May 3.
1470. Warrant to permit the ship Katherine, of 100 tons, manned
with foreign seamen, to make a voyage to his Majesty's Plantations
in America, giving security at the Custom House to return. ½ p.
[Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXV., p. 8.]
May 4.
1471. John Fitzherbert to Williamson. The Ruby is arrived at
Bristol from Barbadoes laden with sugar and cotton wool, and gives
account that all those parts are in good condition, but ships have no
orders to take in goods as yet, so they presume that the ships and
men will be employed to reduce the places taken by the enemy in
those parts. Two ships were lost going thither, the Dolphin and the
Susanna ; the first, hard chased, ran ashore, and the men only were
saved, who are at the Canaries. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CXCIX.,
No. 61, Cal., p. 76.]
May 4.
1472. Declaration of four French prisoners surprised by Capt.
Morris and Capt. Eldrington above the salt ponds at St. Christopher's
how the French forces are encamped. Taken before Col. James
Russell, Governor. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 40.]
(May) 6.
Rhode Island.
1473. William Brenton, on behalf of the Council of Rhode Island
to [Col. Nicolls and Commissioners]. Perceive by his letter of 20th
Nov. last that several complaints have been made to him against
their Government concerning the cattle seized at Misquammacock ;
it was done by the Commissioners' order and not by them, and as
they are since informed Roger Plaisted has been put in possession
of the lands he claimed at Misquammacock by Sir R. Carr, at which
some are aggrieved, because they were not only there first planted,
but ordered to abide by an order made at Warwick, April 1665, by
his Majesty's Commissioners, which act they cannot perceive has
been repealed. Request further directions. 1 p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXI., No. 41.]
May 7.
New England.
1474. John Winthrop, Governor of Connecticut, to Sec. Lord
Arlington. According to his Majesty's commands of 22nd Feb. 1666,
has had consultation with the Governor of Massachusetts and Sir
Thos. Temple, of which he gave account by Capt. Christopher Clark,
whose ship he hears is safely arrived in England. Has also received
his Majesty's and his Lordship's letters of the 28th August, with
narrative of the great and signal success of a part of his Majesty's
fleet, which did not arrive at Boston till March last, when he repaired
to Boston with Mr. Willis, one of the Council, and had conference
with the Governor and Council of Massachusetts. Unanimously
willing to relieve their dear countrymen of the Caribbee Islands, if
they had the means, but their best strength is wanted for the
security of these colonies, as they must always be on their guard.
Informed by Col. Nicolls that the French are on the Lakes behind
them and have a considerable number of veteran soldiers in Canada ;
that they have built forts all along the Lake for garrisons and
magazines, have 2,500 or 3,000 men in Quebec and other garrisons,
besides French and Dutch ships. The pretence of the French is
against the Mohawk Indians, but have good cause to be jealous of
greater designs. Labour to prevent the Mohawks confederating
with the French against them. Had they any forces to spare, they
know not of shipping for transportation. There has been for several
years a general blast on the corn, which is also in use for money.
Wishes they had ammunition to spare, or knew how to supply
themselves with more. Beseeches his Lordship to represent to his
Majesty the incapacity of his people here to send forces to the
Caribbees. Printed in New York Documents, III., 154-156. 2 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 42.]
May 7.
1475. Warrant for John Bowles, merchant of London, to transport
50 barrels of gunpowder to New Plymouth in New England for the
use of some plantations in which he is interested on giving security
not to transport them elsewhere. ½ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II.,
Vol. XXV., p. 9 đ.]
May 7.
1476. Governor William Lord Willoughby to the King. Set sail
from the Cowes 11th March and arrived at Barbadoes April 23rd.
Found the island in such disorder that had he been an enemy, with
the small force he brought is confident he could have made a fair
push for it. Notwithstanding the reputation it bears in the world,
and whether they speak as they think shall take them at their
words because they tell him they are all loyal subjects, nor doubts
but in a short time to make them so, for all the metalled lads are on
his son's side, and the senators have hitherto done well, not well
knowing how to do otherwise, but in a few days he becalmed all
factions. Presumes the Lords Chancellor and Arlington will acquaint
his Majesty with the particulars he wrote them ; and if Tom Killigrew
fails on his part, I shall him of his sugar. Found his two sons
here, they are loyal subjects, and had not Harry stuck close to
Nevis it had been lost. His old friend Cradock the day after his
arrival departed this life [April 24] and will complain no more. His
good friend Farmer is one of the Assembly, wishes his Majesty had
no worse subjects in his English Parliament. "My brother hath
dealt unkindly with me, but I forgive him, he has done so by himself,
and made Diego's will by giving large legacies out of little or nothing.
