Hearth Tax: City of London 1666, St Giles (without) Cripplegate , Fore Street

London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, 2011.

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Fore Street: North & South East & Cradle ally

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
John Buckmaster 3 s
John Hunt 2 s noe distress
Edmund Robinson 5 s
John Peircy 4 s
William Parsby 6 s
Thomas Butler 0 s
Rowland Codsbrooke 3 s
John White 4 s
John Dod 1 s noe distress
Deborah Brant 4 s
Margaret Meeres 1 b noe distress
Thomas Vaughan 1 b
George Briggins 4 s
John Frizbee 4 s
Francis Crofts 4 s
1 s Empty
Samuell Johnson 2 s noe distress
Robert Andrewes 4 s