Extracts from the records: 1656

Pages 324-352

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 2, 1630-1662. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1881.

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5 January 1656.

Principall of the college.

Appoynts John Grahme, the dean of gild and dekin conveinar, to meit with the principall of the college anent the bibliothicar and all vther things relating to the towne and college.

Warrand, ministers stipends.

Ordeins Johne Miller to have ane warrand for the sowme of sevin hundred and four scoir of pundis debursit be him to the ministers for compleiting of the stipands the last Mertimes, conforme to the coumpt therof given in be James Barnes.

Hutchesones Hospitall.

It is concluded and aggreid that the proveist, bailleis, dean of gild, deakin conveinar, Colein Campbell, Johne Grahme and James Pollock, to meit at all occatiouns anent the maters relating to Hutchesouns Hospitall, according to the fundatioun therof.

12 January 1656.


Apoyntis the dean of gild and deikin conveinar to ryd eist to Edinburgh or Leith and thair to tak the excyse of beir, aill and acquavytie, vpone the best conditiones they can for the townes weill.

Bell, crames.

Recomendis to the dean of gild, and vthers whome he sall choyse with him, to have ane care of the chope mens placing of thair cramis and standis.

14 January 1656.


It is condischendit vnto and agreit that the aughtein hundreth merkis awand be the towne to the Lord Blantyre be sent eist with the dean of gild and dekin conveinar for the townes awin haisyard and be delyverit be them to the said Lord Blantyre; vpone ane sufficient discharge, conteining ample obleisment of warrandeice for releiving of the towne at the handis of Johne Cumyng wha hes arreistit the samyne, and of all vther arreistments quhatsumevir made thairof in the townes handis, and the said Lord Blantyre delyvering to them ane perfyt ratificatioun of his right of the tyndis made in favouris of the towne.

19 January 1656.

Calsayis dighting.

The saids magistrats and counsell, taking to thair consideratioun the foulnes and clattines of the commoune calsay, quhilk wald be eisilie mendit give evrie nychtbour and foir frunt wald tak pains to clat the calsay weiklie foiranent themselfis, therfoir it is enactit, statut and ordenit, be the saids proveist, bailleis and counsell, that evrie indwaler in foir frunt, in evrie place through the haill towne, sall dight and clat the calsayis foiranent themselfis, weiklie, betuixt the guter and the crowne of the calsay, and that weiklie, vnder the pain of fourtie schillings Scottis to be exactit of ilk contraveinar; and siclyk that na maner of persowne lay fulyie on the calsayis whill first they have horssis redie to tak away the samyne, vnder the pain of ten pundis wnforgivin; and ordeins this to be intimat through the haill towne be towck of drume.

26 January 1656.

Doctour Sowter.

Appoyntis Baillie Walkingschaw, James Pollock and James Bell, to speick with Doctour Souter anent his burgeschipe and help of the poore whai standis in neid of his calling.

28 January 1656.

Collectioun at the mylnes.

For the better releiving of the towne of the excyse, to be takin for the townes behove, and for the better payment making of the townes ces, it is concluded, inactit and ordained that ilk mask malt sall pay at the mylnes conforme to twelf schillings for ilk furlot, and the samyn to be vpliftit be the collectouris befoir ony be permittit to be takin out of the mylnes; and that the samyn be exactit of all men of all qualiteis without exceptioune or exemptioune.


It is concludit that evrie collectour at evrie mylne sall have of allowance, weiklie, fyve pund Scottis, and to be changit fra mylne to mylne weiklie.


Appoyntis Baillie Warkingschaw, James Pollock, James Barnes and Androw Conynghame, to seik out and mak choyse of four men to survay the haill towne anent quhat malt is browne thairin daylie, and to give them instructiounes thairanent as they sall think fitt, and to agrie with them quhat they sall have for thair paines; and to settill with Gawine Dunlopes men anent the ingetting of thair roles; and to send out ane mane to warne the schyre to tak its awin excyse.


It is appoyntit ane bank be sent through the towne to inhibit and discharge all maner of persounes to bring in or brew any malt but sick as is grund at the townes mylnes, vnder the pain of crying doune of thair fridomes and removing them of the towne, both inbringer and brewar.

2 February 1656.

Takeris of excys.

Compeirit James Stirling and the said Walter Neilsoune, qwha having takin the excyse of towne and schyre, according to ordouris given them, they frilie demittit the same in the townes favouris, and thairfoir the foirsaids proveist, bailleis and counsell [bound themselves to relieve them and their cautioners] of the haill tak dewtie conteinit in the tack set downe thairanent, and of all truble, dainger, coist, skaith and expenssis, they or ony of thairis sall incur thairby.

Excys, schyre.

Appoyntis the dean of gild, [and five others,] to meit on Tysday nixt in the heigh gallerie, as being the place appoyntit for the office of excyse, to sett the excyse of the schyre to thais who sall cum and tak the samyn.

Doctour Sowtar.

Appoyntis Doctour Sutour to be admittit and recavit burges of this brughe for service done and to be done be him.

Poor man in hospitall.

Appoyntis the maister of work to pay to the poore mane in the hospitall beyond the brig, weiklie, twa schilling starling.

Warrand Mwdie.

Efter report made be James Trane and James Barnes, ordeins the thesaurer to pay to James Mudie threttie fyve merkis in compleit payment to him of that quhilk he hes gottin alredie for the charging of the thrie paroschis and sumonding thais of the barrounie parosche with the sumondis of wackining.

9 February 1656.

Warrand, Colquhoun, Gorballs charter.

Ordeins William Colquhoune to pay out of the first and reddiest of the Gorball rentis the sowmes fallowing for the townes chartour of confirmatioune therof, to wit, threttie pund starling payit for the compositioune of it, twentie thrie rex dollours to the Dwikes agent, thrie till his mane, fyve to Gawin Burnet, and 35s. 4d. spent, extending in haill to four hundreth fyftie ane pundis 13s. 4d.

To repair furmes in the Kirkis.

Appoyntis the maister of work to caus repair twa of the foir furmes in the commoune laft in the Hie Kirk, and also twa of the foir furmes on the eist end of the New Kirk, to the effect they may be keepit for the vse of old and young men of qualitie and not for evrie commoune mane as they are now, and appoyntis ane of the towne officers to attend vpone them ilk Saboth day.

16 February 1656.

Warrand, Gray, minister.

Ordeins the thesaurer to pay to the relict of vmquhill Mr. Androw Gray his present half yeiris steipand, vpone ane sufficient discharge.


Ordeins ane banck to be sent through the towne to warn all maner of persounes to cum on Tysday cum aught days, being the 26 of this instant, to the tolbuith, to the heigh gallerie, thair to take the arable landis of the Gorballis; and appoyntis the proveist, bailleis, dean of gild, dekin conveinar, James Pollock and Johne Grahame, to meit and attend the setting thairof.

Prenteissis, Scottis.

The foirsaids proveist, bailleis and counsell, taking to thair consideratioune how that Sir John Scott of Scottistarvet had mortified the landis of Puckie and Puckie Mylne for puting and binding of prenteissis to craftis within this brughe, conforme to the contract past and sett downe betuixt the towne and him thairanent, and seing it will be verie trubelsume to the saids magistratis and counsell of this brugh to subscryve all indentouris to be set downe thairanent when prenteissis ar to be bund of that natour, thairfoir it is herby concluded, statute and ordained, that the deikine of that craft to whom any of thais prenteissis desyris to be bund prenteis sall indent for the prenteis in name of the towne, and to subscryve the said indentour with the maister wha sall tak the prenteis, in all thingis according as the towne is lyable be the said contract; and the foirsaid proveist, bailleis and counsell, does heirby bind and obleis them and thair successouris in office to warrand, freith and skaithles keep, all thais dikenes, thais present and in tyme cumying, wha sall subscryve the saidis indentouris according as is above writtin, and of all coist, skaith, dainger and expenssis, they can incur thairthrough at all handis quhatsumevir.

