A Dictionary of London. Originally published by H Jenkins LTD, London, 1918.
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Trump Alley
See Freeman's Court, Cheapside.
Trump Street
West out of King Street, at No. 350., to Russia Row (P.O. Directory), crossing Laurence Lane at No.26.
First mention: Rocque, 1746.
North of Trump Alley and not apparently, as Riley suggests, identical with it, although it may have been named after it.
Strype calls it " Duke Street " (q.v.). See Freeman's Court.
Trype Yard
North out of Dunning's Alley, in Bishopsgate Ward Without (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 108-Boyle, 1799).
Site now occupied by the Great Eastern and North London Railway lines.
Trype Yard
See Strype Yard [Street?].
Tucker's Court
See Took's Court.
Tudor Street
West out of New Bridge Street, at No.19, to Temple Lane. In Farringdon Ward Without (P.O. Directory).
First mention : Dodsley, 1761.
Until 1891 it only extended from New Bridge Street to Whitefriars Street, the western end being called " Temple Street" (Rocque, 1745-O.S. 1880).
Other names: "Crown Court and Fishers Alley" (Horwood, 1799). "Whitefriars" (O. and M. 1677).
The eastern end was called" King Tudor Street" (O. and M. 1677-Strype, 1755).
Tuke's Court
See Took's Court.
Tumble Turd Alley
In Crowderswell Alley in Jewin Street (P.C. 1732).
Not named in the maps.
Tun Alley
In Love Lane, Wood Street (Dodsley, 1761).
Not named in the maps.
Tun upon Cornhill
In Cornhill, opposite the north end of Change Alley. Built as a prison for night walkers by Henry le Waleys in 1283 (Lib. Cust. I. 213). So called because it was built in the form of a Tunne standing on the one ende (S. 189), and Riley says that prisons are said to have had the name of "round house" from the Tun (Mem. p.41, n.).
Broken into by prominent citizens in 1299 (Cal. P.R. Ed. I. 1292-1301, p.408). Can this tumult have had any connection with the King's order, 25 Ed. I., that the clergy were not to be imprisoned there ? (Lib. Cust. I. 213).
In 1297 an ordinance was made that the Tun "Thonellus" recently established was to be abolished and no longer used (Cal. L. Bk. B. p.244). But prisoners were still confined there 1299 (ib. p.86) and 1311 (ib. D. p.277).
There was a well to the west of the prison, but in 1405 the Tun was made a cistern for water brought from Tiborne and was thenceforth called the Conduit upon Cornhill (q.v.) (S. 192).
The well was planked over and a strong prison made of timber called a Cage with a pair of stocks therein was set upon it and on the top of the Cage a Pillory for Bakers, etc. (S. 192).
Enlarged by Robert Drope, 1475 (ib.), when the well was rediscovered and turned into a Pump, the Pillory being set further west (ib. 193).
Brewery called ' les Stulpes" and afterwards " le Swan on the hop" opposite "le Tonne," 1427 (Ct. H.W. II. p.444).
The pump was re-erected 1800.
Turekes Alley
Capital messuage called "Turckes Alley "in parish of St. Andrew Undershaft, 37 Elizabeth (1595) (Lond. I. p.m. III. p.224).
No further reference.
Turk's Place
On the south side of Bell Alley, Golden Lane, on the northern boundary of Cripplegate Ward Without (O.S. 1875-80).
"Turk's Head Court" in Lockie, 1810, and Elmes, 1831. Site now occupied by warehouses, etc.
Turnagain Lane
East out of Farringdon Street at No.36, in Farringdon Ward Without (P.O. Directory).
First mention: 1601 (H. MSS. Corn. Salisbury, XI. p.357).
Former names: "Tumback Lane" (Leake, 1666). "Windagaine Lane" (S. 392). Wendageyneslane," 21 Ed. I. (MS. D. and C. St. Paul's, Press A. Box 23, No.298). Wandayeneslane," 1308-9 (Ct. H.W. I. 204). " Wenda3eneslane," 1328 (ib. 335). "Wandageyneslane," 1337 (ib. 422). "Wenagaynlane" upon Hollebourn stream, 1341 (ib. 446).
Eastern end out of Snow Hill removed for the formation of Holborn Viaduct and its approaches.
The name suggests Tindale's words in 1531, "a turnagaine lane which they cannot goe through."
Turnback Lane
See Turnagain Lane.
Turnbase Lane
From opposite the west gate of the Tower Royal, extending west to Cordwainer Street (the present Bow Lane) (S. 252). In the parishes of St. Mary Aldermary and St. Thomas Apostles.
Earliest mention: " Tornebaston lane," 1328 (Ct. H.W. I. 341).
Other forms : " Tornebastoneslane," 1329 (ib. 352). " Turnebastonlane," 1337 (ib. 421). " Thornbastoneslane," 1403 (Grant quoted in Watney, 281). " Turnebast lane," 1436-7 (ib. II. 481). "Turnesbaslane," 1558 and 1568 (Lond. I. p.m. II. 106).
On or near the line of the present Cannon Street.
Turnebaston Lane
See Turnbase Lane.
Turner Street
East out of Cartwright Street to Darby Street (P.C. 1732-O.S. 25 in 1880).
"Turners Street " (Horwood, 1799).
Removed for the erection of the Artizans' Dwellings in Cartwright Street, commenced 1884.
Probably named after the owner or builder.
Six sworn in 1310 not to make false measures. They dwelt in different parts of the City, two in Wood Street (Cal. L. Bk. D. p.240 and Riley's Mem. p.78).
Incorporated 2 James I. Fifty-first in order of the Companies.
Turner's Alley
East out of Cow Lane, in Farringdon Ward Without (O. and M. 1677). Site seems to be occupied by business houses, offices, etc.
Turners' Alley
North out of Little Eastcheap, between Rood Lane and Philpot Lane. In Billingsgate Ward (O. and M. 1677-Boyle, 1799).
So called after Turners' Hall (q.v.).
The site has been rebuilt and is now occupied by offices and business houses.