His accounts are confused, both as to your Majesty concerns and his
own I shall only say he was honest and careless for he hath left little
behind him" [see his will, No. 1247]. Of 800 soldiers committed
to the writer's care, he has lost but four ; they are received with a
general satisfaction, and hopes to give a good account of their actions.
"Never was old Jockey so put to it ; but the best of my play is to
ride a jade to the best advantage, and though I once run the hazard
of your Majesty's censure for a 10l. bet, I shall spur twice in a place
but I will now gain it, and some millions to boot, not doubting of
your favourable assistance." 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 43.]
May 7.
1477. Governor Wm. Lord Willoughby to his much esteemed friend
Williamson. Having given his Lordship a full account of his voyage
and of affairs in these parts, will only say that on the 23rd April he
arrived and found the people much dissatisfied with their Triumvirate
Government, but has quieted their minds. Has called an
Assembly for the better settlement of the island and carrying on
the design to the Leeward Isles, where his son Henry had sent his
Majesty's four ships and six merchantmen with thirty guns and
15,000 (sic) seamen under Capt. Berry, to relieve Nevis and destroy
the French ships, which they had accomplished had not the French
taken an English sloop and discovered the design, so that they secured
most of their ships in Martinico and Guadaloupe harbours. Has
advice by the Norwich frigate of two French ships being fired, and
that Berry had sent three of the fleet to fetch off 400 of our people
from Montserrat, where two Frenchmen were left Governors who were
taken prisoners, and four more to Antigua to fetch off our people
there ; with whom the Governor of Nevis doubts not to make up 2,000
fighting men to join the force sent hence to attack St. Christopher's,
which may be done without much difficulty or danger ; but withall
Nevis is in so desperate a condition for want of provisions and arms,
that if the fleet be called off before they have further relief they
cannot hold out. Has sent them advice of his arrival and assurance of
assistance as soon as he hears from them, by which time he hopes
Sir John Harman will be arrived. Has advice of 30 ships off Martinico
supposed to be French. Report that the Colchester has
retaken the Coventry with the French General, and many other
Monsieurs going to a christening. Two Dutch capers have taken
near 20 ships in these parts : the Colchester chased one and had
carried her, but some cartridges blew up and disabled her. Has
sent the Jersey and another frigate to cruise. Notwithstanding
Barbadoes hath been so magnified for her strength, finds not above
4,000 fighting men. Here are 2,000 Irish, wishes he had so many
Scotts for them. Indorsed, Rec. 16 July. 2 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXI., No. 44.]
May 8.
1478. Order in Council. Upon memorial of M. Gravier, that he
attend Lord Arlington, who is hereby authorised to compliment him
with the release of the prisoners who came from Barbadoes. [Dom.,
Chas. II., Vol. CXCIX., No. 112, Cal., p. 84.]
May 9.
Fort James,
New York.
1479. Col. Nicolls to the Governor and Council of Massachusetts.
By Mr. Maverick they will receive herewith copy of his Majesty's
commands which came lately to his hands, wherein they will read
with what prudence and tender care his Majesty reflects on the
welfare of his remote colonies. Doubts not of their readiness to
comply not only to that good end, but with the means, ways, and
persons which his Majesty is pleased to direct in his warrant to his
Commissioners. In sending this he has obeyed the orders of Lord
Arlington. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 45.]
May 14.
1480. Warrant to the Officers of the Ordnance. Taking into consideration
the great charges of the Duke of York in reducing and
settling New York, and desiring to give some mark of his particular
protection to an acquisition of such importance, his Majesty's pleasure
is that they deliver to Col. Francis Lovelace, appointed Governor of
New York, 100 firelocks, 100 matchlocks, 50 pikes, 30 barrels of
powder, half a proportion of match, one barrel of flint stones, and
150 beds. ½ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XX., p. 144.]
May 14.