21 February 1656.


Ordainis the dean of gild and dekin conveinar to goe eist to Edinburgh, in name of the towne, to answer befoir the counsell of stait anent the paper given be Collonell Aschfeild to the towne.

25 February 1656.

Petitioun presentit to the generall.

The petitioune that hes bein presentit to the generall, in name of the towne, be James Pollock and vthers, wha was thair eist in Edinbrugh anent the souldiers not grinding thair malt at the townis mylnes, and freithing of the tolbuith of the gairdis, and that the magistrats and the towne quartermaisteris might have pover of the quarteringis as of befoir, and that the officers of the regmentis in towne doe not meddill with the affairis thairof, was this day awnit and approvin be the saids proveist, bailleis and counsell; and appoyntis Baillie Andersoune, James Bell, James Campbell and Fradrick Hammiltoune, to goe and present the lettre to Collonell Aschfeild direct be the generall to him.

Grammer scooll.

Appoyntis the maister of wark to tak downe the grammer schoole with all dilligence, and to agrie with some mane to tak the sklaitis af the samyn als saiflie as may be.

8 March 1656.

Colleg bulding, bibliothecarius.

The saidis magistratis and counsell, for maney respectis they have to the colledge and for help of advancement of the present building thairintill, it is concluded be them to paye thairto ane hundreth pund starling the best way and how sone the towne sall be in ane capacitie to pay the samyn; and farder it is concluded that the bibleothicarius sall be presentit be the towne and colledge conforme to ane writt to be drawne wpe thairanent.

To met the landis of Gorballis.

Appoyntis James Pollock, James Barnes, Androw Mudie and Patrick Park, to tak on them to caus mett and missoure the landis of Gorballis, and to choyse out mettsters for that effect.

Warrand, minister at Govan.

Ordaines Williame Colqwhoune to pay to the minister at Govane what the towne is awand him of his steipandis conforme to the commissaris feiris.

Grant to James Stirling.

The foirsaidis provest, bailleis and counsell, taking to thair consideratioun the manifauld courtaseis confered be James Stirling, chamberlane of Muckdock, vpon this citie, and vpone expectatioune of the conteinwance of his farder favour and guid will thairto heirefter, they have allreddie admittit and resavit the said James burges and gildbrother within this burghe, and hes also this day subscrivit to him ane new right and chartour of half ane aiker of land quhilk of old belongit to vmquhill Johne Stirling of Skait, lyand within the territorie of this brughe, neir Skellingsmyre; as also they doe heirby sett to him ane tack of the tyndis of the said half aiker of land, and that during the haill space and yeiris yet to rine of the last nyntein yeiris tack sett to the heritouris of the landis of Garingaidhill, Hartisfeild, and vtheris.

15 March 1656.

The townes grait chartour.

Appoyntis the dean of gild and dekin conveinar to meit and try out the townes great chartour anent the liberteis grautit to the towne thairin.


Ordaines the maister of wark to provyd timber and dailis for ane gaird hows to be builded.

22 March 1656.

Red at the Blackfriar Kirk.

Appoyntis the deane of gild and his brethrein to sight the red laid out be the Colledge about the Blackfreir Kirk, and to deall with the principall and regentis that the samyn may be removed.


Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of ten pund stirling quhilk was debursit in Edinburgh to ane freind for dooing the towne ane guid turne.

Hous and yaird in Gorball.

Recommendis to the dein of gild and James Pollock to sett the yaird in Gorballis belonging to the Lepor Hospitall thair.

29 March 1656.

To speik the colonell.

Appoyntis Bailleis Andersoune and Neilsoune to goe to the collonell and to speik him anent the building of the gaird hous.

Minister, Baronie Kirk.; Quarrell.

Appoyntis Baillie Walkingschaw, Johne Grahame, and the dekin conveinar, to speik yit with the minister of the Barrownie Kirk anent the overtour proponit for paying of him his steipand. As also to speik the principall anent the mending of the gait to the quarrell.

Hous and yaird in Gorballis.

Remittis yit to the dein of gild and James Pollock to sett the hows and gaird in Gorballis that belongis to the hospitall thair.

Townes ledderis.

Ordaines the maister of wark to caus cullour the tounes haill commoune ledders.

1 April 1656.

To speik the collonell.

Appoyntis Johne Grahme, James Bell and Thomas Allane, to mak thair redres yit to the collonell anent the gaird.


The foirsaids provest, bailleis and counsell, taking to thair consideratioun how that oft heirtofoir they have admonisched the baxters of this brughe to baik guid and sufficient breid heir, as is done els wher in weill governed ceiteis, and that they wald never amend, to the great discredit of this brughe; and seing thair ar twa honest men baxters cume from Edinbrughe and hes offerit thair service to the towne and wndertackes to baik als sufficient wheit breid as is baikin in Edinbrugh, it is thairfoir wnanimuslie condischendit wpone and agried be the saidis provest, bailleis and counsell, that that mater be brought to sume guid perfectioune, and for that effect appoyntis Baillie Walkinschaw, James Bell, the dean of gild and dekin conveinar, to settill with thoes men the best commodious way they can for the townes credit, and to report.

Officeris halbertis.

Ordaines the haill officers to provyd thair halbertis and to weir the samyn at all occasiouns and not to be sein walking on the streit without them, wnder the pain of deposing all sutche who contraveines from thair office.

5 April 1656.

Lettre from Edinbrugh.

Recommendis to Baillie Neilsoune to communicat the lettre came from Edinburghe to the ministers anent the contrabutioune cravit for supplie of thais who had thair landis brunt thair.

To speik the collonell.

Appoyntis thais yit who wer formerlie appoyntit to speik the collonell anent the freithing of the tolbuith of the gairdis and building ane gaird hous, to speik him yit thairanent.

Pollok to Edinburgh.

Appoyntis James Pollock to raid eist to Edinburgh or Leith with the excyse and the townis writis quhilkis ar to be produced thair.

Grammer scoll.

Recommendis to the maister of wark not only to try out and agrie with ane meassoune for building of ane Grammer Schoole, but also recommendis to him the maner and forme how it sall be builded.


The saids provest, bailleis and counsell, taking to thair consideratioune the great hurt and prejudice this brughe hes sustined at severall tymes heirtofoir through the occasioun of suddent fyre, and that the want of ledders to be in reddines at sutch tymes has producit sade and wofull effectis, and thairfoir they, for preveining the lyk in tyme cumyng, does heirby enact, statute and ordaine, the heritouris of everie clos of landis within this brughe to mak and have in reddines ane sufficient leddir, and to hing the samyn in ane convenient boundis within themselfis, to the effect the samyn may be in reddines at all occasiouns, and that betwixt and Witsonday nixtocum, wnder the pain of twentie pundis ilk persoune, wnforgivin, by and attour they sall be subject to doe the samyn; and for the better taking tryall that obediance be given heirto, divers honest men ar to be nominat and appoyntit in evrie quarter for taking noteice heirof.

12 April 1656.

Hie Kirk.

Appoyntis the maister of wark, with all convenient dilligence, to provyd sklaitis for the sklaiting of the foir toofall of the Hie Kirk, and that with all expeditioune.

Bryce, Gorballis.

Recommendis to the dein of gild and James Pollok to sight thais treis cravit be Patrick Bryce growing about the yaird of Gorballis.

Chopmenis standis.

Be pluralitie of voitis, it is concluded that the chopmens standis sall stand above the cros, as of befoir, till farder advysement.

19 April 1656.

Redding of the calsayis, Sircueit Court.

