of another Governor.
April 7.—Capt. Saunders, of the ship Nicholas, to give in to the
Secretary an inventory of her lading, and to have full liberty to
trade in the island. The justices to send in an account within 14
days, of what land may be taken up by the planters now coming
from Barbadoes. ½ p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXXVII., p. 23.]
April 9.
698. Warrant to pay to Sir George Carteret the sum of 4,000l.
to be paid to Rich. Nicolls for services in New England. [Dom.,
Chas. II., Docquets, Cal., p. 550.]
April 9.
699. Resolution of a council of war held on board his Majesty's
ship Jersey, riding before Anta. Having taken into consideration
the insolencies of the Dutch upon this coast, and the many ways
they have taken to destroy his Majesty's subjects, and to prejudice
the Royal Company's affairs, especially in their design of destroying
the factory at Anta ; said council consider it their duty not only to
prevent the present designs of the Dutch, but to take or destroy the
castle of Anta, if possible. It is, therefore, "our absolute result,"
that Capt. Peter Braithwaite be sent on shore to treat with the
blacks, and in case he cannot, with 30 men and the help of the
blacks, surprise said castle, to use all means to take same from the
Dutch, or destroy it. Signed by Robert Holmes, Joseph Cubitt,
Charles Talbot, Peter Bowen, Peter Braithwaite, Robert Fenn, John
Ewers, John Holmes, and Samuel Browning. 1 p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XVIII., No. 42.]
April 13.
700. The King to Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, Gov.
of Barbadoes. Has received his letter concerning Sir Robert Harley
and is well satisfied with his proceedings in that business. Requires
him vigorously to prosecute all that may best conduce to the settlement
and advantage of Barbadoes ; and if Sir Robert Harley make
application to the King, his Majesty will forbear any determination
until his Lordship's reasons and answers have been heard. 1 p.
[Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XIV., p. 20.]
April 15.
701. Warrant to the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Justices, and
Sheriffs of Exeter, and to the Keeper of the prison. Whereas
Richard Tilley, baker of Exeter, a condemned prisoner in their
custody, was always of honest conversation, and behaved as a good
subject in his Majesty's father's service, and has petitioned to be
banished out of this kingdom ; his Majesty hereby requires them
to send said Richard Tilley to Jamaica or any other his Majesty's
Foreign Plantations, there to remain banished. 1 p. [Dom. Entry
Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XVII, p. 28.]
April 21.
702. Proceedings in the House of Commons on the reading by
Mr. Clifford of the report of the Committee for Trade. Wherein it
was resolved that the several wrongs, dishonours, and indignities
done to his Majesty by the subjects of the United Provinces, by
invading of his rights in India, Africa, and America, and the
damages, affronts, and injuries done by them to our merchants, be
reported to the House as the greatest obstruction to our foreign
trade, and that the House would support the King with life and
fortune against all opposition. A conference thereon was desired
with the Lords and Mr. Clifford and others appointed to manage it.
[Dom., Chas. II., Vol. XCVII., No. 15, Cal., p. 562.]
703. Petition of Edward D'Oyley, late Governor of Jamaica, to
the King. Petitioner lying under the discouragement of the late
evil times for his known principles of loyalty, accepted the command
of a regiment of foot in the late expedition against Jamaica, which
being brought into the power of the English he remained there
several years a colonel, until the death of Colonel Bryan, when he
was unanimously chosen Governor. This office petitioner continued
to hold during the life of Cromwell, at whose death petitioner was
compelled to inflict punishments upon mutinous and seditious
persons to prevent anarchy, but being then without the formality
of a Commission, petitioner is liable to be called in question for
same. Prays for his Majesty's grant of pardon for all treasons,
murders, felonies, and misdemeanors committed from the time
petitioner was made Governor until 1 June 1661 when he received
his Majesty's lawful Commission. Signed by the petitioner ; also
a draft of the same petition with corrections. 2 papers. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XVIII., Nos. 43, 44.]
704. Warrant to prepare a bill for the King's signature to pass
the Great Seal, containing a grant of pardon in the terms requested
in Col. Doyley's petition, with non obstantes of the Statutes 13
Ric. II. and 10 Ed. III., and such other clauses as shall be requisite
to make the pardon most full and effectual. Draft with corrections.
The pardon is dated May 5, see No. 734. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XVIII., No. 45.]
April 23.
705. Copy of the preceding. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol.
XVI., p. 106.]