1481. John Allen to Sec. Lord Arlington. About three years
past Domingo Grillo and Ambrosio Lamolini, residents in Madrid,
contracted with the Royal Company for blacks to be delivered at
the Plantations, Barbadoes, or Jamaica, and Alex. Bence and John
Reid hired them two ships in England, at whose request the writer
entered with them into the engagement ; but in respect it was dangerous
for the Grillos that the Court of Spain should know the
ships' contracts were made with English, the freight was to be paid
to a Spaniard, who instantly assigns it to Geo. Wallis, of Cadiz, for
the use of the contractors in England. The Grillos are bound to
pay the freight money every four months ; the ships have been
now in their service full 2½ years, and nothing paid since their
departure from Cadiz, though there is much due from them ; they
pretend it is paid in the Indies, but has sent them several late
letters from their own agents in Barbadoes and Jamaica that they
have paid nothing. Is much prejudiced in credit thereby, and begs
a letter to the Ambassador at Madrid to countenance his agents in
fair demanding of the money from the Grillos, and, if they refuse
then to pay it, that by a letter from his Majesty the matter may be
presented by his Excellency to the Queen Regent of Spain. [Dom.
Chas. II., Vol. CC., No. 93, Cal., p. 98.]
May 14-21.
1482. Five several warrants from the King to permit the Anne,
Bridget, Amity, James, and Robert, to make voyages, the two first
vessels to Jamaica, the three last to Barbadoes. [Dom. Entry Bk.,
Vol. XXV., pp. 11, 12.]
May 15.
Fort James,
New York.
1483. Col. Nicolls (to Thos. Prince, Governor, and the Assistants
of New Plymouth). Has received their letter of the 9th March by
Capt. Willett, who made such haste to Fort Albany, that Nicolls
had no opportunity to confer with him. Believes he gave Capt.
Willett the complaint of Wm. Nicarson, otherwise it is mislaid.
Truly he hopes the man is rather weak in judgment than refractory ;
is the more confirmed therein by his desire for an appeal to his
Majesty's Commissioners. Supposes the poor man may be ill advised,
therefore it will be an act of mercy in the Court to pardon his
indiscretions, which he will esteem as a favour done to himself.
Assures them that such informations make not the least impression
in him to their prejudice, as is sufficiently evidenced by his remitting
the last complaint to their judgment. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XXI., No. 46.]
May 17.
1484. Abstract of letters from Nevis and Barbadoes. Intention
of the French to attack Nevis with 4,000 men out of Martinico,
Guadaloupe, and St. Christopher's, and 1,500 Indians ; but having
taken a sloop sent by Lieut.-Gen. Willoughby to assure the Governor
of Nevis that within 10 days they should have 10 sail of stout ships,
the French mistaking the style apprehended they would be down
the next day and desisted from their design ; that our commander
sent six ships to Guadaloupe, where they took eight merchantmen ;
that the French having six men-of-war arrived from France, and
four Dutch ships that took Surinam fitted out 32 sail to attack
Nevis, but the English fleet engaged them 10th May and chased
them into Backstarr ; that Lieut.-Gen. Willoughby having arrived
with 600 men they took a new resolution to engage the enemy in
their own harbours, but they went all away and our ships after
June 24.
That Lord Willoughby sent 4th June, Capts. Morris and Godolphin
with more provisions and men to the Leeward Isles. On
the 9th Sir John Harman arrived with seven stout men-of-war, two
ketches, and two fire-ships, which on the 11th were despatched to
the Leeward Isles. Two ships of the Royal Company had arrived,
and two licensed ships from Guinea with 1,000 "negars." 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 47.]
May 20.
1485. Nicholas Shapleigh to [Robt.] Mason. Has received from
Col. Nicolls his patent and power to take care of his whole estate,
and has made claim in his behalf to all the towns in New Hampshire,
whereof part of the inhabitants are willing to comply, and
part are encouraged by Capt. Richard Walderne, Peter Cuffin, and
others to stick to the Government of Massachusetts, themselves
having gotten great tracts of land, and fearing to be called to
account. Advises him to obtain a confirmation of said patent, or the
Massachusetts will assuredly continue their power, and no profit
will accrue to him, but if this be attained from the King in a few
years it will bring it to a very valuable estate. Masts cut from
Mason's propriety laden on the Great Duke of York, and also
"testimonies" from Justices of the Peace of Maine to enable Mason
by arresting said masts to bring said Walderne and Cuffin to
trial in England for cutting them. Has sent to the General
Court of Boston to inform them of his powers, but as yet received
no answer. If he attain confirmation of his patent, advises him to
commissionate some persons here for carrying on the Government.