The foirsaids magistratis and counsall, taking to thair consideratioun that the judgis is to be heir at the Sircueit Court, and seing nessessar it is that the streits be red and maid clein of all midings and the lyk, the persounes thairfoir war made choyse of to have the cair of evrie streit for the clainging thairof, and does heirby commit to them the full power, according as the magistratis have, ather to poynd or to ward all maner of persounes qwho refussis to obey them thairintill anent thair removing of thair middings of fulyie or the lyk af the streits, or in reding or clainging the meikill gwitter at the Wast Port, to wit, for the Trongait, Patrick Park, George Broome; for the Gallowgait, James Pollock, Androw Connynghame; for the Saltmercat, Thomas Scott and James Duncane; for the Briggait and Stockwall, the dein of gild, Johne Millar, tailyour, Androw Mudie; for that boundis above the crose to the Blackfreir Kirk, Thomas Allane, Johne Haill; and from that to the Wyne Heid, and thairabout, Robert Hammiltoune and Walter Neilsoune.

Vmquhile John Wilsones land.

Recommendis to the dein of gild and dekin conveinar to speik with the relict of vmquhill Johne Wilsoune and the apprysars of his lands in Trongait anent the buying thairof for the townis wse.

Places appoyntit for crames, salt tubis and pigis.

For the better keeping of the calsay red about the cros, ordaines the piges to stand behind the kreilis hard by the kockstoole, and the salt boynes to stand about Dowhills yett and downewards, and the fruit standis rownd about the gaird hous.

Contributioun, Edinbrugh.

Seing the morne is appoyntit for collecting ane contributioun for supplie of thais wha sufferit by fyre in Edinbrughe, in October and November, 1654, appoyntis Baillie Andersoune and the dein of gild to attend the Laighe Kirk; Baillie Walkingschaw and Robert Hamiltowne, the Blackfreir Kirk; Baillie Neilsoune, the dekin conveinar, Patrick Park and Johne Hall, the twa Hie Kirkes.


Appoyntis the papers cravit be Scotistarbet to be sent eist to him for the rawing of the sex prenteissis to four. (fn. 1)

Contract anent the bibleothecar subscryvit.

The contract betwixt the towne and the colledge anent the presenting of the bibliothecar, per vices, was subscryved be the saids magistratis and counsall; and grantis ane presentatioun of that place to Mr. Robert Baillie, sone lauchfull to Mr. Robert Baillie, ane of the professouris in the said colledge, for the space of four yeiris furth and fra Martimes last, and presents him to the haill benefeit belonging thairto, conforme to the tennour of the said contract, and willis and desyris the principall and regentis of said colledge to admit and resave him thairto.

26 April 1656.

Report, bridge, gibbet burne.

Report was made by thos qwho sighted the qwarrall that they had agried with Johne Clark, meassoune, anent the biging of the brig at the Gibbit Burne, and he is to cume in the townes will thairanent, bot the towne is to fill vpe the endis of the brig.


Recomendis to the dein of gild and dekin conveinar to provyd ane seat in the Hie Kirk for James Stirling.

Wynes offerit be Power.

Hew Power made offir to the towne of thrie tunes and ane hogisyard of French wyne, ane bute of seck, and aughtein bollis of salt, for threttie fyve pund starling the twne of French wyne and 34 the seck. And appoyntis the dekin conveinar and James Campbell to taist the same and to report.

Constabillis nominat.

The persounes efternamit war nominat, electit and chosin to be constabillis within the towne and liberteis thairof, in the severall quarters thairof, as is heireftir devydit, to wit, John Weir, maltmane, and Johne Patersoune, weiver, at the Wynd Heid; at Mr. James Durumes quarter, James Mitchell, cordoner, and Gawin Wilsoune, maltmane; betwixt that to the cros, in Mr. Johne Carstairis quarter, Williame Stirling, maltmane, and Johne Fergusone, cordoner; in vmquhill Mr. Androw Grayis quarter, Williame Lang, merchand, and Johne Lindsay, litster; for the Trongait, Robert Millar, Gawin Listoun, merchandis; for the Stockwale and wyndis, Arthour Watsoune, maltmane, and David Scott, merchand.

Gutter at the Wast Port.

For the better cleinging and halding clein of the guiter outwith and about the Wast Port, ordaines Georg Broome to hyre sume men and caus cast the samyn at the wast end and sutch placis thairof as ar neidfull, to the effect the water may rune the bettir away; and to caus once to cleinge the said strane or guiter fra vmquhill Patrick Bellis hows in Trongait to the wast end thairof; and he to be payit be the towne thairfoir conforme as he sall give in ane compt.

10 May 1656.

Well at the vennell.

Appoyntis Johne Hall and Charles Gray to have ane kair and to goe about, by all meins, to advance the wark of the wale at the vennall, with all convenient dilligence, and to hyre men for that effect, and to deburs for thair wadgis and to rasave sume money from the thesaurer for that end, vpone thair note of recept, and to give in thair coumpts ilk weik.

Warrand, well, Camlachie.

Ordaines the thesaurer to deburse twentie pundis to help to build ane walle at the mouth of Camlachie, for the eis of the nychtbouris in Saltmercat.

Recommendatioune anent buldingis.

The counsall recommendis to the dein of gild and his brethrein to sie the townes act put to dew executioune, sett downe laitlie efter the fyre, and that they do not suffer any nyctbour to build farder out nor ane vther vpone no grund or pretext quhatsumevir, ather of old winskewis or ony vther thing of that kynd yit standing.

Dischairge Scottistarbit.

Ordains the bailleis to subscryve ane discharge to Scotistarbet for thrie scoir pundis quhilk is to be debursit for the prenteis put to Robert Findlay.

17 May 1656.


Appoynts James Bell yit to writt to Edinbrugh anent the baxters qwha war to cume heir, and the clark also to writt to them in the townes name according as the provest and bailleis sall give directioune.

Pollok to Lanark.

Appoyntis James Pollok to ryde to Lanark to attend the meiting thair, in name of the towne, conforme to the desyre of the towne of Lanarkis lettere.


The haill candilmakers being present, the counsallis act of the dait the 28 of October, 1654, set downe anent the building of candill houssis, was red in presens of them all, and new intimatioun thairof made to them and certificatioun also maid to them, in presens of the haill magistratis and counsall, that give they failyeit to obtempore the same with all dilligence, the said act sould be put against them to executioune with all reigour:

Anent the bying of ane Rige fra Craige.

Recommendis to the dein of gild and dekin conveinar to speik to Johne Craig, in Newtoune, anent the geting in ane rig of his land for the making of ane way to the new mylne.

Johnesone, burne.

Ordaines Johne Johnstoune to clos vpe his office hous on the burne, output be him in his landis at the Gallowgate Brig, as also ordains all vtheris hous of officis on the said burne to be closed vpe; and according to the desyre of the said Johne Johnestounes bill ordains the magistrats to send for the haill tanners qwha hes thair bark holis on the burne or neir the burne, and caus them inact themselfis that they sall nather steip thair hydis in the burne nor wasche thair shair thairintill nor cast no vther thing in the burne that may be prejudiciall thairto or hurtfull to the people that makes vse thairof.

Chartour subscrivit, Paull.

Thair was ane few chartour subscrivit in favouris of Claud Paull of ane hous and yard in Gorballis belonging to the Lepor Hospitall thair, for payment of twelf punds be yeir.

24 May 1656.

Anent the bying of ane rig at the new mylne.

Appoynts the provest, dekin conveinar and James Pollok, to speik with Colein Campbell and Johne Craig, or ony of them that can be best agried with, for buying in of ane rig of land to be ane passage to the new mylne.

M'Calla, base speachis.

The saids magistrats and counsall, taking to thair consideratioune the base speachis vtered be Johne M'Calla, tailyour, against the constabillis, they ordaine his burges tickat to be brought in and ryvin and his freedome to be cryd doune, and himself to remain in ward whill that be done.

Butter to be weyit.

The foirsaids magistrats and counsall, taking to thair consideratioune the great fraud and desait vsit be thais quha bringis in the pundis of butter to the towne to be sold, in abstracking ane great quantitie of the just weight, viz., sum twa, thrie, or four wnces af evrie pund weight, ordains thairfoir the maister of wark to provyd ane back with brodis, to the effect the samyn may be hung with ane cleik on the pillarie, and to provyd ane pund and ane half pund weightis, to the effect that the said butter may be weighted and tryd at all occatiounes, and quhat is light to be confiscat for the wse of the poore.