706. "Considerations in order to the establishing his Majesty's
interests in New England." The King judging it convenient for
his interests in New England to accept the surrender of Mason's
patent for the Province of Hampshire on conditions already agreed
upon, and Ferd. Gorges being in treaty for the surrender of his
patent for the Province of Maine, it may be necessary that their
surrenders and what is to be done in order thereunto be forthwith
prosecuted. That Commissioners be sent with instructions to enable
them to effect what is intended by the King. That they proceed
first to Portsmouth, Province of Hampshire, where are very many
persons, some of great estates, well inclined to admit the King's
interests there, and the generality well affected as far as they can,
being lately oppressed by the more potent corporation of the Massachusetts.
That they make known to the best inclined persons in
the Provinces their commission, and that the King hath now a propriety
as well as a dominion by the surrender of the grants to the
ancestors of Mason and Gorges, and will employ his care and indulgence
for their further prosperity. To give a good and secure title
of inheritance to all in possession of lands or tenements and who
desire a confirmation under the King's authority "upon such small
acknowledgments as shall be almost insensible to them that shall
receive so considerable an advantage thereby," paying only the 20th
penny of the present yearly value for rent and one 20th penny by
way of fine. That as soon as they find a fit temper in that people
they then treat about the improvements of trade and the supply of
timber, cordage, tar, &c., and endeavour to show the advantages of a
better confidence and correspondence with England, by their cheerful
submission to the regulations of trade for his Majesty's dominions
and plantations, although by the letter of their grant in their first
infancy they may seem exempted from payment of any customs but
by their own consents. The encouragements to all who submit to
said regulations, but if any town or province do not submit they will
not be allowed to trade with England or any other colony. The
Commissioners to have power to separate and join others in commission
with them. No applications or demands to be made to Boston
until the King's unquestionable right of propriety to Hampshire and
Maine be in a good measure settled. To aim at and obtain, in this
first attempt, a submission to the King's new right upon those two
Provinces and to the settlement of trade and customs there, although
the Massachusetts may perhaps not be so soon brought to it, after
which instructions may be framed for the Commissioners ; "and
whilst they shall be found not to intermeddle with their government
or matters of religion, the stiff and factious party will want pretensions
for stirring up the people to an eager opposition of the fair
and reasonable proceedings of the Commissioners." Arguments upon
the whole matter, "scarce any future accident or state of affairs can
in any probability render the reduction of that doubtful people more
feasible than at this point of time they may be found to be by the
easy methods here proposed, which being rather a means of insinuation
than of force cannot put his Majesty's interests there into a
much weaker condition than they are in at present should they fail
of their effect." Lord Clarendon is supposed to be the author of this
Paper, see Palfrey's History of New England, II., 578. 5 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 46.]
707. Estimate of the expenses "relating to the expedition of the
Commissioners to New England." If the number be five to allow
500l. each by way of advance, out of such rents, fines, and customs
or other profits as shall be raised by them out of New England ;
also 300l. for clerks, at the discretion of the Commissioners, and a
further 200l. for attending the solicitation and despatch of the grants
and fees relating to this affair. Total, 3,000l. A fourth-rate frigate
should be appointed for transporting the Commissioners, and a small
ketch to attend them. The composition to be finished with Ferdinando
Gorges. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 47.]
April 23.
708. Commission to Col. Rich. Nicolls, Sir Robt. Carr, Geo.
Cartwright, and Sam. Mavericke, or any three or two of them, or
their survivors, whereof said Col. Nicolls during his life to be always
one and upon division of opinion to have a casting voice, to visit the
several colonies of New England, and to examine and determine all
complaints and appeals in all causes, as well military as criminal
and civil, and proceed in all things for settling the peace and security
of that country according to their discretions and such instructions
as they receive from the King in that behalf. Copy examined, G.
Palmer. Printed in New York Documents, III., 64, 65. 4 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 48.]
April 23.
709. Copy of the preceding, dated by mistake April 25. 3 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 49.] Also entry of said Commission.
[Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCII., pp. 205-209.]
[April 23.]
710. Draught of the above, but the names are not filled in, and
the last paragraph is omitted. Corrected and indorsed by Williamson.
1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 50.]
April 23.
711. Instructions for Col. Rich. Nicolls, Sir Robert Carr, Geo.
Cartwright, and Sam Maverick, Commissioners appointed to visit
Massachusetts. To assure the Governor and Council of the King's
good intentions towards the colony, and that the chief object of
their journey is to remove all jealousies and misunderstandings
caused by the late "confusion." To discourse upon the best means
to reduce the Dutch in Long Island or anywhere within the King's
dominions, and upon the evil consequences likely to ensue, if they be
still allowed to have a Government of their own. To ascertain the
condition of the Indian Kings and Princes, what treaties have been
made and how observed, that no violations may be permitted. To
inquire what has been done towards the foundation and maintenance
of any college or schools. To observe great caution before listening to
accusations against those who are or have been in authority. To
examine into the administration of justice, and to see that no one is
debarred the free exercise of his religion, according to the laws of
England. To apprehend all persons who stand attainted of high
treason, and to discover those who have entertained them since the
restoration, that better care may be taken for their future behaviour.
