Cecil Papers: July 1582

Pages 507-510

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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July 1582

1164. Richard Spencer to Lord Burghley.
1582, July 4. Since his coming into Germany has remained here to see the Diet. Certifies the articles proposed in the first session. It was thought there should have been some mention made of the Book of Concord, which is like to breed discord in Germany; but the Pope's Legate hath so prevailed with the Emperor, that there shall be no mention made of matters of religion. The King of Spain has sent Don John de Mandrill to take up 6,000 Germans for Flanders. An ambassador is shortly expected from Monsieur to acknowledge Brabant in fief of the Empire.—Augsburg, 4 July 1582.
1 p.
[Murdin, p. 375. In extenso.]
1165. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1582] July 8. The mutability of affairs in this world has reconciled him to his vexation at hearing of the taking of Oudenarde, which surrendered three days ago. Hopes that she will give him the assistance she has promised, which, added to his own resources, may enable them to retaliate, and to recover their lost ground. Cannot deny that this country has been greatly astounded thereby. If another such disaster should occur there would be great danger that many of these good people would be so dismayed that he would be compelled once more to entreat her to fulfil what remains of her promise to him, the delaying of which would do him much injury. Is so occupied with warlike affairs that he will not enter on the subject of their marriage, on which he begs to entreat her attention to the communications of Messieurs de Marchaumont and de Bacqueville.—Antwerp, 8 July.
French. 3 pp.
1166. The Privy Council to Lord Burghley.
1582, July [15]. Recommending that William Wood, “Scottishman,” should be allowed to transport 200 quarters of grain, seeing by the great likelihood and towardness of grain being at present on the ground, so much may be conveniently spared.—Greenwich, 1582 (sic), July 1582.
1 p.
1167. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1582], July 19. After renewed protestations of unalterable affection informs her that a very few days ago he took three men, who at length confessed that they had been despatched by the Prince of Parma to kill his cousin the Prince of Orange and himself. This has been followed by another strange enterprise, of which he dare not yet write, until the proceedings have been fully drawn up and completed. Assures her, however, that no such conspiracy has ever been heard of as has now been discovered, as if by a miracle.
If ever she wished well to one who adores her, she must now show it by aiding him with what she has promised. Messieurs de Marchaumont and de Bacqueville, to whom he has written, will enlighten her more fully, in accordance with the commands he has given them. Will not conceal from her that it has been discovered that the conspirators had other designs than against himself, on which account he begs her to take more care of herself than she has hitherto done. Will not fail to let her know all he can learn which concerns her. He has been told that she has been given to understand that the King has sent him 150,000 crowns, which is altogether contrary to the truth, for since he has been here he has not received help from any one.—Bruges, 29 July.
French. 3 pp.
1168. Lord Stafford to Lord Burghley.
1582, July 22. The Sheriff of Shropshire (Thomas Williams) upon Sunday last made proclamation in the parish church, much to writer's discredit, that neither stewards of courts, keepers of the forest, nor bailiffs, nor any other officer appointed by writer within “Caursland” should any longer exercise their charges. Desires to know whether the sheriff has this power in him. The sheriff's pretence is for the execution of process out of the Court of Wards for the levying of £350 due for writer's livery. Will pay the sum before Allhallows Day if only for the keeping of his credit, although the sum was forgiven him ten years past at his lordship's suit.—“Cawrs,” 22 July 1582.
1 p.
1169. The Earl of Essex to Lord Burghley.
1582, July 23. “The distaunce of place which hath severed me from your lordship's presence shall never make me forget that dutifull affection which I ever professed towardes your lordship. Wherefore seing that I cannot for all your lordship's benefit perfourme any other duty, but only this in recommendinge my service to your lordship by letteres I only crave your lordship's good acceptation thereof. Thus, &c.—York this xxiij of July 1582.”
½ p.
1170. The Earl of Warwick to Lord Burghley.