Townes denner.

Appoyntis the tounes dennar on the first Tysday of Junij nixt to be made reddie in Thomas Glenis hous, and the dein of gild to have ane cair thairof and of thais quha sould be invited thairto.

31 May 1656.

Minister, Baronie Kirk.

Appoyntis Baillie Walkingschaw, Johne Grahme and Walter Neilsoune, to meit and end with the minister of the Barrownie Kirk.

3 June 1656.

Common good set.

[Common good set for a year as follows:—Mills, 11,550 merks; ladles, 4,050 merks; meal market and pecks, 800 merks; tron, 650 merks; bridge, 1,400 merks; grass of Little St. Mungos kirkyard, a dollar, "given to the officers."]

5 June 1656.

Anent Mr. Robert M'Quard.

The foirsaids provest, bailleis and counsell, being conveinit, declaris themselfis to be wnanimuslie content with Mr. Robert M'Quard to be ane helper to Mr. Patrick Gillespie in the ministrie in the eist quarter within this brughe.

No daillis to be stackit on the calsay.

It is inactit, statute and ordained that no maner of persoune stack any daillis on the calsay but sutche as ar to build thairwith presentlie, and that all sutche as are alredie stackit thairone be removet be the auners thairof, with all dilligence.

7 June 1656.

Warrand, Barronie minister.

Appoyntis the thesaurer to pay to the minister of the Barronie Kirk four or fyve hundreth punds to ane coumpt, be sight of Johne Grahme, and thir presentis, with the said minister his discharge, to be his warrand.

Scott, rash speachis.

It is condischendit vpone and agried that Thomas Scot, for his last speachis in counsell, vterit vnadvysidlie against Baillie Walkingschaw, sall be chargit to goe to ward, and thair remane quhill he be sencibill of his fault and misdemaner, bot the said Thomas being removit in tyme of the said condischendencie and called in again confessit reallie his great fault and raschnes ingenouslie and so was pretermittit.

Calsay, lone new mylne.

Ordaines the lone to the new mylne of Partick to be calsayit with dilligence.


Appoyntis Baillie Walkingschaw, Johne Grahme, and James Pollok, to goe and speik to the collonell anent the illegall quarterings in toune and anent the Grein.

14 June 1656.

Grammer scooll.

Appoyntis the dein of gild and dekin conveinar, or ony ane of them, with the maister of wark, to choyse ane meassoune for building of the Grammer Schoole.

21 June 1656.

Baxteris, mylne dame.

In respect that the dekin of the baxters, and vtheris of that calling, hes, in contempt of the toune, heighted thair dame to the tounes prejudice, being discharged publictlie to doe the same, thairfor the said dekin and all that was with him at the building thairof ar vnlawit, ilk ane of them, in fyftie pundis, and for preveining of farder trubbill thairanent, appoyntis the dein of gild, the dekin conveinar, with Johne Hall, to goe out this efternoone and tack sume workmen with them and ding doune againe so muche of the said dame as is newlie highted.

Well at the vennell.

For divers guid reasouns and respectis, it is concluded that the water in the walle at the vennall sall be drawin and wroght conforme to the wark as the wale in the Trongait is, and better and more commodious, give it can be had, but efter the same maner; and appoyntis the dein of gild and dekine conveinar and Johne Hall to advyse with craftismen thairintill and settill with them thairanent.

9 July 1656.

Warrand, minister.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the soume of fourtie fyve punds 18s. for the dennar that was made in Thomas Campbells hous that day that Mr. Robert M'Quaird was admittit minister.

12 July 1656.

Baxteris dame.

The provest, Baillie Neilsoune, the dein of gild, dekin conveinar, maister of wark, being formerlie appoyntit be the counsall to sight the baxteris mylne dame, and they having mett thairat with Thomas Scott, John Scott, thair dekin for the tyme, John Buchanan, James Robisoune, and they having callit sume of the eldest men thairabout took now the height of the said dame, and efter thair report the saids provest, baillie, dein of gild, deacon conveinar, maister of wark, in name of the toune, and the saids baxters, in name of the calling and heretouris of the mylne, did amicablie condischend and aggrie that the height of the said dame in all tyme cumyng sall be of the height according to ane missour layed in the clarkis chalmer, quhairof the double is given to the baxteris, and is about twentie four inschis, extending to (blank) and the foirsaid height was misourit.


It is condischended and agried that Mr. James Durhame be payit for the victwall dew to him for his steipand, according as the rest of the ministeris ar, quhilk is twa pairt meill and thrid pairt beir.

9 August 1656.

Grammer scoole.

Be pluralitie of voitis, it is concluded that sume littill thing be raisit on the wastmost gavill of the Grammer Schoole, now in building, for the hinging of ane bell thairin quhen the toune sall think it convenient.


Appoyntis the mane quha sall be electit commissionar to the parliament for the wasterne burrowis to be spokin to anent the tounes particular relaiting to the tyndis of Cambusnethane.

Trie cutt.

Appoyntis ane trie in the kirk yaird to be cutt doune, at the deceist James Bellis burriall place.


In ansuer to the desyre given in be the chirurgiouns, craving ane lettre of dekinheid or seall of caus, it is condischendit that they sall have it, bot appoyntis Baillie Walkingschaw, the deane of gild and dekin conveinar, to meit and consider on the artakles they crave to be containit thairintill, and to mak report thairanent this day aught dayis.

Chartour, Miller.

Thair was subscryvit in favours of Johne Millar, tailyour, ane chartour of ane aiker of land in Garnegade, conforme to auld vse and wont in the lyk, quha hes payit to the thesaurer thairfoir ten merkis.

16 August 1656.

Hie Kirk.

Appoyntis Waltir Neilsoune, dekin conveinar, to caus sklait the south toofall of the Hie Kirk, with all dilligence, and to provyd all materiallis neidfull for that effect, and James being present is desyred to be assisting to him, quha promeist to doe the samyn, and the toune is to considder him for his painis.

Laigh Kirk.

Be pluralitie of voitis, it is thoght convenient that the rowinous brunt hous at the Laigh Kirk in Trongait, quhilk belongit to vmquhill Johne Wilsoune, be boght in and applyit for inlairging of the said kirk with the best conveniencie, and the deane of gild and dekin conveinar, quha was vpone that mater befoir, to effectwat the samyn; and ordanis ane loft to be builded in the said Laigh Kirk quhen and quhair the toune thinkis it most convenient.

Electioune, commissioner.

Appoyntis the electioune of the commissionar to be in the height gallarie.

Warrand, Barnis, portratour.

Ordainis James Barnis to pay to James Colquhoune the soume of thrie hundreth merkis, in compleit payment to him for the making and vpputing of the portratour of vmquhill Mr. Thomas Hutchesoune.

Lettre of dekinheid to chirurgianis and barbouris.