To see that the Act of Navigation be punctually observed, and to
make particular inquiries into the whole frame and constitution of
the Government. Printed in New York Documents, III., 51-55.
8 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 51.]
[April 23.]
712. Another copy of the above. 14 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol.
XCII., pp. 224-237.]
April 23.
713. "Secret instructions for the Commissioners employed by the
King to the plantations in America in and about New England to
be considered and communicated only to themselves." The main
object of their employment is to ascertain the true state of those
several colonies ; to gain the good opinion of the principal inhabitants,
so as to lead them to desire a renewal of their charter ; to
secure, in the first place, possession of Long Island, and to reduce
the people to obedience to the King's Government, that the whole
trade may be carried on by the English. To land at Boston, but if
compelled to put first into Long Island, particular instructions are
given for their guidance ; should they not meet with the reception
expected or the assistance required from Massachusetts, they must
visit Connecticut, New Plymouth, and Rhode Island, and try and
get support from thence. To examine carefully the first and second
charters granted by Charles I., and any others since granted ; to
inquire into all laws passed during the late usurping Government ;
to be very particular not to give offence to either of the religious
sects ; to frequent their churches and to be present at their devotions.
On the subject of religious controversies they are particularly instructed ;
"it will not be rational to appear solicitous to make any
change in the matter of religion ;" to press the Governor to call a
General Assembly, and to do their utmost to have members chosen
who are most inclined to promote the King's service ; the nomination
or approbation of their Governor, and the appointment of the
commander of the militia, "we could heartily wish should be gained
upon them" Dick Nicolls for their Governor, and Colonel Cartwright
for Major-General. Printed in New York Documents, III., 57-61.
10 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 52.]
[April 23.]
714. Another copy of the above. 15 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol.
XCII., p. 209.]
April 23.
715. The King to the Governor and Council of the Massachusetts
Bay. Having taken very much to heart the welfare and advancement
of the plantations in America, and particularly that of New
England, which in truth hath given a good example of industry and
sobriety to all the rest, whereby God hath blessed it above the rest,
and desiring the conversion of infidels and pagans, which ought to
be the chief end of all Christian plantations, the King has thought
fit to send Commissioners to take a view of the good Government
there and receive full information of the true state and condition of
that plantation and of their neighbours on all sides, so that his
Majesty may the better judge what he is to do either for the better
repairing of any thing that is amiss, or the better improving and
encouragement of what is good. The King explains under six heads
his reasons for sending the Commissioners, viz., to discountenance,
suppress, and utterly extinguish all unreasonable jealousies and
malicious calumnies that the King's subjects in those parts do not
submit to his Majesty's Government, but look upon themselves as
independent upon us and our laws, and that the King has not confidence
in their affection and obedience, all which lewd aspersions
must vanish upon this his extraordinary and fatherly care manifested
in the instructions given to his Commissioners. That all the King's
good subjects may know how far his Majesty is from the least intention
or thought of violating or in the least degree infringing their
charter or restraining the liberty of conscience thereby allowed, the
support and maintenance of which the King believes is at present as
necessary as ever, and therefore is very willing to confirm and renew.
That all differences betwixt the several colonies upon their bounds,
limits, and jurisdictions may be composed ; all which will be easily
reconciled by the Commissioners upon the place or by a just determination
upon a matter of right, or representation to the King in
cases of difficulty. That the King may receive full and particular
information of the state and condition of the neighbour Princes, from
some of whom his Majesty has received addresses of great respect,
though not without some complaint or insinuation of injustice or
hard measure exercised towards them from the colonies, to which
Princes the Commissioners will, if necessary, repair in person and
assure them of the King's friendship and protection from injustice
and oppression. That the plantations may be protected from the
invasion of their neighbour nations and the possession of any lands
or territories by them provided against, as the Dutch have lately
possessed lands to the great prejudice of the King's subjects and the
obstruction of trade, so his Majesty desires they will join and assist
his Commissioners vigorously in recovering his right in those places
now possessed by the Dutch, and reducing them to obedience and
submission to the King's Government, in which case they are to be
treated as neighbours and fellow subjects, and enjoy quietly what
they are possessed of by their honest industry. That the Commissioners
should confer with the Governor and Council of the Massachusetts
on the subject of the King's former letter of June 28th, 1662
[see ante, No. 314], and their answer of 25th November following,
"of which we shall only say that the same did not answer our
expectation nor the profession made by your said messengers," but
the King makes no doubt the Governor and Council will give him
satisfaction in all he looks for at their hands. Has now imparted
the most important reasons for this extraordinary charge in sending
Commissioners, and doubts not their proper reception and treatment
of them. This letter to be forthwith communicated to the Council,
and a General Assembly called within 20 days and this letter read
to them. Printed in New York, Documents, III., 61-63. 6½ pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 53.]
