Extracts from the Records: 1560, Jan-June

Pages 61-68

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1557-1571. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1875.

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1560, Jan-June

10 January 1559–60.

Ratificatione of certane statutis.

[Acts passed as to bread, malt, and ale, in terms similar to those in October of previous years. The fourpence loaf baked by baxters within burgh to weigh twenty-two onnces, and that baked by outland baxters four ounces more. Malt to be sold not dearer than nine firlots for £3, 10s.; and ale not dearer than 3½d. the pint.

The provost, bailies and council also ratified the acts made in 1558 "anent the meill merkatt, tallooun, candill, myddingis on the hie gait, vagaboundis, regratouris, assisis, and burgessis of this burgh to resort within the samyn, and ordanis thame to be proclamit of new."]

Wilsoun, villa, thesaurer.

[The bailies and council having considered a supplication by the farmer of the "wyld awenturis" for the year to Martinmas 1559 "desyring ane pairt of the fermes thairof to be rebaitit to him, be ressoun of the gritt trubbils that rais within this realme and closing of the port of Leyth that na schippis mycht resort thairto for ane lang tyme," ordanied him to make complete payment in respect he "tuke the saidis customes with all awenture."]

Anent the Officeris and Counsaill.

The ballies and counsall ordanis that na maner persone berand office or publict government within the toun, nor being vpone the counsaill, depairt furthe of this burgh and remane thairfra the space of foure dayis without speciall licence grantit and gevin him thairto.

19 January 1559–60.

[Provost's house.]

The [bailies and council,] vnderstanding be report of maister William Setoun, seruitour to my lord provest, that his lordschip desyrit to be ludgit in maister Thomas Makcalyeonis hous, and that the said maister Thomas was willing to laitt his said ludgeing for maill, ordanit the said ludgeing to be maid voyd that my lord provest may enter thairto quhen his lordschip thinkis expedient, and the ballies and counsall sall caus the said maister Thomas be payit of samekle maill as James Adamsoun hes ressauit or is to ressave for his ludgeing quhairin my lord provest now remanis, efter the rate of the tyme that he sall remance in the said ludgeing; and efter the making of the ordenance foirsaid compeirit the said maister Thomas and protestit for remeid and nullitie of the said ordenance gevin but ony ordour of proces without calling and aganis him that was nocht subiect to thair jurisdictioun, and thairvpone askit instrumentis.

16 February 1559–60.

Prebendaris of the queir.

The ballies and counsall ordanis Alexander Park thesaurer to content and pay to Sir Walter Haliburtoun, Sir George manderstoun and Sir William Johnestoun, prebendaris of the queir, the sowme of vij merkis for the Mertynmes payment last bipast of the annualrentis awing to thame be the toun, and siklyk to Sir James Crawfurde chaplane of the Rude loft the sowme of x s. for the said termes payment of his annuallrent and vther x s. for the Lady mes syluer; and dischargis the thesaurer of ony mair payment to ony of the rest of the prebendaris becaus thai hawe nocht awatit vpone thair devyne service

Fermoraris of the pitte customes.

[The bailies and council, considering that the farmers of the petty customs with the tron at the Over Bow, for the year to Martinmas 1559, "hes be the grit trubblis raisit in this realme in the said yere bene damnefeit in thair proffeit of the saidis customes," remitted to them the sum of twenty merks].

16 April 1560.

Villa, decanus gilde.

Archibald Dowglas of Kinspinde provest, [the bailies, council and deacons of crafts,] ordanis James Barroun dene of gild to reparrall the kirk, to lay the throwchis thairof of new and sparge the samyn, mend the glasen wyndokis, and mak settis convenient.

Villa, Spens.

[The provost, bailies and council] ordanis maister Johne Spens to administrat the office of balyerie in place of Adam Fullertoun baillie quhill his returnying furthe of Ingland.

30 April 1560.

Extent of xvjc li.

The prouest baillies counsall and dekynnis, at the requeist desyre and will of the lordis of congregatioun, for furthsetting of this present interpryis dependand for expelling of the Franche men out of Leith to the gret commone weill of this realme, ordanis ane generall taxt of sextene hundreth pund tobe set commonlie upoun the nychtbouris of this burgh, to be gevin for ane monethsi waigis to foure hundreth men of weir, and ordanis the samin tobe collectit with all deligence and deliuerit to the capitanis nominat to haue the gonernance of the said men of weir, and thair acquittances tobe sufficient discharge to the baillies collectouris and deliueraris of the samin.

1 May 1560.

Trinitie College.

[The treasurer ordained to pay "iij li. x s. for sand lyme and workmanschip at the vpbigging of the yettis of the Trinitie Colledge and mending of the sloppis thairof," and "xxxij s. for bigging vpe of certane sloppis at the Trinitie College in the monethe of October lastbipast."