The supplicatioune given in be Johne Hall, present dekin of chirurgianis and barbouris within this brughe, for himself and in thair namis, was grantit, and the lettre of dekinheid wnderwrittin was ordainit to be drawin vpe accordinglie to them, of the quhilk the tenour fallowis:—To all and sundrie quhome it effeiris, to quhois knowledge thir present lettres sall cum, we, Johne Andersoune, provest, Johne Andersoune, Johne Walkingschaw and Williame Neilsoune, bailleis, of the brughe of Glasgow, senatouris and counselleris of the samyn, greiting in God everlasting. Wit your vniversiteis and all vtheris quhome it may concerne, that ther compeirit befoir ws, sittand in our counsell hous, Johne Hall, present headis man or dekine of the chirurgianis and barbouris within the samyn, for himself and in name and behalf of the saids chirurgianis and barbouris, and did oft divers and sundrie tymis present to ws and our counsell, gatherit togither, thair bill and supplicatioune vnderwrittin, off the quhilk the tenour fallowis:—Wnto the right honourabill the provest, bailleis and counsall of Glasgow, the humbill petitioune of your servandis and comburgessis, the chirurgianis and barbouris, residenteris within the said citie, and humblie scheweth that quhair thes fyftie seaven yeiris past, since the patent grantit to ws of the dait the penult day of November, jm vc [ninety (fn. 2) ] nine yeiris, by the deceist King James, to your awin and your predicessoris knowledge, we have bein in vse yeirlie to elect ane deacon as visitour and oversiear of the rest of the members of our calling, as vthers calling have bein in vse be vertew of any patent letter of dekinheid or seall of caus conferit vpone them heirtofoir by any authoritie, and that it is incumbent to ws to have ane lettre of dekinrie of your honowris, as vtheris of this incorporatioune have grantit to them by your predicessoris, for ane joynt and hermoneus correspondence of brotherhood as brother citizens willing to simpatheise with the rest of the bodie of the citie, wherintill we sall be concernit to the extent of our power, with the lyk priviledgis and liberteis as that your authoritie may be interponit thairto, and we authorized thairby to vse such power, observe such courssis and custumes as vther callings have grantit to them by thair lettre of deaconheid or seale of caus, that we convein at the ordinarie tyme as vther callings doe, yeirlie befoir Michaellmes, in our ordinarie place of meiting, in all tyme cumying, and thair be pluralitie of voitis, as wse is, elect and mack choyse of ane of our number to be visitour or deacon for ane yeir thairefter to cum, quho sall be ane of the most fite and qualified and worthiest of the said calling, ane chirurgiane and burges of the brughe, and he being sworne de fideli administratione may appoynt meitings for conveining the calling, caus quartermaisters be electit, the one half of his awin mominatioune and the vther half by the calling itself, quho sall be authoreized to imped any persoune quhatsumevir, by concurse of your honouris, to presume to exerceis any poynt of the arte of chirurgianrie or barbourie, or sett out any signis for ather of them, till he be tryed and admittit be the said calling in maner of tryall as schall be prescryvit, being first admittit burges of the toune. Nixt, that ane burges sone serveing his prenteischipe fyve yeiris as ane prenteis and twa yeiris for meit and fie, pay [fortie] (fn. 3) merkis Scottis at his admissioune for his vpsett, and anie strainger entering with the said calling, first being burges, to pay for his admissioun four scoir merkis for the vse of the poore of the calling. Thridlie, that no free mane vsurpe the haveing of any mae prenteissis nor one during the saids seavin yeiris without expres warrand from the visitour and quarter maisteris. Fourtlie, that the said calling may fayne any vsurper that exerceissis the saids artis, without thair admissioune, tollerance and licentiatioune, in the soume of ten punds Scottis toties quoties, appropriating the one half to the bailleis of the citie and the vther half to the box of the calling. Fyftlie, that the visitour for the tyme appoynt dyets of four heid courtis or meitings of the calling, and oftner pro re nata, and caus poynd the absentis in half ane merk each tyme for the vse of the poore. Sextlie, that no friemane mak vse of ane vnfrie mane wnder his tollerance, wnder the paine of ane new vpsett; nather tack ane vther freamanis prenteis without his former masters leave askit and grantit, vnder the lyke pain. Seavintlie, that no freamane presume to tack ane vther freamanis cuir af his hand wntill he be honestlie satisfied and payit for his bygaine painis, and that at the sight of the bailleis with advyce of the visitour incaice the patient find himself grived by the chirurgiane, vnder the paine of ane new vpsett, excepting alwayis libertie to the visitour and quarter masters to tack patientis from ane friemane not fund qualified for the cuiring of them and to put them to ane more qualified persoune as sall be thoght expedient efter exact tryall. Eightlie, that if any member of the calling, of quhatsumevir qualitie, contempner of the visitour and his quartermasters in any of the poyntis afoirsaid, or of thair officer in executioune of thair office, quho is to be the last entrant frea men of the calling and is to remaine till ane vther enter, pay ane new vpsett according to that he payit at his entrie to be qualified be the recordis of the calling. Nyntlie, that no brother within the said calling presume to meddill with any mae poyntis of chirurgianrie nor thais they ar fund qualified of at thair admissioune and conforme as they ar booked, vnder the paine of the soumes abovewrittin respective as ane new vpsett. And, lastlie, that the said visitour or deakin may judge betwixt maister and prenteis, at the bailleis sight, in caice any differ of importance aryse, and betwixt brother and brother of the calling in particularis allenerlie relaiting thairto, and give ordour to poynd absentis from courtis and buriallis, being warned for that effect, and for not payment of quarter coumptis. May it therfore pleas your honowris, the premissis being considderit, to grant ane lettre of deaconrie or seall of caus to the said calling, wnder the seall of the brughe, and that in regaird of our being so long a standing pairt of the craftis of this citie and contributers yeirlie in a constant proportioune for the supplie of the poore of thair hospitall, to caus extend the same, conforme to the laudabill custume observit, to ws and our successoris, chirurgianis and barbouris, burgessis of this citie, and to grant to ws the priviledges and liberties afoirsaid grantit to vtheris callings, as is above expresit in all poyntis, for removeing of the disordouris that may aryse. And your lordschipes ansuer [etc.] Quhilkis articles and statutis above writtin, being oft tymis red, hard, wnderstand and maturlie advysit be ws, the saids provest, bailleis and counsell of this brughe of Glasgow, and we finding the samyn to tend to the weill of the people als weill within as without the brughe, and to the benefeit of the said airte and craft of chirurgianis and barbouris, wee thairfore, be thir presents, grant, ratifie, approve and confirme the samyn, for ws and our successours, in the haill headis, articles and claussis contained in the said supplicatioune above writtin, to the said Johne Hall, present deacon of the said chirurgianis and barbouris, and thair present brethrein of that arte and craft, and to thair successouris, chirurgianis and barbouris, burgessis of this brughe, in perpetwall memorie in all tyme cumyng, promiseand faithfullie to fortifie and defend them thairanent be ws and our successouris and office bearers for the tyme; and thir premissis to all and sundrie quhome it effeiris we mak manifest and knowin. In witnes of the quhilk, and for the mair verificatioune of the samyn, we have subscryvit thir presentis, togither with our clark depute of court, our commoune seall is heirto appendit, at Glasgow, the [sexteenth] day of August ane thousand sex hundreth fyftie sex yeiris.

23 August 1656.

Merchandize in Gorballis inheibite.

It is vnanimuslie declarit and dischargit that none in the Gorballis be permittit to sell any merchand wares thair, and especiallie (blank) Love quha hes begune of lait to sell salt and irone, and ordaines hir to be dischargit presentlie.


Appoyntis the provest and bailleis to give instruction to the commissar, or he goe away, in maters relaiting to the toune, and anent the tyndis of Cambusnethane.

Ingyne, warrand.

Ordaines Baillie Walkingschaw and the dekin conveinar to meit with James Colquhoune, and to grie with him anent the macking of the ingyne for casting of watter on land that is in fyre, as they have in Edinbrugh; and appoyntis thair moneyis colectit for the bucketis to be imployed for payment thairof; and appoyntis the thesaurer to pay to James Colquhoune twentie thrie pundis fourtein schillings for his chargis the last tyme he went to Edinbrugh to sie the said ingyne.


It is vnanimuslie concluded that the haill money gottin or to be gottin be the provest and bailleis as justicis of peace within the toune, sall be all imployit in puting of burgessis sones to craftis, and to bestow one them as the magistratis quha is justices of peace thinks fitt.

Barrownie minister.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to the minister of the Barrounie parosch, efter Johne Grahme hes coumptit with him, quhat sall be fund restand awand to him of his aught chaldir of victwall that sould have bein payit to him for the crope 1655, and he to subscryve ane sufficient discharge thairvpone beiring the recept of aught chaldir victwall for that caus.

Kirks, psalmes.

[Appointed the treasurer to pay to Mr. John Andersoune £60 for his last "yeiris fiall in tacking the psalmes vpe in the Laigh Kirk and twa yeiris befoir that in the Blackfreiris Kirk."

