Pages 542-552
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1881.
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In this section
From Michaelmas 1659 to Michaelmas 1660. (fn. 1)
25 May 1661.
The quhilk day, Coline Campbell, younger, lait thesaurer, producit his compt of his haill intromissioune with the commoune rent and guids of this burgh and debursmentis of the samyne fra Michaelmas 1659 to Michaelmas 1660, quhairof charge and discharge is as fallowes, and first the
Fallowes the compt of the monye deburst be the compter wpon discharges.
Fallowes the sowmes of monye deburst be the compter for the tounes fielles.
Summa of the haill discharge is 13,437 pundis 15 shillings 7 penneis Scotis monye. Sua charge and discharge being compared their was fund restand in the compters hand 3367 pundis 12 shilling 5 penneis. Whilk compt befor wryttin, charge and discharge therin conteined, being of befor at lenth hard, red, sein and considered, calculat and laid, was allowed and approvine in everie heid and article therof; and charge and discharge being compared it was fund that there is yit restand in the compters hand the said sowme of 3367 punds 12 shilling 5 penneis, aff the quhilk there is to be rebaitit the particulares fallowing, quhairwith the compter is alredie chargit but receavit non of them for the causses after specifeit, viz., 3 punds for the maill of the yaird at the bak of the meilmercat quhilk is quyt be the toune this year in favouris of Mr. Robert Baillie, occupyer therof; item, the sowme of 898 punds 12s. 2d. quhairwith the compter was also chargit as having receavit the samyne from William Colhoune in compleit payment of the Gorball rent for the year 1658, quhilk he got not, but is delyvered to Johne Moodie, present thesaurer, and he is to be chargit therwith; item, 600 punds wherwith he is also chargit as receavit fra John Donald and James Moodie for the tynds of Drymen for the cropt 1659, quhilk was not gottin in, the law not being patent for inseeking therof, but is to be payit to this present thesaurer and he to be chargit therwith; item, 50 pundis awand be Johne Johnstoune, pewderer, and 42 punds awand be (blank) Buchanan in Drymen, be their bands, quhilk also could not be gottin in, the law not being patent as said is, but the present thesaurer is to wplift the samyne and to be comptable therfor. Quhilkis haill rebaitmentis extends vnto 1593 punds 12s. 2d., as also there is to be rebaitit aff the compter for waist and brunt lands conteined in the rentall, as was to the former thesaurer, James Colhoune, 13 punds 16s. 10d.; quhilk twa sowmes, extending to 1607 punds 9s. being rebaited aff the forsaid sowme of 3367 punds 12s. 5d. there is restand awand to the compter to ballance the compt the sowme of 1758 pundis 3s. 5d. quhilk the compter is ordained to pay to John Moodie, present thesaurer, and he to be chargit therwith, and that being payit the aforsaid provest, baillies and counsell, doe heirby exoner and simpliciter discharge the said Coline Campbell, lait thesaurer, of his haill intromissioune with the tounes rentis the said year abovewryttin and of the said haill compt accordinglie.
Note.&—There is no account from Michaelmas 1660 to Michaelmas 1661.
From Michaelmas 1661 to Michaelmas 1662.
CHARGE. (fn. 2) | |
In the first, he chairges himself with the dewties of the mylnes, laidlles and wther commoune guidis of the toune, as the samyne was lyablle in payment at Mertimes 1661; and first for the said termes dewtie of the mylnes, extending to | 3016 li. 13s. 4d. |
Item, with the dewtie of the laidlles the samyne terme, | 953 li. 6s. 8d. |
Item, with the said termes dewtie of the meil mercat and peckis, | 286 li. 13s 4d. |
Item, with the samyne termes payment of the trone, extending to | 283 li. 6s. 8d. |
Item, with the said termes payment of the brig, extending to | 550 li. |
Item, the mylnes, laidlles, meilmercat, and wther commoune guidis, being roupit on the thrid day of Junij 1662 for ane year therefter, the compter chairges himself with the half of the dewties therof he receavit in hand at the setting therof; and first the mylnes being sett for 8700 markis the thesaurer chairges himself with the equall half therof, extending to | 2900 li. |
Item, for the laidlles, | 973 li. 6s. 8d. |
Item, for the meilmercat and pecks, | 340 li. |
Item, for the troane, | 296 li. 13s. 4d. |
Item, the brig and customes, | 486 li. 13s. 4d. |
Item, the compter chairges himself with the maill of the gras of the grein, | 60 li. |
Item, the thesaurer chairges himself with the maill of the fleshmercat the terme of Mertimes 1661 and Witsonday 1662 and extending to | 200 li. |
