HILL, George

Physicians and Irregular Medical Practitioners in London 1550-1640 Database. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 2004.

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George HILL


Name George HILL
Gender Male
Primary occupation medical empiric (Empiric. King's servant 1631.)
Period of medical practice 1617-1648
Other notes Trouble 1627-38. Many important men support him. Connived at (not really ELRCP) 1631.

Censorial hearings

2 March 1627
Entry A letter supporting H was received from the Duke of Buckingham, the Earl of Pembroke, the Earl of Montgomery, the Earl of Dorset and Sir Thomas Morgan. A reply was drafted saying that the College would show H all the favour consistent with their oath and honour. Letter given [??to H??].
Attitude of the accused asked for College membership
Pressure applied by College yes
Action taken Letter written in reply.
7 March 1634
Entry H was accused of using medicines on Neeve of Walbroke, including 'Magisterye of Pearle'. Benjamin Richards corroborated this.
Initiator of the complaint person unconnected with the patient or the case
Action taken ?
Verdict case not completed
Number of crimes 1
22 Dec 1634
Entry Dr. Winston 'complayneth of Mr. Shepheard and Mr. Hill and desyreth to have them cited to the Colledge, as also Dr. Anthonye.'
Initiator of the complaint college member
Attitude of the accused absent
Action taken ?To be summoned.
Verdict case not completed
17 Feb 1637
Entry 'Mr. President commaunded that Hill of Aldersgate should be summoned to make his appearance at the Colledge the next meeting.'
Initiator of the complaint college member
Attitude of the accused absent
Action taken To be summoned to the next meeting.
Verdict case not completed
9 Feb 1638
Entry A letter from Lord Holland on behalf of H, an 'empiric', was read. It was agreed that Dr Winston and Dr Hodson should visit Lord Holland. (They subsequently did, and he gave the College a free hand in dealing with H.)
Pressure applied by College yes
Action taken Deputation sent to Lord Holland.
Verdict case not completed
3 July 1640
Entry 'Mr. Phige apothecary was questioned for practizinge upon the body of Mrs. Ganocke. hee put of all to D. Staines, D. Gurden and Mr. Hill, affirminge what was done, was by ther directions.'
Initiator of the complaint other medical practitioner
Action taken ?
Verdict case not completed
6 April 1627
Entry H was examined but found unfit.
Attitude of the accused asked for College membership
Action taken Examined and rejected.
Verdict guilty
Sentence None
7 Jan 1631
Entry H to be summoned.
Attitude of the accused absent
Action taken To be summoned.
4 Feb 1631
Entry A letter on H's behalf was received from Lord Justice Richardson. H was to be examined again.
Pressure applied by College yes
Action taken To be examined.
11 Feb 1631
Entry President told H to beware of consorting with quacks, and to ask the College's advice in serious cases. H to be examined after 1 year.
Attitude of the accused asked for College membership
Action taken Sort of provisional licence / connivance for 1 year.
25 June 1631
Entry H was to be summoned so that he might pay the College an allowance.
Attitude of the accused asked for College membership
Action taken To be summoned to pay fee.
16 Feb 1632
Entry H to be summoned.
Attitude of the accused asked for College membership
Action taken To be summoned [presumably in order to be examined as arranged].
Verdict guilty
Sentence To become a College member?
5 July 1633
Entry Humfrey BEVEN was accused of giving physic to Mrs. Lane and getting it from Mr. Hill. But 'Mr. Hill being called did acknowledge that Beven fetcht a medecyne from him, which was made with torrifyed Rhubarbe and mithridate dissolued in possett ale; but hee nether knewe the Woman, nor the desease, for Beuin tould him shee had no Feaver.' [The medicine killed her.]
Initiator of the complaint other medical practitioner
Action taken Matter referred to the Courte of Justice.
Verdict guilty
Sentence Matter referred to the Courte of Justice
6 Dec 1633
Entry H was reminded of the favour the College had shown him, and warned not to be disrespectful. He paid a £20 fine.
Action taken Fined £20.
Verdict guilty
Sentence Fined £20