Gray, minister.

[Appointed the treasurer to pay to the executors of "umquhill Mr. Androw Gray £580 that was awand to him of his steipand, and that conforme to the decreit obtenit against the towne."]

13 September 1656.


Recommendis to the deane of gild and dekin conveiner to sight the clothis appoyntit for the communioune tabillis.

Rentall book, warrand.

Thair was publictlie red be Williame Yair ane rentall book drawin vpe be him, containing thairin the tackis of the landis of Eister and Waster Commouns sett be the toune, the coill heughe, the manufactorie, the smiddie in Briggait, the hospitall in Gorballis and rentall thairof, the natoure of the tounis right of the tyndis of the speiritwalitie of the archbischoprick of Glasgow, containing ane particular rentall of the tynd tack dewteis of the landis of Garingade, Hartisfeild, Skillingsmyre, Gallowmuiris, Borrowfeild, and quhat is not sett and sett thairof, with the rentall of the tyndis of Flymingtoune, with the tynd of the persoune land and few dewteis thairof, with thais landis in the Barrownie parosch allocat to the ministers, with the rentall of the tyndis of Drymen, quhairof the maist pairt ar sett in tackis, and how long, and the numer of the landis not sett in tackis, with the present conditioune of the tyndis of the parosch of Drysdaill, as also ane doubill of the haill tackis sett be the lord Blantyre and his predicessouris of a pairt of the tyndis of the personadge of Glasgow befoir he made bargane with the toune, as also the number, natoure and qualitie of the haill bursareis of theologie and philosofie in the colledge at the tounis gift and presentatioune. Quhilk was all weill allowed and approvin; and ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the soume of ane hundreth punds debursit be him to the said Williame Yair for his painis and for four pundis debursit to his mane for writting thairof.

20 September 1656.


The deane of gild and dekin conveinar made report of the insufficiencie of the clothis appoyntit for the comunioune tabillis in the Wtter Hie Kirk, and ordaines the maister of wark to provyd new onis thairfoir.

27 September 1656.

To speik the principall.

Appoyntis yit Baillie Andersoune, with Mr. Johne Sprewle, to speik the principall of the college anent the subdeanrie.

Laidillis dischargit in Gorballis.

Efter guid consideratioune had be the said provest, bailleis and counsell, for guid caussis knowin to them, they heirby inhibite and discharge all laidillis of victwall, or any vther thing wnder that kynd or notioune, to be gatherit or tackin vpe within the landis of Gorballis be no maner of persoune quhatsumevir or be any persoune or persounes dwelling thair or ellisquhair.

Love, merchandize in Gorballs.

Efter mature advyce and deliberatioune hade be the foirsaids provest, bailleis and counsall, of the informatioune given to them anent the wrong done be (blank) Love, relict of the deceist Mathow Line, and vtheris dwelling within the landis of Gorballis, for selling and toping of salt thair, and vther merchand commoditeis, quhilk nowayis oght to be done, tending greatlie to the hurt and prejudice of this brughe and libertie thairof; and considdering that the said (blank) Love was dischargit of befoir to doe the samyn and ane tyme grantit to hir for selling of that quhilk schoe had then amongst hir handis, and being informed that schoe yit conteinowes thairin thoghe the tyme appointit be of ane long tyme bygaine, thairfore it is heirby enactit, statute and ordanit that no maner of persoune dwelling within the saids landis of Gorballis sall be sufferit or permittit heireftir to sell any salt, small or great, iron or no commoditeis of the lyk kynd heirefter; and give any persoune thair contraveinis or does in the contrarie ordaines the baillies of the Gorballis to tack the samyn fra them; and in the mein tyme appoyntis James Pollok, ane of the present bailleis of Gorballis, to tack fra the said (blank) Love the haill salt schoe hes, ather great or small, and nether suffer hir to tope or sell any salt farder thairintill.

Subdeans mylne and meilmercat.

Report being made be the provest and bailleis anent the insufficiencie of the meill mylne at the Drygait foot, ordaines the samyn to be repairit with all dilligence; and farder give thair can be anie eisie remidie be fund out for the keeping and holding the seckis dry in the meill mercat for this enschewing winter, it not being tyme to repair now the said mercat as it ought to be, and that with all dilligence.


Ordaines ane proclamatioune to be sent thrugh the toune, be touck of drume, discharging all maner of vaigabounes or idle persounes, vnder the paine of benischment of them of this brugh in all tyme thairefter.

30 September 1656.

Electioune of the magistrats.

[From a leet of three persons chosen to be presented to the Duke of Lennox, or his commissioner, "Sir George Maxuell of Nather Pollok, knight, cled with ane commissioune grantit to him be the Dutches of Lennox, quha is tutrix to the young duik, hir sone," nominated John Andersone to be continued provost for the year to come.

[Thomas Allane and Androw Cunynghame, merchants, and John Hall, craftsman, elected bailies.]

3 October 1656.


[Thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen elected councillors.]

4 October 1656.

Elements, communioune.

Recommendis to the Bailleis Allane and Hall, and the maister of wark, to provyd the wyne, breid and tickettis, against the tyme of the communioune.

8 October 1656.

Election of office-bearers.

[John Bell, dean of guild; Walter Neilsoune, deacon-convener; John Listoune, treasurer; Alexander M'Kinnie, water bailie; Patrick Bryce, visitor of maltmen and mealmen; Adame Ritchie, master of work.]

11 October 1656.

Warrand, comunioune, ticketis.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the soume of aught scoir pundis debursit be him for ane hogsheid of wyne to the comunioune, and for the soume of threttie punds twelf schillings debursit be him for ticketis, and xxx s. for ane stampe to stampe them with.


Grantis licence to (blank) to mack candill for serving of the brughe for ane yeir to cume, at the requeist and desyre of Mr. Johne Carstairis, he keeping the actis sett doune anent the building of candill houssis from dwelling houssis.

18 October 1656.

Heriot reponit.

Johne Heriot is appoyntit to be reponit againe to his place as colectour at the mylnis, becaus he was deposit vpone sum sinistrious informatioun.

Grahames place vaickand.

Johne Grahmis place as ane of the ordinar counsellouris of this brugh is declarit vackand, becaus he compeirit not, being twyse laufullie warnit for that effect, conforme to the act sett downe thairanent.

20 October 1656.

Tallow, candill, breid and aill.

[Ordained that prices be not higher than the following:—Tallow, 46s. 8d. the stone; candle, 4 merks the stone; "and the weill baickin quheit breid to be sold be the tabill, the wheit being now betwixt 7 and 8 punds the boll. And conteinous yit the pryce of the aill in respect the marcats ar not settillit thrugh want of watter to the mylnis."]

Campbell to Edinbrugh.

James Campbell is appoyntit to ryd eist anent the aithis cravit fra the merchands at the entrie of ther schipes.

25 October 1656.

Grammer schole steiple.

Recommendis to the deane of gild and David Scott, lait maister of wark, the cair of the compleiting of the Grammer Schole steiple.

1 November 1656.

Andersoune, the printer.

Ordainis ane lettre to be writt and direct to [Androw] Andersoune, printar in Edinbrughe, to signifie to him, in the tounis name, that give he be willing to cume and mack his residence within this brughe and exerceis his calling thairintill that the toune will be willing to pay him yeirlie, during his lyftyme or abode, the soume of ane hundreth merkis Scottis money, that they wont of old to pay to his deceist father.

Kirk yaird dyk, Laigh Kirk.

Appoyntis the bailleis to caus speik to thes quha hes not built vpe ther pairtis of the church yaird dyk, for performing thairof; as also to speik to Mathow Hammiltoune anent the building of ane dyk at his middingsted adjacent to the entrie of the Laigh Kirk.

Fleschours and candilmackers.

It is concluded vpone, in counsell, that the haill fleschours and candilmackers be put in ward quhill they act themselfis to sell thair haill tallow and candill according to the tounis statutis.