April 23.
716. Another copy of the above. 8 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol.
XCII., pp. 195-204.]
April 23.
717. Instructions to Col. Rich. Nicolls, Sir Robt. Carr, Geo.
Cartwright, and Samuel Mavericke, Commissioners for the visitation
of our Colony of Connecticut. To find out the full difference between
them and the Massachusetts, both in their civil and ecclesiastical
estate. "We conceive those of Connecticut to contrive
themselves under the most rigid Presbyterian Government, so that
you will find their neighbours free enough of their censures of them,
of all which you will make no other use than for your own information
how to govern yourselves." To declare their firm resolution
to maintain the charter, without the least restraint of freedom of
religious opinions. To confer with Mr. Winthrop upon the pretences
of those of Rhode Island, the charter having passed the Great Seal
rather upon the good opinion and confidence the King had in Winthrop
than that the differences were composed on the boundaries.
To inform themselves what was done about the year 1644 in reference
to the purchase of a large tract of ground about the Narrangansett
Bay from the chief Sachem, the formal transfer remaining still in
the hands of Sam. Gorton, John Wicks, and Randall Houlden who
inhabit at Warwick in Rhode Island and let the Sachems know
the King will do them justice. If found belonging to his Majesty
then to be called King's Province, and the inhabitants to be left
undisturbed. To inform themselves what encroachments are made
by any foreigners and resolve upon the most effectual means of
reducing them to the King's obedience or removing them. To find
out what Letters Patents have been heretofore granted, and how the
lands so granted are possessed and cultivated, so that if the intention
of said grants have not been pursued the King may "avoid" the
same. To inform themselves what ironworks are already erected,
the conveniences for others, the nature of the ore, &c. And of the
discovery of any mines of gold or silver, so that the King may
receive the fifth part as reserved by their charter. Printed in New
York Documents, III., 55, 56. 5 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII.,
No. 54.]
[April 23.]
718. Another copy of the preceding. 6 pp. [Col. Entry Bk.,
Vol. XCII., pp. 238-243.]
April 23.
719. The King to the Governor and Council of Connecticut.
Has sent his Commissioners according to the resolution declared to
Mr. Winthrop when the King renewed their charter, and makes no
question said Commissioners will be respectfully received by them.
Their liberties and privileges, whether ecclesiastical or civil, the
King will not suffer to be violated in the least degree, which is the
principal business of the Commissioners, as likewise to take care
that the bounds and jurisdictions of the several colonies there may be
agreed upon, and especially that the natives receive justice and civil
treatment. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 55.]
April 23.
720. Another copy of the preceding. 1¼ pp. [Col. Entry Bk.,
Vol. XCII., pp. 245, 246.]
[April 23.]
721. An additional instruction to the Commissioners as above.
To observe so much of their instructions for the Massachusetts and
Connecticut as may be applied to New Plymouth and Rhode Island,
referring other things to their own discretion, only as to Rhode
Island to let them know the Commissioners have a present of two
rich scarlet cloaks from the King to the two Kings who expressed
so much affection to his Majesty upon the delivery of their charter.
1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCII., p. 244.]
April 23.
722. The King to the Governor and Council of New Plymouth
in New England. Need not enlarge upon his care and affection in
sending Commissioners to visit them, that his Majesty may have a
full account of their present condition and how it may be improved
by any further acts of grace and favour from the King to them.
Will no more suffer them to be oppressed by any foreign powers or
ill neighbours than his Majesty will other of his subjects, so is the
King's care no less that they should live amongst themselves and
with others as become subjects born under the same Prince and in
the same country and of the same faith and hope in the mercies of
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Has referred all differences as
to bounds and jurisdictions of their several colonies to said Commissioners.
Their late address gave his Majesty good satisfaction
and leaves no doubt that they will receive these Commissioners as
becomes them, who will let them know the King's resolution to
preserve all their liberties and privileges without the least violation.
2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 56.]
April 23.
723. Another copy of the preceding. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk.,
Vol. XCII., pp. 248, 249.]
April 23.