4 May 1560.


The treasurer ordained to pay to "John and Moreis Dowis the sowme of xxviij s. for playing vpone the swesche and quhissill befoir the nychbouris of this burgh twa dayis quhen thai we in armorie."]

6 May 1560.

Hammyltoun, bulliuis.

[John Hammyltoun, for refusing, on being ordered by a bailie, to go to "warde" for non payment of his extent, ordained "to cum in presens of the precher, efter the sermon on sounday nixttocum, and thair declair his falt and ask the haill peple forgifnes for the sklander."]

8 May 1560.

Anent the precher.

The provest ballies and counsall ordanis Alexander Park Thesaurer to delyuer to Johne Carnis the sowme of xl li. for furnesching of thair minister Johne Knox in his houshold, and becaus the said Johne Knox hes bene furnesit vpone Dauid Forresteris expenssis sen his cuming to this toun be the space of xv dayis lastbipast, ordanis the said Johne Carnis to ressave the said Dauid comptis and mak him payment of the sowmes debursit be him on the first end of the sowme of xl li. to be delyuerit to him.

Thesaurer, villa.

The provest ballies and counsaill inhibit and dischargit Alexander Park thesaurer, personallie present, of payment of ony pentionis or dewiteis awand furthe of the commoun gude to ony kirkis kirkmen or vtheris that seruit in sic service of befoir, certefeing the said thesaurer gif he do the samyn he sall gett na allowance thairof.

Anent the doun taking of the Marie Bell.

The provest ballies and counsall, vnderstanding that the kirk mycht be servit be thre bellis, ane rung to the prayeris, ane vther for serving of the knok, and the thrid to be the common bell, ordanis James Barroun dene of gild to tak doun the ferd bell callit the Marie bell and to kepe the samyn quhill he ressave further directioun fra the counsall.

10 May 1560.

Gilbert, villa, extent.

[The provost bailies and council] haveand consideratioun that thair man be money delyuerit in haist to the lordis of secreit counsall, and that the extent grantit for obteyning of the samyn can nocht be sa haistelie inbrocht, thairfoir hes borrowit and ressauit fra Michell Gilbert goldsmyth the sowme of foure scoir poundis;. . . . and the syluer chandeleris lyand in keping to the said Michell in the monethe of Junii last bipast to remane with him as plege.

15 May 1560.

Cowgait port, John Knox ludgeing.

[The treasurer ordained to pay "xx s. for making the keyis of the Cowgait port, and for ane lok to Johne Knox ludgeing."]

26 May 1560.

Waching of the prisaneris in the tolbuith.

The prouest baillies and counsall ordanis euerye baillie quhais quarter wachis that that nycht of his wache he caus four of his quarter to walk within the tolbuith of this burgh for wacheing of the prisaneris thairinto nychtlie, at the desyre and wryting of the lordis of secreit counsel, quha being present wes content to do the samyn, and ordanitt he baillie being present to mak the wache this nycht becaus it fell him to wache, quhilk he acceptit.

Making of the bell and brasyn pillaris in monitioun.

[The provost, bailies, council and deacons of crafts] ordanis and consenttis that the bell callit the Marie bell, and the brasyn pillaris of the kirk of Sanct Geill, sall be intromettit with be James Barroun dene of gild, and that all intromettouris thairwith deliuer to him the samyn to be maid in artalyere for the townis vse as he sall think maist expedient to quhome thai refer quhat pecis it salbe maid into, and gif it may nocht gudlie be maid in artalyere in this cuntre thai licence him to send the samyn to Flanderis to be maid or coft thair, and the gud toun sal beir the aventure thairof.

Anentannualis awand to kirkmen.

The provest ballies and counsaill ordanis inhibitioun to be till all personis heretouris of landis within this burgh detbound to kirkmen for ony dewtie, that thai ansuer na farther quhill generall ordour be tane thairanent.

1 June 1560.

Precept Carnis.

[The treasurer ordained "to delyuer to Johne Carnis the sowme of xx li. for furnesing of Johne Willok, precher."]

10 June 1560.

Anent idolatreris houremasteris and harlottis.

The provest ballies counsaill and ane pairt of the dekines of craftis, haveing consideratioun of the grit number of idolatreris quhoremaisteris and harlottis daylie resortand within this burgh, provokand the indignatioun of God vpone the samyn ofttymes furtheschawin be the prechouris, ordanis ane proclamatioun to be maid in dew forme and ample that all sic personis cum in presens of the minister or the elderis to gif testimonie of thair conuersioun for the saidis abusis respectiue betwix and Sonday at none nixttocum, or falyeing thairof the saidis idolatreris to be diffamit be setting thame vpone the merkatt croce thair to remane for the space of vj houris for thair first falt carying of the saidis bordelaris houremaisteris and harlottis throw the toun in ane carte for thair first falt, birnying of bayth the kyndis of the saidis personis on the cheik for the secound falt, and banisching the toun, and for the thrid falt to be punischit to the deid.