Non to build whill first they acquent thair nightbouris thairwith.

The saids provest, bailleis and counsall of the said brugh, being in counsell conveinit in thair consell hous, and haveing tackin to thair consideratioune the complaint and regrait made be Johne Bell, deane of gild, for himself and in name of his brethrein, anent the great wrang and abuse done and committit be divers persounis, and eivin almost be all persounis within this brughe quha buildis land, becaus they doe not first acquent thair nightbouris and heritouris of the landis nixt adjacent to thes landis builded, quhairthrughe sundrie buildis that quhich the deane of gild and his brethrein ar forcit to caus them tack doune againe that quhich they have builded, to the great trubill and vexatioune of the deane of gild and his brethrein, the domage of the builders and hurt and detriment of the heritouris of the landis nixt adjacent; and thairfore the saids provest, bailleis and counsell, doe heirby inact, statute and ordaine, that na maner of persoune presume nor tack vpone hand to build any landis within this brughe or territorie thairof quhill first they doe acquent the heritouris of the nixt adjacent landis on all pairtis and informe them of thair designe and quhat they are of intentioune to build and how far out, that no man be prejudged, and that vnder the paine of twentie pundis money to be exactit af ilk persoune contraveinar be the deane of gild and his brethrein for the tyme, to be dispossit vpone be advyce of the magistratis and counsall; and that, by and attour, the persoune contraveinar sall be subject to tack doune quhat is builded be them contrarie to this act if it sall be fund be the deane of gild and his brethrein for the tyme; and, to the effect that no persoune may pretend ignorance heirof, ordainis this present act to be intimat thrugh the toune be touck of drume.

8 November 1656.

Hammiltounis dyk, Laigh Kirk.

It is concludit that, in respect of the filthiness of the entrie to the Laigh Kirk be the magistratis to thair ordinarie sait, in respect of Mathow Hammiltounis middingsted, quhilk hes bein long requyrit to be reformit, that ane dyk or syd wall be buildit betwixt the said entrie and the midingsted, and that the toune beir equall chargis with the said Mathow thairin for the better eschowing of the scandell and offence may be tackin thairby heirefter.

Monethlie contrabutioune for the poore to be revisit.

It was concludit be the saidis magistratis and counsall that the old stent roll sett doune anent the poores monethlie contrabutioune be now alterit and changeit, in respect of the great outcry made anent the inequalitie thairof, and that many and divers may be now eikit thairto that war not of befoir thairin, the saids magistratis and counsall hes thairfore nominat and electit thes persounis to be warnit to convein for regulating thairof, and Baillie Hall to be preces in the said meiting, to wit, [here follow names]. And it is statute and ordainit that thes stent maisters above namit sall, efter they have concludit, be stentit be the saids magistrats and counsall, and the said Baillie Hall to convein them for that effect quhenever he thynkis meit.

15 November 1656.


Appoyntis the deane of gild and dekin conveinar to meit with Lockirbie anent the tyndis of Drysdaill.

Gorball baillie.

It is concludit to conteinow James Andersoune as ane of the bailleis of the Gorballis for ane yeir to cume.

Ministers stipends.

Ordainis the thesaurer to pay to the ministers ther stipends and hous maillis for the terme of Martimes lastbypast.

22 November 1656.

Stooles and chyris out of kirks.

The saids provest, bailleis and counsall, tacking to ther consideratioune the great abuse laitlie begune and creipt in be the setting of so many chyris, stoolis, and vther fixit saitis in all the churchis within this brughe, be all maner of persounes promiscuislie, without any warrand, it is therfore concludit and ordained that the deane of gild and dekin conveinar caus remove againe the samyn with all dilligence, and that none be sufferit to be sett or put thairin heirefter bot be speciall warrand of the magistratis and counsall.

29 November 1656.

Warrand, Hutchesounis Hospitall.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Robert Findlay, cordoner, to help to buy bed clothis to him and vthers necessars, he being to enter into Hutchesounis Hospitall, the soume of ten pundis.

Young, tabill cloth.

For ane grein tabill cloth boght be the toune from Johne Young, merchand, it is appoyntit he gett ane tack subscryvit of the tynd of his aiker of land in Gallowmuir during the yeiris yit to rine of the rest of the tackis sett alredie of the tyndis of the saids landis, and he is dischargeit of all bygain tynd tack dewtie thairof, and is to pay ten schillings yeirlie during the space of (blank) yeiris yit to cum, conforme as the heritouris of the lyk landis payis.

Scott, wellis.

The saids magistratis and counsall, tacking to ther consideratioune the great trubill the maister of wark is daylie put to through occatioune of the twa new wallis newlie buildit in Trongait and at the vennall, and the great chargis the toun is daylie drawin to be halding of the samyn right, they have thairfore accordit and agreid with Johne Scott, mylne wright, to rewle and governe the saids twa wallis for ane yeir to cum, and to pay him fyftie merkis for his painis, he acting himself to vphald the said wark during the said space in cogis and rungis and to pay twa merkis for ilk day ony of the saids wallis lyis iydle thrughe his default, the toune vphalding all ganging greth quhen ather it weirs or breckis.

Hie Kirk seatts.

Appoyntis the deikin conveinar to caus repaire sume furmis in the loftis in the Hie Kirk, that honest men and vthers young men in the toune may sitt thairin as becumeth, and the saids seattis being made to be attendit be sume of the officeris for that effect, and to mack report thairanent.

6 December 1656.

Grammer Schoole.

[Ordained the treasurer to have a warrant for £36 disbursed to "Johne Clark, maissoune, for his wedgis in threttie sex dayes working at the Grammer Schoole, and for twelf punds for vther bywork wroght also be him thairat, sutche as macking of mooles and the lyke."]

13 December 1656.

Fulyie not to be sold to straingers.

It is statute and ordainit that no maner of persoun presume nor tack vpone hand to sell any fulyie heirefter bot sutche as labouris land belonging to the toune and Gorballs, wnder sutch vnlayis and penalteis as it sall pleas the magistratis to inflict vpone them, quhill the first day of Julii, yeirlie; and this to stand during the counsells will allenerlie, and the samyn to be intimate be tuck of drume.

Warrand, herrings, acquavytie.

[Ordained the treasurer to have a warrant for £72 "for herrings boght and sent eist to the townis advocatis and vtheris thair pentioneris and for nyne punds twa schillings debursit for acquavytie sent to ane freind."

Warrand, minister.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to the executouris of the deceist Mr. Androw Gray, minister, ane hundreth and fyftie pundis Scottis in compleit payment of his stipend for the terme of Martimes last and all termis preceiding, vpone ane sufficient discharge.

Aill and beir.

[Ordained that ale be sold not dearer than 2s. the pint, and beer 2s. 4d. the pint.]

20 December 1656.

Partick bridge.

Baillie Hall, maister of wark, and John Clark, maissoune, ar appoyntit to veiseit Partick bridge and to provyd staines for repairing thairof tymouslie.


Ther being producit at the counsell tabill certan breid baickine be the baxteris of this brughe quhilk was fund altogether wnsufficient, and the saids magistratis and counsell being heighlie ofendit that efter so many admonitiounis given to the toune baxteris, and ther breid being fund baith wnsufficient in baiking and in stufe, they doe ordein the haill breid that was producit to be given to the poore, and evrie persoune fra quhome the samyn was tackin to pay ane wnlaw of fyve pundis; and doe heirby inact, statute and ordaine that quhatsumever baxter sall be fund with wnsufficient breid, ather in stufe or baiking, sall pay ane wnlaw of ten pundis to be given equallie to the merchands and craftis hospitalls, how oft and swa oft as they sall contravein heirefter, by and besyd the confiscatioune of the breid.

27 December 1656.

Barrounrie, teithis.

Appoyntis Baillie Allane to yit meit and convein thes quha war appoyntit to satle the Barrounrie tyndis, and to sett doune the proportioune of thes quha hes submittit, and to give in the names of thes quha hes to gried, to the effect they may be summoned.


