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Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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DIE Veneris, 6 die Novembris.
PRAYERS, by Mr. Hicks.
Domini præsentes fuerunt:
Comes Manchester, Speaker.
Grove and Barnsley.
Ordered, That the Cause between Grove and Barnsley shall be heard on Thursday next.
Kingerby and Sibsey.
Ordered, That the Cause between Kingerby and Sibsey shall be heard on Thursday next.
Ordinance about Compositions at Goldsmiths Hall.
An Ordinance was brought in, and read, (fn. 1) appointing Commissioners to compound with Delinquents at Gouldsmith Hall; which was read Thrice, and approved of; and Ordered to be sent to the House of Commons for their Concurrence.
Confession of Faith.
Next, was read the Third Time that Part of the Confession which was lately presented to this House from the Assembly of Divines as their Advice.
And the Question being put, "Whether to agree to the Confession of Faith now read?"
It was Resolved in the Affirmative.
Ordered, That the Confession of Faith now passed shall be sent down to the House of Commons, with this Recommendation, "That the Lords have received these Articles of Faith, which, after due Consideration, they have passed, and desire the Concurrence of the House of Commons therein; it being necessary that the Protestant Churches Abroad, as well as the People of this Kingdom at Home, may have Knowledge how that the Parliament did never intend to innovate Matters of Faith."
Ordinance for Sale of Bishops Lands.
Next, the Ordinance for selling the Lands of Archbishops and Bishops, was read the Second Time; and Ordered to be referred to this Committee following, to prepare the same for the Committee of the whole House To-morrow Morning:
Comes Northumb. Comes Kent. L. Viscount Say & Seale. Comes Denbigh. Comes Pembrooke. |
Comes Sarum. Ds. Howard. Ds. Robertes. Ds. Willoughby. |
Any Three, to meet this Afternoon, at Three of the Clock.
Message to the H. C. with the Confession of Faith.
A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Dr. Aylett and Dr. Heath:
To communicate to them the Articles of the Confession of Faith, with the Sense of this House thereupon.
Guy to be instituted to Graffham.
Ordered, That Dr. Heath shall give Institution and Induction to Thomas Guy, to the Parsonage of Graffam, in the County of Huntingdon; being presented thereunto by Nicholas Guy; with a salvo Jure cujuscunque.
E. of Worcester to remain in Custody of the Black Rod.
Upon reading the Petition of the Earl of Wor'ster: It is Ordered, in regard of his ill Health, That he be permitted to remain in the Custody of the Gentleman Usher, where now he is, until further Direction of this House be given.
E. of Pembroke's Order.
The House being this Day informed, by the Earl of Pembrooke and Mountgomerie, Administrator of all and singular the Goods and Chattels of William late Earl of Pembrooke his Brother deceased; "That divers of the same Goods, which at the Time of his Death were left in Sheifeild Castle and Lodge in the Park there, as also in Worsopp Mannor Howse, in the County of Yorke, or any other Place then in the Possession of the said Earl, afterwards altered by a Ward of His Majesty's, and have there remained eversince, amongst other Goods of the Earl of Arrundell, supposed to be now lately deceased:"
It is Ordered, by the Lords in Parliament, That the said Goods there remaining, or elsewhere since removed, shall be inventoried, by such Persons as the said Earl of Pembrooke shall appoint, to the End the same may be distinguished and secured until the House shall give further Order therein; whereof all Committees, and other Persons whom it may concern, are required to take Notice, and yield Obedience accordingly.