A list of names given to his kinsman Joseph Mason bound for
England in the Great Duke of York, viz., Henry Jocelyne, Esq.,
Nicholas Shapleigh, merchant, Capt. Francis Champernowne, Edward
Hilton, Abraham Corbett, and Thomas Footeman. If he think
fit to join his Government to the Province of Maine, which will
strengthen his authority against all opposition, he will do well to
empower some one here to take care of his interest in Maine, which
if timely looked after, may prove very profitable. Incloses,
A note of remembrance to Joseph Mason. To speak to
Robert Mason to send an order under his Majesty's hand for
taking the government of his patent out of the Government of
the Massachusetts Bay. To send commissions to the persons
undernamed to carry on the Government. That the Government
be joined to the Province of Maine, "which will the sooner
give a repulse to the Bay, who do oppose all his Majesty's commands."
Subscribed by Major Nich. Shapleigh, Edward Hilton,
Abraham Corbett, Thomas Footeman, Nathaniel Fryer, Henry
Joslin, Capt. Francis Champernowne. Indorsed, a memorial
sent to Mr. Mason, subscribed by divers of the chief in the
Province of Hampshire concerning the means of establishing
the Government there. Sent in Mr. Shapleigh's letter. May,
1667. Together 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., Nos. 48, 48 I.]
May 24.
1486. Sir Thos. Temple to Sec. Lord Arlington. Has received his
Majesty's letters of 22 February and 28 August 1666, and acquainted
the Governor and magistrates with his Majesty's commands, who
said they were in no capacity to serve his Majesty either as to
Canada or the Caribbees, and promised to write their reasons to his
Majesty. As soon as he heard of the necessity of Barbadoes, and
of Nevis and St. Christopher's being lost, he sent a ship of his
own of 70 tons laden with provisions to Barbadoes belonging to a
Quaker, a merchant here. Has hitherto not lost a foot of Nova
Scotia, though often attempted by the French. Unless his Majesty
take compassion on him he is utterly ruined, for he has not received
one penny all the war. Has sent an account of the place to the
Lord Chancellor, which though uninhabited is the largest of his
Majesty's Plantations, and incredibly fruitful in mines, especially
fine copper, and in fish, and the climate and land more proper to make
salt than France itself, and has sent some to Lord Anglesea to show
to his Majesty, by Capt. John Scarlett. Signed, and seal. Indorsed
by Capt. Martin, Commander of the Great Duke of York. 3 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 49.]
May 25.
1487. Sir Thos. Langton, Mayor of Bristol, to Williamson. Reminds
him of the order which he hinted would be sent down for
the discharge of the Frenchmen which came from the Plantations ;
desires it may be sent speedily, in regard they are in a very low
condition. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CCII., No. 15, Cal., p. 122.]
May 25.
1488. Gov. Wm. Lord Willoughby to Sec. Lord Arlington. Had
advice on 23rd inst. of a fight at sea, in Nevis Road on the 10th,
which continued four or six hours ; on our side 10 able ships and a
fire-ship, and on the enemy's 20 men-of-war and 10 or 12 lesser
vessels. During the fight a ship of Bristol in firing a gun was
blown up by her own powder, and most of her seamen and 30
soldiers slain. Our fleet behaved like Englishmen, and having got
the weather gauge, beat the enemy before them to the very shore of
St. Christopher's, where they sheltered under Basse-terre town. It
is supposed they have sustained considerable loss, but on our side
only 24 are slain and 28 wounded, and our ships have come off well.
Another fire-ship fitting and under consideration to offer battle or
force them in Basse-terre Road, but the want of munition in the
merchant ships the difficulty, and is one of their greatest wants.
Hopes his son on his arrival will give a good account of them, but
the danger is that the French likewise will be reinforced meantime.