Item, he is to be chairgit with the sowme fallowing receavit be him from Simeone Pittersgill for the maill of that hous called the manufactorie, tewlles and yaird belonging therto, frae Witsonday 1661 to Witsonday 1662, extending to | 108 li. |
Item, with the annual rent of 900 merkis awand be the said Simeone as the stock of the said manufactorie frae the said terme of Witsonday 1661 to Witsonday 1662, | 36 li. |
Item, with the sowme fallowing receavit be him frae Johne Lindsay and Thomas Lunning for the maill of the walk mylne set to them frae Witsonday 1661 to Witsonday 1662, | 102 li. |
Item, with the sowme fallowing receavit be him from Mathow Fawsyd for the tounes quhilk is fourth pairt of the tyndis of the landis of Gorballis the crop 1661, | 123 li. |
Item, with what he receavit from George Winzet for the secund termes payment of the tynd of the toune aikeris the crop 1661, extending to | 583 li. 6s. 8d. |
Item, with the burgessis and gild brether fynes collectit be him betwixt Michaelmes extending to (blank) 1661 and Michelmaes 1662, | |
Item, with what he receavit frae James Moodie and John Donnald as a pairt of the monyes they ar awand to the toune for the tyndis of Drymen conforme to the contract set doun theranent, | 333 li. 6s. 8d. |
Item, the thesaurer is to be chairged with the sowme fallowing receavit be him from William Lightbody to compleit the sowme of 1000 pund he was awand to the toune be band, he having payit to former thesaureris 1000 merkis therof as ther compt beares, sua the compter receavit, | 333 li. 6s. 8d. |
Item, with what he receavit from John Johnston, peuderer, that was awand to the toun in compleit payment of his burges fyne, | 50 li. |
Item, with the sowme of 100 pundis sterling lent to him be Johne Walkinshaw out of the excys conform to the counsellis ordouris, | 1200 li. |
Item, with what be receavit from Hendrie Craig, master of wark for the maill of the pewes in the Laigh Kirk for the terme of Mertimes 1661, | 338 li. 8s. |
Item, with the sowme fallowing receavit be him from Mr. Robert Goveane as a pairt of the monye he hes chairge of to collect, extending to | 1466 li. 13s. 4d. |
Item, with what he receavit from Hectour Stewart of the monyes he did collect, extending to | 614 li. 13s. 4d. |
Summa of the haill chairge is | 15,976 li. 6s. 4d. |
Item, to Archibald Blacklaw for his supplie to buy a hors (19 October), | 60 li. |
Item, to John Baird for the said caus, | 40 li. |
Item, to John Drew and wther poor persones for ther supplie mentioned in the warrand of 26 October, | 24 li. |
Item, be warrand the 2d of November 1661 to Mr. Niniane Patersoune for his preaching in toune, | 60 li. |
Item, be warrand the 9th of November to the burrowes agent, | 189 li. 6s. 8d. |
Mair be the same warrand to Majour Fullertoune for quarterings in the toune for deficiencie of cesse, | 30 li. |
Item, be warrand the 25 of November deburst to the advocatis and wtheris mentioned in the warrand, | 277 li. 10s. |
Item, deburst to severall poor folkis be warrand of 30 November, | 42 li. |
Item, to Mr. Norman M'Kinnie for preiching within the burgh be warrand of same date, | 100 li. |
Item, be warrand daitit the 2d of December 1661 for timber furrnished to James Louk as a pairt of the monye the toune was awand of the brunt monye quhairof the compter is to give a dischearge, | 120 li. |
Item, be warrand daitit the 8th of Merche, to the burrowes agent for the advocatis herring and wtheris, | 548 li. 4s. 6d. |
Item, be warrand of 22 Merche, to John Young, the tounes agent, quhilk he had deburst in the tounes affaires, | 63 li. 14s. |
Item, to James Cors, mathematitiane, and wthers, be warrand the 26 of May, | 60 li. |
Item, be warrand the last of Maij to William Boyd for his repairing of Bogilles well, | 100 li. |
Item, be warrand of the same dait to Charles Pollok, Robert Corbet and wther poor people, | 63 li. 14s. |
Item, be warrand the xiiij Junii 1662 to James Colhoun for making and laying the pypc of leid in Bogillis well, | 102 li. 8d. |
Item, to James Colhoune for making the lock to Bogilles well and furnishing leid thereto, be warrand of 28 June, | 42 li. 12s. 6d. |
Item, deburst to Mr. Niniane Paterson for preaching in toune, be warrand daitit the 7th of Julij, | 29 li. |
Item, to Alexander Cowane to help to build his hous be warrand the 12, of July, | 10 li. |
Item, to divers poor folkis for ther supplie be warrand of same dait, | 48 li. 8s. |
Item, be warrand on the 15 of September for compleiting the pryce of the 40 partizens that were made, | 124 li. 9s. 10d. |
Fallowes the sowmes of monye deburst be the compter wpon dischearges.
Fallowes ane compt what the compter deburst for the tounes fiall.