12 June 1560.

Anent the Stanis of the freiris.

The provest ballies and counsaill ordanis proclamatioun to be maid that na manor [of] persoun putt hand in the stanis of the kirkis of the freris latlie cassin down, and the stanis that ar tane away befoir to remane vnder arrestment to be furthecumand to the commoun werkis.

19 June 1560.

Anent the tolbuythe, schule, and clerkis chalmer.

The prowest, baillies, dene of gyld, thesaurare, [council and deacons of crafts], haifand considderatioun of the gret inquietatioun that thai haif had in tymes past within the tolbuith of this burgh for laik of rowme to minister justice and to do thair other effaris at all sic tymes quhen the sessioun did sit, or quhen other courttis and convocationis war in the samyn, and alssua considdering the skant of prisoun houssis and incommoditie of thair clerkis chalmer, and for inhalding of the yeirlie maill of the samyn and other gret sowmes of money debursit be thame for thair scole, haiffing mair commodius place and sic rowmes within thair kirk as may be ane fair tolbuithe for serving of the toun in thair effairis, and of all other necessar rowmes vpoun the west pairt of thair said kirk, and siclyke vpoun the est pairt of the samyn ane other convenient rowme for ane scole to thair barinis, besyde sufficient rowme for the preiching and ministratioun of the sacramentis; thairfoir, and for diuers otheris ressonable caussis moving thame, all in ane voce concludis decernis and ordanis James Barroun dene of gilde with all deligence to repair and big wp ane stane wall, viz., ane parpall wall of [blank] fute thyk, beginand [at] the southe kirk dur callit the kirk yarde dur and streicht northe to the northe kirk dur at the Stynkand Styll for the said towbuyth; and vpone the eist end of the said kirk ane vther parpall wall of the sam thiknes. beginnand at the eist cheik of the kirk dur at our Lady steppis, and swa in langis the breid of the said kirk be just lyne to the southe sydwall of the samyn for thair schule; and that the said James furnesche big and sett vp all thingis necessar for the said schole, towbuyth, prisoun hous, clerkis chalmer and all vtheris necessaris within the samyn.

Wellis, calsayis, wallis.

The prouest baillies and counsale and deiknys foresaid ordanis Alexander Park, thesaurer, with all deligence possibill to put to warkmen for mending of the brokin calsayis, biggin of the Mwse well, dichting of the new well, flaging and mending of the calsayis before thame, and alsua for mending of the hale brokin calsayis of this toun. And to this effect ordanis the said Alexander to hyre ane maister of wark vpoun the townys expensis, and efter the completing of the wellis and calsayis ordanis him with like deligence to caus big the wall langis the college yairdis fra the Northt Loch to Leyth Wynde, and siclike langis Leyth Wynde to the biggit land at the heid of the samyn vpoun the west syde thairof.


The prouest baillies and counsale and dekynnis foresaidis ordanis James Barroun, dene of gild, to mak saittis, fwrmes and stullis of the radeast of the tymmer convenient thairfor lyand within the volt vnder the tolbuith for the peple to syt vpoun the tyme of the sermoun and prayarris within the kirk, and all vther thingis till do as salbe thocht gude for decoring of the said kirk.

Thesaurer, villa.

The prouest baillies and counsale with the dekynnis forsaid ordanis Alexander Park, thesaurer, to caus mend the lokis on the eist port of the Cowgait [and] mak new keyis, becaus the ald keyis can nocht be gottin sen the Franchemennis last being in the toun. And ordanis the said port to be oppin at certane tymes of day for lattin furth of the filth in tha pairttis; alsua to contract with sum honest sure man for keiping of the said port.

Anent the hospitall of Sanct Paulis Wark.

It being havelie menyt to the prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis foresaidis be the pure beidmen of Sanct Paullis Wark, thay in the defalt of Sir William Makdougall thair collectour, quha presentlie keipit himself within the castell, they could na wayis have thair annuellis and dewiteis, in defalt quhairof thay war constrenit to beg, and thairfor desyrit thair lordschippis that thay wald deput and gyf to thame William Stewert ane of thair clerkis deput to be thair collectour in tymes cuming, quhilk desyre the prouest baillies counsale and deikynnis foresaid, as patronis to the saidis beidmen, and having the disposition of thair plaissis and offices, nominatis makis constitutis and ordanis the said William Stewert collectour generale of all and sindrye the annuellis mailles and dewiteis pertenyng to the said beidmen, with command to all and sindrye within thair jurisdictioun to ansuer and obey him thairof, to be furthcumand to the vtilite and proffit of the said beidmen, and the said William to haue thairfor all feis and dewiteis that onye vtheris collectouris had for the samyn in onye tyme past.

26 June 1560.

Precept, Carnis.

[The treasurer ordaned to "pay Johne Carnis the sowme of thre scoir poundis for furnesing of the ministeris."]