Resolved to go down in person with five or six ships, but
finds so many things wanting to their fitting, that he will send
Capt. Morris forthwith, and defer his own voyage. If he could see
the seven frigates promised him in England, few hours should pass
before he was under sail to the Leeward, and would not doubt to
make all places English between Barbadoes and Porto Rico. But
they cannot long even defend themselves without considerable
supplies from England, for if France and Holland be on one side,
and on the other only Barbadoes and Nevis, who can expect but
that in the end they will prove too weighty ; beseeches, therefore,
that the promised supplies may speedily come. In the fight were
six men-of-war newly come from France, and five Dutch ships ; the
Dutch had been at Surinam which was pitifully surrendered without
resistance. The conditions, 'tis true, were not amiss, but it is small
comfort to think that his Majesty's dominions are lost upon good terms,
and if our fleet had been beaten at Nevis, that poor island had not
met with so gentle usage, for De La Barre declared he would give no
quarter. He had taken in 1,500 men from Guadaloupe and Martinico,
intending to transport 2,000 more from St. Christopher's ; and
the Cannibal Indians plied off during the fight to windward in their
boats, as it were hovering over their prey. On Nevis are 2,100 men
in three regiments, and on St. Christopher's full 3,000 French, also
great numbers of negroes in arms, and the Indians they have stirred
up against us are very numerous, enough altogether to devour many
such places as Nevis, but the courage of our men is good. Capt.
Berry seems to still hope well of the Colchester, but Col. Russell
understands by a prisoner escaped from the enemy, that she was
sunk in too hasty boarding the Coventry. Has delayed this letter
(till June 3) in hopes to hear from the Leeward. This is his fourth
express, and his Lordship may suddenly expect a fifth. Indorsed,
Rec. 12 Aug., answered Sept. 3. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI.,
No. 50.]
May 25.
1489. News letter, being a summary of Governor Lord Willoughby's
preceding letter. Also, that above 40 Virginia ships had
arrived at Kinsale. Extracts. Indorsed, "Advices recd. Augt. 12th,
1667." [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 51. See also, Dom., Chas. II.,
Vol. CCXIII., No. 60, Cal., p. 381.]
1490. News letter for Sec. Williamson. Arrival of the Submission.
Jo. Smith, master, from Barbadoes with news that [Wm.] Lord
Willoughby had arrived there and sent fresh supplies to his son
Henry at the Leeward Islands, who had relieved Nevis, retaken
Montserrat, and Antigua, and destroyed several of the French ships.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 52.]
May 28.
New York.
1491. Col. Nicolls to M. de Tracy, at Quebec. M. [Arendt Van]
Curler being anxious to visit Quebec and to kiss De Tracy's hands,
Nicolls has given him a pass as well as Mons. Fountaine, a young
gentleman who fell into the barbarous hands of his enemies, and by
means of Curler obtained his liberty and is impatient to return to
Canada. Was much offended that any peasants of that village to
which M. de Courzelle was misguided should have exacted pay for
provisions given to his officers and soldiers in distress. His report of
the enterprise is well known, and that Father Beschefer was designed
to have concluded a peace, "but in truth I am still of the opinion
that the words of the Captains and Commissaries' letter will not bear
such a large exposition in Europe, however those unfortunate gentlemen
might be transported by their contempt of danger to hazard their
lives for the pleasure of hunting." Nicolls' voyage to meet the Sieur
de Cousture was of no great consequence, but intended to give him a
quick dispatch. Owes a grateful acknowledgment for his forbidding
the Algonquins to make war on them, though their evil intentions
were never known before. Presumes the time is not far remote when
"you shall find all that profession of my respects towards your son
converted to your service and satisfaction, in which I shall not doubt
of my master's approbation." Was wholly ignorant that any barque
of his had been seized, but will make inquiry, being commanded by
his Majesty not to let his allies suffer any prejudice. Divers of
Tracy's soldiers, in despair of returning to Canada from Boston, and
indeed lying under some suspicion, were transported to England,
with certificates to return into France. Doubts not he will give
Curler a passport for his safe return. Printed in New York Documents,
III., 156, 157. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 53.]
May 31.
1492. Case of Alex. Bence, John Reid, and John Allen, merchants,
of London. Details the ill conduct of Don Domingo Grillo and Don
Ambrosio Lomoline, who contracted with the Royal Company to
deliver them negroes at the Plantations, were supplied with ships
and mariners under agreement by Bence and Reid, and afterwards by
Allen [as detailed in Allen's letter to Sec. Lord Arlington, ante, No.
1481], yet have not paid the moneys agreed for the freight, so that
the sum of 80,000 pieces of eight is now due on this account, which
they refuse to pay ; the plaintiffs cannot recover it, though they have
to satisfy the owners in London, to the great injury of their property
and credit. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CCII., No. 92, Cal., p. 133.]