Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666, St Martin in the Fields , Blue Mews

London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, 2011.

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Blew Muse

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
Tho: Philipps 5 s
Richard Read 2 b no distress
Mr Gibbs 2 b
Mr Baller 6 s
Dorothy Benson 3 s
Katharine Gryme 4 s
Widd Bell 3 s empty
William Coarle 4 s
Mr Ellis 7 s a house of 7 hearths lett to poore people./
Mr Ellis 8 s anothear house of [?] 8 hearths the same where noe distress is to bee had
Henry Burton 2 s
Esqr David Walter 1 s over a stable Empty
Anthony Pennit 2 s
Dodian Hare 4 s
10 s The Resident of Tuscany to the Kings accout
0 s