1582, July 25. “Albeit I have otherwaies diversely made myself beholding to your Lordship, yet in respect I have not much troubled your game at Enfield I wold very hartely requeste yow to bestow a Buck of this season upon me ther. The deere thrive so badly at Hatfield as I am not for this year able to pleasure neither myself nor any friend I have with a Bucke ther,” etc.—From the Court this xxv of July 1582.
¼ p.
1171. [The Queen to the Duke of Anjou.]
1582, July 25. “Monsieur, s'il y eust receptacle au monde pour reçevoyr le moindre de mon ennuy, je le mettroys volontiers à aultre garde, que de l'enfermer au profond de mon cœur; qui est si plain, que ne puis refréner la course de telle ruine, que quelques goutes me tumbent sur le papier que je vous envoye, qui me contraignent à vous dire, qu' ayant assez de regret de voyr le retranchement de mes désirs par les difficultez trop grandes d'avaller, j'espère que n'y ajousterez ce tourment importable, que j'en ay rien fait par faute d'inconsidération de voz très grandes mérites, ou bien pour ne vous estre très affectionnée selon ma longue profession, qui ne manquera de ma part d'estre très fidèlement gardé et observé; stampendant [ce temps pendant] qu' auray nié au corps, et finiray seulle avecq icelle. Je donne charge bien important à ce messagier, de persuader au Roy combien prèz il luy touche de vous assister en ce qui va de son honneur, et le bien de la France, et si ne fut pour vous seul, qui y estes tant embarqué. Il me semble que le Roy le doyt faire, et comme à son frère unicque, et à tel qui luy a fait très grand service, en empeschant le malheur de la guerre, et luy faizant la paix. Les autres affaires qu'il traittera, il vous déduira par le même, les particularitez seroy[e]nt trop fâcheux pour conclurre en ma lettre, de qui, me remettant à sa suffizance, je ne vous diray aultre, sinon que luy ay donné charge de se comporter en voz affaires tout ainsi qu'il feroyt aux miens, n'en ayant moyns soing, comme Dieu sçayt, à qui je prie de vous conserver de tout mel [sic; mal], et vous donner une vie joyeuze. Jen'aurray besoing de vous supplier de tenir si agréable ce messagier, comme celuy qui, jem'assure, vous estre très affectionné, qui pense, je vous assure, qu' il y a peu de princes qui vous ont resemblé. Et vous prie de la croyre en tout ce qu' il vous dira de ma part, qui le peult très bien representer, estant celuy qui cognoit assez de mes affaires, et qui sera très prompt de vous faire quelqu' agréable service, estant très dolent de ne vous pouvoyr apporter meillieures nouvelles, et eut vollu que j'eusse fait aultre élection que de luy, de peur qu'en eussiez quelque soupçon de luy. Qu'il vous souvienne, mon très cher, que le Mareshal de Cosse sera fort suffizant pour vous servyr de lieutenant, sans vous mettre en tel hazard, pour lequel j'ay escript une lettre au Roy, et une aultre a luy. Jà Dieu ne plaize que vous y allastes en personne; telles nouvelles ne me viendront, j'espère, jamais aux aureilles. Me recommendant, etc.”
Endorsed :—“Coppie of a letter from the Queen to Monsr, sent by Mr. Walsingam the xxvth of July, 15811 [1582]. Grenwyge;” Also, by another hand, “N. 29.”
Draft, 1¼ pp.
1172. Lord Chief Justice Wray to Lord Burghley.
1582, July 26. Encloses opinion of Norfolk and Suffolk gentlemen touching Sheringham and BestonPere, co. Norfolk (missing). Certifies cases of recusancy on Circuit. In cos. Bucks, Beds, and Cambs, not above six or seven have been presented for recusancy, in Hunts not one, in Suffolk and Norfolk many. Hare, Sulyard, Martin Drewry, &c. of Suffolk, and Downes, Yaxley, Paris, Lovell, Beningfield and Gray of Norfolk remaining obstinate were convicted. Two persons in Suffolk and a minister in Norfolk were convicted of contemning the book of Common Prayer.—Norwich 26 July 1582.
Endorsed : “The suit of the inhabitants of Sheringham.”
1 p.
1173. Robert Beale to Lord Burghley.
1582, July 30. Thanks him for speaking to the Queen in furtherance of his suit, and urges his need of relief, owing to his debts. At his last going into Germany the spoil and loss he sustained amounted to almost three hundred pounds. If it had not pleased God then to move some of the Princes to show him extraordinary liberality for the Queen's sake, he could not have continued there.—From Nonesuch, 30 July.
Endorsed : “1582.”
1174. Dr. William Fulke to Lord Burghley, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge.
1582, July 31. Recommending the bearer [Mr. Rushbrooke], a faithful and diligent preacher, who has a suit for his son to be chosen Fellow of Peterhouse.—Cambridge.
Endorsed : “31 July 1582.”
1 p.