724. The King to the Deputy Governor, Governor, [sic] Assistants,
and Freemen of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Acknowledges
their thanks for their charter in their letter to the Lord
Chancellor. Assures them of the continuance of all their liberties
and privileges, without the least violation and of his Majesty's favour
towards them upon all occasions. The King has according to his
purpose often declared to them, sent his Commissioners to visit
his several colonies of New England, to hear all complaints and
reduce all things there to the rules prescribed in the several
charters, and in the point of bounds to put an end to all differences,
and in case of contradictions in said charters to settle some agreement
by mutual consent, in case of great difficulty to refer same to
his Majesty. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 57.]
April 23.
725. Another copy of the preceding. 2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk.
Vol. XCII., pp. 246, 247.]
726. Mem. for a Privy Seal for the payment of 800l. to George
Cartwright, for the use of the King's Commissioners employed for
the visitation of the Colonies in New England. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XVIII., No. 58.]
727. Petition of Sam. Mavericke to the King. Acknowledges the
King's favour in appointing him one of the Commissioners for New
England, and to have received 250l. towards his setting forth, but
having expended at least 500l. prays that the Royal bounty may
be extended to him somewhat further. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII.,
No. 59.]
April 26.
728. Commission to Capt. Thos. Owen to raise and arm 100 men
in England, to be employed in the service of the Royal African
Company, with officers fit for transporting them into Africa. ½ p.
[Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XX., p. 13.]
April 28.
729. Commission to Sir Ellis Leighton and Joseph Williamson to
take charge on the King's behalf of the moiety or half part reserved
to the King of all forfeitures or prizes of ships, negro slaves, goods,
wares, or any merchandise seized by the Royal African Company,
they having by Letters Patent the right to make seizure of all such
goods carried to places mentioned in their charter, and to reserve
one half of such prizes to themselves, paying over the other half to
his Majesty. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. XCVII., No. 57, Cal. p. 571.]
April 29.
730. Warrant to pay to Col. Wm. Legg, lieutenant of ordnance,
the sum of 2,021l. 12s. 9d. for furnishing the plantation of New
England with ordnance. [Dom, Chas. II., Docquets, Cal., p. 573.]
April 29.
731. Petition of the Council and Assembly of Nevis to Francis
Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes and the rest of the
Caribbees. Acknowledge the blessing of God in the almost miraculous
restoration of King Charles the Second, "whose appearance
like the rising of the sun soon dispelled all those condensed fogs
of malignity and oppression in that almost depraved nation."
Complain that whereas they formerly enjoyed freedom of trade
with all nations in amity with his Majesty, they are now debarred
from same, by the self-driving interest "of some not well affected
to our well being." Many of the meaner sort were wholly employed
in the manufacture of tobacco, whereon they lived comfortably,
but now that supplies come only from English ports where
tobacco is no commodity, and not being able to produce sugar, they
are forced daily to desert the island. Beg his Excellency to intercede
with his Majesty for their re-enjoyment of their former freedom of
trade, so they may transport their goods to any country in amity with
England, whereby they conceive his Majesty's revenue by customs
may be much augmented, and his Majesty's poor subjects encouraged
to continue their stations. Signed by Jas. Russell, R. M. Russell,
John Procter, Mich. Smith, Walter Symonds, Fra. Kaynell, William
Freman, Rob. Trevethick, Dav. Nowell, Daniell Lanhukner (?), Albine
West, and Geo. Gardyner of the Council ; and by Fra. Morton, John
Jenkins, John Smith, Rob. Overton, William Childes, Roger Earle,
Thomas Bartlet, John Eade, and John Hughes of the Assembly.
? inclosure to No. 804. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 60.]
April 29.
732. The Assembly of Nevis to Francis Lord Willoughby. Jointly
submit to his Majesty as their Proprietor and to his Excellency as
his Majesty's Lieutenant, and pray him to accept this their acknowledgment
of 4½ per cent. to his Majesty, during the term of his
commission, out of which they supplicate that his Majesty's forts
and standing guards may be maintained. Signed by John Jenkins,
Francis Morton, John Hughes, Robert Overton, John Eade, Roger
Earle, John Smith, Willm. Childes, Willm. Howard, Francis Summers,
Thomas Bartlet, and Joseph Grover. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 49,
p. 9.]
733. Petition of Paul Hobson and Capt. John Gregory to Sec.
Bennet. To remind the King of their petition for leave to go
beyond sea as far as Jamaica, which Sir John Robinson presented
five weeks ago, and reported to have been well received. [Dom.,
Chas. II., Vol. XCVII., No. 81, Cal., p. 574.]