Appoyntis ane lettre to be sent to the laird of Auchunbreck anent the moneyis awand be Argyle.


  • 1. Sir John Scott, of Scotstarvit, Knight, the founder of the Mortification here referred to, was one of the Senators of the College of Justice, had also been a Councillor to King James and King Charles I., and was the author of the work entitled "The Staggering State of Scots Statesmen for One Hundred Years, viz., from 1550 to 1650." The contract now proposed to be altered had been entered into between Sir John and the provost, bailies, and council, on 11th and 13th June, 1653. It narrates that he had purchased from Sir James Lermont, of Balcomie, Knight, "the landis of Puckie and Puckie Milne, with houses, bigginges, and pertinents thairof, lyand within the parochin of Sanct Leonerdis, and sherefdome of Fyf," that he had mortified the lands and mill to the college of St. Leonards, in St. Andrews, for the use of a Regent of Humanity within that college, but the mortification had since been declared void and null by decreet of the Lords of Council and Session "in regarde of the said colledge, thair failyie." It then proceeds thus:—"And the said Sir Johne, being alwayis maist willing that the saidis landis of Puckie and Puckie milne, and thair pertinentis, be of new mortifiet and imployit for ane publict and pious vse, and nawayes appropriat to his awin proper use, or his aires; thairfore, and out of the love and favour he hes and beires to the brughe of Glasgow, being the pryme city in the west of this natioun, out of the whiche cowntrey the said Sir Johne hes descendit and extractit, and in consideratioun of the present calamity and conflagratioun of the said brughe"—he disponed and mortified to the—"proveist, bailyies, and counsell of Glasgow, for themselfis, and in name and behalf of the community thereof, and their successoris for ever, to the vse and behove of the prenteises underwritten, and upon the conditiones and provisiounes efter specifiet, contenit in this present contract and mortificatioun, all and haill the saidis landis of Puckie and Puckie milne, with houses, biggingis, and pertinentis thairof, lyand within the said paroschin of St. Leonardis and sherefdome foresaid of Fyf, quhilkes ar now worth and payes yeirly thrie scoire bollis victuall, . . . to the use and behove of sex presenteis boyis, wherof fyve of them to be presented be the said Sir Johne Scott, and failyeing of him be deceis, be James Scott, his oy, sone to the deceast Sir James Scott, fiar of Scottistarvet," whom failing, by certain substitutes, or their heirs, in the following order:—(1) David Scott, son of Sir James Scott; (2) George Scott, son of Sir John Scott; (3) Walter Scott, also his son; (4) the nearest heir-male of Sir John Scott "descended of his body;" and (5) his nearest heirs-male whomsoever. The boys were to be presented "unto the provest, bailyies, and counsell of the said brughe, to be prenteises to any lawfull, honest tred or calling within the said burghe; and the sext to be elected be the saidis magistrates and counsell;" and "the haill sex to be set prenteises be the provest and bailyies of the said brughe, to the saidis callinges and tredis during the ordinary space and tyme that is or salbe accustomed for prenteises of the saidis several craftes and callinges respective. And for thair prenteissis the saidis provest, bailyies, and counsell ar to pay with . . . ilk ane of them to thair maisteris ten bollis victuall yeirlie, of the qualitie foresaid, or the ordinary pryce thairof at the rate of the mercat of St. Andrews, . . . And the saidis prenteises to be presented be the said Sir Johne and his forsaidis, and to be set prenteises be the provest and bailyies of the said brughe upon the 1st day of Januar yeirly, beginnand the first yeire's presentatioun and setting vpon the 1st day of January, 1656, for the crop and yeir of God, 1655." On the other part, the provost, bailies, and council, on behalf of the community, bound themselves to accept of and admit the five boys to be presented as above-mentioned, and to elect the sixth themselves—"and to set the saidis sex boyis prenteise to maisteres of lawfull honest tredis and craftes within the said brughe, as the said Sir Johne and his forsaidis sall appoynt for the ordiner and accustomed yeires of service; and with this speciall provisioun, that the saidis prenteises, at the outrunning of thair prenteisschipes, salbe obleist to appear within the tolbuithe of Glasgowe, upon the first day of Januar immediatly followeing the ische of thair prenteischipe, and there sall present themselfis with ane tryell peice of work of thair tred and calling, befoir the said Sir Johne and his aires or their commissioneres; and in token of thair acknoweledgment and gratitude, sall deliver the said peice of work (the samen being within the worth of ten merkis money) or vtherwayis gif the samen exceidis the worth of ten merkis, they sall delyver the samen sowme of ten merkis in satisfactioun thairof or els sall consigne the samen in the handis of the dean of gild or thesaurer of the said burghe, in caice of absens of the said Sir Johne or his foresaids, to their behove, with this conditioun alwayis, that in caice the saidis prenteises failyie thairintill, they sall not be admittit burgeses nor friemen of the said brughe." The magistrates and council also bound themselves to admit and receive the prentices, "after their prenteischipe servit and acknowledgment performed," burgesses and freemen of the burgh, free of charge, with the same privileges as belonged to other prentises; "and in caice they be merchand prenteices that they sall have the lyk priveledge of being gild brether as vther prenteises may have." The deed also contains the following clauses:—"The said Sir Johne earnestly and seriouslie requyres and recomendis to the saidis successouris, patrones, and oversieares of the said mortificatioun, and magistrates of the said burghe of Glasgowe, that the saidis fyve prenteises to be presentit be him and his successoures be of the name of Scott, either of the father or mother syde, gif they be capable and offer themselfis to be prenteises conform to this present mortificatioun, and gif not, that they nominat and appoynt suche otheris as they sall pleas and find fitt at their optioun. . . . And last, the said Sir Johne, for him and his successors, declairs and promeissis that when any of the saids places sall vaik, and that prenteissis ar to be presented, he and they will raither mak electioun and choyse of persones of the surname of Scott, or Scottis bairns, borne within the said City of Glasgow, being necessitous, befoir any other, notwithstanding of any former claussis contenit in this contract. And it is aggreit vpon heirby that gif any be presented to the saidis places as prenteissis, being strangers, not borne within the toune, befoir they be admitted the parents and freinds wha does for them sall give sufficient suirtie for thair lautie and remaining or then to have no benefite. And seeing necessar it is that abuilyiement most be furneist to the saids prenteissis, what strangers soever beis presented to any of the saids places, gif their parents or freinds will not obleis them to furneis abuilyiement to such prenteissis, being strangers, effeirand to thair rank, all such sall be bund ane yeir or longer be sicht of the magistrats and counsell of Glasgow, with thair maisters, wherby they may undertak to furneis their abulyiement dureing thair prenteisschip, vtherwayes to have no benefite." The second contract was entered into between Sir John Scott and the magistrates and council on 28th April 1658. By this deed the parties ratified and approved the previous contract so far as not thereby altered, and agreed—(1) That the number of prentices should be reduced to four,—three of whom to be presented by Sir John Scott or his successors, as in the contract, and one elected by the council; (2) that nothing be charged by the clerks or other officers for admitting the prentices to be burgesses; (3) that no greater sum than 100 merks be given as a prentice fee, and the balance of that year's income, if any, to be paid to the prentices presented that year at the end of their service; (4) that the magistrates and council obtain a charter of mortification, under the great seal, containing the most essential clauses of this and the former contract; (5) Sir John discharged the clause of the former contract regarding apprenticeship to merchants, "seing the intentioune of the foresaid mortificatioune is still for the behoove of poor treadismen only, and not of merchandes;" and (6) that if any of Sir John's successors, appointed to be patrons to the mortification, shall offer to dispone his right to the magistrates and council, or any other persons, his right shall thereupon accresce to the next substitute named in the first contract.
  • 2. The word "fyftie" is, by mistake, inserted in the record.
  • 3. This sum, which is left blank in the record, is inserted in the seal of cause in the possession of the Incorporation.